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"Oh HELL No!": TV Moments That Make You Irate

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12 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

When the actress and her partner thought it was a good idea, why not.  Goddess  bless Lucille Ball for standing her ground on this most basic of female performer issues.

Except that pregnancies are very rarely written into an established show in a way which works, and your comment only applies to cases where the actress herself was pregnant, not ones where the character was pregnant but the actress was not.. 

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, SrOfficial said:

Regarding the pregnancy thing for TV characters,  I think the writers run out of ideas & figure a pregnancy would be good for a few episodes.

I suspect some of it has to do with writers themselves becoming parents and real life focus on that affecting their work. I've read about more than one show adding a pregnancy storyline because a showrunner or head writer had a kid recently and regard becoming a parent as the most powerful/motivating thing a character can go through. Ignoring the dearth of examples where such a storyline actually improved a show rather than tanking it, and the logistical difficulty a baby presents in limiting a character's freedom/movement while not providing much in the way of engaging storylines itself.

  • Love 10
12 hours ago, Bruinsfan said:

I suspect some of it has to do with writers themselves becoming parents and real life focus on that affecting their work. I've read about more than one show adding a pregnancy storyline because a showrunner or head writer had a kid recently and regard becoming a parent as the most powerful/motivating thing a character can go through. Ignoring the dearth of examples where such a storyline actually improved a show rather than tanking it, and the logistical difficulty a baby presents in limiting a character's freedom/movement while not providing much in the way of engaging storylines itself.

Parenthood hasn’t really affected the freedoms of Howard & Bernadette on TBBT.  Luckily the writers haven’t made the kids a focal point.  Hopefully in this last season, we don’t see too much in the way of Penny/Leonard or Sheldon/Amy obsessing over the children question.

Speaking of “Hell No” moments, I can’t believe they killed off a smart, beautiful, heroine character like Hidoko on NCIS LA.

Edited by roamyn
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Hell No moments...

Reyes being reduced to a bad guy in X Files season 10 and 11. It made no sense and didn't fit her as a character as well.

CSM being brought back at all in the aforementioned seasons. Especially since he was blown up in 'The Truth'!

M and S being reduced to shells of who they were. Same goes with their relationship. And their son being pretty much evil. Ugh.

CSI basically throwing Gil/Sara shippers under the bus in one episode more than once (it was the one when Gil left Sara a note once they divorced iirc). It made me sick.

House leaving Cuddy and becoming a slut (sorry, but there's no better word for what he did). Hated it and still do with a passion.

When Cordelia became pregnant with Connor's child in Angel. Ugh.

Edited by AntiBeeSpray
  • Love 9
On 10/11/2018 at 2:56 PM, AntiBeeSpray said:

Hell No moments...


When Cordelia became pregnant with Connor's child in Angel. Ugh.

A thousand times this!!! It was just.... gross. Until she "died" she was like his mom. Ick.

I'll add the Jackie/Hyde/stripper/Fez season long nightmare of That 70's Show. None of that happened and I refuse to believe otherwise.

  • Love 16

I resigned myself to Cordelia and Connor having a child as the lesser of two evils because it seemed to definitively put a bullet in the head of the Angel/Cordelia romance the show had been flirting with for the previous year. Also, the narrative acknowledged how squicky it was to the other characters, and it turned out to be part of the big evil plan behind the season arc, so it wasn't as if the showrunners were saying "don't they make a sweet couple?" to the audience and expecting agreement.

Edited by Bruinsfan
5 hours ago, Bruinsfan said:

I resigned myself to Cordelia and Connor having a child as the lesser of two evils because it seemed to definitively put a bullet in the head of the Angel/Cordelia romance the show had been flirting with for the previous year. Also, the narrative acknowledged how squicky it was to the other characters, and it turned out to be part of the big evil plan behind the season arc, so it wasn't as if the showrunners were saying "don't they make a sweet couple?" to the audience and expecting agreement.

Yeah, but it was all that Cordelia/Connor/Big Bad stuff that made the showrunners decide Cordelia was no longer a viable character and wrote her out. Angel without Cordelia was a hollow shell of a show.

  • Love 13

A recent episode of The Simpsons had Marge masquerading as a drag queen. Then Homer accidentally outs her, and her LGBTQ audience is understandably pissed because she's appropriated their culture.

