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S02.E08: Where's The Love?

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With this coming up episode I had to look this up and came across this. I have no clue about the Jewish religion so I appreciate those that do and come here and give the info they know and how it works with things that Ben and Vicki may be dealing with and so on. All I have to say though after reading that is that its insane that you have to get permission to use birth control and only for so long and when to start a family and such. From what I see its something that is supposedly pushed on them once married. Which I hope it really isn't but I know that can happen with any religion and such. Considering these 2 are so young and still in school it makes no sense for them to have kids yet. Especially if they are living off savings and don't have jobs. Which I would hope they would be pushed to go get jobs and their education finished first. With that if one of you that knows about all this will add your info on it....thanks. 

I have to say that I am laughing my butt off over the so called traditional marriage Maneka and Mayur thing they have. They are the biggest frauds. And curious which church would Taylor and David be going to for that guidance? 

  • Love 3

There's absolutely nothing in any of these relationships that I'd want in my own life. Yikes.

Taylor really, really needs to learn (the hard way, by David dumping her) that you can't pair up and conduct yourself as though you're still single. You can't take a job that requires travel and possible relocation without discussing it with your spouse. You can't spend $1100 without discussing it with your spouse. You can't say "This is happening, deal with it" to your spouse re: said job you took without discussing it. You can't air your marital dirty laundry at dinner in front of your spouse. She just ... sucks, as a person and a wife. I was glad the pastor called her selfish; maybe that'll sink in a little.

I still don't understand why Ben and Vicki own a car at all. And why they apparently haven't had any big conversations about how their marriage would work before the got married.

  • Love 13

The dramas seem manufactured.  I can't help but believe that the producers are giving Vicky and Ben controversial topics to discuss.  They are both in college, can barely make ends meet, and yet, she wants to have a baby?!  Whatever!  Taylor accepted a job offer without first discussing it with her husband.  I wonder how much longer we will have to wait before Mayur proclaims to Maneka in his best Tarzan voice, "me man, you woman."

  • Love 2

I CANNOT stand TAYLOR!! Tbh I loved her at first, but now with her attitude and justification to David about buying the $836 pair of shoes and the "about" $300 luggage (but yet she has NO JOB YET, and wants a house with a pool and accommodations at that) she absolutely disgusts me. He should be with someone who appreciates, and respects him.  Smh... I can't even deal with this young minded selfish little girl.  PERIOD.

  • Love 6

First of all, I agree that none of these marriages are arranged.

The Indian couple is fake and boring. I fast forward through them. Who cares.

I don't hold anything against the Jewish couple because I think they are doing the best they can to follow their religious doctrine. They're just young and trying to figure everything out. Nobody's perfect.

Taylor and David, oh dear. That girl is a raging mega bitch and I almost can't stand watching her abuse David. I watch because I'm hoping at any minute he'll tell her to hit the road. And of course the pastor blames David and tells him he has issues and needs to change. Yeah, nice show she put on for the pastor. Sweet and innocent, isn't she? I CANNOT wait for the pastor to see her despicable behavior when he watches the show. The bible says the woman should submit to the man. That may be old school but she continues to say he should submit to her authority. Needless to say, a marriage is a partnership and in my opinion nobody should "submit" to anybody. But since Taylor claims she's a good baptist girl, maybe she should pick up her bible sometimes. She is an angry, bitter, and abusive person. David needs to get away from this shrew and find himself a nice woman who will appreciate him as an individual. It's painful to watch but like I said, I'm just hoping to watch him walk out the door very soon. I have a son and if he was married to Taylor, I would be encouraging him to do just that. I don't know why his mother has a bad rep because I'm new to the show and trying to catch up but I don't blame her for anything. There's nothing wrong with taking advice from your parent.

It made me so angry when Taylor's mother said that men need sex more so they eventually give in so they can get laid. No, bitch, your husband can get laid. It just may not be by you when he finally realizes he deserves love and respect and not some domineering woman on a power trip. Again, read the "good book" once in a while. You'll find out you should never hold sex over your husband's head to manipulate him. 

