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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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I just saw a commercial for some flu medicine that pissed me off, not even sure why though. It was for a flu medicine for people over 60 and showed a bunch of couples in their 60's dancing and having a great time because, you know, they didn't have the flu. Okay, great so far. Problem? They are shown energetically dancing to 40's swing music. Hello morons making commercials for people in their sixties..some of them may have been BORN in the late forties, but they didn't grow up with big band music, this was the Woodstock generation. Show them rocking to Dylan or the Stones or something remotely nostalgic to the people you are targeting with your ad!

Not sure why it pisses me off, is it pure laziness on the part of the commercial developers, is it arrogance, condescension, or do they just not even give a fuck about getting it right for this age group? Maybe they don't want to offend young people who listen to Zeppelin by acknowledging that their grandparents were the ones who originally made them famous. Who knows, it just annoyed the crap out of me.

Heh, it's probably more of a money thing. I imagine the Stones or Zeppelin is a lot more expensive to use than something that is public domain (free).

  • Love 6

Heh, it's probably more of a money thing. I imagine the Stones or Zeppelin is a lot more expensive to use than something that is public domain (free).


Considering that Yoplait paid out however much to use All Day and All of the Night (yeah, I don't get it either) I'm not sure saving pennies on music is always what advertisers are thinking about.

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The freakin' Charmin bears are talking about skid marks.  Flames.  Flames on the side of my face.  Hot, searing flames.



SMH!! Worse yet, the bear's 'friend is called "SKIDZ"!!! Enough already.

I'd love to see Liberty Mutual use the bears in a commercial. "Then you skid off the road into some britches and sh*t your pants. Then Liberty Mutual calls....and you break into your crappy dance. Smart."


I need a job badly.  LOL

  • Love 15

I just saw a commercial for some flu medicine that pissed me off, not even sure why though. It was for a flu medicine for people over 60 and showed a bunch of couples in their 60's dancing and having a great time because, you know, they didn't have the flu. Okay, great so far. Problem? They are shown energetically dancing to 40's swing music. Hello morons making commercials for people in their sixties..some of them may have been BORN in the late forties, but they didn't grow up with big band music, this was the Woodstock generation. Show them rocking to Dylan or the Stones or something remotely nostalgic to the people you are targeting with your ad!

Not sure why it pisses me off, is it pure laziness on the part of the commercial developers, is it arrogance, condescension, or do they just not even give a fuck about getting it right for this age group? Maybe they don't want to offend young people who listen to Zeppelin by acknowledging that their grandparents were the ones who originally made them famous. Who knows, it just annoyed the crap out of me.

I think people have a tendency to think of their elders from when they were young.  So, when I was a child, my grandparents (a.k.a. old people) listened to big band music.  Of course, the problem is I am now much closer to sixty.  In reality, my parents would be in their late 70s/early 80s.  Even they listened to more modern music.  They were at least the era of Elvis (although I am always glad when Elvis is not used because I have an irrational, uncontrollable hatred for all things Elvis).  My sister would have turned 60 in a year; her former husbands would both be in their early 60s.  They were all rock fans.  So yeah, Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Hendrix, Rolling Stones, Dylan,they all fit.  Also, many people don't just stop listening in their teens and twenties.  They like some newer music too.     I think the advertising execs don't want to face that they have aged so they hold onto this idea of "elderly" people who lived in a time long, long ago rather than not not much earlier than their own lifetimes. 


Just sayin, Jim Perdue, the word "antibiotics" has five syllables. Five. "Anabotics" is not a word.

Maybe he really is trying to tell us they have never used some mythical substance called anabotics.  They have, however, been pumping antibiotics into those birds until their blood is 90% antibiotics.  Just a theory.

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Heh, it's probably more of a money thing. I imagine the Stones or Zeppelin is a lot more expensive to use than something that is public domain (free).

I'm sure it is a money thing. The Rolling Stones are notorious for not authorizing the use of their music, period, or if they allow it, it costs a fortune. I was surprised to hear a RS song in Mad Men.

Besides, the couples are dancing. Dancing should be ballroom music. Unless they are doing the tango to the theme from Star Wars (thanks, DWTS).

  • Love 1

I'm sure it is a money thing. The Rolling Stones are notorious for not authorizing the use of their music, period, or if they allow it, it costs a fortune. I was surprised to hear a RS song in Mad Men.

Besides, the couples are dancing. Dancing should be ballroom music. Unless they are doing the tango to the theme from Star Wars (thanks, DWTS).

They could use someone like Gerry and the Pacemakers (ha) or Chubby Checker - does anyone want to see seniors doing the watusi or the swim


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E harmony is now going after the atheist daters. Yay! Capitalism.


Is that the commercial where the eHarmony CEO is in a restaurant and tells a waitress about the dating site and she says something like, "I'm not religious," and then he says, "that's okay, you can still use eHarmony?"  For some reason that commercial bothered me; mainly because I never thought that eHarmony was a religious site.

