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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 1:16 PM, mmecorday said:

Rachael Ray says "sammies." That's one of the 1,896 reasons why I cannot stand her.

Speaking of Ray-Ray, her dog food commercials are the pits. That stupid sweater she wears with the odd cut-offs on the shoulders looks like something she grabbed at a yard sale.

"Sammies" and "delish" and "veggies" are big reasons I do not like her.  I hate those infantile words. I noticed her dog food ads are back in circulation here. Yeah, right, those are real bloopers and outtakes that you decided to make into the commercial instead of the good footage...

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Ubiquitous said:

"Sammies" and "delish" and "veggies" are big reasons I do not like her.  I hate those infantile words. I noticed her dog food ads are back in circulation here. Yeah, right, those are real bloopers and outtakes that you decided to make into the commercial instead of the good footage...

100x yes! Anyone who still shortens words like a 5 year old should be kicked in the teeth. 

  • Love 11
23 hours ago, peacheslatour said:
23 hours ago, Tom Holmberg said:

Apropos lottery ticket ads and the current $1 billion prize. It always bugs me when you see lottery winners on TV and when asked what they are going to do with the millions they won, they invariably say, "I'm going to pay off my mortgage and give some money to my kids."  I've determined to answer, when asked, "Debauch myself."

"With hookers and blow."

When Powerball was holding a record setting prize payout a few years back, we sent a reporter to interview some hopefuls;  then this happened:

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, CoderLady said:

I've never seen her show(s). Is "EVOO" pronounced as a word or is every letter pronounced separately? If it's as a word, I agree that that's heinous.

Not only does she pronounce every letter separately, she always EXPLAINS that it mean Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Without fail.

  • Love 11

Can November 6 get here any faster?  These political ads are driving me insane!

I may or may not pronounce EVOO as a word, but I also pronounce NaCl as a word (nackle) when I'm referring to sodium chloride.  I do that with any chemical formulae that might sort of make a word -- it's easier to me than saying all the letters.  Yeah, I know, but I'm a scientist!  LOL

  • Love 8

I don't watch Rachel Ray, I had caught a few of her first show, about eating on $30/day or whatever it was. I have a dear, dear friend who watches a lot of food shows, and one of his annoyances is when the chef says to cook pasta "al dente" and explains that it means "to the tooth." So every time he posts on FB about cooking pasta, he always puts in the part about it needs to be "al dente," which means "to the tooth." It's such a joke among his friends that we all mention that we've cooked pasta for dinner and that pasta has to be "al dente," which means, "to the tooth." 

But other than the Nutrogenix and CB1 Weight Gainer and every trainer/treadmill ad out there, I'm not particularly annoyed tonight. That may change since I just turned on H&I to watch my Star Treks and NYPD Blue shows for the evening. But at least there's no political commercials on H&I.

  • Love 5

Chessiegal, thanks, as I said in small talk, my friends like to give me lots of information and I will not deprive them of that joy. 

But my lack of irritation was short lived. H&I is now running their seasonal, Wonder Bible ads, hawking bibles that talk! And now in Spanish and possibly some other languages too. I think they are from the same people that sell the kitchen grade stainless steel or gold tone crosses with a piece of gravel from the cave of the Nativity. I don't care that there are bibles that are in audible form, in fact, I sampled Audible from Amazon and I liked it, I just can't afford it right now. It's a great tool to listen to whatever you want to listen to for whatever reason. I just hate the ads, they are so darn condescending.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, friendperidot said:

I don't watch Rachel Ray, I had caught a few of her first show, about eating on $30/day or whatever it was. I have a dear, dear friend who watches a lot of food shows, and one of his annoyances is when the chef says to cook pasta "al dente" and explains that it means "to the tooth." So every time he posts on FB about cooking pasta, he always puts in the part about it needs to be "al dente," which means "to the tooth." It's such a joke among his friends that we all mention that we've cooked pasta for dinner and that pasta has to be "al dente," which means, "to the tooth." 

