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S03.E18: The Singularity

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Holy cats I love this show! Loved the Shield Coulson had Fitz make, loved Gemma and Fitz and I loved May calling Coulson out for having to do his dirty work. I love Daisy starting to show the full weight of her powers and I don't care what anyone says, I love Lincoln's character. Where the heck is Lash? So is the event of Shield taking down Hydra going to be a lead into Civil War? Oh and next week we get to see the Kree!  I am going to miss this show so much over the summer. 

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My stupid station cut out 5 minutes of the show for a weather warning! Can anyone tell me what happened between Daisy choking out Fitz and then Hive's little army walking through the town he bought? 

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8 minutes ago, emma675 said:

My stupid station cut out 5 minutes of the show for a weather warning! Can anyone tell me what happened between Daisy choking out Fitz and then Hive's little army walking through the town he bought? 

Simmons shot Hive but it didn't do much. Then FitzSimmons had sex.

Which probably means they're both on deathwatch now, what with this being a Whedon show.

Edited by mrspidey
mixed up Fitz and Simmons
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I think the ATCU, an American government agency taking down Hydra will have nothing to do with Captain America Civil War. It just clears a piece off of the board like Iron Man 3 knocking out AIM. So with Hive about to do his own Inhuman creation we don't have to think about them. Was there an Angel episode with demon wannabes, like this club? The doctor's assistant seemed more advanced than Deathlok.


Loved Director Coulson's shield, it can complete with Captain America's logo. I wonder if the SSR registered it?

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All signs point to something bad happening to Fitz and/or Simmons. It's the old "what could spoil our new-found happiness?" setup. 

I'm thinking that maybe Daisy-Skye's true power is her ability to make men lose all sense of reasoning with regards to herself. Coulson's attitude of "sacrifice everyone and everything but don't harm a hair on the head of my precious Daisy"  was fairy twisted. Too bad Andrew is busy being Lash-y .. Coulson could use some therapy.

There is something about this show that always seems to imply that something really big is about to happen, but then it sort of doesn't .. or it does, but it's just not as spectacular or as jaw-dropping as I was expecting. So I'm trying to keep my expectations low for the season finale.

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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5 minutes ago, shrewd.buddha said:

All signs point to something bad happening to Fitz and/or Simmons. It's the old "what could spoil our new-found happiness?" setup. 

I'm thinking that maybe Daisy-Skye's true power is her ability to make men lose all sense of reasoning with regards to herself. Coulson's attitude of "sacrifice everyone and everything but don't harm a hair on the head of my precious Daisy"  was fairy twisted. Too bad Andrew is busy being Lash-y .. Coulson could use some therapy.

There is something about this show that always seems to imply that something really big is about to happen, but then it sort of doesn't .. or it does, but it's just not as spectacular or as jaw-dropping as I was expecting. So I'm trying to keep my expectations low for the season finale.

Agree about Coulson's attitude. Daisy's not a baby, and she is a genuine threat to the people that he's sworn to protect. Sure, it's reasonable that he wants to try for a non-lethal option, but he has to be willing to make that call. Otherwise, how can he be a SHIELD agent if he'd stand back and watch her destroy the world because she's Daddy's girl.


I also agree about the show tending to cop out whenever they tease a big event. Fingers crossed though that they actually do something interesting for the finale.


One thing that I do really like is that Hive, rather than just wanting to destroy humans and let Inhumans dance in the ashes, is that he wants to turn the humans into Inhumans as was done to him. It's something that I wasn't quite expecting. Sure it's a rehash of the first X-Men movie, when Magneto had that radiation machine that would mutate humans (and kill them. oops. turns out massive doses of radiation aren't so good), but I still think it's cool. And it fits into Daisy whining all season about how much more special she is now that she has powers, and how she wishes the rest of the team had them too.

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I'm glad May called out Coulson on his fixation on Daisy.  "Don't hurt Daisy, who is already infected by Hive and under his control!  But if there's the slightest sign that Lincoln is being controlled, smear him over the sidewalk with this explosive vest."  Lincoln should have punched him in the groin.