Btw, I'm not even a Christian but I think I've read the bible more than these bitches have. 

  • Love 4
On June 27, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Evil Queen said:


With this coming up episode I had to look this up and came across this. I have no clue about the Jewish religion so I appreciate those that do and come here and give the info they know and how it works with things that Ben and Vicki may be dealing with and so on. All I have to say though after reading that is that its insane that you have to get permission to use birth control and only for so long and when to start a family and such. From what I see its something that is supposedly pushed on them once married. Which I hope it really isn't but I know that can happen with any religion and such. Considering these 2 are so young and still in school it makes no sense for them to have kids yet. Especially if they are living off savings and don't have jobs. Which I would hope they would be pushed to go get jobs and their education finished first. With that if one of you that knows about all this will add your info on it....thanks. 

I have to say that I am laughing my butt off over the so called traditional marriage Maneka and Mayur thing they have. They are the biggest frauds. And curious which church would Taylor and David be going to for that guidance? 

I have Jewish heritage so I know a little bit but not too much. I attended an ultra orthodox synagogue for some time. The services are done in Hebrew and they're very beautiful. There are a lot of mizvot and they believe in every single one of them, not picking and choosing which parts of the Torah suit them. From what I'm seeing, the modern orthodox Ben and Vicki practice is almost completely similar to the ultra-orthodox I was a part of. For example, she covers her hair all the time when she's out of the house, either with the hat thing or a wig because only the husband should see her natural hair. I never practiced these things but maybe half of us did and I was never judged for not practicing. I was there to learn and go at my own pace. We never got there.

There are other branches of the Jewish religion. Conservative Jewish people aren't as strict about these things. They're middle of the line. I haven't studied much about them.

Reform Jewish people  don't hold to much of the doctrine at all but hold on to their religion because it's their tradition. I've attended a number of reform services. They typically don't keep kosher, they touch their wives even when they have their periods, they only wear yarmulkes in the synogogue and sometimes not even then. 

There are a lot of differences in the same way that Christianity can be different in each individual sect, some much stricter than others. Example, my cousins are United Pentecostal. The women don't wear makeup, don't cut their hair, only wear skirts never pants, etc etc

I guess I just wanted to say that Ben and Vicki do not reflect the majority of the Jewish religion in America. They are just a part of one of the strictest sects there is.

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Taylor actually thinks that she's making an effort, and she thinks that there is nothing she can learn or nothing she can do better. She is a spoiled, self centered unintelligent unpleasant nasty little witch and I imagine she will be knocking boots with some pilot within the year. Run David. Just run. Even when she says she wants to talk with David and work things out, she goes on the defensive, gets that cold, reptilian look on her face, and spits out her sentences.

Maneka and Mayur are dullsville, and the whole "Mayur is a traditional Indian man who has to control my every move" is not an entertaining story line. 

Vicky and Ben. Vicky is turning out to be a very unpleasant young woman. Pouty and sulky. I cannot stand either of them. Rabbi Feder once again shows us how rich in wisdom he is by telling Ben "its a balance". Wow. '

The real star of the show is David's mother's plastic surgeon. That is some good work right there. I always marvel at it every episode! 

  • Love 4

The dramas seem manufactured.  I can't help but believe that the producers are giving Vicky and Ben controversial topics to discuss.  They are both in college, can barely make ends meet, and yet, she wants to have a baby?!  Whatever!  Taylor accepted a job offer without first discussing it with her husband.  I wonder how much longer we will have to wait before Mayur proclaims to Maneka in his best Tarzan voice, "me man, you woman."

I'm wondering the same thing about the couple's drama being producer driven/manufactured. I'm thinking that the Taylor/David controversy is set up so that we see her go away only to come back a changed woman, ie: someone who appreciates David and is committed to being a partner with him rather than a dictator to him.

