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With the reveal of Andy Serkis' character, there's something that's been on my mind. This is sort of the final straw. The character names. Some of them strike me as awfully silly. Poe Dameron, Kylo Ren, Phasma, Snoke. Is it just me? Are these perfectly reasonable Star Wars names? Are they the same as Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader? I just can't tell.


On another note, they have three members of the GOT cast. Gwendoline Christie, Jessica Henwick, and Miltos Yerolemou. Is that another odd thing? Yeah, I know they're good at what they do, and they all have fight training. But three is a pattern. Is JJ a big fan?


Finally, Clem Barstow pointed out that while Lupita Nyong'o is in this, it seems a shame that an Oscar-winning WOC is all Serkised up. However, IMDB tells me there are at least three other WOCs. Crystal Clarke, Christina Chong, Maisie Richardson-Sellers. Maybe they're Serkised too, or wearing armour. Still, four is a good number on that front. It's more than BSG had in its entire run.


I think they're fairly standard Star Wars names, to be honest. They've always been goofy. I mean 'Luke Skywalker'? 'Jabba the Hutt'? 'Kitt Fisto'? I think we're just inured to a lot of the older names through familiarity. I don't know really how you come up with a name that seems suitably alien, yet still acceptable. 'Han Solo' isn't great, but because he was so cool, the name itself ends up being transformed into something cool.


As for Lupita Nyong'o, I wonder whether people are being overly sensitive, and whether that runs the risk of forcing her into roles that have to be affirming and powerful. Yes, she's great, but the more strings she has to her bow, the better. Her list of credits at the moment is tiny, so building up that body of work by doing different things, showing versatility and having some fun with different processes looks like a great move to me. Just because she won an Oscar in a worthy role, doesn't mean she can't do daft stuff like Star Wars CGI characters. She can always win another Oscar with her role after that.

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Before Empire Strikes Back(or the SW Hollywood special where he first appeared in a cartoon) would  "Boba Fett" be considered the name of a cool badass character?


Speaking of Fett, Jeremy Bulloch, the actor who played Boba Fett on set in Empire also played another role in the movie as the Imperial officer who grabbed Leia when Luke arrived in Bespin. Who's to say Lupita can't play another part in a future Star Wars, but this time as herself, without makeup or CGI?

Edited by VCRTracking
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Padme had great clothes and enabled her rageaholic, hot boyfriend. Yeah.


Reminds me of Carrie Fisher's hilarious comment on the Empire dvd commentary track when she says Padme has a new outfit in every scene and calls her the Liberace of the prequels.


re: whether the new Jedi in the movie will be allowed to have significant others, if they do address the issue at all, I think they probably will, although my personal headcanon was always that Luke would have been way too pre-occupied re-establishing the order to actually fall in love with someone himself.

Edited by ulkis
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I thought Guardians of the Galaxy was a better Star Wars movie than any of the prequel films, so I wouldn't mind seeing James Gunn take a crack at it. I've heard Francis Lawrence's name thrown around a bit, and although I don't think he has a ground breaking vision, he's a solid story teller and has done great things with The Hunger Games franchise.


I think they already got the perfect guy for it. JJ Abrams. His Star Trek movies felt far more like Star Wars than the prequels did. He directs with energy and pace and handles action set pieces as well as he handles character moments (though Star Trek wasn't heavy on those, Super 8 was). He seems to see the franchise with the eyes of a fan, and everything that's come out about the new movie so far has been incredibly promising. The teaser trailers have been gorgeous, and combined just the right amount of nostalgia and newness.


Cue complaining about lens flare....

Edited by Danny Franks
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Well, that's never going to go away as long as every smooth surface in an Abrams movie is gleaming like the Hope Diamond. I may take sunglasses to the theater so my retinas don't get burned out by the first glimpse of the Abrams-style lightsaber.


I don't think much in the teaser trailers looked smooth or gleaming. It all looked dirty and lived in, just like everything in the original Star Wars movies did. No chrome-plated, Flight of the Navigator style cruise ships to be seen. For Star Trek? Well, as I've been discussing in another thread, there is a lot of cold, sterile cleanness in the world of Star Trek, so I can buy there being a lot of surfaces for light to bounce off.

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Co-signed. Past that, though, my big objection would be--a trilogy? Really? I could maybe see a Han Solo origin movie, but three of them? Did he fight in a secret rebellion *before* the one we know about or something? There's no way he can have enough backstory to power three movies. I sense another Hobbit debacle coming on.

I also wonder of fleshing out Han's past wouldn't take away from his mystique, which is a large part of the character's charm, imo.

Edited by stealinghome
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Are we sure it's a trilogy and not a standalone film? Everything I've read seems to imply there's only plans for one film. (Isn't the Star Wars Anthology what they're calling all the standalone films?) I'm curious whether they'll use the Han Solo Trilogy books as canon, and where exactly they'll pick up Han's journey. I'm assuming, if it's a standalone, the main story arc will be Han falling into debt to Jaba. 


Yep, there's already someone who has shown he can be a perfect Han, but Chris Pratt is too old to be young Han.

And they already made this film. It was Guardians of the Galaxy.

