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S12.E18: There's A Fine, Fine Line / S12.E19: It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

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Oh, I just thought the whole two-hour "Special Event" was some straight up bullshit.


In what world is "conflict of interest" not a thing?


Callie and her blythe disregard for her daughter.  "Other Mommy can just hop on a plane anytime she wants, la di da, la di da."


I was looking at my laptop when Bailey said she'd never make a mistake when it came to errors of judgment and my head spontaneously jerked up so I could stare at the screen with my mouth hanging open.


April and Avery--call me when they get it figured out.


On the Ben thing, if he did absorb the open elevator door, then you have to assume his motivation was something along the lines of:  "Uh oh, I hope no one comes before I get a chance to hack this woman up in a risky hall procedure!"  Either he's not guilty, or he's REALLY guilty--six months suspension doesn't address either.


Owen and Meredith versus Riggs:  over it.  "Stop wasting my time."  Maggie speaks for us all.


My biggest disappointment is that I was waiting for the reveal to be that Bailey felt responsible for all the mayhem by prematurely calling that pink code in the first place.

      When she was thinking with her head, as The Chief, she knew the security guy was right and it was too soon to go Defcon on a scared kid who was most likely hiding.  Then Alex turned her to the "Mom" side and she punched in the nuclear code.

      I just knew all those concerned expressions were leading back to some "I share the responsibility" guilt.  Pffft.


And finally, staring at zoo exhibit Ben while tossing back snacks was ridiculous.

Edited by candall
  • Love 7

You know things are bad when a 12 year old girl who just lost her mother and her new sibling is making more emotionally mature decisions than the doctors in the hospital.


I could go either way with whether Ben was lying. Sometimes you get in the zone and you don't notice things even though you appear to. But there are also people who are aggressive and have God complexes and take more risks than necessary. Knowing that Ben made a hasty and reckless decision in the not so recent past makes me feel like Weber's concern about Ben may be valid.


Lots of split second decisions get made in a hospital and I get that. What bothered me was not his decision but his reaction later. When he strolled into the room to be questioned, he acted way too friendly and casual with Meredith, Owen, and Maggie, like because he knew them this was going to be a walk in the park. Later he flat out told Miranda that he expected her to defend him and be on his side because she is his wife, so unlike Deluca, he expects special treatment.


I am so tired of Hunt's obsession with Riggs. I was glad that when he started to try to foist some of the blame for what happened on to Riggs, Maggie shut him down.


I'm not saying that killing patients or breaking rules or cheating is to be applauded, but it drives me crazy that so many of the characters on this show get up on their high horses when someone does one of the above even though they have done the same thing. I can't think of one person on this show who hasn't done at least one of the above. They have all made mistakes and they have all deliberately broken the rules. They should consider themselves lucky that they haven't been punished as harshly as Ben.


For the record, I'm fine with Ben being suspended, especially after seeing his various reactions throughout these two episodes. The only thing that's unfair about it is that he's one of the first people to finally get in trouble.


Bailey should get in trouble for violating the DNR. I'm not saying I wanted that patient to die, but it really annoyed me when he woke up and her decision was justified.


I too thought that Bailey would ultimately blame herself for everything that happened because she called the Code Pink, but no.


Ugh, Penny. I'm hoping that she really leaves but I can't believe that Callie is willing to move Sofia to New York for a year just so she can follow her girlfriend (especially when, as a previous poster pointed out, she wasn't willing to go to Africa with Arizona after they had been together much longer). And it is ridiculous that she made this decision without even discussing it with Arizona first.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 8

I had the last 1 & 1/2 of this on as background noise while finishing a book.  It's the first episode I've seen all season, and I have to say it only confirmed my decision to give up on this mess.  The total screwing up of several characters was awful.  Ben was a good guy and now he's a rogue surgeon or something?  Bailey can forgive lvad wire cutting and operating while drunk but now she's a hardass chief who wants to fire someone who screws up?  (Not saying she's wrong about this time, but it's not consistent at all.)  Whatever with this crapfest.


Also, Penny is as awful as you all have said.


And, okay, I know April's first pregnancy was abnormal, but don't tell me she hasn't read every Jeebus-approved pregnancy book on the shelf.  Plus, she's a doctor - surely she did an ob-gyn rotation as an intern.  She had to have had some idea that babies move in utero.  I didn't used to mind her too much, but what an idiot.


