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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Don't you all get a kick out of all these commercials for medication, and when they give the adverse reactions, they always say, "Don't take this if you're allergic to it or any of it's ingredients.".  Hmmmm, don't you actually have to take the medicine to know  if you're allergic?

It's possible you could have found out about your allergy by taking a different drug with some of the same ingredients.



Dear Kay Jewelers,


    There is no such thing as "Engagement Season." It's obnoxious enough that you have turned every holiday into a "go into debt to buy diamonds" event, you don't need to make up another.

Blame DeBeers. Getting people to spend big money for relatively common stones is considered by some to be one of the greatest marketing successes of the 20th century.

It's possible you could have found out about your allergy by taking a different drug with some of the same ingredients.


Blame DeBeers. Getting people to spend big money for relatively common stones is considered by some to be one of the greatest marketing successes of the 20th century.

Don't you know it!  The marketing ploy of "Chocolate Diamonds" cracks me the hell up.  I've been REALLY into gems, rocks, and minerals my whole life.  I have quite a collection, going to gem shows and the like.  If you look at a gemologist's reference chart as to colored diamonds, brown diamonds are at the very bottom.  They used to be used exclusively for sandpaper material, or "diamond-headed" drill tips, like on a Dremel.  The idea to sell them as Beautiful, well, it is a masterstroke.

  • Love 12

Don't you know it!  The marketing ploy of "Chocolate Diamonds" cracks me the hell up.  I've been REALLY into gems, rocks, and minerals my whole life.  I have quite a collection, going to gem shows and the like.  If you look at a gemologist's reference chart as to colored diamonds, brown diamonds are at the very bottom.  They used to be used exclusively for sandpaper material, or "diamond-headed" drill tips, like on a Dremel.  The idea to sell them as Beautiful, well, it is a masterstroke.

So are you trying to tell me the Black Diamond tennis bracelet I bought is not a highly prized diamond. That my 1978 Chrysler, Corinthian leather was not premium leather. Or that the ham on my Black Forrest ham sandwich is not from pigs raised on acorns from the Black Forrest of Germany. The HELL you say. Marketers don't lie, do they??????????????????

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Yeah, the letter K not necessarily a piece of jewelry, that's what I meant, sorry. :)

Oh I was totally outing my own foolishness, by which I mean (and now I kill the joke by explaining), their slogan that every kiss begins with "Kaye" (their company) is a pun on the word beginning with the letter "k", which when pronounced aloud is the same.

Which I never realized until someone else pointed out to me. And I was very much an adult at the time. So I was just pointing that out, in case others were having the same silly experience I did in not realizing that was the wordplay going on there in the company's admittedly obnoxious slogan.

Edited by theatremouse
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It's possible you could have found out about your allergy by taking a different drug with some of the same ingredients.


Blame DeBeers. Getting people to spend big money for relatively common stones is considered by some to be one of the greatest marketing successes of the 20th century.

I cannot take a heart drug because of hallucinations.  So it's not an allergy; it's an adverse reaction.  However, whenever I get prescribed something with the same dye in it, the pharmacist reconfirms why I cannot take the drug that's on my allergy list.  Of course it's always fun to get to remind them about the hallucinations.  It would be quite the ride but it's hard to work when things are flying around.


A friend worked on an IT project for a diamond mining company.  He was engaged at the time but had not bought a ring.  He told his fiancee that, after understanding how the diamond market really works, he did not want to buy a diamond.  One sign that they are compatible, she agreed.  Chocolate diamonds always make me laugh.  They're industrial grade diamonds.  LeVian sure found a way to maximize profits. 

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A friend worked on an IT project for a diamond mining company.  He was engaged at the time but had not bought a ring.  He told his fiancee that, after understanding how the diamond market really works, he did not want to buy a diamond.  One sign that they are compatible, she agreed.  Chocolate diamonds always make me laugh.  They're industrial grade diamonds.  LeVian sure found a way to maximize profits. 


I agree with your friend -- I wouldn't want anything with diamonds given the pain and heartache surrounding them.  My friend recently got married and her engagement ring was a ruby or sapphire without any diamonds at all.


Chocolate diamonds?  PT Barnum would be so proud.

  • Love 5

I agree with your friend -- I wouldn't want anything with diamonds given the pain and heartache surrounding them.  My friend recently got married and her engagement ring was a ruby or sapphire without any diamonds at all.


Chocolate diamonds?  PT Barnum would be so proud.

Although I won't say I don't care about the suffering which has traditionally gone into the diamond industry, that isn't my reason for not wanting diamonds - I just vastly prefer colored gemstones, both precious and semi-precious.  I'd much rather have a nice garnet or amethyst than a diamond. 


A friend and I refer to chocolate diamonds as "diamond by-product".  Yes, LeVian is laughing all the way to the bank.

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Chocolate diamonds always make me laugh.  They're industrial grade diamonds.  LeVian sure found a way to maximize profits.


Personally I think they look lackluster.  Like what proserpina65 had stated, I'd rather have a colorful gemstone than a diamond.  How dull.


On a Vonage phone commercial the word "better-fy" was used to indicate an upgrade.  It is as appalling as the word "swap-ortunity" used in a yogurt commercial a few years ago.  It just sounds stupid.  I would say more but I'll save it for Pet Peeves.