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Is that the commercial where the eHarmony CEO is in a restaurant and tells a waitress about the dating site and she says something like, "I'm not religious," and then he says, "that's okay, you can still use eHarmony?"  For some reason that commercial bothered me; mainly because I never thought that eHarmony was a religious site.

I think the eHarmony guy aka creepy grandpa is some kind of reverend.


Yeah, kinda, sorta. Masters of Divinity.


Edited by SoSueMe
  • Love 1

I just saw a commercial for some flu medicine that pissed me off, not even sure why though. It was for a flu medicine for people over 60 and showed a bunch of couples in their 60's dancing and having a great time because, you know, they didn't have the flu. Okay, great so far. Problem? They are shown energetically dancing to 40's swing music. Hello morons making commercials for people in their sixties..some of them may have been BORN in the late forties, but they didn't grow up with big band music, this was the Woodstock generation. Show them rocking to Dylan or the Stones or something remotely nostalgic to the people you are targeting with your ad!



Now I have this image of people my age, in their fifties, stage diving and jumping into the mosh pit to the classic sounds of The Sex Pistols or The Clash.


It would probably not end well for them.

  • Love 8

I think the eHarmony guy aka creepy grandpa is some kind of reverend.


Yeah, kinda, sorta. Masters of Divinity.



I had heard he's a minister, but is the dating site strictly Christian?  I guess they're competing with Christian Mingle?  At any rate I can't stand any of the eHarmony commercials.

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Is that the commercial where the eHarmony CEO is in a restaurant and tells a waitress about the dating site and she says something like, "I'm not religious," and then he says, "that's okay, you can still use eHarmony?"  For some reason that commercial bothered me; mainly because I never thought that eHarmony was a religious site.

E harmony is not a religious site. In the beginning, after finishing their questionnaire which asked a lot of faith base questions. Many none religious people found the site rejected them for their service. At least that was the anecdotal evidence floating around the internet in the mid 2000's.  

  • Love 2

In the beginning, after finishing their questionnaire which asked a lot of faith base questions. Many none religious people found the site rejected them for their service. At least that was the anecdotal evidence floating around the internet in the mid 2000's.


Yep, that was the scuttlebutt -- atheists either got "we can't match you" messages or, in fewer cases, got matched with ultra-religious people (in the hopes they'd convert the heathens, I guess).  Two friends of mine, both atheists, who were dating at the time (they're now married), each filled out the questionnaire to see what would happen, after hearing those rumors.  Both got the "sorry, we can't match you" message. 

Edited by Bastet
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Wal-Mart I love the Star Wars ad where the kid grows up and gives the Lego to his daughter and grandpa is sitting in the chair and the dad and daughter do the Ewok dance he did in the eighties AND James Earl Jones narrates the whole thing.

I hate you for making me love it and feel benevolently towards you, regardless of how short the feeling lasts.



         I hate the fact  that  these commercials not only are doing what Walmart wants [encouraging the kids and parents  to needlessly spend  money on tie-in toys  -which I dislike but I know that where they're wanting their bread to be  more buttered ] but  gives the impression that the impending movie is going to be every bit as warm, magical, and positive as the original, uncut "Star Wars" movie was back in 1977. However; the spoilers I've had foisted upon me via the media, etc. seem to point that the impending movie will likely be closer to the jaded, cruel,cold and cynical POV  latter-day trilogy, novelizations, games, etc. have been and I hate that there's now a younger generation getting all hyped up to anticipate something that may be the opposite of   what Walmart, etc. is hyping.


ETA- punctuation correction

Edited by Blergh
  • Love 3

The freakin' Charmin bears are talking about skid marks.  Flames.  Flames on the side of my face.  Hot, searing flames.



But they're NAKED! OK, I also wonder how many people change their underwear daily?

YMMV on the Dunkin' Donuts K-Cups ad:

I'm an adult; I fully realize that this commercial is just supposed to be silly, harmless fun.  But we're a culture that celebrates Thanksgiving with annual Black Friday tramplings.  That makes the commercial a little less funny to me.  Also, I HATE the way the bitch just grabs the box out of his hand and walks off.

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Re: the Liberty Mutual commercials.  We have had Liberty Mutual as our insurance company for over 40 years and have always been very satisfied with their service on the occasions we have needed to use them.  But I am truly sick and tired of their commercials...every single one of them.  Enough already!

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Anybody who watched Football yesterday knows my pain.

These freaking fantasy football one week leagues from places like Fanduel and Draft kings have exploded over the past year and their ads are everywhere now.

They totally claim that they're not gambling websites but they totally are. You're putting your money in every week expecting you to win and get some sort of return. The ads also feature "Real" people who've somehow beat the odds and won millions of dollars doing it. It's gambling no matter what they say.

