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S28.E11: That's Money, Honey

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I don't think I've ever really liked Burnie and Ashley and this episode tipped me more into dislike than indifference (mainly because of him getting stupidly offended because Tyler/Korey wouldn't tell them everything). I didn't mind seeing them go, especially because it meant Sherrie and Cole stayed. Again, I've been mostly indifferent to them but seeing how happy everyone was as they raced toward the mat, you couldn't help but be swept up in that. Also of the weaker teams who've made it to the finals, they do feel like they've earned it in a way for sticking it out through all their challenges largely without complaint. And not in a way that's just for the cameras. I like them. I don't think they should win. But I do like them.

I was shocked they didn't get Taj Mahal from the clue. The way everyone said "Notre Dame" like the college/football team made me crazy. Also, xie xie.

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3 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

How so? The reporters were a consistently strong team, who had numerous second place finishes. Sherri and Cole have figuratively stumbled into the Final 3. Of course that's why it would be hilarious and awesome if they won. 


Probably because Joey/Kelsey were considered the "underdogs" in their season...some people seem to consider Sheri/Cole the underdogs... or the Dark Horses in the race for both sets.

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4 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:



How so? The reporters were a consistently strong team, who had numerous second place finishes. Sherri and Cole have figuratively stumbled into the Final 3. Of course that's why it would be hilarious and awesome if they won. 

The reporters were likable underdogs much like Sherri/Cole.  The reporters race skills were honed during the race, much like Sherri/Cole.  Sherri/Cole seem humble, the same way the reporters did.  The reporters, Sherri/Cole also struck me as a team that always had a pleasant attitude, even when coming in second, and were just giving off a happy to be there vibe.  There wasn't always that mugging for the camera feeling (I think Cole has greatly settled down in this respect).  IIRC, the reporters weren't doing that great until the race neared the end.  I don't remember thinking they were consistently strong in the beginning.  

Sherri and Cole have worked their way up from last place a few times as well, which I think shows skill.  I think people like to focus in on the fact that they have been saved at least twice, and that is true, but that doesn't mean that they haven't shown some great level of skill in moving past their competitors when they were in last place.    

I think Sherri/Cole is a mix of luck and skill.  I felt the same way about the reporters.  Although, I kinda find Sherri/Cole a little more likable than the reporters -- the reporters always seemed a little bland to me, but very nice.....Nice and bland...like vanilla pudding.  And I like vanilla pudding.

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Burnie calling people jackasses for working together deserved it.

I have not liked Burnie all season so I was glad to see him leave. 

I like Tyler and Korey, from the beginning they struck me as two young men really enjoying the experience, and have played a smart game.

I know what a minaret is -- not from anything I learned in school -- but from the song "Rock the Casbah". :)

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5 hours ago, aradia22 said:

The way everyone said "Notre Dame" like the college/football team made me crazy. Also, xie xie.

I have a friend who pronounces the college/football team like the cathedral but he also uses a Dracula voice when he does it: "NO-tra Daaaahm." He doesn't even know he's doing it, which makes me even more embarrassed for him. As for xie xie, did everyone mispronounce it? I know it's approximately "sheh sheh," but the tone is what throws most non-Mandarin speakers off. I only noticed Burnie because he said, "shi shi," which is Japanese for pee.

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I call absolute and total bullshit on the judging for Sheri and Cole's Detour. I don't care if it's raining, I don't care if you want to go home -- the fact that they passed a team that fell off the scooter/unicycle/whatever multiple times, kicked the transportation down the road, walked multiple times down the street, got separated a number of times and still gave them the clue is mind-boggling to me. When they've failed teams who put their feet in the wrong place during a dance or the stiff criteria for judging during the outside flash mob dance several years ago, and the criteria for this Detour appeared to be "Get on the transportation, make an effort, get down the street and you'll pass."

Bull. Shit.

I have remained spoiler-free this whole season, but I'm going to have to check in to make sure that Sheri and Cole don't win. Nothing would irritate me more than reinforcing that you can mock your mother on national television to look cool to your friends, and Mommy will still do everything for you and win you money.

Happy Mother's Day indeed.

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On 5/7/2016 at 10:04 AM, weightyghost said:

Tyler and Korey aren't really that much more over the top than other teams we've had, Cole and Sherri make me laugh - they know they suck, but they don't get down on themselves. I teared up watching them realize they were 3rd. I wanted to not like him in the beginning, but he's so...I don't know. 

I always look at it as teams are what they are and the editors show what they want...if we're seeing too much of one team that's because it's what the show wants us to see.  I like T/K because they race well and are having fun.  I also like Sheri and was kind of meh on Cole but he has grown on me, he's kind of....dopey I guess but I like that he's wasn't worried about showing his fear of heights, didn't seem annoyed that his mom picked up the unicycles much better than he did..I guess he's grown on me too.  I think it was the ep with the water slide where he reads that the last team might be eliminated and he makes this goofy face like "we're used to that" and I admit it, I laughed.  They both had me laughing at "we're really trying to win" and Sheri has impressed me.  I know T/K and M/D were cheering because they were happy not see B/A, but S/C were so shocked they were team #3 and Sheri crying and hugging Phil really got to me.

I thought it was a good episode, I really thought it was going to be B/A at the end.   Liked Window of the World, which is so much of what the show is about. I was more surprised about racers not knowing the Taj Mahal was a mausoleum than what a minaret was.

