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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I really hope so too. I would hate for anyone to get married unless they really wanted too. But I can't shake the feeling that Jessa doesn't look or act like she's in love or even likes Ben half the time. It always felt pre-arranged, something to do for the ratings and with the Bates marrying off left and right and getting a lot of attention from it. JimBob felt pressured, competitive and people wondering why the Duggars weren't doing the same thing. It feels like he came up with Ben in response to all of that and he's a perfect choice for JimBob. He's young and seems very willing to do what ever JimBob wants to get Jessa. 

Jim Bob talks about it as if it were simply a part of the fall season for our watching pleasure. 

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I sort of wonder if something did change between Pa Seewald and JimBoob, because Ben's parents seemed overly happy to be hooked up with the Duggars at first, and with Ben getting to know Jessa.  And certainly if you are a "prayer partner" with JimBoob and live hundreds of miles away, there is a strong likelihood you found out about the Duggars from their show and are aware, like we are, of their beliefs and practices.  So Ben and his parents were likely all very aware of the Duggars view on courting and how strict they are when they were shown being unusually happy about Ben and Jessa developing a relationship. So Pa Seewald posting a passive-aggressive message about marrying young and "if a girl asks you to talk to her father, find another girl" seems very strange and like a shifting of mood towards the Duggars views on courting. I think it's a patricarchal power struggle of some sort, and both Pa Seewald and JimBoob are used to being in control without question. Boob seems to be a wimp around men who are more educated than him and/or who aren't wholeheartedly agreeing with everything he says, and of course ratings and the gravy train are obviously very important to him. 

I think the Seewalds probably did have a bit of a change of heart. At first they probably thought it would be great to be affiliated with the Duggars -- they are well known in Arkansas in the fundie community, which would only help their son if he could hook a Duggar girl. So he impressed a Duggar girl -- the one who wants off the compound most -- and that was that. I think it was only after that point that the Seewalds realized what the Duggars really were like and what courting really would be like. Sounds like Ma and Pa Seewald dated in the way conservative Christians do. While they had seen the Duggars talk on TV about courting hypothetically, they probably thought it would mostly be like conservative dating -- they had no examples to go on because at that time there had been no Duggar courtships; if they looked at the Bates -- they probably saw examples of sweet conservative dating and thought that's what they wanted their son to do too. Then the courtship comes along with the father in law who never wants to let the "kids" be alone -- everything down to getting ice cream is chaperoned. At that point maybe the Seewalds starting having doubts but still thought -- it's ok, he can listen to her parents. Then JB keeps extending this thing while Jill and Derick marry quick after a long distance courtship and maybe Pa Seewald starts thinking -- I get how it is, he's not going to treat my boy well because my boy isn't "good enough" for them. However by that time horny Ben was so in love with Jessa that I doubt his parents could talk him into stepping back. Now the Seewalds can rant and rave on the internet, but really their son is "owned" by the Duggars.


Also, I don't know how fundie courting is supposed to be, but in eastern cultures were there are arranged marriages -- it is the GROOM'S family that controls everything. In those cultures, the view is -- girls are a dime a dozen and your family/daughter is lucky to be getting our handsome engineer/doctor/lawyer son who will provide for her, you better listen to us or we'll walk and find another bride in a month. I've seen fighting on everything from dowry to dumb things like a 4 pm reception vs a 6 pm reception with the groom's family taking the tone of -- you better make us happy or we'll walk and your daughter will be a spinster. (Not suggesting that eastern cultures are like this now -- but that's how it used to be.) So maybe the Seewalds think they deserve some deference as the family of the groom -- though they're not exactly providing Jessa with a professional who can financially support her . . . .

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A scavenger hunt engagement? That just tells me how young and starved for youthful things they are. That's how my son asked his date to prom. And I was married at 20, and my husband was 20, so I'm not knocking their ages, just their experiences. At that point my husband had graduated from college and I had one more year to go and had lived on my own and supported myself for three years. But geez, we'd had a chance to do so much more than just be part of a family, one famous, one who wants to be.

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Only Smuggles' engagement was shown on teevee although they did verbally explain the process of the courtship at some point (Duggar Dating Rules?). However, if you blinked, you would have missed the explanation of Boy going to Girl's father before Girl has a clue. We found out years later about Boob's "list" for potential suitors. Really, who is going to tick off every box on an exhaustive checklist? Maybe a Maxwell, but no one wants to marry them and be subjected to Steve, who is Boob times a million in terms of control.


