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S06.E22: Reunion Part 2

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6 hours ago, jinjer said:

Except that Yolanda has some pretty nasty commenters on her Instagram posts from people who just don't believe she is sick. They question everything she does on the show, accuse her of lying and even question why she she "lied" on the show/WWHL that she never had short hair before when she posted a #TBT photo of herself with her hair in a bun on Insta.  People are always trying to capture her on her so called lies.  I am sure the women doubting her on the show only reinforce some of the comments she gets on Insta/Twitter.  And Yolanda reads the comments and replies to some.

It's beyond stupid and borderline Fatal Attraction to get so 'enraged', so batshit crazy, as to say she's lying about having short hair. This is why we can't have nice things, like being able to respond directly to the housewives blog posts. 

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Kathryn was very sweet towards Kim (very touching moment between them actually), but it is definitely easier for her to be compassionate towards her than it is for some of the others who don't have the greatest history with her. 

I like to believe both Eileen and Rinna genuinely want the best for Kim. You can find someone to both have been a jerk to you and still wish that person well from the bottom of your heart. There are people who have not always been the nicest to me, but I don't wish them the struggle Kim has gone through. I know I didn't like what I saw of her last season, but I want her to be strong in her sobriety. This is a life. It's beyond me that anyone would NOT want her to be a happy, healthy person. 

That said, it did irk me that Kim made the soap dig and called Eileen dramatic. Kim is one of the most dramatic housewives who's been on the show! She's given OTT reactions on many occasions. Is she given a pass because of her issues? I don't judge those who cry easily, but both Richards sisters can get very "soapy," teary, "dramatic" over anything. It sometimes makes for good TV (sometimes boring when it's over the same issues, over and over AND over).

And I suspect Kim and LVP might be jealous of Eileen being a successful actress. Kim was only successful as a child. LVP trained to be an actress as a child and even moved to Hollywood many years ago, but her career never took off. (Kim may have signed up for the show due to the $, but I think the only reason LVP is on the show is for the fame she never got as an actress. We all know she's got enough money and then some.) Neither woman would be anything in terms of celebrity/fame without RHBH, Eileen and Rinna were each "somebody" before housewives. And calling them "Soapy and sudsy" won't change that. 

As for the initial conversation between LVP and Eileen, does anyone else remember that Eileen was clearly uncomfortable? She did not flat out say she did not want to answer those questions, but she was visibly uncomfortable, said she was "being grilled," Rinna's expression looked like she couldn't believe what she was hearing, and Kyle said something along the lines of "if you have an English accent you can be mean and it's okay." LVP did not care about any of this she was just like "no, it's good." The woman's very intrusive and aggressive! I think she's smart enough to know Eileen was not "good" with the conversation, she just didn't care. 

I also suspect that's why Mohamed responded with the kids being fine and leaving it at that. He did not want to go into detail with her, in Lisa's words, his way of saying "shut up." And look what happened on the show! I like Kyle and don't think LVP ever meant to hurt the kids, but I do think they both discussed this off camera then brought it up on the show, just for, well, the show. Why else would Lisa say, "If Yolanda says they have it, they have it. What does Mohamed say? No. He says Yolanda's the only one who has it." While I don't think I would have reacted the way Yolanda did, I totally get why she was pissed. That conversation did not sound organic or innocent to me. And again, another situation LVP is too smart for. She seriously thought Mohamed and Yolanda would appreciate her saying one of them is lying about the kids' health? I don't think so. Even if it was Kyle's idea to bring it up and Lisa was not prepared to answer the question, Lisa seems to think everyone should know exactly what to say in the moment. She expected as much from Eileen. Why didn't she immediately shut that conversation down? She's got a strong personality, certainly not afraid to say what she thinks is right or wrong. (Unlike Eileen who's not aggressive without being provoked.)

As for Yolanda's own sickness... I've never gone through what she has with being physically sick for so long. But I have been through very dark times (wasn't sure if I could go on or not) when it seems like even those who should get it don't believe me because of the way I look. I would get told "but you're so pretty, you have this kind of body, what do you have to be sad about" blah blah. (And truth be told, I was nowhere near as attractive as I was once, I just sort of changed gradually and looked more put together than the average person. Some people just thought I looked sad and that I should smile more.) If you don't look like you're dying, let's say you have most of your hair, you're not very overweight or very underweight, you dress decently, people don't always see a sick person. The times I've experienced people being most concerned about me is when I had an eating disorder and was very underweight. I've also experienced family members not knowing how unwell I really feel until they see me having a panic attack or that I won't stop throwing up, whatever it is. If you try to look your best and not always share what you're going through, people think everything's perfect. That may be part of the reason Yolanda didn't always want a makeup artist or wanted people to know certain procedures she was having done. Some people will just see this beautiful, strong, athletic blonde who must be healthy because she has good days. I'm not saying I'm 100% on her side with everything RHBH. At times I know I personally would have let certain things go or just communicated differently, but I believe the woman really has been very sick and can understand a lot of where she's coming from. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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On April 28, 2016 at 5:15 PM, Vicky8675309 said:

I'm waiting for Yolanda to seek out faith healers and start holding snakes and chanting in tongues.

