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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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7 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I had no idea that Conan Doyle had been a physician.

He wrote both Sherlock and Dr. Watson based on his own medical expertise. 

32 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I also couldn't believe no one knew Vietnam, but on the other hand, I blanked on FJ.  I kept running through the eastern European countries in my head and never landed on the correct ones. 

I wasn't sure, but I would have guessed it. I was a little tripped up by the wording of the FJ question, being part of different countries until the 90s. For a little while, I was thinking that they were now unified like East and West Germany. Then I remembered our First Lady is from Slovenia so Slovakia was the other answer that fit. It was from countries that came from dissolving larger ones. 

6 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

That was impressive!!  She went from a negative score at the end of the first round to winning the game.

She almost ran the Z stuff category too.  Impressive win. 

4 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Too bad.  I was hoping Rob would make it to the TOC.

 Kirsten was also a 4 day champ too. That 5th victory is tough. 

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The wording of FJ confused me - I mean, I knew Slovakia and Slovenia are the only two European countries with the same first four letters, but "were separate countries until the 1990s" implies that they are no longer separate countries, but they are.

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The wording was "were part of different countries until the 1990s."

I didn't get FJ. The TSs I got were Mr Robot and Angels and Demons.

Alison reminds me of an actress. Maybe it'll come to me.

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I awwww'd at Ernie's engagement ring story, and Dr. Toothbrush pretended to gag. But he admitted that it was sweet.

I also got tripped up by the wording of FJ, thinking it was 2 countries unified into one. However, it is still no guarantee that I would have gotten it anywhere near right since non-US geography is right up there with classical music and chemistry in subjects I suck at.

Impressive win for Allison; I was worried when she was so far into the red. I will miss Rob and wish he would have won game #5 to be eligible for the TOC. I am embarrassed at how long it took me to get why Daughter of Sam is an intimidating roller derby name. Especially since my background noise TV channel is ID Discovery. 

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I somehow didn't process the "same four letters" part of FJ, so doubted my correct answer. My dad visited Czechoslovakia a year or so before it split up, so I have a general memory of when that happened. And then I went with "what other countries split up in my memory?"  Being early middle age worked for me!

 I'm also sad we didn't see all the hedgehog clues. 

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I knew FJ right away but I try to do the Lizard Point geography quizzes at least once a week because I can't seem to retain anything anymore. There are also phone apps on geography that are free and fun to do. I found a map puzzle of Europe, Africa and Asia. You put the pieces of each country in place. It's very helpful to get some of this into the brain. Time to get back to bodies of water! 

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4 hours ago, tvaddict44 said:

So now we know that if you're cute, Alex will just fill in the word instead of saying the "be more specific" prompt. 

I don't think it has anything to do with being cute.  It's all about the judges' inconsistency - sometimes they require a more specific answer and sometimes not, and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to why.

Add me to those lamenting the non-finishing of the hedgehog category.  Those suckers are cute.  I also wanted to see the last clue in the 1100 category because I was running that one.  FJ was an instaget for me.  But I'll confess to saying "Inferno" instead of "Angels and Demons" - they're all crap anyway.

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I wouldn't have known FJ! if you put a gun to my head and I stood at the podium for a year.  I could only come up with Albania.... (cue Coach from Cheers song).

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So the clue is "this man who created Laverne & Shirley...." and the woman said who is Marshall? They said man, so I guess that leaves out Penny, but I still would have her been more specific. 

I wish the writers would balance these shows more. Tonight's pop culture, literature, and history almost entirely. One night last week they had several sort of puzzles, or at least questions that required more brain work than just remembering the answer. Then one night there was a lot of science. Tonight's game could have more math, science, sports etc. 

Final Jeopardy was almost instaget. The exact year was I almost guessed, but to be in the ballpark didn't seem too hard for me. 

Edited by Temperance
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"I'll take 'Becky With the Good Hair' for four hundred please Alex."

Can't they just say "'Becky' for four?"  I mean I know Matt was bagged on for barking his choices but there has to be a happy medium.

Bighorn Sheep and Jezebel should not in any way have been TS.  Also Australia was a gimme for the DD.

Edited by mojoween
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6 hours ago, PaulaO said:

I wouldn't have known FJ! if you put a gun to my head and I stood at the podium for a year.  I could only come up with Albania.... (cue Coach from Cheers song).

Well, that came in handy tonight!

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It borders on the Adriatic! Thanks Coach!

I wrote in yesterday's post that it was time to study up on bodies of water. What do you know Bodies of Water! I must be psychic (more like psycho)

I got the TS Lead Foot. 

..... and now for something different "Television"....and now for something really different the answer is "Madmen"

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What was the name of the category where all of the answers gave a decade and co-stars of movies?  It seemed like the category name was superfluous because you would get the movie name just by reading the answer.

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10 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I  agree.  Marshall should have been a BMS.

I was absolutely clueless for FJ.

FJ seems obvious in retrospect but I didn't get it either.