I hope Mike Seewald is happy now. He paid a much higher price then I bet he ever thought possible to ingratiate himself into fundie royalty.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Yeah, Josh's courtship/engagement came off much more normal due to less media presence and fewer interviews with People, plus the family was less of a Thing then. And the show didn't show much of their stuff anyway. There was the "chaperoned" date with Jana and John David, but it came off much more as a companion than a chaperon, plus it wasn't Jim Bob being a horny jerk on national TV. The hand sex was gross but otherwise it all came off as conservative but normal, compared to what we're seeing with Jim Bob and Michelle humping (autocorrect does not like half of my word choices here) on a mini-golf course or staring creepily at Jill skyping with Derick.

The Josh and Anna courtship didn't provide a useful primer on the Duggars' view of courtship. First of all it was mostly long distance and while I'm sure phone calls where chaperoned, it wasn't shown on TV as JB and Michelle hovering over a Skype call. In the few times that they met up in person, Josh took a few siblings, but no where did we see double dates with either sets of parents; I'm not even sure if the Duggar parents ever went down to Florida before the wedding. Nor did we see Anna's dad taking Josh out to do manual labor and having the brothers ask questions about how he'd support their sister etc. Maybe some or all of this happened, but the Seewalds wouldn't know because it wasn't on TV. Plus Michelle has said a few times that they treat girls' courtships differently. I think they're going to be far more intrusive with their daughters and feel much more comfortable double dating with them or humping in front of them than with their sons; with the sons I think Michelle takes the view of -- it's the bride's family's problem to provide a chaperone and sanction an activity.

The engagement announcement was put up Ben's family blog. His dad was responding to comments people left and he threw Ben under the bus (IMO) when one person commented how good of a Christian Ben was. Is it really that difficult to just respond "He's a great kid and we are so proud of the man he is becoming" and leave it at that?!

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I don't think he threw Ben under the bus with his comment.  I believe it has to do with his Calvinist theology, something along the lines of no one can know how good a Christian someone is until they stand before God's judgment.  Any Reformed theologians out there, feel free to chime in.

Edited by overbooked
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Oh, we'll get TONS of hand sex as we view the episodes during the engagement as they plan for the wedding. Ugh. Not looking forward to that.


Just saw a pic of Blessa and Bin from the speaking engagement. They were MATCHING! Dear dog, I hoped to be spared that at least until the holidays.

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Ben's dad's comment was a bit sanctimonious but he has a point (aside from the religious beliefs - which I have heard used before), although he didn't state this straight out, that it's a bit reaching to label someone a "great Christian" from a facebook page and a few brief appearances on a reality show. Interestingly, a few comments down from that one, Mr. Seewald said:



The goal is to help your children get married while honoring God with their bodies and minds. This may not look the same for every child. Formulas are for math, not for parenting our young people. We want our children to enjoy the process and avoid pitfalls.


I LOVE that! (I can't believe I just said that) and will try to remember that for when my kids are that age.


@sugarplum, if you're asking what people mean by hand sex, it came from Josh & Anna's courtship/engagement, when they showed that now that they were engaged, they would be "allowed" to hold hands. So the camera showed us them holding hands, a lot (Thanks so much, TLC), and instead of just sitting here with hands held, they would unclasp and reclasp their fingers, moving their hands around a lot in ways that sort of looked like foreplay, but where the participants can only touch their hands. It honestly made me feel a little voyeuristic, Mr. DVD and I were always like "EW GET A ROOM!". Hence, hand sex. Gross. Hopefully we get less of that when the new season starts up.

Ben's dad's comment was a bit sanctimonious but he has a point (aside from the religious beliefs - which I have heard used before), although he didn't state this straight out, that it's a bit reaching to label someone a "great Christian" from a facebook page and a few brief appearances on a reality show. 


I agree that it's not right to label someone a great Christian based on what you see on TV, but I would have been crushed if someone had told my parents that they thought I was a great Christian (meaning it in a complimentary sense that I was living a good life, which is how I took the comment) and then my parents telling them I wasn't. 