Edited to note that I completely forgot about HIV kid.  Yeah, Bailey is the biggest hypocrite of this lot, and that's saying something.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 2

That they would basically render the entire hospital dysfunctional because a child might be missing annoyed me SO much. Did it ever occur to them that someone might have been taken to an emergency surgery just as it was happening and it couldn't have been performed? What would they do then? "Oh, we're sorry that your spouse/parent/sibling bled to death locked in an elevator while the hospital was locked down because a child in distress was hiding under the stairs." Yeah, it would look awesome. And hey, something like that did happen.

I mean, Bailey was afraid Meredith of all people would sue the hospital when she was beaten by patient, but she didn't even consider any of the endless possibilities of legal complications that could come out her decision to lock the place down. And all that just because Alex was being all Helen Lovejoy and "WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN???!!!" Gross.


Neither Callie nor Arizona look good in this, and I say it as an Arizona fan. Callie being all casual about moving to NYC for a year but hey, Arizona can visit anytime she wants must have been such a slap in the face for Arizona. I understand she would be furious. But then again, Arizona lawyering up without giving any indication to Callie that she's unhappy with her decision is awful as well. This will all just blow up in their faces. And the only thing worse than this ridiculous scenario is if they somehow use this debacle as a way to get them back together. 


The same goes for Ben and Bailey. Bailey had all my sympathy for a while since she really was put in an impossible position - that is, until she decided to violate the DNR order just because. I get why it was done like that, so she could see Ben's POV in knowing what the right call is but still going against it because in that moment you feel something else is the best for the patient. Just April/Arizona last week with that pregnant teenager. Those tricks got old a long ago. 

And like it's been said, Ben was unbearably entitled and smug about the whole situation, he did not look all that sorry that two people ended up dead because of a decision he made, he was more sorry for himself. Bailey did seem OTT vindicative in the end all things considered and it's clear she does not trust her husband, both personally and professionally. It would make sense if they split up, but I'm sure they'll be magically fine within a couple of episodes.


I'm glad April and Jackson are behaving like two reasonable people again, but I totally do not want them to get back together. 

  • Love 1

Oh Callie, when will you stop being so impulsive and selfish?  I was so happy to see Arizona being supportive of Callie's happiness.  It seemed clear to me that she was suggesting Callie make a long-distance relationship work and yet Callie jumped to an epic entirely different conclusion.  I remember spoilers saying that Callie wanted to do what is best for Arizona but that doesn't seem to be the case at all because she's treating Arizona, not like the mother of her child, but like a friend who dispensed some good advice.  Which Arizona did, if only Callie had been listening.  Callie presented it like it was a foregone conclusion and didn't give Arizona any time to react.  The next thing she sees is her ex, her kid and the new girlfriend walking off like a family so yes, she reacted rashly without having a conversation with Callie but who knows if Callie wouldn't have been as dismissive in that conversation as she was in the previous one. Penny is SO not worth all of this drama and I resent Shonda for putting us all through this crap.  

  • Love 2

I'm stumped as to why everyone was convinced Ben was lying. People zone out all the time, it's not some magical surgical phenomenon.

So when Izzie was fired for deliberately cutting an LVAD wire Bailey went to bat to get her job back but when Ben makes a bad judgement call, tough shit? And little miss I Don't Believe You Have Remorse can miss me with that nonsense. Hey Bailey, remember when you injected a child with HIV after being told not to and then refused to apologize? How you were not only not sorry but actually angry that the parents were angry. Didn't see a whole lot of remorse then.

I wish we had gotten some back story on why Alex was so convinced the kid was kidnapped. Without it he just looks like an overreactionary jerk.

The final Japril scene was actually ridiculously cute and I loved Jackson's excitement over the second kick. Now if we could just ship Catherine back to Boston forever.....

ETA: Callie and Arizona should already have a custody agreement as part of thier divorce and it would cover what happens to visitation if one of them needed or wanted to move as well as how far Callie could move Sofia.

This I totally believe Ben.  I still think he deserves the 6 months but I believe him

Arizona almost certainly adopted Callie's child, the biological father is dead so there is no one to object to it and given that they were married it would just greatly simplify things legally for them both to be the legal parent of the child.

This is true but divorced parents move all the time and the court usually sides with the birth mother.  Arizona could be screwing herself by not talking to Callie.

Arizona almost certainly adopted Callie's child, the biological father is dead so there is no one to object to it and given that they were married it would just greatly simplify things legally for them both to be the legal parent of the child.

I'm not so sure she did. They made it a point to have Sofia introduce herself to Penny as "Sofia Sloan Torres" even though Shonda said Robbin Sloan were her middle names, and only Torres was her last name.

It could be a writing mistake, but I think it was intentional.

