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S03.E10: From Here To Paternity

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7 hours ago, Sonoma said:

I think Thomas and Kathryn are individually gross and even more disgusting together. I don't blame Cameran one bit for not wanting to be around them and I cheer her on when she acts like a big old bitch about it. She was never Kathryn's friend, she only tolerated her because of Thomas. She doesn't owe Kathryn one bit of anything and good for her for being honest about it.

I also think using but the "But she's a mother!", "But she has pregnancy hormones!" "But she has pregnancy brains", etc. complete bullshit. She was trash before she got pregnant and she's trash as a mom. I don't care what came out of her vagina. Same with Thomas and his coked-up antics. As Cameran's mom brilliantly put it-- any idiot can have a baby. These trashy idiots had two. I hate it when people are given free passes because they popped out a kid. I also hate them for making me root for Whitney and Landon against them. And I don't buy for one minute that Whitney was love-sick over anyone without a penis.

So, so sick of them and I just fast-forward their vomit-inducing scenes together. These poor children were not conceived out of love and their parents are nothing but toxic to each other and anyone around them. Hopefully by the time they're old enough to know better, Thomas and Kathryn will have gone their romantic separate ways permanently.

And again, thank you to Cameran's mom for going against reality show trope about having babies being the ultimate goal in every woman's life. Their primary goal should be getting their life together before bringing innocent victims into their narcissistic mess. Most of these Bravo women use having children as financial security, a relationship trap, and/or a selfish means to fill an emotional void.

Whitney?? Pat??  That you?

J/K ;)  And I certainly don't disagree with your overall sentiment. Especially the last paragraph!  I am loving Mrs. Cameron's mom. I also think it's gross how he's already favoring St. Julien and he's only a day or so old at this point.  Whoever called him a "drunken scoundrel" was so on the money!

Regarding the fortunate son:  damn he is soooo teeny-tiny. He wasn't considered a preemie, was he?  I think Kensie is a cutie and mostly seems like a happy, well-adjusted child.  But she is STILL, more or less, a baby herself. I was exhausted just looking at the 2 of them thinking of how much work raising a toddler and a newborn at once would be.  But then again, she's young and has the energy, I supposed. Thomas, on the other hand, not so much. 


Again, totally staged except the client was one heck of a thespian...he didn't break character for a second. Dead serious. No smile, while Shep stumbles and goofs off half an inch away from him.  So for Achievement in Bit Part Acting, the Oscar goes to : Grey beard man house-shopping with Cameran and Shep.  Bravo! Standing O!

Exactly!  If anybody thought that scene played out the way it did without some nudging or outright direction from production, well, I've got some swamp land in South Carolina that I can sell you for a song. Clearly that whole "Shep and Cam buddy up to sell real estate" was a sham solely for the cameras, in and of itself.


How in the hell does Craig know that Kathryn slept with someone else besides T-Rav the weekend she conceived?

Because they are friends and co-workers who live in the same tiny town where gossip spreads like wildfire. Besides Craig didn't even say exactly that. He said she was dating somebody else at the time that Kensington was supposedly conceived. I'm sure lots of other people knew this as well.

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Regarding the fortunate son:  damn he is soooo teeny-tiny. He wasn't considered a preemie, was he?  I think Kensie is a cutie and mostly seems like a happy, well-adjusted child.  But she is STILL, more or less, a baby herself. I was exhausted just looking at the 2 of them thinking of how much work raising a toddler and a newborn at once would be.  But then again, she's young and has the energy, I supposed. Thomas, on the other hand, not so much. 

Don't feel too bad for Kathryn.  The nanny seems to be very much in control and in charge of those children.  She had to tell Kathryn to pick her baby up when the nanny was adjusting the bassinet he was lying in.

  • Love 8

So Craig is back on the lawyer train again. Guess he decide working with JD actually meant patience and WORK and he wasn't having any of that. I wish that lawyer he met with again would have told him to come back after he grows the fuck up. He should have at least told him not to contact him again until he passes the BAR, then they could have a serious conversation.  

These people are really fading fast. They have nothing going on. Can you imagine what the season would have been like without the Kathryn and Thomas baby drama? 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Missmissie173 said:

How in the hell does Craig know that Kathryn slept with someone else besides T-Rav the weekend she conceived?

