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S13.E01: The Next Generation: Auditions #1

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Well, I didn't hate it. Although if we get more than one pre-teen emotionally falling apart per episode...I may have to start judiciously using the mute button.

I thought the second hip hop kid who had lost his father was quite good along with the 5'10 girl who wouldn't have looked out of place on the normal version. The tap girl wasn't bad either.

I hope there is another chosen ballroom boy, because if it's Lev he's going to wear me out. I didn't get his partner being too young either. She was legitimately just 7 years old???

I wonder when Sia's muse will grace us with her presence...

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They were good for children but they were children.  They may be talented but their skill levels are those of kids  Transitions were awkward, nuance non existant, advanced moves missing  The auditions were certainly not worthy of all those standing ovations.  The parents and family being on stage annoying. The younger ones especially seemed coached to sound and act cute. The judges more condescending than normal.  If these kids are good enough to build a show around tell them the truth about their skill levels.    Ballroom girl was brave for asking for another chance...how many dancers over the years have we seen get blown off when they asked for the same thing.  

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I thought Lev's partner was excellent; hard to believe she was too young. I thought he was good as was the tapper. Tall girl was fun to watch; I wonder if her background was ballet? I've known many to be washed out for height. 

Also agree parents on stage = annoying

Edited by Quickbeam
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I thought cat deeley was much taller than she actually is. She always towers over the contestants. She's only 5'9".

Hmmmm....numerous contestants have asked for a 2nd chance and you've turned them down, nigel.

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I enjoyed it. I thought that most of the kids were pretty good. I don't think that the chubby ballroom boy should've gone through. There really is no point as he certainly won't make it through the Academy. Many of these kids that were shown today are already known in the world of Kid's Dance so it will be interesting to see how things get whittled down. Sophia Lucia, Ava, Kida etc. have a following that would give them a greater chance against anyone coming in without a fanbase. I wonder how Sophia Lucia will have time for this with her ballet training. I wouldn't be surprised if she's one that has to pull out to continue her actual career. 

I'm looking forward to seeing Maddie come on; i'm guessing we may not see her until the Academy as she was still filming Dance Moms while most of the auditions were going on. 

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I guess this is the best we're going to get, so we might as well just take it for what it is. I just hope Uncle Nigel refrains from being pervy and we don't get any HMV moves.

Merrick's from Cardiff-by-the-Sea, so his family is rich.  And the kids are named Merrick and Sagan?  smdh.

Wow, Avery blew me away.  Her exensions and toe point were incredible, not to mention her face.

I was hoping we would be spared the sob stories with this version, but unfortunately, not.

Sophia isn't old enough?  The lower age is eight, she isn't eight?  Wow.

Who was that girl with all of the Instagram followers, and why?

I loved all of the kids being embarrassed.

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Oh wow.... I am so disappointed! SYTYCD is my  favorite show and wait all year for it.   And when I found out they were doing younger dances I was so bummed.   I thought how can they possibly have the experience, emotional range and performance quality like the dances from the past seasons.  They can't judge them properly as they don't want to hurt their feelings. (Which of course I understand) but honestly it's not how real auditions go.  I found myself completely bored through the whole show.  I can't tell you how disappointed I was.  I was watching with 10 other people (as we do every year) we all get together and get so excited for it and we all agreed we will skip this year and hopefully next season it will go back to the more experienced dancers. 

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Loved the ballet girl but instantly hated her mom. Bullied tall girl's story was affecting but I wish they didn't trot these kids' problems out for ratings. And I hope we're not seeing too many crushed young souls: just show us the good ones, Nigel. 

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The auditions were exactly what I thought they would be - some talented kids who still dance like kids. I don't mean to sound redundant but it's just that even the ones who dance more maturely than their age are still not dancing with the maturity I like to see, which is fine because duh, they're kids. But that's why I don't enjoy watching competition kids, especially really young ones. Either they're kind of devoid of personality, throwing constant tricks. or substituting the facade of emotion for real emotion (reaching arms, fake looking facial expressions, that kind of thing).

I haaaaaaate that they are filming these kids cry about dead daddies and bullying. They are far too young to have their personal pain exploited like that. It's just so distasteful to me.

