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S02.E05: Did I Marry A Man-Child?

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Ben and Vicki move in together following the ceremony and face new challenges of living with each other; Taylor reveals a shocking secret put that hinders David's plans to move out of the trailer; and Maneka surprises Mayur on their honeymoon.

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Every time Ben jumped 12 feet in the air I had fantasies of smacking him in the shins with a bat. He is so incredibly ugly and annoying. 

So Mayur earns in the "top 2-3%" but doesn't have a housekeeper? Righhhhhhtttt....

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Ben is annoying and childish. (When he mentions any kind of physical intimacy, I feel weird, like I'm watching a kid talk about sex.) And I was afraid that he was going to pull Vicki down the stairs when he was holding her hand at the wedding - he was sprinting ahead of her. The wedding looked like fun though. Jewish weddings are usually a lot of fun, in my experience.

“[Mayur] wants me to work and also do everything at home.” GIRL WHAT? When Mayur was reading his checklist, I was actually, literally (not Kardashian literally, but literally literally) sitting there with my mouth hanging open. He is TERRIBLE. He’s not kidding about that “you’re my property” shit, either. Like, why are you even here, Mayur? What are you bringing to the table? You want her to make your meals, do your laundry, clean every day, pack for both of you for trips, AND get more involved in a career?  (And she already has two jobs! One selling real estate and then a store with her mother! He knows this; he hired her! WTF?) And that comment about Maneka's body and pregnancy? Lord, he’s going to pick and pick and pick and PICK until her body is “back,” either through diet and exercise or surgery. God forbid she get stretch marks. In the preview for next week, it looks like the test says she's pregnant. Mayur is going to be pissed.

I can't with Maneka's "I'm leaving home" histrionics. She's not 18, moving straight from her parents' house to her husband's house across the country or some shit. She is still going to live in the same town. She and her mother run a business together. She is 33 and, as she tells us CONSTANTLY, divorced. She's already lived without them! Stop crying!

Taylor is not mature enough to be married. You don’t get to take a job without discussing it with your spouse, particularly one that might require relocation and will have you on the road all the time. David apparently has a contract so he can’t move; she clearly didn’t even consider that. That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works. How did they not talk about ANYTHING related to where/how they would live before they got married?

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Mayur is coming off like a older, more organized version of Christian. I guess  that's what happens when you marry your boss, he'll be bossy.

Ben and Vikki's wedding was sweet. They make a cute couple, so far. His need to play around and be goofy while she tries to organize or cook, though, makes no sense. They're trying to make a new life together in a small space, not dorm mates for a semester. I hope he calms down soon.

David and Taylor...why are they on here again? Because their marriage was "arranged" by his brother, or just for drama? Their car ride conversations alone give me an idea that their marriage may be doomed.

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Did Ben do a bunch of speed for this wedding or was he that excited about having sex for the first time? Good lord watching him jumping up and down, even on the steps, exhausted me and I was just sitting on my couch like a lump.  Apparently having sex loosened up Ben a whole lot, the way he was bouncing off the walls and goofing around while Vicki was trying to unpack and cook... I wanted to reach thru my TV and slap him upside the head. 

How can Maneka be pregnant already? Must have been having premarital sex. I know women are having babies later now but if I was 33 I wouldn't be waiting especially when they want three kids. And why was Maneka crying about moving out of her parents house? She's been married before and I'm pretty sure they live close by. I cringed when Maneka said she was Mayur's 'property ' . If he is so Americanized what was up with the list of chores and her working and all the other bullshit? I'm not buying it.

I'm not paying attention to Taylor and David's fake story anymore. Where has the dog been staying? In the car? Why would you take a job in another state and possibly live in another state after you got married and not discuss this with your husband. The conversation in the park about this sounded so scripted and montone on David's part. Not buying this either. 

Edited to add: the traditional Jewish wedding Was interesting. I guess all that dancing and jumping up and down gets your adrenalin going so you have a lot of fun.

