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S02.E20: Rupture

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Zoom arrives back on Earth-1 intent on taking over Central City. Barry and Wells come up with a plan to stop Zoom once and for all but it's extremely dangerous. Unsure if he should take the risk, Barry reaches out to both fathers for advice. Henry is adamantly opposed to Barry risking his life again but Joe thinks he can handle it which puts the two men at odds with each other. Meanwhile, Cisco is shocked when he vibes the Earth-2 villain Rupture—who happens to be his brother Dante's doppelganger—has come to Earth-1 seeking justice for Reverb's death. Iris decides she's finally ready to open up to Barry about her feelings for him.

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I bet those guys hate having to say "particle accelerator explosion" over and over again, lol. I'm surprised they haven't shortened it to PAE or something.

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Thanks, Trini! The comic preview made me think of Inego Montoya from The Princess Bride. It really should have been "You killed my brother, prepare to die!" LOL.

I wonder if the cast watch the episodes and drink every time someone says particle accelerator...

So nice to hear Tom using more of his normal voice instead of the whispery/gruff thing. Guess someone gave him a Riccola or something finally. :P

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Well that was interesting....hopefully at some point very soon this show will get interesting again. I mostly just want to know if they just made Wally West and Jesse Quick speedsters.  Otherwise, a lot of not caring. Even Iris' feelings feel oddly out of place.

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"His name was Barry Allen. Now, he's a charred briquette."

At least Zoom hasn't resorted to kill any main players. And Singh. Sucks to be a redshirt cop in Central City. At least Cisco got closer to his brother. And we see the horror of what happens when a Cisco turns evil and doesn't name all the villains. Seriously . . . "Rupture"? Ugh.

ETA for CletusMusashi . . . Wally likes going fast. Just not all the time.

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Well, Barry's about to have 2 speedsters to help him defeat Zoom.

Garrick was the maiden name of Henry's mother?  Maybe the man in the mask is 90s Flash, that would certainly be something we wouldn't believe.

This show continues to do a fantastic job of showing Zoom as basically a destroyer of worlds.  He ruled his Earth, broke Barry's back, and just slaughtered most of the CCPD.  It might be time to see if you can get Kara to help you out Barry, or at least mention it.  And yeah, this is the beginning of Caitlin going evil.

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I'm not sure I buy Barry being so reluctant to undergo the procedure, especially once Zoom came back.  There's no Supergirl on this Earth and it really is all your fault so volunteer already!  I guess they had to make sure this didn't work flawlessly, otherwise they'd have an instant speedster chamber. 

I guess Barry doesn't really know his family history if Jay having the same last name as his maternal grandmother never registered with him. 

Also, they never answered the bathroom question in Thawne's braille room.

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22 hours ago, nksarmi said:

Well that was interesting....hopefully at some point very soon this show will get interesting again. I mostly just want to know if they just made Wally West and Jesse Quick speedsters.  Otherwise, a lot of not caring. Even Iris' feelings feel oddly out of place.

But Wally and Jessie didn't have the chemicals in their system, nor were they struck by lightning -- so I'm thinking they are both metahumans now, but slightly different metahumans.

I liked that Cisco made a 'Fringe' reference that Jessie did not get and then said "noted, no Fringe on Earth-2", but then the episode ends very similarly to the Season 2 finale of 'Fringe' when Peter was strapped into a giant machine that was activated and then he disappeared from existence shortly afterwards.

22 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

"His name was Barry Allen. Now, he's a charred briquette."

This episode of 'The Flash' was brought to you by Kingsford.  The charcoal of choice for all metahumans.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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7 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

Well, Barry's about to have 2 speedsters to help him defeat Zoom.

Garrick was the maiden name of Henry's mother?  Maybe the man in the mask is 90s Flash, that would certainly be something we wouldn't believe.

This show continues to do a fantastic job of showing Zoom as basically a destroyer of worlds.  He ruled his Earth, broke Barry's back, and just slaughtered most of the CCPD.  It might be time to see if you can get Kara to help you out Barry, or at least mention it.  And yeah, this is the beginning of Caitlin going evil.

I really don't see how or why Caltiln would go evil at this time 

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5 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

I'm not sure I buy Barry being so reluctant to undergo the procedure, especially once Zoom came back.  There's no Supergirl on this Earth and it really is all your fault so volunteer already!  I guess they had to make sure this didn't work flawlessly, otherwise they'd have an instant speedster chamber. 