Does Craig keep an elaborate pie chart and spread sheet to track the gang’s sexual gallivanting?  I think not, as that would be too much like actual work. And we know our Craig doesn’t “roll” that way- meaning anything to do with actual work.

 So I guess Craig just threw that idea in out of his asshat. We need to buy him a long wooden spoon to help him with all of his "stirring activities." 

Craig and Kathryn are friends, confidants. If she was going to spill the beans to anyone about her sex life, it's him and Jennifer that would know what's going on. Girls talk.

  • Love 3

I have to agree with Whitney's mother's thoughts about Ms. Dennis. First, Kathryn claims her doctor placed her on bed rest ....then her doctor was forced to move up her son's due date by a month because of her hypertension and other medical issues, but that didn't prevent her from going out to meet new best buddy Cooper for sweet teas & spa massages, or bolt out of the house & drive off in her car after learning Thomas might miss the birth of her baby.  

  • Love 4

Was it explained why serious business guy had a house/outpost (or maybe office branch) in Charleston?  Was his role merely to crush poor widdle Snowflake's dream, which she seemed to work oh-so-hard on?  Aw, serious business guy was such a meanie to poor widdle Snowflake.  She made such a sad, sad, sad frownie face after her meeting with serious business guy.  Um, hey, Snowflake, how old are ya anyway, hun?  34 . . . or 6?

So Snowflake, how do you see a life with Horseteeth -- or have you thought that out -- er, at all?  Nah, you don't think anything out in your dream world, do you, Snowflake?  But let's try it just this once, OK Snowflake? Would you be standing by while Horseteeth sleeps till 6 every day & indiscriminately chases . . . uh, girls (pussy)?  Ooh, sounds awesome!  Yeah, good luck with your love for Horseteeth, Snowflake.

  • Love 6

Wow, what does Patricia have up her butt about Cooper Ray? The only reason she had that old fart at her party was to make fun of Cooper' Founder's Day Ball. EVERYBODY KNEW IT WAS STAGED FOR BRAVO, INCLUDING MS. CAFTAN. Whew, sorry about that. Man, Kathryn must have really screwed with the storyline the first season by ditching Whitney. Relax, Whitney, if she'd stayed with you, you would have had a one season show. I can't even watch him with his "girl friend." I get so embarrassed for him I start giggling.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Why = Bravo/cameras/reality tv easy money.  He knows he can't pursue law seriously and get time off to film.


Her performance in "Landon's True Feelings Revealed" was terrible. That whole scene was staged, but they purposely didn't tell Shep what the real point of the scene was, hence that got that remarkable wine-spit out of him.  Just the fact that Shep brought the conversation up at Patricia's Chauvinist Pig Dinner means it's officially a film-able storyline.  I know the cast complained that production drove this season's storylines and this one is so obvious.


Again, totally staged except the client was one heck of a thespian...he didn't break character for a second. Dead serious. No smile, while Shep stumbles and goofs off half an inch away from him.  So for Achievement in Bit Part Acting, the Oscar goes to : Grey beard man house-shopping with Cameran and Shep.  Bravo! Standing O!

I'd also like to recognize The Media Guru for flying in from New York to coldly crush Landon's dreams in less than two minutes.  

I don't know why everyone is so perplexed by Craig's choice to put lawyering on the back burner. No firm will give him the time off for the show and he clearly didn't graduate with grades that would give him top prospects. He's making so much more money doing this than he could make at any firm that would have him. He's been out of school for 3 years. He would likely only get work at a small or medium sized firm. He'd have to work 60+ hours a week to make $100 thousand per year. On the show, he gets excess of a $100 thousand for three months of work. He just needs to take the February bar. Every year that passes makes it that much harder to pass the bar because he's forgetting core concepts that he learned in school.

  • Love 6

When Landon presented her papers instead of a freaking website, I literally laughed out loud seeing the businessman's face (can't remember his name).  [/quote]

How could you forget international man of mystery, Lockheart Steele?! Seriously, I will forget a character's name WHILE watching a show, but I will recall Lockheart Steele as the greatest name of all time until the day I die. This will be added to my list of hearing 30 years ago of the existence of someone on this planet named Crystal Shanda Lier.

Edited by JenE4
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

So Craig is back on the lawyer train again. Guess he decide working with JD actually meant patience and WORK and he wasn't having any of that. I wish that lawyer he met with again would have told him to come back after he grows the fuck up. He should have at least told him not to contact him again until he passes the BAR, then they could have a serious conversation.  