Edited by Straycat80
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1 minute ago, Straycat80 said:

How can Maneka be pregnant already? Must have been having premarital sex. I know women are having babies later now but if I was 33 I wouldn't be waiting especially when they want three kids. And why was Maneka crying about moving out of her parents house? She's been married before and I'm pretty sure they live close by. I cringed when Maneka said she was Mayur's 'property ' . If he is so Americanized what was up with the list of chores and her working and all the other bullshit? I'm not buying it.

I assumed they were having sex - I wasn't under the impression that there was anything culturally that forbade it (although I don't think they said either way), and Mayur doesn't seem like he'd be down to wait anyway.

Mayur wants to have his cake and eat it too. An Americanized woman who isn't so focused on tradition wouldn't take kindly to being required to handle all the household chores, "take care" of him, and also work a demanding job. You don't need a husband for that - if you're single, that's life (although I'd guess when Maneka was living with her parents, she wasn't doing any chores). I mean, I wouldn't even have coffee with him, but if somehow he hid all that from me and then busted out an Excel sheet of my household duties on the first day of our marriage, down to the kind of breakfast he required, I would get it annulled, and I am serious. That's not the kind of marriage I want. I'd never sign up for that.

I don't understand why Mayur wants Maneka to work - I actually think Maneka would be fine being a housewife. Maybe it's a trophy/status thing, like "Look how well my wife takes care of me and the house, AND she's an accomplished professional." Like Maneka being "just" a housewife wouldn't be good enough for him.

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I'm more convinced than ever that the Mayur/Maneka mess is totally scripted. A fucking Excel spreadsheet of duties? Bitch, please. Who was your slave last week? If Maneka's pregnant then she wins---clearly what she wanted in the first place and no doubt didn't take all that many precautions to prevent during their pre-marital sex. Because, kid. If Mayur wants out (out as in bringing back his housekeeper the producers sent on hiatus and looking for the next pretty Indian woman he can own), Maneka wins. Viewers, otoh, lose.

Hey, Taylor, you win, too! Biggest ass on my TV--and you're up against a douchebag with an Excel sheet of housekeeping duties. Pitching this set up to her must have been about being on a TV show first, and marrying bro's bruh last. Not that it will. Last. Run, David. I officially feel sorry for you.

Ben and Vickie earned what they got---a partner who doesn't know them, may "love" but doesn't like them, and a possible lifetime of WTF did i do.

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Vicki and Ben....so dancing can lead to sex?Wow. He's a man child and extremely aggravating. As far as wearing wigs...is that only when she's out without him or how does that work? In the TH, she's not wearing one and she wasn't at home. She wore one the morning after. Hopefully he's calmed down. She was defending him on Twitter stating that editing wasn't favourable and only showed a snippet of his story. A lot of people called him out about his behaviour regarding her taking pictures and posting on social media and the argument during the double date.

Taylor and David. Why did you get married? Is it because that song by Kacey Musgraves says that you're an old maid by x age if you aren't married and don't have kids? And you don't take a job without consulting with your spouse. I swear they spent the year or however long they've been together planning a wedding and nothing else. Why not live in an flat and put money towards saving for a home? She probably spent more time applying that blush than she did looking for a job. I can see her taking a job and telling him after. She's 25/26 and all about herself. No script needed for that.  One thing that isn't fake is how obnoxious she is.

Maneka and Mayur...that's a bag of Skittles. He wouldn't be content with a woman just being a homemaker. He seems to want a traditional marriage where he's the head, but he also wants a woman bringing something to the table he's bought and taking care of the house/him. It wouldn't surprise me if he expected at least some of those things for real. Producers might have made suggestions, but he seems like a type A personality who likes/needs to be in control. He probably can't turn off the boss switch because he's her boss at work, too. 

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Not understanding why Maneka keeps saying that Mayur is more Americanized. The way he rattled off her list of chores as she was trying to organize that massive amount of clothes sounded like he was very traditional. 