But does she recognize that its wrong using their identity just to feel better about herself? Nope. As per usual, she blames Homer for ruining her hopes and dreams and the whole thing becomes yet another "Marge is a saint and Homer is a jackass" episode. Because God forbid Princess Marge can ever do any wrong....

Fuck Marge, fuck the tone deaf writers, and fuck this stale ongoing cartoon.

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

A recent episode of The Simpsons had Marge masquerading as a drag queen. Then Homer accidentally outs her, and her LGBTQ audience is understandably pissed because she's appropriated their culture.

But does she recognize that its wrong using their identity just to feel better about herself? Nope. As per usual, she blames Homer for ruining her hopes and dreams and the whole thing becomes yet another "Marge is a saint and Homer is a jackass" episode. Because God forbid Princess Marge can ever do any wrong....

Fuck Marge, fuck the tone deaf writers, and fuck this stale ongoing cartoon.


Edited by AnnieBeez
I checked and I was wrong.
On 12/10/2018 at 3:54 PM, Vixenstud said:

Kids sassing back to their parents or act entitled to said parent’s money, whether they have it or not.  I’m talking to you, Huxtable and Conner kids….they’ve said some shit to their parents that would have had me beating the bluedilly fuck out of them!

I did like the episode of The Cosby Show where they made Theo be an adult and rent his room and buy furniture and food, etc.

  • Love 17

I hate to keep adding stuff from The Simpsons to this thread, but the "Homer the Heretic" episode really pisses me off. Out of all Homer's transgressions, wanting to stop going to church is one of the lesser ones. Lots of people don't go to church and that doesn't necessarily make them bad people. But of course Saint Marge the Pious tells him if he doesn't go to church she'll start telling the kids their father is "wicked". Seriously?! 

You know I could forgive everything I loathe about Marge if she didn't act like such a fucking victim all the time. Nobody calls her out on any of her crap, and even if it happens once in a blue moon, its always glossed over with an apology (whereas Homer always has to make the Grand Gesture), or worse, she managed to skew it so that's its really Homer's fault, such as the drag queen episode or that one episode where she threw that tantrum over Homer made friends with a female neighbor -- her exact wording over that last one was " OK, I was wrong but I was still right to be mad". SERIOUSLY. JFC, after 30 years maybe it's time to give the martyr act a rest.

  • Love 2
On 4/21/2016 at 1:40 PM, magicdog said:

I had to create this thread just to vent about a scene I saw last night on "All In The Family":


In, "Mike's Mysterious Son" (1972), a woman asks if Mike Stivic lives at the house;  she then leaves her 4 year old son there with barely a word.


Edith of course is freaking out and suspects that the boy may have been Mike's from a past affair.  Eventually, Mike gets home, sees the boy and doesn't think too much of it until he is shown a photo of the kid with his mom - who turns out to be a former girlfriend.  It has the entire family arguing (mostly Mike & Gloria) all night about the issue and the responsibility of what to do next.  The following morning the kid's mother returns for him, admitting she was missing him.  Eventually it's revealed the kid was not Mike's child but the product of a failed marriage the woman had after dating Mike.  She snidely remarks how the bio-dad liked kids about as much as [The Bunkers].  Archie speaks up and reminds her she left her own child on a stranger's doorstep and virtually no other information.  She gets all indignant because she couldn't date anyone since most men were running the other way once they saw the kid and she was trying to care for him alone.  Archie, in an almost cow towed tone, says good luck to her, then the woman and child leave.


I was so incensed at this final scene!  Archie should have been allowed to take it all the way home!  This woman dumps her child on a strangers home only because she saw Mike and Gloria together previously and thought they looked "happy"  and how they might be a good fit to take care of her son.  I was also pissed that she told the Bunkers virtually nothing (putting them through the angst of a child who may have been created by Mike and making it look like he was shirking his responsibility), put her child at risk since for all she knew, at least one occupant of the house could have been abusive, and it was all for her social life!   She was upset single men would duck out on her because she had a young child!  Perhaps I could have had some sympathy if it had been a job interview or was living on the streets and was trying to keep a roof over their heads, but it was all about her trying to get "another dad" for the kid!  