Someone mentioned this was a Calvinistic way of viewing things, which I guess makes the comment make more sense in that context. I will have to look more into this view of thinking as I have never run it across it personally. I've always believed that if you want to know your standing before God you can pray and ask. It doesn't make sense to just live your life and hope what you're doing is what God wants. 


On-Topic: I'm hoping we get spared the hand sex as well. I also hope these two know what they are getting into getting married young. Do you think Ben will join the military? 

I didn't say but should have, that I do agree with you, @PinkSprinkles, that he should have said what you did, and maybe explored the topic in a blog post at a later point. I don't think the comments of a blog section is the right place, ever, for a discussion about religion.


Taking some stuff about the Calvinist/great Christian thing to the religion thread.


I don't see Ben's life of ease taking selfies and eating out to be very compatible with the military. I fully expect he will get a job provided by (whether literally or due to connections) his dad or Jim Bob, and will be absorbed into the Duggar empire, and they might hate it, but hey, at least they get to have copious amounts of guilt-free sex.

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I don't see Ben joining the military. The Seewalds may not be against it -- as they seem not to be as conservative/fundie as the Duggars -- but Ben himself doesn't seem like he'd do well with taking orders and getting off social media. Not to mention even if he decided to deal with it, I feel like Jessa would have an issue with it; after training, you are stationed wherever the military wants you. I don't see her doing well at remote bases in North Dakota or Alaska raising 6 kids alone while Ben is off training or on deployment for a year at a time.


I think the Duggars' long term plan is to build an empire -- like what you see for Joel Osteen or Oprah. I think it will basically be a company that does speaking engagements -- and they'd have a lot of young people to preach about life/child rearing/marriage/politics etc; it would start with Ben and Josh and their wives and then absorb other Duggar sons in law who need a job. That kind of thing can turn into book deals, radio shows etc. -- enough that the families can live well even after the TV show goes away, which it will within a few years. Right now people are interested in Duggar weddings and grandkids -- but I don't imagine that 5 more courtships and weddings from now, it'll be interesting to anyone besides their hardcore followers, esp since no one is doing anything different. It could conceivably remain interesting if a few openly went fundie lite and we could watch them build whatever kind of lives they want in NYC or LA or something; but to watch kid after kid marry in Arkansas and have as many kids as God gives them will get old.

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Ben's Dad's comment was along the lines of 'Phillips/Gothard were called great Christians, but they've been proven false'... so that although Ben appears to be a great Christian from appearances, he must continue to guard his actions better than those two mentioned.  the pride goeth before a fall comment, I think.  I think it bodes well that Ben's Dad is cautionary about letting fame go to your head,

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I don't see Ben joining the military. The Seewalds may not be against it -- as they seem not to be as conservative/fundie as the Duggars -- but Ben himself doesn't seem like he'd do well with taking orders and getting off social media. Not to mention even if he decided to deal with it, I feel like Jessa would have an issue with it; after training, you are stationed wherever the military wants you. I don't see her doing well at remote bases in North Dakota or Alaska raising 6 kids alone while Ben is off training or on deployment for a year at a time.


I think the Duggars' long term plan is to build an empire -- like what you see for Joel Osteen or Oprah. I think it will basically be a company that does speaking engagements -- and they'd have a lot of young people to preach about life/child rearing/marriage/politics etc; it would start with Ben and Josh and their wives and then absorb other Duggar sons in law who need a job. That kind of thing can turn into book deals, radio shows etc. -- enough that the families can live well even after the TV show goes away, which it will within a few years. Right now people are interested in Duggar weddings and grandkids -- but I don't imagine that 5 more courtships and weddings from now, it'll be interesting to anyone besides their hardcore followers, esp since no one is doing anything different. It could conceivably remain interesting if a few openly went fundie lite and we could watch them build whatever kind of lives they want in NYC or LA or something; but to watch kid after kid marry in Arkansas and have as many kids as God gives them will get old.

You are probably right but it would great showmanship to have Jessa as a military wife in Alaska raising a barn-load of kids. I'd watch it. 