If they shared custody, Callie couldn't simply decide she's moving away and taking Sofia with her without even consulting Arizona, could she? 
And since they lawyer made it clear it was a custody case, I don't think it's full custody Arizona's after because it would clearly be groundless. To me, all of this implies they haven't made any legal settlements and now Arizona is asking to be lawfully recognized as a parent.


I'm not sure I buy the "being in the zone" excuse in Ben's case. They're surgeons. Their job involves making far-reaching decisions in a split second based on a multitude of factors that may arise at any point. They have to be aware of the surroundings. I mean, in this very episode we saw Bailey questionning Arizona about her actions earlier in the day just as she was performing an incredibly stressful emergency surgery - an equally ridiculous scenario, but still. 

  • Love 4

I've always wondered if Arizona ever became Sofia's legal mother. I remember the episode years back where Meredith wasn't allowed to go in to Zola and Alex made Arizona think about what if it were her and Sofia, which prompted her to tell Callie she wanted something on paper to show she was Sofia's mother too. But I don't remember if they ever mentioned if they actually did so. I'm sure the specifics of Arizona and Sofia's relationship will be brought up now, though, so at least we'll find out about that.

This is true but divorced parents move all the time and the court usually sides with the birth mother.  Arizona could be screwing herself by not talking to Callie.


The parents I know who have gone through this have experienced something totally different.  If parents share custody, one parent can't take the kids out of state without the other parent agreeing to it.  And lawyers will usually draw up papers detailing visits, and who pays for plane fare, etc.   To move a child away from the other parent without that parent agreeing, you'd have to have a better reason than "my new partner has a job somewhere else."

But this is IF they are both legal parents.  If Arizona isn't the legal parent, then Callie can do whatever she wants.

  • Love 3

I get that the C-section was extreme and the mom was in distress.  I'm even OK with the scene where they cut her belly open and blood poured out like a damn fountain.  But did they have to keep repeating that scene as many times as they did?  They told the story from every perspective, and each time they told it - BLOOD GUSHES! 

Stop already.  I can't watch. 



NO. KIDDING. Did Shonda get a surplus of fake blood in her Amazon shipment (Amazon has EVERYTHING), because between this week's Grey's, and last week's chair beatdown on Scandal, I've seen less blood in a Freddy Krueger Meets Mike Meyers slasher movie. 




It isn't a normal day for Owen if he isn't pissy and unprofessional.


SO MUCH THIS. And Meredith, knowing this, simply sides with him, despite the fact that Riggs has proven again and again to be a competent surgeon? Just because Cristina told you to look out for Owen, does NOT mean that you automatically side with his weekly volcanic and childish temper tantrums. 




The actor who plays her husband just leaves me cold - always does, in every role I have ever seen him in.  He emanates nothing authentic emotionally - to me.  All his yelling and blustering just made me think he might hit a wall or throw a table but I didn't get the feeling he was genuinely upset for screwing up, the woman's death or anything else.


Ben is right up there Owen, AFAIC, on the "ego over logic" scale. He's never stuck me as someone who takes instruction or criticism very well and seems to think that this whole resident learning process, is beneath his pay grade. So, completely ignoring (or "not seeing") the elevator doors open and cutting anyway, is totally in character for me. He deserves to be taken down a peg. Enjoy your time off, Ben. 




Bailey was afraid Meredith of all people would sue the hospital when she was beaten by patient, but she didn't even consider any of the endless possibilities of legal complications that could come out her decision to lock the place down. And all that just because Alex was being all Helen Lovejoy and "WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN???!!!"


I realize that we've all been conditioned (for 12 freaking years) to think that even when Bailey fucks up, it's okay, because she is, in Shonda's own words, "the heart" of Seattle Grace Mercy Death. But, where was the finger pointing towards Bailey and Alex, other than a withering look from the Head of Security when the kid was found, that NONE of this would have happened had Alex not guilted Bailey into making a rushed and premature decision in a panic? 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 4

I'm not so sure she did. They made it a point to have Sofia introduce herself to Penny as "Sofia Sloan Torres" even though Shonda said Robbin Sloan were her middle names, and only Torres was her last name.

It could be a writing mistake, but I think it was intentional.


I'm not surprised by that, it wasn't an acrimonious separation, there was no dead-beat dad, Callie and Arizona probably very much want to raise Sofia has having a biological father that would be a part of her life had he not died tragically. I'm just saying from a practical and legal standpoint since Sofia's father is deceased and there isn't any other family really in the picture Arizona in the real world would have adopted Sofia just for practical reasons.  