I guess Barry doesn't really know his family history if Jay having the same last name as his maternal grandmother never registered with him. 

Also, they never answered the bathroom question in Thawne's braille room.

I actually liked the reluctance because I need Barry and his team to worry about the after-effects of some of their actions.  Wells was suggesting recreating something that devastated the city and created a multitude of metas.  So it was worthy of debate about whether it was good to recreate this thing even if Zoom is there.  In the end since it was built to be contained within the lab I don't disagree with the choice and considering the Zoom problem he ended up not having a choice.

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Well, at least they admitted they were ripping off Fringe?

Wow, they are really committed to killing off doppelgangers this season.


Yeah, I don't know if Black Siren is going to get the same sweet deal Dr. Light did....

I know they only have so many sets but, really, using Jitters as the command center?

Iris finally confesses! YES. I couldn't squee as hard as I wanted to because I was watching this with people, though. ;)
I wished they could have touched too.

Cisco really is getting all the good writing this season.

Wally, Jesse, no! Except, yes, because they're totally going to get powers!

Was NOT expecting Barry to disintegrate.... "Next week on Vibe."

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1 minute ago, Trini said:

Well, at least they admitted they were ripping off Fringe?

In all fairness, the comic introduced folks to the concept of two Earths. The Flash is just taking it back.

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Not that I needed more reasons to love Cisco, but his "Expecto Patronum" pretty much did me in. It almost overshadowed Barry blowing into pieces.

Did they truly have to recreate the moment that the particle accelator blew exactly? If Wally and Jesse were just changed and they weren't even in the part that Barry was, Barry blew up for no other reason other than plot.

Emotionally that was rough. Yea! For Iris finally expressing her feelings. And I loved all of Barry's Fathers together in one spot. And Barry's decision to not become the Flash and then to finally step back into the Speedster's shoes felt very Barry. Of course, he'd put the whole damn city's safety and protection over his desire to become the Flash again.

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Westallen. Westallen is happening. Why aren't you kissing her, you fool?! Dante knows. Jesse and Wally are being cute together and possibly speedsters. Barry trying to be wise. Caitlin trying to stop a supervillian when she's in no position to. Ramon bros hug. All my people crying. Barry gone.

I'm good.

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7 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

In all fairness, the comic introduced folks to the concept of two Earths. The Flash is just taking it back.

True, but I was referring to the device that they strapped Barry into as the ripoff.


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About Barry not knowing his paternal grandma's maiden name: that started to bother me when I first heard it, but then I realized I don't know the answer either. Now, granted, my father's been dead since I was in high school, and his whole side of the family live out of state, so for all I know maybe it's something that most people would be aware of. But on the other hand, Barry has spent most of his life with a father in prison. So when would it have come up? Plus, knowing that little tidbit of knowledge was pretty much the only thing Papa Allen was actually useful for this week, so let him have that.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Why was Jessie the only one that piped up about the bathroom situation in the Time Vault ?  Did no else go "hey, wait a tic" because they had no idea how long they would be in there ?

I thought that Jessie picking the door to the Time Vault was a little too easy -- considering it is supposed to be super futuristic tech from, you know, the future.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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We had best have some WestAllen next season, Show.

So I wasn't the only one to go 'huh, wha?' when Henry offered up Garrick being a maiden name of his mom's. Good to know.

Dante needed to take several seats, but I guess seeing "yourself" die on live TV did that for Cisco. Btw, how did the camera man get into Jitters? Surely there was enough police to keep folks away from a sting operation. Yes, Zoom killed all but Capt. Singh, Joe and Barry at CCJitters, but he hadn't killed all of the force yet. If he did, why tell the Captain to tell the others not to screw around with him?

I swear, the writers need to pay closer attention to when they have folks accused of crap. It wasn't E1 Wells who screwed folks over and it wasn't Jay turning evil. Eobard Thawne from E1's future and  Hunter Zolomon  from E2 are the evil piles of cow dung who are trying to destroy lots of things and people. If I was part of the Flash Mob, I'd cling to the actual names of these assholes. The person I can keep nice memories of is X, the supervillain trying to destroy the world is Y. If the writers are going for Not Confusing, they haven't succeeded for a while, so why keep using the wrong actual names?

