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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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OMG...Rest well, Frank Jr.


One of my favorite in-person celebrity stories is the day I was sitting in the coffee shop at the Southampton Princess in Bermuda,  I was firmly ensconced with my late morning brunch and a good book on that rainy morning, totally oblivious to the fact that time had passed quickly and the lunch crowd was beginning to arrive.  Suddenly, there was a tall man addressing me on my right, pointing out that the restaurant manager was getting a little antsy that I was hogging a table, and the gentleman invited me to join he and his business partner at their table for lunch.  Sitting there, smiling and waving, was Frank Jr., who was appearing at the hotel that evening.  OF COURSE I joined them! 


Two friends I was vacationing with (along with our husbands!) became concerned that I was gone so long and came looking for me, only to find Frank, his manager Tito and I having a wonderful getting-to-know-you conversation.  Needless to say, they reported about my new-found friends to our husbands returning from their rainy golf date.  "So how was your morning, Honey?"


Had to put up with a lot of teasing for the rest of the vacation!


Thanks again, Frankie!  RIP

  • Love 13

"Roped Ronnie into marrying her "   Huh ?


It's from Kitty Kelly, but sounds totally plausible to me:


Still rebounding from being divorced by Jane Wyman, Ronnie was mooning around, trying to forget her by bed-hopping. He wasn't always nice to his girlfriends. One told Kelley that he date-raped her. Another complained that when she informed him that she was pregnant, he told her to take a walk.


Nancy was luckier. When she announced her pregnancy, Ronnie married her--though weepily confiding to another old flame that he felt he had been trapped.

It's from Kitty Kelly, but sounds totally plausible to me:

Reagan's never going to make the list of presidents with the highest IQs but he was a divorced father of two by the time he started dating Nancy. I think he was smart enough to realize where babies came from and what often happened in 1950s if an unmarried couple found themselves expecting a bundle of joy. Also, if he were a good enough actor to fake being moonily in love with her for decades (despite how she "trapped" him), with photos, videos, accounts from colleagues and friends backing up the version of history where they were utterly besotted, with even their kids spending decades resenting how wrapped up their parents were in each other...well, I think he'd have won more Oscars than Daniel Day-Lewis and not bothered with politics at all.


The Reagans are the first First Couple I can remember. You really feel the passage of time, to see figures who were a perpetual part of the news in your childhood, slip away in old age. I remember when I realized that Reagan had been an actor once and they'd made a movie together. IDK, it just seemed wrong to me, like an extreme version of when you're a kid and see your teacher at the mall on the weekend.

Edited by Dejana

Actor Joe Santos dies at 84


Just this week, I walked through as my sister was watching an episode of MacGyver, and saw Joe. I looked up his imdb page and was happy to see he was still alive. RIP, Lt. Becker.


I saw that on my Facebook feed this morning. Shall be putting on some Rockford episodes this afternoon (thanks, Netflix!) and hoping that his family is coping with the loss as well as they can.

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At this point the only way 2016 can redeem itself is if Donald Trump bites the dust too. Come on, Grim Reaper, you owe us one!


Please be careful.  You don't have to like or vote for Trump, but keep in mind he is being protected by the Secret Service for the duration and a post like that can be seen as a potential threat.


As for Kitty Kelly, I never took much stock in her work.  


I was so sorry to hear about Frank, Jr. however!  Tunia, cool story!


My parents remembered his infamous kidnapping case back in the 60s.  

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Rob Ford, Toronto's crack Mayor, dead at 46. Can't link at the moment.


Poor guy. Feel back for him. RIP dude. Doctors basically said the chemo wasn't working anymore two days ago. Too young. He may have had his flaws, but he wasn't that bad of a person. Just, you know, he had some issues at times.


Lots of tributes and kind words flowing in. Flag's at Toronto's City Hall are at half mast, and Toronto's mayor (John Tory), the Ontario Premier, Canadian PM and lots of other politicians and higher up people (Police Commissioner of TO for example) offering their kind thoughts and condolences. I even saw a CNN news ticker on it. Jimmy Kimmel also released a statement offering condolences.

  • Love 2

"Now here's a funky introduction of how nice I am.

Tell your mother, tell your father, send a telegram.

I'm like an energizer 'cause, you see, I last long.

My crew is never ever wack because we stand strong.

Now if you say my style is wack that's where you're dead wrong.

I slayed that body in El Segundo then push it along.

You'd be a fool to reply that Phife is not the man

'Cause you know and I know that you know who I am"


R.I.P. Malik "Phife Dawg" Taylor

  • Love 7

Character actor Ken Howard, perhaps best-known for starring in The White Shadow TV show (among other roles), also the current president of the SAG-AFTRA screen & television/radio artists' union, dead at age 71.


Sorry for the repetition. I didn't post fast enough. Sigh. Maybe I at least linked to a different obit.

Anyway, besides The White Shadow, Adam's Rib (his 1970's TV show with Blythe Danner, whose late husband, Bruce Paltrow, would go on to work with Howard on The White Shadow), Crossing Jordan & many other of his TV & movie roles, I'll always remember him as Peyton Cabot Harrison III in The West Wing's first season ep The Short List. The character was President Bartlet's first choice for his first appointment to the US Supreme Court. He later had to withdraw from consideration because of something he'd written & published during law school (as I remember). It was inflammatory, or potentially inflammatory, or something. Ken Howard also, as it happens, dated the daughter of a family friend for awhile back in the mid/late 1970's or maybe the early 1980's (if she hasn't retired since last I heard, she went on to become a well-known TV news anchor in Baltimore).

Edited by BW Manilowe
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We need to find out who pissed off Death and get them to apologize.

As long as nothing happens to Barry Manilow until after April 22nd (or for a LONG time after that, God forbid), I'll be very happy. I have a front row dead center seat & a meet & greet with him, including a photo op, at his concert in my hometown on that night.

Edited by BW Manilowe
  • Love 5

I saw him in person on stage in 1776...it's not every day that a celebrity dies who I saw in person (fortunately....). I still see him in my mind's eye as young as he was then.

Sadly, a whole bunch of celebrities I've seen in person, & actually met (& there have been quite a lot, in total, both already dead & thankfully still alive), have already died (1 as recently as within the last few weeks). Since I was between age 8 & my senior year in high school (1981) when I met most of them, & most were already adults when I met them while I was still between 3rd & 12th grade in school, I can pretty much say that trend will, sadly, continue for awhile.

Edited by BW Manilowe

Ken Howard received a kidney transplant in 2000 (his donor was a stunt woman who was friends with him and his wife) and I met him at the National Transplant Games in Florida. When I was talking about how excited I was to have met him, my dad swore he had no idea who I was talking about. "Dad, you watched the White Shadow; you must know him." Nope. "Crossing Jordan? He played Jordan's dad?" Even though he watched both shows, Dad still swears he has no idea who I'm talking about.


One of his guest star roles that sticks with me was an appearance on Blue Bloods. He is a man with dementia that Jamie helps out; it was very touching.

Edited by St. Claire
Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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