Amusing that two days in a row the answer was "Marshall" and both times BMS would have been appropriate.

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13 minutes ago, mojoween said:

What was the name of the category where all of the answers gave a decade and co-stars of movies?  It seemed like the category name was superfluous because you would get the movie name just by reading the answer.

"Box Office Champs of the Decade." I agree that there was too much info. It would have been more challenging to just give the decade and maybe one rather cryptic hint. 

I knew Jezebel and ironic, and I pulled the answer to FJ out of some vague memories of Modern European History from junior year of high school. 

Todd seems like a nice champ. I hope he sticks around awhile.

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I completely forgot the French Revolution and was going with WWI, although I was off with the year (I said 1916).

TSs I got were lead foot and threadbare.

I agree that the clues in Box Office Champs of the Decade were too detailed.

Shawn looked like an older, blonde Mel Harris.

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"I'll take 'Becky With the Good Hair' for four hundred please Alex."

I know the producers want the contestants to say the full category name the first time they pick it (at least they did when I was on), but after that?  Yeah, just pick the most important word and use that.

I knew the FJ clue referred to the French Revolution, but it took me a moment to come up with the correct year.  Still would've had plenty of time to right it down.

I got threadbare and Jezebel, but couldn't come up with lead foot or big horn sheep to save my life.  I wanted to say ironic, but the clue confused me because it didn't seem to be the correct definition.  Oh well, sometimes it's good to go with your first instincts.

Apparently the 'Beyhive' are abuzz over the Becky with the Good Hair category.  I found both the category title and the stupid reaction to it amusing.

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Stop. Guessing. All of you.

I was listening to most of the show so imagine my surprise when I saw a pic of the go-go dancer on Twitter.  John Paul is not what I was expecting!  Not in a bad way, of course.  He was a cutie.

Annie may have been nervous but her demeanor made me tense.  And I was watching at the end when she made that little face at the end of DJ that was almost a smirk which turned me off from her.  Also who was she waving at?  It looks condescending without context.

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Too many TS tonight!  Too many wild-ass guesses, too.  Hey, let's just randomly name Shakespeare plays!  Maybe one of them will be right!  Midsummer Night's Dream was particularly boneheaded.  Jan. 6 is not midsummer in the northern hemisphere.  Is it not a known thing that January 6 is the Epiphany/Little Christmas/the 12th day (or night) of Christmas?  Twelfth Night, along with Hora, Don Adams, cuckoo clocks and the salt of the Earth* were the TS I remembered to write down.  I got a little distracted from the game because of all the guessing.

FJ was an instaget for me.


*I have to thank Godspell for knowing the salt of the Earth one, and now I have that song running through my head.

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Yesterday's champ went down in flames today mostly due to bad guessing. He just had a bad day and it cost him dearly. 

The winner Annie seemed so monotone in her answers. Tomorrow she can afford to be a little perkier.

Some TS's I got were Twelfth Night, Hora and Don Adams (guess they were all too young for Get Smart). Also got cuckoo for the DD, I knew that had to be an answer in the Clocks category for sure. 

FJ was an instaget for me. Read a lot of Beatrix Potter books to my kids when they were little so just knew the answer.

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my grandfathers clock was too large for the shelf so it stayed 90 years on the floor!! Oh love that song! Forgot all about it! Now I can't stop singing it.

I like to brag when my son (special needs adult) gets a TS- he said Don Adams! Take that smarty pants...he knew the humpback whale too- I didn't. I also got the Hora, hava nagila hava!  What is a male go-go dancer? Do we have go-go dancing anymore or is he a stripper?

Edited by operalover
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I liked the champ from Tuesday and was sorry to see him go. I'm not really feeling the new champ's demeanor.


Some TS's I got were Twelfth Night, Hora and Don Adams (guess they were all too young for Get Smart). Also got cuckoo for the DD, I knew that had to be an answer in the Clocks category for sure. 

I felt the same for "grandfather clock" :-)

I had no clue for FJ.

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I was surprised how badly Todd flamed out.  Annie's okay, I guess.  I'm sorry, but that John Paul the go go dancer guy was all kinds of skeevy.  YMMV.

A bazillion goofy guesses.  For TS, I got Don Adams, Hungarian, cuckoo clock, and Hora.

FJ was an instaget for some strange reason.

@operalover - I'd guess stripper.

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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Also who was she waving at?  It looks condescending without context.

Yes, I came on here to say that it looked like she was waving Buh-bye.  John Paul the go go dancer needed to go go faster on that slow waltz he was doing with the button.

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Ah The Hora.  I was yelling "The Hora THE HORA" from the other room but no one heard me.

And I was yelling, "TORA!" Oops.

I didn't pay attention thruout the game. I got FJ. Also, I couldn't think of Don Adams' full name and only came up with Adams, which would have been accepted, I suppose.

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2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Annie may have been nervous but her demeanor made me tense.  And I was watching at the end when she made that little face at the end of DJ that was almost a smirk which turned me off from her.  Also who was she waving at?  It looks condescending without context.