So Hive stimulates the Inhumans' dopamine levels, presumably like cocaine?  So next year we'll not only get Daisy PTSDing, we'll get her going through drug withdrawals.  Fantastic.

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8 minutes ago, Jack Kerouac said:

Good question in the summary, however: why DID Fitz take so long to get back to the hotel?

Also why did they point out Simmons's cold hands? I kept waiting for her turn out to be Hive reanimating her dead body, but I guess not since we saw Hive walking around in Ward's body.

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So Hive now has Daisy, Redheaded Multiple Girl and now this new Bomber on his side.  In addition to his/its own formidable powers.  Seems like Coulson needs more superpowered assistance.  He only has Lincoln full time since they appear to have dropped Joey and Yo-Yo back home.   This Hive threat is huge, why doesn't he contemplate calling in the Avengers?  I know they would never show up given the show's budget constraints, but at least show a scene of him thinking about it.  Also, shouldn't Lincoln realise that a Terrigen tube is missing?  Why doesn't Coulson make more superpowered people of his own?  I know Mack was curious, and a superstrong Mack would be a welcome addition.  Or a telepathic Simmons

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I really enjoyed this episode. I especially liked May and Coulson's scenes together. Also; Coulson's shield!

Poor Mack... He seemed especially hurt by what has happened with Daisy.

We finally get Fitz and Simmons moving forward with being together! Hopefully this isn't a death sentence for either of them...

Loved the Aussie guy (forgot his name) trying out different nicknames for himself with his new powers. He and Cisco from the Flash would get along well, I think...

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Atleast Coulson admitted his bias towards Daisy. He is such a douche towards Lincoln, who I don't even like that much either. 

Edited by dkb
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I really like Lincoln, especially in this episode. Although I don't hate Daisy as much as most of you, but as some of you and the Aussie new hot inhuman have said, Daisy sure does attract the men (paraphrasing): Ward, SquidWard, Coulson, Lincoln, and, although not romantic, Mac seems a bit beholden to her. Even Andrew/Lash called her special and gave that as a reason for not harming her.

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56 minutes ago, blackwing said:

So Hive now has Daisy, Redheaded Multiple Girl and now this new Bomber on his side.  In addition to his/its own formidable powers.  Seems like Coulson needs more superpowered assistance.  He only has Lincoln full time since they appear to have dropped Joey and Yo-Yo back home.   This Hive threat is huge, why doesn't he contemplate calling in the Avengers?  I know they would never show up given the show's budget constraints, but at least show a scene of him thinking about it.  Also, shouldn't Lincoln realise that a Terrigen tube is missing?  Why doesn't Coulson make more superpowered people of his own?  I know Mack was curious, and a superstrong Mack would be a welcome addition.  Or a telepathic Simmons

Yeah, it's getting a little tough to believe he wouldn't at least be thinking of calling in The Avengers (which obviously isn't going to happen).  He needs some non-Inhuman muscle and this would seem like a logical opportunity to call Deathlok back in.

Edited by benteen
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1 minute ago, benteen said:

Yeah, it's getting a little tough to believe he wouldn't at least be thinking of calling in The Avengers (which obviously isn't going to happen).  He needs some non-Inhuman muscle and this would seem like a logical opportunity to call Deathlok back in.

This is one of those times when, for a secret globe trotting spy organization, SHIELD just feels incredibly small. Why is it that the same like five people go on every mission no matter how severe it is? I would love to see Deathlock again, and this seems like a much needed time to bring him back.

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I completely agree.  With Hunter and Bobbi no longer with Shield, the team feels smaller than ever.  It's like they have no one outside of the main core and we don't even hear about any off-camera agents or response teams.

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Coulson's obsession with Daisy seems more creepy than paternal.  And what a piece of work - he's perfectly willing to kill an infected Lincoln, but not an infected Daisy.  Great way to inspire more Inhumans to work for SHIELD.