But other than the Nutrogenix and CB1 Weight Gainer and every trainer/treadmill ad out there, I'm not particularly annoyed tonight. That may change since I just turned on H&I to watch my Star Treks and NYPD Blue shows for the evening. But at least there's no political commercials on H&I.

What time is NYPD Blue on? I thought it went away so they could bring on Monk.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, kariyaki said:

That Toyota commercial featuring a bunch of 20-somethings having the time of their lives joy-riding in a Corolla?

Worse are the ads for casinos showing hip, elegant 20-somethings drinking Cosmos and looking cool playing roulette and craps, rather than the typical senior citizens with their walkers and orthopedic shoes blowing their monthly Social Security checks on the slot machines.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Tom Holmberg said:

Worse are the ads for casinos showing hip, elegant 20-somethings drinking Cosmos and looking cool playing roulette and craps, rather than the typical senior citizens with their walkers and orthopedic shoes blowing their monthly Social Security checks on the slot machines.

Not to mention wearing tuxes and evening gowns.

  • Love 7

My late mom lived near the casino in Cherokee, NC. We would occasionally go. She loved playing the slot machines, but we had a limit - $20 - but we would win some, and keep playing. We'd keep playing until our hands got so black from handling the coins, you couldn't see the color of our flesh.  It was fun for me because I was looking for those Statehood quarters. (I've since given up the collection, but at the time, it seemed meaningful.)  THEN they stopped using cash to play - you have to go to the kiosk, load up your player's card with $$ and then jam the card into the machine to play. All your winnings get added to the card. Feh. That's not fun. You no longer get to hear the sound of a bunch of quarters dumping out of the machine into the bin below.  We never went back.  (Another reason is, being in NC, the "no smoking" section was miniscule. Gotta get that tobacco sold, y'know.)

What REALLY freaked me out is in the ladies room, there's a "sharps" container on the wall for spent needles. ????  Turns out, MANY Cherokee are diabetic.  If you stay off the highway & take the smaller roads that have billboards, you see all kinds of PSA signs, like "check your feet," pertaining to diabetes.  Makes sense, then, that they'd have a place to dispose of the needles.

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, Tom Holmberg said:

Worse are the ads for casinos showing hip, elegant 20-somethings drinking Cosmos and looking cool playing roulette and craps, rather than the typical senior citizens with their walkers and orthopedic shoes blowing their monthly Social Security checks on the slot machines.

Check the background and you see the regular folks in jeans and tee shirts. 


On October 24, 2018 at 10:56 PM, spiderpig said:

Wasn't RR an Oprah protégé like (cough) Dr. Phil?

Yup. Along with Dr Oz. What a trio.  

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

My late mom lived near the casino in Cherokee, NC. We would occasionally go. She loved playing the slot machines, but we had a limit - $20 - but we would win some, and keep playing. We'd keep playing until our hands got so black from handling the coins, you couldn't see the color of our flesh.  It was fun for me because I was looking for those Statehood quarters. (I've since given up the collection, but at the time, it seemed meaningful.)  THEN they stopped using cash to play - you have to go to the kiosk, load up your player's card with $$ and then jam the card into the machine to play. All your winnings get added to the card. Feh. That's not fun. You no longer get to hear the sound of a bunch of quarters dumping out of the machine into the bin below.  We never went back.  (Another reason is, being in NC, the "no smoking" section was miniscule. Gotta get that tobacco sold, y'know.)

What REALLY freaked me out is in the ladies room, there's a "sharps" container on the wall for spent needles. ????  Turns out, MANY Cherokee are diabetic.  If you stay off the highway & take the smaller roads that have billboards, you see all kinds of PSA signs, like "check your feet," pertaining to diabetes.  Makes sense, then, that they'd have a place to dispose of the needles.

I've been to Harrah's Cherokee several times, thanks to an ex-boyfriend who loved to gamble. I was always astounded by the smokers lugging along their oxygen tanks.