These people all suck.  The only ones to cheer for have no screen time whatsoever - I'm looking at you Jo and Alex.  And Arizona.  And Weber.    They are all really horrible people who are hypocritical and just plain awful.  They'd rather a guy die in a psych ward waiting for someone who wasn't coming, then give him a fighting chance.  They'd rather trap someone in a corner of a hospital than give someone a fighting chance.  Even had he got on the elevator, there still wasn't enough time.  Ben finally got screen time and then got screwed.  Now I'm hoping Jo stays on the back burner so she doesn't get destroyed, but I'm afraid they'll do it next week with the preachy guns are bad crap.  

Possibly the worst thing about this show is that so many things are constantly played out just for the drama and are in no way addressed later, nor do they bear any consequences even when they logically should.

Bailey orders a full lockdown that not only turns out to be wholly unnecessary, but also results in the death of two people? It's instantly forgotten.

Arizona is shocked to see the condition the patient is in and repeatedly asks who performed surgery on her, thus implying it was not done properly? Well, how the actual surgery went is clearly not as important as whether he saw the elevator door or not.


Meredith once ruined a clinical trial because of her personal connection with a patient? She gets invited to sit in an ethical committee. As does the person who physically assaults colleagues at workplace.

I'm surprised they didn't give Izzie Stevens a call to join them, she would have fit in there nicely. 

  • Love 10

I am not much of a Bailey or Ben fan and I always thought Bailey being chief was a terrible idea but Bailey was not endangering the man by violating the DNR. Sure she broke the rule just like Ben and she is a huge hypocrite, as are they all but I see a difference. I also think Webber was wrong to say no but I can see why he did. It is her job and that was the reason it should not BE her job. She admitted that she couldn't do it.

I totally think Ben is lying to himself, he wanted to cut. He saw that elevator and cut anyway. He is dangerous. And deluded.

The custody stuff is just tedious to me. I don't watch this show for that.

  • Love 1

Meredith once ruined a clinical trial because of her personal connection with a patient? She gets invited to sit in an ethical committee. As does the person who physically assaults colleagues at workplace.

I'm surprised they didn't give Izzie Stevens a call to join them, she would have fit in there nicely. 


I had to think for a moment about whether you meant Owen or Maggie for the assaulter- but she's only punched a patient's mother, right?

But, where was the finger pointing towards Bailey and Alex, other than a withering look from the Head of Security when the kid was found, that NONE of this would have happened had Alex not guilted Bailey into making a rushed and premature decision in a panic?


Yes, Alex was concerned that the father took the child (said the dad had anger issues and that they were fighting over custody that morning). And yes, he said "what if it were Tuck?".  Alex may be guilty of overreacting but that's where it ends.  Alex pleads for his patients every other week lately and is overruled by a sister (and the patient dies half the time). He isn't responsible for the death of the mother and baby. Bailey is COS and Bailey made the decision to call the code. If she believed it was the wrong called and was completely swayed by "what about Tuck?" then Bailey was the wrong choice for COS.


Overreaction and bad decision about calling the code aside, the decision to cut the patient open in the hallway like that was Ben's. Had Ben not cut someone open with a clipboard 2 weeks ago and at least appeared to be sorry that 2 people died I'd be more on his side. Two situations like this to me show that Ben snaps into MacGyver doctor mode almost instantaneously. He hasn't completely his residency and has no training in field medicine yet he jumps right in and gets pissed off when questioned.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 4

Okay, here's something that has bugged me for 12 years and this episode finally brings it out as worth questioning. Isn't the Chief of STAFF the one that actually runs the hospital? And Chief of Surgery is a notch below that? Yet, for 12 years, we see the Chief of Surgery running the show, and last night, analyzing security footage and calling Code Pink.  Richard continuously called it "MY hospital"  when he was Chief of Surgery. He had to deal with the nurses' contracts to settle the strike.  He hired and fired people. Decided who gets million dollar contracts (Derek, Addison and Mark), and how much money is allocated toward sexy new medical equipment. Owen didn't just run the surgical floor, he also ran the ER.  In 12 years, we've never heard a mention of, or seen, the Chief of Staff (have we?). You'd think that the Chief of Staff would have barged into Richard's office, on a weekly basis, demanding to know why his surgical residents and interns can't be controlled, and what the fuck are they doing cutting LVAD wires, giving their supervisor's wife preferential treatment, and thus blowing clinical trials, punching each other out, shagging in on call rooms and spreading the Syph, and any other number of violations that happen at this hospital on a daily basis. 