Here's what I wish Archie (or even Edith or Gloria) had said:


Look lady, Mike isn't the baby daddy so he has no responsibility to the child one bit!  Not only that but you dumped your child on a stranger's doorstep in the hopes of snagging a guy.  Were you expecting to get married in Vegas that night and spring the surprise the next day?  There's nothing wrong with single childless guys choosing not to stick with you knowing you had a child.  They are not obligated to raise him just because you made a bad choice in a husband earlier.  Plus, you didn't even tell us anything vital about the boy like allergies or something.  What if he was allergic to that peanut butter sandwich we fed him?  I'm sorry you have to raise him alone, and I hope things improve for you both, but you have earned no sympathy from me.  All of this is the result of your poor decisions, and you're lucky we didn't end up calling social services to have the kid picked up!  

  I'd like to add another level of outrage over this one. Here was a tiny child of questionable origins who had been dumped on the Bunker household by his only known parent and the child had no idea where his mother had gone to or when (much less IF) she'd ever return, and apart from Edith who set up the couch into a bed (and  fed him), NONE of the adults in the Bunker-Stivic household so much as talked to him or had any interaction with him whatsoever but had no qualms arguing very loudly ABOUT him within easy hearing range- as though he was a deaf mute who couldn't possibly have understood what they were saying (or more likely were too wrapped up in their own selves to CARE about how this could impact a tiny child who was already being traumatized by his mother having dumped him there)! I mean, not only didn't Mike (the claimed father) not attempt to interact with this small child but just kept arguing with Gloria and Archie re the child NOT being his but neither Archie or Gloria attempted to talk to this child but just considered the child's existence to be a potential bottomless pit in the household and a stake driven into the Stivic union.      Edith  alone talked to the boy while feeding him then even let his mother keep the blanket he was sleeping in so he wouldn't have to be woken up.

  So, yes, I agree that the boy's mother deserved to be reamed for having put the child through this (and to a lesser extent, the Bunkers and Stivics) but I ALSO think all but Edith deserved to be called out for just making things worse for the child via screaming about him but not actually interacting with him. 

Edited by Blergh
Edith's role clarified
  • Love 8

Zoey on How I Met Your Mother was THE WORST and the moment she revealed that, contrary to what she let Ted believe, she actually kept that recording of Ted insulting his bosses and automatically played it in front of that landmark hearing when it was clear he wasn't going to help save her precious Arcadia hotel. She didn't even hesitate she just went right ahead and publicly humiliated him. Even more infuriating how when it was all over, she wasn't contrite for what she did. No, she acted like she was still entitled to be mad at Ted for everything.

Say what you want about Barney, but he was absolutely right about Zoey: she was a self-righteous bitch with a pointless cause and a megaphone.

  • Love 15

Another thing that angered me about the Zoey storyline was that it wasn't until THAT moment that Ted realized Zoey wasn't worth it. Even when he found out that Barney was going to get FIRED if Ted spoke for the hotel (since Barney was the one that got Ted the job for GNC in the first place), he was still all" I don't want to lose Zoey, I have to stay on her side." If you want to toss your own career for a girl, that's fine, but your FRIEND'S career?! 

Granted, Ted did come to his senses, but the fact that he actually had to think about it makes me want to slap him.

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 10

Bumping up to talk about a Law and Order SVU episode that pisses me off: "Betrayal's Climax".

The victim of this episode, a teen girl named Avery, is brutally gang-raped by her boyfriend Manny's gang while they make Manny watched. But Manny refuses to testify against them, claiming that Avery must have "wanted it" because she had a orgasm during the assault -- something he's extremely bitter about.

Poor Avery blames herself, even when Liv and Rollins explain to her that it was a natural physical reaction that doesn't mean consent. They try to explain that to Manpain Manny, but he still refuses to help, telling AVERY TO HER FACE that "nothing happened that (she) didn't want".

It isn't until the squad reveals that the gang killed Manny's brother years before that he's finally shamed into admitting that he knew what the gang was going to do and didn't get Avery out in time -- and he didn't want to testify because Avery would hate him. Let's let that sink in: he treated her like crap to cover up his own culpability in her rape.

Wait, it gets better...