Ben's Dad's comment was along the lines of 'Phillips/Gothard were called great Christians, but they've been proven false'... so that although Ben appears to be a great Christian from appearances, he must continue to guard his actions better than those two mentioned.  the pride goeth before a fall comment, I think.  I think it bodes well that Ben's Dad is cautionary about letting fame go to your head,

While the Seewalds are obviously opportunistic in going after a Duggar presumably to get their son an "in" in the fundie world like Josh got, I just don't think they've had the time or money to let their own Godly-iness go to their heads like the Duggars. The Duggars seem to believe that they are a representation of the average fundie family. It's been a LONG time since they've struggled. They act like they deserve everything they have just because they are Godly -- as if those with less are any less religious. They've forgotten what it is like to work 40+ hours a week, feed 10 kids on one salary while living in a 3 bedroom home. The Seewalds -- for all their faults -- are still in that experience. Michael is 39 with like 6-7 kids and no education that we know of -- which means that he has likely had to hustle and work a lot of overtime in construction, windshield repair and whatever else he does just to provide. Now that he has seen the Duggars up close and personal and not just on TV -- he may not "get" their lifestyle of making easy money because you're on TV. While he may want Ben to have an easy life with the Duggars providing for him, I could equally see him respecting his son if he didn't buy into the fame completely and rather turned out to be a traditional Christian male provider -- i.e. one who makes money in construction/manual labor rather than just by looking pretty for a camera.


Honestly I think the best thing for Ben would be if he takes the "fringe" benefits of being a Duggar -- i.e. a few thousand made here and there on speaking engagements and the like -- while carving out his own career in something like construction. I feel like that's his only shot of gaining some respect from JB and the Duggar boys. The more he "takes" from his in-laws, the more they'll be able to treat him as a worthless guy who relies on them.

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Does Jessa have a Pinterest? I never go to that site but would love to see what she has pinned for her wedding style. I sure hope it's not cheapchic like Jill had.


Never mind I found it and it's just a page filled with selfies. Sheesh she needs to make a book of fundie selfies and sell it like Kim K.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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While the Seewalds are obviously opportunistic in going after a Duggar presumably to get their son an "in" in the fundie world like Josh got, I just don't think they've had the time or money to let their own Godly-iness go to their heads like the Duggars. The Duggars seem to believe that they are a representation of the average fundie family. It's been a LONG time since they've struggled. They act like they deserve everything they have just because they are Godly -- as if those with less are any less religious. They've forgotten what it is like to work 40+ hours a week, feed 10 kids on one salary while living in a 3 bedroom home. The Seewalds -- for all their faults -- are still in that experience. Michael is 39 with like 6-7 kids and no education that we know of -- which means that he has likely had to hustle and work a lot of overtime in construction, windshield repair and whatever else he does just to provide. Now that he has seen the Duggars up close and personal and not just on TV -- he may not "get" their lifestyle of making easy money because you're on TV. While he may want Ben to have an easy life with the Duggars providing for him, I could equally see him respecting his son if he didn't buy into the fame completely and rather turned out to be a traditional Christian male provider -- i.e. one who makes money in construction/manual labor rather than just by looking pretty for a camera.


Honestly I think the best thing for Ben would be if he takes the "fringe" benefits of being a Duggar -- i.e. a few thousand made here and there on speaking engagements and the like -- while carving out his own career in something like construction. I feel like that's his only shot of gaining some respect from JB and the Duggar boys. The more he "takes" from his in-laws, the more they'll be able to treat him as a worthless guy who relies on them.

If my 20 year old daughter wanted to marry an 19 year old with no education, I would counsel them to wait until they could both take care of themselves. If I were a fundamentalist Christian and believed the man must provide, I would definitely counsel my daughter to put the breaks on a marriage until her beau had a marketable skill or degree.

Edited by Higgins
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GEML, on 16 Aug 2014 - 6:43 PM, said:

A scavenger hunt engagement? That just tells me how young and starved for youthful things they are. That's how my son asked his date to prom. And I was married at 20, and my husband was 20, so I'm not knocking their ages, just their experiences. At that point my husband had graduated from college and I had one more year to go and had lived on my own and supported myself for three years. But geez, we'd had a chance to do so much more than just be part of a family, one famous, one who wants to be.


I hate these set up engagement scenarios. The girls obviously know what is going on and it seems silly to have a scavenger hunt when there is no real surprise element. In the clip I saw where they announced their engagement, Jessa said something about expecting Ben to be around every corner during the hunt, down on his knees, so she obviously knew after she jumped through however many hoops, that this was "it". Not to mention she was in a church being followed around by a film crew. Corny!

