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S03.E11: The Skinny, Pt. 2

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Talking about Whit's smelling  things - the armpit smelling was bad enough but I can't believe we had to hear about her cat breath smelling fetish along with doing something (?kissing or licking) the cats teeth? What is with that?  Getting thrown out of a pet store because of it? That girl needs some help & it's not all food help.  I still can't believe they discussed that.  Like I posted before, they really had to dig to get filler for this episode. 

RedDelicious - I think you're right, Whit may have been wearing Lennie's flip-flops. 

I agree that Buddy is quickly catching up with Whit. It sounded like he was going to change to a healthier lifestyle after he told Whit that he had been to the doctor & had high blood pressure (not to mention weight gain) on the episode when Whit claimed she was happy being fat. It seemed like the lightbulb went on & he realized his weight was affecting his health & he better be doing something about it now before it got out of hand. But I guess Whit got to him & he's gotten worse instead of better.  I also have to keep rewinding  when he talks because of his being out of breath or mumbling.  I wish he would get some better fitting shirts. He is always  wearing the same shirt that doesn't fit anymore & it's  stretched to the max. Don't know how he gets it buttoned & it's not a good look. 

  • Love 11

She's a mediocre dancer at best and had to really think about saying yes to making that 20-minute exercise video, but calls herself an athlete.

Dancing With the Stars or judging some other dance show? No. Just no. Her ego is already so massive in regards to her "dance" career and status as an "athlete", can you imagine how much worse her ego will get?

If that is what her announcement is about, I may just throw up in my mouth a little.

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, TotoGirl said:

She's a mediocre dancer at best and had to really think about saying yes to making that 20-minute exercise video, but calls herself an athlete.

Dancing With the Stars or judging some other dance show? No. Just no. Her ego is already so massive in regards to her "dance" career and status as an "athlete", can you imagine how much worse her ego will get?

If that is what her announcement is about, I may just throw up in my mouth a little.

No, just No!!

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, Barb23 said:

That may be THE  question of the night - who helped put Whit's flip flops on?

OK, I just posted the question on the show's FB page.
I'm still on page 2, so can't wait until the end.
The thing that freaked me out, was when she was smelling Roy.  I must have missed that, but it is so crude, and over the top.  I'd have fired her.
Oh, and has anyone ever seen the naked top of Lennie's head?  Wonder if  he had some awful accident, and it's caved in.

Edited by auntjess
  • Love 3

I finally finished! Ugh that was rough. I pretty much watched everything but Kerryn's portion on mute with cc on. So many cringe inducing moments. Boring is right.

Lennie: I wasn't a huge fan of having to relive the season with clips, but I was reminded how hilarious I thought the "you called me ten times?" scene was. Poor Lennie, he seems so awkward (see: "...regardless of what's wrong with you." lol). I thought he was probably a little nervous too, his leg kept doing that anxious jiggling thing at times. Personally, I would have ran, not walked, from that relationship. She seemed so needy. And that cringy manipulation-'did you miss me?'-what is he gonna say, no? And I don't know Lennie, so maybe that's just his face, but she was giving him so many heart eyes and he just... did not look into her. At all. 

Kerryn: Not gonna lie her joke took me a couple seconds and then I was like "oh it's funny because only fat women are desperate enough to be in an unwanted open relationship". Which. Maybe is wrong? But that's the best I got. 

I think, or I would like to think, that if Todd had actually said c*nt there would've been more of a problem. Using my friend Google I'm realizing I must've been living under a rock because I have never heard of that 'see you next tuesday' thing. ...that also took me a second, because clearly I'm slow on the uptake today. Also, it worked on two levels because they were actually talking about inviting her to an event. Being honest, it got one of those, 'I didn't mean to, but I definitely did,' laughs.

Whitney&Co. really did their best to talk over Kerryn. While Kerryn could easily hold her own before, I think she got in a little over her head this time with it being 7 against 1. You could tell at some parts, like with Tal and his weird choreography comment, that they jumped in only because they felt they had to say something mean because they were Whitney's friend. Except Buddy. I think he really just hated her. It might be weird to some of y'all, but I was actually more put off when Buddy referred to her as a "broad". I kind of like the word itself, but not coming out of his mouth. It reminded me when guys casually refer to women as 'females'. I just cringe. It's probably because this time and in the Kerryn episode, he repeatedly referenced her as broad or chick etc. for no reason, like damn Buddy, we get it. 