They finally get Manny to testify and apologize to Avery via a recorded confession. When Avery finds out, she's justifiably heartbroken and angry. But she doesn't get a chance to confront him because he's killed in custody by the gang. The gang is arrested, blah blah blah...and the episode ends with Avery lamenting dying how Manny died thinking she didn't love him anymore and blaming herself for not telling him when she still had the chance.

Uh, except she DID, writers! She was telling him she loved him and BEGGED him to help her, while HE was the one acting like he hated her! 

Yet ANOTHER example of a rape episode being used as a vehicle for manpain. Fuck you, SVU. Fuck you.

  • Love 6
On 10/11/2018 at 2:56 PM, AntiBeeSpray said:

House leaving Cuddy and becoming a slut (sorry, but there's no better word for what he did). Hated it and still do with a passion.

oh ho! Back the truck up here a minute..House leaving Cuddy?? funny, I don't remember it that way. Cuddy the *BEEP* was the one who dumped House, over a single Vicodin taken during a moment of extreme stress might I add. In fact, I'd bet the farm that during that scene in Bombshells that CUDDY was still under the influence of prescription pain medication that had been given to her after her surgery, oh & let's also not forget the fact that she had an ongoing prescription for a sleep aid that she just left laying around where her stupid brat could get to it. So to summarize, it's ok for CUDDY to allow herself to take prescription meds for a condition that will eventually go away, while she's caring for her brat. But it's a deal breaker for Greg to be able to have HIS pain medication (and NO I'm not talking about the OTC ibuprofen) for a chronic pain condition that leaves him in severe pain every second of every day & is a condition THAT WILL NEVER GO AWAY!!

IMHO Cuddy was the biggest hypocrite I ever saw, in fact I never liked Cuddy..Oh in the first season she was so-so but after that?? NOPE!

Oh and hey Cuddy! when you're at work, put some damn clothes on...Ain't nobody wanna see your tits spilling out of your barely there top..That shit's just unprofessional!  

  • Love 6
On 3/1/2019 at 12:13 PM, Archery said:

I went back and watched TCM Remembers from December 2018 online, and afterward, I was unreasonably angry at the Academy Awards' half-assed effort.  I just sat there steaming.  Why even do it if you're going to leave that many people out?!  Still mad.  

Yup.  And every damn year it's the same.  The TCM tribute is ALWAYS better.  Grrrr.

  • Love 5

I'm copying over part of a comment I made yesterday in the "Proven Innocent" thread. The fact that I'm still thinking about it pretty much says how it made me feel.


I don't know if anyone associated with this show has ever heard of a little movement called #metoo, but they might want to spend a little time checking it out so that we don't get more plot points where the partners ask the young girl to date a man to get information from him. I don't want to see any more "take one for the team" moments & if I was on Twitter, I would be tweeting that out all over the place.

Even copy & pasting the comment makes my blood pressure rise.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

Game of Thrones:

We waited 8 years (20 if you're a book reader) for them to

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give fucking 

CERSEI a Romeo and Juliet ending with Jaime while destroying Dany's character in a single episode?!


Fuck that, fuck D and D, and fuck George R R Martin. I'm DONE.

I’ve been a casual watcher at best, but I am beyond peeved at that ending. While the cinematography was beautiful of

Drogon flying and Dracarys indeed, that bint Cersei deserved to be flambéd or what I thought was going to happen, have Jamie kill her. But noooo.

D&D—Dumb and Dumbass really fooled me. 

  • Love 7
On 5/13/2019 at 5:29 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

D&D—Dumb and Dumbass really fooled me.

If you think that's anger inducing, wait until you see what they do to Star Wars!

Topic?  I was pissed beyond measure with the current Charmed TV series.  I watched (some might say hate watched) out of curiosity as I was a fan of the original series and I was curious as to how things would be handled.  This show IMO, was even more messed up!  One season just went by and it felt like 3 or 4 had gone by!  They had copied many of the original show's plot points (half human half demon conflicted in love with a Charmed witch, a sister having an affair with a mortal, defeating the Source, long lost half sister etc.) and tried to cram them all in!  

Just now, catlover79 said:

It sure does!! It didn't really boil my blood, but it made absolutely no sense and had nothing whatsoever to do with the plot of the episode. It was just stupid!!!