On a shallow note, I hate the really obvious attempts to make the show seem appealing to younger people. I don't need the faux text messages/twitter posts or the spinning circle on my screen. What makes it even worse is that you KNOW kids think putting that stuff on their screens is lame so it doesn't appeal to any demographic. It's like the graphic design version of a 50 year old guy trying to use slang to seem cool to his younger coworkers.

I also do not need these stage moms literally sitting on the stage. Go sit in the audience like everyone else, damn it! When Avery's mom said that she lives vicariously through her daughter, I wasn't sure whether to at least give her points for being self aware or roll my eyes at the obviousness of that statement. I don't care about any of the parents. I don't want to know their names, what they look like, how much they love their kids, how proud they are of their kids, how they think their kids are the best dancers ever, etc. This show is supposed to be about dancing, and that's what I want to see. Stop wasting my time with the parents.

It's only the first episode of the season and we've already got Nigel being patronizing. I can't believe he thanked that girl for "being brave" when she asked if they could dance again. Why weren't all the people who asked for a second chance "being brave" in previous seasons, Nigel? Neither of them should have gone through either.

Merrick's from Cardiff-by-the-Sea, so his family is rich.  And the kids are named Merrick and Sagan?  smdh.

Maybe, maybe not. I know several people who live in beach communities near Cardiff (Encinitas, Del Mar, Solana Beach, etc) and they aren't rich so they rent. But I was sending fireballs of hate at those parents for naming their kids Merrick and Sagan. I also hated that the last ballroom kid was named Geramy. All of this "I have to spell my kid's name differently" business annoys me. When they put his name on the screen, I thought it said Germany. [/cranky old lady]

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3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

But I was sending fireballs of hate at those parents for naming their kids Merrick and Sagan. I also hated that the last ballroom kid was named Geramy. All of this "I have to spell my kid's name differently" business annoys me. When they put his name on the screen, I thought it said Germany. [/cranky old lady]

Ohhhhh, I am so with you on this.  

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I only made it through a few minutes of this show before canceling my season pass. I think this will be the last season, anyhow. FOX has tinkered with the format far too much and its no longer recognizable as the summer favorite it once was.

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We made it through most of the first audition show. Here are our comments:

"What the fresh hell is this?"

"Fine. Let's give it a chance."

"So they're going to have 8-year-olds partnering with adults? OOOOOK."

"OK, so these kids have talent, but this show is known for choreographing pieces that spotlight heavy issues. Yes, let's see a kid do an addiction-themed piece."

"Oh, look -- stage mom."

"Yeah...I think we're done."

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10 hours ago, Rick Kitchen said:

I guess this is the best we're going to get, so we might as well just take it for what it is. I just hope Uncle Nigel refrains from being pervy and we don't get any HMV moves.

Merrick's from Cardiff-by-the-Sea, so his family is rich.  And the kids are named Merrick and Sagan?  smdh.

Wow, Avery blew me away.  Her exensions and toe point were incredible, not to mention her face.

I was hoping we would be spared the sob stories with this version, but unfortunately, not.

Sophia isn't old enough?  The lower age is eight, she isn't eight?  Wow.

Who was that girl with all of the Instagram followers, and why?

I loved all of the kids being embarrassed.

I think the girl with all the instagram followers was Sophia Lucia, who is very well known in the dance competition circuit.  A few years back she set the world record for most consecutive pirouettes, and she's also been on Dance Moms, and she was TDA best dancer this past year, so has been touring/assisting with the conventions.  She's way more known for contemporary/lyrical, but she's been exclusively ballet training this year.  There are probably hundreds of her solos on youtube. 

9 hours ago, Morgan of Hed said:

Loved the ballet girl but instantly hated her mom. Bullied tall girl's story was affecting but I wish they didn't trot these kids' problems out for ratings. And I hope we're not seeing too many crushed young souls: just show us the good ones, Nigel. 

Ballet girl, Avery Gay, is an amazing little dancer.  She also won TDA best dancer this year - and I think she won the Hope Award at YAGP this year too.  Also all over youtube. 