Shonda MUST know what the Chief of Staff is. Charlotte King was Chief of Staff at St. Ambrose on PP (I miss that show and that cast). Does Seattle Grace Mercy Death not have one, and it is just common knowledge that the Chief of Surgery is actually the Chief of Staff? 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 13

Okay, here's something that has bugged me for 12 years and this episode finally brings it out as worth questioning. Isn't the Chief of STAFF the one that actually runs the hospital? And Chief of Surgery is a notch below that? Yet, for 12 years, we see the Chief of Surgery running the show, and last night, analyzing security footage and calling Code Pink.  Richard continuously called it "MY hospital"  when he was Chief of Surgery. He had to deal with the nurses' contracts to settle the strike.  He hired and fired people. Decided who gets million dollar contracts (Derek, Addison and Mark), and how much money is allocated toward sexy new medical equipment. Owen didn't just run the surgical floor, he also ran the ER.  In 12 years, we've never heard a mention of, or seen, the Chief of Staff (have we?). You'd think that the Chief of Staff would have barged into Richard's office, on a weekly basis, demanding to know why his surgical residents and interns can't be controlled, and what the fuck are they doing cutting LVAD wires, giving their supervisor's wife preferential treatment, and thus blowing clinical trials, punching each other out, shagging in on call rooms and spreading the Syph, and any other number of violations that happen at this hospital on a daily basis. 


Shonda MUST know what the Chief of Staff is. Charlotte King was Chief of Staff at St. Ambrose on PP (I miss that show and that cast). Does Seattle Grace Mercy Death not have one, and it is just common knowledge that the Chief of Surgery is actually the Chief of Staff? 

Seattle Grace Mercy Death bears no resemblance to any real hospital, living or dead, other than having doctors, nurses and sick people, and it never really did.

  • Love 7

NO. KIDDING. Did Shonda get a surplus of fake blood in her Amazon shipment (Amazon has EVERYTHING), because between this week's Grey's, and last week's chair beatdown on Scandal, I've seen less blood in a Freddy Krueger Meets Mike Meyers slasher movie. 





SO MUCH THIS. And Meredith, knowing this, simply sides with him, despite the fact that Riggs has proven again and again to be a competent surgeon? Just because Cristina told you to look out for Owen, does NOT mean that you automatically side with his weekly volcanic and childish temper tantrums. 





Ben is right up there Owen, AFAIC, on the "ego over logic" scale. He's never stuck me as someone who takes instruction or criticism very well and seems to think that this whole resident learning process, is beneath his pay grade. So, completely ignoring (or "not seeing") the elevator doors open and cutting anyway, is totally in character for me. He deserves to be taken down a peg. Enjoy your time off, Ben. 





I realize that we've all been conditioned (for 12 freaking years) to think that even when Bailey fucks up, it's okay, because she is, in Shonda's own words, "the heart" of Seattle Grace Mercy Death. But, where was the finger pointing towards Bailey and Alex, other than a withering look from the Head of Security when the kid was found, that NONE of this would have happened had Alex not guilted Bailey into making a rushed and premature decision in a panic? 

That's the thing. They could have done a quiet Code Pink were only security and main door admin were aware. Hence they would go to the emergency Exits, send a message to the main staff and go from there. It happens instead of acting like someone broke into the OB and took a hand full of babies and is on the run. Then you have call for a complete lockdown. It was Alex pulling the old: "My childhood was a pain due to my dad being an asshole." And Bailey doing her: "Act don't think first." 

  • Love 2

I think the issue with "Why does Bailey run the whole hospital" is just one of too many characters already. They also have surgeons, who in normal hospitals would in no way be the ones called in for non-surgical consults, constantly doing completely routine things in the ER when in reality, surgeons are pretty far removed from that stuff and only brought in when, you know, there's a surgery!

It drove me bonkers when they were determining that Gretchen was fine (for the moment) and paged Robbins for an "OB consult." Why would a neonatal surgery specialist be the person called in for a routine ultrasound to determine if a fetus is doing well after a car accident? Shit, a doctor wouldn't even be the one doing that! When I was pregnant with my first, my OB had to do exactly one ultrasound when their sonographer was out, and she could barely work the machine. There's a reason radiology techs exist. That's not the doctor's job!


  • Love 4

I give April a pass on her fears; she has been under a lot of stress and between the attorney visit, code pink, and people bleeding out she had a lot to deal with. I think Ben deserved the suspension and I think he is impulsive and feels superior because Miranda is his wife. Bailey should have realized long ago that married people can't work in a boss/subordinate role.

  • Love 3

It drove me bonkers when they were determining that Gretchen was fine (for the moment) and paged Robbins for an "OB consult." 


It's something I don't get lately. She's a pediatric surgeon with a fellowship in fetal surgery. Why is everyone now acting as if she was a regular gynecologist? 

Why was she even on this case? Or last week, for that matter?