It was the most laziest, stupidest way to get Rohm off the show. And her soft and meek "good, good" when Foghorn Leghorn heartily denied her being a lesbian had nothing to do with her firing was just pathetic.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It was the most laziest, stupidest way to get Rohm off the show. And her soft and meek "good, good" when Foghorn Leghorn heartily denied her being a lesbian had nothing to do with her firing was just pathetic.

True story - when that originally aired, I was watching in the bedroom and my mom was watching in the living room. The "WHAT???" that erupted from the different rooms at the same time - priceless!!!

  • LOL 17
1 hour ago, catlover79 said:

True story - when that originally aired, I was watching in the bedroom and my mom was watching in the living room. The "WHAT???" that erupted from the different rooms at the same time - priceless!!!

Maybe this is better put in Gut Busters: TV's most funniest moments! thread.🤣🤣

  • LOL 1
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I am STILL not over Xander not telling Buffy that they could have saved Angel when he was Angelus without killing him, so that she would kill him and send him to Hell. I admit its been awhile so I dont remember all the particulars, but I do remember what happened, and while I get that Xander didnt like Angel because of his Buffy thing or that he blamed him for what Angelus did or what the fuck ever, he knew that it would break Buffy's heart to do that, and he still made it so that she did! And worst of all, it never came up again, and she never found out what he did, at least to my recollection. Maybe it came up in the comics, but thats a really freaking long time to hold onto that little bit of information!

Speaking of characters doing awful things that no one finds out about, Regina from Once Upon a Time is generally one of the most detestable characters on television that we are supposed to root for and sympathize with, but one of the most frustrating things she got away with was the rape and murder of Graham AKA the Huntsman. In the fairytale world, she tried to force him to kill her step daughter Snow White (because Snow White story) and when he instead helped her get away, she ripped his heart out, which she used to control him, and its very heavily implied that she went on to use her power to rape him several times before she enacted the dark curse and dragged them all to Maine (...dont even ask) where she AGAIN had control of him, and re-wrote his personality so that they were sleeping together, again, against his will. Then when main character Emma, who has a bit of thing going on with him, starts to piece things together, he starts to get his real memories back, but before he can tell Emma, she crushes his heart and he died. Emma at the time thought it was a heart attack, but later on she finds out who Regina is and what she is capable of, but...she never puts two and two together. Regina soon becomes the goodest good guy who has ever been good and the shows resident main hero and Mary Sue who all the heroes and former victims worship and is considered totally forgiven and an amazing hero, BUT she never tells anyone what happened to Graham. She and Emma supposedly become besties and she is so sorry and is so awesome and good now, but she never bothers to tell her supposed friends what she did to the man who saved Snows life TWICE and who Emma was starting to fall for. It just never comes up again, and its so awful, and while its probably not the worst thing Regina is (she just destroyed SO many villages) its by far the most frustrating.

  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

And worst of all, it never came up again, and she never found out what he did, at least to my recollection

It came up in season 7 and Willow had more of a reaction to the news and hers barely registered. From what I understand it was never supposed to be as big a deal as all/most of us saw it as so that's why it didn't come out until the end and then was glossed over once it did.

I think they did realize how big of a deal we were making it soon after the finale aired so they could have incorporated it into season 3 as part of any number of stories. When Buffy considers running away again and everyone starts yelling at each other it could have come out then. Or when Buffy keeps Angel's return a secret and Xander is the one who finds out. Or wait until season 4 and incorporate it into Buffy having a hard time adjusting to college. Or just have a bottle episode where the Scoobies actually hash out their issues and their team comes out stronger.

And you know I will never argue with you on how much Regina sucks. She started the series as a mad tyrant who destroyed thousands of lives because she hated Snow White and she ended the series elected as Dictator of the Universe by the same people whose lives she destroyed with Snow leading the way. And without any deeper social commentary. That's Fucked. Up.

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41 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

It came up in season 7 and Willow had more of a reaction to the news and hers barely registered. From what I understand it was never supposed to be as big a deal as all/most of us saw it as so that's why it didn't come out until the end and then was glossed over once it did.

