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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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For people who don't understand decimals and think that .1 =/= .10 and that .1 < .08.  Trust me.  There are adults that don't understand these things.


Off topic and I apologize, but the curiosity is killing me: what programming language uses =/= for not equal? I'm mainly a Java/C++/C# developer and I would have used !=. (Girl's gotta learn.)

While the first two Geico ads with the Hump Day camel were a little funny; the new one with the people imitating him to the camels at the zoo falls a little flat for me.


But the guy with the business proposal is just an idiot.   He wants to make hot dog shaped hamburgers.   The investors are skeptical.   Not becuase of his credit score but because its a damn fool idea. 

His attempt at a power walk when he's leaving - carrying the stupid hamburger/hot dog hybrid - pisses me off. I actually get angry when he's strutting out of there like he's frigging Jerry Maguire.

What's really sad is this concept already exists.  It looks very unappetizing.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqtMnqyUs8Y

The new Experian Credit Score commercials annoy the hell out of me.   The one with the woman wanting a loan is bad enough.   She clearly didn't have her yogurt that day.   But the guy with the business proposal is just an idiot.   He wants to make hot dog shaped hamburgers.   The investors are skeptical.   Not becuase of his credit score but because its a damn fool idea.    It just doesn't make me care about my score that much.   Clearly high credit score does not mean intelligence.


Is it Experian where the woman whips out the tattoo of her credit score on her arm and has to have it explained to her that credit scores can change?  So then she whips out a Sharpie to change her tattoo on her arm...

No that the Credit Karma where she types rapidly for 2 seconds and gets her credit score.    After screeching scores don't change.

And I consider f hunting her down to stop her from ever screeching again . . . . 


The ad with Flo giving people rental cars is based on major markets in which progressive has it's own repair shops.  Presumably the people have dropped their cars off to be repaired (or come in with the tow truck) and she is helping them with the rental car.  What gets me in these commercials is how different she looks in this lighting.  Faced with normal people, she is much more toned down too.  Of course, the thought of seeing Flo is yet another reason to not have Progressive, as if their commercials weren't reason enough.  

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Being in grumpy old broad mode, I have to say this is part of something else that always annoys the hell out of me.  Some places, the limit is .1...but do they say that?  No.  It's .10  What the hell is the point of that zero?



For people who don't understand decimals and think that .1 =/= .10 and that .1 < .08.  Trust me.  There are adults that don't understand these things.

It bugs me because I work in a hospital and using a trailing zero and/or not using a leading zero before a decimal point is a huge no-no, because they can be easily misread. So, it should always be 0.1 and never .10  And this grumpy old broad hates it when we dumb things down instead of expecting people to have a minimum level of competence with words and numbers.

Edited by riley702
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Charter is now running a new ad for their Triple Play bundle. It's a sad affair with a bunch of actors who can't sing singing a The Pirates of Penzance sound-alike at half speed, so it sounds like Gilbert and Sullivan's funeral march. And the worst part is that they're still running that crappy office-place rap commercial too.

The new Experian Credit Score commercials annoy the hell out of me.   The one with the woman wanting a loan is bad enough.   She clearly didn't have her yogurt that day.   But the guy with the business proposal is just an idiot.   He wants to make hot dog shaped hamburgers.   The investors are skeptical.   Not becuase of his credit score but because its a damn fool idea.    It just doesn't make me care about my score that much.   Clearly high credit score does not mean intelligence.

Mickey Rooney launched a restaurant based on hamburger shaped hotdogs.  Mickey Rooney's Weiner World.  (I am not making that up!)

I found a reference to it in Margaret Moser's book, "Movie Stars Do the Dumbest Things."  Apparently, there's an entire chapter on Mickey Rooney.  LOL.


Allegedly, he called the food a "Weenie Whirl" and restaurants Weenie World.

There was one in Massapequa Long Island (home of the Baldwin brothers and Amy Fisher) outside of the mall.  I think it was closed by the time we moved out there but it was in the shape of a flying saucer and it was silver.

The ads for abused animals takes me way down. As an animal and especially dog lover it is just too heartbreaking to hear the music AND see the looks on the faces! TAlk about over-doing it! And then there are the ones fo the starving African children... Trevor Noah, the African comedian, says showing the flys on the children's faces is overkill because no matter how hungry they can still swat! (that was a paraphrase but is was comedy snark that'll make you love him)

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I gave up on something I was watching last night because I couldn't take seeing abused animals every commercial break. All of my pets have been rescue pets and I contribute to 2 local rescue groups. You know how USHS and SPCA could raise a mountain of money? Offer a Get Out of Seeing Our Ads card for a $100 donation.

  • Love 9

The ads for abused animals takes me way down. As an animal and especially dog lover it is just too heartbreaking to hear the music AND see the looks on the faces! TAlk about over-doing it! And then there are the ones fo the starving African children... Trevor Noah, the African comedian, says showing the flys on the children's faces is overkill because no matter how hungry they can still swat! (that was a paraphrase but is was comedy snark that'll make you love him)



I gave up on something I was watching last night because I couldn't take seeing abused animals every commercial break. All of my pets have been rescue pets and I contribute to 2 local rescue groups. You know how USHS and SPCA could raise a mountain of money? Offer a Get Out of Seeing Our Ads card for a $100 donation.

I commented on this a few months back. I think those commercials are becoming counter productive. Because in order to enjoy late night TV you literally have to turn off your empathy or google naked Alyssa Milano and unleash the Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Damn I knew that box of tissues had a dual use.

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The new Experian Credit Score commercials annoy the hell out of me.   The one with the woman wanting a loan is bad enough.   She clearly didn't have her yogurt that day.  


LOL at the yogurt reference.  But what a piece of work she was.  Having worked in customer service for years, there were few things worse than hearing a customer say "So, what are you gonna do for me?"  