Don't forget Dana's "does the Pope give speeches at the Coliseum?" Tyler "No" Dana "you sure, why not?" ahh TAR.

Edited by raven
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I draw the line at actively lying to another team, or actively trying to take another team down.  

I disagree, vehemently.  No team is under ANY obligation to help another team; why would they be?

And as for lying, to paraphrase the legendary Miss Alli from TWOP, do you object when people bluff in poker? 

It's a game.  There are rules.  If you don't break the rules, you're playing fair.  You have no other obligation than to play by the rules.

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The reporters were likable underdogs much like Sherri/Cole.  The reporters race skills were honed during the race, much like Sherri/Cole.  Sherri/Cole seem humble, the same way the reporters did.  The reporters, Sherri/Cole also struck me as a team that always had a pleasant attitude, even when coming in second, and were just giving off a happy to be there vibe.  There wasn't always that mugging for the camera feeling (I think Cole has greatly settled down in this respect).  IIRC, the reporters weren't doing that great until the race neared the end.  I don't remember thinking they were consistently strong in the beginning.  


I guess but honestly, I still don't really see it. I think if Burnie and Ashley had made it to the F3, they would have been similar to the reporters to the tee. Not just for the multiple second place finishes but the way many talk about forgetting that they were even there and some not even knowing who they were, especially Ashley. I feel like that was definitely the reporters last season. They were just sort of unassuming and quietly always doing well. 

I don't remember them honing their skills during the race like Sherri/Cole, mostly because I feel like they always did well, much like Burnie/Ashley. I don't remember the reporters ever really being in the back and struggling to avoid elimination. They were middle of the pack in the early legs and as the race went on, solidly at the front almost all of the time. As for the underdog factor, again I think that was simply because they'd had so many second place finishes and just couldn't seem to get that one first place finish and especially beat Justin and Diana. So they were considered underdogs to Justin and Diana's dominance.

Sherri and Cole are underdogs because again, they have seemed to just stumbled their way into the F3. Yes, they weren't awful racers, but they weren't particularly great either. The reporters were a strong team. Now in fairness, they were two young, strong and capable people while Sherri is the oldest person left in the race. But yeah I just don't really see the similarity in those two teams at all. But as I said, I would be amused if they won and it's not impossible. Was it the scientists female team who was near elimination many times and won? And the Beekman Boys got in such a hole during the season at one point that practically put them a day behind other teams and they won. So you never know. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I was disappointed in Tyler and Korey's trickery, but I understand that it's a game, so I don't hold it against them too much. I just feel like you can win without being deceitful. 

Sheri and Cole hadn't yet found the clue. If Tyler and Korey admitted they found theirs, they obviously would have asked them "Where is it?" And - there's no reason to help another team, especially in the penultimate leg where everyone wants to make the final. That's why they pretended they hadn't found it.

And - there's a big difference between lying in order not to give info to another team, and lying to misdirect another team. Tyler and Korey didn't say "Yeah the clue box is down the street six blocks away." I mean - that's something that would have been really mean (and yet still within the rules) but they weren't actively trying to hurt another team, they were just trying not to help. So there's "deceitful" and then there's "deceitful." 


I know what a minaret is, but I can understand that others might not.

I can understand not knowing what a minaret is, but not being able to read the word? In what universe does "minaret" look like "minuet?"

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22 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

there's a big difference between lying in order not to give info to another team, and lying to misdirect another team.

Both of which are not only allowed, but pretty much mandatory, IMHO, if you are taking the race seriously.

If someone said to you, "The clue-box is upstairs," why would you believe them for one instant, instead of immediately heading for the basement?

When you play monopoly, do you let others off the rent when they land on your hotel?  Do you stop them from rolling and point out that you are sitting on their hotel and remind them to charge you rent?

In TAR, you don't steal someone's passport, but if they go and lose it for themselves, you do not tell them where it is!

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2 hours ago, raven said:

Don't forget Dana's "does the Pope give speeches at the Coliseum?" Tyler "No" Dana "you sure, why not?" ahh TAR.

The Pope stands in the Emperor's box in the Coliseum.  The Cardinals enter the arena.  They shout "We who are about to pray salute you!"  They open their cassocks and whip them back over their shoulders like capes.  They produce kneelers that were hidden underneath and drop to their knees.  Let the prayer games begin! 

On another note - the issue regarding telling Sherri and Cole the location of the clue was awkward.  Tyler and Korey had decided they didn't want to tell them.  They had already put away their clue.  When Burnie and Ashley came running up, he had a clue in his hand.  He could have lied and said it was the previous clue.  However, it is harder to bluff when the evidence of your bluff is in your hand, visible to all.  He did hesitate a bit before saying he found it.  Had he not had the clue in his hand, he might have been able to read the other teams' faces and joined them in the bluff. 

On FB, Tyler is now saying they were so happy to see Sherri and Cole at the end because T/K, S/C and D/M had become besties over the course of the race.  While they may have been friendly, the decision to shoot for getting Burnie and Ashley out seemed to be strategic.  In his talking heads Tyler talks about preferring to compete against Sherri and Cole since they are a back of the pack team.  I wish he would own that on FB rather than trying to pretend it is all about friendship.  There is nothing wrong with being a strategic competitor.  Own it. Trying to back out of it now makes him seem weaselly.