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Makes me think of my daughter who, for whatever reason (not religious) told her then boyfriend, when he proposed, that she wanted him to ask her father for her hand, and get his blessing before she accepted. So they came to visit us, and my husband agreed to the engagement, at which time my daughter got mad because all of a sudden it was a done deal, and she had never had a chance to say "yes"!

If my 20 year old daughter wanted to marry an 19 year old with no education, I would counsel them to wait until they could both take care of themselves. If I were a fundamentalist Christian and believed the man must provide, I would definitely counsel my daughter to put the breaks on a marriage until her beau had a marketable skill or degree.

There are many "traditional Christian male providers" who have lucrative careers in areas other than manual labor and construction. There are many traditional Christian universities. Bin could continue his college education and get a degree so that he will be able to support a large family on one income. But it seems like he is now too busy taking selfies and lecturing others on FB.

Edited by DangerousMinds
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Are there any pictures of Jessa's ring? I'm curious to see what an unemployed 19 year-old came up with for an engagement ring. I don't think Miss Princess would be happy with a small, simple diamond the way Jill was.

Pretty sure she has no choice but to live with a small, simple diamond whether it makes her happy or not. He's 19 and working odd jobs; I'm guessing he had saved up a few hundred which can buy you a modest ring at a department store jewelry counter. Nor is he rolling in family money -- if his parents helped, chances are she still got a modest ring from a department store though maybe costing a few hundred dollars more than what Ben alone could afford. She may act like a princess, but unless she's totally dumb, I'm guessing she -- and most other fundie girls -- understand that they are marrying men of modest means. I feel like even girls like Erin or Alyssa Bates who seemed to have a lot of expectation re romantic proposals, probably expected over the top gestures but not necessarily a huge diamond. It helps that most of these girls aren't totally immersed in pop culture. I'm sure they've seen nice rings before, but they probably aren't aware of the bling that women like JLo wear.

Are there any pictures of Jessa's ring? I'm curious to see what an unemployed 19 year-old came up with for an engagement ring. I don't think Miss Princess would be happy with a small, simple diamond the way Jill was.

She Instagram'd a picture of the palm of her hand showing just the band side. So it must be a thing if she's waiting to reveal. According to her, ever time she sees the ring on her hand, "it takes her breath away."

She Instagram'd a picture of the palm of her hand showing just the band side. So it must be a thing if she's waiting to reveal. According to her, ever time she sees the ring on her hand, "it takes her breath away."


I wish we had a rolling eyes emoticon. I'm glad she's happy, but that is something I'd expect to read in a young adult novel when the wise-beyond-her-years-beautiful-but-with-one-flaw teenage girl is swooning over her other-worldly, chiseled, grizzled, sexy-without-meaning-to-be, fully-supportive, thoughtful superman. 


Lol, but really, if she's happy good for her. 

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Are there any pictures of Jessa's ring? I'm curious to see what an unemployed 19 year-old came up with for an engagement ring. I don't think Miss Princess would be happy with a small, simple diamond the way Jill was.

Maybe he fashioned a nice size rock out of windshield glass. 



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She Instagram'd a picture of the palm of her hand showing just the band side. So it must be a thing if she's waiting to reveal. According to her, ever time she sees the ring on her hand, "it takes her breath away."

After I saw the ring shank pic this morning I suspected, and DuggarBlog confirmed, that either Benessa or, more likely, Boob through his PR/agent, sold the rights for her ring reveal to (most likely) People. If the jeweler gets a shout out, it's a comp. DuggarBlog doesn't allow direct linking, so here's what they had to say about The Ring:


"Our readers have been begging for a picture of Jessa Duggar's engagement ring since Ben Seewald proposed to Jessa last Thursday, and we have one to share [edit: they showed the ring shank IG pic]. The photo doesn't show the diamond, but it's better than nothing, right? The Duggars are under contract and are limited to what they can release to the public, but they have assured us that more engagement information and photos are on the way soon."

Edited by Sew Sumi

I'm sure there isn't a shortage of pictures of Jessa's ring on her iPhone for when they eventually do the reveal. Probably 50 pictures of her holding it up to her face with a 'shocked' expression with a face full of makeup, another 50 of her looking haughtily at the camera with her left hand on her chest like 'oh, me?', and then another 50 of her just her hand.

  • Love 13

She Instagram'd a picture of the palm of her hand showing just the band side. So it must be a thing if she's waiting to reveal. According to her, ever time she sees the ring on her hand, "it takes her breath away."

