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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Carl's Jr is famous for their porn-style, right-on-the-edge-of-disgusting commercials for a long time now (remember the girl in the white dress? Sure you do!)


I was very sorry when we lost their restaurant here, pretty decent burgers.  But yeah, the mile-high one is pretty offensive.

I don't like their commercials, but I'm certainly not in their target demographic of men 18-34 (I believe, or read somewhere)


Frankly, teenage boys are the only ones with the metabolism to handle their food on a regular basis.

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I can't stand the way this woman says "rain" I find myself mocking it all day long. (Apologies to anyone who happens to also have a similar accent)

Is their last name Saunder (no second S)? Or is it Saunders and the type is lacking the "es"? 


I'm up too late again watching tv, and there have been several sex ads on that really do offend me. Not offended by sex, just the ads, especially for phone sex. The ads show a hot, sexy babe, clad in scanty lingerie, writhing all over the furniture. Do guys really think this is who they are going to talk dirty with? Years ago, don't even remember where I saw it, there was a phone sex worker talking dirty while she was ironing. That's what I think of when I see the ads. Also saw something with women in office cubicles.


And who in this day and age is calling on the phone for porn?!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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This ad for Devotion Diamonds is so annoying.  The woman giving us her "O" face looks as if she's going to throw up all over her (presumably) boyfriend when she extends her hand to get the actual ring.  Mind you, I probably would have enjoyed that more than the ad as it is.

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Are JDate or "Black People Meet" any different for those who want to meet someone for the same religious or ethnic heritage?


Yes, because neither of those dating sites claim the ability to find "God's perfect match for you." (While simultaneously telling their potential customers God's not going to do the work for them.) 

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This ad for Devotion Diamonds is so annoying.  The woman giving us her "O" face looks as if she's going to throw up all over her (presumably) boyfriend when she extends her hand to get the actual ring.  Mind you, I probably would have enjoyed that more than the ad as it is.

Devotion Diamonds?  Sounds like a cult.  :(

Ho-ly crap! I was in the other room when I heard the Stretch Armstrong Honda commercial start. Having heard about it here but not having seen it, I went into the living room in time to catch his arm stretching across the car. It looked just like some kind of super long alien penis! Yikes!

Edited by Aquarius
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Ho-ly crap! I was in the other room when I heard the Stretch Armstrong Honda commercial start. Having heard about it here but not having seen it, I went into the living room in time to catch his arm stretching across the car. It looked just like some kind of super long alien penis! Yikes!


I tried to youtube this one to share my annoyance and couldn't find it, but there's a new ad for the TWC app where the dad and his daughter are playing in the living room. They've built what I guess is a sheet fort for hide and seek, and he's making monster sounds while she giggles. The wife comes into the room and sees what they're doing, and she makes an "Ahem" noise before giving the husband this look. Ya'll know the look. Then she picks up her tablet and exits stage left. The voice over says, "You can't always watch television when you want to."


Now, I can understand to a point how it would be annoying to have the TV draped with a sheet while your husband and kid are playing some game, but is it necessary to act like the husband is a kid too? Why doesn't she use her words instead of clearing her throat like she's a school teacher trying to get some unruly brat's attention? What's worse is, the daughter, who is hidden beneath the sheet says "Busted..." as if dinner that night is going to be hell. How does aggravating me with this commercial make me want to run out and buy the product?

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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Oh, yeah, he's busted- how dare he have a good bonding experience with his kid (using creativity instead of pre-fabricated games) instead of letting mom zone out in front of the television?! Ugh.

Hopefully he gets custody of the daughter in their divorce and she gets the refrigerator full of yogurt.

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Two commercials that are bugging the heck out of me right now:


*The woman who says "All I want is to get in shape, and stop worrying about my moderate to severe whatever disease."  Couldn't they have chosen a woman with maybe 10-20 extra pounds on her? And maybe not dressed her in the trendy workout clothes?  Lady, you appear to be already in shape. Keep worrying about your disease.

*Stretchkins. Maybe not so much the commercials (though they are ridiculous) but the product itself. What kid would want to play with this for more than 2 minutes? It looks like the most boring "toy" ever.

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OMG- "I speak Pandora"  YECHHHHHH I want to punch her right in the throat.