If Yo were to actually do this, I would fully endorse her presence next season! Can y'all imagine the looks on everyone else's faces when Yo starts slingin' snakes and chanting? "Mmmuunchies, whowhat..."

And saying people live in der vans makes me think of Chris Farley, living in a VAN, down by the RIVER!

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11 minutes ago, EverybodyIsACritic said:

Can y'all imagine the looks on everyone else's faces when Yo starts slingin' snakes and chanting? "Mmmuunchies, whowhat..."

Similar to their looks when Kim was praying to the garbage can?

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I wish some of the ladies on this show would just stop it with the "you're not being sensitive to my feelings" shit.   They're not mind readers, for fuck's sake.   Even if some of what Lisa R. says is the truth about LVP, I still root for LVP.  As far as Lisa R. trying to cover her ass by saying how concerned Harry was for Yolanda after the party, well, I'm not buying it!  Also, I wish LVP would defend herself more vigorously against all of the accusations.  Just once I'd love for her to stand up in one of these reunions and tell them all to eff off.   YMMV.

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4 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I wish some of the ladies on this show would just stop it with the "you're not being sensitive to my feelings" shit.   They're not mind readers, for fuck's sake.   Even if some of what Lisa R. says is the truth about LVP, I still root for LVP.  As far as Lisa R. trying to cover her ass by saying how concerned Harry was for Yolanda after the party, well, I'm not buying it!  Also, I wish LVP would defend herself more vigorously against all of the accusations.  Just once I'd love for her to stand up in one of these reunions and tell them all to eff off.   YMMV.

Every time she tries to defend herself, 1 of them cut her off. Every. Single. Time.

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I don't buy Harry saying any of that, well, at least not in the urgent context LR repeated it.  She seems to take a very casual comment and run with it.  The way she repeated it, it was as if Harry stood up and proclaimed to all present that they, one and all, should feel sorry for YO.   What probably happened was he said, man she doesn't look good, I feel sorry for David.   And, of course, in true LR fashion, she embellished, exaggerated and took it as gospel.   Just as I'm sure LVP said to her, after numerous calls from LR (late night), if she feels so strongly, then say something. 

Notice how she was absolutely, no doubt, ENRAGED at the idea YO missed the dinner at Erika's, to (gasp) have a picnic with BG & KR, but when actually confronted, responded "oh well, that was then, this is now".   Her outrage and indignation last right up until she's confronted.   And, yes, just once I'd love to see LVP stand up, scream "You are bloody off the rail, and sit down because you are making a bloody fool of yourself"

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23 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

I have been 100% in GD pain with the forums down the last few days.

On the fence now with LVP, heart says on thing, head says another.

Did anyone else notice what appeared to be possibly a hearing aid in Andy's one ear?

I thought I noticed something, and was immediately distracted by something shiny. I do believe he is either wearing earplugs (because he ignores so many great opportunities) or maybe an earbud from production?

I cannot be on the pink, sparkly fence with LVP because she has given me so much-time in her closet, ponies on private jets, swans, Giggy the sex monster, and, *sob* Vanderpump Rules.

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20 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

I think it's mainly because she came across as boring and petty.


That's pretty much my problem with Eileen, too.  "Boring and petty" sums it up quite nicely.  I'm sure there were high hopes for what she would bring to this show, but she has really proven to be pretty uninteresting.  I know that Bravo is paying her extremely well, and I just don't see how she's worth it.  There's no glam anything with her, just a dull, annoying woman, the type who are a dime a dozen all around the world.  When I watch the RH of Anywhere, I want to see women with interesting lives, great clothes, fabulous houses, something entertaining, interesting, or unique about them.  At the very least they should bring something to the table that makes me want to tune in and watch.  Eileen - even with her love for drama - has been little more than a fly I want to swat away.  Just a total non-factor.  Too much shrieking, way too many dramatic over-reactions, and far too easily offended.  But mostly, just too ordinary.

10 hours ago, Jel said:

I think it's a fair question, and I can ask myself if I'd still feel ED was a weirdo if the subject of her vendetta was someone else. The answer = a resounding yes!  She's received multiple apologies, none of which were good enough for her. Instead of saying, hmm, what an insincere person LVP is, she has chosen to engage in a kind of character assassination of Lisa V. That's weird to me, no matter how you slice it. And it would still be weird to me if she did that to my least favorite HW of all time. Weird is weird.

I agree.  She took it to a whole new, ridiculous level.  The outrage was completely out of proportion to the "crime" that was committed.  And it ventured into weird territory for me when she refused to let it go, and escalated the whole thing with no signs of giving up.

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I have a suitably convoluted and conspiratorial theory about the LVP-Mohamed situation. I'm wondering if, in her treatment of the non-Gigis, Yolanda may actually be venturing into Munchausen by Proxy territory. She's not getting enough support and attention for her own "journey?" She announces that the non-Gigis are also seriously ill! The only thing that may separate her from full-on MBP is that she seems to be deluding herself as to the kids' illness, as she encourages them to believe they are ill and to undergo her chosen treatments. 