Edited by Joana
  • Love 3
Overreaction and bad decision about calling the code aside, the decision to cut the patient open in the hallway like that was Ben's. Had Ben not cut someone open with a clipboard 2 weeks ago and at least appeared to be sorry that 2 people died I'd be more on his side. Two situations like this to me show that Ben snaps into MacGyver doctor mode almost instantaneously. He hasn't completely his residency and has no training in field medicine yet he jumps right in and gets pissed off when questioned.


That's where I am with this Ben story line.  Last week, he's acting like he's performing emergency surgery in a war zone and cutting a person open with the wire from a clipboard.  This week, he's cutting open a pregnant woman with complications in a hallway and being in "the zone" instead of paying attention.  I totally believe, whether he saw the elevator or not, that he's a danger to patients with his impulsive urge to cut people open everywhere but the OR.

  • Love 5

It's something I don't get lately. She's a pediatric surgeon with a fellowship in fetal surgery. Why is everyone now acting as if she was a regular gynecologist?

Why was she even on this case? Or last week, for that matter?

The same reason she went from a crash course Fetal fellowship to Head of Fetal Surgery in a little over a year and isn't doing PEDS cases anymore. Lol.

  • Love 1

I thought Ben's story was totally believable. I read an entire book about this sort of thing. Many experiments like this have been done.




Funny, Callie using Arizona's logic that her long-distance relationship with Penny could work, because there were 6-hour flights to New York.....

  • Love 1

This show is missing severe quantities of Sloan, Mark, and Shepherd, Derek. And I didn't even like Derek. But at least common sense ran in their heads 95% of the time. I didn't even mention Callie. Why the hell are you rushing to New York with Penny. forget for a moment it's Penny. this is someone your daughter just met. don't you think y'all need more time? and this is someone who pouted for weeks about going to Africa with her girlfriend whom she was with for two+ years. 


go. figure. 


but I am not on team Arizona on this. All she had to do was wait until Callie stopped being giddy and point out that she does have custody (i'm pretty sure she has custody).  and even if these people can't freaking communicate - it is just a year. I don't know what the custody agreement is. but do you really have to sue for full custody for something that's a year trip? like i think this is what bugs me more than anything. no one talks. everyone overreacts. it's not "drama" it's stupidity. 


and Ben needs to piss off. I don't even think he was genuinely sorry for the deaths. just that he was getting in trouble for "saving their lives" 

  • Love 2

I'm going to say, I think Ben saw the door. To me, even though it seemed like a quick second, he looked up and then looked back down and started to cut. That is just my feelings. Plus, his attitude towards the video footage seemed very much how defensive people get when they are caught or it's been shown that they did make a mistake. He just seemed way too angry to be defending himself for something he truly did believe he was right in doing so. If he truly believed he did a good thing, I think his freakout at the end of the episode of Part A he would not have been so angry, he would have been a bit ashamed at what had happened. Instead of yelling at Bailey. 


The Arizona/Callie storyline makes me mad. I feel think this show a lot of the time has made it out that Arizona was the selfish one but I'm starting to think it's Callie.Also I can't be the only one who when Penny was all like, "leaving to NY soon, blah, blah,blah" I was all, "bye! No one will miss you!"


This episode made me love Maggie. Only because she was the only one who could separate all the stupid personal BS Mer and Owen are holding over Riggs head from the actual issue of what was going on with Ben. Owen and Mer wanted to make it something else and Maggie was a firm hard, "Stop wasting my time, no".  Also as someone who didn't like Riggs all that much, anytime he has a scene  with a female counterpart, whether it's Mer, Amelia, and now Maggie, I find myself shipping him with them. The only one I don't is April but I think that's because it's been established that they are` just friends and the show seems to be pointing us to Jackson/April. 


Speaking of which, I'm hoping April and Jackson could start acting like grownups for good now. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 3

I think its a bit weird Callie would be so nonchalant about Arizona needing to make frequent 6 hour flight journeys, I know we've seen Arizona on a plane since the crash but it was a short flight (and only once), and I imagine longer flights would cause some considerable distress.  


But hey its Grey's, the docs get over horrible traumas like freaking superheroes if the plot requires it. lol  

  • Love 6

You guys have voiced so many of my frustrations with the episode already:

- Why is Bailey running the whole hospital?

- Aren't those the fastest closing fire doors you've ever seen?

- Really Owen?

- How do these people still have jobs?

- How many corn chips did that bag actually hold cuz it seemed like Jo was eating them forever?

- Is the new intern Debbie Allen's daughter?  I need to go look it up.  She looks like DA's husband.