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Loved the moments when May told Phil some truths he really needed to hear. It seems he's starting to understand that he has a problem when it comes to Daisy, but he's not quite yet ready to let go of that problem. He still cares too much. I'm hoping May keeps telling it like it is - Coulson desperately needs a person  to call him on his crap full-time . And thank you Lincoln, for also calling Phil out. I honestly don't mind the Lincoln/May partnership. I think that could be much more interesting that Lincoln and Daisy especially if Lincoln stays kind of cranky.

Daisy does seem to attract all the men. I do remember in the first season, some fans theorized that was her superpower -- some sort of ability to make people empathize and like her. I'm not sure I like the high on Hive story with her though...it seems to set us up for half a season of Daisy trying to deal with not having her drug of choice when she and Hive are separated. 

Finally, I do hope that Fitz and Simmons taking the next step doesn't mean what it usually means in the Whedonverse. 

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At this point, Coulson absolutely needs some super powered help. The only one he has left on his side is Lincoln, and given the fact the enemy they're facing is explicitly taking control of any Inhuman who gets near him Lincoln (not to mention Joey and Yo Yo) is useless. No, worse than useless, he's dangerous since it just gives Hive another weapon to use against them. Deathlok would be a good start, though I don't know if J. August Richards is available. And while I agree they obviously can't afford to actually have them show up it does seem a little odd someone, if not Coulson himself, doesn't at least mention the possibility of bringing in the Avengers. Even if just to plug the upcoming movie by having Coulson say they're busy with a war of their own. 

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37 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Coulson's obsession with Daisy seems more creepy than paternal.  And what a piece of work - he's perfectly willing to kill an infected Lincoln, but not an infected Daisy.  Great way to inspire more Inhumans to work for SHIELD.

My favorite had to be when Coulson said they would do anything to bring Daisy back.  Those two guards that he murdered in Season 1 would attest to that.

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2 hours ago, shrewd.buddha said:

All signs point to something bad happening to Fitz and/or Simmons. It's the old "what could spoil our new-found happiness?" setup. 


Well, it's the end of season 3 now. If we go by finales, season 1 had Fitz almost drowning, and season 2 was Simmons disappearing into the monolith. This season should end with something happening to Fitz. Maybe not death, per say, but if they keep up the pattern and not let them be happy, theoretically, it is Fitz's turn. Honestly, I still don't really ship them as a couple. I still prefer them as friends, so them having sex this episode didn't do anything for me. I guess I just buy their friendship chemistry more than a romantic one.

I loved May and Lincoln both calling Coulson out. So you think of Daisy like a daughter? So you're fine with keeping Daisy alive, even if it means people dying? But you're ok with Lincoln sacrificing himself for the greater good? Daisy being infected and Lincoln having the chance to be infected doesn't change that Coulson is being hypocritical and biased. I also enjoy the 'odder' couples more, because they're more interesting. Lincoln/May had that one episode together and I though it was fantastic. Same with Mack/Daisy, Bobbi/Fitz, and Coulson/Hunter this past season. Even thought May wasn't exactly standing up for Lincoln as a person, she did bring up the point that Coulson has too many emotional attachments to Daisy, and I think that hinders him as a leader. Yes, Coulson, May is right. May chose to shoot and potentially kill Andrew for the greater good, even though she loves him. So I think May, in that sense, is a much better leader, because she has to separate her personal feelings for the job. This is one of the things I don't like about Coulson. He's willing to sacrifice everything for his 'daughter'. I know it'll turn out alright in the end (besides a team member's death, apparently....BETTER NOT BE MACK, SHOW), but still. 

Also, I think Coulson makes Daisy look like a Special Snowflake, but I truly believe that she moved past that territory somewhere in season 2. And he keeps doing it, especially now in this episode. 

As for this team member's death, I think it'll go one of two ways: either it'll be permanent and they'll choose Lincoln, or it'll be some sort of fakeout death and it'll be someone like Fitz, May, or Mack. That's my theory. 