These people are really fading fast. They have nothing going on. Can you imagine what the season would have been like without the Kathryn and Thomas baby drama? 

The lawyer train?  Choo choo, eh?  Yeah I've heard Craigie-poo spout this bullshit before -- about how he "loves the law".  Yeah, yeah,  sure, sure, Craigie-poo.  When he starts with this garbage, he may as well have a feed under him saying "I'm just babbling bullshit to the cams to give myself some storyline."

His ex-boss called him out perfectly.  He said the buffoon is working now as a hotel manager -- and that's pretty much it.  Well, we know that's not it really.  The ex-boss shoulda said to him -- Wtf, you freakin' boob, you gave up being a lawyer to be in some dopey reality show!  Nah, if you "love the law", Craigie-poo, you'd do what you have to do & take the bar.  As a lawyer, I have little patience for this nonsense.  Guess he can't break the 4th wall & admit he blew off being a lawyer to be on this show, eh?

Gee, Idk, Craigie-poo, I'd say you seem much more suited to doing this show than being a lawyer anyway.  Shit-stirring on this thing seems to suit you just fine & dandy.  You sure turned on your great friend Kathryn real quick.

  • Love 2

Frankly, I don't see the awesomeness of Cameron's mother's comments. She just used common sense and stated that if one doesn't want children...don't have them. Wow.                                All that "any FOOL[❗ ]  can have children" was unnecessary, and, in my opinion, a set-up for the Kathryn cudgeoling.                                          This group of fame'ho's really, really, and truly want fame'ho', Kathryn, off the show.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Southernbelle55 said:

Wow, what does Patricia have up her butt about Cooper Ray? The only reason she had that old fart at her party was to make fun of Cooper' Founder's Day Ball. EVERYBODY KNEW IT WAS STAGED FOR BRAVO, INCLUDING MS. CAFTAN. Whew, sorry about that. Man, Kathryn must have really screwed with the storyline the first season by ditching Whitney. Relax, Whitney, if she'd stayed with you, you would have had a one season show. I can't even watch him with his "girl friend." I get so embarrassed for him I start giggling.

Last night, Cooper tweeted an excerpt from an article he had penned after Season 2 has been completed but before Season 3 was announced, so at least a year ago.  I'm only quoting the part of the article that Cooper tweeted last night but I'll link the entire article.  The whole piece is worth reading.


 I will tell you I am pleased with my portion on the show now that it has aired. The network was good to me and to their word. I was allowed to wax nostalgically and poetically on what I love about the city. My brand was prominently featured. They even asked me to create a facsimile of a gala event, which I dubbed Founders’ Ball, to give the audience a taste of society. Of course it was exaggerated because I am exaggerated. But there were some good people who braved the cameras and attended to support me. And that was the generosity that makes me love the people here all the more.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Thomas is extremely handsome, I must say. He is a great looking man. He and Cameron would be a good mix. She wouldn't need to have kids, and he could do whatever he wants since she obviously spends no social time with her husband.

I don't feel like it is fair to say that Cameron spends no social time with her husband given that this show doesn't show even a quarter of their real lives.  We have no idea how much social time they spend together.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, pasdetrois said:

Regarding paternity, some of these old families (not just southern ones) are sticklers for bloodlines. I'd be surprised if Thomas and the family trusts would allow a usurper in to continue the family line. Even an innocent newborn. I'm sure Julien is Thomas' child and the nonsense about paternity is purely for drama.

Kathryn has tweeted several times that paternity tests were conducted at something like 15 weeks and proved conclusively the baby was Thomas'. I think playing up the "inconclusive" thing is ALL for the drama. I don't think Thomas Ravenel would just accept a son as his own if he weren't certain. Why should he get stuck paying to raise another man's child? He was not married to Kathryn so owes her nothing if the baby is not his. Now they're going to court, apparently, to settle support and visitation so now would be the time to declare or deny paternity, based on a "conclusive" test.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, BookElitist said:

Frankly, I don't see the awesomeness of Cameron's mother's comments. She just used common sense and stated that if one doesn't want children...don't have them. Wow.                                All that "any FOOL[❗ ]  can have children" was unnecessary, and, in my opinion, a set-up for the Kathryn cudgeoling.                                          This group of fame'ho's really, really, and truly want fame'ho', Kathryn, off the show.