One thing that struck me as interesting and which is why i think I got a bit turned off by Ben's actions was that he didn't seem very affected by Gretchen's death.  He was all cuddly doctor and knew the kids' names and had an awesome bedside manner.  And I get that he was very nervous for his fate, but he did seem rather removed from what actually happened to the mother herself. It feels like it was a conscious choice by the writing to give him that remove so that it could be the thing that tips Bailey in the end.  He is really zoned about being this surgeon and is academically interested in saving the life, but once she's dead he doesn't feel... i won;t say remorse because that would be too cold... but he doesn't feel as invested in how he contributed to that. 


i will say that Jason George's acting once Alex took over the mother's care was good.  His stuttering and nerves did come to the fore then and it was a really nice performance. 


Also, the little girl, Jasmine was fire!  What a strong little soul.  She was a nice character to really center because we really needed someone to place our sympathy on because none of the docs really deserved any.

  • Love 4

I think its a bit weird Callie would be so nonchalant about Arizona needing to make frequent 6 hour flight journeys, I know we've seen Arizona on a plane since the crash but it was a short flight (and only once), and I imagine longer flights would cause some considerable distress.

But hey its Grey's, the docs get over horrible traumas like freaking superheroes if the plot requires it. lol

I think it's weird that Callie thinks it would be okay for Arizona to do that, but doesn't see it as an option for herself.

Callie just seems scared to be alone.

  • Love 4

The same reason she went from a crash course Fetal fellowship to Head of Fetal Surgery in a little over a year and isn't doing PEDS cases anymore. Lol.


Oh, yeah, the endless stream of fetal surgery cases that she now solely makes a living out of (or not - remember she's broke and needs a roommate!) is one of the most nonsensical things on this show - and the competition is stiff there.


but I am not on team Arizona on this. All she had to do was wait until Callie stopped being giddy and point out that she does have custody (i'm pretty sure she has custody). 


That's probably what would have happened IF they had a custody agreement. But since it never ocurred to Callie that Arizona might have a say in it and as Arizona went straight to the lawyer, I'm now inclined to believe that they do not have it legally arranged.

Edited by Joana

So, Riggs is a certified cheater,too. 


Shonda hates men in general. I definitely think she must have been cheated on and this is her revenge on her male characters. Every male character is a cheater and a liar.


Is there a character I can be a fan of????!!!!!


I dislike Ben. I have a difficulty with the actor who portrays him,he lacks any emotional portrayal, no investment at all. Poor kids and the woman who died.


I think as they wrapped the dead baby into that white cloth - that was too much,it could have been done without it. And the blood dripping from the belly as Ben made that cut, horrid shot. 

Edited by NathanRiggsfan

I thought Ben's story was totally believable. I read an entire book about this sort of thing. Many experiments like this have been done.




Funny, Callie using Arizona's logic that her long-distance relationship with Penny could work, because there were 6-hour flights to New York.....

Yes, I can buy that once Ben committed himself mentally to the surgery, his brain was not taking in anything else.   That makes sense, I've had times when I hyper-focus on something and am unaware of what is going on around me.  (and my kids would perish in a house fire if they were playing a video game). 


Callie went to Arizona with a problem, Arizona re-assured her that she could make a long distance relationship work.  SO Callie figures  Arizona can make a long distance parenting relationship work.   Callie - a good mother puts her child first.   She doesn't want to have a long distance relationship with her new girlfriend, but it's OK for her CHILD to have a long distance relationship with the other mother?   Not cool, Callie!

  • Love 1

I'm somehow not surprised by Callie's behavior here. While I like her character in general, I've also always gotten the feeling that she thinks with her southern region more than her northern region and this is no exception ... though, really, Penny? Couldn't they find someone even remotely attractive/appealing/engaging in the role so at least it seems plausible? Not only is the character unlikeable, but she's just ... so blah. 


Also, while I have never been an April fan, I am totally giving her a pass, doctor or not, on not immediately recognizing what was going on when the baby first kicked ... aside from her being (doctor or not) pretty sheltered, I'll say from experience that I had read every book in existence about pregnancy (this was pre-internet) and I'd had a scare earlier in the pregnancy, but the first time my daughter kicked I had absolutely no idea what it was ... it's just the strangest feeling, unlike anything I've ever felt before or since, and in the moment (when I was half asleep and lying on my stomach -- something I wouldn't get to do for much longer, LOL) I wasn't really thinking "Oh, hey, it's the baby kicking!" but rather "WTF IS GOING ON HERE?"