I'll admit, Brett Dalton is doing an excellent job as Hive. He's equally as creepy as he is charming. I can see why Daisy and the other Inhumans fall for it (the parasite thing aside). Oh, it's that replicating chick from last season! I really wish I remembered her name! And look, trailer park guy has an interesting power. Well...kind of. He makes things explode. I bet that'll backfire on him by the finale. He'll probably die. 

Simmons/Hive meeting was something I forgot that I wanted. Her getting to talk to 'Will' was interesting. Also, Fitz/Daisy's run in was intense. Depriving Fitz of oxygen (not that the writers were thinking of this being a callback to the season 1 finale) and then telling him that she'll snap his neck the next time he tries to intervene? 

I do think Coulson is going to need some help, maybe from Deathlok or Lash. Hey, I still have hope that Andrew can shift back from Lash at some point, alright? 

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29 minutes ago, SocaShoe said:

Loved the moments when May told Phil some truths he really needed to hear. It seems he's starting to understand that he has a problem when it comes to Daisy, but he's not quite yet ready to let go of that problem. He still cares too much. I'm hoping May keeps telling it like it is - Coulson desperately needs a person  to call him on his crap full-time . And thank you Lincoln, for also calling Phil out. I honestly don't mind the Lincoln/May partnership. I think that could be much more interesting that Lincoln and Daisy especially if Lincoln stays kind of cranky.

I agree.  I think the writers should spend some more time writing for Lincoln and May - and not in a romantic way.  I like how May just tells it like it is, and I think she has a grudging respect (and even sympathy) for Lincoln.  I like how they challenge each other, and Lincoln can learn a lot from May.  I can't say I blamed Lincoln's anger at all in this episode.  First he was set up by Daisy, then accused by everyone for being the mole, then locked up, and even after he's proven innocent, Coulson wants to fit him with a "murder vest."  I like that Lincoln called Coulson out on his crap, and I especially loved hearing it from May - that he'll risk Lincoln's life (and let her be the killer) as well as anyone elses but no one can say "boo" about Daisy.  

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I loved May and Lincoln both calling Coulson out. So you think of Daisy like a daughter? So you're fine with keeping Daisy alive, even if it means people dying? But you're ok with Lincoln sacrificing himself for the greater good? Daisy being infected and Lincoln having the chance to be infected doesn't change that Coulson is being hypocritical and biased. I also enjoy the 'odder' couples more, because they're more interesting. Lincoln/May had that one episode together and I though it was fantastic. Same with Mack/Daisy, Bobbi/Fitz, and Coulson/Hunter this past season. Even thought May wasn't exactly standing up for Lincoln as a person, she did bring up the point that Coulson has too many emotional attachments to Daisy, and I think that hinders him as a leader. Yes, Coulson, May is right. May chose to shoot and potentially kill Andrew for the greater good, even though she loves him. So I think May, in that sense, is a much better leader, because she has to separate her personal feelings for the job. This is one of the things I don't like about Coulson. He's willing to sacrifice everything for his 'daughter'. I know it'll turn out alright in the end (besides a team member's death, apparently....BETTER NOT BE MACK, SHOW), but still.

So Coulson and his protectiveness of Daisy reminds me of a more creepy version of Mike and his son Ace. Only that made sense because Ace was an actual child who couldn't protect himself. But it's funny that back then it was Coulson who warned Mike that his attachment to Ace would make it too hard for him to be a SHIELD agent when he's far more compromised by this need to protect his baby snowflake. I agree that I loved May and Lincoln calling Coulson out, and that May seems like she can make those tough choices better than Coulson can given that she did make the hard call with Andrew to protect others. Daisy also admitted to Hive that Coulson is too protective. It makes me wonder where the Coulson and Daisy relationship will go from here, if Coulson will be able to get over it and treat her at least like an adult, or not.