Mohamed, himself, believes Yolanda's problems are more mental than physical, but if she wants to travel the world seeking a cure for her  questionable diagnosis, to undergo fringe treatments, including surgeries, and to make herself a spokeswoman for Chronic Lyme Disease, well, she's a grown woman, no longer his responsibility and he won't interfere. Unless the safety and health  (and possibly the careers) of his children are at risk, and he was starting to worry about that. He knows very well how close her three kids are to Yolanda, especially Gigi and Bella. He believes they are very influenced by their mother's beliefs and her conduct. He wants to protect their health and well-being, but it's a delicate dance to do so without antagonizing Yolanda. The last thing he wants is for Yolanda to turn on him and to create a barrier of mistrust and resentment between the children and him.  The two of them had probably agreed not to say anything publicly about the children's health, as a private matter. And initially, since there was no reason for Yolanda to bring her children into her "journey," there was no reason for her to create a dramatic medical history for them.

But then Yolanda learns that not everyone believes her medical saga. She is outraged and hurt and she feels a very strong need to prove her "journey" is a real and painful one. So she ups the ante in various ways, including her shocking announcement that the non-Gigis are also sick and have been for years.

And now Mohamed is under real pressure. When LVP asks him about it, his first reaction is to assure her that the children are fine. But the kids themselves are buying into Yolanda's story, even if they can't exactly keep the story straight.  And then Yolanda finds out he said something to LVP that implied he did not believe Yolanda's public statement that his children were sick. No doubt there was a confrontation between Mohamed and Yolanda. I imagine she was outraged that he would even speak to LVP about the children's health. ("We agreed that would be private! Who is she to be asking these questions? Why would you even say such a thing to her? You should have told her it was none of her business!")  Yolanda refused to accept that she violated the non-Gigis' privacy by stating on camera they had Chronic Lyme Disease. ("That's not important. Anwar and Bella are relieved to know why they have all these symptoms! The real issue is you told Lisav that I wasn't telling the truth! I am telling the truth! Your children are very sick and you make it seem as if their mother is delusional!"

In the end, in order to have some ability to intervene if Yolanda's treatment of Anwar, at least, gets too out of hand for him, Mohamed  appeased her in whatever way he felt necessary. This included distancing himself from LVP so that he repaired the damage he had done to Yolanda's reputation. But also, Mohamed may have felt as if Lisav caused the situation to escalate in a way he had been trying hard to avoid. I wonder if Lisav told him that Yolanda was saying on-camera that the non-Gigis had Lyme disease before she asked him how the children were? Because if she started by asking "How are the non-Gigis?' and he said a conventional, "All the kids are fine" in response, and then she said "Oh good, because Yolanda says Bella and Anwar have Lyme disease," he probably realized that he had just handed Lisav a weapon in her on-going battle with Yolanda that would create a serious problem for him if Lisav deployed it. And then, she did.

Edited by Ketzel
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3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Kathryn was very sweet towards Kim (very touching moment between them actually), but it is definitely easier for her to be compassionate towards her than it is for some of the others who don't have the greatest history with her. 

I like to believe both Eileen and Rinna genuinely want the best for Kim. You can find someone to both have been a jerk to you and still wish that person well from the bottom of your heart. There are people who have not always been the nicest to me, but I don't wish them the struggle Kim has gone through. I know I didn't like what I saw of her last season, but I want her to be strong in her sobriety. This is a life. It's beyond me that anyone would NOT want her to be a happy, healthy person. 

That said, it did irk me that Kim made the soap dig and called Eileen dramatic. Kim is one of the most dramatic housewives who's been on the show! She's given OTT reactions on many occasions. Is she given a pass because of her issues? I don't judge those who cry easily, but both Richards sisters can get very "soapy," teary, "dramatic" over anything. It sometimes makes for good TV (sometimes boring when it's over the same issues, over and over AND over).

And I suspect Kim and LVP might be jealous of Eileen being a successful actress. Kim was only successful as a child. LVP trained to be an actress as a child and even moved to Hollywood many years ago, but her career never took off. (Kim may have signed up for the show due to the $, but I think the only reason LVP is on the show is for the fame she never got as an actress. We all know she's got enough money and then some.) Neither woman would be anything in terms of celebrity/fame without RHBH, Eileen and Rinna were each "somebody" before housewives. And calling them "Soapy and sudsy" won't change that. 

As for the initial conversation between LVP and Eileen, does anyone else remember that Eileen was clearly uncomfortable? She did not flat out say she did not want to answer those questions, but she was visibly uncomfortable, said she was "being grilled," Rinna's expression looked like she couldn't believe what she was hearing, and Kyle said something along the lines of "if you have an English accent you can be mean and it's okay." LVP did not care about any of this she was just like "no, it's good." The woman's very intrusive and aggressive! I think she's smart enough to know Eileen was not "good" with the conversation, she just didn't care. 