Bullied tall girls story made me roll my eyes a little bit.  Bullied tall girl's mom tried desperately to get her onto Dance Moms (showed up at all the audition, etc.)  When she finally got in, Abby Lee Miller gave her an awful solo which she obviously didn't win with.  Then Abby Lee Miller told tall girl, and her mom, that tall girl was off the team because she didn't win, and she was too tall and it didn't work with the other members.  Jeanette, the mother, didn't accept this and still brought Ava to the next competition -- where Abby Lee Miller proceeded to officially call Ava too tall and, once again, kick her off the team.  She told her mom that Ava looked like a praying mantis when she danced because she needed to learn how to use her arms better.  The mother then held a vendetta against Abby Lee Miller for quite a while, so much so that she came back on the show for an entire season, coaching their "rival" team and choreographing a bunch of awful empowering dances featuring her daughter in an effort to beat her.  So, basically, that mother really seems to want to be on tv.  Ava seems very sweet, and I feel for her, although I don't think she would necessarily have made it through if it weren't for the sob story.  

Sorry everyone -- I have my own little daughter obsessed with dance, and I was a teacher with two kids in my class in the competitive dance world... so I got shown a lot of youtube videos of this stuff, and I watch Dance Moms.  LOL. 

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I actually liked it. It was nice to see some old faces and some new. Sure it's not the original SYTYCD - but there's an off button on the TV if you choose not to watch it. I'll have to see what Maddie's role is and how contrived it is before I decide whether to continue watching it.

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Only about 20 minutes in on the episode.  Not loving it, but knew that this new format was the only way the show remained on the air at all.  Really, it's as if the show I've watched all these years is gone anyways.

Watched the ten year old on pointe in horror -- absolutely no way her growth plate is ready for pointe yet.  Shame on her parents!  Does mama want to vicariously experience the crippling pain her daughter will live with in the future, too?  

The Dance Moms cancer spreading further than Maddie's involvement is really disheartening.  Is not making the ALDC team the cause for Ava's tears?  Seriously?  She and mama rode that drama as long as they could on that show and now they've set up shop here?  No thanks.  She has some skills, but she needs some time to grow into those long limbs.  Keep training and more maturity and skills will potentially give her a dance career that doesn't require faux emotional drama.    

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Watched it and they ruined my favorite show.  The kids were good for their age.  That's the problem.  I don't want to have to say that.  The only ones that I liked was the hip-hop kid that lost his dad and the girl who did tap.

Avery is really flexible and has really nice beveled feet.  She looks good in standing poses.  However, I thought she was terrible when she started to move. 

Lots of Dance Moms kids like Sophia and Ava.  I expect to see more of them in future episodes.  I don't like most competition because their routines tend to just show a bunch of flexible moves and tricks.  There is usually no art.  We also don't see maturity only fake angsty faces.

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Well, that was... uninspiring to say the least. I fast-forwarded through a lot of it. Can't take the parents or sob stories from these youngsters. I also missed the beginning, so I'm not exactly clear on how the show works this season. What's "the academy?" Is this taking the place of Vegas? These kids are going to be dancing with All stars every week? They're on a team? So, like, can we predict that one member from a different team will be "voted off" each week to keep the all stars in? I'm confused.

The thing is, for me, these kids are likely very good for their age, but they aren't anywhere near as compelling to watch (imo) as the adult dancers are. I am not a Dance Moms watcher, so I did not recognize any of the kids, but they seemed like "competition" kids to me.  Nothing touched me, the way I've been touched by dancers from this show before. And I don't expect it will.  I did enjoy Kida's routine, but that's about all. 

But I'll keep watching, if for no other reason that in hopes that my viewership will keep the show on the air and they will return to their original format. Kind of a double-edged sword, no? Like, if I watch, will the network think, "Oh look, people love the little kiddies, lets do this every season!" Or will it be "Oh, people are still interested in this show, let's give it another season of good old-fashioned adult dancing. No teams, no battles, just SYTYCD as it was in the beginning."

And I've never cared for Jason on this show, but when he kept calling that one boy a "little person" as if he could not say child or he thought it really was a dwarf... no, just no, not now, not ever... even the boy looked like, "Um, I'm a kid, you ass, not a little person!"

I wonder if we'll actually see any contemporary boys (for more than a passing second) this year.

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I really hadn't thought this through enough to realize that this is what SYTYCD had devolved to.....I sort of thought this was a very special episode and then I'd have my adult dancers back. Now I'm sad. 

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I got bored with the show a few seasons back but there was nothing on last night so I tuned in to see a few auditions, which were always my favorite part. Was surprised to see that the show was focusing on children, but I enjoyed it and will probably continue to watch.

I'm not familiar with any of the kids and don't watch other dance reality shows so am coming at it without any preset opinions. There seemed to be some decent talent but there's always going to be the unspoken caveat ... given their ages.