Taylor is inconsiderate and immature. The faces she was making when they were househunting reminded me of a spoiled child. I don't know how realtors can deal with primadonnas like that. It wasn't until her parents pointed out that if she could be relocated with her flight attendant job that an apartment might be more reasonable that she realized that house hunting wasn't a good idea. She wasn't expecting them to give her such "tough love." It's called common sense, dimwit.  And telling her parents before David that she got a job offer? Yeah, he better put her first but she can't do the same.

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I'm always surprised when women from cultures who really prize fertility know NOTHING about how babies are made! Maneka, sweetie, pick up a copy of "Our Bodies, Our Selves" or download a fertility app before you start crowing about how your period is two days late just one week after your wedding. 

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For a guy who is supposedly "Americanized", Mayr is behaving like a traditional Indian man. I was surprised he didn't call Maneka, "woman" at some point.  The way he kept cuddling her in Puerto Rico, led me to believe he really cares about her and is just putting on an act for the show. 

I don't see how Taylor is going to be an air hostess, considering she can't reach the over head bins to close them. 

Vicki did herself and Ben a disservice.  She shouldn't have agreed to marry him.  He comes across as immature and she comes across as rigid and impatient.  I don't believe either one is ready to be a spouse.

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The swimming thing with Ben and Vicki bugged me "I want to spend the morning after my wedding doing something she can't".  Seattle has swimming caps for sale, I'm pretty dang sure.  Even in hotels.  Or use the shower cap and don't dunk under water.  I wondered if it was about clothing/covering more then the hair.

And he needs to CHILL!  I sense a passive aggressive thing, where he drives her nuts enough to yell at him to calm down, then he goes and pouts about how he was just trying to have some fun with her.

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Those sheitels are hot and heavy. I have a few of the wigs since I have alopecia and although they are beautiful quality I can't wear one every day or even the whole day! I can't imagine what it must be like if you have your own head of hair under there. 

Well, at least when she gets her period she won't have to hand him anything. I guess, it's something, maybe. 

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Mayur is the male version of last season's Ragini.
What I dont understand is if Mayur made it expressly clear he did not want kids yet, why does Maneka think she is pregant ? Did they duscuss birth control options at all, or just assume you automatically get pregnant when you want to? I feel like the pregnancy test thing is fake.
What I dont understand is why Vicki isnt covering her hair in her talking heads post-wedding. From what I understand of Jewish law (I am Jewish), a married woman must cover her hair whenever she leaves the house, and whenever she is in the presence of a man not her husband or relative. But she looks cute in a scarf. Way better than a sheital, I actually do not like the wigs at all. She could not swim due to modesty issues, Orthodox women cover their knees, elbows, and collarbones and everything in between in public.
Mayur's expectations of Maneka is the problem with what society has become today after women's "liberation", especially in traditional cultures where the wife used to be expected to stay home with the kids. Men want their wives to continue cleaning the house, cooking all the meals, and doing all the childcare. But now - women have got to have jobs too on top of that. Well-paying careers. Many "traditional" men hold this expectation and also demand to be respected as the "head of the household" as well. Not all men are like this, but my some of friends from various traditional cultures complain about being workhorse wives. But Maneka seems up for the job, so mroe power to her !

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Why would you take a job in another state and possibly live in another state after you got married and not discuss this with your husband. The conversation in the park about this sounded so scripted and montone on David's part. Not buying this either. 

Exactly!  I'm sure that when they start having arguments about it Taylor will somehow say it is her mother-in-law's fault.  I don't buy it that she would get the job so easily and I especially can't see her in any kind of job that works serving the public.  If it is even true, it won't last long.  She won't be a good enough actress to mask her annoyance when someone asks her for something.

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42 minutes ago, kat12379 said:

What I dont understand is why Vicki isnt covering her hair in her talking heads post-wedding. From what I understand of Jewish law (I am Jewish), a married woman must cover her hair whenever she leaves the house, and whenever she is in the presence of a man not her husband or relative. But she looks cute in a scarf. Way better than a sheital, I actually do not like the wigs at all. She could not swim due to modesty issues, Orthodox women cover their knees, elbows, and collarbones and everything in between in public.

