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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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I'm annoyed by a commercial showing a little boy coming into the house numerous times calling 'MOM!"  because he broke his glasses.  the ad is for a glasses place, the point is that "boys will be boys"  and therefore always need new glasses.  


Is the point "Our glasses are so cheap, your kid will break them any time he tries to do anything remotely athletic? Better buy an extra pair, because these won't last!" 

I keep thinking that eventually that kid is going to hit them just right to put his eye out and then what's Walmart got for them? Maybe it's time to try contacts or glasses made for active use.

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I keep thinking that eventually that kid is going to hit them just right to put his eye out and then what's Walmart got for them? Maybe it's time to try contacts or glasses made for active use.

Yeah, I remember when my kids had glasses, they had frames that were flexible and resistant to breaking -  springy hinges, and the earpieces not made of the kind of brittle plastic that snaps in half.   Not at all like the glasses I had when I was a kid.  AND  -  there were special goggle-like frames you could get for sports. 


 So this is a walmart ad.  and they have glasses "starting at $38 a pair".   

if I were a competitor, I'd jump on this ad, and advertise glasses that don't break every time your kid plays catch.  Because every parent I know would rather pay more for something that lasts, rather than having to run to Walmart and shell out $38 every weekend. 

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We used to have a company named Genetic Savings & Clone in Marin county, but it was a bad idea and died about 10 years ago. If they'd prospered and expanded from cloned pets to human body parts that would be your answer right there. (Yeah, it was a stretch to get that in, but I loved the name of the company.)

Edited by CoderLady
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Jimmy Dean, it's time to retire the character who goes around trying to force his sausage into everyone.






Sun: "Tuna fish?  We're a long way from the ocean!"


Annoyed Viewer: "We're also a long way from the factory where those globs of fat and sodium were frozen."

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I hate all the smug douchebags from the Experian commercials boasting about their credit scores.


I don't mind the guy at the car dealership too much, because he just asks for a few upgrades such as leather seats (I'm on his side until he goes one step too far and takes the guy's potted plant, that is), but I can't stand the woman in the bank.  If she wants to insist on a lower interest rate or whatever because of her great credit score, then okay, but she is just plain rude when she puts her dirty shoes up on the guy's desk.  Why would he even consider giving her a loan?  I'm sure there are plenty of other people that will pay a higher interest rate.

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Dear Dodge Bros.:

I've had quite enough of your commercials now, especially since they repeat several times during a break in online programming. If I never have to see you swinging from a chandelier, being tossed in the air from a tent or parachute or blanket or other large expanse of textile emblazoned with your insignia, racing out of the backs of trucks onto dusty highways, or standing beside your "great-great-great-great-great-grandson" (which would be both incestuous and biologically impossible), it will be too soon. Please go "support the opera" and douche it up 1920s-style somewhere I don't have to see it every 15 minutes, repeated thrice.

Sincerely yours,

The Hon. Bilgistic

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Guy in a big box store walks up to checkout with a big box. Does he want to pay cash or credit? Nope, he wants to walk out with it and just pay for it in little bits over time, without arranging such a thing, just by saying he wants to do that. The cashiers, rightly, look at him like he wants to steal it.


Apparently what he really wants is a rent-to-own place. Awesome, dude. You're actually better off charging it, but whatever - go to a store that offers what you want.

The thing that annoys me about the ad is the cashiers don't offer him the layaway plan.

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This should just plain be disallowed entirely. You speak in hashtags, you're dead to me. You do the hand gesture, I am walking away. They seem to think they're being cute and/or ironic about it, but it just puts me in a rage.


That's just Toyota trying to be hip and get with teh youth market. Good luck with that *cough* Scion *cough*


You know, it's like when your parents try to use slang in a feeble attempt to be with-it (slang from MY youth, LOL)

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I HATE this commercial! 


I have to change the channel whenever it comes on.  The faux gagging makes me want to vomit too.

Yeah, I remember when my kids had glasses, they had frames that were flexible and resistant to breaking -  springy hinges, and the earpieces not made of the kind of brittle plastic that snaps in half.   Not at all like the glasses I had when I was a kid.  AND  -  there were special goggle-like frames you could get for sports. 


 So this is a walmart ad.  and they have glasses "starting at $38 a pair".   

if I were a competitor, I'd jump on this ad, and advertise glasses that don't break every time your kid plays catch.  Because every parent I know would rather pay more for something that lasts, rather than having to run to Walmart and shell out $38 every weekend. 

I think the ad actually says something about a guarantee to replace the glasses for free for a certain period of time.  But it annoys me so much that I've only ever watched the entire thing once so I could be wrong.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Yogurt Bitch's sister, the Insurance Bitch!

Awwww, I kinda like Insurance Bitch.  'Cause he's sure Condescending Asshole Guy.

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I think the ad actually says something about a guarantee to replace the glasses for free for a certain period of time.  But it annoys me so much that I've only ever watched the entire thing once so I could be wrong.


You're probably right.  But if glasses are going to break that easily, I don't want to have to keep running back to Walmart to get another pair, or to have to wait for the glasses to be ordered.  I want glasses to stand up to a little wear and tear. 