I've been so puzzled about the flight attendant thing that I googled for height requirements - which are reasonable as they must be able to reach the overheads and safety equipment - and the info I got was the usual requirement is between 5'3" and 6'1", but lower heights - 4'11" - may be acceptable for regional airlines/smaller airplanes. That makes sense. I had fantasized that Taylor would get to training, they'd take one look at her and ask why she overlooked the height requirement on the application, and send her packing. I would imagine that most of the larger airlines need to be able to schedule their attendants where they are needed without having to check their height before every assignment. Then again, they could also tell her that upon completion of training, she'd be assigned to short/domestic flights/smaller aircraft/being the only attendant (which is quite common on the CRJs I've been on) - hardly the glamorous travel ops she's probably hoping for.

I also wondered about the 'pastor' they visited and I have a sneaking suspicion that he was from her church. He did not seem to know very much at all about David's father's passing and how if affected him. And, the fact that Taylor did not mouth off at him when he told her she was selfish sounded like someone who has seen the little bitch in action. I also could not picture her uncompromising little ass agreeing to take any sort of counseling/advice from any cleric other than the one she claims to be so devoted to. I was totally livid to see that session play out as if David's insecurities are the cause of all their marital discord - WITHOUT any mention of what a nasty harpy she is.

Ben really needs to stop gloating every time he gets the response he wants from his rabbi buddy. Even though I agree that they have no business procreating until they have the income/space/means to raise a child/2/3/10, this was something they should have discussed BEFORE they even set a wedding date. It is certainly something the rabbi should have advised them about during the pre-marital counseling they supposedly attended.

Maneedy and Manure - just no. Go away. Don't come back.

  • Love 2

Nowhere, thank you for that. I figured it varied. I have known a few Jewish people but they were not Orthodox. So if Vicki and Ben are going by what they are suppose to he would have to talk to the Rabbi about having kids and dealing it or not from what I am gathering and that they can be pushed to start a famly asap after getting married. Which I find insane that it would be left up to a Rabbi to decide on birth control or not. I haven't watched this episode yet but as soon as I can I will be. 


becauseIsaidso, it isn't just the income/space/means but heck they need to grow up before having kids. Hell if any of these couples have kids it is not a good thing really. Each couple has some issues going on that make it so they would be either horrible, selfish parents or just not able to handle it at all. 

Maneedy (sp) kills me when she is talking about boys looking at girls etc.  it has been a long time since she was a girl

cant wait until Taylor shoots off her mouth at one of the training instructors, they will quickly set her in her place.  Her mother is awful, a parent should want the best for their child.  Her mother should be encouraging her to make a life with David, not to get her way.  Of course she told her mother she was strong willed.

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I feel like the Vicky/Ben segment of this show has become simply teaching America the different laws of Orthodox Judaism one episode at a time in the most unflattering light possible, rather than a documentary of a newlywed couple. I also do not believe they were arranged, I think they probably simply reconnected on Facebook since they went to school together as children ... Facebook does not count as "arranged". About asking a rabbi permission to use birth control - yes, it is true. Orthodox couples who are not ready for children explain their situation to a rabbi who will weigh n - and I believe that usually he grants them permission. My husband and I waited a year to get pregnant. We didnt ask a rabbi for permission because we did not really lean towards Orthodox at the time. 

However, obviously this whole interaction was again staged because Orthodox couples have convos like this BEFORE the wedding.... Vicki was obviously already on birth control because they were having sex for a month and we havent seen them question if she was pregnant. Condoms are NOT allowed for Orthodox Jews, only in the rarest circumstance like if one person has a transferrable disease. 

I have no doubt that in a future episode we will see Vicki handing her underwear over to Ben for a rabbi to inspect. Yes - that was not a typo. Women have to check themselves with a cloth for 7 days after their period ends for niddah period to be over. If there are any quesionable stains on her underwear, the husband will take it in a ziploc to his rabbi to inspect if it counts as a blood stain or not, thereby making her niddah or not, because if she is ever spotting she is automatically niddah.

But anyways.... these kids need to mature and become independent before becoming parents... at least Ben recognizes that. He seems like he is not ready to buckle down for that kind of responsibility yet.