I also suspect that's why Mohamed responded with the kids being fine and leaving it at that. He did not want to go into detail with her, in Lisa's words, his way of saying "shut up." And look what happened on the show! I like Kyle and don't think LVP ever meant to hurt the kids, but I do think they both discussed this off camera then brought it up on the show, just for, well, the show. Why else would Lisa say, "If Yolanda says they have it, they have it. What does Mohamed say? No. He says Yolanda's the only one who has it." While I don't think I would have reacted the way Yolanda did, I totally get why she was pissed. That conversation did not sound organic or innocent to me. And again, another situation LVP is too smart for. She seriously thought Mohamed and Yolanda would appreciate her saying one of them is lying about the kids' health? I don't think so. Even if it was Kyle's idea to bring it up and Lisa was not prepared to answer the question, Lisa seems to think everyone should know exactly what to say in the moment. She expected as much from Eileen. Why didn't she immediately shut that conversation down? She's got a strong personality, certainly not afraid to say what she thinks is right or wrong. (Unlike Eileen who's not aggressive without being provoked.)


This is a very good point..

Edited by breezy424
My mistake.
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Felt bad for Kim's couch cushion. They keep giving her opportunity to reveal her truths, prove her progress by way of communicating...but she never does. Almost deceives us with her  head swoons and baby doll blinks, but she can't hide contempt of those refusing to coddle her. She was physically pulled toward Yolanda because Yo's her 'protector of the night'. Look how traumatized Kim has become from her addictions and bad speak from others, she only feels safe with a codependent by her side.  PUKE.

Wish Yolanda could see how her comforting Kim just reinforces that someone else is what's making her uncomfortable, not her denial .

That kind of friendship lands the mentally ill and addicts LIVING IN A VAN, no matter their income. 

The addict mentality and methods to exploit them ( looking at you BRAVO)  make me angry.

Very few TRULY hold Kim accountable for what her addiction did to them personally. Rinna has every right to give her the 'your full of shit you abusive druggie' stare. Eileen's expression spoke for me. (kim really hasn't even started recovery if she can't request & expect others hold her accountable).

Until Kim says no one should believe anything she said/says while using & no one should expect her to be a true friend, and everyone should call her out on her own bullshit...she is NOT in recovery. Have yet to hear or see Kim say 'hold me accountable'. Those that are 'in active recovery' can respect the awkward heated discussions when told ' I don't believe you today'. They actually say ' ok I can see that as I've given you plenty of reason in the past to doubt me and you do have right to not believe me today'. (whether they were actually telling the truth or not ).

AA in Beverly Hills STEP # 1 : Admit that you are powerless over the industry?

And now, she's not shown completion ( or attendance at all ?) of mandated AA meetings, back to court. PATHETIC. Bravo continue's to  enable addicts to death. 

Won't be surprised of OD news next month, after she's watched the reunion, again.

I can't imagine mental health therapists suggesting an unstable patient with addictions go back to the set that triggered previous meltdown.

Bravo: I do not want to see Kim Richards 'updates this/next season on Kim's relationship with Kyle or her AA'. Stick to the superficial drama you do best. 

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3 hours ago, LydiaOhLydia said:

Wish Yolanda could see how her comforting Kim just reinforces that someone else is what's making her uncomfortable, not her denial .

I think it made Kyle uncomfortable, especially when Yo would try to speak for Kim and pretend to know what was going on between Kyle & Kim all of these years.  Also, I don't want to believe that LVP meant any disrespect towards Eileen about her "affair."  She may have, but I  see LVP as someone who is more direct when she asks someone a question.  It was well-known about Eileen's marriage & divorce, so when LVP asked about the affair, she seemed to ask it in a casual, non-judgmental way, IMO.  I know some people who are like LVP and would word it like that, while others would be more tactful about it and avoid the "affair" word.   Eileen then waited 2 days to decide she was mad at LVP about it, after having seen her during that time and was cordial to her.  No wonder LVP was confused!   Quit beating that dead horse Eileen!   I found it funny when LVP apologized to Eileen at the reunion saying "I'm sorry that you think I'm manipulative."  I word things that way with my spouse sometimes if I've gotten upset with him, as in "I'm sorry you made me mad!"  It's a joke between us, so all is good. 

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so Yolanda is now in a Twitter fued with Rebecca Romjin over the super model status of GIgi and Kendell Jenner. Yo is insisting that they both got where they are through hard work and #noparentsinvolved 

i don't want to take anything away from GIgi , she is a beautiful girl who seems just lovely but Yo is truly delusional if she thinks GIgi clawed her way to the top. Hell,  Gigi started modeling for their long time family friend who owns guess jeans at age 2. I don't think she was going out on modeling calls in her Barbie jeep. 

Oh and she also calls Gigi and Kendell children. Yes Yolanda Gigi is YOUR  child but she's not A CHILD. 

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You'd think Rebecca Romijn would know better than to dig a hole with a statement open to interpretation.

This does seem about on par for Yolanda. 

Edited by ingenting
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I didn't see what Rebecca Romjin said initially, but Yo's " Kind, hard working and they accomplished more at half your age in the fashion industry" tweet was classic Yolanda: she defends her kid (I like that) and then includes an unnecessary insult/shaming in the same sentence (don't like that).   That has always bugged me about her -- she frequently shames and insults people, but it's always wrapped up in a defense of herself or someone else. I find it passive aggressive.  

