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S07.E11: Turn The Page

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19 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

He's douchey for sure, but is Adam taking his kids to his workplace really that much different from a musician taking theirs to the studio, or an actor to a set, a landscaper to one of their properties, etc. etc? He is proud of what he does (regardless of what we may think) and is sharing that with his daughters. Sure, they might well be bored, as are many kids when their parents bring them to their workplaces. I can definitely picture Chelsea bringing Aubree with her to the salon/spa one day, and having her observe while she talks to her clients in a baby voice.

That's true but Chelsea sees Aubree every day. Adam doesn't see her very often.  And when we do see him with her, he is never focused on Aubree, it's always on himself, his phone, etc. He couldn't even be bothered for a special event like a daddy-daughter dance, lifting weights was more important.

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It is a kindergartners backpack. It doesn't have jack shit in it besides a few folders with papers in them. 

Yes; in the photo in the this thread, it's perfectly obvious it's a light backpack.  Ali appears to have no trouble at all; it looks light enough to not even notice she actually has it on.


So as long as Jace and Roll (poor kids) are in their current living situations, they'll never know what it's like to be loved, to be hugged with the fierce protection only a parent can provide, to have their tears wiped away by a caring Mommy.

At least Jace does have Barbara.  Problems with her mothering aside, she does do things with Jace that show she loves him, we see those along with the other stuff.

Poor Kaiser is the one who breaks my heart.  She has absolutely zero interest in him, except as a tool to manipulate Nathan.  Nobody seems to have much interest in him, except Uncle Bad Touch, and that' only to show dominance over "his" domain, he's using Kaiser to achieve his own ends.  I don't think anyone loves that little boy with the parental fierceness I think you are talking about above and it just breaks my heart for the little chubster.

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7 hours ago, swishandflick said:

"Adam is such a douche. Aubree was cheering him on so adorably and was so proud of him and he barely acknowledges her. Why is he spending the time he has with both his daughters at a dirty ass gym? That Dollar Store trophy he got for "first place" must be more important to him than QT." 

Aubree absolutely adores him despite everything. She's at an age where she probably doesn't realize yet that she should be expecting more from her own father than hanging out in some ratty ass gym. I think Chelsea has to bite her tongue as it is to not talk more shit about Adam.

To those thinking Chelsea's shit-talking would negatively impact Aubree's perception of her dad... My dad shares a lot of the same qualities with Adam, and I didn't realize until I got married and he didn't come to the wedding what a terrible father he was. So the delusion runs deep in father/daughter relationships and it may be a long time before Aubree picks up on it.

My nephews used to be the same way about their mom.  She is a drug addict, in and out of their lives always, not reliable (but she's more of a parent than Adam) and they would get SO excited to see her.  It didn't make any sense to me.  They love blindly.  

However now I do sort of get it.. because my friend has a 3 year old and I don't see him all that often (maybe once every 2-3 months) but my friend tells me that he gets SO SO excited when she tells him that I'm coming over.  It's very perplexing to me but it sure does make you feel good when some kid that hardly knows you gets really excited to see you lol

1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

But Leah has Ali carry her bacpack. What is the difference? There is a photo on the other thread showing Ali carrying her backpack as Leah crouches next to her. There have been many scenes of Ali carrying her backpack. Remember when Leah dropped off her kids at school? Leah never got out of her SUV, but there was Ali getting out of her seat and carrying her backpack. 

I knew there had to be evidence of that!!! I wanted to post it a bunch of different times asking if there was but never did.  

I have a feeling that there isn't really an 'agreement' between the parties that Ali's backpack should be carried by someone else, just that Miranda has probably just felt bad and always done it. 

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Except Adam has supervised visits. He is not supposed to have Aubree anywhere without his parents being there.


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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

But Leah has Ali carry her bacpack. What is the difference? There is a photo on the other thread showing Ali carrying her backpack as Leah crouches next to her. There have been many scenes of Ali carrying her backpack. Remember when Leah dropped off her kids at school? Leah never got out of her SUV, but there was Ali getting out of her seat and carrying her backpack. 