I'm curious whether they'll use the Han Solo Trilogy books as canon, and where exactly they'll pick up Han's journey. I'm assuming, if it's a standalone, the main story arc will be Han falling into debt to Jaba. 

In my mind there's zero possibility they'll use the Han Solo books for anything. They've gone out of their way to disconnect any but the latest books from Canon. They'd be opening a huge, unnecessary can of worms to make an exception here.


IMO they're really greenlighting too many Anthology films. I think it's likely the Solo film is a single film to start (probably only to be expanded if it makes a ton of money) but the one per year pace they seem to be setting for the Anthology stuff is too much, in my opinion.  Because the mainline Star Wars films will also be in the mix, people will start to get Star Wars fatigue.

Yeah, I really don't want a young Han Solo movie. Don't need it, and I don't think it will do the character any favours. Han appeared in Star Wars fully formed and vivid, with no need for backstory or explanation.


He still doesn't need it. Han Solo is an iconic character, and the mystique of him just doesn't need any light shone on it. They'll have to do a stellar job to make it worthwhile.


Meanwhile, I still want a KOTOR movie, to see that part of the Star Wars universe brought to life.

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I was just coming to post that! But here's a recap of the panel. You know, part of me wants to watch that video and the first two teasers on a loop for the next six months. Another part wants to go into Star Wars isolation, go in as fresh as I can. As it is, I'm planning to stop listening to all my SW podcasts within the next week or two. I think I'm leaning towards isolation.


On the subject of podcasts, I just want to recommend two. Steele Wars. Aussie comedian talks to interesting people about Star Wars. While I don't like every guest, there are some really good ones in there. Also, Star Wars Minute. Two people plus guests analyse a minute of the OT every week day. They've just finished Jedi, and will be back with the PT in a few months. Again, not every ep is a winner. But still interesting. I prefer Alex, Pete just seems like he's supressing his anger some of the time.

Shown today at the Star Wars panel at San Diego Comic Con:


I teared up a little and I'm not ashamed to admit it.



Do we (collectively) think that last shot of this confirms that Rey's last name is "Solo"?

Also, Harrison being the one to give her that "mixed blessings" speech certainly seems to indicate a connection of more than one scene together.

Harrison Ford showed up to Comic-Con. I mean... What?!

I think he's either been to zero conventions ever, or maybe like one or two in the 80s before he swore to never go back to one again.

I was just watching the Batman v. Superman, Deadpool and Sucidice Squad trailers (liked them all), and it's crazy how we've only heard about two lines of dialogue from this thing and yet it comes out before. Different marketing strategy for sure. And yet…I'm so pumped for this from the stuff they have shown. PLEASE BE GOOD!   

Thumbs up on Suicide Squad after their trailer.


BvS?  Not so much.  I mean I'll probably watch it and find some eye candy, but it feels like it's got no heart.

I think he's either been to zero conventions ever, or maybe like one or two in the 80s before he swore to never go back to one again.


Harrison Ford was at Comic Con for the Ender's Game panel last year and for Cowboys & Aliens a few years ago. I think everyone was pleased he was there because this was his first official public appearance since the accident. I've got a Ford bias, and I think he seems his usual self.

Harrison Ford was at Comic Con for the Ender's Game panel last year and for Cowboys & Aliens a few years ago. I think everyone was pleased he was there because this was his first official public appearance since the accident. I've got a Ford bias, and I think he seems his usual self.

His wife, Calista Flockhart, is in the new Supergirl series this Fall on CBS. They had a panel, maybe other stuff, at Comic-Con this year. I thought maybe she was there for that (she apparently wasn't there after all, as far as I can see, unless she came with Harrison) & he came along for the ride & did the SW panel for something to do. Especially since it seemed to be a huge surprise he actually attended the panel.

Harrison Ford was at Comic Con for the Ender's Game panel last year and for Cowboys & Aliens a few years ago. I think everyone was pleased he was there because this was his first official public appearance since the accident. I've got a Ford bias, and I think he seems his usual self.


There's just something about seeing the three of them together. It gets me right in the feels and I'm not going to deny it. Plus, the whole thing where Mark Hamill was talking about how traumatic is must have been for Luke to fall in love with a woman who turned out to be his sister and he's all 'You know what I'm saying?' and Ford starts rubbing his shoulder going "I know what you're saying. I mean... how many times can I say 'I'm sorry?'" Love it.

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There's just something about seeing the three of them together. It gets me right in the feels and I'm not going to deny it. Plus, the whole thing where Mark Hamill was talking about how traumatic is must have been for Luke to fall in love with a woman who turned out to be his sister and he's all 'You know what I'm saying?' and Ford starts rubbing his shoulder going "I know what you're saying. I mean... how many times can I say 'I'm sorry?'" Love it.

Can't deny it got to me to!

I thought Harrison came across as genuinely humble.

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There's just something about seeing the three of them together. It gets me right in the feels and I'm not going to deny it.


I had feels back in 2005 when they aired the AFI Tribute to George Lucas when all three were together onstage with  the voice of James Early Jones introducing them and above them on a big screen was the final shot from Star Wars of Luke Leia and Han and they played John Williams' medal ceremony music.  George at the dais immediately stood up and applauded and the whole room followed. It was great.



Edited by VCRTracking
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