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2 hours ago, Jack Kerouac said:

Good question in the summary, however: why DID Fitz take so long to get back to the hotel?

Fitz was also conspicuously holding a duffle bag of some sort that he did not have at the club.  What's in it?  Did he steal a bunch of stuff from Dr. Frankenstein?  (I forget the character's name.  The actor looked really familiar though).

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So Daisy is basically high and a Borg.  I can dig that.

FitzSimmons Sexytime.  Powering Through.

Line of the night was by Simmons "I always said I'd shoot Ward."  Not that it did much good but good for her keeping her words.

Edited by Chaos Theory
Added to post
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I don't mind Coulson's surrogate father feelings toward Daisy. It's been there since season 1. On Battlestar Galactica Adama felt the same way towards Kara(Starbuck) but on BSG they had Colonel Tigh, the second in command and Adama's best friend, who was antagonistic and fighting with Kara to balance it out.

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

Coulson's obsession with Daisy seems more creepy than paternal.  And what a piece of work - he's perfectly willing to kill an infected Lincoln, but not an infected Daisy.  Great way to inspire more Inhumans to work for SHIELD.

He's always been a hypocrite.

56 minutes ago, kitlee625 said:

Side note: was anyone else grossed out when Daisy described Hive as filling the hole inside her? That seemed like kind of a creepily sexual metaphor.

It felt more like it was setting up the segue into the addiction metaphor. 

15 minutes ago, kitlee625 said:

So Coulson and his protectiveness of Daisy reminds me of a more creepy version of Mike and his son Ace. Only that made sense because Ace was an actual child who couldn't protect himself. But it's funny that back then it was Coulson who warned Mike that his attachment to Ace would make it too hard for him to be a SHIELD agent when he's far more compromised by this need to protect his baby snowflake. I agree that I loved May and Lincoln calling Coulson out, and that May seems like she can make those tough choices better than Coulson can given that she did make the hard call with Andrew to protect others. Daisy also admitted to Hive that Coulson is too protective. It makes me wonder where the Coulson and Daisy relationship will go from here, if Coulson will be able to get over it and treat her at least like an adult, or not.

Agree with all of this except the last sentence. Could not be more bored with any shade of the Daisy/Coulson relationship if they paid me to be.

10 minutes ago, mac123x said:

Fitz was also conspicuously holding a duffle bag of some sort that he did not have at the club.  What's in it?  Did he steal a bunch of stuff from Dr. Frankenstein?  (I forget the character's name.  The actor looked really familiar though).

Hopefully his research. 

In death watchlist news, unsurprisingly, the only ones I am willing to live with (i.e. the only characters I am ok to live without) are Daisy and Coulson. 

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If Coulson had managed to take a moment and think about it, his 'murder vest' solution to having Lincoln in the field was faulty. If Lincoln was compromised by Hive, did Coulson expect him to immediately go rogue or that it would  be instantly obvious? Wouldn't it be more likely that a Hive-Lincoln would just play along with the plan until he was in a better position to do the most damage - - just as Skye-Daisy did when she was turned?
Think, Coulson. You're supposed to be the leader of an international military organization, not some petty micromanaging boss with obvious favorites. 

I thought that the Hive infected would be more .. hive-like - - such as the Borg, with a shared awareness and shared knowledge. I'm not exactly upset that Daisy is acting more like a converted cult zealot rather than a Borg drone - - but I do think it would seem creepier and more intimidating if the Hive members acted as if they were one organism (at least occasionally). 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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Is it me, or does Squidward's swirly-dusty mind control power look like it would easily be negated with a box fan?

Instead of a suicide vest, shouldn't they just give Lincoln a leaf blower?

"Okay, when the sandy stuff comes out of his hands and twirls toward you, just fire up this sucker and crank it to high. If it breaks down, run and find the nearest hand-held hair dryer and wall outlet..."