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13 minutes ago, Jel said:

I didn't see what Rebecca Romjin said initially, but Yo's " Kind, hard working and they accomplished more at half your age in the fashion industry" tweet was classic Yolanda: she defends her kid (I like that) and then includes an unnecessary insult/shaming in the same sentence (don't like that).   That has always bugged me about her -- she frequently shames and insults people, but it's always wrapped up in a defense of herself or someone else. I find it passive aggressive.  

Here is the Rebecca Romjin ET article.  http://www.etonline.com/features/187431_rebecca_romijn_gets_candid_about_jennifer_lawrence_vogue_and_prince/

She really didn't say anything bad about Gigi/Jenner, she was pointing out that fashion mags, like Vogue, are following social media more than blazing the trail themselves.  The Vogue/fashion mag covers that Gigi and Jenner are getting seem to be Foreign mag covers and not so much US fashion mag covers, why is that?

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I agree with Rebecca, the new age of models, kids of celebrities, may be working hard but the doors opened because of who they are not necessarily that they are fabulous models.  Exhibit "A" Bella Hadid.  Perhaps there should be rules for supermodel designations.  In sports there is usually a five year period from when they retire until they are eligible for the Hall of Fame.  Most models their first year aren't sitting front row with (Anna Wintour) are playing Pictionary with Michael Kors.

When Gigi's BMW ad came out, I watched her stomp and strut and thought of all the models/actresses in world why Gigi?  A few minutes later there was a commercial with a twice her age Charlize Theron, the grace the beauty trumped little Gigi's.  I am curious how the social media numbers work, it seems at the beginning of the year, Kendall Jenner had about 9 million followers and Gigi under a million.  Now they have 56 million and 17 million respectively.  I do not believe Gigi would have had the fame had it not been for exposure on Bravo.

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IIRC when we first saw Gigi at a photo shoot wasn't Yolanda talking about her connections in the fashion industry for the reason her being there and interfering with the shoot?  Yolanda needs to back way down, they may be her children, they are now adults and operating in the business world.  Can anyone imagine, Jennifer Lawrence's mother getting on Twitter and arguing with someone who commenting about Jennifer getting a role they thought should go to an older actress?  Back off, stage mom.

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Here is the Rebecca Romjin ET article.  http://www.etonline.com/features/187431_rebecca_romijn_gets_candid_about_jennifer_lawrence_vogue_and_prince/

She really didn't say anything bad about Gigi/Jenner, she was pointing out that fashion mags, like Vogue, are following social media more than blazing the trail themselves.  The Vogue/fashion mag covers that Gigi and Jenner are getting seem to be Foreign mag covers and not so much US fashion mag covers, why is that?

US Vogue goes for celebrities, models get about 1 cover a year. Someone's crunched the numbers and decided on celebrities. 

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2 hours ago, ingenting said:

US Vogue goes for celebrities, models get about 1 cover a year. Someone's crunched the numbers and decided on celebrities. 

Have either Gigi or Jenner gotten the cover of a US fashion mag or any US magazine and I thought Gigi and Jenner were considered both, models and celelbs? LOL 

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Oh Yolanda! I think #noparentsinvolved is beyond ridiculous, coming from you. If you had been any more involved with Gigi at the beginning of her career, you'd probably have a bunch of photographer-requested restraining orders out against you..

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37 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

Oh Yolanda! I think #noparentsinvolved is beyond ridiculous, coming from you. If you had been any more involved with Gigi at the beginning of her career, you'd probably have a bunch of photographer-requested restraining orders out against you..

Funny, I just posted something similar on Yolanda's board. It's hilarious how #noparentsinvolved is starting a twitter war on Gigi's behalf and not letting Gigi respond for herself if she is upset with Rebecca's comments.

Edited by Happy Camper
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11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Have either Gigi or Jenner gotten the cover of a US fashion mag or any US magazine and I thought Gigi and Jenner were considered both, models and celelbs? LOL 

Kendall: Allure Mar '15, Harper's Bazaar May '15, GQ May '15, Teen Vogue Mar '12 & Sep '14,

Gigi: CR Fashion Book S/S '14 & '16, 4 Fashion Week Daily covers (publishing frequency: undetermined), Numéro Dec '15/Jan '16, Teen Vogue Mar 15, Business of Fashion Autumn '15, V Magazine Fall Preview '15, W Magazine Sep '15. 

Gigi has one Vogue UK, one Vogue Paris and two Vogue Italia covers, along with six minor international Vogue covers. 

Kendall has one Vogue Paris, and, I think, three minor international Vogue covers. She kind of has a US Vogue cover, but Estée Lauder paid for the entire thing, so it doesn't really count. 

Edited by ingenting
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It seems like designers pick a celebrikid and put her in something that shows nipples to walk their runway to get press and mags like youth with high social media and celebrity associations for their covers. Its a fast track to visibility that neither the industry or the model has to build. 

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Gonna comment on one thing that's been sitting in my head since Tuesday. ;)

Andy likening Lisar to Marco Rubio. I get what he was going for--it was because of her polished and canned apologies. But nooooooo. She proceeds to shout him down so he can't explain himself. So I'm like: ok, so you're more like Trump. Happy now, lady?