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If I was the art judge, I would fail Dana couple more times just for her mega bitch face and eye rolling when she was told the spacing was wrong. "I don't want to talk anymore, I just want to hang these damn things on the wall."  No Princess, you don't get this handed to you on your first try. Or 2nd. Or 3rd.

Can't believe Miss one-chicken-at-a-time is in the finals.

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In TAR, you don't steal someone's passport, but if they go and lose it for themselves, you do not tell them where it is!

At least not until after they're eliminated and need it to leave the country!

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I guess I'm in the minority, but I really liked Burnie and Ashley. I don't remember them ever being anything but supportive to each other, and friendly and appreciative to all of the people they met in the various tasks. I was surprised that Burnie was mad about the two teams working together, but maybe part of it was because they had just worked with Tyler and Korey in the leg before to eliminate the frisbee team; if they hadn't nominated T&K so that the frisbee team couldn't nominate anyone, there's a decent chance the frisbee team would still be in it and then go after T&K. 

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I liked Burnie and Ashley just fine. I just thought he acted just as petty and bitchy at times in the past episode as some accused Tyler and Korey of being. And I especially found him a bit whiny and entitled, to be honest to be so offended at Tyler and Dana's decision to work together on the map roadblock. 

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I find it fascinating that people have such opposite feelings about the teams - especially T/K who seem to have an even split between the "love 'em" an the "hate 'em" posts.  Everyone seem to be able to substantiate their feelings, so it doesn't seem to be based on any sort of prejudice.  It makes me wonder how many people find me really annoying (note: this is not a request for opinions) or can't stand the sound of my laugh - Not that I think I am just like Tyler, but it makes me wonder if I have characteristics/habits - how I chew my food, the way I pronounce certain words, the way I state my opinions, etc - that drive others up a wall (once again, not soliciting opinions on this matter). 

Personally, I don't love any of the teams, don't hate any of the teams, but I like them all, except I don't like it when Dana gets shrieky - I don't care if Matt drives her to it or not, Yelling and arguing aren't racing.  Save the complaints for the rest periods.

7 hours ago, raven said:

Don't forget Dana's "does the Pope give speeches at the Coliseum?" Tyler "No" Dana "you sure, why not?" ahh TAR.

I wasn't giving the show my full attention, but it seemed to me that they went to the Coliseum for the Pope clue and just got lucky that it happened to be the answer to a different clue.


3 hours ago, Neeners said:

I guess I'm in the minority, but I really liked Burnie and Ashley. I don't remember them ever being anything but supportive to each other, and friendly and appreciative to all of the people they met in the various tasks. I was surprised that Burnie was mad about the two teams working together, but maybe part of it was because they had just worked with Tyler and Korey in the leg before to eliminate the frisbee team; if they hadn't nominated T&K so that the frisbee team couldn't nominate anyone, there's a decent chance the frisbee team would still be in it and then go after T&K. 

The two teams didn't necessarily work together to eliminate the Frisbee guys. Yes, it took both teams to do it, but they didn't have to plan it.

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On May 7, 2016 at 8:43 PM, NYGirl said:

I'm so worried about Burnie and Ashley.  I can't believe Tyler and Dana turned on them because they showed Sheri and Cole their clues.  

Cheer all you want for Dana and Matt, T and K.,  I hope they beat your asses next week.

First of all, they didn't turn on them. Burnie is the one who got snarky with T&K for trying to avoid helping other teams. Hello. It's final four. When you're trying to get into the finale, helping other teams is just plain stupid. They have all been friendly and courteous all season. Now is the time to get serious and stop helping each other. 

Second, I don't blame T&K even if they did have an attitude with Burnie because Burnie has been throwing them under the bus since last episode. Burnie basically called them shady for getting Brodie and Kurt eliminated, which is SUCH bullcrap. Brodie and Kurt could have possibly survived after doing their u-turn if it hadn't been for BURNIE using the second u-turn! It was actually brilliant gameplay on Burnie's part... but don't sit there and blame Tyler and Korey for being shady when the ENTIRE reason the frisbee boys got eliminated is because of Burnie and Ashley. 

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On May 7, 2016 at 3:39 PM, tvallthetime said:

I thought this episode was quite entertaining. I was disappointed in Tyler and Korey's trickery, but I understand that it's a game, so I don't hold it against them too much. I just feel like you can win without being deceitful. 

The other disappointment for me is that Dana and Matt made it. I don't like watching Dana berate Matt and act all self-righteous.

I'd hardly call it trickery. When you're competing to get into the final three, it's completely asinine to expect other teams are going to help you. Lying about having the clue is not the same as "tricking" - And perhaps Burnie and Ashely wouldn't have been last if Burnie had not told Sherri and Cole where to find the clue. 

And then during the passport challenge, Burnie flat out asked them how far along they were. Are you stupid, Burnie?!? It's final four! You think they're going to tell you that? That's valuable information. Why would anyone help him steal $1 million from them? 

Nothing T&K did or said comes even close to the heinous way Dana has treated Matt all season. 

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3 hours ago, needschocolate said:

I find it fascinating that people have such opposite feelings about the teams - especially T/K who seem to have an even split between the "love 'em" an the "hate 'em" posts.  Everyone seem to be able to substantiate their feelings, so it doesn't seem to be based on any sort of prejudice.  It makes me wonder how many people find me really annoying (note: this is not a request for opinions) or can't stand the sound of my laugh - Not that I think I am just like Tyler, but it makes me wonder if I have characteristics/habits - how I chew my food, the way I pronounce certain words, the way I state my opinions, etc - that drive others up a wall (once again, not soliciting opinions on this matter). 