They just annoy the heck out of me and I want them gone.

Here's a sample commercial so you know what I'm talking about.

  • Love 15

Speaking of Fan Duel...

"Girl Dumps Boyfriend, Then Begs Him Back After He Makes $362,259 From Fantasy Sports"

The article also explains how it works unlike the commercial.


Let me introduce you to all my brothers…



One other thing about those Draft King ads; they say REAL people are shown, winning a Million dollars!  When was the last time you saw a grown-ass man put all the fingers of both hands in his mouth?!  Seriously looks like a cartoon!  Real people.  Ha.

I'd put anything in my mouth for a million dollars. JUST SAYIN.....!!!! Including Sabre Hummus.

Edited by Flnurse
  • Love 4

They totally claim that they're not gambling websites but they totally are. You're putting your money in every week expecting you to win and get some sort of return. The ads also feature "Real" people who've somehow beat the odds and won millions of dollars doing it. It's gambling no matter what they say.


In practice, I totally agree, but legally, they aren't. The NFL slipped a paragraph into Federal online gambling legislation that exempted fantasy sports. 

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"WoooooHOOOO" (girl on waterslide--filming only belly button down in bikini)


The feminine products commercials have not evolved AT ALL!!!!! Is any woman REMOTELY persuaded by theses STUPID "you can ride a horse, swim, play sports on your period" portrayals from the 70's still effective w/o being completely archaic???

Yeah! I can finally leave the house and live despite my monthly CURSE!!! JEEESHHH. (sorry men)   :)

Edited by Flnurse
  • Love 8

Count me in the Draft Kings Haters Club. Gaah.

Why so many ads, so suddenly? Apparently they got a lot of funding and they're a legal way to gamble on sports. If only they'd spent some of that money on getting a competent ad agency to do the work...

Because I hate sports, I wouldn't have known why the city bus in the lane next to me today was completely wrapped with Draft Kings something-or-another if it weren't for you all.
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WTF is that ugly-ass pink fish looking thing with no skin in the Promoted Stories that shows up at the bottom of the site?  I'm scared to click on it.

One other thing about those Draft King ads; they say REAL people are shown, winning a Million dollars!  When was the last time you saw a grown-ass man put all the fingers of both hands in his mouth?!  Seriously looks like a cartoon!  Real people.  Ha.

I don't  like the ad but if I won a million dollars I'd probably try to cram my whole fist in my mouth.

  • Love 6



I might be a weirdo but anytime I see some kind of egg-wrapped-in-something business, I can feel my stomach cringe up. Fuckin' "breakfast burritos," man.

I'm sure this is going to be a big disappointment to you, but I don't think we can ever be friends.


I'll be friends, don't eat breakfast out because I hate eggs and coffee.


Ads for all medications have lists of side effects that are horrible - there's one about deciding between pimples and death or diarrhea. And I think all the sleeping aids can cause hallucinations or doing weird things while asleep - I have bought things on EBay. Fortunately they were things I was looking at, but hadn't made up my mind about. And apparently last night I played a game on line - fortunately, a free one.


Young children that cannot be understood by anyone other than their parents should not be in commercials, talking or singing..


I'm 60+, I like big band music for dancing, but it's not what I grew up with, I'm more a British invasion, folk music person that loves the 50s too (including Elvis).


Back to topic, just what is Steven doing though out his life that his mother gets so indignant about. I get the teenager closing his laptop, but is he looking at porn while giving a business presentation also?

Edited by friendperidot
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Good news (maybe), Congress Critter has called for an investigation of Fan Duel/Draft Kings to really question whether they are gambling.   So far they have slipped under the radar because fantasy sports is about skill not luck.   It's gambling if it is all luck based, but not if it is skill based.

Just saw AGAIN that commercial for Nissan Sentra (which I wouldn't have known if I hadn't deliberately looked this time to see which product is perpetuating this annoying ad) where the car's "Siri" tells this dude "She said 'Yes'; you're the best man" (do you know how many times, while half-watching the commercial, I wondered why Siri was the one picking the best man?!) and he smirks and says "I got this" and then proceeds to throw several over-the-top bro-with-money-but-no-taste pre-wedding celebrations, and at the end drives the bride & groom presumably to the reception, but with such a malevolent look on his face that who knows where he was taking them?  (And can you believe that was All.One.Sentence?  Yikes!  Sorry.)  Anyway.  All I can say is, with that bowl haircut, you are so not "The Man," no matter what your license plate says!

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Wait, what? Gambling includes both luck and skill, depending upon the medium (cards--skill and luck). The only gambling that I can think of that is purely luck-based is computerized slots with no holding. They can be programmed to be "luckier" or less so.

Fantasy sports strikes me as skill with some luck. If a ballplayer is hurt and sidelined, that's bad luck for those who picked him, but good for those who didn't. Accidents are "bad luck".

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