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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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5 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

Hee! Maybe I need Toujeo then! That is the guy who I want to punch. I hate so many commercials that I can't keep them straight. Now I can't remember who is in the Triseba commercial, but that damn "Triseba ready" jingle is in my head. Bassets look so sad all the time anyway, but this poor little guy needs to be re-homed.

LOL!  Me, too!  I hate so many commercials, especially prescription drug ones.  Seems like they come up with a new one every week.  Then, a couple months later, you start seeing ads for class-action lawsuits against the very same drugs for deaths, amputations, etc.

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19 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

LOL!  Me, too!  I hate so many commercials, especially prescription drug ones.  Seems like they come up with a new one every week.  Then, a couple months later, you start seeing ads for class-action lawsuits against the very same drugs for deaths, amputations, etc.

So true. When they list off some of the potential side effects and risks with some of these drugs, the more serious and potentially deadly they sound, my mom's always like, "Geez, maybe it'd be safer for the person to stick with whatever illness or problem they currently have instead."

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Some of the side effects of Chantix, which is supposed to help people quit smoking are: irritability, agitation, anger, urge to smoke, and restlessness. All of which would go away if you could just have a damn cigarette!

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4 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

Some of the side effects of Chantix, which is supposed to help people quit smoking are: irritability, agitation, anger, urge to smoke, and restlessness. All of which would go away if you could just have a damn cigarette!

Chantix did reduce my urge to smoke. It also reduced my urge to live. The nightmares, my god the nightmares. Even when I was awake. Remember the end of Eraserhead? Worse.

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30 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

Some of the side effects of Chantix, which is supposed to help people quit smoking are: irritability, agitation, anger, urge to smoke, and restlessness. All of which would go away if you could just have a damn cigarette!

And thoughts of suicide. I knew a woman whose life was coming together very nicely.  Decided to quit smoking whil she was on a roll, started using Chantix, and ended up lining her car windows with newspaper and shot herself in the head while sitting in the car.  Killing yourself is a sure guarantee you'll quit smoking. Quit breathing, too.



LOL!  Me, too!  I hate so many commercials, especially prescription drug ones.  Seems like they come up with a new one every week.  Then, a couple months later, you start seeing ads for class-action lawsuits against the very same drugs for deaths, amputations, etc.

Sometimes, the ads are back-to-back!!

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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The good2go insurance commercials drive me bonkers. Why would a woman with a sick child walk to the doctor office. Can she not call for a cab, take a bus, or ask a friend, family member or neighbor for a ride.

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8 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

The good2go insurance commercials drive me bonkers. Why would a woman with a sick child walk to the doctor office. Can she not call for a cab, take a bus, or ask a friend, family member or neighbor for a ride.

I think maybe the doctor's office is nearby. But, yeah I'd try to find another way.

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There's a Ford commercial running now, where the teenagers are admitting to bad behaviours, and complaining that the cars won't let them behave badly -- one kid says, "something's wrong with the car -- it won't go faster than 65!"  Another one complains that all his calls mysteriously go to voice mail while he's driving, and I don't remember the third one.  No kid ever in the history of driving would ever admit to things like that.  I mean, the speeding one probably isn't even driving anywhere where the speed limit is higher than 65!  Even now, and I am considerably past my teenage years, I don't tell my parents I exceed the speed limit!

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16 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

The good2go insurance commercials drive me bonkers. Why would a woman with a sick child walk to the doctor office. Can she not call for a cab, take a bus, or ask a friend, family member or neighbor for a ride.

And what good is making a deposit on insurance you can't afford? Are they in the business of helping people drive illegally? You pay them a few bucks, you get a certificate to use to get your plates back, and you get to drive around until somebody catches on that your insurance was cancelled and void your registration?

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Ok full disclosure: I’m female.

Current batch of commercials making me stabby have one thing in common: wife who thinks/acts like/is written to be smarter/better/superior than their husbands.  List includes but certainly is not limited to:

1. TD AmeriTrade retiring couple:

Wife: “I TOLD you we had a fortune!”