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56 minutes ago, ingenting said:

Kendall: Allure Mar '15, Harper's Bazaar May '15, GQ May '15, Teen Vogue Mar '12 & Sep '14,

Gigi: CR Fashion Book S/S '14 & '16, 4 Fashion Week Daily covers (publish frequency: undetermined), Numéro Dec '15/Jan '16, Teen Vogue Mar 15, Business of Fashion Autumn '15, V Magazine Fall Preview '15, W Magazine Sep '15. 

Gigi has one Vogue UK, one Vogue Paris and two Vogue Italia covers, along with six minor international Vogue covers. 

Kendall has one Vogue Paris, and, I think, three minor international Vogue covers. She kind of has a US Vogue cover, but Estée Lauder paid for the entire thing, so it doesn't really count. 

Thanks for the info. I don't follow either of them and I don't read any of these magazines. LOL

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2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Thanks for the info. I don't follow either of them and I don't read any of these magazines. LOL

I don't buy em either (that's an ongoing problem within the industry). 

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On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 1:49 PM, ryebread said:

For now.  I can't stand Kyle but I see personal growth in her this season.  I think it's probably because she's had therapy to deal with family issues and also because her standing in the community has grown due to her and Maurice's successes.  Her confidence is better, which for me is partly illustrated by cutting her hair which I believe was a shield for her.  Like a child's security blanket.  She felt it was time to let it go and she did.

She's taken so much crap from Kim, LVP and Rinna - all of whom are either family or friends and she happily accepts their crap behaviors.  But she knows what those 3 'ladies' really are.  Hopefully through therapy and/or plain ol' maturity, she decides that she doesn't want to hide behind them anymore. And like her hair will cut them off.

I agree with everything you've said, except I really like Kyle.  And she has taken a lot of crap from Kim, LVP, and Rinna.  I also understand her friendship with Faye.  I think Faye is very much like Little Kathy, and probably Big Kathy as well.  Kyle has shown a history of being submissive to older, cold, and authoritative women.  But it looks like she's finally realizing it in LVP's case.  I like that she at least acknowledges she sees LVP, and is purposely choosing to forgive and forget.  That's a step up from pretending all is well.

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It's easier for me to just break this up by wives.

Kyle  --  She skated by easily this season, though she was at the center of most things, the anti-LVP faction didn't want to take on both of the show's stars, so they left her alone.  LVP was in desperate need of an ally, so she did as well.  Planning or luck?  I think Kyle and LVP definitely made a deal to hide one another's secrets this year though.  Bad timing there Kyle!  You finally had others to do what you've wanted and tried to do for years, knock LVP down a few pegs.

Rinna -- Used by Eileen, total fake, will do anything for money.  Especially annoying is her pretend care for Kim, after spending two seasons trying her best to destroy her.  She's just not a likable person in any way.  Much too soapy, she's ENRAGED!  Seriously folks?

Eileen -- Complete bore, she started filming before her husband's rich daddy died, so it certainly seems she's a workhorse who needed the money.  Maybe they are rich now and she can finally stop working, or maybe, that marriage is in trouble.  Who knows?  Who cares? Overacts, very soapy.  That little head toss?  Straight from soap land.

LVP -- Did she encourage the storyline of "get Yo?"  Did she say "there goes our storyline?"  Honestly, who cares?  We all know that each season this particular group of harpies pick one or two to go after.  Lisa was probably in an "anybody but me" mode.  If anyone had damn good reason for that plan, it would be Lisa. 

Yolanda -- Honestly, the main reason she's been annoying this year is that the other wives did absolutely nothing but gossip about her, they are the ones who made the boring "Lyme" story live and grow and consume the whole damn season. 

Erika -- I find it interesting that everyone loved her so much until she sided with Yolanda.  I find her dull, she's mostly only interesting in talking heads, and that one time she showed up to the house building on no sleep, cranky from fighting with her "husband" after the dinner party.  I find their relationship creepy, and I don't care how long they've been married, and I did, long before she became Yo's bodyguard.

Kim -- The two times she was on, she was good, and made me remember why I sometimes liked her on this show.  She stood up to Rinna very well at Kyle's party, and she threw a few more well placed daggers at the reunion.  Especially her "soapy" comment, because seriously?  I think the same thing constantly about ED and Rinna. 



Also wanted to comment that I don't think LVP is jealous of either of the soap actresses.  She may have wanted to be an actress at one point, but soap actresses carried a stink in her day.  A few of the most talented broke out, into nighttime TV rolls, and movies.  Neither Eileen nor Rinna were talented enough to do that. I think she does this show to keep her restaurants going, and it's working. 

Edited by Umbelina
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I think the reason Kyle took her bumps and bruises with no scarring this year is because she stood up for herself when the issues mattered.  She was angry at LVP (and herself) for the discussion of Nicki's wedding.  She shutdown Eileen and Rinna when they wanted to talk about Kim.  She didn't have to go all Brandi, scream, yell, swear, waive her arms or insult either party she just told them what needed to be said and moved on.  She showed she is a good friend by standing by Faye.  Regardless, if one likes Faye or not, she has been consistent in defending Faye.  Faye has never done anything on the show all that awful to any of these women, so their complaints have to so with ages old behavior that happened before Kyle even knew her.