Oh, of course, there isn't a difference. I'm just saying that I don't think Ali herself was lying or manipulating. She really shouldn't carry the backpack, and it probably really is heavy for her. It's not like it has the same exact thing in it every day; you might need different school supplies for different days. I don't know why SHE would lie about it being heavy (and this poor child gets accused of lying so often...by her own mom :( ) But Leah has no room to talk when she and Corey do absolutely nothing her disability requires except show up at appointments and not follow the advice. 

Edited by Lm2162
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It's just as likely Ali was being a whiny brat about having to carry her backpack (and probably other things like picking up her toys or putting her shoes away or whatever else that she didn't mention) and Miranda was wrestling with a baby and Gracie, and, even though she could have done it, wanted to enforce that sometimes you need to do things for yourself and carrying your light backpack is one of those things she can enforce as something she needed to do. Or she got stuck in the parent trap of telling a kid to do something ("Grab your backpack and carry it inside") and the kid not wanting to ("No it's too heavy" -- when she carries it regularly and it's not heavy) and then not wanting to give in and set a precedent of not having to listen to what Miranda says. 

Regardless, it's a load of bull because if a kid can't carry a backpack, then she shouldn't play tee ball or do somersaults. 

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@DoctorWhovian, it's tricky because in this case it's really irresponsible to do the "you have to carry things for yourself" parenting deal because, well, Ali actually shouldn't. But Miranda shouldn't be the one to set that precedent. Leah and Corey should, and they have actively worked against that, so I'm not sure why Leah thinks we'll just ignore that fact as an audience. The children's own mother and Miranda's own husband let Ali do a host of things she shouldn't do, so what, Miranda is supposed to magically know that and abide by it at all times while they aren't required to? That don't make no sense. 

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21 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

 I don't know why SHE would lie about it being heavy (and this poor child gets accused of lying so often...by her own mom :( ) 

ummm because kids that age often do over-exaggerate about stuff like that?  

they can't carry something because it's 'too heavy'.  They can't go get something because it's "too far".   They can't do a chore because they're "too tired". 

I'm not a parent but I've heard my nephews give a million excuses about why they can't do a simple task. 

Again - not downgrading Ali's disease but it's pretty common for a kid to become lazy and whine so their parents will do something for them.

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Kids definitely whine and exaggerate a lot. My kids often used the "It is heavy" excuse when it came to taking out the trash, moving luggage,  bringing in grocery bags, or carrying their backpack FULL OF PAPERS. In kindergarten, none of my kids had books. 

 Ali likely did not have a lunch box in her bacpack. because her mother is a lazy twat who cannot even buy bread! The girlses mentioned hating the school lunches.

Ali is not a liar. But I do believe she complained about having to carry her backpack. This is a complaint that happens everyday of the week by children who have disabilities or not. Ali may have whined about the backpack but my gut tells me she was likely feeling irritated about something else. Maybe Gracie irritated her on the ride home. Maybe Ali wanted to stop at McDonalds but was told no. Maybe Ali was not getting attention from Miranda. Maybe Remi was crying in the car and it annoyed Ali. Maybe Ali was tired because her mother kept her kids up late the night before.  