Did she ever say Ben takes her breath away every time she sees him?


I'm sure there isn't a shortage of pictures of Jessa's ring on her iPhone for when they eventually do the reveal. Probably 50 pictures of her holding it up to her face with a 'shocked' expression with a face full of makeup, another 50 of her looking haughtily at the camera with her left hand on her chest like 'oh, me?', and then another 50 of her just her hand.

Her new love.  Seilfies with just her and her ring.

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Now that she has managed to become the center of attention she is going to play it for all it's worth--literally ($$$) and figuratively.  I can certainly see her planning  a bigger and more lavish wedding than Jill's.  After all, the fact that "she's the pretty one" has been reinforced for so long she's sure to think that she's owed the biggest and best of everything just because she's Jessa.

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On the ordering of wedding gowns, the Gothardites very seldom order dresses because it takes too long.  They buy off the rack dresses and have them altered and modesty changes done.  They want their weddings to be within a few months and ordering gowns usually takes a minimum of four to six months and then you need time for alterations after the dress comes in. 

It's also much less expensive that way, particularly if family can do the altering.  Whatever their failings, this family DID at least start out being frugal!  I do admire that -- unlike certain polygamous families currently on reality TV that we could name -- the Duggars have always been fiscally savvy and responsible for their own upkeep.  Granted, they probably spend more now that they're ALL ABOARD on the TLC Gravy Train...

I know celebs get freebies in exchange for publicity all the time, but if Bin and Boob did go that route for Jessa's engagement ring, it seems kind of tacky and impersonal IMO. I'd rather have a tiny diamond that my man busted his ass for rather than some blinged out ring that was given in exchange for a shout-out in People magazine. Obviously Jessa is the smug, bitchy type who doesn't care either way, but at least Jill's ring was bought and paid for by Derick. Daddy didn't have to step in and broker a deal.

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That's the way it comes across to me. It's reminds me of people who think it is funny to mispronounce your name over and over or give you a nickname you didn't chose.

It's what I like to call snark (I pronounce that "snark") and, as nicknames and the Duggar clan go, this is definitely one of the LEAST "offensive," believe me...

I agree that Bin will be LUCKY to get hand sex.  Is it possible that both fathers could plainly see -- as can we all -- that this is a doomed relationship?  Perhaps JB was dragging his feet, hoping it would fizzle out (assuming something so lifeless to begin with can fizzle out), and MS was attempting -- albeit in a passive-aggressive manner -- to make it all crash and burn?  I'm sure both would like to save face.

Edited by cassaundroll

You are probably right but it would great showmanship to have Jessa as a military wife in Alaska raising a barn-load of kids. I'd watch it. 


The ladies in the FRG would chew her up and spit her out, and I would watch every second of it. 

Maybe he fashioned a nice size rock out of windshield glass. 



Oh! BURN!!!!

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My last week of summer break...I get Benessa. She is cold as ice in those episodes and from what we've seen, she really never touched him until that touchy-feely "engagement" pic she (Bin?) posted on IG. I guess she wanted to grab his biceps? I guess *her* solution to sexual frustration is to go on diets, hair/makeup, and....sew modesty panels onto the bottoms of skirts they now wear? Oh wait, she has never been a sewer. Or a cook. I organize shit all the time. Once you get your system down, it's nothing.


Truth told, I'm a coldass uber-organizing (not OCD) Jessa Bitch. My husband still struggles with email. His job has never required it, except now for his health insurance. He (or we) pick places to eat/stay; I take care of the details. How many fundie wives do this? jp


Most of their early "dates" were due to TLC. What happens when JD is courting someone else and can't fly them to wherever, rather than take long trips ON THEIR OWN.


I am like her and I know love. She's so forced, and I say this because she's had a camera in her face since she was 10/11. She knows the etiquette and playing it.


I just hope they get out of the cult after the cameras go away. For now, Smuggar's old house...

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Is Bin actually all there, IQ-wise?  I saw a preview and was like...  Oh, my!  In contrast, except for cutting the "g" off words such as "weddin'," Jessa seems quite intelligent.


I don't think Ben has any kind of IQ deficiency. He's just an average dude-bro that you could see playing basketball in the evenings during the week with his friends and then going out to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the game on the weekends with a mixed group of girls and guys. 

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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