Well, speaking for myself, it's refreshing to hear an older woman NOT be pushing her daughter on the "grandchild bandwagon."  Many mothers with married kids "of a certain age" are pretty adamant and outspoken in their desire for grandchildren, and it gets a little old (yes, I may or may not be speaking from personal experience here...!).  I just liked Mom of Cameron approaching it from a different tack.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Craig and Kathryn are friends, confidants. If she was going to spill the beans to anyone about her sex life, it's him and Jennifer that would know what's going on. Girls talk.

Emm...maybe, but Kathryn is so manipulative it seems unlikely to me that she would be the bean spiller on something that is not in her favor. If Craig was repeating what Kathryn told him than what a douche for trying to make himself an in with the supposed "grown" people - J.D., Thomas, Whitney.  

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Craig's former boss is an ambulace chasing famewhore. LOL, if Craig worked for him, this show would be their new vehicle.

Oh man, now that is hilarious -- but not surprising.  I was scratching my head, truly puzzled by this guy.  First off, I was thinking -- what kinda lawyer would actually wanna hire Craig, given what a moron/buffoon/fool we see him act like?  And secondly, I was wondering what kind of lawyer would agree to be on this show?  Mmmm, OK, I got my answer.

2 hours ago, BookElitist said:

Frankly, I don't see the awesomeness of Cameron's mother's comments. She just used common sense and stated that if one doesn't want children...don't have them. Wow.                                All that "any FOOL[❗ ]  can have children" was unnecessary, and, in my opinion, a set-up for the Kathryn cudgeoling.                                          This group of fame'ho's really, really, and truly want fame'ho', Kathryn, off the show.

Well, when have you ever heard a mother EVER say to a daughter -- "OK, have a child or don't have any children, but it's your decision, dear"?  Maybe my experience is limited, but that scene was so loopy to me, it was like something outta sci-fi.

Let's just say I thought Mama Cammy almost sounded like Mother Theresa in her understanding nature.  Her attitude, while maybe quite sensible indeed, seemed pretty darned unusual to me.  Now, is she really a very sweet lady (we have no reason as of yet to doubt this) or was she playing Mother Theresa for the Bravo cams?  Or is Momma Cammy thinking Cam's sis will spit out some grandchildren for her -- as Cam implied?  So then Cam is off the hook & the pressure is off her to have kids.  

Idk, not sure what was going on, but that whole scene with Cams & Momma Cammy felt very forced & fake to me.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, honeydo7 said:

I have to agree with Whitney's mother's thoughts about Ms. Dennis. First, Kathryn claims her doctor placed her on bed rest ....then her doctor was forced to move up her son's due date by a month because of her hypertension and other medical issues, but that didn't prevent her from going out to meet new best buddy Cooper for sweet teas & spa massages, or bolt out of the house & drive off in her car after learning Thomas might miss the birth of her baby.  

She said he put her on "modified" bed rest, not complete bed rest.  A google and review of pregnancy message boards shows that this has a fair amount of variability from doctor-to-doctor and based on the individual patient.  From what people are describing though, a relaxing, mostly reclined or seated spa session, or a meal, would not be out of the realm of modified bed rest.  Neither would walking short distances (like from the door to the car).  

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I don't know why everyone is so perplexed by Craig's choice to put lawyering on the back burner. No firm will give him the time off for the show and he clearly didn't graduate with grades that would give him top prospects. He's making so much more money doing this than he could make at any firm that would have him. He's been out of school for 3 years. He would likely only get work at a small or medium sized firm. He'd have to work 60+ hours a week to make $100 thousand per year. On the show, he gets excess of a $100 thousand for three months of work. He just needs to take the February bar. Every year that passes makes it that much harder to pass the bar because he's forgetting core concepts that he learned in school.

He would be lucky to make that.  Based on the law school he went to and average Charleston attorney salaries, he would probably be making between $60-85K.  (Even new attorneys in larger cities like Chicago are lucky to make much more than that unless they went to a top tier school or graduated at the top of their class from a "regional" school.)  He probably has debt and the show is a better prospect for paying that off (and a more fun one) than actually being a lawyer.  Gotta love our tuition system...  He needs to pass the damn bar though.  

  • Love 6

  This spoke volumes to me. He's almost taunting us with why he hasn't moved forward with anything since law school, yet he's still living the good life.