I learned a long time ago to not care.  No matter who you are some people are going to like it and some people are going to hate it.  That's just the way the cookie crumbles.  I mostly have a problem with Tyler for his posts on the TAR FB page.  As a public figure, he should be able to handle people expressing their distaste without resorting to condescension and defensiveness.  

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9 hours ago, Gummo said:

I disagree, vehemently.  No team is under ANY obligation to help another team; why would they be?

And as for lying, to paraphrase the legendary Miss Alli from TWOP, do you object when people bluff in poker? 

It's a game.  There are rules.  If you don't break the rules, you're playing fair.  You have no other obligation than to play by the rules.

I don't remember saying that anyone has to help, only that I draw the line at lying and actively misleading.....which isn't the same as helping to me.

I also don't necessarily think that simply following the rules is particularly fair.....when athletes use performance enhancing drugs or methods that are allowed by the IOC, but aren't available in other countries they are following the rules, but that doesn't mean that its a fair competition.

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8 hours ago, Netfoot said:

If someone said to you, "The clue-box is upstairs," why would you believe them for one instant, instead of immediately heading for the basement?

Because it happens that people do share true information and help each other sometimes? Assuming that they are lying is just as wrong as assuming that they must be telling the truth.

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2 days behind watching this, what an episode. 

I know it's risky to say this before the finale, but despite absolutely loathing the initial concept, am I crazy for thinking this is the best season in ages? Seriously, tremendous variety in locales with tons of travel porn, a lot of nailbiting finishes, entertaining tasks, teams getting along for the most part, and a pretty good cast. I thought after the premiere that Cole would be way too obnoxious for me, but thankfully their editing has primarily focused on how awesome Sheri is. I'd be ok with them or Tyler and Korey winning.

Edited by TheRabbi
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My irritation with Cole was his constant looking for the camera and yelling. The entire cast, with the exception of Sheri, Matt, Burnie and Ashley, seemed to look for the camera and shriek. My irritation with Tyler and Dana extend to their social media behavior, which I wouldn't have ever followed except to follow the live tweets. They are both incredibly thin skinned, and Tyler takes offense at things I don't think are directed toward him or meant to be negative as personal insults.

Dana's responses to people pointing out her behavior on the show are more understandable, because when you're called bitchy, etc. you would want to defend yourself. She doesn't see herself like some of us do, and blames editing and Matt's behavior being cut to make her look bad. But, if you take the exchange quoted above about the painting, Matt was saying the hint doesn't say it should be flush, and he doesn't think it will line up that way, and she responds that it says exactly that, in a tone like he was an idiot. Only, she was the wrong one and Matt was right. If she is that frustrated in his mere presence, they need to be apart. If he drives her crazy by breathing, it's not healthy.

I've watched most of this season muted with closed-captioning on, where last year I only had to mute Justin and the paparazzi. I tried watching Dubai with sound, but  the yelling was too much. Cole's staring at the camera while cycling and yelling, "Go, Mama! Go, Mama!" and the frisbee boys yelling/encouraging each other and Dana being Dana was too much for me. It didn't come across as excitement, it was look around for a camera then yell, laugh or make silly faces. 

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On 07/05/2016 at 3:11 AM, Suzysite said:

Is it wrong to hope Tyler falls off a cliff next week?  Man, he's annoying.

It's not wrong, although I suspect he'd ruin that too.

"I'm faHAHAHAling off a cliHAHAHAff. Hashtag cliiiiiiiiff notes!! HAHAHAHA!!!"

Piss off.

Edited by derriere
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21 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I call absolute and total bullshit on the judging for Sheri and Cole's Detour. I don't care if it's raining, I don't care if you want to go home -- the fact that they passed a team that fell off the scooter/unicycle/whatever multiple times...

To be honest, I thought this detour felt pretty badly designed. It was clear that it would take more time to learn to drive the thing than the planners thought, and the whole trip down the road among pedestrians and cars seemed pretty dangerous to me - not only to the racers but to the innocent locals. If you take out of control 20 pound unicycle to your achilles tendon you won't like that very much...

19 hours ago, Gummo said:

And as for lying, to paraphrase the legendary Miss Alli from TWOP, do you object when people bluff in poker? 

The charm of TAR over the years has been is that it is fairly straightforward stuff, racers against elements to reach victory. There are plenty of reality shows where backstabbing is the norm so having one with whiff of adventure book innocence is like a breath of fresh air. Therefore if somebody kicks in full Survival-mode it feels off. As they say, there are rules and then there are Gentlemen's rules.

13 hours ago, needschocolate said:

The two teams didn't necessarily work together to eliminate the Frisbee guys. Yes, it took both teams to do it, but they didn't have to plan it.

When B&A reached cliff-jumping task previous episode Korey asked "did you u-turn us" and Burnie answered yes. My read of that was that the whole thing was planned beforehand by the teams.

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On 5/7/2016 at 8:15 PM, Nedsdag said:

Aw! I'll miss Burnie & Ashley, just as they were calling out the other teams for being haughty. Now we have the Battling Breakdancers, the Red State Edumacated ones, and Mr. YouTube and whatshisname. 

I didn't think I'd miss the Frisbee boys as much as I did tonight.