Husband (looking sheepish): “Yes, you did.”

2. Wayfair commercial couple, very end of commercial: husband gets two notes of the jingle out of his mouth & wife is already clearing her throat at him to STFU.

3. Senokot laxative commercial: Husband very obviously mis-pronounces product name, which results in a lecture from his wife. (Another thing that bugs: “Sometimes I get constipated.” “Really?” - Um, if you’re sharing the same bed you’re gonna know when your bedmate is having such issues. THIS SHOULD NOT BE A SURPRISE.)

There are at least two others that are escaping me at the moment, but I at least needed to get these off my chest. :::returning to lurkerdom::::

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There's a Chase Bank/JP Morgan commercial running here that makes me stabby. I am going to say it involves an older couple, but they are probably within five or so years of my age, so I'll say a mature couple. There is sappy music playing and she has this HUGE tree transported from an undisclosed location to surprise hubby at home. When they get it on the lawn, there's a close up of a heart carved in the trunk with their initials. Aw, she saved "their" tree from being cut down. I hate the sappy music and I hate that they carved into the trunk years ago. At least she saved it from the chain saw and it must have been expensive to do so or it wouldn't be a Chase/JPM commercial. I know it doesn't sound that bad but I think it's the music that reinforces the hate for me. 

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5 hours ago, SoSueMe said:

I guess I am just too grouchy but I think I have become immune to emotionally manipulative, tug on the heart strings commercials. This one, "part time job", from Principal Financial, is especially cloying and irritating to me.


Oh, that commercial makes me cry.


I used to like the Chili's "baby back, baby back, baby back, ribs" jingle until they massacred it by adding other menu items to it ad nauseum. Now I have to mute it immediately. 

I hate all of the Progressive Insurance ads with the box. He's such a dick.

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5 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

The good2go insurance commercials drive me bonkers. Why would a woman with a sick child walk to the doctor office. Can she not call for a cab, take a bus, or ask a friend, family member or neighbor for a ride.

Is that the one where the kid in the stroller looks like a doll?  Every time that commercial comes on, I insist it's a doll and my husband insists it's a real baby.


2 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

There's a Chase Bank/JP Morgan commercial running here that makes me stabby. I am going to say it involves an older couple, but they are probably within five or so years of my age, so I'll say a mature couple. There is sappy music playing and she has this HUGE tree transported from an undisclosed location to surprise hubby at home. When they get it on the lawn, there's a close up of a heart carved in the trunk with their initials. Aw, she saved "their" tree from being cut down. I hate the sappy music and I hate that they carved into the trunk years ago. At least she saved it from the chain saw and it must have been expensive to do so or it wouldn't be a Chase/JPM commercial. I know it doesn't sound that bad but I think it's the music that reinforces the hate for me. 

If it's the commercial I'm thinking of, isn't it their kid who surprises both of them with the table?  I think it's a dumb premise, because unless they carved it waaaay deep, there's no way you'd get a flat board with the initials carved on it.

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 Speaking of smug wives, there's some insurance where the wife announces they've received a refund check since they didn't have a claim, then snarks at the  husband 'too bad we don't get one for the gym' as he looks down at his stomach.  I mean, seriously bitch?  If the roles were reversed there'd be hell to pay.  The husband needs to snag that check and head to the Caribbean for a quicky divorce and someone who won't rag on him for being fat (which he's not).   

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@janie jones, no, I do know the one you refer to, but I'm talking about the one where the lady has the huge tree planted in their front yard and it has their initials carved in the trunk. Apparently she had heard that it was going to be taken down from its original spot (I guess their former kissy kissy spot from their youth) so she spent big bucks to have it dug up, put on a trailer and replanted in the front yard, all while a sappy song is playing in the background. 