I keep trying to talk about Whitney's feet/lack of shoes, but I just can't. So unnecessary. Unsanitary. Like it's Twilight Zone, has they all lost their minds?

Edited by Cinnamini11
  • Love 7

Who am I kidding, Kerryn needs a whole post to herself. 

Oh Kerryn. She said some things that were on point, but she couldn't keep her mouth shut long enough after some of them to have real impact. You know what I would've LOVED--if after the "What happened to the funeral you guys staged?" and the subsequent crickets, she would have just basked in it. After that maybe a 'what's that? nothing to say? yeah, pretty quiet now." Because Whitney's friends/family truly had nothing reasonable to say in response. 

Also really liked: "I don't think she wants help. Why would she change when she has everyone around her telling her she's doing great. Why would she ever try to get healthy?" This. See, say stuff like that and then shush.

From the commercial I was worried from the whole about the disrespectful to Babs part, but I didn't think it was that bad. Worthy of a 'shut up and let her talk' comment, maybe, but Whitney had to go all extra and make things so awkward. I mean seriously, the uncomfortableness was palpable. Then that just opened things up for Buddy to talk, which sweet jesus, no. He managed to sound both mean and dumber than a box of rocks. Congratulations, Buddy. I never really gave him that much thought before this, but ugh.

I think it's been said, but I do think Kerryn is also kind of an awkward individual. One, I think she has some sort of deeper issue with fatness/obesity going on. I know the show is about a "fat reality tv personality" but she seems like she clings to that "But I'm so skinny" phrase. I don't know her obviously, but it comes off as something she would've said in her life even before all this show stuff started. Two, I think when she seemed genuinely uncomfortable she would fall back on cheap shots. Almost like a protective shield instead of seeming vulnerable or unsure. Example: After Whitney left and she got insulted, she walked off and said the thing about the doughnuts. Or when the camera was following her afterward the whole debacle and she asked if she looked fat in her dress. Or when she apologized and it was thrown back in her face so she talked about how she's so skinny. I also think she's taken on this mean persona (not just on the show, but as a comedian/person in general), because well yes that's her personality, but she also seems like that person who sometimes tries to be nice and it falls on it's face (because she's awkward and blunt) and she's like, fuck it, why bother. Not saying it as an excuse for any behavior, I just love thinking about stuff like this.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Pepperminty said:

When she said she had big news about her dancing career, I assumed she's headed for dancing with the stars because what else could be that big? unless she's some kind of judge on a different dance show

I thought Dancing with the Stars too.  It looked like they silenced something she said and cut out a word or two during that part - maybe she mentioned it but DWTS doesn't want her to go public with it just yet.  Perhaps she still needs to pass medical tests or they just haven't given the final OK to the latest cast being announced just yet.

I agree about Buddy.  He is not looking well and he acted like a super asshole in this episode.  He just gets worse every time I see him on the show.  I hate to say this but I wonder what a pretty girl like Heather would see in him when she could probably find anyone else to date.  I personally would be repulsed by him in just about every way.  I wonder if she is his friend but the show makes them out to be more than that just to put the Whitney/Boo Bear thing to rest with the public.  If Lennie could be a hired boyfriend, who knows?  I just think it's strange and a little too coincidental that at just around the same time Lennie came along Buddy gets involved with Heather.  Heather must know Buddy for a while before they supposedly became an item, so I wonder about this.  Plus in spite of that fake Newlywed style game they played earlier in the season which was clearly fixed, they have zero chemistry together.  Something doesn't feel right to me about them either.

Kerryn was trying hard to be a badass and failing at it.  But I don't blame her, she was trying to do what she was hired to do.  I kind of wonder how they managed to find the absolute skinniest comedian AND host for this "skinny" episode that they could possibly find.  Seriously, either Kerryn lives on cigarettes or she has the metabolism of a flea.  If she ever quits smoking she'll gain weight, I'm sure.  Plus wait until she's my age, LOL.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 5
12 hours ago, PhereNicae1 said:

So she is concerned with Whitneys health and at the same time talks bout herself being skinny when in her case it doesnt mean health...So at the stand up or when she mentioned her skinniness in this episode, i just cringed, because in her case it means just outside appearance, not metabolic health. I mean I do wish her well, but jesus..alcohol is worse then pure sugar for your pancreas, and there is only so much damage you can take..