I just watched this episode and was confused as well. Those talking heads were filmed after the wedding but that looked like her real hair. I assume between the camera operators, producers, etc there must be some men in the room. They also filmed some THs out on the street when they were moving where it looked like she wasn't wearing a wig. Finally getting some sex seemed to make Ben delirious.

Well, Maneka seems quite content with her list of chores, so I don't feel as sorry for her.

I continue to hate Taylor. Why wouldn't she talk to David about being a flight attendant before they got married? Like he said, he has a contract and can't just uproot his life for her schedule. No idea what David sees in her. She's a pill and a half.

Edited by ExplainItAgain
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I have no idea how much teachers are paid in Texas , but they are paid Better than a lot of states and he must get some small differential for coaching?  I'm not a loan officer but by my rudimentary calculations based on $3000 a month income, $500 monthly debt (but who knows, really) and $10,000 down payment they could get something around $130,000 or less with 4% interest rate. Of course their credit could be crappy but they certainly don't anything to show for it.  At least they could afford rent somewhere. I hope Taylor flies off into the sunset and never comes back. 

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Taylor blinks so much I'm actually kind of distracted in her scenes. She really seems to have no concept of what's appropriate where or with who.  First with how she spoke to her mother in law then with making stupid straw noises in a nice place.

 If anything though both seasons of this show have made me so thankful to grow up in a society that valued me as a person and not property, or punished me with rules simply for being a woman.  I remain baffled why Vicki would willingly choose to live that way.  I felt so bad for Maneka when she was saying how she had been taught all her life that she was property.  Without ostracizing her whole family and community she could never be allowed to just be her.  I bet she was shamed heavily for the divorce and the entire time she wasn't married.  Vicki had such a sad look when she was sitting on that bed and Ben was like "we'll I'm going swimming and she can't haha".  He is so clueless.

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A few things keep bugging me about Taylor's work situation. She said being a flight attendant has been her dream job for the last five years; why is she just applying now? She's 25. Did she just get out of school? I don't think you need to go to college to become a flight attendant. Why did she wait until after she was married to start looking for work? And if this HAS been her dream job for the past five years, why is David acting like this is the first he's heard of it?

Between that and that camper (and I'm sorry, but if my dude were like "I live there so I can spoil you!" I'd be like, "Thank you, but let's go out way less and live somewhere ... else"), their story is so fake. I do think the family dynamics are real and I think that's Taylor's real personality (unfortunately, because she's awful), but their living and career situations make no sense.

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There was so much WTF stuff in this episode, but to me, the biggest WTF moment was when Vicki's mom was walking her down the aisle at the wedding. On her left ankle was something that looked like a HOME INCARCERATION ANKLET. It was square, on the ankle but the box was on the outside of her leg. Pretty sure it wasn't part of her shoe because I didn't see anything like that on her right ankle. Can someone please check this for me? Because... WTF????

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OMG Taylor is wearing one of those donut things in her damn hair I imagine. I honestly hate those things so frickin much!!!! I dread even more when I see it done to kid's hair doing ballet and they have that huge thing on their head that wouldn't really be there if someone took the damn time to do their kid's hair!! UGH! Its very distracting seeing it too since its almost as big as her head. LOL Then there is the damn makeup. Her cheeks bug me so much. Why on earth would you not disgust applying as a flight attendant? If its a local job I can see not talking about whatever you apply for but something that you travel..ugh what an idiot! His job is not something that can just up and move so easily. Glad her parents said a house is not a good idea because of it too. On top of it she is supposedly going for training but yet really I can't see her getting past it during the first few days of training for that kind of job. Plus her height...The house thing...I wouldn't care what the budget is. Sometimes you have to give on things and somethings you can be surprised by what you might get instead. Her stripper heels with those jeans and the damn bun...SMH Sorry but I wouldn't like that damn house either. Sure he wants cheap but the dude needs to look at the cost it will take and the work (that he probably can't do or her) that would have to go into cheap fixer upper. Is it really cheaper in the long run if you have to do the work on a place like that? I would think in that city they could find something decent in their price range...which did they even state what the price range was or just that the fixer was in their range?