Barry's dads was nice to see, but it was pretty basic. Of course Henry would argue for Barry's total safety/ not going through  the reactor again. Harry would , of course, argue for the recreation. Joe, sort of surprisingly, was not only not neutral or shifting, the writing actually had him unable to give advice to Barry, except that Barry'd have to live with his choice.

Speaking of Joe? I hate to be the one to say it, but Iris, your daughter? She also had the Help People gene. You acted as if Wally was the first child to show that, but who kept Iris out of police cadet school? Oh, that's right: You!

Writers? That was some Grade A++++ trolling with Jesse/ Wally asking about toilets. Buy a cheap one ( or two) and voila! We'll stop heckling you about the lack of common decency.

I am still not sure how I feel about the episode as a whole.  There was plenty to like, like Caitlin refusing to just be some damsel and Harry fighting to get her back too. The possibility that we just saw the "birth" of Kid Flash and Jesse Quick was exciting and worrying.  The flaking of Barry's face was wonderfully horrific.

I just hope the last episodes of the season get us back to a Season 1 vibe- as it were- so the Flash Mob can grow into themselves a bit more without being so dour and mostly humorless.

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52 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

Well, Barry's about to have 2 speedsters to help him defeat Zoom.

Garrick was the maiden name of Henry's mother?  Maybe the man in the mask is 90s Flash, that would certainly be something we wouldn't believe.

This show continues to do a fantastic job of showing Zoom as basically a destroyer of worlds.  He ruled his Earth, broke Barry's back, and just slaughtered most of the CCPD.  It might be time to see if you can get Kara to help you out Barry, or at least mention it.  And yeah, this is the beginning of Caitlin going evil.

I've been thinking that too about 90s Flash.

Very good episode.  Barry being blown apart was shocking though that will quickly play itself out.  It's amazing when Barry doesn't rush into a bad decision, things still turn out badly.  This is all his fault what Zoom is currently doing.  It's been his fault since last season.

Strong, strong stuff on the Cisco front.  I laughed at Wells Harry Potter reference.

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1 hour ago, Actionmage said:

The flaking of Barry's face was wonderfully horrific.

I just hope the last episodes of the season get us back to a Season 1 vibe- as it were- so the Flash Mob can grow into themselves a bit more without being so dour and mostly humorless.

I'm hoping that Barry resurrects himself a là Dr. Manhattan from 'The Watchmen'.  That would be kind of cool.

If Harry was trying to resurrect Barry exactly like the original accident, why wasn't Barry wearing his street clothes ?  Because not only was Barry wearing the Flash suit, that suit contained the tachyon device on his chest.  Or did they uninstall that offscreen ?

1 hour ago, pookat said:

So Barry Allen is dead (temporarily?). In other news, so is Ted Cruz... or should I say, The Zodiac Killer.

However, unlike Lizzie on 'The Blacklist', we are looking forward to Barry's return from his "death".

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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So, Barry is gone, for now. Let's pretend for a minute Jesse and Wally aren't going to wake up different. Zoom thinks he can conquer the entire world as easily as he has Central City? I mean, there is a guy in Star City who...wait, Zoom is probably faster than an arrow. And there is no one left to scream at him. Okay, he may have a point. Well, it was nice while it lasted. Goodbye world. Hold on. How many episodes left this season? Oh, right. Okay. Barry, when you get back I have a pretty good idea what you'll have to do to stop him. Here's a hint. It involves running.

It wasn't a bad episode. Though Zoom loses several hundred creepy points every time he takes off the mask. Tony Todd's voice is cool. Tony Todd's voice coming out of Teddy Sears mouth, not so much. He didn't lie to Caitlin though, at least not at first. He said he wasn't going to hurt the cops. He didn't say anything about not sending Rupture to do it. Then, of course, he went back on his word. Bad supervillain. Not sure why he didn't kill Joe and Singh though. I thought he liked causing Barry pain? That pretty much would have done it.

And once again, they don't lock the doors at STAR Labs. Even when they are performing dangerous experiments inside. Instead, Zoom gets to run into the control room and laugh at them. It's a good thing there weren't two teenagers also running around loose when the particle accelerator blew. Speaking of, how did it get to Wally and Jesse but not Iris or Joe or Wells or Henry?

Also, I agree with Actionmage. It bugs me when they refer to old Wells and Jay. The guy who was running around STAR Labs last season was not Harrison Wells. Harrison Wells from Earth 1 has been dead for over fifteen years. That was Eobard Thawne. Why, especially with a real Harrison Wells there, do they continue to call him Wells and not Thawne. And as far as I know, Jay Garrick never existed. That was Hunter Zolomon.