Edited by GreatKazu
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@gunderda, maybe, but Miranda does say she usually helps her. I was responding more to the whining/exaggerating/brat assumptions--while Ali may have simply wanted help at that exact moment and Miranda was stressed/couldn't, kids feel stress and have bad days too, and Ali would especially. We can understand why Miranda might snap or make a mistake when she's stressed, exhausted, or just having a bad day, so I don't know why Ali shouldn't be able to without being 'bratty.' Leah is the one in the wrong here, not Ali. Ali was sharing her feelings like every other person should be able to do, kid or not. Those feelings might include being frustrated or angry at a parent or guardian, justified or not. That doesn't make them a brat, but a mature person listens for the underlying message and either deals with it or just makes their kid feel heard. They don't hit record and try to make someone into a villain. Leah made it about her conflict with Miranda, not showing empathy for her child and teaching her emotional maturity, whatever the situation was. Even if a parent makes a mistake, it can be a great learning tool for a child--'You know how you get mad and frustrated? Parents do too, and sometimes they don't act appropriately all the time,' or 'Let's help you get some coping skills when you feel mad or frustrated so you don't act out,' or 'Let's learn how to ask for help in a positive way.' Maybe she needs to develop patience or more empathy. Whatever it is, it doesn't necessarily mean Ali was lying/bratty--but Leah certainly was.

Also, what is a simple task for another kid might not be for Ali, but that should be decided on by all the parents. It's not Miranda's job to decide when to ignore Ali's disability like her parents do and when to take it seriously.

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15 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Kids definitely whine and exaggerate a lot. My kids often used the "It is heavy" excuse when it came to taking out the trash, moving luggage,  bringing in grocery bags, or carrying their backpack FULL OF PAPERS. In kindergarten, none of my kids had books. 

 Ali likely did not have a lunch box in her bacpack. because her mother is a lazy twat who cannot even buy bread! The girlses mentioned hating the school lunches.

Ali is not a liar. But I do believe she complained about having to carry her backpack. This is a complaint that happens everyday of the week by children who have disabilities or not. Ali may have whined about the backpack but my gut tells me she was likely feeling irritated about something else. Maybe Gracie irritated her on the ride home. Maybe Ali wanted to stop at McDonalds but was told no. Maybe Ali was not getting attention from Miranda. Maybe Remi was crying in the car and it annoyed Ali. Maybe Ali was tired because her mother kept her kids up late the night before.  


Could be any of those things. It also could be legit- maybe they had library day at school and Ali had some big picture books. But I think it's really irrelevant.


Even if Leah did everything she should to preserve Ali's strength, and even if the damn bag was too heavy, this isolated incident still would not warrant anything more than a gentle reminder that Ali should be discouraged from carrying anything too heavy herself, and perhaps a reminder to Ali that sometimes adults are stressed and frustrated and can occasionally speak a little more harshly than necessary, and if Ali's feelings were hurt, that doesn't mean that Miranda doesn't care about her. All this hand wringing histrionics from Leah are absolutely ridiculous, even without the hypocrisy added in.


The frustrating thing is, Leah's psychotic Forrest Gump IQ minions already hated Miranda for no reason before. Now they have a complaint about her, which Leah is milking for all it's worth.


Will someone please retweet that pic of Leah posing with Ali and her backpack on Leah's passive aggressive tweet of the day? I don't have twitter.

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51 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

@gunderda, maybe, but Miranda does say she usually helps her. I was responding more to the whining/exaggerating/brat assumptions--while Ali may have simply wanted help at that exact moment and Miranda was stressed/couldn't, kids feel stress and have bad days too, and Ali would especially. We can understand why Miranda might snap or make a mistake when she's stressed, exhausted, or just having a bad day, so I don't know why Ali shouldn't be able to without being 'bratty.' Leah is the one in the wrong here, not Ali. Ali was sharing her feelings like every other person should be able to do, kid or not. Those feelings might include being frustrated or angry at a parent or guardian, justified or not. That doesn't make them a brat, but a mature person listens for the underlying message and either deals with it or just makes their kid feel heard. They don't hit record and try to make someone into a villain. Leah made it about her conflict with Miranda, not showing empathy for her child and teaching her emotional maturity, whatever the situation was. Even if a parent makes a mistake, it can be a great learning tool for a child--'You know how you get mad and frustrated? Parents do too, and sometimes they don't act appropriately all the time,' or 'Let's help you get some coping skills when you feel mad or frustrated so you don't act out,' or 'Let's learn how to ask for help in a positive way.' Maybe she needs to develop patience or more empathy. Whatever it is, it doesn't necessarily mean Ali was lying/bratty--but Leah certainly was.