*Desperately Seeking Spoilers.*

They are out there. I was reading comments on an ew.com article, and someone that was angry about the frisbee boys posted a spoiler about this latest elimination. I was shocked, so I looked, just a little, and found the spoiler for who wins. 

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The charm of TAR over the years has been is that it is fairly straightforward stuff, racers against elements to reach victory. 

Except as many have pointed out that's not really true since as far back as the first two seasons teams have tried to block other teams into getting on buses/trains, lied to teams about information, etc. I feel like the whole notion of TAR as this respectable, no shady behavior, just clean and fun race is a myth equivalent to when older people start talking about how much better things were during their younger days. The show has never been simply run from point A to B and every team just politely play well with each other. Teams have always worked together, other teams tried to misdirect each other, mislead each other, ask bus drivers/taxi drivers to not give information to people, etc. 



When B&A reached cliff-jumping task previous episode Korey asked "did you u-turn us" and Burnie answered yes. My read of that was that the whole thing was planned beforehand by the teams.


Except we were shown Korey specifically stressing about the U-Turn because he knew with the double U-Turn, the Frisbee guys could have just U-Turned another team and save themselves. And then in their ITM, they explain that as they were stressing they realized that if Burnie and Ashley U-Turned them, then the guys couldn't U-Turns someone else but they didn't know if Burnie and Ashley would realize that or even be willing to do it. I don't think it was planned. Burnie, as he pointed out in his confessional this episode, is just a gamer so he and Ashley quickly realized that the move made sense. 



I know it's risky to say this before the finale, but despite absolutely loathing the initial concept, am I crazy for thinking this is the best season in ages?


I don't know about the best but I will say that despite the whole social media personalities angle, it really didn't feel like any different race. I hated the whole blind-date couples season way more. But really other than Tyler and Blair, I didn't know any of these people, so it was easy for me to just look at this race as any other season with a mix of different types of teams/relationships. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Well, the only team I actually liked is out.  Not sure if I'm going to watch next week or not.  I may do what I did last time - tape it and check to see whether or not annoying-ass liar Tyler wins.  If he doesn't, then I'll watch but otherwise I'll just erase it.

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I'm totally rooting for Sheri and Cole now. 

I'd prefer the dancers out than Bernie and Ashley, but oh well,  I wasn't attached to them.  I'm not sure if Bernie did this the whole time, but during the art task he was repeating everything Ashley said, almost like he was saying it first.  It was bizarre. 

There's no way the unicycle task could require that they not fall.  That seemed like a pretty long route they had to ride along. And it would have been impossible to finish if the requirements were that they couldn't fall. And it probably wouldn't be that easy to start over either.  I would have been terrified of riding that thing in the rain.  I hate riding my scooter when the roads are wet.

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Wouldn't be surprised if the first clue of the Finale starts....Catch a flight to Montgomery Alabama ...

I was SHOCKED to see Cole and Momma turn the corner -  Sheri has really impressed me, but Cole - geez he annoys me.

It could be the editing - but it seemed like Burnie and Ashley only did the wall hanging once- they must have noticed that Tyler and Korey were measuring the gaps with the level.

Hoping Tyler and Korey win it - but have a feeling they will get lost in the final leg.

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I think that Tyler thinks he is way more clever and special than he really is.  I am so incredibly tired of his stupid "Bros being Dudes being Jocks being Carpenters" bit.  I have never understood if this is supposed to be funny or have any deeper meaning or what exactly is so "hashtag worthy" about it.

I still am puzzled as to why Burnie's panties were all bunched up at seeing Tyler and Dana working together.  Is it because he felt left out?  Is it because he was still annoyed over the airport business?  He sure likes to thank that his shit don't stank.  But what is especially odd is that when he went to a location that Tyler and Dana already had been to, he said that the two of them left their used stickers in there, and he was going to take them out, so as not to help Sheri and Cole.  Why?  Why be so indigant that Tyler was trying to avoid helping Cole and then turn around and do a fairly similar thing?   

I'm also wondering how TPTB managed that sticker task.  There didn't seem to be many locals in the park, but there appeared to be sticker boxes at every single monument, since Tyler and Dana got one wrong.  What if some local took some of the stickers?  Was there a production person stationed by each box, even the ones that were wrong?  If a team went to a wrong box and there were no stickers in it, wouldn't that have been a clue?

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Burnie being upset that Tyler was working with another team, in the leg that followed the Double U-Turn, might lend credence to the theory that they colluded to take out the Frisbee boys.

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On 5/7/2016 at 3:01 AM, RCharter said:

I don't think I'm super duper smart, and the only one I didn't get just from hearing the clue was the one about the fish/lion.  And they had a map too?  I normally think people are a little too tough on teams by expecting them to know everything....but by all accounts with a map AND pretty obvious clues to pretty well known monuments even I was disappointed. 

I knew what the fish/lion thing was right away, but I've been to Singapore so it was something I've seen.  I could have figured out all of the clues pretty quickly, especially with access to a map to clear up any of the ones I was unsure of.

On 5/8/2016 at 0:48 AM, Netfoot said:

I'm no more familiar with mosques than I am with Christian churces, but I not only know what a minaret is, I know the difference between a tower, a steeple, and a spire.  These things were taught to me in school, along with the fact that the Taj Mahal was a mausoleum.   It baffles me when I see people who don't know that the Taj Mahal is a mausoleum, and in my mind, I think, "How could you possibly not know that?"  And then someone says "Why should they know that?  They don't come from India!"  Well, I don't come from Egypt but I know the pyramids are tombs. 