Really Ben??? Its causing you stress not to talk to her? Why is that because he couldn't control her ever move or tell her more crap because she looked at her phone or used SM? Isn't he the one ALL about their religious traditions and how they can't talk or see each other for the week before they are married? God he disgusts me..he is like such a little boy about everything. The bouncing...I know they are saying all this stuff is tradition but it comes off so much like some frat boy type thing to me. For anyone that knows is the bouncing like that typical or do they just walk out normally instead? I'm just curious considering how he comes off. I take it that both her parents did not want her getting married..especially this way. He almost dragged the poor girl down the stairs. That whole dancing leads to sex..SMH *eyeroll* Do they not think then it could lead to things happening between the same sexes? Sorry but just throwing it out there because its one of the stupidest things. As if just being at a wedding couldn't led to sex happening for some or being anywhere? The swimming thing..him saying how she probably doesn't want to anyway..how does he know? Maybe she would like to. That whole behavior is so child like during everything with the wedding, the move, cooking, and just life. So for much for the wig all the time since she wasn't wearing it in some of those shots. Why on earth did she marry this boy? His eye roll when she said he needed to be normal..OMG how about it means to be a frickin mature adult and not some little 14 yr old horny kid. I can't see how she will stay married to him if this is how it will always be.

TeapotWakeen, I am not sure what it was on her ankle. I did make sure to look when I watched this morning but yeah I wonder. 


Sorry but distracted by Maneka's mom's neck too when she was shown? OMG the property thing...really are you that pathetic bitch??? He totally seems like he will run with that whole your my property thing. What does this ass have to offer to the marriage besides more income on top of her's? That whole excuse they barely know each other. I find that to be a load of crap. They have worked together for some time now and on top of it obviously doing things together before the wedding considering she was at his damn house serving him and his friends and whatever she was doing with him there at times. These 2 are the most fake of the 3 with all their crap. OMG grow the hell up lady!!! You already have not lived with your mommy and daddy before. UGH! That few bits was enough of them this show for me. That preview...god forbid she was pregnant all of a sudden...if so they obviously were fooling around well before the wedding. Wouldn't surprise me if they were anyway. 

Edited by Evil Queen
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"For anyone that knows is the bouncing like that typical or do they just walk out normally instead?"

I found that a little creepy/scary, that mob of guys coming at her with all that energy.  I would have felt claustrophobic.

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TeapotWakeen, I am not sure what it was on her ankle. I did make sure to look when I watched this morning but yeah I wonder. 

Thank you for looking, Evil Queen. I wondered if it were a mic pack, but they didn't show her talking at all, or any scenes of anyone talking at the wedding part itself. And, honestly, TV show or not, I'd be all 'I'm walking my kid down the aisle, you can put it on me after the ceremony! It's bad enough the bride and groom are mic packed* up!"        *I'm assuming.

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3 hours ago, lh25 said:

I found that a little creepy/scary, that mob of guys coming at her with all that energy.  I would have felt claustrophobic.

I agree. I have a friend that would have freaked out so badly if that was coming her way too. It just seemed like overload. 


2 hours ago, TeapotWakeen said:

Thank you for looking, Evil Queen. I wondered if it were a mic pack, but they didn't show her talking at all, or any scenes of anyone talking at the wedding part itself. And, honestly, TV show or not, I'd be all 'I'm walking my kid down the aisle, you can put it on me after the ceremony! It's bad enough the bride and groom are mic packed* up!"        *I'm assuming.