Kerryn is a recovering alcoholic.  She's no longer drinking.  She has said that her addiction is something she works on daily which is the total opposite of what Whitney does.  Kerryn may go about it the wrong way, but what she really is trying to say is that Whitney needs to stop trying to portray herself as this healthy obese girl who accepts her obesity so every other obese person should do the same.  It gives out the wrong message.  She's basically given up on any type of healthy diet and just goes on her merry way because she can dance for an hour a week.  Whitney even made it seem that it was wrong for Roy to be on his weight loss journey and that he should just accept his obesity.  What kind of message is that to promote on a show that's watched by many obese young folks?  It's pure bullshit!  That's what Kerryn is trying to say about Whitney's "message" and I for one agree with her.

  • Love 20

iKerryn definitely causes people to have strong reactions, but I have HUGE respect for her because she speaks with total honesty about her alcoholism, and that she battles wanting to drink every minute of the day, but continues to conquer it.

While she may have been able to choose her words more carefully when confronting Twit with cold, hard truths, she's the only one who's really confronted Twit at all with truths she desperately needs to hear.

Lord knows Twit's minions & parents aren't doing her any favors by keeping their mouths shut, and are actually doing her great harm by standing silently, idly by as Twit destroys her body and health. I'd really love it if Twit's friends & parents could approach Twit with a tenth of the honesty Kerryn tried to confront her with. It could save Twit's life, and many other lives as well.

Edited by TotoGirl
  • Love 15
4 hours ago, JennMatMusic33 said:

Everything in that scene was uncomfortable and cringeworthy, right down to her creepily whispering "you smell good" and grabbing his beard. Ugh. My brain.

Did you notice how Lenny pulled his head away when she grabbed his beard?  I took that as Lenny's true feelings toward Whitney.  He couldn't even pretend that he's into her.  Every single physical act he did toward her was as a result of a direct command from her.  I think the only reason he asked for a hug from her was because he was contractually obligated to try to make us believe he really was "into her" so he could possibly be part of the show next season.  I truly believe Lenny is in it for the money.  Nothing more!

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, auntjess said:

OK, I just posted the question on the show's FB page.
I'm still on page 2, so can't wait until the end.
The thing that freaked me out, was when she was smelling Roy.  I must have missed that, but it is so crude, and over the top.  I'd have fired her.
Oh, and has anyone ever seen the naked top of Lennie's head?  Wonder if  he had some awful accident, and it's caved in.

It would explain a few things. 

  • Love 2

So did we just pull "Dancing With the Stars" out of opposite world or something, or has there actually been an indication she will be on? How could she possibly manage even a fraction of the activity required? I know the pros have modified the intensity of their dances for, say, Paula Deen. But Whit seems to have limited stamina, and (not to be mean, but...c'mon) she can't be lifted, or flung around in the Jive. It would be a cringe- inducing novelty act, and she could only survive if her minions mobilized.  And even then she might pull a Kim Wozniak (sp?) with possibly an even worse health outcome. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

So did we just pull "Dancing With the Stars" out of opposite world or something, or has there actually been an indication she will be on? 

I think I started that. When she started practicing for that party I got on here and joked about it being her audition for the show. She's never actually said anything about it. You know she wants to, though. Not only would it showcase her "talent" and help her cause (she's a REAL dancer with a REAL dance "career," y'all!), but as far as reality TV shows go, it's kind of the cream of the crop for a lot of these people. 

That announcement, though. Did she actually say that she had something exciting to share and I missed it or was it that she was getting renewed for season 4? I kind of tuned out towards the end. 

I would HOPE that DWTS doesn't cast her (for Whit's sake AND my own) but who knows. Even if she got injured she'd make for good TV and that's partly what they're about. 

Whoever said that Whitney now thinks of her life in "seasons" was right on the money. She does. She thinks of her life in seasons and the people on that set with her as her co-stars. That was obvious from the finale. Man, what a weird way to think of your life...

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Kim Wozniak (sp?)