I know what a minaret is and I know that the Taj Mahal is a mausoleum.  I don't believe either was taught to me in school, they are both things I've picked up along the way.  And the pyramids were grain silos according to a prominent brain surgeon.

Disappointed Burnie and Ashley went out because the last really competent team is Tyler and Korey and I just don't like them.  But I'll root for the competent but annoying team or Sheri/Cole because Sheri has done very well, especially considering she's been saddled with Cole.  I know that's her fault, but still...

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Nooooooooo... I just watched last night, and I'm so sad. :(

I didn't think Burnie's pissiness was any worse than anyone else's, really, and they were still my favourites.

And I can't help but wonder exactly how the balancey wheel thing was explained in the clue, though. The way Phil explained it to us, it seemed implied that they would actually have to perform some tricks, like those two guys wheeling around each other with their feet hooked together. Clearly that was not the case, but you would think that they would at least have to perform the actual task reasonably well, and if you believed that to be the case, I can see why you might be inclined to switch tasks, even at this stage of the game. If they'd known how poorly they could execute the task and still pass, there would be absolutely no reason to even consider switching. So I do wish we knew more about exactly what was required of them, and what they knew about what was required of them.

In any case, I guess I'm rooting for Sherri and Cole, albeit somewhat reluctantly, as I agree with those who prefer when a team who's come in last more than once doesn't end up winning. But I just can't even with Dana, and while Tyler hasn't particularly bothered me during the race, everything I've heard about his post-race behaviour and social media interactions with people about it makes me really inclined to dislike him. But they do seem the most likely contenders at this point. They wouldn't be the worst winners ever, but I wouldn't be thrilled. Of course, I won't be thrilled with whoever wins, so I suppose it doesn't really matter.

Overall, though, I definitely have enjoyed this season rather more than I thought I would, even if the ending has turned out to be disappointing.

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I'm not surprised Sherri did well on the unicycle.  Women have lower centers of gravity, and that helps on things like this.  Also, she seems in pretty good shape, and core strength would also be an asset.  Whereas Cole is gangly, not terribly athletic, and doesn't seem to have great self control.  (He reminds me of one of those air inflated things at car lots that keep bobbing up and down waving its arms.)  I don't remember seeing Ashley on the unicycle - did she fare any better than Burnie? 

I was rooting for Burnie & Ashley, somewhat disappointed they didn't make the final three.  I don't expect Dana & Matt to be hard competition, but I could see Sherri & Cole lucking into something that works for them and giving Tyler & Korey a run for first place.  Or Tyler & Korey having bad taxi luck and falling behind.  I just hope the final roadblock is a serious task - not necessarily something 100% memory based, but something more along the lines of the shipping crates or even the really evil giant scales and random props task from many seasons back.  (The "count out x number of poker chips" was the lamest final task in TAR history.)

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 As a public figure, he should be able to handle people expressing their distaste without resorting to condescension and defensiveness.  

That strikes me as saying he should just shut up and say nothing, which is the criticism he seems to get just for being on the show. A lot of people seem to think he's "mugging" but I can't figure out what the alternative is. That he should never look at the camera, never talk, never laugh, should just shut his mouth and run the race without ever commenting on anything?

I'm also disinclined to categorize Tyler (or any of these so-called "social media celebrities") as "public figures." That's a term I'd tend to reserve for politicians and government officials. He's not obliged to behave in any particular manner, nobody is voting for him or paying for his records or going to his movies. They may stop watching his YouTube videos or whatever the hell he does but I suspect the people lobbing these kinds of criticisms at him were never going to watch them anyway.

Edited by iMonrey
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I don't follow Tyler or any of the people from this season on social media so I don't know the specifics of what has been said or not said or whatever. However, I have to say I do think it's interesting how many people think it is perfectly okay to be rude and sometimes downright offensive to someone on social media because well they're a "public figure" and should expect that but once they respond or fire back, then they're being petty or need to grow thicker skin.

I've always said if I was famous I would be like the celebrities who have no social media because that is just a breeding ground for messiness (of course in Tyler's case that would be difficult since social media is his brand) and I probably would be the person who just ignores or blocks people and keep it moving. But I would be lying if I said I haven't enjoyed some celebrities putting some brats in their place, especially when they deserve it. 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

That strikes me as saying he should just shut up and say nothing, which is the criticism he seems to get just for being on the show. A lot of people seem to think he's "mugging" but I can't figure out what the alternative is. That he should never look at the camera, never talk, never laugh, should just shut his mouth and run the race without ever commenting on anything?

I'm also disinclined to categorize Tyler (or any of these so-called "social media celebrities") as "public figures." That's a term I'd tend to reserve for politicians and government officials. He's not obliged to behave in any particular manner, nobody is voting for him or paying for his records or going to his movies. They may stop watching his YouTube videos or whatever the hell he does but I suspect the people lobbing these kinds of criticisms at him were never going to watch them anyway.

The criticism he gets is simply that people don't like him.  That is a human condition, not everyone is going to like everyone else.   And yes, him simply not responding would be better than his responses thus far.  However, if he wants a primer on how to intelligently respond, he need only read responses from Ashley from Rooster Teeth.  Her responses are so well written, intelligent, kind and disarming that she has only raised my level of respect for her.  But Tyler acting like a whiny baby because people express an opinion of him when he put himself out there for such judgment is ridiculous at best, and I have lost any respect I might have had for him going in.