Here's the link: https://www.ispot.tv/ad/wHJ4/jpmorgan-chase-the-extra-mile-financial-strategy

Edited by Spunkygal
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17 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 Speaking of smug wives, there's some insurance where the wife announces they've received a refund check since they didn't have a claim, then snarks at the  husband 'too bad we don't get one for the gym' as he looks down at his stomach.  I mean, seriously bitch?  If the roles were reversed there'd be hell to pay.  The husband needs to snag that check and head to the Caribbean for a quicky divorce and someone who won't rag on him for being fat (which he's not).   

That commercial really bums me out.  The guy genuinely looks like she hurt his feelings.


13 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

@janie jones, no, I do know the one you refer to, but I'm talking about the one where the lady has the huge tree planted in their front yard and it has their initials carved in the trunk. Apparently she had heard that it was going to be taken down from its original spot (I guess their former kissy kissy spot from their youth) so she spent big bucks to have it dug up, put on a trailer and replanted in the front yard, all while a sappy song is playing in the background. 

Here's the link: https://www.ispot.tv/ad/wHJ4/jpmorgan-chase-the-extra-mile-financial-strategy

Ugh.  I can't believe there are two initials-carved-in-trees commercials currently out there.

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I see where others have brought up the Subaru blind guy commercial. I loathe this commercial with all my being. The blind guy seems like an asshole and the premise is so ridiculous. I agree with others that think he takes them to the woods and muders them!  I get stabby at most "hipster" commercials.

The other one is the plaque psoriasis commercial. I hate when the so called friend shows her the computer with information on the drug. She says, "You should ask your doctor." and  I always scream at the tv, "You should fuck off and mind your own damn business!!"As if! Her poor skin is inflamed and you think she hasn't seen a doctor or at least checked "Dr Google"! Damn know it all.

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There’s an ad I see constantly while watching hockey games - not sure if it’s airing everywhere - for a financial company called Asante.  As a rule I hate these ads for money managers.  Just seems like such a shitty industry to me in general.  But this Asante one is real annoying.  It begins with the narrator announcing that “mark and Sara are a complete success story.”  Then it uses the Rubicks cube as a metaphor for solving the puzzle of what to do with all their money.  It’s like Asante is the company for folks who already have so much money they don’t know what to do with it.  “Are you a complete success story?  Well then come see us...we’ll help you!”  The successful couple - especially the guy - look like two of the least interesting people on the planet.  And they stand there with their Asante advisor and he has this pope-like vibe, like he’s just this super honorable fellow helping these poor rich folks get everything they can out of their piles of money...actually here's the ad 



and then there’s a second money manager whose ad campaign is basically calling out their competition for charging exorbitant fees.  The ads show various people confronting their money guys and asking them things like “why is it that my money is only making me this small amount, but i’m paying you this big amount?”  Then the money guy offers the usual BS explanation.  The problem with the ads is that the clients (basically you and me right?) are no more likeable than the “evil” money managers.  They come across mostly as kinda bitchy smart alecks.  There’s one in particular featuring a red-headed woman and when she gets off her “zinger” (the line that ends the ad where the customer burns the evil money guy)...well I don’t like violence but man, that’s a highly slappable face.  

Edited by Zevious Zoquis
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11 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

There's a Chase Bank/JP Morgan commercial running here that makes me stabby. I am going to say it involves an older couple, but they are probably within five or so years of my age, so I'll say a mature couple. There is sappy music playing and she has this HUGE tree transported from an undisclosed location to surprise hubby at home. When they get it on the lawn, there's a close up of a heart carved in the trunk with their initials. Aw, she saved "their" tree from being cut down. I hate the sappy music and I hate that they carved into the trunk years ago. At least she saved it from the chain saw and it must have been expensive to do so or it wouldn't be a Chase/JPM commercial. I know it doesn't sound that bad but I think it's the music that reinforces the hate for me. 

It's a charming sentiment, but that tree is going to be dead in a year.  I don't think it's possible to relocate a tree that huge.

12 hours ago, Aurora Borealis said:

1. TD AmeriTrade retiring couple:

Wife: “I TOLD you we had a fortune!”