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, it's the end of season 3 now. If we go by finales, season 1 had Fitz almost drowning, and season 2 was Simmons disappearing into the monolith. This season should end with something happening to Fitz. Maybe not death, per say, but if they keep up the pattern and not let them be happy, theoretically, it is Fitz's turn. Honestly, I still don't really ship them as a couple. I still prefer them as friends, so them having sex this episode didn't do anything for me. I guess I just buy their friendship chemistry more than a romantic one....BETTER NOT BE MACK, SHOW)


I'll admit, Brett Dalton is doing an excellent job as Hive. He's equally as creepy as he is charming. I can see why Daisy and the other Inhumans fall for it (the parasite thing aside).


I do think Coulson is going to need some help, maybe from Deathlok or Lash. Hey, I still have hope that Andrew can shift back from Lash at some point, alright? 

I will lose my shit if it is Mack.

I'm liking Hive better than Ward.

I'll take Deathlok and Lash in the finale.

1 hour ago, mac123x said:

Fitz was also conspicuously holding a duffle bag of some sort that he did not have at the club.  What's in it?  Did he steal a bunch of stuff from Dr. Frankenstein?  (I forget the character's name.  The actor looked really familiar though).

John Hannah. Probably most recognizable from Four Weddings and a Funeral.  The duffle bag is something important - I didn't focus on it because I was wondering what the hell was up with Simmons hands. 

1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

So Daisy is basically high and a Borg.  I can dig that.

FitzSimmons Sexytime.  Powering Through.

Line of the night was by Simmons "I always said I'd shoot Ward."  Not that it did much good but good for her keeping her words.

I was thinking that was Chekhov's Gun.  It may not have done any good, but I bet it was still gratifying.

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3 hours ago, mac123x said:

I'm glad May called out Coulson on his fixation on Daisy.  "Don't hurt Daisy, who is already infected by Hive and under his control!  But if there's the slightest sign that Lincoln is being controlled, smear him over the sidewalk with this explosive vest."  Lincoln should have punched him in the groin.

This sentiment throughout the posts is much appreciated. While I was watching last night, I was providing running internal commentary on the responses by members here... Oh no Coulson's blind to his DaisyLove again, he's gonna take a beating on the boards... Looky! May's called him out! This will be well received in posts!

As for Lincoln, I can't imagine what he could be thinking/feeling to make wearing that vest OK- ONLY to be part of the squad speaking with Alisha/ looking for Daisy. I'm sure an enterprising team leader could have found another way for him to be a beneficial part of that team and be NOWHERE near an infecting Hive. But then, plot.

As to why Coulson or another pro-SHIELD factor has not used the Terrigen crystals... pretty much anyone that is human and wanted to try Inhuman would have attempted the safe fish oil pills. Terrigen crystals are highly detrimental to human consumption- not the way to expand Inhuman ranks. Daisy and Hive lucked out that what'shisnickname was already screened by Jiangying and known to have the gene. Good call that Jiangying passed on him because he was literally too volatile to add to her group.

Nice moments between Mack and Simmons. Mack's such a sweetheart; providing Simmons with some support as she and Fitz forge new territory.

As to FitzSimmons deathwatch: find new victims show- Fitz and Simmons in peril has been done.

The Hydra raids seemed really left field to me. I get it. I get that Mallick provided actionable intel off screen last week before Daisy gank but still... 

Daisy practically breaking Fitz's neck while pleading about how much she didn't want to hurt him was all kinds of creepy. Nice juxtaposition with the Will/ Simmons/ Hive scene too.

 Good stuff last night. I'm trying REALLY hard not to speculate on future character losses and just enjoy the ride.