Np. I had to look when I watched it this morning and see myself if I could figure it out but it looked sort of white/gray. Not sure if mic packs are that shade or not but.all the ones I have ever seen have been black so far. And wouldn't she then have some sort of string hanging along the leg or running up the leg? I do wonder what it is though. It is an odd place if it was a mic pack though. Yet I just don't see some sort of criminal in her mother that would have to wear a monitor. Yet of course I guess you never do really know. LOL 

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MoonBunnychan -- good point!  But, in adult life, that would have been reason to put OFF the wedding, not move it cross-country. Seriously, there was no reason to get married while they were both in college, except... TOUCHING. And TOUCHING NAUGHTY BITS.

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Thanks moonbunnychan for clarifying it was. And yes it does explain why they flew all those people to Seattle. I was wondering about that since it would have been easier the other way around. 

TeapotWakeen LMAO I think Ben was the only one of them wanting to marry for that reason. I got the feeling from her reaction earlier about the sex thing that maybe he doesn't know something about her since she wasn't always Orthodox. I figured it was the only reason he was jumping all over, pulling at the poor girl and then how he was behaving in the apartment. 

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I assumed the reason the wedding was in Seattle was so that elderly relatives could attend, including the 104 year old (!) grandma. The energetic dancing and boucing is very typical of Orthodox weddings - people are accustomed to it and therefore it doesnt scare them. You see, a major part of Orthodox Jewish weddings is it is considered extremely important to make the couple happy, and this is one way how they do it. People will often perform a funny dance etc or the couple too. 

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Can someone explain why Ben appeared to wear his "everyday" yarmulke for the wedding?  I know a bit about Orthodox tradition, but I'm a little stumped on that one.  I would think that if there ever was an occasion for a new kippah, it would be one's wedding day!  Perhaps it's the one he got for his bar mitzvah?

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Thanks for that kat12379. I figured someone here might know if it was typical or not. It just comes off so over the top watching it. It was Ben's Grandma that was 102(4?). From what I remember now, both of them are from the Seattle area. So thinking about it if that is where most the family is it makes the most sense the wedding was there. I went back to double check too and what I read said they had attended the same schools there and then reconnected and started dating when they were in the same college in New York.

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As long as we're getting questions answered ... can someone explain Ben's white trench coat to me?

I'm assuming their parents transferred their dorm rental fees into apt rent for them. Or they have financial aid packages and moved that money. 

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2 hours ago, SnarkKitty said:

As long as we're getting questions answered ... can someone explain Ben's white trench coat to me?

It's called a kittel, and Wikipedia tells me it can be worn by the Orthodox on many occasions, such as Yom Kippur and Passover, as well as being used as a burial shroud.  Regarding its wear during the wedding ceremony, Wikipedia says:  The white color is said to symbolize purity, which partly explains its use during weddings. It is also felt to signify unity with the bride (who also wears white) and the beginning of a new life together. Another reason worn at the wedding is because it has no pockets, showing that the couple is marrying for love, not for what they possess. 

I actually liked what Ben's father had to say about Ben's mother helping him dress one last time, signifying his transition from a son to a husband.  Though how successful that doof is going to be at that transition is yet to be seen.  *cough*

Say what you will about this show, but I think we've all learned a thing or two about other cultures from it!

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Did Ben do a bunch of speed for this wedding or was he that excited about having sex for the first time? Good lord watching him jumping up and down, even on the steps, exhausted me and I was just sitting on my couch like a lump.  Apparently having sex loosened up Ben a whole lot, the way he was bouncing off the walls and goofing around while Vicki was trying to unpack and cook... I wanted to reach thru my TV and slap him upside the head. 

How can Maneka be pregnant already? Must have been having premarital sex. I know women are having babies later now but if I was 33 I wouldn't be waiting especially when they want three kids. And why was Maneka crying about moving out of her parents house? She's been married before and I'm pretty sure they live close by. I cringed when Maneka said she was Mayur's 'property ' . If he is so Americanized what was up with the list of chores and her working and all the other bullshit? I'm not buying it.

