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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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The only current artists I know are based on playing trivia crack (its always adele, Taylor swift, Lady Gaga, Rihanna or Ariana Grande) or the little bit I listen to radio Disney with my kids.  Otherwise I listen to no current music, little from the last 5 years. 

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I agree Lilly was a lot less obnoxious this time.  I was still rooting for Julia.  Darn.  I was embarrassed I didn't get Selfie, but neither did two of the contestants.  Once you hear the answer, it seems obvious.  I think maybe there was too much information in the clue.

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I had always heard the phrase as "he who laughs last laughs best" (not longest). Could have sworn that one kid said "Zoda" (twice) instead of "Zelda". As for FJ, I admit I said "Berlin" (thinking that the American embassy was on the wrong side of the wall). True, we may not have even had an embassy there at that time, but at least I had the right idea at about the right time (1961). All the kids were easily a decade off!!! 

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First I thought Saigon, then did the math, thought of the Bay of Pigs and came up with Havana in time.

Even though Mohan's guesses of water and gas were truly terrible in the Jeopardy! round, I still really liked him.  Bummer.  That other guy has a nice soothing voice though.  

Actually no one was at all objectionable in this round. I only watched Lily's episode last week so everyone else is new to me.

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Just my opinion, but I don't think you're entitled to a fist pump if you win by getting it as wrong as everyone else but betting less.  I liked Viraj going into this game.  Not so much anymore.  And could any of them really have done the math in FJ?

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Viraj was insufferable.  That fist bump at the end was obnoxious.  And what was up with his giving the finger throughout his interview?  That's how he eats pizza?  I was really impressed with Mohan's comeback and was rooting for him even though it sounded like he said "Zona" twice instead of Zelda.

My only hope is that the adorkable Netanel blows everyone out of the water the rest of this week.

I guess none of them were math majors or 1961 was way before their time, but 2015 wasn't.

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42 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Viraj was insufferable.  That fist bump at the end was obnoxious.  And what was up with his giving the finger throughout his interview?  That's how he eats pizza?

It was unreal. WTF with this dude. After he missed Julliard for Rockefeller he totally lost me. Fortunately Lilly will beat the shit out of him in the finals. 

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I didn't mind the fist bump he was excited that he got into the finals that is exciting no matter how you get there.

I wonder when this was filmed because Alex's very, very, topical initially threw me off until I did the math. I guess this must have been filmed shortly after Castro died so December of 2016. 

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I thought all of the contestants were pleasant today.  Viraj didn't bother me.  And Mohan had a great comeback after being in the hole.  My closed captioning indicated that he said Zelda both times they asked him.  And he did seem to know his video games. They were all good, but I was sort of rooting for Clarissa.

I was proud of myself to get FJ almost immediately.   

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4 minutes ago, halfpint ingals said:

I believe that last Thursday, they mentioned Clemson winning the national championship in college football, which was last month. I missed the show due to moving , and not having DVR one night,  but that would make it filmed last month. 

You're right so that makes Alex's very, very topical even weirder! News is moving fast these days, get it together Trebek!

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

I didn't mind the fist bump he was excited that he got into the finals that is exciting no matter how you get there.

It's bad sportsmanship to make an "in your face" gesture no matter how you win something.  The fact that he didn't win in a particularly triumphant manner made it even worse.  In my opinion, obviously.  That's just how I was brought up.

Maybe he was feeling above it all after apparently getting away with flipping the bird on national TV.  People can be strange.

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That was a weird game. I was thinking about what I'd do in 3rd place with a game that close. Decided I'd probably have wagered nothing or something low and hoped that the other two didn't get the answer correct and lost most of their money. And that's what happened. Don't know if I'd have actually thought that way in the heat of the moment but it was an easy decision watching from my couch!

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1 hour ago, Mondrianyone said:

It's bad sportsmanship to make an "in your face" gesture no matter how you win something.  The fact that he didn't win in a particularly triumphant manner made it even worse.  In my opinion, obviously.  That's just how I was brought up.


But it was decidedly not in their face it was below the partition and seemed a genuine reaction to winning and though they cut away you can clearly see he reached over and shook the hand of the dude who was closest to him, when they cut back you can see both of them putting down their hands, and he seemed genuinly surpised, so was excited in the moment.

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I was trying to figure out if Viraj was imitating the geometry of folded pizza eating, so I didn't notice the middle finger. Plus, I loved the nerdy  story. 