I think you mean Kim Zolciak.  Hopefully the recruiters for DWTS saw the episode of Whitney fainting and won't try to recruit her for fear she'll croak on the dance floor.  Plus, she's already proven that she can't learn anyone else's choreography but her own and I'm positive DWTS won't let her choreograph her own dances.  At least I hope they wouldn't.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, swankie said:

Kerryn is a recovering alcoholic.  She's no longer drinking.  She has said that her addiction is something she works on daily which is the total opposite of what Whitney does.  Kerryn may go about it the wrong way, but what she really is trying to say is that Whitney needs to stop trying to portray herself as this healthy obese girl who accepts her obesity so every other obese person should do the same.  It gives out the wrong message.  She's basically given up on any type of healthy diet and just goes on her merry way because she can dance for an hour a week.  Whitney even made it seem that it was wrong for Roy to be on his weight loss journey and that he should just accept his obesity.  What kind of message is that to promote on a show that's watched by many obese young folks?  It's pure bullshit!  That's what Kerryn is trying to say about Whitney's "message" and I for one agree with her.

Im afraid you missed my point, in this sentece I just talked about how disingenuous this bragging about being skinny is - it means nothing healthwise in her case. I never said she wasnt better in dealing with addiction then Whitney. 100% she is, she has won so far and Whitney hasnt even started the battle. What I took issue with is this discrepency - she cares about helath but then she brags about how her body LOOKS. I guess she couldnt help herself duirng the rehearsed stand up and now the show. I wouldnt want to be her in few years down the line.

What kind of message? I dont know, Im an formerly very obese and now an obese person...with PCOS...do you think Im going to want to be like Whitney? No..I see a person who is much further down the road I once was.  Us cysters just like to feel accepted, thats the message of acceptance I get form the show. However, I do not agree with Whitney not admitting on the cameras she has a problem. I wish she had done. We basically agree on that :)

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, PhereNicae1 said:

Im afraid you missed my point, in this sentece I just talked about how disingenuous this bragging about being skinny is - it means nothing healthwise in her case.

I was more referring to the very last sentence you said in that post about alcohol being worse than pure sugar to the pancreas.  Maybe I did misunderstand what you were saying, but to me, it seemed as if you were referring to Kerryn as someone who was still drinking.  That's why I started my post saying that Kerryn is a recovering alcoholic.  She may be thin, but at least she's not drinking anymore.  And as far as I can see, Kerryn's constant references to her being skinny is just her way of throwing jabs at Whitney for calling her skinny bitch earlier in the season.

  • Love 3
Just now, swankie said:

I was more referring to the very last sentence you said in that post about alcohol being worse than pure sugar to the pancreas.  Maybe I did misunderstand what you were saying, but to me, it seemed as if you were referring to Kerryn as someone who was still drinking.  That's why I started my post saying that Kerryn is a recovering alcoholic.  She may be thin, but at least she's not drinking anymore.  And as far as I can see, Kerryn's constant references to her being skinny is just her way of throwing jabs at Whitney for calling her skinny bitch earlier in the season.

Ah, okay, no, I just worded it awkwardly..I know she has recovered.

But Kerryn mentioned being skinny even in her stand-up, which had nothing to do with Whitney, and as she said in this episode, she has this fat joke in her routine. So its just her thing regardless of what Whitney called her (I must admit I missed Whit calling her skinny bitch..)

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, PhereNicae1 said:

But Kerryn mentioned being skinny even in her stand-up, which had nothing to do with Whitney, and as she said in this episode, she has this fat joke in her routine. So its just her thing regardless of what Whitney called her (I must admit I missed Whit calling her skinny bitch..)

To be absolutely honest, I find it very hard to believe that it was just a "coincidence" that there just so happened to be this fat shaming comedian guesting on a radio show that has an intern that just so happens to be the leader of the No BS crusade.  That part of the whole scenario seemed so scripted and fake to me.  Especially since Kerryn's jokes were not in the least bit funny.  It's like they were trying way too hard to make her act offensive to Whitney.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I think I started that. When she started practicing for that party I got on here and joked about it being her audition for the show. She's never actually said anything about it. You know she wants to, though. Not only would it showcase her "talent" and help her cause (she's a REAL dancer with a REAL dance "career," y'all!), but as far as reality TV shows go, it's kind of the cream of the crop for a lot of these people.

I've been posting on how the Twit should do DWTS since season 1, but while I think she might have been able to handle it then I don't think so now.  She may be considered for it but I sure as hell hope she doesn't pass whatever physical tests they may put her through.  I would think that this season of falling, fainting, and almost causing herself physical injury on the ski slope shouldn't do her any favors in getting approved.  Then again they've had some questionable people on DWTS who've had to withdraw early, etc. so they may just accept her.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, swankie said:

Did you notice how Lenny pulled his head away when she grabbed his beard?  I took that as Lenny's true feelings toward Whitney. 