Edited by KirkB
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Mostly meh until the end, I thought.

Good things:

1. Iris in that pants and sweater set.  Wow. Still deeply unhappy with the writing for Iris, but wardrobe needs a big round of applause for that.

2. Caitlin remembered she had a brain and went into evidence files to find a cell phone! 

3. Expecto Patronus! I laughed.

4. Wally and Jessie are now speedsters which might let them - wait for it - actually get to do stuff in future episodes!  

Well, maybe.

5. Liked the image of all three dads arguing about Barry, and Barry responding with, hey, I make my own decisions, k?

Questionable things:

1. So, er, what did Jesse and Wally do about the toilet situation during this episode? They seemed to be in there for a pretty long time. 

2. On that note, is anyone feeding the Man in the Iron Mask back on Earth-2 or letting that poor guy use the bathroom?

3. So not only are Star Labs outside doors completely easy to break into, so are the futuristic high tech inside doors?

4. How was this exactly recreating Barry's first particle accelerator explosion exactly? In the original particle accelerator explosion thingy, he and most of the other metahumans that got created were several kilometers away from the actual explosion, something not recreated here.

5. Also, and I kinda hate to drag something evil like continuity into this show, but last year on Arrow Ray and Cisco specifically said that metahumans who were not around for the original explosion were popping up in other locations. One year later, hasn't anyone bothered to find out how these non Central City metahumans were created and how that process could be replicated?

6. I hope Cisco is making a lot more suits given how quickly Barry seems to be burning through them.

7. So does this mean that the Star City police department will be able to recruit their much needed departments by saying, "Ok, yeah, Star City, in most ways, is the worst place to be a cop, but on the other hand, our city superhero has never once ushered us into a coffee shop and promised to protect us with a hologram!  Star City! We may not be the safest place around, but right now, we're safer than Central City!"

8. On a related note, who owns Jitters, and how, exactly, does that owner feel about being Destination Central for various supervillain attacks? Can you imagine the insurance issues?  "Dear Jitters Owner, we can't help but notice that the Starbucks two blocks down never seems to attract these sorts of events, and we'd like you to consider, very hard, what choices you might be making that draw this particular clientele to you." 

Bad things:

1. Of all of the many questionable ways the Arrowverse shows have reused sets this season, "a coffee shop is a GREAT place to catch one of the most dangerous people on the planet!" has got to be among the worst.  Not that "Do we have the money to let Wally and Jessie try to escape to a safer place this episode? No? Ok, let's put them in the one standing set we aren't otherwise using and just let them lampshade the bathroom situation" was much better.

2. So, of the all of three women who appeared on Flash tonight, Iris spent the episode mostly gazing adoringly at Barry, Caitlin, aside from begging for the lives of the cops and her one cell phone moment, spent most of the episode chained up, and Jessie spent most of the episode locked up and then getting knocked over by a special effect.


3. I know we didn't see much of the police chief this season, but I'm still sorry he's gone.

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I thought it was good one. Good character work. I REALLY need the show to go back to being happy next season though.

So, I'm guessing, since Iris is famously Barry's lightning rod in the comics, and they finally brought that term up this week, that she will probably be the one that gets him out of the speedforce in the next one. And maybe we even find out that all he had to do was touch her or something, and it would regenerate without the explosion or anything.

And the Garrick thing...hmm. Could E2 Henry be the guy in the mask? And he's the real Jay Garrick somehow? I don't quite see how that works, because his E2 mom said he was there at home with her. But, I suppose it's possible. Or he's a distant relative of Barry's?

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7. So does this mean that the Star City police department will be able to recruit their much needed departments by saying, "Ok, yeah, Star City, in most ways, is the worst place to be a cop, but on the other hand, our city superhero has never once ushered us into a coffee shop and promised to protect us with a hologram!  Star City! We may not be the safest place around, but right now, we're safer than Central City!"

LOL.  Not exactly a great day for the Central City PD.  It's also hilarious that they set up shop in the coffee shop because of course they weren't going to use a new set for that.

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So was the hallway that Wally and Jesse were in interconnected to the circular area that housed the Partical Accelerator? Why weren't Joe, Harry, Henry, Iris and Dante also hit with the speed lightning flames like Jesse and Wally were? Jesse may not have gotten the same chemicals as Barry, but she did have velocity nine in her blood. She's definitely gonna be a meta.