I'm not paying attention to Taylor and David's fake story anymore. Where has the dog been staying? In the car? Why would you take a job in another state and possibly live in another state after you got married and not discuss this with your husband. The conversation in the park about this sounded so scripted and montone on David's part. Not buying this either. 

Edited to add: the traditional Jewish wedding Was interesting. I guess all that dancing and jumping up and down gets your adrenalin going so you have a lot of fun.

Looking for someone to ride shotgun with me while I rescue that poor Dachshund from that white trash family! He's the only one I feel sorry for in Taylor and David's story.

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51 minutes ago, Fabismom said:

Looking for someone to ride shotgun with me while I rescue that poor Dachshund from that white trash family! He's the only one I feel sorry for in Taylor and David's story.

I'll ride shotgun.  I don't remember seeing the dog before, but I would love to rescue him (her??). In a trailer that size where has he been hiding?    

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8 hours ago, Lisa418722 said:

I'll ride shotgun.  I don't remember seeing the dog before, but I would love to rescue him (her??). In a trailer that size where has he been hiding?    

Everyone has been commenting on Taylor's Bump-it... but it was actually the dog under her hair. 

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I never would have thought any man could appear as a bigger douche than Vereel, but Mayur does it.....to extremes. I can only hope that his totally OTT entitled 'me master, you slave' routine is production driven.....otherwise, he seriously needs to be kicked to the curb....repeatedly....by lots of women in stiletto heels....or ballet flats....and taking his thrice damned chore lists to the nearest bonfire...

Ben has no business being married....I do not understand how someone who seems to be as articulate and focused as Vicki could settle for such a juvenile POS who has clearly been allowed to stay up much too much past his naptime...

Taylor/David....no....just no....just not in any universe I care to occupy....especially NOT in that camper....and with those parents.......EEEEEEWWWWWW

I don't know that I'll even bother to watch the next episode....it's just NOT my idea of entertainment.....

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I'm just happy someone finally asked about the wig!! 


She's been wearing the wig almost the entire season. So I believe the talking heads were mostly shot after the weddings happened. 

All the shots and talking heads of her where she is wearing that half up/ half down, with no center part, is her in the wig. You'll also notice the texture of the hair (when they shoot her from the back) is just a bit stiffer and not as naturally wavy as her own hair was before she was married. It almost looks like suddenly her hair is very dry, but the reality is, I think it's harder to notice because we really haven't seen her with her natural hair in some time (other than those first few segments of them still dating, where she is not in a talking head)

All the shots and talking heads where you see a clear center part with scalp showing, where her hair is mostly down (like her wedding) / or all down (as shown in the scenes when they were still dating) is her own hair. 


She leaves out only the front hairs, to cover where the wig starts.  Wigs are pretty common in the black community (I'm black) so I've seen them all, worn a few, and I'm pretty good at recognizing them from a mile away. There is also a huge Orthodox Jewish community in my city (L.A) and I've seen them rocking their wigs too. 


Anyway, here are a couple screen shots. You can see where the wig starts because it's unnaturally lumpy and there is a good "crease" (for lack of a better word) where the wig starts, because she doesn't have much of her natural hair out and brushed over it sometimes.  



In this one, she just didn't have enough of her own hair out at the temple area, where it's naturally thinner for her, to cover the wig lump



And it's super obvious in this shot... see what i mean? She how it's like a hair speed bump right by her temple... wig.


Other times it's hard to tell, because she'll have the wig starting further back with more of her own hair pulled out to cover it -- but if you don't see a center part, it's usually her in the wig.  In this pic it's a good example, because in the very front center, you see where her hair has it's natural part (probably from years of wearing it parted in the center).  But it magically stops, and you see a little lump... that's the beginning of the wig. 




I think she's still learning how to style it, and just combing the left out hairs over it and pinning it back, as she does, is the easiest and fastest way to fix it (I've worn a wig that way too). 