The alternative to mugging, is to not mug, we've seen plenty of racers race without mugging.  

I think trying to go to extremes and saying that if he doesn't mug he must be quiet as a church mouse at all times is a little disingenuous.  There have been racers that have been constantly mugging for the cameras and weren't always silent.  In fact, the Vine brothers did just that, so it is possible.  I don't see how anyone would think that there are only two ways you can be....constant mugging or a mute.

A public figure is a person who puts themselves in the public eye.  That is Tyler, so yes, he is a public figure.  He has undertaken to live his life in the public eye, and thrust himself in the public eye.  He benefits from it, and has chosen that lifestyle.  He takes the good with the bad, the good is that he makes money, gains recognition and other benefits from being in the public, the bad is that people are going to comment on him because he has put himself in the public eye to be judged either good, or bad.

He relies on a public image to make his money, and the public to give him clicks or views or whatever to advance his career and gain further opportunities as a public figure. 

36 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I don't follow Tyler or any of the people from this season on social media so I don't know the specifics of what has been said or not said or whatever. However, I have to say I do think it's interesting how many people think it is perfectly okay to be rude and sometimes downright offensive to someone on social media because well they're a "public figure" and should expect that but once they respond or fire back, then they're being petty or need to grow thicker skin.

I've always said if I was famous I would be like the celebrities who have no social media because that is just a breeding ground for messiness (of course in Tyler's case that would be difficult since social media is his brand) and I probably would be the person who just ignores or blocks people and keep it moving. But I would be lying if I said I haven't enjoyed some celebrities putting some brats in their place, especially when they deserve it. 

If you can't take criticism, you shouldn't put yourself in the public eye.  To me, its as simple as that.

The idea that you should benefit from being famous, the public adulation and support and love....but that you should never have to experience the flip side, which is public criticism and annoyance seems odd.

The idea that you should only get public feedback as long as it benefits you is bizarre to me.  People are only allowed to express an opinion if its one where they love and support you no matter what you do?  Huh?

People who respond on social media to celebrities haven't put themselves in the public eye for benefit, so they aren't in the same position as those who respond.  So yeah, they either need to grow a thicker skin or they are being petty when they respond in a defensive or condescending manner.  If you want to live in the public eye, and benefit from being in the public eye you have to be prepared to deal with all the public....not just the public that loves you.

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And like I said, I haven't read any of the stuff because I have zero desire to. I don't care enough to seek any of these people out on social media. However my point remains, because I have seen it with many other famous people and instances, that it is interesting how many people feel perfectly okay to go to these people's accounts and say mean things to them and the moment they're called out or the famous person responds, then the attitude is they should grow thicker skin.

Then again I have no desire to go tell some person I just watch on a reality show that I don't like them. It was like the annoying nurse some seasons ago - the one who was in the blind-date team with the doctor. I couldn't stand that woman's screeching and personality but never once felt the need to go one, find her twitter, two, tweet, "you are awful, you are mean, etc..." 



The idea that you should benefit from being famous, the public adulation and support and love....but that you should never have to experience the flip side, which is public criticism and annoyance seems odd.

The idea that you should only get public feedback as long as it benefits you is bizarre to me.  People are only allowed to express an opinion if its one where they love and support you no matter what you do?  Huh?


Your confusion is as much mine since I'm positive that is not what I wrote in any way whatsoever. Especially as I made sure to state that if I were a famous person I would be like the wise ones who don't engage in social media at all and avoid it all together. So no, nowhere am I saying that famous people should never experience criticism. 

Social media has practically made criticism of celebrities and other public figures a freaking sport. What I am saying is that while the celebrity and public figure should expect it as some believe, then no, the person who sends a rude tweet or post doesn't get to not have a response by the celebrity because they're not a public figure themselves. If you can dish it out, then you can take it. In any case most people love having a response to them even if it is negative because it makes them feel important which is quite sad in itself. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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31 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

And like I said, I haven't read any of the stuff because I have zero desire to. I don't care enough to seek any of these people out on social media. However my point remains, because I have seen it with many other famous people and instances, that it is interesting how many people feel perfectly okay to go to these people's accounts and say mean things to them and the moment they're called out or the famous person responds, then the attitude is they should grow thicker skin.

Then again I have no desire to go tell some person I just watch on a reality show that I don't like them. It was like the annoying nurse some seasons ago - the one who was in the blind-date team with the doctor. I couldn't stand that woman's screeching and personality but never once felt the need to go one, find her twitter, two, tweet, "you are awful, you are mean, etc..." 

Your confusion is as much mine since I'm positive that is not what I wrote in any way whatsoever. Especially as I made sure to state that if I were a famous person I would be like the wise ones who don't engage in social media at all and avoid it all together. So no, nowhere am I saying that famous people should never experience criticism. 

Social media has practically made criticism of celebrities and other public figures a freaking sport. What I am saying is that while the celebrity and public figure should expect it as some believe, then no, the person who sends a rude tweet or post doesn't get to not have a response by the celebrity because they're not a public figure themselves. If you can dish it out, then you can take it. In any case most people love having a response to them even if it is negative because it makes them feel important which is quite sad in itself. 