I may lose interest if the parents continue to play a large role because yes, yes we get it, you love your kids. On Master Chef Junior, at least one parent is in L.A. during the competition and I'm glad the kids have that support during such a pressure-packed situation, but the adults are usually wholly offscreen until the finale. I have zero interest in seeing dysfunctional family dynamics played out every week.

Did the judges give any thanks or praise to the ballroom girl who was too young to compete? I was waiting for them to acknowledge her but maybe I missed it.

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8-13 year old?  That's not the next generation - that's a bunch of children (albeit talented children!).  IMHO, this version of the show should focus on teenagers - those dancers who really would be next up for SYTYCD v1.0.  They would likely show more maturity in their dance than the 8 year olds, and wouldn't skeeve me out quite so much when they dance with adults, or in an overtly sexual way, or while tackling very mature choreography.   One last thought - NIgel will need new excuses because I don't see how he's going to get away with telling a male child dancer that they aren't masculine enough....

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Watched a couple of minutes during a time out in the GS-OKC final basketball (Go Dubs!) playoff game.  Saw enough to keep from going back to it during subsequent time outs.  They ought to rename the show "So You Think Your Kid Can Dance".  Alas, the best dancing show on TV is no more.

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We can be sure that the kids with lots of YouTube and Instagram followers will make it to finals regardless of how well they actually do because they bring viewers.

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56 minutes ago, Law Mom said:

We can be sure that the kids with lots of YouTube and Instagram followers will make it to finals regardless of how well they actually do because they bring viewers.

In the end, that's what network wants.  I'm an old lady so I'm not their target demographic.  If dancers like Sophia bring in a whole bunch of new young viewers, they will be happy.

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What really annoys me about the whole "next generation" subtitle is that there were dancers on the last few seasons who were little kids when the show began and those kids grew up watching the show, dreaming of being on it. That is the next generation because they watched the show for A DECADE before they were eligible to adution. But this season having kids, some of whom weren't even born when S1 aired, isn't the next generation to me. It's jumping on the Dance Moms band wagon, which I loathe.

I really hope that once the competition actually begins, the parents will disappear into the audience. I am fine with the parents being in LA to support their kids (although can you imagine taking two months off from work so you can live in a hotel room with your kid) but they do not need to be on camera. Project Runway: Juniors did a great job of making sure we NEVER saw the designers' parents until the very end (which is when Tim usually does the home visits and we meet the families). Let's hope SYTYCD does the same. I can't handle a whole season of the parental couch on the side of the stage.


The kids were good for their age.  That's the problem.  I don't want to have to say that.

Yeah, that's my feeling too. I feel like a lot of these routines are trick, trick, pose, angsty arm reach, "emotional" face, trick, trick, pose, pose. Even when their technique is good, they're still good for being kids but they don't have the maturity or emotional honesty behind it.

Plus whenever I see little kids who dance or do cheerleading/gymnastics, I start thinking about how much damage they are doing to their tiny little bodies because these are physically demanding skills and you know that they are dancing several hours a week. The worst is seeing competition kids who throw gymnastics tricks with bad technique. I am so afraid when I see things like bad back handsprings. Seeing young girls doing pointe also freaks me out too. The school I went to wouldn't allow anyone en pointe until they were 12, no matter how talented they were, because they wanted to make sure our bones were ready for the immense strain of dancing en pointe.

And I've never cared for Jason on this show, but when he kept calling that one boy a "little person" as if he could not say child or he thought it really was a dwarf... no, just no, not now, not ever... even the boy looked like, "Um, I'm a kid, you ass, not a little person!"

I was seriously WTFing when Jason said that! I was willing to let it go the first time as a slip of the tongue but then he kept saying it over and over. At least the kid had the good grace not to say what I was thinking.

On the plus side, Nigel managed not to say anything pervy for one whole episode!

I'm not a huge tap fan (I took it briefly as a kid and didn't love it but I appreciate the technique) but I love when the show gets a good tap audition, especially now that all three of the main judges are former tappers. You can see that they aren't being bowled over by the angsty story or whatever. They are all so stoked when someone is a really good tapper. Their faces light up and you can tell that they are rooting for the tapper to be awesome. To me, that is the rare occasion when all three judges are totally sincere and genuine.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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It was not as apocalyptically terrible as I feared it would be, except for one thing: when an 11-year-old boy says, "I like having a pretty partner because she can get the judges' attention." NO. NO NO NO NO NO. NO. SHUT IT DOWN.