Willow told Buffy about the "failed attempt" of the spell in season 3 and I'm pretty sure she put two and two together then, and just buried it inside herself until season 7. I would have loved to see her confront Xander about it right after Willow told her and beat his ass -- especially after all the self righteous crap he gave her about running away, but Joss is a sexist asshole and Xander is his avatar so...

  • Love 7
19 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

It came up in season 7 and Willow had more of a reaction to the news and hers barely registered. From what I understand it was never supposed to be as big a deal as all/most of us saw it as so that's why it didn't come out until the end and then was glossed over once it did.

I think they did realize how big of a deal we were making it soon after the finale aired so they could have incorporated it into season 3 as part of any number of stories. When Buffy considers running away again and everyone starts yelling at each other it could have come out then. Or when Buffy keeps Angel's return a secret and Xander is the one who finds out. Or wait until season 4 and incorporate it into Buffy having a hard time adjusting to college. Or just have a bottle episode where the Scoobies actually hash out their issues and their team comes out stronger.

And you know I will never argue with you on how much Regina sucks. She started the series as a mad tyrant who destroyed thousands of lives because she hated Snow White and she ended the series elected as Dictator of the Universe by the same people whose lives she destroyed with Snow leading the way. And without any deeper social commentary. That's Fucked. Up.

2 things: Xander sucks, and I cannot express how relieved I am that I never got into Once Upon a Time.

  • Love 8

OK, this is a classic but here goes: the very last Twilight Zone episode "The Bewitchin' Pool "had two small children of constantly arguing parents escape their  parents by swimming to the bottom of their pool to another dimension where there was this odd sanctuary for neglected children run by this friendly old aunt. Yes, they had fun and were treated very nice until they had to go back home to the battling parents.


The final part had the parents reveal that they were about to divorce AND start an ugly custody fight but the kids say enough and swim to the bottom of the pool one last time to permanently go back to the old aunt!


OK, I know the parents were completely inconsiderate constantly exposing their own dirty laundry to their offspring but they DID NOT DESERVE to have their kids disappear  in front of them and think they likely had drowned even if no bodies were ever found! 

On a slightly less annoying sidenote, the girl was played by Mary Badham who had become famous two years earlier playing Scout in the movie To Kill a Mockingbird- yet despite playing up her connection, they had her character's voice dubbed by June Foray (who'd voiced among many others Natasha Fatale and Rocky the Flying Squirrel)

  • Useful 1
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Blergh said:

OK, this is a classic but here goes: the very last Twilight Zone episode "The Bewitchin' Pool "had two small children of constantly arguing parents escape their  parents by swimming to the bottom of their pool to another dimension where there was this odd sanctuary for neglected children run by this friendly old aunt. Yes, they had fun and were treated very nice until they had to go back home to the battling parents.

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The final part had the parents reveal that they were about to divorce AND start an ugly custody fight but the kids say enough and swim to the bottom of the pool one last time to permanently go back to the old aunt!

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OK, I know the parents were completely inconsiderate constantly exposing their own dirty laundry to their offspring but they DID NOT DESERVE to have their kids disappear  in front of them and think they likely had drowned even if no bodies were ever found! 

On a slightly less annoying sidenote, the girl was played by Mary Badham who had become famous two years earlier playing Scout in the movie To Kill a Mockingbird- yet despite playing up her connection, they had her character's voice dubbed by June Foray (who'd voiced among many others Natasha Fatale and Rocky the Flying Squirrel)

Well, what really made me angry was how awful those parents were to those kids, and not just "inconsiderate" either. The mother calls them "brats" and tells them to their faces that if it wasn't for them, she and the dad wouldn't even have stayed together for so long and demands that THEY show them consideration for that. Seriously, who the fuck says that to their own kids?!

Maybe the comeuppance was a little extreme but I can't really bring myself to pity the parents after that.

  • Love 1

Spartan Girl,

 Do I think the parents in that episode were awful? Yes, I sure do and they DID deserve to  have that  called on. However; IMO even those parents didn't deserve


to have their children disappear at the bottom of the pool and them believing their offspring had drowned. And do you truly believe they would have deserved the likely outcome of the authorities believing that they (the parents) had caused their offspring to have disappeared if not had outrightly murdered the? I sure don't! 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Blergh said:

And do you truly believe they would have deserved the likely outcome of the authorities believing that they (the parents) had caused their offspring to have disappeared if not had outrightly murdered them?