I also wanted to comment on how the men were dressed for Patricia's party. Loose pants and loose suit jackets look so much better on men then those suit jackets that pull at the button and pants so tight you can make out their balls. Craig goes there a little bit but I imagine that's because he's younger.

Does anyone else notice that Landon seems to slip out of her speech impediment a lot more often in her talking heads and even when she was professing her love for Shep? It's almost like she forgets she has it or uses it when she talks a little faster and seems to be more focused. 

  • Love 3

Does anyone else notice that Landon seems to slip out of her speech impediment a lot more often in her talking heads and even when she was professing her love for Shep? It's almost like she forgets she has it or uses it when she talks a little faster and seems to be more focused. 

Yes, I have noticed that too. Just what is Landon's speech impediment exactly. I hear it  yet I can't define it or quite describe it. There is a valley girl quality to it but its something about the tone or her ability to consistently modulate/control the tone. 

She definitely looked a fool again meeting with that Lockhart guy. BTW I also wondered what he was doing in Charleston, as their first meeting was in NYC. Is he from there or does he have a vacation home there? As she was leaving , she said, enjoy your stay and they met in a house, not a hotel. 

If she wants to write about travel, then why doesn't she get a job at a travel publication ? Oh, that's right, she might have to pay her dues and start at the unglorified bottom....and really work. 

She still pushes my buttons. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 7

Thanks for the above post from Craigie-poo's Twitter.  Guess he did break the 4th wall to tell why he blew off a law career.  Wonder why he felt the need to do that.  Bravo frowns on that -- a lot!

So is it safe to assume this gig with JD is a bunch of fake hooey for the show?  Alrighty then.

Btw, hate to admit it, but Craigie looks quite cute in that pic.  That reminds me -- oh Whitney, are ya gonna invite him over again to your creepy place in LA -- with Larissa & Horseteeth conveniently nowhere in sight?  Uh-huh, we know exactly why you'd do that, Count Chocula.

  • Love 4

If you think Craig is breaking the 4th wall, you should read Shep's Twitter feed from last night and today. He says straight out that the house viewing was totally set up for the show and he was playing it for laughs, and he basically says that anyone who thinks the show is "reality" is stupid. 

Wonder what Andy and the producers think of that?

  • Love 11




f you think Craig is breaking the 4th wall, you should read Shep's Twitter feed from last night and today. He says straight out that the house viewing was totally set up for the show and he was playing it for laughs, and he basically says that anyone who thinks the show is "reality" is stupid. 


So Landon's "I wuv you" was a set up too, I'm assuming. Off to go read Shep's Twitter for the real story.

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, TheFinalRose said:


So Landon's "I wuv you" was a set up too, I'm assuming. Off to go read Shep's Twitter for the real story.

He has talked in interviews about how all the cast know they need to "bring it" for the show. So exactly how much is real and how much is set-up is difficult to judge. He says the wine spit-take was real but they had a much longer conversation that was of course edited down so it appeared that he ran out on her.

Yes, I'd love to say to hiim, "So you mean Landon willingly makes herself look immature and stupid for a Bravo paycheck and a bit of fame?"

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

If you think Craig is breaking the 4th wall, you should read Shep's Twitter feed from last night and today. He says straight out that the house viewing was totally set up for the show and he was playing it for laughs, and he basically says that anyone who thinks the show is "reality" is stupid. 

Wonder what Andy and the producers think of that?

Does he produce this show too?  I remember Thom-ass blaming him for his political loss.  Why would Thom-ass do that if he wasn't involved with this show somehow?  Anyway, he is ALWAYS insistent that his shows are not scripted, so these implications of fakery from cast members would definitely bug him.  And I assumed Bravo in general does not like these sort of implications either.

I seem to remember Tamra's idiot son Ryan making similar statements & he was shut down lickity split.  Let's see if the same thing happens here.  Maybe cast members from this show are not under the same scrutiny? I find that hard to believe.

Hate to say this, but I understand & agree with (but only to a small degree) the earlier comment on the handsomeness of Thom-ass.  It's strange to me.  It really is.  Occasionally, he does look extremely handsome.  And other times (maybe when he's drunk off his ass, which seems to be most of the time -- at least when we see him) his nose has that bulby look of a haggard old boozehound & I don't think he's handsome in the least.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, TheFinalRose said:


So Landon's "I wuv you" was a set up too, I'm assuming. Off to go read Shep's Twitter for the real story.

