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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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According to Pickles, it sounds like Jinger & Jeremy bought a house in Laredo.  If JB didn't pay for it (and I doubt that he did since it's in Laredo), then good for them.  A young couple buying a house is such a normal thing to do.

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8 hours ago, saylubee said:

It's not at Jeremy's church.  If it's in Texas, it's in the Hill Country closer to San Antonio.  Laredo just doesn't have the lush trees.

However Jeremy posted a picture of Jinger today that looks like it was taken on a airplane.  She's wearing the same earrings from the wedding.  If they flew somewhere, who knows where the wedding was.

Looks like the wedding took place at Farrah Abraham's house. 

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14 hours ago, louannems said:

I've had bunions and now twisty toes (age 60) since I was 19 and 32. Both feet.  I have NEVER worn high heels and always worked in a hospital where running shoes were appropriate.

Nowdays, doctors think estrogen causes bunions, which causes ligaments to soften and then the bones can become displaced.

Since the Duggar girls were always barefoot or wearing flip-flops, any sort of real shoe is a plus.

Same - never worn high heels yet I had a pretty bad case of bunion on both feet. Recently had surgery for it. Wearing high heels on a regular basis would probably worsen an already existing problem (and in some cases create some), but some of us are ''lucky'' enough to get those regardless. Heredity can also be a factor. Hadn't heard about hormones being a factor but that would make sense as well.

To get back on topic... I personally don't see anything wrong with Jinger wearing black either - then again, I'm very partial to black (I wore all black yesterday - for a change LOL). To each their own :D

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I don't like Jinger's shoes with her dress, but that dress is so much better than anything I've ever seen on a Duggar female (not to mention sleeveless!) that I'm willing to give her a pass on the shoes. She has really come a long way in a short time fashion-wise.

Edited by EVS
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3 hours ago, BetyBee said:

According to Pickles, it sounds like Jinger & Jeremy bought a house in Laredo.  If JB didn't pay for it (and I doubt that he did since it's in Laredo), then good for them.  A young couple buying a house is such a normal thing to do.

I'd be impressed if they had a (gasp) mortgage.

Edited by JoanArc
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Nice enough houses in Laredo are not super pricey.  One can get a quite acceptable house for $150,000.  Their house is in the quite acceptable especially for newlyweds category.  They'll have plenty of room for awhile especially since they don't seem to be a baby every year types.

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13 minutes ago, saylubee said:

I found the deed.  They have a 30 year mortgage with a real mortgage company.

Now, there are at least a couple of further steps towards "normal". I still don't love Jeremy, but given that he's not really my type physically and I could never  see myself with someone even remotely fundie, that may just be personal prejudice. I do think that indications are he's been good for Jinj thus far.

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39 minutes ago, saylubee said:

I found the deed.  They have a 30 year mortgage with a real mortgage company.

Is it actually in Laredo? I'm curious what the sale date is, to get an idea of when filming took place.

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2 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Is it actually in Laredo? I'm curious what the sale date is, to get an idea of when filming took place.

Yes it's actually in Laredo.  It closed in June.

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53 minutes ago, saylubee said:

Yes it's actually in Laredo.  It closed in June.

I like Jer a bit more because of this. I still think he is a pathetic beta male with hateful views who wanted to marry into fame and money, but I'm so glad he basically lied to Jim Bob about never going into debt all so he could bang a starry-eyed virgin.


I also makes Derick look like crap, and Jessa and Bin look like parasites by for gleefully taking daddy's handout houses.


Wouldn't Jinger need a steady income source (ie the same job on her taxes) for at least 2 years to get her name on the mortgage? She's getting paid...

Edited by JoanArc
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Originally I posted in the Counting On thread but I think it fits better here:


Ok, now I'm surprised/confused again. (not unusual with Duggar topics)

So Jeremy owns the house with Jinger, as co-owner, because her name is on the deed.  Jinger's income was not used to qualify for the mortgage? 

And they took a 30 year mortgage?  So, they didn't pay cash with a little stash of TLC money? 

I find that very interesting....

Edited by Marigold
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3 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

I like Jer a bit more because of this. I still think he is a pathetic beta male with hateful views who wanted to marry into fame and money, but I'm so glad he basically lied to Jim Bob about never going into debt all so he could bang a starry-eyed virgin.