I agree.  The situation would have had the authorities knocking on the parents' door thinking something very bad happened to them. 

  • Love 1
On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 1:26 PM, supposebly said:

I think if you are a child, it seems like the perfect revenge.

Possibly- but how many kids in their scenario who've watched that episode thought that maybe they should seek out a spot under their own pools- or actually  kill themselves rather than have to deal with their parents?! And, no, Mr. Serling did NOT put a 'KIDS-DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME !'disclaimer anywhere in the episode!

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You might think I should be over the season finale of The Magicians and the tower of bullshit of which it built but...NOPE! I've just moved on to the anger phase of grief, and I dont think I plan on leaving there for a hot minute! I still just cant believe what a horrible, stupid choice they made for how to end their season, and how a show that considers itself so awesome and woke and loves its fans so much could make an episode that is such a massive Fuck You to their own fans and the characters, its just mind boggling. 

That have all that build up towards Quentin falling in love with his best friend Elliot, Elliot desperately trying to escape the monster possessing him to tell Quentin that he loves him after he rejected him out of fear (they had a whole relationship in an alternate timeline, it was a whole thing), Quentin trying to survive the monster possessing the man he loves, and then...they stick Quentin back with his ex girlfriend, which is a deeply toxic relationship that they were clearly both better off without, at least romantically that hadn't worked in ages, then when Elliot finally was released from the monster, Quentin immediately had to run off on a mission with aforementioned ex/kind of current girlfriend, and then he just dies. Taking out some random villain who had nothing to do with him, having never gotten to say a word to Elliot, and never getting to find out that he really did want to be with him. Oh, did I mention that Quentin was clinically depressed and started the show leaving a mental hospital because he was suicidal? And has struggled with suicidal depression throughout the show? And that he died by sacrificing himself, and even Q himself asked if he had just finally found a way to die? Then his dead roommate shows him his funeral and tells him how everyone will miss him but everyone will totally be fine with him being dead, and him dying to inspire everyone is his true purpose in existing, and sent him off into the darkness? Isn't that an awesome message for suicidal people? "You should really just kill yourself, everyone will miss you and talk about how awesome they are, but you dying is whats really best for everyone you love, its the best gift you could give them." So thats how the main character on this show ends his life. He starts the show depressed and suicidal, and he ends alone and dead after killing himself, never having learned that the main he loved loved him back, after the show apparently forgot about that whole relationship. So his whole character arc and his relationships were just fucking pointless I guess, alright thats cool I guess, Fuck us all for caring ok. 

And then, in my desperation to make sense of this or to hear if this was really for real, I was forced to sit through about 7000 smug interviews with the show runners (seriously, if you could use smug as an energy source, these people could power the whole western hemisphere) going on about how happy they were to kill Quentin because he is a white guy, and they are "always safe" in narratives and because...people die and real life and it sucks and life sucks? Yeah, you killed off a depressed bisexual twenty something before he could say a word to the man he was in a relationship, and spent the last few episodes focused on his female love interest. Oh, so progressive! No one had EVER killed off a queer character in a pointless way for pure shock value before! I thought these people would know better, but no they did not. Its especially awful because these asshole just SOAKED up their adulation they got from fans and critics earlier this season when the show showed they really seemed to want to explore Qs bisexuality and that Quentin and Elliot might actually be a real shop and they bragged and bragged about what allies they are to the LGBTQ audience and how queer stories meant and how much they wanted to explore various sexual orientations and how Quentin being bi was such an important story, all the while knowing what they were planning. 

I would say that having your seemingly straight white male lead actually be bisexual and fall in love with his male best friend and be in a relationship with him would be groundbreaking for a pretty mainstream series, BUT I guess what they consider groundbreaking is to forget all about his bisexuality or his best developed relationship, give him no closure with anyone, and have him die pointlessly because the writers thought it was be a big buzzy moment and because they just thought it would be cool and "groundbreaking" to kill their white male main hero. Its not about the characters or the story, its about them getting a shock moment whole trying to get Woke points, while ignoring the horrible implications all over the place. 

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