  • Love 3

Mayur does seem controlling and overprotective, but Maneka definitely seems like she needs a man like that. She comes off as very naive (I dont know her in real life but thats how she portrays on tv) and I think Mayur is doing right to protect her in any way possible. Its a very primitive instinct that he is displaying that I guess women enjoy that their man is protecting them. However - this segment does not make any sense whatsoever with what we have learned previously about him - like, he has a sleeve of tattoos, his friends look like frat guys, he is VERY americanized from both their own words, but suddenly he goes into traditional Indian husband overdrive. Hmm. Her sister in law is super cute (just a random side thought). 

6 minutes ago, kat12379 said:

I have no doubt that in a future episode we will see Vicki handing her underwear over to Ben for a rabbi to inspect. Yes - that was not a typo. Women have to check themselves with a cloth for 7 days after their period ends for niddah period to be over. If there are any quesionable stains on her underwear, the husband will take it in a ziploc to his rabbi to inspect if it counts as a blood stain or not, thereby making her niddah or not, because if she is ever spotting she is automatically niddah.

I....wait. Um. I...I don't want to bag on anyone's religion, but this seems so unnecessary. That's some strong religious conviction to submit to that.

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kat12379, so much of that just comes off as such an invasion of privacy to most of us I can imagine. I can't even think of how that must feel for a woman do do that sort of thing. Then on top of it having to have permission to use birth control and hold off having a child or anything else they may want to do in their lives. BTW, they said they reconnected when they got to college and she had a friend set them up. Which of course that isn't being arranged. This show needs to rethink how it is if they want to be called Arranged and show us those kind of marriages. We haven't seen a single truly arranged marriage at all on this season. Which as Ben said in the beginning they are basically told they are suppose to after they get married. It just bugs me that they have to ask a Rabbi if they should or not. Which in turn I am not understanding why Vicki would want to start having them just yet. Ben is so immature and she is in her own ways still as well. Yet they are both in school still and no jobs at all. I agree that it seems more like we get lessons on their religion and what they have to do more than we are seeing how they are. Vicki's mom saying how she wants to have 10 kids and once she has 1-2 she would probably rethink it. Which has me thinking as well, if Vicki is saying she wants to be a stay at home mom and Ben is the one that will go work then why is she going to school? What is the point of going to college and putting them into such debt if she is not going to use that education she is getting? As for the car though, I think her thought on something that is good for when they have kids isn't a bad idea though. Find something that will last for years to come and be good for many reasons and not just for right then and there. Its one of those things that bugs me in a way about people at times. They just want whatever for that time and nothing else. Then the next thing they know it doesn't work in 6 months for them or a year or so for whatever reasons. Same with the whole starter house crap. Its like why can't it just be your home for life? Ok sorry about that rant....With that Ben always smirking about things drives me nuts and I want to smack him! Vicki is always sad looking. I think Ben is lucky she is ok with that car after going out and just getting one without her. WOW that preview...he sounded like he told her to get a job and to accept his point of view or else? I am wondering what he is suppose to be doing because they both go to school and on top of that she does everything else as well around their place. I think they both should be working but at the same time he should help her with things as well but I am guessing that is not how its suppose to be in their religion and/or Ben's eyes. SMH


Taylor is annoyed as heck yes. At the same time when it comes to money they are ALWAYS eating out. That is a big cost right there. I don't agree with what she has spent money on and how much but how do they live if they are always eating out as well? I can't with these 2 much anymore. I start to tune them out after so much of their fighting. David comes off to me like all women in his life are this way and want to just control him. Which he doesn't put up much a fight to stop it either sadly. His mother wants to control him and what goes on. Then he marries a woman like that as well. I get the feeling this guy has never really been able to be his own man and its something he needs to be able to do. Taylor needs to learn quickly that marriage is give and take. Not take take take. Yet as was said I can totally see her cheating while she is traveling...that is IF she was to really get that job. Which Melba and her the pastor is important in Texas....as if its the only place that would be. I swear it gets old hearing anyone say that something is only important to whatever area they are in. Maybe step out of your area and you will see others might feel like that too. Hell I am not a religious person but I know its not just one location that people feel that way. Taylor's face as David was talking...OMG I wanted to smack her. LOL How old are you? Good for the pastor telling her she is selfish because she is. Sounds like David should be seeking some counsel about dealing with his dad's death too. I think some of what that pastor told him was good stuff. Yet I hope that he spoke one on one with Taylor too and told her to stop being such a controlling nutjob to him. Wow that makeup job of her's in her TH with her own camera. YIKES!! Girl tone it down. If David doesn't want her to go then he should explain to her exactly why and how he is feeling. 