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap


April is a DOCTOR.  How does she freak out when she first feels the baby move?   Most women read books about pregnancy and childbirth, so they know what to expect.    But a DOCTOR has no idea?   A doctor who went to medical school, has no idea that it's normal to feel a baby move, and is practically having a panic attack when it happens?  Especially considering she lost a baby already, wouldn't she be even more attuned to every little sign and symptom, to make sure this baby is OK?


Preach it. It never ceases to amaze me how the doctors on this show know so little about basic biology. Not only the that, but the women get pregnant by accident left and right. They have sex in the supply closet or on-call rooms without protection then find out they're pregnant and are all "Hey how did that happen?" Geez. Never go to this hospital. I can't remember a single female character on this show ever getting pregnant on purpose.

  • Love 2

Preach it. It never ceases to amaze me how the doctors on this show know so little about basic biology. Not only the that, but the women get pregnant by accident left and right. They have sex in the supply closet or on-call rooms without protection then find out they're pregnant and are all "Hey how did that happen?" Geez. Never go to this hospital. I can't remember a single female character on this show ever getting pregnant on purpose.

In the alternate universe called ep 10x09 Arizona got pregnant on purpose, but we're not allowed to talk about that.

So, Riggs is a certified cheater,too. 


Shonda hates men in general. I definitely think she must have been cheated on and this is her revenge on her male characters. Every male character is a cheater and a liar. Is there a character I can be a fan of????!!!!!


To be fair, a ton of the leading female characters have cheated or been an accomplice to cheating, too: Meredith (cheated on Finn and slept with Derek while he was married), Arizona (cheated on Callie), Addison (cheated on Derek), Callie to an extent (slept with Mark while she was dating Hahn), Izzie (slept with George while he was married to Callie), Ellis carried on an affair with Richard for years, etc. 


I think the point with Riggs is that cheating doesn't make him a bad-guy. All of these characters are insanely flawed. Alex has cheated in the past, I don't hold it against him now. I still liked George after he cheated on Callie (despite HATING that storyline) and Meredith after she cheated on Finn and slept with Derek. I always loved Addison, Mark, etc. Grey's is just a show full of cheaters. I don't think it's a man-hating thing, I think it's just a trope of soap operas - all of these people sleep around. 

  • Love 2

Preach it. It never ceases to amaze me how the doctors on this show know so little about basic biology. Not only the that, but the women get pregnant by accident left and right. They have sex in the supply closet or on-call rooms without protection then find out they're pregnant and are all "Hey how did that happen?" Geez. Never go to this hospital. I can't remember a single female character on this show ever getting pregnant on purpose.


Meredith...twice.  Well, the first time wasn't planned, but she was also told she couldn't conceive (and therefore had no reason to be on birth control) and was in a monogamous relationship where babies, if that happened, were welcome.  The second time was planned in that her husband said, "Let's make a baby" and then got on with it.  


But, yeah, the fact that the doctors don't know how babies are made continually blows my mind.  I mean, Cristina--who was supposedly the most brilliant of them all--accidentally got pregnant TWICE.  And, let's not forget when the entire hospital staff came down with the syph.  


They don't know what happens in that special hug, but they can cure Alzheimers, make heart valves in printers, and use HIV to cure diseases.   Whatevs....

  • Love 1

And, okay, I know April's first pregnancy was abnormal, but don't tell me she hasn't read every Jeebus-approved pregnancy book on the shelf. Plus, she's a doctor - surely she did an ob-gyn rotation as an intern. She had to have had some idea that babies move in utero. I didn't used to mind her too much, but what an idiot.

You can be the most book smart prepared person in the universe, and it can completely be thrown out the window when you're actually living the situation.

  • Love 5

I think it's weird that Callie thinks it would be okay for Arizona to do that, but doesn't see it as an option for herself.

Callie just seems scared to be alone.

I completely agree. I'm really trying not to get too...vocal about this storyline cause it pisses me off so much and I know I will come across as a Callie hater. But this whole thing even beyond the characters annoys me. When the writers have Sofia say her name as Sofia Sloan Torres after Shonda reassured people years ago that Robbin Sloan was her middle name but now who cares, its all about representing the bio parents, It seems like they are saying Sofia has three parents but some parents are more equal than others. I know, I know, this is a subject I am probably way too sensitive about but oops... I got too vocal. lol

I buy April freaking out about feeling the baby, because her last baby died. I've heard other women who got pregnant after a loss talk about how terrifying that pregnancy was for them, so I believe that April's fear would override logic.


Maybe I'm just not cut out for this kind of show, because I just want everyone to be happy and not keep leaving each other all the time. I want April and Jackson to get back together, Ben and Bailey to stay together, and Callie to dump Penny and get back with Arizona.

  • Love 9

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