I also makes Derick look like crap, and Jessa and Bin look like parasites by for gleefully taking daddy's handout houses.


Wouldn't Jinger need a steady income source (ie the same job on her taxes) for at least 2 years to get her name on the mortgage? She's getting paid...

Jinger can be left off the mortgage.  She did sign the deed.  Texas is a community property state so the house is 50% hers in a divorce no matter how the purchase is structured.

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6 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Wouldn't Jinger need a steady income source (ie the same job on her taxes) for at least 2 years to get her name on the mortgage? She's getting paid...

I don't think so.  This is Texas and housewives get their names on the mortgage all the time there don't they?  Jinger probably does have income from the show, but they would likely qualify as a couple for the house.

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10 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

I like Jer a bit more because of this. I still think he is a pathetic beta male with hateful views who wanted to marry into fame and money, but I'm so glad he basically lied to Jim Bob about never going into debt all so he could bang a starry-eyed virgin.


I also makes Derick look like crap, and Jessa and Bin look like parasites by for gleefully taking daddy's handout houses.


I love this post!!!!!!! 

Edited by Marigold
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10 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I don't think so.  This is Texas and housewives get their names on the mortgage all the time there don't they?  Jinger probably does have income from the show, but they would likely qualify as a couple for the house.

I think it is also possible that they had a substantial down payment using Jinger's TLC money.  As pastor of a tiny church, Jeremy's income cannot be high enough to qualify for a big mortgage and a larger down payment could mitigate that..  Of course, since he is her 'headship', I suppose it could be that all of the TLC money comes directly to him and is considered his income just like most of us presume that JB took care of all the TLC loot in years past.

Edited by doodlebug
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At least for our mortgage in Texas, the lowest credit score locked in the rate.  If any housewife has worse credit, it's not prudent to list her on the mortgage if she has no contributing income.  Any money in joint accounts can count for either person wanting to persue a singular mortgage.  Jeremy would have been able to get a mortgage by himself but use any TLC savings that Jinger brought to the relationship.

Texas requires that a house purchased in marriage is deeded to both partners so Jinger's interests in the property would still be protected.

Edited by saylubee
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33 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

I like Jer a bit more because of this. I still think he is a pathetic beta male with hateful views who wanted to marry into fame and money, but I'm so glad he basically lied to Jim Bob about never going into debt all so he could bang a starry-eyed virgin.


I also makes Derick look like crap, and Jessa and Bin look like parasites by for gleefully taking daddy's handout houses.


Wouldn't Jinger need a steady income source (ie the same job on her taxes) for at least 2 years to get her name on the mortgage? She's getting paid...

High five Jeremy. You screwed Jim Bob over. You can bet Boob is going to have some snarky comments about this house. Plus it does seal, for a while at least, Jinj won't be headed back. Bwah ha ha...

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23 minutes ago, Lunera said:


Jinge and Jeremy's house. There was also a picture of Michelle and Blob at the airport yesterday, perhaps they went to check out the new house.

Looks like a nice home for a young couple.  They should be able to do a lot with it.  I like the covered patio area which is probably going to be very handy in the Texas heat.  It's a huge step up from the mold house, Jessa must be seething.

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20 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Don't faint ladies.... I got married in black.  My grandmother married in navy blue and so did my mother.  None of us are vampires or weird.  They were poor and I could not find a white dress I liked.

Awesome!  I wanted a Glinda the Good Witch dress and to be married on Halloween but my mom nixed it.  

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Jeremy would also get TLC money for his own appearances.  so what if Jinger also put money into the pile. It's a joint pile of money. And the house can't be sold from underneath her.  My husband and I have joint accounts, own the house and cars  together and each get the same amount of fun money each week. I make more than him- so what. 

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Right. Jeremy has earned a TLC check since the courtship episodes, and erned jointly with Jinger since the wedding. People check was also joint. I imagine they put down a hefty down payment.

Edited by Sew Sumi
because my phone thinks TKC is a thing
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Boob is probably going to figuratively piss on everything, and make asshole remarks about everything HE doesn't like.

He was such a jackass about the apartment.  Pity JerJin have to put up with him and Ma Kettle visiting :(

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6 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Boob is probably going to figuratively piss on everything, and make asshole remarks about everything HE doesn't like.