Kyle called LVP out early for the conversation with Rinna.  She resolved in privately as the conversation was private. She passed the information onto Rinna months before Rinna decided it was a big issue. The fact the other women did not support her stance, or her reaction or the way she handled the situation with LVP and told her the same, en masse, is kind of on them.  She got as far as she was going to get with LVP and admitting what transpired.  I don't know that either Rinna or Eileen have soared in popularity with their attacks on LVP.  They may seem justified in them but they were short sided.

Kyle had questions, but never expressed any doubts about Yolanda Lyme Disease and related health issues.  She was the lightening rod with trying to find out further information about the non-Gigis but it is not as if she called the kids' medical clinic, she simply asked LVP who had talked to their father.  She took her hits and continues to from Yolanda for not "defending" her when Rinna discussed Munchausen.  She supported Yolanda by spending three days with her to watch her get her Lyme award.  This is in spite of as the season rolled along Yolanda called her (and the rest) ignorant, uncompassionate and accused them of being uncharitable.  My personal favorite was Yolanda claiming Kim and Brandi have done so much more for her than all the others combined.  So she so far has turned a blind eye to Yolanda's insults.

At this point Kyle is the one left to put all the pieces back together again.  She is the only one without issues with the rest of the cast.  If Rinna and Eileen want to dislike her because she is the person that forgives a friend and moves on that is on them.  There is a reason the others aren't taking potshots or making accusations about Kyle being the pot stirrer and it is simply that she isn't. 

I think after ten years of RH shows it has become fairly evident these friendships may not have the same sound foundations as most traditional friendships but season after season I look to who truly moves on and values the friendship or tries to put it back together.  I believe we have Kyle from this franchise.  I guess it will take Season 7 to see who else rises above and truly moves on. 

I see a White Party as next season's kick-off.

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3 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I haven't watched any of Rinna's shows so I won't comment on her acting abilities.    But she was on night time show Melrose Place for three seasons.  That would have been considered "breaking out" at the time. 

I forgot about that, probably because I didn't watch it. At best though, that was a nighttime soap, but very true, she did get a part on nighttime TV.  Now she's mostly on QVC.   http://90210.wikia.com/wiki/Taylor_McBride 

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47 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I haven't watched any of Rinna's shows so I won't comment on her acting abilities.    But she was on night time show Melrose Place for three seasons.  That would have been considered "breaking out" at the time. 

and onward to some of my favorite (really bad) Lifetime movies along with Tori Spelling. I've always lumped them together in the talent pool.

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On 4/28/2016 at 4:15 PM, Vicky8675309 said:

I'm waiting for Yolanda to seek out faith healers and start holding snakes and chanting in tongues.

I hope the quoting works here because when I saw these two posts next to each other, I just about died. Faith healers and snakes = HWs, and as for the chanting in tongues, well...imageproxy.php?img=http%3A%2F%2Fi68.tiny 

On 4/28/2016 at 5:18 PM, Giselle said:


Yoyo has got a blown up copy of this hanging in her bedroom like a trophy.

I bet Eileen was spitting bullets when this happened. This is true delusional vindication and she was robbed of it. Yoyo owes her an apology.

Edited by HouseofBeck
To go back and grab the pic that didn't come over with the quote.
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On 4/27/2016 at 9:53 AM, bosawks said:

I think my favorite part was Eileen cutting her eyes sideways as if she was hearing organ music from the Carol Burnett skit, "As the Stomach Turns", I kept on waiting for Tim Conway to crawl out of a painting.


LOL, followed by Mother Marcus showing up at the door and describing Eileen's actions in rather more frank terms than Eileen would. "Naughty, naughty!"

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On 4/27/2016 at 10:10 AM, eurekagirl mOo said:

2nd post--hopefully it won't get eaten like my first one....First off-Thank GOOOOOODDDDDD the site is back up. I felt like my right arm was gone yesterday. I wanted to talk Southern Charm and Reunion! I went straight from TWOP to here so yesterday was traumatic ya'll traumatic I say!

Uh-hum.........Eileen-Your a crap actress. You're faces and voice at the reunion were just cringe worthy. And STFU. NOBODY cares...You can't MAKE somebody apologize when they don't think they need to. Drop it. You just look crazy and mean.

LisaR-What is wrong with her????? Sitting there shrieking like a parrot on Adderall I did it I did it I did it. WTF?

Could Erika look more bored?

Yes let's all kneel if front of the Goddess of Suffering....Oh dear God....I almost threw up.That is actually what Yo has wanted since Day 1---For everyone to kneel in front of her and tell her how sorry they were. She was eating that up! And seriously? I want to meet the people who live in a van by the river because they have lyme disease. What a bunch of hooey.

I second all of this! As for Eileen, take a page from Rinna, but *really* own it - stop blaming LVP for your guilt. Let me say something truly insensitive but truly true - you are an adulteress. Own it. I never am so blunt, but you have earned it with your attitude. Now, go sit in the corner for a while. Until the end of the series. Please.