Husband (looking sheepish): “Yes, you did.”

He was right.

Can I complain about a radio commercial?  There's one running for a local bank where a customer confesses she overdrafted her account.  Even spell check knows this is not a word.  Overdraft is a noun, not a verb.  You may overdraw your account, you may have an overdraft, but you cannot overdraft.  This really annoys me.

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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

Overdraft is a noun, not a verb.  You may overdraw your account, you may have an overdraft, but you cannot overdraft. 

Give them  time. If you can microwave your food, eventually you may be able to overdraft an account.

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On 3/4/2018 at 7:58 PM, KLovestoShop said:

First we have that pain in the ass esurance commercial where the woman screams for hours next to her crumpled bumper. I wish one of her neighbors would walk over and take a bat to the rest of her minivan.  


YES.  I really hate this ad.  SHUT.UP.ALREADY!  And they ruin a perfectly good song, too.

The other ad that bugs me is the Linzess ad, because it should say "children YOUNGER THAN", not "LESS THAN".  I am one of those weirdos who hates the "10 items or less" signs at the supermarket, too.

Edited by HipOldBat
thought of another ad
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What exactly is wrong with the woman in the Jergen's commercials who is constantly bugging her daughter about her dry skin? Why did someone think a creepy mother showing far too much interest in her daughter's skin care would sell lotion?

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On 3/16/2018 at 11:55 PM, DeaconBlues said:

The annoying woman from the Navy Federal Credit Union "zipline" commercial is back for the Buick Enclave commercial. 

"hey honey we should get one of those and have like a ton more keds"


"like a ton more keddds"


So the thing that bugs me about this commercial: They already have four kids. For them to ride together legally, they have to already have a minivan or an SUV with a third row. At least six seats, although most will give you seven. How many seats does an Enclave have?

As for the Zillow/North Star commercial, it makes me a little weepy. The family makeup is like ours -- one boy who's around 8. I don't want to leave him! My DH think it's so terribly sad, he doesn't want to see it. Same with the kid who takes the part-time job to help his mom out. *where's the Kleenex?*

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22 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

There's a Chase Bank/JP Morgan commercial running here that makes me stabby. I am going to say it involves an older couple, but they are probably within five or so years of my age, so I'll say a mature couple. There is sappy music playing and she has this HUGE tree transported from an undisclosed location to surprise hubby at home. When they get it on the lawn, there's a close up of a heart carved in the trunk with their initials. Aw, she saved "their" tree from being cut down. I hate the sappy music and I hate that they carved into the trunk years ago. At least she saved it from the chain saw and it must have been expensive to do so or it wouldn't be a Chase/JPM commercial. I know it doesn't sound that bad but I think it's the music that reinforces the hate for me. 

Glad to know I'm not the only one who hates it.   I've seen it everyday for like a month, I think the lady is nuts.

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8 hours ago, mmecorday said:

What exactly is wrong with the woman in the Jergen's commercials who is constantly bugging her daughter about her dry skin? Why did someone think a creepy mother showing far too much interest in her daughter's skin care would sell lotion?

Her daughter puts the lotion in the basket or she gets the hose. Aaaaand I've just totally creeped myself out!

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16 hours ago, mmecorday said:

What exactly is wrong with the woman in the Jergen's commercials who is constantly bugging her daughter about her dry skin? Why did someone think a creepy mother showing far too much interest in her daughter's skin care would sell lotion?

That's Leslie Mann, a fairly well known comedic actress.  (But apparently not well known enough, LOL.)

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The HPV commercials that make me stabby are back, sadly.  I particularly hate the one with the girl.  "Did you know?  Mom ?  Dad?".  UGH!  Mainly because the girl is a horrible actress, but why are you blaming your parents for you sleeping around and getting an STD?  Seriously?????

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2 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

The HPV commercials that make me stabby are back, sadly.  I particularly hate the one with the girl.  "Did you know?  Mom ?  Dad?".  UGH!  Mainly because the girl is a horrible actress, but why are you blaming your parents for you sleeping around and getting an STD?  Seriously?????