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I couldn't. The texting intro, Jenna (my least favorite pimped contestant) featured in the montage, briefly, and the first precocious child dancer was all I could take. I like kids on reality shows- they saved Project Runway for me, though those were teens. This was just a bit much. 

I'll tune back in for the performances if I remember. Otherwise... It's not for me. I wish they'd done older people instead (y'know, like 30s). That would at least be unique. 

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I honestly thought the cold open was a cell-phone ad.

Apparently, SYTYCD is just a Dance Moms spin-off now.

I'll watch it for Cat, but, then again, I watched Royally Mad for Cat and that was fairly unwatchable too.

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Just no.  Once I got to little brother Sagan, I was all over, done... but I continued. Avery.  Lovely girl who should not have been en pointe at all! She's obviously just started as she couldn't hold herself en pointe for long, fell out of that, and looked much better flat.  Her mother was too much.  I'm hyper excitable, especially when my kid performs, but I wouldn't put that or him, on stage to admittedly "live vicariously through" him... 

Nope, I'm out.  The previous poster who said teens, was completely right.  Why can't they be showcased? I'm sure it would have still made for a great show.  

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En Pointe work before turning twelve is criminal. The foot does not develop properly and eventually the poor girl will have truly ruined feet (beyond what normal ballet training would do).
I wish instead of Dance Moms gimmick the show just brought different choreographers to make it fresh. This format certainly won't allow for memorable routines like prior seasons.

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On 5/30/2016 at 8:46 PM, Little Spoon said:

I thought cat deeley was much taller than she actually is. She always towers over the contestants. She's only 5'9".

Hmmmm....numerous contestants have asked for a 2nd chance and you've turned them down, nigel.

5' 9"  is very tall for a woman.  She always wears and least 3 1/2 heels minimum. That puts her over 6 feet and dancers, as a rule are usually not very tall.  

I made it as far as the very blonde boy, don't know his name.  I usually skip the auditions anyway, I find them boring.  I will give the shows a shot but I do not feel perked about this. 

Edited by wings707
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I wish they'd done older people instead (y'know, like 30s). That would at least be unique. 

ITA - that would be different AND really cool. So many people end stop dancing in their 20s because they can't make a career out of it but they're still great dancers. If anything, it would be really interesting to see dancers who aren't on the show to launch their careers but because they still love to dance, despite knowing that this is not going to be their meal ticket.

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I gave up on the first night because it was so icky.  Tried again last night.  Watched the whole show on ff - ff through throw-up cutesy stuff, ff through horrible stage parents, ff through "profound" judges' comments - watched maybe 4 routines.  I am so sad for my favourite show.  I think I'll give it a try when the allstars appear to select their contestants (is that a thing?  is that's what's happening?) if I remember, but really it's as effing awful as it sounded like it was going to be.  How could such a sure thing never get the audience share it deserved and transform into this shite?

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On 5/30/2016 at 9:26 PM, Christine H said:

Oh wow.... I am so disappointed! SYTYCD is my  favorite show and wait all year for it.   And when I found out they were doing younger dances I was so bummed.   I thought how can they possibly have the experience, emotional range and performance quality like the dances from the past seasons.  They can't judge them properly as they don't want to hurt their feelings. (Which of course I understand) but honestly it's not how real auditions go.  I found myself completely bored through the whole show.  I can't tell you how disappointed I was.  I was watching with 10 other people (as we do every year) we all get together and get so excited for it and we all agreed we will skip this year and hopefully next season it will go back to the more experienced dancers. 

You have expresses my thoughts to a T.  I'm uninterested in watching someone's Mom stare at them adoringly. 

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I stopped watching the show sometime last season.  While I loved the dancing, the whole contest felt rigged from the auditions to the final winner(s).  The idea of adding children doesn't appeal to me (never watched Dance Moms).  In the meantime, I find reading the comments in this forum more enjoyable.

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I liked the old format much, much better.  And I agree they should have gone for teens!  That would be a great compromise, still "young" and "next generation", but also a bit more developed and mature.  That being said, I am apparently one of the few that actually likes watching kids dance, no it's not the same -- they are kids -- but there is value in that as well.  So as much as I would rather watch adults, I am just going to enjoy this season for what it is.  