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On 4/27/2016 at 10:54 AM, KFC said:

While I do think Eileen should have dropped it, I saw what she did in those "apologies." LVP never really apologized.

She'd always twist the apology back around to make it Eileen's fault. "I'm sorry YOU are the problem" was basically what it always boiled down to, and I think that's what she was referencing in feeling vindicated. 

Possibly so, but, guess what? The actions in question were Eileen's and, after having made it plain that she wasn't happy with LVP's "insensitivity" she should just have dropped it. If LVP does not feel she needs to apologize for her inquisitiveness, so be it. She wasn't lying, she wasn't manipulative, she was simply direct. I think the real issue here for LVP is that she feels the adultery was wrong, so why is she supposed to be in the apologist's seat? You don't want to talk about it? Fine. Don't talk about it, but if you do, don't come around later and try to shift the focus and the blame. Eileen has been guilt-manipulating LVP all season for multiple apologies, so LVP goes along with it, but, in her heart of hearts, I think she's rightly feeling the blame-shifting is ridiculous.

Edited by renatae
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Well, that and LVP did ask Eileen if they were "good" and then said "damn good?"  Eileen did that little soapy sneer when she said yes. 

Whatever Eileen, say "No!" if you mean "No!" and speak up about why.  That's why they are paying you the big bucks.

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15 minutes ago, renatae said:

Possibly so, but, guess what? The actions in questions were Eileen's and, after having made it plain that she wasn't happy with LVP's "insensitivity" she should just have dropped it. If LVP does not feel she needs to apologize for her inquisitiveness, so be it. She wasn't lying, she wasn't manipulative, she was simply direct. I think the real issue here for LVP is that she feels the adultery was wrong, so why is she supposed to be in the apologist's seat? You don't want to talk about it? Fine. Don't talk about it, but if you do, don't come around later and try to shift the focus and the blame. Eileen has been guilt-manipulating LVP all season for multiple apologies, so LVP goes along with it, but, in her heart of hearts, I think she's rightly feeling the blame-shifting is ridiculous.

Well I did say Eileen should have dropped it...

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18 minutes ago, KFC said:

Well I did say Eileen should have dropped it...

Yes, you did, and I'm sorry if I came off snotty. I was just re-watching this and Eileen was making my blood boil, LOL.

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On 4/27/2016 at 11:04 AM, RHJunkie said:

It seems that Kim and LVP are in a better place with one another. It's probably likely that they pulled out their brooms rather than have an actual conversation about they've both said about each other but based on Kim's appearance on the show and at the reunion, there was no friction. At the party, Kim seemed to be hanging out with LVP most of the night and they were laughing and talking to one another. Kathryn became involve because of her emotional reaction - Eileen and LR tried to piggy back on Kathryn's positivity and well wishes for Kim. LVP probably didn't feel involved in that particular situation where she felt the need to say anything. I feel that LVP doesn't directly jump in with commentary like that unless she's involved some how where her well wishes are questioned (ex. Taylor, Kim in the past).

Besides which, I think she was still smarting over all the trash dumped on her by the soapsuds twins and probably wasn't concentrating at all.

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9 minutes ago, renatae said:

Besides which, I think she was still smarting over all the trash dumped on her by the soapsuds twins and probably wasn't concentrating at all.

LisaV sent Kim a birthday card or tweet/email right before Yolanda/David's AB party. I think she, LisaV, made nice with Kim to show that she supports Kyle's decision to try and mend things with her sisters. Remember when LisaV told Kyle, Rinna said that she too wanted to send Kim a card/tweet and asked if anyone thought it would be awkward for her to do so? Once again, Rinna had to insert herself into something she had no business in.

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It's beyond stupid and borderline Fatal Attraction to get so 'enraged', so batshit crazy, as to say she's lying about having short hair. This is why we can't have nice things, like being able to respond directly to the housewives blog posts. 

You act as if Yolanda hasn't had her say. She's had her say. She took her say and bulldozed right over the Housewives, viewers, crew members and her own medical advocate with it. She then drew a line in the sand and double dog dared anyone to cross it or disagree with her. As a relatively intelligent person, I listened to her 'say' and rejected it as many others have.

When was the last time you were persuaded to change you mind by someone trying to cram their beliefs down your throat like corn down a foie gras duck's throat? Didn't you take all the information provided and make up your own adult mind? A thoughtful, medically smart individual might be persuasive, but Yolanda is neither. She's a all about herself and what you do TO her. Her illness makes her untouchable in her mind. Well, I call hogwash and BS.

Bravo is promoting medical quackery by having her on the show and that isn't good for anyone involved.

I dislike Yolanda every time she opens her lying one foot parasitic tongue.

Edited by WaltersHair
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I dislike the other wives for cramming the LYME story down our throats constantly. 

Honestly, if only Yolanda had discussed it, I doubt it would have taken more than 25 minutes of total screen time.  They all wanted to avoid their own issues though, so we got stuck with "all Lyme all the time."  With minor short breaks to gossip about Kim.  Even the attack on Lisa was based on LYME.

Edited by Umbelina
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