I am so not bothering with Maneka and her greaseball sleaze. Fast forward button is getting a workout with each of these episodes. LOL

1 hour ago, kat12379 said:

Mayur does seem controlling and overprotective, but Maneka definitely seems like she needs a man like that. She comes off as very naive (I dont know her in real life but thats how she portrays on tv) and I think Mayur is doing right to protect her in any way possible. Its a very primitive instinct that he is displaying that I guess women enjoy that their man is protecting them. However - this segment does not make any sense whatsoever with what we have learned previously about him - like, he has a sleeve of tattoos, his friends look like frat guys, he is VERY americanized from both their own words, but suddenly he goes into traditional Indian husband overdrive. Hmm. Her sister in law is super cute (just a random side thought). 

I have to fast forward through their crap but they are as fake as they come. If she was that weak and pathetic as she comes off on tv then she would never last in real estate here in this area. The real estate agents here are VERY outgoing and strong people. They aren't weak and shy at all. Especially with selling multi million dollar homes. The amount of real estate agents/offices is a lot here so I just feel like they are trying to push their franchise of the agency they are part of with this show and how much it is discussed. Honestly I can't see why anyone would use them if they were to watch this show or see even a little glimpse of how they behave and come off. BTW, the Indian women I have known here do not act like she does. They are have come off as their own person and not controlled by their husbands at all. They were very outgoing as well. Some of them, the husbands actually came off more like they were the quiet and shy ones. I know its not always either way or the other but just like anything each person/couple will be different. 


I liked Vicki alot at first, and I pegged her as the most "mature" out of her and Ben, but then she started talking some nonsense about "making the house look pretty" being an "investment" and wanting kids before they are out of school and have a $150 spending budget a month.

Taylor is selfish. Simple fact, she controls everything and David is just supposed to go along with it, but nothing can go his way. She doesn't feel bad until she really thinks he's going for a divorce.

Mayur is so freaking gross. His attitude and obsession with money is intensely irritating. I honestly don't know why the dude's on TV. He's so unlikable. I don't see how anyone could like him.

Edited by ralph
  • Love 5

Maneka and Mayur: Just go to bootcamp together. Spend time together and workout. 

I didn't like how in this episode it made it look like David is the one at fault. Everybody acting clueless as to what is happening to him. His wife is moving out of state 2 months into the marriage without ever having consulted with him! That is such a red flag. 

  • Love 4

In Maneka and Manure's case, the producers seem to be Arranging some kind of ethnic-related marriage customs vs. modern marriages. Maneka and her "love" marriage and her high-stakes real estate gig don't add up to the submissive wife that Manure's demanding. His demands reek more of chauvinism than some traditional custom (other than chauvinism and assholery) and his delivery of his lines reeks entirely of producer-driven b.s.

David had me going there for a moment, admitting that he hadn't fully grieved for his dad. Maybe he can get a 2-for-1 deal and get over Taylor and his hellacious marriage at the same time?

Edited by buttersister
  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, Passthepopcorn said:

Maneka and Mayur: Just go to bootcamp together. Spend time together and workout. 

I didn't like how in this episode it made it look like David is the one at fault. Everybody acting clueless as to what is happening to him. His wife is moving out of state 2 months into the marriage without ever having consulted with him! That is such a red flag. 

Mayur said he'd gotten them both gym memberships and he wanted them to do that together (and Mayur looks like a gym rat who would bark orders at her), but, like, if she likes boot camp, she likes it, and he can tag along. What's annoying me about this is that you know the minute she gains weight he'll be giving her shit about letting herself go, so him fighting her on wanting to work out the way she likes is so dumb.

I love to work out, and part of that is that I've found stuff I legit enjoy doing so it's not a chore at all. So if Maneka enjoys boot camp and wants that to be her form of exercise, IMO Mayur doesn't get a vote.