I hate those commercials too. But I don't know, is HPV tested for routinely? What I mean is, could a purely virginal new bride (yeah, I know) contract it from her bridegroom through no fault of her own. Like not from "sleeping around"? Just a thought.

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2 hours ago, funky-rat said:

The HPV commercials that make me stabby are back, sadly.  I particularly hate the one with the girl.  "Did you know?  Mom ?  Dad?".  UGH!  Mainly because the girl is a horrible actress, but why are you blaming your parents for you sleeping around and getting an STD?  Seriously?????


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2 hours ago, SoSueMe said:

I hate those commercials too. But I don't know, is HPV tested for routinely? What I mean is, could a purely virginal new bride (yeah, I know) contract it from her bridegroom through no fault of her own. Like not from "sleeping around"? Just a thought.

I had this all typed out and the forum went offline.  Will try to remember what I said.

I suppose I could have used a better term than "Sleeping around" - sub it with "Having unprotected sex".  But yes, it is screened for if you are a woman who has a yearly PAP exam.  Not everyone who picks up HPV will get cancer - in many, the virus just spontaneously resolves itself, but some do turn to cancer, and quickly.  And it's spread through unprotected contact (in more than one location in the body) - you can't get it from toilet seats and the like.  I assume the girl in the commercial to be in her 20's, as the backward progression of photos stars with her being in college, and judging by what she's wearing in the photos.  Most schools teach kids (with some exceptions) about STD's in middle school.  I knew a girl who developed HPV in her early 20's, and got cancer very quickly and had to have her entire cervix removed.  Her boyfriend was cheating, and I can sympathize, but there's a reason they tell you to protect yourself if you're unmarried and not sure if the other person is monogamous (and she said she'd caught him a number of times prior to her getting the virus) - and yes, I know, spouses can cheat, but your risk goes way down.  I first heard about the STD angle about 15 years ago, when my doctor was telling me about it during a PAP exam.  She said that studies were headed that way, and that as long as my husband and I were monogamous, I had little to worry about.  So her blaming her poor choices on her parents chaps.  Lots of people make mistakes, but it's their mistake.  I think the commercial would be more effective if the girl asked why her parents knew about it, and didn't have her get it, because I see perfectly sane people go ape over that vaccine.  Like crazy stuff.

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"Take Fixitall. It treats every disease under the sun. There may be some side effects."

"Did you or a loved one take Fixitall? Did your arms/legs/head fall off? Are you dead? Please call the law offices of Dewey, Screwem and Howe."

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I suppose I could have used a better term than "Sleeping around" - sub it with "Having unprotected sex".  

You can get HPV even if you do not have unprotected sex. Condoms don't cover every part of a guy who may be carrying it without knowing it. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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36 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

You can get HPV even if you do not have unprotected sex. Condoms don't cover every part of a guy who may be carrying it without knowing it. 

Exactly. The first vaccine was implemented in 2006. It's recommended for children aged 11-12. I I was 30-31 by then and had been sexually active, so the vaccine wouldn't have done me any good. According to the CDC,


About 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV. About 14 million people become newly infected each year. HPV is so common that almost every person who is sexually-active will get HPV at some time in their life if they don’t get the HPV vaccine.


Nationwide, 6 out of 10 parents are choosing to get the human papillomavirus vaccine for their children.

(Estimated with 1 dose of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine among adolescents aged 13-17 years)

The full vaccine is a series of three shots, at a total cost of $360 ($120/shot), which is prohibitive for a lot of families.

Children who were 11-12 in 2006 are 23-24 now. That's a generation behind mine. Considering that 40% of the recommended U.S. patient population aren't being vaccinated, the virus will continue to spread throughout the population for years to come. At some point it may be eradicated, but it will likely be several generations from now.