Yeah, the body language said it all didn't it? That particular movement was probably reflexive. He could not of stopped it if he had tried.  That is why, I think, I found that whole segment so uncomfortable to watch.   He looked like a bug on the end of a pin. 

Edited by Kid
  • Love 8
8 hours ago, auntjess said:

Folks, last time I looked, the show's Facebook page is NOT a lovefest for Whit.
Someone asked if the earlier episodes would be discounted if she goes on My 600 Lb Life.

True AUNTJESS.  And to keep it really in perspective one of her super fans identifies as a vampire.  To quote TABBYGIRL "it would explain a few things".

Another thought - I'm not psychic however I do see a glimpse in the future and it involves my favorite supportive parents Babs and Glenn.  After Whitney has her fabulous fat fatal heart attack and all the day-long marathons are over and her fb page is but a memory we will be reading how those said supportive parents are suing TLC for "using" their daughter and how the producers of her show are the reason she died at such an early age.

The case will be settled out of court.  No one will be allowed to discuss terms of settlement and the grieving supportive parents will live in a mansion in Newport, RI. giving tours of a room that "might have and could have possibly been" their precious cupcake Whitney's.    

And while BooBear, Lennie, To-odd, and Tal will all be in a race with publishers to disclose "the real story" behind the fatal fat fabulous life saga, unbeknownst to them Caite has already snagged a sweet deal with the National Enquirer to expose all the dirty laundry before any of those goofballs set one word to paper. 

My trance has now subsided and my first client of the day has walked through the reception doors.  Ten minutes early but here nonetheless.

Edited by PsychoKlown
coffee kicked in
9 hours ago, Cinnamini11 said:

Whitney&Co. really did their best to talk over Kerryn. While Kerryn could easily hold her own before, I think she got in a little over her head this time with it being 7 against 1. You could tell at some parts, like with Tal and his weird choreography comment, that they jumped in only because they felt they had to say something mean because they were Whitney's friend. Except Buddy. I think he really just hated her. It might be weird to some of y'all, but I was actually more put off when Buddy referred to her as a "broad". I kind of like the word itself, but not coming out of his mouth. It reminded me when guys casually refer to women as 'females'. I just cringe. It's probably because this time and in the Kerryn episode, he repeatedly referenced her as broad or chick etc. for no reason, like damn Buddy, we get it. 

I thought his animosity was a combination of three things: (1) he was offended on behalf of Whitney, (2)he was offended on behalf of himself as a fat man, especially when the one commenting was a woman, and (3) as an aspiring stand up comedian himself (according to Whitney) he resented her getting the gig. Not that he wanted it for himself, but that no one seems to be tapping him for a guest appearance on a TV show at the moment.

The whole 7 against 1 set-up was obnoxious, especially since they had Kerryn surrounded, and the host did nothing to keep the pile-on from happening. For a brief moment it seemed like there was the possibility of some genuine interaction (when Kerryn brought up the funeral and everyone stopped cold) but it was Whitney and the Whitniacs who derailed that. I also thought after Whitney grandly swept from the room because she REFUSED to have her parents disrespected (by anyone other than her) the producers told Kerryn to also get up and leave.  At the first shot of her after Whitney protected her parents by leaving them to the mercies of the "vile"comedian, Kerryn was sitting back in her chair, and then she got to her feet and left in the opposite direction. Generally speaking, the victor doesn't drive the vanquished from the field and then flee. :-)

(I did wonder when Whitney walked out and shut the door in the face of the camera operator, whether she was just jonesing for a cigarette.)

Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 14
37 minutes ago, Snarklepuss said:

I've been posting on how the Twit should do DWTS since season 1, but while I think she might have been able to handle it then I don't think so now.  She may be considered for it but I sure as hell hope she doesn't pass whatever physical tests they may put her through.  I would think that this season of falling, fainting, and almost causing herself physical injury on the ski slope shouldn't do her any favors in getting approved.  Then again they've had some questionable people on DWTS who've had to withdraw early, etc. so they may just accept her.

 Whitney is unable to wear shoes. She can't stand on her feet for more than 10-15 minutes. There is no way she could keep up with training and taping without having a heart attack. Unless they allowed her to "dance" while sitting in the mobility scooter.