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Ok, so this was an ok episode, mostly boring, but there were some moments I enjoyed.

First off, the Barry/Iris scene. What this season did wrong was keeping Barry and Iris separated until the the last couple of episodes. Both Grant Gustin and Candice Patton work well together. I personally see romantic chemistry and they are both very strong actors who really put their hearts into the scenes that they are in together. I'm happy that this time, Iris got to tell Barry how she felt. I loved seeing Barry's reaction because it was a mixture of shock, happiness and sadness that she had to tell him at a pretty bad time. 

I really need more females....actually, just better written females next season. Show, females are useful! Jesse is just as useful as Cisco is! Caitlin doesn't have to be a damsel! Iris doesn't have to be separated from most of the storylines! 

The scenes with Cisco and his brother were pretty standard. Nothing special, and nothing to make me that interested. I guess I'm just bored by all these male on male bonding scenes. 

I do love everything Henry. I know they had to force a My Three Dads scenario with differing opinions, but it worked well for Henry's POV. He doesn't want to lose his son, and I do hope he sticks around. I don't want him to die, but I just have bad feelings when Barry said he hoped his dad would stay for good. 

Having Wally and Jesse as future speedsters could be fun. On another note, I just noticed that Kaiynan Lonsdale's name is in the main credits. When did that happen? I guess I'm not very observant.

I will say that the ending of the episode was actually fantastic. Both Henry and Iris looked absolutely heartbroken, and even Harry looked shocked as hell that it happened. I know Barry can't actually be dead, but I'm curious to how he comes back from this.

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The show doesn't need more superheros, this was the point where "Arrow" went to hell and I fear it'd do the same to this show. Keep it about Barry and his team.

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1. Iris in that pants and sweater set.  Wow. Still deeply unhappy with the writing for Iris, but wardrobe needs a big round of applause for that.

Also the yellow minidress and leather jacket combo!


7. So does this mean that the Star City police department will be able to recruit their much needed departments by saying, "Ok, yeah, Star City, in most ways, is the worst place to be a cop, but on the other hand, our city superhero has never once ushered us into a coffee shop and promised to protect us with a hologram!  Star City! We may not be the safest place around, but right now, we're safer than Central City!"

Aw, come on. At least there isn't an annual May disaster!  ;-P

27 minutes ago, benteen said:

LOL.  Not exactly a great day for the Central City PD.  It's also hilarious that they set up shop in the coffee shop because of course they weren't going to use a new set for that.

Seriously, couldn't they have used one of the 600 abandoned warehouses?

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Yeah, whoever's dressing Iris lately...damn. I swear the last five episodes in a row people have been talking about her eye-popping outfits, lol. It's true though.

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3. I know we didn't see much of the police chief this season, but I'm still sorry he's gone.

Captain Singh is still among us! He and his handsome facial hair survived the massacre. It was dark in Jitters, so maybe you thought it was Singh when it was Rupture.

Also, Jitters was selected because it was " a block away" ( as per Joe's dialogue). I would think not being easy targets for a murderous speedster would trump location, location, location, but I'm not going to be facing those police officers' families.

Edited by Actionmage
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10 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Yeah, whoever's dressing Iris lately...damn. I swear the last five episodes in a row people have been talking about her eye-popping outfits, lol. It's true though.

I'd assume now that she's romantically available her wardrobe gets more stylish and eye-popping, not to mention sexy. Her hair and make up has also been much improved. 

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Speaking of Singh, I haven't re-watched yet, but is it possible that he has an idea that Barry is The Flash? He must have wondered why Barry, in particular, was down there pleading with Zoom.

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Damn, but Candace is a beautiful woman! I'm just gobsmacked by her in every episode lately. I thought she and Grant Gustin had tremendous chemistry in their scene together; the fidgeting was like they were simultaneously too close and not close enough.

Ciscoo hugging his brother gave me the feels. And his Expecto Patronum was nerdiness at its best.

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Poor communication kills.  Why couldn't Team Flash tell Wally and Jessie "Hey we're going to be doing some very dangerous particle accelerator stuff, so please hold tight for an hour".

Also, I read the subtext of "We should set up a command center at Jitters" as "That way we won't need to build a new set!"

Loved Cisco's string of pop culture references.  "Great Scott!"