Heavens yes.   First of all, the lady is her husband's boss.   Yet all they can do is talk about her stupid ass CHARM BRACELET.   Which is full of charms about her kids, her travels, etc.   Not one darn thing about how this woman is a clearly well educated accomplished woman in her own right.   Nope, us silly womens are all about our family and frivolity even when we are the boss.   

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If those Pandora bracelets are more attractive in the commercials, I dread to think what they must look like in person.  I think they're fug in the commercials.


Heavens yes.   First of all, the lady is her husband's boss.   Yet all they can do is talk about her stupid ass CHARM BRACELET.   Which is full of charms about her kids, her travels, etc.   Not one darn thing about how this woman is a clearly well educated accomplished woman in her own right.   Nope, us silly womens are all about our family and frivolity even when we are the boss.   

This doesn't bother me, because I got the impression the guy and his wife were trying to figure out a way for him to schmooze the boss, so the wife was telling the husband the personal info she had sussed out about the boss.  I think the exact same sussing out of personal info would have been these people's goal if the boss were a man; it just wouldn't have been done via Pandora bracelet.

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The woman who says "All I want is to get in shape, and stop worrying about my moderate to severe [plaque psoriasis]."  Couldn't they have chosen a woman with maybe 10-20 extra pounds on her? And maybe not dressed her in the trendy workout clothes?  Lady, you appear to be already in shape. Keep worrying about your disease.

What bugs me about that commercial is trying to decipher what the instructor is yelling at the class. There's a weird tone to her voice; she almost sounds distressed about something rather than exhorting the class.

There's a Southwest Airlines ad with some dorky looking guy in jeans, the top half of a teal/turquoise suit (including a vest) and Doc Martens waltzing down the street to the tune of Stayin' Alive. Apparently, this is to advertise that you can check umpteen suitcases full of equally butt ugly clothes for your trip. It just grates on me for some reason. Perhaps because this guy looks like stupid shit and I'm supposed to find him attractive. Ugh.

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There's a Southwest Airlines ad with some dorky looking guy in jeans, the top half of a teal/turquoise suit (including a vest) and Doc Martens waltzing down the street to the tune of Stayin' Alive. Apparently, this is to advertise that you can check umpteen suitcases full of equally butt ugly clothes for your trip. It just grates on me for some reason. Perhaps because this guy looks like stupid shit and I'm supposed to find him attractive. Ugh.

Oh my God, you read my mind! I hate this commercial. That dude looks like he may not have washed his hair in at least a couple of days and I don't care for his Smug Hipster look. Rrrrrrr.

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Oh man, I thought Glitter Pony Dance Off had mercifully run its course and disappeared from the airwaves, but I was subjected to it at least 6 times last night while watching Food Network. Is it back for the holidays? Ugh.

Is that the one for Dish Network  Hopper? Because that kid is the Devil Spawn I tell you.  Someone needs to tell the little brat that the DVR is for everyone in the household and she is just going to have to suck it up  Since she is such a demanding little snot, I think Mom and Dad should refuse to record the Pony whatever crap and send Devil Spawn to her room to calm the hell down.  God, I hate kids like that.


Speaking of annoying brats, the kid on the Nest commercial, (I think it was Nest? The cameras you post in your home for surveillance?) can go the hell away. He is PROUD of the fact that he breaks things, dumps milk on the floor and just knocks things over because he can.  He and Pony Girl and the brat from the Doritos commercial need to be shipped off to some sweatshop in Bangladesh for a month  to get over themselves.

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Is that the one for Dish Network  Hopper? Because that kid is the Devil Spawn I tell you.  Someone needs to tell the little brat that the DVR is for everyone in the household and she is just going to have to suck it up  Since she is such a demanding little snot, I think Mom and Dad should refuse to record the Pony whatever crap and send Devil Spawn to her room to calm the hell down.  God, I hate kids like that.


Speaking of annoying brats, the kid on the Nest commercial, (I think it was Nest? The cameras you post in your home for surveillance?) can go the hell away. He is PROUD of the fact that he breaks things, dumps milk on the floor and just knocks things over because he can.  He and Pony Girl and the brat from the Doritos commercial need to be shipped off to some sweatshop in Bangladesh for a month  to get over themselves.

I now need a cure for severe to deadly snorting of Dr. Pepper into my sinuses. I laughed so hard no amount of SAM in my pants or Depends can contain the pee.