  • Love 16

I thought Whitney did say the usual TLC teaser of "you'll have  to watch next season" when she referred there would be something new involving her dancing. (Paraphrasing)

I just realized something.  How come they didn't show the bike ride, dancing at the birthday dinner, dance contest & other major events of the season?  Maybe cuz they were fake or somewhat set up? Maybe cuz it was shown it was hard for her to keep up with the fit & fabulous facade during these events?  You would have thought at least the dance contest would have been a major topic on the reunion since her & Todd placed so well.  IIRC, the only mention was when Todd said Roy had shown up at the contest when they were discussing Roy.  And wasn't that supposed to be a great day for her when she completed the bike ride & she found out she got the intern job?  No, instead we get to hear/see  about her smelling fetishes,   her & Babs rapping, her auctioning off Boo Bear & various other pieces of useless filler. 

BTW, when she was doing the Boo Bear Auction, did anyone else catch she said he had gone to Japan?  Was he just visiting Whit when she was there teaching or was he living there as well? 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, swankie said:

Did you notice how Lenny pulled his head away when she grabbed his beard?  I took that as Lenny's true feelings toward Whitney.  He couldn't even pretend that he's into her.  Every single physical act he did toward her was as a result of a direct command from her.  I think the only reason he asked for a hug from her was because he was contractually obligated to try to make us believe he really was "into her" so he could possibly be part of the show next season.  I truly believe Lenny is in it for the money.  Nothing more!

YES!! You could practically see him giving himself a pep talk to get through it.  I could hear he mantra in his head '15 minutes till payday'. 

  • Love 4

God, you guys are a great way to kick start my morning.  So funny and real.

The Bolshoi?  I will smile about that all day. As mentioned earlier,  the film Fantasia comes to m mind. Thanks Auntjess!!!!

 Twit jonesing for a smoke?   I totally agree, Ketzel!!!!!

DWTS?  My take is that Twit will be a special guest, not a contestant,  and dance once (heavily edited and spliced) so, she doesn't, you know, faint from exhaustion after 3 minutes, OR, Twit will be on as a 5 minute filler where they show her original video,  and let her spout NoBS spiel in a serious,  TEARFUL, voice.  The term "inspirational" will be uttered 20 times by the host and judges. Urp.

No way DWTS will let her be a contestant, cuz of liability due to her proven past injuries--from just frigging walking across the street, plus the others, and her "exhaustion" due to her weight, oops, I mean, busy life. The network accountants would be having the heart attacks-- even if Twit signed a waiver of liability.  JMHO. 

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, auntjess said:

OK, I just posted the question on the show's FB page.
I'm still on page 2, so can't wait until the end.
The thing that freaked me out, was when she was smelling Roy.  I must have missed that, but it is so crude, and over the top.  I'd have fired her.
Oh, and has anyone ever seen the naked top of Lennie's head?  Wonder if  he had some awful accident, and it's caved in.

Can you please post the response? Thanks

As Tony Soprano said: "Those who want respect, give respect." Whitney respects no one and nothing, and therefore no one respects her. (What the family/friends/Flying Monkeys give her is NOT respect. It's fear-based enabling. But it's all the same to Whit.)

I really can't hate TLC, though, for showing this. They could have edited and twisted this show to make Whitney look wonderful. They haven't. They've let her true colors show through, just like they have with *Sister Wives.* In a bizarre way, their shows do serve to educate us about the bizarre things people actually do and how some things really aren't okay and SHOULD be called out and questioned.

I can't bring myself to watch *Toddlers and Tiaras,* but I suspect it's the same way.

And shout out to TLC for sandwiching (yep) Whitney's episode last night between two episodes of *My 600-pound Life.* They're not all bad.

  • Love 12

The interaction between Whitney and Lenny was classic quid pro quo with Whitney reminding Lenny the terms of the employment agreement (hold my hand, I guess you can be on next season,  her pawing and clutching and his bobbing and weaving).  What a different visual from the usual show of the old man boss and the secretary.

The reason I believe for Lenny's big beard and the ever present hat is that he is in disguise.  The next time you see him will be sans beard and hat looking entirely different since he is free of Whitney.

  • Love 13

I agree about Buddy looking worse and worse, and behaving worse and worse, too. I can only say that it's really no fun to be a Flying Monkey/enabler of a narcissist. It leaves them angry and depressed. Which might lead someone to overeat, smoke, etc. in an effort to kill the pain. BTDT.