And lady, I don't care how good your credit score is, you don't put your nasty-ass feet on someone else's desk!  That wasn't swagger, just rude.


The Progressive commercials don't usually bother me, but the "Family of Flo's" is overkill.  I'm sure the actress is quite talented, but I don't need to see several versions of her conversing. 

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The Progressive commercials don't usually bother me, but the "Family of Flo's" is overkill.  I'm sure the actress is quite talented, but I don't need to see several versions of her conversing. 

I adore those ads. I especially like the seething hostility between brother Todd and sister Janice:


"Your blog is just pictures of you in a mirror." "It's called a fashion blog, Todd."


"Where's your wife, Todd?"


And I have to laugh at her snarking on her own character "Give it a rest, Flo. "Yeah, give it a rest." She's well aware of how annoying Flo is.

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There are always a lot of charity commercials at year end, hoping to capitalize on people who do their giving at the end of the year to get tax credit for the donation or those who make new year's resolutions to do more good.  I hate the SPCA commercials because they imply that shelter and rescue animals were all abused or damaged in some way.  I have volunteered at many different shelters and rescues.  While we do take in animals that have been treated badly or spent much time on the streets, the vast majority of animals in the shelter system are good pets whose people felt they couldn't keep them.  This is usually due to job loss, need to move, major life changes (such as child or partner with allergies), etc.  Some have special programs to take in animals whose people passed away.  I currently work with a group that helps people with major illnesses or disabilities to keep their pets.  So, ASPCA with your gloom and doom, tear-jerker, nightmare inducing horror fests can suck it.  I'd rather see the Shelter Pet Project's cartoon cats.  They give me hope and encourage people to adopt without trauma.

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I adore those ads. I especially like the seething hostility between brother Todd and sister Janice:


"Your blog is just pictures of you in a mirror." "It's called a fashion blog, Todd."


"Where's your wife, Todd?"


The thing that's so funny about 'Where's your wife, Todd?' is that 'he' is sitting there holding an infant. That and that 'he' looks like Carrie Brownstein when she's dressed in man drag.

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The new Experian Credit Score commercials annoy the hell out of me.   The one with the woman wanting a loan is bad enough.   She clearly didn't have her yogurt that day.   But the guy with the business proposal is just an idiot.   He wants to make hot dog shaped hamburgers.   The investors are skeptical.   Not becuase of his credit score but because its a damn fool idea.    It just doesn't make me care about my score that much.   Clearly high credit score does not mean intelligence.

I saw one version with a guy who's so overconfident about his credit score that he thinks it's a mere formality and starts sculpting the plants in the yard of the house for sale into weird animal shapes!


You know how USHS and SPCA could raise a mountain of money? Offer a Get Out of Seeing Our Ads card for a $100 donation.

Atlanta's PBS folks sort of did that - they held a kind of Turbo Beg-A-Thon with a set amount goal.  Once they reached that goal, the Beg-A-Thon would cease and they'd resume normal programming.  I think they got to the goal within 2 days.

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But then wouldn't he be "Big Wayne"?  Unless there were two Uncle Waynes.  Do you call your uncle "big Uncle Wayne," TattleTeeny

No, just Uncle Wayne (maybe I will next time I see him though!); he's just big (and still likes to pick up and bear-hug his nieces, all of whom he refuses to believe are no longer nine years old) and, yes, he's the only Wayne. All I know is that no one in that commercial looked particularly large!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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The ads for abused animals takes me way down. As an animal and especially dog lover it is just too heartbreaking to hear the music AND see the looks on the faces! TAlk about over-doing it! And then there are the ones fo the starving African children... Trevor Noah, the African comedian, says showing the flys on the children's faces is overkill because no matter how hungry they can still swat! (that was a paraphrase but is was comedy snark that'll make you love him)

Ugh, same here. And I do want to know the details of the causes I support. However, I am of the mind that showing positive results in these commercials might just yield more donations. Otherwise, I wonder if people adopt a philosophy of, "Well, clearly my money is not making a dent here--it's hopeless!" Show me the successful rehoming of formerly abused animals and tell me how my donations made it happen.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I can't take the Alive vitamin commercial with the yellow-clad women (always women!) singing, dancing, and jumping around like crazy fools because their vitamin makes them so damn excited. Thanks, but since I really have no desire to spontaneously break out into a Broadway number in the middle of the bank line, I'll just stick to my regular amphetamine-free vitamins.

Edited by Stella MD
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The NyQuil/DayQuil commercials. Guy sticks his head in a doorway and says "hey I'm going to have to take a sick day" and it's his kid. Narrator says "Dads don't take sick days". And we see the dad sleeping peacefully all nyQuil'd up.

Then the other one is the same thing only the mom has to take DayQuil so she can take care of the kid.

It bugs.

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The ads for abused animals takes me way down. As an animal and especially dog lover it is just too heartbreaking to hear the music AND see the looks on the faces! TAlk about over-doing it! And then there are the ones fo the starving African children... Trevor Noah, the African comedian, says showing the flys on the children's faces is overkill because no matter how hungry they can still swat! (that was a paraphrase but is was comedy snark that'll make you love him)

I like the comedian who said (and I forget who it was) something along the lines of "Why not ship the animals to the starving children? Two birds with one stone!"

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Ok, and tell me why the lovely Osphena ads for feminine sexiness (ha) for us old ladies shows women so happy that with this product they can still get their freak on, but the new Viagra ad does not show men happy for the same reason.

Instead, it shows women who need to prod their old sexually deficient men to take this wonderous (though not necessarily safe) drug to be able to please them?

In either case, why do I want to see this when I am trying to have dinner or when I am trying to enjoy Jeopardy?

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