I don't know who she was waving at at the end, but prior to FJ she waved at the then-champ, and he seemed to smile back. I found it cute, since I think he realized that his time might be up.

2 hours ago, Browncoat said:

*I have to thank Godspell for knowing the salt of the Earth one, and now I have that song running through my head.


1 hour ago, gimmeegimmeegim said:

John Paul=Jesus, as always depicted, if he were to get a perm. And learn a jig or two!

LOL! Me too about Salt of the earth, and I could see JP in a road company of Godspell!

I guessed Beatrix Potter, but only because she was the only anthropomorphic female children's author I could think of. I wasn't entirely sure, though, because I didn't know the significance of the dates or the title being different from the more famous version.

Most of the other TS's were pretty easy, IMO, so I won't get too attached to the new champ.

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4 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Some TS's I got were Twelfth Night, Hora and Don Adams (guess they were all too young for Get Smart). Also got cuckoo for the DD, I knew that had to be an answer in the Clocks category for sure. 

Got those too. January 6th. Epiphany. The Twelfth day of Christmas.
Of course, Mid-Summer is a good guess if it's Australia.
"Don't worry Chief, I'm always on duty."
Glockenspiel? Isn't that a keyboard?

2 hours ago, NorthstarATL said:

I guessed Beatrix Potter, but only because she was the only anthropomorphic female children's author I could think of. I wasn't entirely sure, though, because I didn't know the significance of the dates or the title being different from the more famous version.

 Me too. Early 20th century woman and children's author with a story about an animal. Seemed reasonable to me too. 

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I swear I thought they were playing a joke on us when they introduced the contestants - "an unemployed bartender", "a go-go dancer". It really did take me a second until they introduced Todd to snap me out of it.

That was a weird game. Seemed like everyone was off and was making really bad guesses. That said I liked Annie a lot - I thought she had a nice, calm demeanor. But I liked Todd a lot too and expected him to hang around for a while, so who knows.

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8 hours ago, burner said:

I swear I thought they were playing a joke on us when they introduced the contestants - "an unemployed bartender", "a go-go dancer". It really did take me a second until they introduced Todd to snap me out of it.

MTE.  The thought that popped into my head was, "Is this the April Fool's Day episode?"

I like the new champ.

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Yeah, I too was wondering if April Fools Day came early with those introductions last night. I also find it annoying when all three contestants buzz in with the wrong answer and that happened twice before the first break, so the proceedings didn't get off to a good start, IMO! The new champ seems ok, though. 

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Ah The Hora.  I was yelling "The Hora THE HORA" from the other room but no one heard me.

I was yelling it from the same room and no one heard me :)

I was also yelling Cuckoo clock! What the eff else could it be? I mean, Black Forest! Sheesh.

I knew FJ because J! absolutely ADORES Potter (and their other adoration, GWTW, is a wee bit too adult).

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Is the academic study of last names a real thing?  Cuz that's what Annie wants to do.  What college confers a degree in that?  I admit I turned off the game halfway through because it was a runaway.   Runaways are no fun to me.  And John Paul (who I liked, and wonder if he has a brother names George Ringo), your mom now knows you are a go-go dancer. 

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What exactly is an "unemployed bartender?" Is that someone who was a bartender but is now out of work? Or is it just a slightly nicer way to say "alcoholic?" (ie "I mix my own drinks at home! All day!")

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I also had to check my mental calendar to make sure it wasn't April Fools' Day after the first two intros.  "An unemployed bartender, a go-go dancer, and . . . [I was expecting] a crack-house manager!"

In retrospect it seems really kind of mean to introduce someone as unemployed.  I can't remember ever hearing them do that before (which doesn't mean they haven't), even though there've been plenty of contestants who've themselves admitted to being between jobs. Way to be respectful.  And on International Women's Day, too.  I was glad Annie won for that reason alone.

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18 hours ago, mojoween said:

Stop. Guessing. All of you.

I was listening to most of the show so imagine my surprise when I saw a pic of the go-go dancer on Twitter.  John Paul is not what I was expecting!  Not in a bad way, of course.  He was a cutie.

Annie may have been nervous but her demeanor made me tense.  And I was watching at the end when she made that little face at the end of DJ that was almost a smirk which turned me off from her.  Also who was she waving at?  It looks condescending without context.

I hated how many guesses there were, how many stumpers, how many clues left on the board.  And most of all, I hated Annie.

18 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Is it not a known thing that January 6 is the Epiphany/Little Christmas/the 12th day (or night) of Christmas? 

I know it, because I keep my Christmas tree up until at least then, but due to a brain fart, I couldn't come up with Twelfth Night - I just got stuck on Illyria for some reason.  I, like John Paul, said Hava Nagila for that clue, and didn't remember that Don Adams did the voice of Inspector Gadget, although I should've known that one because the girls I used to baby sit loved that cartoon.

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