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The tall Asian woman in the tight-fitting skirt in the Liberty Mutual ad ruins my day every time she appears on TV. Especially when she gets all bug-eyed saying, "Then you drive your car into a ditch. Yeah." In the immortal words of Prince, "Shut up already! Damn!"


When I first saw that ad, I thought she was the actress from the Pitch Perfect movies, they look exactly alike, but I checked and she's a different person.

  • Love 1

The tall Asian woman in the tight-fitting skirt in the Liberty Mutual ad ruins my day every time she appears on TV. Especially when she gets all bug-eyed saying, "Then you drive your car into a ditch. Yeah." In the immortal words of Prince, "Shut up already! Damn!"

I hate that woman! Maybe you should have learned how to drive, bitch.

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I just saw a Pizza Hut (I think) commercial for brownies where Granny tips the delivery boy extra to keep her little secret and she proceeds to burst into the house shouting "Look kids, it's Grandma's famous brownies!" while carrying a box clearly marked Pizza Hut.  I guess her grand kids are illiterate morons.

  • Love 13

There's an ad running for Ikea, that at first, my thinking was, "What will the Million Moms have to say about this?" because there are two young women working in their kitchen, and they say "Happy Anniversary" to each other.  Now, that doesn't bug me.  What does bug me, is that one of them opens a drawer just brimming with fast food hot sauce packets.  What do these women do, raid their local Taco Bell and steal all of their hot sauce packets?

  • Love 4

There's an ad running for Ikea, that at first, my thinking was, "What will the Million Moms have to say about this?" because there are two young women working in their kitchen, and they say "Happy Anniversary" to each other.  Now, that doesn't bug me.  What does bug me, is that one of them opens a drawer just brimming with fast food hot sauce packets.  What do these women do, raid their local Taco Bell and steal all of their hot sauce packets?

Yeah, eating the junk food bugs me, too. Like neither of these two women are capable of cooking anything in their particle board kitchen?

However, the Ikea commercial that I really detest is the one with the kid cooking an omelet in a freaking kitchen that looks like an herb jungle. He's almost finished and orders his clueless mom to cut him some basil. Yo, Crotchfruit Chef, by the time she cuts it, cleans it, dries it and chops it, your smarty ass omelet is going to be a big hunk of rubber. Little pretentious asswipe.

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What do these women do, raid their local Taco Bell and steal all of their hot sauce packets?

I had a friend who would save all the soy & duck sauce packets that came with her order of Chinese food.  Come Hallowe'en, when kids too big to be out trick or treating showed up (and couldn't even be bothered to put on a costume), she handed 'em the orange & black Chinese sauces.  The cute, dressed-up little kids got full-sized Hershey bars.

  • Love 17

There's an ad running for Ikea, that at first, my thinking was, "What will the Million Moms have to say about this?" because there are two young women working in their kitchen, and they say "Happy Anniversary" to each other.  Now, that doesn't bug me.  What does bug me, is that one of them opens a drawer just brimming with fast food hot sauce packets.  What do these women do, raid their local Taco Bell and steal all of their hot sauce packets?

We have all been in the drive through line, wondering what the hold up is. Then we see the two handed cup come from the car. Then the worker deposits not one but two hand fulls of condiments. I have a name for these people. I call them CW's Condiment Whores. I encounter these people often because I have a drive thru life. http://alteredegos.net/index.php?topic=6338.msg37104#msg37104

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The ad for some skin clearing medication makes me want to throw things at my TV. It starts out with a man jumping into a pool. And says "Your whatever is showing" Then two women are walking and decide to take a pic of one. She sticks her tongue out like she's so damn cute. And then the last woman who gives a dorky looking confused stranger a weed flower and it's supposed to be cute. No. They're not cute. Their stupid and idiotic childishness is showing. Gah.

Edited by OSM Mom
  • Love 8

The ad for some skin clearing medication makes me want to throw things at my TV. It starts out with a man jumping into a pool. And says "Your whatever is showing" Then two women are walking and decide to take a pic of one. She sticks her tongue out like she's so damn cute. And then the last woman who gives a dorky looking confused stranger a weed flower and it's supposed to be cute. No. They're not cute. Their stupid and idiotic childishness is showing. Gah.

Ugh, right at the beginning when the man jumps in the pool and starts squirting water at the woman? The phrase "Your assholishness is showing" is yelled at the tv.

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"Nike" -Snow Day!


 OK, just because these mega- athletes CAN destroy their own homes and cars JUST to get to  a vacant lot to play tackle football on a snowday doesn't mean that that's the BEST option for them and others should be shamed for preferring to stay inside their own warm homes instead.

  And what does any of this have to do with the shoes they're wearing?


ETA- punctuation and a closing sentence-

Edited by Blergh

I agree with your friend -- I wouldn't want anything with diamonds given the pain and heartache surrounding them.  My friend recently got married and her engagement ring was a ruby or sapphire without any diamonds at all.


Chocolate diamonds?  PT Barnum would be so proud.

Probably something they used to throw out.

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There is a new drug commercial for Alzheimer's.  It shows the patient with her lips closed, never speaking, just kind of duh.  There is another drug commercial for cancer, it shows 2 sisters, and the one that is the patient acts like she is 8 years old, feigning stupidity.  Why do they have to show sick people as having no smarts at all?

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