And regarding being on pointe... there is really no set age where it is acceptable.  As I've always understood it, it depends on your training, your strength, your alignment, your balance, and I guess most importantly your bone development.  You need at least 75% ossification before you start, and then you gradually begin training from there.  The only way to conclusively know is to have an x-ray.  The average age is 12, but for one kid it could be 11, and for another it could be 14.  I don't know the specifics of Avery's bone development, but I wouldn't immediately assume the adults around her have been negligent in ensuring she's prepared to be on pointe.

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1 hour ago, sofiah said:

I liked the old format much, much better.  And I agree they should have gone for teens!  That would be a great compromise, still "young" and "next generation", but also a bit more developed and mature.  That being said, I am apparently one of the few that actually likes watching kids dance, no it's not the same -- they are kids -- but there is value in that as well.  So as much as I would rather watch adults, I am just going to enjoy this season for what it is.  

And regarding being on pointe... there is really no set age where it is acceptable.  As I've always understood it, it depends on your training, your strength, your alignment, your balance, and I guess most importantly your bone development.  You need at least 75% ossification before you start, and then you gradually begin training from there.  The only way to conclusively know is to have an x-ray.  The average age is 12, but for one kid it could be 11, and for another it could be 14.  I don't know the specifics of Avery's bone development, but I wouldn't immediately assume the adults around her have been negligent in ensuring she's prepared to be on pointe.

I also wished they just lowered the age so that they start at 16 but continued until they were 30 (the previous age limit).  If they thought that 30 was too old, then they could have stopped at 25.  I also feel bad for the ones that grew up with the show and were waiting to be on it.  It would stink if you just barely turned 18 and now you're too old.

In regards to pointe, it really does depend on the ballet studio.  Some have a hard rule that you need to be at least 12.  Some use the rule that you mentioned above.  Girls also need to know tnat just because you turn 12 doesn't mean that you automatically go on pointe.  My daughter has to turn down girls that want to go on pointe as soon as they hit 12 and they are not ready for it.

hatchetgirl, I agree with what you wrote about Avery.  I wrote something similar in a previous post.  If she is supposed to be popular, I think it's because of her flexibility.  She couldn't hold herself up, fell out, and looked like she was on half pointe most of the time.

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My favorite show ruined, as others have stated above.  I also don't like the strong presence of "seasoned" kids on this show who have already been afforded many opportunities, even if on reality TV.  If you're going to trot them out and have them be emotional and cry, let's at least feel genuine about some of them who haven't been out on various TV shows.  Not meant to belittle anything that has happened to these kids, as bullying and such is abhorrent. 

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OK, if they integrate the kind of conversation above with respect to when it's acceptable to go en pointe this could be interesting. I never would have thought about all those variables. And now I'm thinking, what's the impact of this show on these kids? The older ones would break, what does it do to children? 

They could use this gimmick to add depth, explore the physical sacrifice that seems to go into dance. At least talk to the parents about it, if they're hanging around. 

Although...it's Nigel and Fox, it's probably good they stay near the surface of things, at least until the overwrought contemporary routines begin. 

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I was not impressed when I heard what had happened to this show. Kids are cute and all, but even the exceptional ones are sloppy compared to ten + years of training. I don't want to root for all of these kids instead of watching proper objective judging.

I DID think it was a good idea to put their families off to the side, but still with them. So many kids are destroyed by television, it's nice to see that grounding presence there. Although, I will admit, few parents are much of a protection. Look at Dance Moms. Those mothers whore their kids out to social media every chance they can. They make Lindsey Lohann's mother look lazy. If you want your kids to solidly make it in life, avoid the reality television route. 

Where's Maddie? Thank God, nowhere to be seen. I think the worse thing about this show will be her highness thinking she can judge when she is just a kid, too. Go away, Maddie.

Cute kids, but I'm embarrassed for the show being reduced to this. Not sure if I am in or out. This smells like a reality show recycle.

I am over the manipulation of so many crying kids. I wasn't thrilled with it coming from adults in previous seasons. But from kids? I feel like Hitler if I don't wish for them a "ticket to Vegas".

Edited by Chewy101
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Little kids doing hip hop is charming, though. They wont go anywhere with it on this show, I am guessing But since this show has always wasted more weeks on auditions than actual competition, bring on the one hit wonders!

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