Seriously, I still have tears running down my face and have been blowing my nose like a mad woman. Thanks for the laughs!

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I've always been annoyed with those damned "clap on, clap off" commercials with the old lady who looks like she's using her last ounce of strength to turn that lamp off. Now there's some 30 year old guy clapping like a fucking maniac. He looks like an evil elf and I want to punch him in the throat.

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The Hardees/Carl Jr's "mile high burger" commercial offends me on several levels - it celebrates rampant gluttony, features a porn starlet version of a stewardess popping out of her barely there uniform as she eats a burger, and uses that awful "Like a G6" song that I'd hoped had been lost forever to oblivion. Any one of the three on its own would be enough to make me change channels, but combined they're a perfect storm of offensiveness memorable enough that I feel certain I'll never eat at one of those restaurants.

I saw this commercial for the first time today.  It's awful and one thing I'd like to add is that there's this one part where she wipes her mouth and her lip jiggles.  It grosses me out.

The Farmers Only commercials are always weird but the latest ones features some hayseeds that look like Mr. Haney from Green Acres and they're drooling over  a picture of some hee-haw looking girl in her early twenties. No way would this young woman date they guys that look old enough to be her dad. I'm almost convinced Farmers Only.com is a cover-up for some weird crop circle making cult and they make the commercials so corny to draw attention  away from their mission (just being sarcastic, don't really think that!). 

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What about those terrible Kmart commercials with the men playing the drums on their exposed guts?? Gross. I thought Kmart would have given up on the "line of men in underwear" commercials after those awful ones last year where "Jingle Bells" included dudes shaking their balls around.

I didn't like last year's ad, but at least the men in it were attractive. Those fat-asses were just grody!
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I wanna say that was Sisters, although I'm not sure why anyone on Sisters would have been doing phone sex.  Anyway, that's exactly what I think of when I see phone sex ads also.


I think it was 'Sisters'.  Sela Ward's character was always changing jobs, and she did phone sex for awhile.  I don't remember if she was ironing, but I seem to remember that she was doing some type of household chores, like folding clothes, or something.

That ad (I think it's for Ikea?) where the Dad is trying to shave makes me stabby.  He's trying to shave in peace in his own bathroom and the wife keeps yelling through the door and banging on it demanding he get out.  Go away!

I hate that ad, too. The wife has room for 50,000 beauty products and the poor guy doesn't even have shaving cream. I'm not even sure what the point is they're trying to make.

Maybe she's got some yogurt stashed in a secret fridge she had built into the bathroom and is afraid he'll find it.

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I hate that ad, too. The wife has room for 50,000 beauty products and the poor guy doesn't even have shaving cream. I'm not even sure what the point is they're trying to make.

Maybe she's got some yogurt stashed in a secret fridge she had built into the bathroom and is afraid he'll find it.

Maybe she's afraid he's shaving with her yogurt.  It might be soothing.  

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The one that annoys me lately is the Discover card one about the FICO score being on the credit card statement, for so many reasons

First of all, why are you calling the credit card company to ask about this? Its there on the report, there is no question involved really in that phone call, what is there to ask? You really have so much time on your hands you have nothing more to do than call credit card companies and ask about stuff on your bill that has nothing to do with a charge or your balance?

Second, why does it take until the woman says "Awesome sauce" to realize she knows the person on the other end? I assume they are sisters, they look alike. You don't know someone you are that close to by the sound of their voice. NEITHER of them recognize the voice of the other person until then? And seriously the ONLY person you know who says "awesome sauce"??? MANY people say that now.

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Second, why does it take until the woman says "Awesome sauce" to realize she knows the person on the other end? I assume they are sisters, they look alike. You don't know someone you are that close to by the sound of their voice. NEITHER of them recognize the voice of the other person until then? And seriously the ONLY person you know who says "awesome sauce"??? MANY people say that now.

And if they're so close, why does she not know that her twin sister works at Discover?? It's like she's shocked to find out that's where her sister goes for 8 hours every single day. Are we supposed to think they're estranged and "awesome sauce" is the only thing they know about each other?

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And also, doesn't the person in the call center have to verify the information of the caller first?  I guess maybe not if the caller is asking a general question, but usually when you call a credit card company, the automated system makes you enter in your card number.  The caller's information should have already popped up on the call center person's screen. 

Edited by janie jones

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