I have to say, after seeing how horrible Taylor is, I think I'm team Melba. I think she needs to unwrap herself from around David's neck but I also read a tweet from Taylor that said she'd known David for 10 years (someone tweeted back "Then you weren't arranged"), so Melba has seen Taylor's bitchiness for a long time. She was probably horrified when they started dating. I wouldn't want anyone I love anywhere near Taylor.

  • Love 4

Wow... yea, I think Mayur would probably jump on Maneka the second she gains a pound or two. And I'd like to thank whoever said the word "chauvinist" in one of these comments because that was the word I was looking for. Chauvinism in a husband is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. However, Mayur made points that it was rare to see an Indian woman clubbing like a party animal and he stated that behaving like that as a married woman or man lookds bad on both of them and he does not want Maneka behaving like that, which wasnt hard because Maneka said she does not barhop anyways. I can understand why married couples would not want their spouse to go partying at clubs or bars without the other, I don't consider that controlling. Restricting her from going to the gym without him is .... a little wierd, to the point of maybe he should just get a leash ? 

  • Love 4
59 minutes ago, ralph said:

I liked Vicki alot at first, and I pegged her as the most "mature" out of her and Ben, but then she started talking some nonsense about "making the house look pretty" being an "investment" and wanting kids before they are out of school and have a $150 spending budget a month.


Mayur is so freaking gross. His attitude and obsession with money is intensely irritating. I honestly don't know why the dude's on TV. He's so unlikable. I don't see how anyone could like him.

The pregnant thing is because of how their religion is. They want them to basically start having kids right off but if they delay it they are suppose to get permission to do so from the Rabbi. From how it played out it was the way I read, the man goes to the Rabbi to discuss waiting to start and family. Rabbi will ask for reasons on why and if he deems it good enough he may be ok with them waiting on a family. Which obviously in this case it is something they should wait on. 

As for why Mayur is on tv....well considering how much he brings up his work and the name it became obvious early on it was to try to push that and his name out there. In the end though I can't see how the way he acts would make anyone want to use his franchise to help buy or sell a house. He comes off as he will scam and cheat you out of money so he gets more than he should. BTW, considering the location, I will bet anything you will find plenty of Indian girls hitting up clubs in Hollywood like everyone else. I will bet he hit up plenty of clubs as well over the years with how he comes off. eeewww

  • Love 3

Maneka seems to want it both ways.  She's said several times that her first marriage was as love marriage and this time she wants a traditional Indian arranged marriage.  To me, that sounds like she accepted very traditional gender roles in the marriage and that she would be willing to submit to her husband's demands.  But now she doesn't want to change her name and objects to her husband telling her what to do.  I'm not saying Mayur is right here, by any account, and it's definitely not the marriage I'd want...but I think it's what Maneka signed up for! 

Taylor's shoe buying spree was ridiculous.  Those are not the shoes she's going to need for flight attendant training.  I have never seen a flight attendant wearing tacky gold sandals! 

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

Maneka seems to want it both ways.  She's said several times that her first marriage was as love marriage and this time she wants a traditional Indian arranged marriage.  To me, that sounds like she accepted very traditional gender roles in the marriage and that she would be willing to submit to her husband's demands.  But now she doesn't want to change her name and objects to her husband telling her what to do.  I'm not saying Mayur is right here, by any account, and it's definitely not the marriage I'd want...but I think it's what Maneka signed up for! <snip>

Maneka and Mayur remind me a lot of Monet Bell and Vaughn Copeland from Married at First Sight season one. Both Maneka and Monet claim to want "traditional marriages" (with traditional gender roles), but their definitions of what that entails is pretty far removed, IMO, from what most people think a "traditional marriage" involves.

It wasn't until Monet did her stint on "Black Love" that I think she really understood she wasn't looking for a "traditional marriage" per se; just a smart, strong, driven man who would treat her with respect and allow her to pursue her own passions and interests - while at the same time contributing equally to the household expenses, housekeeping, etc. That is what "traditional marriage" meant to her - not what she got in Vaughn; a man who wanted a maid to take care of the house, a mother to take care of him, a foxy lady to satisfy him sexually, and a nanny to raise their progeny - all with a smile and cheerful disposition!