I didn't bother with the math for FJ. I focused on what kind of event would involve the reintroduction of the United States. 

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I feel the same way about country music that most of you feel about rap, so I can't offer much sympathy when the inevitable complaints about rap music, which I do enjoy, come up on this board! I prefer 80s music to all others, but we probably won't get a category for it during college week. 

I didn't like Lily the first time around but liked her this time. I don't know if she seemed more relaxed or what. Most of them are board jumping, from what I can tell, so I have to let go of my prejudice about that for the tournaments.

I got Havana immediately and was a little surprised no one else did. I tried to do the math, but I'm terrible at math, especially if I have to count backwards across a century. 

I'm enjoying this tournament, and I'd be fine with any of the contestants winning the whole thing.

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That was a pretty good game with a really bad ending.  I was rooting for either Mohan, who lives/lived about a half hour away from me, or Clarissa who's from the same state as me; I was particularly impressed with Mohan's DJ comeback.  Not that I disliked Viraj, but I hate that it basically came down to the person who bet the least.  I can't believe none of them got FJ.  I'll admit to thinking of Saigon first, but then I realized the math didn't work out.  So I came up with Havana in plenty of time to write it down.  (You know, from the comfort of my own couch.)

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1 hour ago, teebax said:

I feel the same way about country music that most of you feel about rap, so I can't offer much sympathy when the inevitable complaints about rap music, which I do enjoy, come up on this board! I prefer 80s music to all others, but we probably won't get a category for it during college week. 

I wasn't complaining, just amused that the only answer I got right was Kanye, and that was basically by answering "Kanye West" to all five clues.  Yeah, there are occasionally categories which are complete mysteries to me.  Advance mathematics of any sort, for example.


I FFed through the rap and video games categories. Get off my lawn.

I got Legend of Zelda and Grand Theft Auto, but those others?  They were video games?  Oops, I just checked, and I did get Lara Croft and D&D as well.  So yay! video games!, I guess.

Edited by proserpina65
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1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

I wasn't complaining, just amused that the only answer I got right was Kanye, and that was basically by answering "Kanye West" to all five clues. 

No, you weren't. Someone put "music" in quotation marks when referring to rap which is a bit obnoxious to me. This style of music has been around long enough for it to be classified as music. Just because you don't like a style of music doesn't make it not music. But, whatever. I may just be a bit cranky today.

For the record, I didn't get most of them right, either. I don't listen to a lot of contemporary music, so most of the names were folks I don't know.

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I ran video games AND am in the early stages of "get off my lawn" age.  Kids these days... :)

I didn't get any of the rap clues, but I've heard of most of the rappers.  I was sad I didn't catch the Kendrick Lamar and may have to listen to his album at work today.   

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9 minutes ago, Pallida said:

I ran video games AND am in the early stages of "get off my lawn" age.  Kids these days... :)

These days, there are more and more categories were I mentally give up after reading the titles!

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14 minutes ago, Pallida said:

I didn't get any of the rap clues, but I've heard of most of the rappers.  I was sad I didn't catch the Kendrick Lamar and may have to listen to his album at work today.   


The Kendrick question referenced "m.A.A.d. city" which is the title of his album before "To Pimp a Butterfly". I guess I know rap better than I thought. But that was a pretty easy get because it's a really distinct title.

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4 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

That was a pretty good game with a really bad ending.  I was rooting for either Mohan, who lives/lived about a half hour away from me, or Clarissa who's from the same state as me; I was particularly impressed with Mohan's DJ comeback.  Not that I disliked Viraj, but I hate that it basically came down to the person who bet the least.  I can't believe none of them got FJ.  I'll admit to thinking of Saigon first, but then I realized the math didn't work out.  So I came up with Havana in plenty of time to write it down.  (You know, from the comfort of my own couch.)

I was rooting for Mohan because he was so far back and made such a great comeback. And then Viraj got on my nerves. I couldn't decide if the "finger" was just an awkward, unintentional, arrangement of his fingers (I might not have noticed it if we hadn't paused the playback), or if he was trying to sneak it in.

I got Havana right away, as someone said, Fidel Castro died close to the time this was filmed. I did think Saigon was at least a valid guess (though off time wise). Iwo Jima not so much - and Seoul definitely not. It helps that I'm older, I actually have memories of the Cuban Missile Crisis (vague though they were) and definitely the fall of Saigon.