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It was a pretty good episode as long as you ignore the fact that it took a bunch of bone-headed decisions to get here (Ok Zoom, you've let Wally go. Now even though you're dying and you can't actually force me to do anything, I'm going to go ahead and give you my speed now). Now Barry and company are living with the consequences, and as far as it goes, that was all depicted very well with deeply felt performances and basically well-written dialogue.

Again, you just have to forget that everybody became temporary morons in order to even get here.

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12 hours ago, futurechemist said:

Loved Cisco's string of pop culture references.  "Great Scott!"

Yeah, but they're getting real clunky and/or too meta lately. They still could have had the Princess Bride reference without actually saying "Princess Bride".

Edited by Trini
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1 hour ago, Actionmage said:

Captain Singh is still among us! He and his handsome facial hair survived the massacre. It was dark in Jitters, so maybe you thought it was Singh when it was Rupture.

Also, Jitters was selected because it was " a block away" ( as per Joe's dialogue). I would think not being easy targets for a murderous speedster would trump location, location, location, but I'm not going to be facing those police officers' families.

Thanks for clearing up Singh's current living status! I thought he died along with all of the other cops who also died.

I did hear the in dialogue reason for choosing Jitters, but the actual reason was clearly "stick to the existing sets!"  

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12 minutes ago, futurechemist said:

Loved Cisco's string of pop culture references.  "Great Scott!"

Oh, why should only Cisco get the good quotes.  

Iris to Barry:  I am your density.  I mean, destiny.
Joe: what the hell is a jigawatt?
Jay: Central City PD--Make like a tree and get out of here!
Barry: Well you're not gonna be picking a fight, Dad... Dad.. Daddy-o!"

Dante: Still, they're cousins, /Identical cousins and you'll find, / They laugh alike, they walk alike, / At times they even talk alike - 
You can lose your mind, / When cousins are two of a kind. 

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This show continues to wreck me emotionally. First, with Iris finally confessing her feelings to Barry, then about Barry saying how his boneheadedness caused Zoom to be even stronger and sacrificing himself for the city, and then everyone's reaction to Barry disintegrating. Iris's sob when she realized that Barry wasn't there was the final straw and I am still a sobbing mess.

Zoom continues to be one of the most terrifying villains on TV. He killed all those officers without even caring. I hope that Jessie and Wally get some powers so they can help out. I think they were actually hit by the particle accelerator beam, whereas the others fell from the crash so it went over them (that's what it looked like). I still love their cute chemistry.

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Does anyone else think that Caitlyn will be the one who ultimately kills Zoom? It would be poetic as well as actual justice. Who knows, it might even open up the darkness that Zoom claims he sees in her.

I mentioned in the last ep thread that I'm really impressed by Teddy Sears' acting of late. I noticed in both of these eps how he can go from crazy, threatening Zoom to almost normal (trying to be a good boyfriend inasmuch as a psychotic serial killer can be) to sort of off kilter/creepy when he has flashbacks to his childhood, but also when he points out things almost as if he is genuinely surprised by the fact that Caitlyn hasn't fully embraced him like when he phased through her last ep to save her life and then kind of cocks his head like a confused puppy when he tells her that he saved her life and she should thank him.

Somehow, I think Caitlyn has earned the right to be the one who finishes him off, much like Molly Weasley does to Bellatrix. Yeah, I wasn't going to let a good HP reference go what with hearing Cisco let loose with  "Expecto Patronum"

Edited by pookat
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-  Barry's 'dead', oh noes!  However will The Flash continue on without the Flash??  *really, writers?!  kindly respect us viewers a little more than that, please* great emoting for the survivors, but just not necessary in a non-finale or midseason-finale spot....... not to mention, its too bad most of us already know about the synopsis and/or have seen the promo pics for either the next episode or the following one

-  Nice to see Henry again.  And Garrick being his mother's maiden name wasn't just an "oh, that's cool" throwaway line

-  Cisco gets all the cool lines.  His powers may be 'vibing', but his real superpower is quips.

-  Either kill Caitlyn or let her go, Zoom.  Seriously, its just sad how much of a kidnapping stalker extraordinaire you are.

-  I like Joe, but way to throw the blame at Barry's feet with much casualness, sir.  "Its something you have to live with", or if put in simpler terms, "these guys will die undeservedly & unnecessarily because you don't have your speed".  Great talk, 'Dad'.

-  If Show & its writers don't go the WA route next season, they can kindly go F themselves, in a masochistic fashion

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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