And Whitney on DWTS? Oh, yes, please. That might wake her up once and for all. The real problem is probably that they can't get one of the professional dancers willing to take her on. Good luck with that!

  • Love 6

I feel that skinny girl in blue dress was blunt.  She was doomed to be the nasty evil skinny chick. They should have had a bigger girl on there sharing their struggle with weight loss. Although Whit would probably think that she just hated herself, ect.


13 hours ago, Barb23 said:

I agree that Buddy is quickly catching up with Whit. It sounded like he was going to change to a healthier lifestyle after he told Whit that he had been to the doctor & had high blood pressure (not to mention weight gain) on the episode when Whit claimed she was happy being fat. It seemed like the lightbulb went on & he realized his weight was affecting his health & he better be doing something about it now before it got out of hand. But I guess Whit got to him & he's gotten worse instead of better.  I also have to keep rewinding  when he talks because of his being out of breath or mumbling.  I wish he would get some better fitting shirts. He is always  wearing the same shirt that doesn't fit anymore & it's  stretched to the max. Don't know how he gets it buttoned & it's not a good look. 

That is huge red flag to Whit's denial about her weight issues. It's not always about being happy with your fatness. It's about having a functional body that won't give out at age 50. Say she doesn't lose weight, but exercise and diet help with the inside stuff like your heart, plaque buildup, energy, ect.

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On the show's FB page everyone is all "yeah! how original; great comeback!" regarding the C U next Tuesday thing.  Really? That old saw has been around since I was in high school... and my kids are grown.  

As for this episode in general, it was carefully engineered to portray Whitney's "great" personality with the hostess lapping at her feet every minute and Whitney saying things like "I am outgoing and flirtatious" and her friends and parents all lauding her wonderful accomplishments (?) and deservedness of her fame.  After the whole (surprise!) Keeran deal when the hostess said, "Now Whitney, that was tough for you, wasn't it?" with her best newscaster-delivering-a-disaster-story voice, I had had it.  And as she wrapped up with "You are such an inspiration to so many people..."  I wanted to yell at my TV: "Why don't you just jump on her and smother her with kisses, you dolt?!"  

  • Love 11
38 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

Too bad he used that accent when he called Kerryn a "C U Next Tuesday".  I can't love Todd anymore.

that was wrong, but I get they're defending their friend. I'd probably do it too. Kerryn is right, but she can be rude as well. She said Whitney waddles, I don't know what else she said that was perhaps edited. All I'm saying Todd seems nice, first time he was rude he was defending his friend, who he also holds accountable

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, greekmom said:

Can you please post the response? Thanks

10 likes, but no responses.
It was on post about the amazon video, on the show's Facebook page.


Where did Whit's shoes miraculously appear from, when she stormed off?
Kerryn should have pointed out she can't seem to wear shoes much of the time.


Edited by auntjess
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This morning my ear worm has been "Respect Yourself" (Staples Singers), possibly because I have been chewing on Whitney yapping at Kerryn. And I think my subconscious is pointing out that Whit shows disrespect for herself in so many ways. This, to me, is cause for pity rather than hostility. (Her nastiness toward others is a whole other thing.) in any case it does not inspire respect  

This woman is willing to be a living fat joke, one who will do or say anything outrageous for attention. This is someone I would avoid in real life, since she is clearly an energy suck. From the safety of my couch, I watch in perplexity. Not only is she willing to be a clown in front of the whole world, she shares intimate, emotional interactions the same way. Of course, the latter is pretty standard for reality shows, but I do not get it. I know a lot is scripted but her tears for Lennie seem real. Maybe that storyline is fake, or at least was pushed by production, but she seems to have been emotionally invested. 

She appears on camera at times looking greasy, with tape on her head (at work!) proclaiming she hasn't showered. She let a pig ejaculate on her, for shit's sake (and it was clear that was about to happen). Not so fabulous, Whitney. These may be some of the reasons that people are no longer buying what you're selling. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 9
52 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I seriously doubt DWTS would chose Whitney for the show, but I think it's quite possible that Whitney believes they would and is trying to "audition" through her show. 

I don't watch DWTS but is that Bruno guy still there?  Or Len?

Wouldn't you just love to see their faces (and hear their comments) if she were to twerk in her horizontal-striped yoga pants!  Note:  please don't consider this fat shaming - I'm just recalling one of her fabulous moments on the show and just relating it to another show.

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