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Mohan's comeback was pretty spectacular.  I'm sure if you counted up the total correct answers Clarissa had the most and probably twice as many as Mohan.  Mohan was just nailing the daily doubles and big money questions.  Clarissa racked up on all the low dollar questions.  A pretty odd game though with all of them missing out in Final Jeopardy when they tore it up in the first two rounds (I actually got that one right, 1961 popped just one thing into my mind...Cuba).

Edited by Dobian
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I guess I need to brush up on Vice Presidents.  I knew part of the FJ clue referred to Lincoln, but was clueless about the other part, and said 1860.  Perhaps a less bad guess than the contestants' guesses, but still wrong.

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That was a pretty good game.  I was impressed with Netanel's gutsy DD wager, but the poor kid just couldn't get it together with the buzzer.  I'm glad Gary won.  I think he's the only one of the three who can beat Lilly and Viraj and hopefully he will.

For FJ, I thought the "rail splitter" reference made it obvious it was Lincoln.

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I'm not too impressed with any of these college students in the tournament this year. They miss way too many easy questions and the numerous triple stumpers just leave me shaking my head. Can't wait for it to be over and the real games to resume next week.

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54 minutes ago, Jesse said:

I can't remember the last time I felt as old as when Gary looked at a picture of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and guessed Glass-Stegall!

I got Barney Frank but couldn't remember Dodd's name. I also couldn't bring to mind "Dodd-Frank."

For FJ, I figured 'rail-splitter' referred to Lincoln, and I seemed to recall that Andrew Johnson was a tailor, but I guessed 1860.

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I get that the category was "S.A" but I think that smoke alarm was a poor fit for the category because smoke detectors is much more prevelant. Not saying that she should have gotten points just think it was bad question design.

Maybe I just didn't like the category because I would also have buzzed in and just said Allende and blanked on his name amd they probably wouldn't have taken son of Isabel Allende's grandfather when asked to be more specific.

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I did better during this game than I have the whole tournament, probably because I knew the pop music answers. The general knowledge questions are fine, but when they ask teens or college kids about pop culture they're into, I'm hopelessly lost. Maybe as a teacher I should pay more attention to what my students are into!

For FJ, I got the era correct but not the year. I also guessed 1860.

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12 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

For FJ, I thought the "rail splitter" reference made it obvious it was Lincoln.

I thought so too. The drawing of Lincoln splitting rails is seared in my memory for some reason. But the mister - who's way more versed in the history of the presidents didn't get it because he got caught up in the "tailor" part of the clue, and he didn't know that piece of trivia about Andrew Johnson. We looked it up in our giant book of presidents (real thing) and it was an interesting read. I knew another piece of trivia about Johnson that he didn't know. The mister's a big picture and presidential acts guy, and I'm the trivia person I guess.

38 minutes ago, teebax said:

For FJ, I got the era correct but not the year. I also guessed 1860.

I guessed 1860 as well, so I like to say that at least I got the president right.

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Finally! Someone for whom I was rooting made the finals, although I'd have been fine with either of the other two contestants.  I'll be pulling for Gary to win it all.

I didn't recognize either Dodd or Frank, and although I've heard of the act, I couldn't come up with the name at all.

For FJ, I knew it was Lincoln, but like many of you, I guessed 1860.  I forgot he had a different vice president the first time.  Not that I knew the tailor thing was referring to Andrew Johnson anyway.

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It always bugs me when Alex makes a comment about how a contestant giving a partially correct answer has "helped" another contestant--I'm sure sometimes that's the case, but I'd bet that more often than not, the other person knew it already, and was just beaten to the buzzer--but it seems especially egregious to think that Netanel would need help getting "shalom aleichem"...

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Right!  Like Netanel, wearing a yarmulke, was standing there going 'what's the word before aleichem?", oh thanks Mari! 

On a different note, that was the first time I noticed the similarity between shalom aleichem and salaam alaikum.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Knowing how much to wager in these two-day affairs is very difficult.  Especially on the first day.  Nevertheless, I think these kids need to bet more on the Daily Doubles.  And probably on FJ, too, even thought they've been doing poorly in FJ the whole tournament.

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They're all driving me nuts.  I don't care if they leap from category to category randomly, just start at the tops of each, dammit!

I was surprised they missed Big Brother -- I've never watched it and got that one, and avocation, too.  However, I didn't come up with Richard III in time.

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