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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

So Hive now has Daisy, Redheaded Multiple Girl and now this new Bomber on his side.  In addition to his/its own formidable powers.  Seems like Coulson needs more superpowered assistance.  He only has Lincoln full time since they appear to have dropped Joey and Yo-Yo back home.   This Hive threat is huge, why doesn't he contemplate calling in the Avengers?  I know they would never show up given the show's budget constraints, but at least show a scene of him thinking about it.  Also, shouldn't Lincoln realise that a Terrigen tube is missing?  Why doesn't Coulson make more superpowered people of his own?  I know Mack was curious, and a superstrong Mack would be a welcome addition.  Or a telepathic Simmons

I was speculating before the board went down that the Civil War tie in on TV would be SHIELD calling for Avengers to help but they were busy fighting among themselves while a terragin bomb was about to go off. Thanks to the promo monkey we know alien invasions are near 

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22 hours ago, Jack Kerouac said:

Good question in the summary, however: why DID Fitz take so long to get back to the hotel?

Fitz claimed he was looking for Gemma - though methinks there's something else going on.

19 hours ago, Enigma X said:

I find the Hive concept to be entertaining, but Dalton is still annoying and boring the hell out of me with his acting.



He's the only one who I feel is trying - all the others seem to be mailing in their performances.

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21 hours ago, Enigma X said:

I find the Hive concept to be entertaining, but Dalton is still annoying and boring the hell out of me with his acting.

I agree with you about Ward/Hive whatever he is now. I think they are trying to make him seem cool, powerful and mysterious. He is coming off to me as so dull I do not even pay attention when he is on the screen!

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I was glad to see Lincoln as a distinct character without being saddled doing the schmoopy shit with Daisy. Her betrayal will be enough, I hope, to scotch that boring romance, because how can any of them trust her again like they did before? I know I couldn’t. Of course, breaking them up also opens the door for Lincoln to be the “fallen agent”…As long as it’s not Mack, he’s been through enough loss this season, show!

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50 minutes ago, rubyred said:

I was glad to see Lincoln as a distinct character without being saddled doing the schmoopy shit with Daisy. Her betrayal will be enough, I hope, to scotch that boring romance, because how can any of them trust her again like they did before? I know I couldn’t. Of course, breaking them up also opens the door for Lincoln to be the “fallen agent”…As long as it’s not Mack, he’s been through enough loss this season, show!

Oy, "Fallen Agent" had me rolling my eyes - everything about it was so bad.

This show has lost its mojo - I don't know what happened; it started off horrible, steadily improved, and this season seems to be a huge drop in quality.  I don't know if I can stick with the series for one/two good episodes per season (and frankly, I doublt that this season's payoff can make up for the mess they created).

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Hive/Grant is ok by me, what's annoying is how he's one step ahead of them always. Makes me think there's more than one double agent...

Drugged Daisy is also ok by me. Less schmoopy times for all, except Fitzsimmons.

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Well the show has gone an interesting route in making me come around on Lincoln. Just have Coulson continue to be a dick to him to the point that you have to defend the guy. He is somewhat more interesting now too. Truly though, Lincoln works so much better without Daisy.

I enjoy when Fitz and Simmons get to play real spy, though I miss Jemma's overacting the part.

So the World's foremost researcher in parasite inoculation is also the world's foremost authority on building super humans? What a coincidence!!!

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3 minutes ago, Traveller519 said:


So the World's foremost researcher in parasite inoculation is also the world's foremost authority on building super humans? What a coincidence!!!

Just like "geneticist" are carrying around cybernetic eyes and the set up is that Simmons will attempt surgery on the spot. Or besides being a theoretical physicist Fritz seems to be a top engineer and biomedical engineer The doctor of all science character trope has been around as long as TV has had limited cast 

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4 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

I agree with you about Ward/Hive whatever he is now. I think they are trying to make him seem cool, powerful and mysterious. He is coming off to me as so dull I do not even pay attention when he is on the screen!

I think this is a problem with a lot of the characters. The writers want them all to seem cool/detached or unflappable, but as a result they just seem boring and barely react to things that they should. It wasn't as bad in season 1, but now that May, Coulson, Daisy, and Lincoln all fall somewhere on the spectrum of "suppressing their true emotions," the cast is kind of bland. Or when they do react, it's mostly through over-the-top screaming/punching (mostly Coulson and Lincoln).

Edited by kitlee625
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