Also, what is a simple task for another kid might not be for Ali, but that should be decided on by all the parents. It's not Miranda's job to decide when to ignore Ali's disability like her parents do and when to take it seriously.

I absolutely agree with you.  My comment was more towards the people making it seem like Miranda was not allowed to upset Ali and that it made her a bad person for not taking Ali's disability into account. 

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I'm not sure why Leah thinks we'll just ignore that fact as an audience. 

She seems to expect us to ignore a lot.  Texting while driving high, often the girlses not buckled in correctly; girls crying with hunger and/or eating a crapfest of "foods", creates a new "Hoarders" episode everywhere she lives, the "secret" boyfriend not on her show but living in her house.....but let's all pretend Leah is doing great.  It's scary to think of droves of young women thinking she's just so misunderstood, edited by MTV, or whatever their excuse du jour might be.

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22 hours ago, Tatum said:

Even if Leah did everything she should to preserve Ali's strength, and even if the damn bag was too heavy, this isolated incident still would not warrant anything more than a gentle reminder that Ali should be discouraged from carrying anything too heavy herself, and perhaps a reminder to Ali that sometimes adults are stressed and frustrated and can occasionally speak a little more harshly than necessary, and if Ali's feelings were hurt, that doesn't mean that Miranda doesn't care about her. All this hand wringing histrionics from Leah are absolutely ridiculous, even without the hypocrisy added in.


Edited by lidarose9
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It's really unfortunate that these Teen Moms, all of them, have people saying how great they are on social media. Both Leah and Jenelle seem to get off on it. Everyone who tells them something negative is drowned out by crazy fans, who seem to post in defense of the TMs in the hope of getting any type of response. It encourages a false sense of reality and allows for a victim complex.

It also makes me want to cry knowing that so many people are completely oblivious and semi-illiterate. Illiteracy is a true problem in the U.S. and I volunteered at my son's school in an after-school reading program to help kids who needed the extra assistance, so please know I am not making fun of people who struggle with reading and writing. I also realize that people abbreviate because of social media and text limitations. However, it is depressing, angering and sad to read some of the fans posts defending the actions of these moms, and I have to hope they are just young. 

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Christina, stay away from the Facebook group "Get Real LOL MTV". The ignorance and stupidity is astounding! In fact, I may have lost IQ points just by mentioning it...

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On May 27, 2016 at 2:43 PM, Lm2162 said:

@DoctorWhovian, it's tricky because in this case it's really irresponsible to do the "you have to carry things for yourself" parenting deal because, well, Ali actually shouldn't. But Miranda shouldn't be the one to set that precedent. Leah and Corey should, and they have actively worked against that, so I'm not sure why Leah thinks we'll just ignore that fact as an audience. The children's own mother and Miranda's own husband let Ali do a host of things she shouldn't do, so what, Miranda is supposed to magically know that and abide by it at all times while they aren't required to? That don't make no sense. 

Completely agree. It's a complicated situation and all we know is based on what a little girl said on a video with no context (why did this come up, how was she asked, etc.). Plus, people make mistakes, whether just a mistake or out of exasperation or who knows. Leah is so completely overreacting (especially since she's ok with the tee ball thing)

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4 hours ago, DoctorWhovian said:

Completely agree. It's a complicated situation and all we know is based on what a little girl said on a video with no context (why did this come up, how was she asked, etc.). Plus, people make mistakes, whether just a mistake or out of exasperation or who knows. Leah is so completely overreacting (especially since she's ok with the tee ball thing)

Well put. Leah will make a mountain out of a mole hill as long as it takes the negativity off of her for a while and dump it on Miranda. The Leah fans hate Miranda. Leah loves to stir that pot.

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I don't think Chelsea has anything meaningful to talk about in general.

Such a great point. Neither one is too bright, and that Might Just Be Enough to keep him around.  