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The Safe Auto horrible quotes ads. Yes they are absolutely horrible, annoying, stupid quotes, so why do they think I want to listen to them over and over and over and over again?!?! They play these incessantly, argggghhhhh! They definitely enrage me and just make me dive for the remote as quickly as possible!!!

And to whoever brought up the "Oh my god, it's Dove-uh!" woman, thank you! I was going to post about that.

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On 3/21/2018 at 3:30 PM, mmecorday said:

What exactly is wrong with the woman in the Jergen's commercials who is constantly bugging her daughter about her dry skin? Why did someone think a creepy mother showing far too much interest in her daughter's skin care would sell lotion?

"It rubs the lotion on its skin..."

(Video clip from "The Silence of the Lambs." Some strong language.)

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I think it's a commercial for T-Mobile to sell iPhones that unlock with eye recognition. Girl discovers she can trash things with one glance, so she walks through her school, trashing and vandalizing lockers, desks, setting fire to the chem lab, etc. Who thought this was a good idea, especially with all the issues we have these days? Makes my blood boil. They need to pull that ad stat.

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On 2/6/2018 at 7:35 PM, LillyB said:

As a baby boomer, I have to say I am getting very annoyed with all the ads telling me to get tested for Hep C. I have never done anything that would put me a risk for it.

After seeing those commercials, which basically tell me that I'm at risk for Hep C  because if my age, I asked my doctor, who is also a baby boomer. He said, "so, in the era of sex, drugs, rock and roll, where did you stand?" I said I was more about the music.  He said he was annoyed at those commercials as well, because of the assumptions about behavior based on generation. He wishes they would address the risk factors, not the age.  Unprotected sex with multiple partners, intravenous drug use are what put you at risk, not being 60+.

Edited by backformore
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On 3/22/2018 at 7:46 AM, Haleth said:

That's Leslie Mann, a fairly well known comedic actress.  (But apparently not well known enough, LOL.)

I keep thinking Jergens meant for this commercial to be funny (over concerned mom) but it just comes across as way too creepy.

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9 minutes ago, backformore said:

After seeing those commercials, which basically tell me that I'm at risk for Help because if my age, I asked my doctor, who is also a baby boomer. He said, "so, in the era of sex, drugs, rock and roll, where did you stand?" I said I was more about the music.  He said he was annoyed at those commercials as well, because of the assumptions about behavior based on generation. He wishes they would address the risk factors, not the age.  Unprotected sex with multiple partners, intravenous drug use are what put you at risk, not being 60+.

My mom's doctor told her the same thing.  She doesn't fit the risk profile either.

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I was at the doc's on Wednesday. She's got a student "shadowing" her; he came in alone to take my history. He suggested I get the HepC test. Doc didn't order it; I mentioned it to the tech drawing my blood for the rest of my bloodwork, so she took an extra vial, just in case. Got my results back this AM - there's no HepC test on it. Apparently, my doc knows the risk factors and knows I'm not in that category.  But, damn, I've got high blood pressure in addition to my diabetes. Damn, damn, damn.

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2 hours ago, backformore said:

"my she shed has rules."

Honey, going into a shed in your backyard, to eat diet fiber bars while not wearing your bra or shoes is not the glamorous life you think it is.

I've said it before that I LOATHE the term "She Shed".  I always hear some hayseed in my head going "When my wife has that there montly womanly stuff, I send her straight to the She Shed and she can come back iffn she returns to normal."

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12 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

I've said it before that I LOATHE the term "She Shed".  I always hear some hayseed in my head going "When my wife has that there montly womanly stuff, I send her straight to the She Shed and she can come back iffn she returns to normal."

I agree.  I never liked "man cave"  either.   The gender stereotypes enrage me. 

the whole idea that the man gets the big leather reclining sofa, the large screen TV and great sound system (with the fridge full of cold beer nearby), while the woman gets the little shed that usually houses the lawn mower, so she can read, relax, sip tea and eat diet bars, surrounded by essential oils and soft pastels.  They can't share the actual HOUSE?  

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