Well, I do hope for poor widdle Snowflake's sake she merely had some very poorly written storylines in this ep.  Cuz otherwise she is gonna be rooming with Kelly Bensimon in a loony bin somewhere.

To me, any gal saying "I love you" to Horseteeth would make her way nuttier than Kelly ever was or could be.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1

Brace yourselves, my fellow Snowflake devotees -- LOL. I have a very, very potential job offer with our special little lady. Ha!

Back @ the beginning of May, sent her/site and email saying this:

Landon (or whoever reads this),

Truly enjoy you on Southern Charm and very happy you have "found your niche". Just wanted to shoot you a quick note re: your website. Under your Roam Worthy? section,emailng needs to be changed to emailing.I'm a bit of a proofreading nut, so stuff like this pops out to me. I just hate to see a misspelled word, especially on a brand-new website. Good luck to you with everything you do!

Today, got this:

ROAM Guide

6:29 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Thank you so much for checking it out, and taking the time to let us know. 

I will reach out when we can afford to take on a full-time editor, you got the eye!! haha 

We are excited to share this journey with you.

All my best,



Please, please try not to be envious -- lmao

  • Love 12

I wonder if the show is at the point where the producers don't care if a castmember breaks the 4th wall on social media.  I really question another season. I mean, sure, they can keep it going, and I'll keep watching, but I just don't see where they're going to get fresh storylines.

None of the current cast are looking that good (in many senses) after 3 seasons, and their stories mostly seem to be treading water or just played out. 

Whit and Cameran in themselves have little of interest going on. Craig is becoming a re-tread though I do like seeing his relationship with Naomie. Landon is hopeless. Shep's gonna keep chasing girls, and while he's witty his whole routine has become boring and rather off-putting. Pat, eh. Cooper, fine in small doses. Let's not even imagine another season of Thomas and Kathryn drama. There's nowhere new for them to go other than a marriage (highly unlikely!) or another baby (no, just NO).

Season 4 probably needs to be a big refresh/reboot with fresh Charlestonians. 

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 8

Craig's arrogance may eventually come back and bite him in the ass.  I think the maximum shelf life for this show is 3 more years.  I personally have never believed that Craig will ever be a lawyer, but, if he takes the bar in the next 3 years and continues putting off his career, he's not going to be on the list for fast tracking by any law firm.  A whole lot of new lawyers join the work force every year.  Especially if he mentions in his interview that he never misses a trip for a job.

  • Love 6

Cam's Mom advice is correct in regards to any fool can have a baby. The hard part comes when you have to raise said baby, hopefully into a well adjusted adult.  That's no joke there. It's hard work. When I think about having to get kids through the teen years again, well it exhausts me just thinking about it.

Personally, I have never pressured my kids for grandchildren either. 

I am pretty sure Craig gave up the law temporarily for reality fame. That's fine but if he had been smart, shouldn't he have taken the bar fresh out of law school, before he forgets his education. I mean, at least for a back-up plan.  

  • Love 6
28 minutes ago, FanOfTheFans said:

Cam's Mom advice is correct in regards to any fool can have a baby. The hard part comes when you have to raise said baby, hopefully into a well adjusted adult.  That's no joke there. It's hard work. When I think about having to get kids through the teen years again, well it exhausts me just thinking about it.

Personally, I have never pressured my kids for grandchildren either. 

I am pretty sure Craig gave up the law temporarily for reality fame. That's fine but if he had been smart, shouldn't he have taken the bar fresh out of law school, before he forgets his education. I mean, at least for a back-up plan.  

Boy, do you have that right!  When I was in law school, everyone in my class either took the bar immediately after -- or ended up never taking it.  We know this thru alumni surveys.  Is this typical?  Yeah, it is -- because it's just so much easier when this info is fresh in your head.  Most still take a prep course before taking the bar, even if taking it immediately after graduating law school.

I took the bar for a different state than one I had already passed it in -- 10 years after I graduated law school.  Man, it wasn't easy.  BUT I had been working as a lawyer for 10 years & the experience helped me immensely.  But there were areas I had not worked in & much I had forgotten from law school.  The prep class helped me enormously to pass the bar again.  But I had to go at nite, in addition to working an 80 hour week.  I just did what I had to do.  Kinda doubt Craig would.

Oh, Craigie, the law career just ain't gonna happen for ya, is it?  As Whit said -- he's gone Hollywood.  Good luck with that move, Craigie-poo.

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