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On May 26, 2016 at 5:35 PM, Lm2162 said:

 Leah has no room to talk when she and Corey do absolutely nothing her disability requires except show up at appointments and not follow the advice. 

Can I throw this out there? Miranda has been kept out of the room for most recent doctor visits. We see that Leah and Corey are not taking the warnings very seriously. Miranda is hearing this information secondhand from Corey, who's likely downplaying it. It's not hard to believe that Miranda doesn't realize how important it is that she help Ali with her backpack because she's getting all condition info from someone who's in denial. 

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I would be shocked if Miranda doesn't watch the show....especially to make sure there isn't some Corey Leah interactions that she doesn't like.  So, I would think Miranda would see what the doctors have said when the audience does.  

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12 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

I would be shocked if Miranda doesn't watch the show....especially to make sure there isn't some Corey Leah interactions that she doesn't like.  So, I would think Miranda would see what the doctors have said when the audience does.  

I think that more to the point, I really doubt that there was ever a discussion about what everyday stuff Ali should and shouldn't do.  E.g. Ali should be in her wheelchair and responsible for her own bag. Ali should be responsible for keeping her room clean and putting her clothes away (although her mother hasn't exactly been a great role model).  Ali shouldn't be expected to walk long distances or up and down stairs (LEAH!).  Ali shouldn't do extra curricular activities involving sport but she should be enrolled in art/choir/drama.  

Leah can't bitch about Miranda not carrying Ali's bag one time considering that she has done far, far worse and there was never an agreement about it.  The best thing for Ali would be for Leah, Corey and Miranda (since she is caring for them mostly during the week) to sit down and work out guidelines so that everyone is on the same page.  But with two parents in denial, I doubt it will ever happen.  

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On 5/28/2016 at 8:59 PM, CookieChica said:

Can I throw this out there? Miranda has been kept out of the room for most recent doctor visits. We see that Leah and Corey are not taking the warnings very seriously. Miranda is hearing this information secondhand from Corey, who's likely downplaying it. It's not hard to believe that Miranda doesn't realize how important it is that she help Ali with her backpack because she's getting all condition info from someone who's in denial. 

That is actually an excellent point. Hadn't thought of that. 

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I love that Kayla doesn't want Leah watching her son, and Leah's fake indignant "I let you watch my kids!" Yeah, Leah would let a pack of squirrels and rabbits watch her kids if it was the only way she could go out to get her nails done.


Is eating pizza with ranch a thing?!?!? I'm sorry but that looks awful haha.

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Janelle.....Biggest contradiction ever: "I don't like being poked with things." Well, let's see, you have a shit load of tattoos and you were a heroin user." Have to doctors ruled out karma as the cause of Janelle's illness? Nathans hair....bwhahahahaha.


Lincoln still saying PUTA. Issac is growing tired of it though. 


Leah finally coming to the realization that her hickass raising may not be the best way to bring her own kids up? Let's hope she continues down that path. Ali wouldn't lie! Unless she says I make them late for school... That's clearly a lie!

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
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11 minutes ago, truelovekiss said:

I love that Kayla doesn't want Leah watching her son, and Leah's fake indignant "I let you watch my kids!" Yeah, Leah would let a pack of squirrels and rabbits watch her kids if it was the only way she could go out to get her nails done.


Is eating pizza with ranch a thing?!?!? I'm sorry but that looks awful haha.

Yes, dunking pizza in ranch is common these days. Personally, I think it's gross. Who is Kayla? One of Leah's cousins? If she doesn't want Leah to watch her son, I think I like her!

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Hearing Leah acknowledge that she "grew up the wrong way" and talk about how she wants to unlearn what she was talk, and THINK about how to respond to Miranda instead of just escalating the situation is a positive step. I've alwatd thought that trash heap she calls her mother is a very negative influence, and has done more to harm Leah's relationships with her kids and significant others than to help her. 


Sweet Jesus, what even is Nathan's hair?