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Awwww, I kinda like Insurance Bitch.  'Cause he's sure Condescending Asshole Guy.


Heh, I guess he was, but he isn't being condescending in this particular commercial. If anything, he actually tries to apologize or something, and she silences him using Dennis Haysbert's voice. I can only imagine what would happen if he told her he ate her last cup of yogurt.

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Guy in a big box store walks up to checkout with a big box. Does he want to pay cash or credit? Nope, he wants to walk out with it and just pay for it in little bits over time, without arranging such a thing, just by saying he wants to do that. The cashiers, rightly, look at him like he wants to steal it.


Apparently what he really wants is a rent-to-own place. Awesome, dude. You're actually better off charging it, but whatever - go to a store that offers what you want.


It's a real shady move by a real shady company, making it seem as if rent to own is similar to layaway. If you look at the small print in the ad, RAC admits it will cost $3,000 dollars to pay off their TV.


Right now you can buy something similar at Amazon for nine hundred. That's an APR of a helluva lot.


And if you really need to break it up into small payment, then you shouldn't be buying a sixty inch TV!

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Heh, I guess he was, but he isn't being condescending in this particular commercial. If anything, he actually tries to apologize or something, and she silences him using Dennis Haysbert's voice. I can only imagine what would happen if he told her he ate her last cup of yogurt.

My take on that commercial is: the guy's been ragging on her about men being better drivers for some time, which is why she shuts him down when she gets her safe driver check.  Of course, the commercial only implies that scenario, rather than making it explicit, but it works for me.

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My take on that commercial is: the guy's been ragging on her about men being better drivers for some time, which is why she shuts him down when she gets her safe driver check.  Of course, the commercial only implies that scenario, rather than making it explicit, but it works for me.

I agree with all this and, to me, the commercial would make perfect sense if the woman were saying all the things she currently says, but in her own normal voice. It's the random, intermittent addition of Dennis Haysbert's voice that gives the impression she's a minion of the anti-Christ, come up from the underbelly of Hell to torment this douchenozzle for his chauvenistic views. Not sure why they felt the need to go all Exorcist by making her voice jump all over the place. 

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I already dislike the Toyota girl, but the latest Toyota commercial where she's at career day really really annoys me. She's telling how great it is to be a receptionist at a car dealership and the kids all cheer, while the astronaut and fireman on the sidelines don't even want to talk about their jobs. A freakin' astronaut! Oh, I hate Toyota girl.

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Not sure why they felt the need to go all Exorcist by making her voice jump all over the place.


Because Dennis Haysbert is their celebrity spokesperson, and they use his voice for a whole campaign full of similar ads, including one where a little girl was talking to her dad about how quickly the insurance company to have their car repaired.  {That's why him - not sure why the concept for the campaign}

Edited by proserpina65
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I already dislike the Toyota girl, but the latest Toyota commercial where she's at career day really really annoys me. She's telling how great it is to be a receptionist at a car dealership and the kids all cheer, while the astronaut and fireman on the sidelines don't even want to talk about their jobs. A freakin' astronaut! Oh, I hate Toyota girl.


I'm glad someone mentioned this.  That particular commercial bothers me for some strange reason.  Not that there's anything wrong with being a receptionist at a car dealership but I don't get making it more important than a fireman or an astronaut.

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All the Duluth Trading Co. commercials, especially the mens' underwear one are really starting to annoy me...


They are a lot more realistic about how clothes for physical work should fit than most -- heck, any -- companies are, so for that I like them. Being a woman, I don't have the problems that their Ballroom Jeans or any of their sweat-resistant underwear solve, but it's nice to know that there are solutions for people who do. I think their comically crude graphics are kinda funny, to be honest.


I like them well enough to have ordered a few Duluth Trading Company t-shirts and camisoles recently. The shirts are well constructed, the colors are nice and the extra length is a real bonus since I'm tall.

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I don't even use Twitter, and I still know this commercial would have been dated and irrelevant several YEARS ago.


Has anyone in the history of ever actually followed a hashtagged ad slogan?

This commercial has been playing constantly, & it makes me want to throw my TV out the window. I hate these women, & the wig the saleswoman is wearing is terrible.

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I already dislike the Toyota girl, but the latest Toyota commercial where she's at career day really really annoys me. She's telling how great it is to be a receptionist at a car dealership and the kids all cheer, while the astronaut and fireman on the sidelines don't even want to talk about their jobs. A freakin' astronaut! Oh, I hate Toyota girl.

Maybe it's happening at a school for stupid people who can only handle being a receptionist?
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Dear Bush's,

Sugar laden baked beans are not vegetables. Even your stupid dog knows that. Besides, Progresso soup already used that concept.

Sincerely, Haleth

I have similar feelings about Hidden Valley Ranch giving themselves props for getting people to eat their vegetables. If they're drenched in salad dressing, it kind of defeats the purpose.

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Sorry for a link-heavy post...


I was just subjected to this from Monsanto:



Yesterday, the Chicken Littles at the World Health Organization announced that Roundup can "probably" cause cancer:



In this old commercial, Monsanto claims that the worst that will happen when pets & kids are exposed to Roundup is possible lawn damage:


In all fairness, it sounds like the WHO only used old data.  If only I knew whom to trust...

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