He was such a jackass about the apartment.  Pity JerJin have to put up with him and Ma Kettle visiting :(

All Jer has to say is "We're pretty hyped. Jinj always wanted her own space to decorate and it's our very own! Plus whenever we start to have children we won't be all cramped in a house slated for demolition and begging for scraps" Then he can give JBoob the double f*** you behind his back.

Edited by Annb67
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The house looks nice. I hope Jinge gets to know her neighbors....and doesn't minister to them.



There was also a picture of Michelle and Blob at the airport yesterday, perhaps they went to check out the new house

They took a public plane? On an airline? When they have 2 planes and a pilot? Are they peasants? TLC probably laid and filmed it.

Jer can really get Jim Bobs goat by pointing out the house if far away from a dump, and wasn't built by child labor. He can also suggest that if it didn't meet JBs approval then he's free to stay at a hotel when he visits.

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2 hours ago, Lunera said:


Jinge and Jeremy's house. There was also a picture of Michelle and Blob at the airport yesterday, perhaps they went to check out the new house.

The brick in the pic with Jeremy and Jinger is different than the brick in the other outdoor pics. Are we sure the other pictures are actually their home?

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I'm really hope they're making it on their own, without slimy Jim Bob . Their house number ends in a '7'. That's all I'll say about the exact location of the home, which I saw on the property record.....BUT, I also REALLY HOPE AND PRAY that all of their neighbors are heavy duty Roman Catholics and try to convert THEM.

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39 minutes ago, floridamom said:

I'm really hope they're making it on their own, without slimy Jim Bob . Their house number ends in a '7'. That's all I'll say about the exact location of the home, which I saw on the property record.....BUT, I also REALLY HOPE AND PRAY that all of their neighbors are heavy duty Roman Catholics and try to convert THEM.

They are making money from TLC which is hooked to Jim Bob and the Duggar name & fame. 

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6 minutes ago, Marigold said:

They are making money from TLC which is hooked to Jim Bob and the Duggar name & fame. 

Without the Duggars & the TLC money, Jeremy wouldn't have to be able afford this house as pastor at his church (where he never seems to be at).

Edited by ariel
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On 7/17/2017 at 3:16 PM, toodles said:

I used to work in a bank and I would see the girls in the teller line wear really pointed toe shoes with really high heels.  Of course they were on their feet all day.  Somewhat formal business attire was required at my bank, but high heels wasn't one of the requirements.

I used to see them in the lunch room and I would give them a bad time about their shoes.  I tried to give them old lady advice about being kind to their feet and their knees.  They would shake their heads and tell me how cute the shoes were.   Sigh.  At least I tried.

If Jinger is going for feet comfort, more power to her.

Lmfao, I was the same way at my last job with the younger girls and tanning. I'm only 38 but I felt like such an old hag.  Yesterday I was in the produce department of the grocery store bitching to everyone in a three foot radius about the high prices of fruit. I need to get out more.

23 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Don't faint ladies.... I got married in black.  My grandmother married in navy blue and so did my mother.  None of us are vampires or weird.  They were poor and I could not find a white dress I liked.

I was actually watching an episode of SYTTD where a girl tried on a black gauzy ball gown. It was gorgeous. Even my super traditional mother loved it. 

On topic, Jinger looks amazing. Marriage definitely suits her. 

Edited by BitterApple
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2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I was actually watching an episode of SYTTD where a girl tried on a black gauzy ball gown. It was gorgeous. Even my super traditional mother loved it. 

i saw it this weekend too!  that dress was a stunner and i think she should have chosen it. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Lmfao, I was the same way at my last job with the younger girls and tanning. I'm only 38 but I felt like such an old hag.  Yesterday I was in the produce department of the grocery store bitching to everyone in a three foot radius about the high prices of fruit. I need to get out more.

I was actually watching an episode of SYTTD where a girl tried on a black gauzy ball gown. It was gorgeous. Even my super traditional mother loved it. 

On topic, Jinger looks amazing. Marriage definitely suits her. 

At least you weren't talking about hemorrhoids or corns out loud!

Jinger does look super happy.  I would love it if she said screw this, I am spelling my name correctly and becomes Ginger Vuolo. 

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