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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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I've read some stories where they say Greg Plitt was an adrenaline junkie, but who knows if that's true. He had filmed himself working out on track tracks previously. He certainly had a fantastic physique (and obviously the commitment/intensity to maintain it), but I always thought he was kind of scary. It always seemed to me as though he had "dead" eyes.

It sounds almost like what happened to Vic Morrow back in the eighties. Morrow and two child actors were killed on the set while the movie The Twilight Zone was being filmed when a helicopter crashed during the rehearsal. The pilot of the 'copter was a Vietnam vet, but he was a novice about the movie business, and the "explosions" rattled him so much that he miscalculated his landing.


Not really.. Greg was being an idiot. Calling Darwin. On the upside, he didn't suffer and he died young and pretty. He could have done much worse. 

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Apparently it came out today that Plitt was actually racing the train.


I saw something that said there were parallel tracks in an area where you might not be able to tell which set of tracks the train is on.  It sounds to me like they were looking for an action shot with the him racing the train on parallel tracks but they were wrong about which track the train was on so the noise didn't alert them fast enough to the problem.


With no permit, this whole scenario is shoddy and illegal.  Its a guy doing stunts who is untrained and in an uncontrolled environment.

Even in a low-budget production shot by friends, there are quite a few people on hand for filming.  No one thought to mention, "You know, those commuter trains go about 60 mph and you're not actually Superman, so this is probably not a good idea"?


What a stupid thing to do!  He's dead, his friends/the crew witnessed it, and the conductor, engineer and passengers on the train all get to live with the knowledge they ran over someone.  All for what?  Sad.


Let me guess: his family will sue the energy drink company.

Edited by Bastet
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I wonder if they are going to do a toxicology work up on him.  If I were the train company I would like to know if the person killed had anything in his system to effect his judgement.  They will not be libel  but may just want to know and keep on record.  I would not be surprised if they find steroids or something.  It is so hard to believe someone would do that in a normal state of mind..  We will never know.  Just thinking.  

Edited by wings707

Talk show pioneer Joe Franklin died Saturday.




He was 88.  Frankly he's one of those guys who ALWAYS seemed old--even 40 years ago his shows were always wrapped up in celebrating and discussing the lost days of Vaudeville (which ENDED in the 1930s)--so I actually always ASSUMED he was even older than he was.  


He was a cornerstone of New York culture though.  Bring up a well known New York-based celebrity, and there's probably SOME connection to Franklin (pretty much ALL of them got their earliest exposure on his radio or TV show--even if no place else other than a small percentage of talk-radio obsessed New Yorkers ever heard/saw it).


Probably the first time many non-New Yorkers "heard" of him was when Billy Crystal parodied him on SNL.  Why did Crystal bother?  Because of Franklin's unique droning speaking style.  I use the word "droning" for lack of a better term, but somehow Franklin made it work.


Franklin claimed in the 1990s that he's ALREADY interviewed 300,000 guests, and who knows what the number was when he died (his TV show ended years ago, but he continued on radio, even with cancer, until this past week). So it's impossible to summarize them all.  A lot of those shows are lost to time (for example, shows with people like Robert Deniro and Woody Allen back before they were famous), I bet, but here are a few that aren't...


Some Franklin Show stuff:  

--Spinal Tap on The Joe Franklin Show

--Bing Crosby on The Joe Franklin Show


Some of these shows, some of Franklin's style... just have to be seen to be believed.  It's like all the cliches of Old Fart New York Culture tossed into a bucket and proven to be delightfully real.  Just wacky wacky stuff.


Here's just a random show.  It feels like an SNL skit.  It's not.  It's real (and why Billy Crystal eventually parodied it).


Edited by Kromm

Oh this is interesting.  A bit from Franklin's 40 anniversary show--WAY back in 1989.  What's fun viewing is Gilbert Godfried back in 1989, touring Franklin's collection of old crap... er... I mean Memorabilia collection.



Or here's Jonathan Katz with Franklin... yes THAT Jonathan Katz, from the early 90s.


Edited by Kromm

Geraldine McEwan, lately known for playing Agatha Christie's Miss Marple on ITV, has passed away at age 82.  According to IMDb:


Writer Muriel Spark considered Geraldine's portrayal of Jean Brodie in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1978) to be the definitive incarnation of her character.


and interestingly:

She allegedly declined the honour of Dame of the British Empire in 2002.
She allegedly declined an O.B.E. (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) in 1986.


Would love to know if those two tidbits are true and if so, why.  I find that kind of cool.

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Well, according to my local news station Bobby Christina was found unresponsive in the bath tub and rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. Shockingly similar to her mother Whitney Houston. What a shame!

Edit: the local news reported her death however I can't find any claims online to substantiate this. My bad. That's what I get for believing the local news I guess.

Edited by Mountainair

Your local news either has the scoop on everyone else (are you the same area as her?) or is hideously premature, as every report I can find has her listed as hospitalized.


Same here, thankfully.


It's still really sad though :(. I hope she ends up being ok.

Geraldine McEwan, lately known for playing Agatha Christie's Miss Marple on ITV, has passed away at age 82.  According to IMDb:



and interestingly:



Would love to know if those two tidbits are true and if so, why.  I find that kind of cool.


RIP Ms. McEwan. I really liked her as Miss Marple.

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I believe it was MS. McEwan.  Her late husband's name was Hugh Cruttwell.   (As someone who retained her own name after marriage, it irks me whenever someone calls me Mrs.)


Ah sorry. My bad. I'll edit my post.

The hospitalization of Bobbi Kristina was posted about in the Misc. Celebrity News topic earlier today, and we should move our discussion there since she's not dead.



  • Love 2

The hospitalization of Bobbi Kristina was posted about in the Miscellaneous Celebrity News thread earlier today, and we should move our discussion there since she's not dead.

My sincerest apologies for posting here. I didn't even think to check the miscellaneous news and I heard my local news report and went with that. Feel free to delete my posts above.

You just went by what you heard on the news, so I hope it's clear I wasn't casting any aspersions against you (that news team, on the other hand ...).  I just wanted to point to the appropriate thread for continued conversation; if a mod finds themselves with spare time, they can move posts about the confusion, but no harm done.   

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Ok, so this celebrity isn't as famous as most people would consider famous, but he was famous mostly online and in the gaming community. Monty Oum, creator of RWBY, director of the popular series Red Vs Blue, member of Rooster Teeth and talented animator just passed away yesterday.  He passed away at a young age, 33 years old, from a severe allergic reaction. It's always sad when someone passes away so young, and it's even sadder when it happens unexpectedly. 

Edited by jessied112
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Gary Owens dies at the young age of 80.




Hands up, those who remember his deadpan radio announcer who introduced Laugh-In from "beautiful downtown Burbank."  It was the Saturday Night Live of its day, and he was a huge part of what made it click.

  • Love 11

Gary Owens dies at the young age of 80.




Hands up, those who remember his deadpan radio announcer who introduced Laugh-In from "beautiful downtown Burbank."  It was the Saturday Night Live of its day, and he was a huge part of what made it click.

He also hosted a short-lived 1969 NBC game show spinoff called Letters to Laugh-In.

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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