Edited by lilsadone
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22 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Didn't even think about it actually but nice spotting it. Thanks sharing how you did. Which btw, we aren't to far off from each other in locations. Neighboring counties. LOL

Hey neighbor!!!  :D

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9 hours ago, holly4755 said:

ok, I was confused when I saw her pulling some of her own hair out, but isn't that defeating the purpose of covering your hair topull out your hair to cover some of the wig? 

Many modern orthodox women just wear a hat to cover part of their hair. This couple seems to be picking and choosing some elements of orthodox Judaism to follow in addition to some laws of ultra hard core Judaism. Ultra observant women shave their head the morning after the wedding and can wear a kerchief, turban, wig or whatever. Many-- if they wear a kerchief-- will have a piece of fake hair on, not a full wig and have a piece of foam under the kerchief so she does not look bald under it and allow some of the fake hairs to stick out so it looks more real. 

It seems next week's episode will introduce viewers to the laws of niddah. This means


when a woman is having her period she is unclean and not allowed to touch her husband or even pass things to him for the 5 days of her period PLUS an additional 7 "clean" days after which she goes to the mikveh (ritual bath) scubs herself, immerses herself in the water and comes home to resume relations with her husband. The super observant will even bring a piece of one's underwear to a rabbi for inspection if they are not sure the woman is "clean." This practice is typically done in super observant households, like the households in which the head is shaved. They seem to be making a combination platter of observances that are seriously inconsistent.

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On ‎6‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 3:43 PM, PityFree said:

Everyone has been commenting on Taylor's Bump-it... but it was actually the dog under her hair. 

This is the type of comment I live for, and the whole reason I subject myself to reality TV. :-)


On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 7:28 PM, lilsadone said:

I'm just happy someone finally asked about the wig!! 


She's been wearing the wig almost the entire season. So I believe the talking heads were mostly shot after the weddings happened. 

All the shots and talking heads of her where she is wearing that half up/ half down, with no center part, is her in the wig. You'll also notice the texture of the hair (when they shoot her from the back) is just a bit stiffer and not as naturally wavy as her own hair was before she was married. It almost looks like suddenly her hair is very dry, but the reality is, I think it's harder to notice because we really haven't seen her with her natural hair in some time (other than those first few segments of them still dating, where she is not in a talking head)

All the shots and talking heads where you see a clear center part with scalp showing, where her hair is mostly down (like her wedding) / or all down (as shown in the scenes when they were still dating) is her own hair. 


She leaves out only the front hairs, to cover where the wig starts.  Wigs are pretty common in the black community (I'm black) so I've seen them all, worn a few, and I'm pretty good at recognizing them from a mile away. There is also a huge Orthodox Jewish community in my city (L.A) and I've seen them rocking their wigs too. 


Anyway, here are a couple screen shots. You can see where the wig starts because it's unnaturally lumpy and there is a good "crease" (for lack of a better word) where the wig starts, because she doesn't have much of her natural hair out and brushed over it sometimes.  



In this one, she just didn't have enough of her own hair out at the temple area, where it's naturally thinner for her, to cover the wig lump



And it's super obvious in this shot... see what i mean? She how it's like a hair speed bump right by her temple... wig.


Other times it's hard to tell, because she'll have the wig starting further back with more of her own hair pulled out to cover it -- but if you don't see a center part, it's usually her in the wig.  In this pic it's a good example, because in the very front center, you see where her hair has it's natural part (probably from years of wearing it parted in the center).  But it magically stops, and you see a little lump... that's the beginning of the wig. 


<<pictures snipped for quoting>>


I think she's still learning how to style it, and just combing the left out hairs over it and pinning it back, as she does, is the easiest and fastest way to fix it (I've worn a wig that way too). 

Vicky's Mom was right -- her natural hair is gorgeous. The texture and color are beautiful. I see what you mean about the wig making her hair look dry. The color isn't quite right, either ... it's lighter than her natural hair. Even so, I think her wig looks fine, but agree that it will look better once she learns to style it. Thanks for the pics and the pointers, Lilsadone!

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
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