Edited by truelovekiss
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Kayla was Leah's often-on-camera bestie from the earlier seasons. She moved away when she got married. I think this is the first time we've seen her son. Cute baby.

Dear God, give me brain bleach to wipe the image of Nathan's hair from my mind.

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I am usually pretty tough on Leah...but color me surprised with the insight she had about wanting to think about how to respond to Miranda and not just escalating things.  

Adam.  I can't even with him.  Aubree the child had to bring up why he didn't come to the dance...instead of him bringing it up.  She's more of a grown up than he is.  

And yep...ranch dressing on pizza is all the rage right now.  I think it's gross, but I seem to be in the minority.

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I think Kayla might even go back to the 16&P days, but if not she's definitely in the first few seasons. 

Speaking of Nathan's hot mess hair, I can never get over how Paislee always looks so disheveled. It makes sense if Adam has her for overnights and is in charge of getting her ready.


So is ranch on pizza like a trendy thing? Like hipsters do it? I  swear to God, I'm 24 years old, I'm young I should know these things haha.

Edited by truelovekiss
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Adam's such a lazy bastard. That was his excuse for not going to the dance? "I had to do this [gym crap]"? Whatever, dude. I don't have any kids, but I'm going to make an assumption about being a parent: There's always going to be stuff that you could be doing, maybe would rather be doing, for you instead of stuff you could do for your kids, but you have to put your kids first and do you later. Adam still doesn't get it. Being a parent isn't something you squeeze into your schedule. It's the first thing you do.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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So last week, Leah went batty on Miranda over a one-sided, very egged on conversation in a video, and this week, Miranda "may have overreacted or may have been given a wrong re-enactment." WHAT? You're the fucking idiot who was going ham on her and saying how you can't do anything for your girlses!


How many times have we heard "Kaiser is with David's sister" now? She has no business pretending to be mad at Kaiser possibly going to daycare because Nathan goes to school. How dare he. Honestly, daycare would be the best damn place for him. He'd be given attention and he'd get to interact with other kids, instead of listening to his mother bitch and moan from the couch.

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Am I an awful person because I'm totally ready for Jenelle and David to start screaming at each other? (With none of the kids around of course) Because I hate the part of Jenelle's relationships where the guy talks about how ~*aMAziNg*~ she is, and they blame Barb for everything along with her, etc. After that disgusting honeymoon stage begins the horrible fights, then they break up for the first time, and then after that you know it's just a matter of time. For gods sake, he's so much worse than Nathan.

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Jenelle - I'm never going to be addicted to drugs again and I quit smoking and I'm working on getting Jace back.  Mmmhmmm.   I know, let's just put her on peace in the Middle East too while she's at it. 

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Leah says "I may not agree with a lot of things Corey does."  I wonder what parenting decisions she disagrees with. I would love to hear them.  Also Leah seems like she is operating on a 3rd grade reading level.


Not surprised that Kail puts ranch dressing on pizza.  It's a total fat person white trash thing.

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Did David just imply, on camera, that Janelle should tighten her cooch??

...and Adam didn't miss the dance for a competition but to practice for a competion?  Then he made his 6 and 3 year old daughters sit through that competition.  Egotistical asshat.


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Babs isn't there for Janelle. Besides you know....raising your fucking kid. And she's not there for my but has time to go to NJ. 


Brb while I go on spring break and not be there for Jace.

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
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"Why are you there for Ashley? You're not there for me!"

Da fuuuuuuck?!?!?!?

She's raising your son! And she's right, Jenelle isn't sick she's  just looking for someone to give her pills. She's a fucking addict, and like Leah with her pillses, she has the mindset that if a doctor prescribes them, it can't be an addiction. And it's  just a matter of time until she finds a shady enough doctor to get what she wants.

Oh my god, Kaiser hugging that swine when she cried was so sweet and so sad. Jace was probably like, "don't waste your time, kid."

Edited by truelovekiss
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