I suspect Maneka's definition of "traditional marriage" is very similar to what Monet eventually realized was what she really wanted (than what she ended up with in Vaughn), and what Maneka ended up with in Mayur.

  • Love 3

OMG I look so forward to reading the comments about this week but first….

My DVR had a few channels that were not working so Arranged and Teen Newlyweds did not record this week. Irritating. I just watched Arranged now but was unable to forward so I got stuck watching some scenes that I would have forwarded past (looking at you, Taylor).

I do not buy all that bullshit that the pastor said to David. Sorry, but he’s angry and upset with Taylor because she’s a FUCKING BITCH.  He has anger because his wife is a nasty, vile wicked piece of work that takes pleasure in pushing his buttons, pissing him off and treating him like dirt. Had to sympathize though because he knew what she was and married her anyway.

I don’t like the Indian couple. At all. I get that their culture dictates a lot of the way Mayur is but I can’t stand him. I have no sympathy for her. She wanted a man so badly. She knew what she was getting. Live with it. I love how Mayur is just about 100% totally Americanized but falls back on the “I’m an Indian, this is what we do” when he wants to impose all these restrictions on his wife. 

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Nancybeth said:

Taylor's shoe buying spree was ridiculous.  Those are not the shoes she's going to need for flight attendant training.  I have never seen a flight attendant wearing tacky gold sandals! 

I had the same thought - I haven't paid much attention to a flight attendant's shoes, but I think they're generally of the more basic, sensible variety. I'd also guess there are specific guidelines about what kind of shoes you're allowed to wear with the uniform.

  • Love 1

I am not really interested in any of the couples this season. I really can't stand the girl in the Southern pair, she is just too much. For her sake, I hope her reactions are producer staged, and she is really not the way she carries on, on the show. The Indian pair is boring The Orthodox Jewish pair, I just watch when they are discussing less known parts of their religion. They really should have just done, a Meet the Millers series, following the Roma family from last season, Meh.

  • Love 1
39 minutes ago, riverheightsnancy said:

Ok, I have to ask: if Vicki HAS to wear the wig when in public, is she wearing the wig in all the scenes we see on TV? Wouldn't that be in public? Is that a wig or her real hair? It looks real to me. 

I am just as confused as you are. I can't figure it out. Last week she was sitting on the sofa, brushing her wig and talking to Ben about taking it in to be washed and styled. But I've noticed in some scenes her hair is covered by a scarf or hat, in some (rarely, though, in the past couple of episodes) she's wearing her wig, and in some it looks like she's sans any hair covering at all.

All I can think of is perhaps some of the scenes we think were filmed after the wedding were in actuality filmed before it, and those are the scenes in which her real hair is showing.

But that explanation means they must have known in advance certain scenes would be filmed before the wedding but edited into programs meant to show stuff that went on after the wedding, because in some of them I thought I remember them talking about things as if they were already married. Or maybe that is just a flawed memory on my part, based on assumption, because I'd already seen the wedding and those scenes were shown in later episodes. That actually makes more sense, because if they'd known in advance Vicki would have donned the wig to make it more believable.

Does anyone remember definitively if Vicki has been shown wearing her wig in any scene filmed inside the loft apartment? I think she was wearing a scarf at one point in this episode, in the loft while sitting at the table talking to Ben. But some of her hairline was exposed.

I did think it odd they were discussing the birth control thing after they married instead of before. If they are so devout they adhere to the law that says they must ask the rabbi for permission before using B.C., wouldn't that meeting take place before the wedding? Why would Ben have sex without B.C. for a couple of weeks and risk pregnancy before going to the rabbi when he clearly believes they should wait to have a baby? If that scene was filmed before the marriage, then Vicki wouldn't have needed to be wearing her wig or any other head covering.

Never mind. Trying to figure out the timeline of when certain scenes were filmed on reality TV shows gives me a colossal headache, because they screw with the order of scenes so much when editing these programs it's next to impossible to make sense of any of it.