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, Tangent said:

Content aside, I'd like to tap her little bumper


7 hours ago, Brattinella said:



3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I think they are referring to coitus.


2 hours ago, Brattinella said:

Okay.  Whose?  Why?

I assume the OP is referring to the "Nobody's Perfect" Liberty Mutual commercial:


You pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. You’re like the poster child for paying on time. And then, one day, you tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal, until your insurance company jacks up your rates. You freak out. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? Hey, insurance companies, news flash. Nobody’s perfect.



Edited by Moose135
  • Love 4
On 10/23/2018 at 6:01 PM, Browncoat said:

100% agree on the cold shoulder tops.  I hate them, and hope they go away soon. 

My theory (as a fluffy woman) is cold shoulder is the last bastion of sexy.  Your boobies are headed south, and upper arms should not be in public, so...

Shopping yesterday and all tops in plus department , sans shoulders.  I refuse.  I have enough cringy pics of my ginormous  shoulder pads in the 80's?

  • Love 16

I'm not a Liberty Mutual customer nor a fan of their commercials but I can imagine they thought that showing  Lady Liberty was more impressive than showing the cracked Liberty Bell. However; I have to wonder if they actually had to get permission from the National Park Service to make hay of her so much! 

  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, Blergh said:

I'm not a Liberty Mutual customer nor a fan of their commercials but I can imagine they thought that showing  Lady Liberty was more impressive than showing the cracked Liberty Bell. However; I have to wonder if they actually had to get permission from the National Park Service to make hay of her so much! 

I'm sure as public icons, all are fair game. I just won't patronize a company taking advantage.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, zillabreeze said:

I just made my first trip to NYC in July.  Liberty Mutual makes me stabby for using the Statue.  It's awe inspiring IRL and smaller than you expect, but beautiful.  Thinking about what it must've meant to immigrants...

Creeping up on it brought tears.  The boat captain cut the engine. She stands for so much on so many levels, that we have lost sight of. 

Using her for commercial purposes just pisses me off. 

What a beautiful post!  Thank you.

  • Love 9

I'm over the raunchy, gross condom commercials that feature the long curly-haired dude with the 70's porn mustache advising millennial singles and couple about which condom to use based on their situation.  WHO finds this crap helpful?  I mean it's slightly funny the first time you see it, but after that, it's just cringy and gross.

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Did I seriously see a toothpaste commercial with a close up of some kid puking?  Seriously?   This is considered acceptable (much less desirable) for television?   I'm no prude but this has no business on TV.  I'm not interested in anyone puking, farting, experiencing explosive diarrhea or wiping their ( whether because said diarrhea or a normal movement).  There's a difference between being funny, edgy or bold and being classless, tacky and lacking any human decency and dignity. 

  • Love 8

The commercial for....I am not sure...Citi Bank?  Where the apparent Dad starts roaring and stomping like a dinosaur.  Turns out he has two small children hanging onto his legs; they are squealing with happiness and he is making scary faces.  Hate it.  Almost as much as the Bada Bing Bada Boom guy.  Almost.

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, Kemper said:

The commercial for....I am not sure...Citi Bank?  Where the apparent Dad starts roaring and stomping like a dinosaur.  Turns out he has two small children hanging onto his legs; they are squealing with happiness and he is making scary faces.  Hate it.  Almost as much as the Bada Bing Bada Boom guy.  Almost.

I think it's cute. It's what Dads do.

  • Love 12

Thankfully i haven't seen this particular ad on for about six months,  STANKFACE!!!!! It's the look on the ladies face that does, and the way they repeat STANKFACE!!!! a hundred times. It reminds me of a bit from The Kentucky Fried Movie which is available online but dubbed into German. Those who have seen the movie will know what bit I'm referring to and those who haven't run right out, I mean rent it from the library or Netflix. 

I PROMISE you will love it.


Have I ever let you down? I THINK NOT.

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