If you don't wish to express your opinion thats fine.  Its also fine for those who do.  The person who chooses to say something is no better, or no worse than the person that does.  They watch a show with people who have put themselves in the public eye, and they want to comment on the personalities.  It is perfectly okay to say something mean to someone who has undertaken to put themselves in the public eye....which entails the benefits of fame and public adoration, and the drawback of public distaste.  It is especially okay if the mean thing you say is your opinion -- the person who has chosen to thrust themselves into the public eye has signed up for public feedback....the positives of it (fame, money, public love), and the negatives of it (people who publicly don't like you)

If you want the benefit of tons of people being your adoring fans, you should also be ready to handle the drawback of having tons of people be your detractors.  The person in the public eye has signed up for that, whereas their detractor has not.

Social media has simply made it easier for people to express their opinions one way or the other.  Its not a matter of "well if you can dish it out, you can take it" because the person who made the decision to be famous signed up for people to have an opinion about them one way or the other.  They signed up for the adoration or the distaste.  

The detractor is responding to a racers behavior that they have seen on the show and are forming an opinion based on that.  That opinion may be positive or negative, but its based on what they have seen/read/heard.  Being seen, read and heard by the public at large is part of being famous.  That the public forms and expresses that opinion is part and parcel of that.  The "famous person/racer" that chooses to get defensive and condescending over that is either: a) trying to discourage that person from expressing their opinion unless its positive, or b) trying to judge that detractor based on nothing more than their opinion.  To me, that's a little ridiculous.  The "famous person" courted and understood that there would be a detractor.  The detractor did not make the same bargain, in fact they only "signed up" to have an opinion one way or the other about the person who thrust themselves into the public eye.  

If people want to interact with someone that they watch on TV, or someone who has otherwise put themselves in the public eye I don't think its "sad."  The TAR FB page could survive without input from any of the racers, and in fact, I think twitter and FB would survive without their personal accounts....but they want the benefit of fame and social media without the drawbacks.

Edited by RCharter
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I like Tyler and Korey and I like Sherry and Cole I don't hate Matt and Dana. I like T&K for reasons stated above, they ran a good race, they are nice to each other and they aren't rude to people in the countries they visit. I admire Sherry's stick to it attitude.

I know that the Taj Mahal was a mausoleum. I know what a minaret is. I also know that minarets are used to call Muslims to prayer and I was taught that  India has a majority religion of Hindus. So I was a little thrown by that clue, because I was thinking of minarets in a different context. I would have gone to the Taj Mahal anyway, but it might have given me pause.

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7 hours ago, RCharter said:

If you can't take criticism, you shouldn't put yourself in the public eye.  


Sooo... half of Hollywood wouldn't be there now?

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1 minute ago, RCharter said:

What half of Hollywood does isn't really the question, IMO.

Well what I was getting at is that there are many many-- even more famous people than Tyler that are thin skinned and lash out at fans, reporters, what have you... and they chose the public eye.  If they didn't want to have to deal with negative comments, reviews etc, they shouldn't be in the public eye either.

Fact of the matter is... there's going to be all kinds of people.  Who knows.. maybe Tyler will wise up- he's still young and hopefully he'll figure it out eventually not to do whatever it is people are saying (I no longer follow the TAR FB page because some dumbass posted the entire list of elims and winners one season plus... reading nutty people's comments just well... annoys me so off it goes).

I'm sure Tyler wanted to be in the public eye- fine by me... but we all don't know the whole story.  Interesting that some people are giving Dana leeway for being snotty yet bashing Tyler for being snotty...Hmm

Just my view point though.

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Just now, Ducky said:

Well what I was getting at is that there are many many-- even more famous people than Tyler that are thin skinned and lash out at fans, reporters, what have you... and they chose the public eye.  If they didn't want to have to deal with negative comments, reviews etc, they shouldn't be in the public eye either.

Fact of the matter is... there's going to be all kinds of people.  Who knows.. maybe Tyler will wise up- he's still young and hopefully he'll figure it out eventually not to do whatever it is people are saying (I no longer follow the TAR FB page because some dumbass posted the entire list of elims and winners one season plus... reading nutty people's comments just well... annoys me so off it goes).

I'm sure Tyler wanted to be in the public eye- fine by me... but we all don't know the whole story.  Interesting that some people are giving Dana leeway for being snotty yet bashing Tyler for being snotty...Hmm

Just my view point though.

I agree that every person who thrusts themselves in the public eye should be prepared for negative reactions and for the inconveniences that fame can bring, as well as the rewards.  However, I feel like more celebrities simply deal with negative publicity/press/reviews by being quiet.  I remember the Rock once interviewing, and he was saying that if someone said they hated a movie he would try to give them their money back.  

And while I think it applies to traditional stars, I think it applies even more so to internet/YouTube celebrities who make the majority of their money on selling their own personality.  A movie star/rock star is selling their performance in a movie/a song/album.  But anyone who puts themselves in the public eye should be prepared for the good and the bad that comes with it.  If a person isn't ready for that, there are a million other wonderfully talented individuals ready to take up the mantle -- especially in the world of "internet celebrities."

I doubt that Tyler will wise up, because he has a group of sycophants ready to tell him that any critical opinion of him is "bullying."  I think thats too bad for him, because there may be things in those critical comments that he can learn and grow from.  

I don't give Dana any more leeway than I give Tyler.  I think they both behave in a ridiculous manner in social media.  But, my opinion of Dana was always negative...I was on the fence about Tyler until I read his comments on the TAR FB page.

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