Oy vey.

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None of these people are likable except for David. He seems like a schmuck though. I don't think he needs to worry about a pilot wanting to hook up with Taylor. I can't believe she dropped $800 on shoes and a suitcase. I hope she enjoys wearing her fancy shoes while she's shitting on a bucket in a camper. 

Mayur and maneka are so boring. He said he wanted them to be a power couple but how can she be powerful if she can't even go to a networking event?  She needs to be able to make contacts. She's such s dumbass for marrying him. 

For once, I was on Ben's side though I think the whole baby talk was producer driven especially since she so easily changed her mind after skyping with her mom for five minutes. Just buy something new to take your mind off of it. I don't know why she needs to buy more clothes or makeup. She dresses in the same drab colors, in the same drab style. She could be wearing the same outfit every day. She doesn't wear enough makeup to need to replace it or spend money on more of it. It doesn't look like she wears any. I assume it's okay to use birth control for awhile since they got the rabbi's blessing to delay having kids?  If there is leeway in that tenet why not with any others?

6 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

 If there is leeway in that tenet why not with any others?

They are cherry picking tenets to adhere to from the extreme end of the spectrum but not others. It doesn't really work that way. To me it feels completely made up for television. Someone probably thinks they are opening up the viewers to the culture and traditions of Judaism but to those of us who are very familiar with that already, it's extremely confusing.

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On 6/29/2016 at 10:50 PM, Empress1 said:

Mayur said he'd gotten them both gym memberships and he wanted them to do that together (and Mayur looks like a gym rat who would bark orders at her), but, like, if she likes boot camp, she likes it, and he can tag along. What's annoying me about this is that you know the minute she gains weight he'll be giving her shit about letting herself go, so him fighting her on wanting to work out the way she likes is so dumb.

I love to work out, and part of that is that I've found stuff I legit enjoy doing so it's not a chore at all. So if Maneka enjoys boot camp and wants that to be her form of exercise, IMO Mayur doesn't get a vote.

I have to say, after seeing how horrible Taylor is, I think I'm team Melba. I think she needs to unwrap herself from around David's neck but I also read a tweet from Taylor that said she'd known David for 10 years (someone tweeted back "Then you weren't arranged"), so Melba has seen Taylor's bitchiness for a long time. She was probably horrified when they started dating. I wouldn't want anyone I love anywhere near Taylor.

Agree, i love my workout too (Zumba). I can't imagine doing machines opposite group classes. Another thing he said that sounded really stupid was when he enlightened her with what "men really think when they are working out with women". I think at 30+ we couldn't care less about that. She is not 15 and self-concious.

As I said before, I'm starting to understand Melba's attitude and horror. I don't wish that bride to anybody's son!

On 6/30/2016 at 5:12 PM, Empress1 said:

I had the same thought - I haven't paid much attention to a flight attendant's shoes, but I think they're generally of the more basic, sensible variety. I'd also guess there are specific guidelines about what kind of shoes you're allowed to wear with the uniform.

Agree. And spending so obscenely without consulting with him, since he is the only one bringing bread to the table was plain disrespectful. If you are living in a trailer and have no job yet, spending in luxuries makes no sense. How about going to Sears? Later on, after you make some money and prioritize things, like a house or apartment, spend all you want on treats.

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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned how Taylor's outfit during dinner was one breeze away from a wardrobe malfunction.

I actually feel kind of bad for Maneka. It's obvious she was raised to be the perfect little obedient wife, yet grew up in a country where women are allowed to have their own opinions. She would probably alienate her entire family if she tried to break free. It's pretty heavily implied that there was a lot of shaming when she sort of did that with her other marriage. It feels like a reason she married Mayur is because of family pressure and she thought he was more Americanized yet suitably Indian, and is only now figuring out that's not the case.

Even when I was in my early 20s and less aware of finances I wouldn't have when CONSIDERED buying 800 dollar shoes...I had SOME sense! And here I thought the 60 dollar candle and 80 dollar cups at the Jewish store were bad.

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