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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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2 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

And another piece of my childhood, gone: RIP, Daphne.

Not that it mattered in her vocal performance but oddly enough the obits ONLY showed pictures of Heather North's iconic character instead of her actual image despite the fact that she herself was quite fetching in her time (and had some resemblance to Daphne).  In any case, RIP, Miss North!


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Noooo!!!  Not Dangerprone Daphne!!!!

Sadder still one of her stepdaughters passed away a week before she did!  So sorry for the family and loved ones.


I’ll always remember Ms. North best as both Daphne Blake (she was roomies with Velma’s original VA, Nicole Jaffe  and that’s how she got the job replacing Daphne’s original VA) and for her role in The Monkees as (what else?) a love interest of Davy’s.  

Edited by magicdog
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Dick Enberg, legendary NBC sportscaster, passes on at 82, possibly of a heart attack:


Here he was on the 1981 Rose Bowl broadcast alongside the late Merlin Olsen (now, presumably, Dick and Merlin can call as many Rose Bowls and Super Bowls as they want now from heaven); screenshot captured from DVD of 1981 Rose Bowl



Edited by bmasters9
Attribution of screencap
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I loved Dick Enberg.  He could call a game between 2 losing teams with no hope of playoffs, and make it seem exciting.  That's a true gift.  And he never forgot something a lot of broadcasters do - it's not about you, it's about what's happening on the field/court/ice/course.  Oh my, indeed.

Someone really famous always dies around Christmas - last year it was George Michael, Carrie Fisher, and Debbie Reynolds. Others I remember from past years include Dean Martin, Charlie Chaplin, Jack Benny, and Harry Truman.  

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12 hours ago, bmasters9 said:

Here he was on the 1981 Rose Bowl broadcast alongside the late Merlin Olsen (now, presumably, Dick and Merlin can call as many Rose Bowls and Super Bowls as they want now from heaven); screenshot captured from DVD of 1981 Rose Bowl

sob, sob, sob.   I hope this is true.

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29 minutes ago, Jaded said:

 She and Robert adopted a daughter Allison while he was sick who was about 2 when he died. They already had 2 older kids. I remember my Mom saying she hoped nothing happened to Heather before that youngest daughter grew up. Once I read the news I looked up that daughter and she's only 19. 

Which is still grown up, at least technically.  Nevertheless, losing one's mother at any age is a trial.  My condolences to her daughter.

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7 hours ago, Willowsmom said:

The youngest is 19. The other two are nearly 20 years older. She won't be alone.

The 2 eldest, a son Ryan (who's quoted in the obit on behalf of the family) & a daughter Emily, are 39 & 37 respectively & Ryan's birthday was yesterday (Christmas Day), according to Google. So a HUGE "Cancer SUCKS!" for taking Heather right before Christmas *&* her son's birthday. And, as was said, the Urichs also had a younger daughter, Allison, who's now 19 & was born/adopted by Robert & Heather during his cancer battle; as was also said, she was around 2 when he died.

Anyway, even though Robert didn't live to see them he & Heather were grandparents (I read they had 8 grandchildren in 1 obit I was reading) & even great grandparents (of 1)--which maybe surprises me some (the great grandparents thing). I'm (probably logically) assuming all of the 8 grandchildren belong to Ryan, Emily, or both of them (at least given the age differences between them & Allison), but I couldn't find anything online as to exactly which of their children had the grandkids.

I'm sorry they're both gone now. I enjoyed their work. And I thought it was cool when they were a real life couple & Heather would guest star on whatever show Robert was doing at the time, usually playing Robert's love interest of the week who was either killed, arrested & jailed, or maybe simply broke up with Robert's character before the episode ended--sometimes they broke up because it was "the right love at the wrong time", or sometimes because she (usually) needed to think things over about their relationship, or sometimes because being in the relationship would be dangerous for her, or something similar.

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4 hours ago, roamyn said:

I believe that's two of the children gone now.  The actress who played Liesl, Charmain Carr, died last year.

Yes, that's 2 of the 7 actors & actresses who played the Von Trapp children in the film version of The Sound of Misic, & 2 of the actresses who each played 1 of the 5 sisters. Charmian Carr, who played Liesl, died in September, 2016, of dementia.

Here (this version is from USA Today) is an obit which includes a statement on Heather's passing from the now 5 surviving members of what the actors (or at least Heather, anyway) referred to as the "SOM 7".

I found out Heather had a website. Until the notice of her death, it appears it hadn't been updated since 2014. To be fair, though, Heather had really stopped acting by that point, turning her attention to working with the Robert Urich Foundation, which is devoted to research (Robert died of a relatively rare form of cancer, Synovial Sarcoma) & patient care; unfortunately the foundation hasn't really been generating a lot of publicity. And The Sound of Music hasn't celebrated another milestone anniversary of its release, nor has anything (since Charmian Carr's passing, anyway) happened with either the cast or the real life Von Trapp family that would put Heather in the news. So it's at least somewhat understandable why her website wouldn't be updated very regularly.

Looking at some earlier updates though, I did find out that both of the older Urich children went into medicine: their son, Ryan, graduated from medical school here in the States and he's married (at least as of the 2014 site update); his sister, Emily, graduated from nursing school in Canada (somewhere in Ontario, apparently near the family cottage where Heather passed Sunday night). Presumably, the choice of medicine/nursing might've been influenced by Robert's death. I haven't seen what the youngest daughter, Allison, is doing. Presumably she's in college somewhere, given that she's 19. I also saw, on Heather's Wikipedia page, I think, that the Urichs apparently only had 2 grandchildren, not 8, & nothing was mentioned about a great grandchild.

Angela Cartwright, who played Birgitta Von Trapp, posted the following on her facebook page:


Over the past few days I have been celebrating highs, and experiencing lows. The lowest point was when I found this last picture I took of my dear friend Heather Menzies. She thought she might use it as a headshot. But that was not to be. The last time we spoke I knew it would be the final time. She stepped off this planet on Christmas Eve, and I still can’t grasp it. We had made some amazing memories that go way back. From our Salzburg days, to teenage escapades, to marriages, reunions, life and deaths. She may have been ready, but I was not. Rest peacefully my friend. You will so be missed.


Edited by Silver Raven
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For all those in Buffalo who looked to Irv Weinstein as your favorite news anchor on WKBW Channel 7, ABC station of that area: thought you'd want to know that he just passed on of ALS; he was 87. 


Also, right from WKBW's page:


Edited by bmasters9
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4 hours ago, BetterButter said:

Mark Hamill gave a lovely farewell to Alfie Curtis on Twitter:


ALFIE CURTIS made the #StarWars Mos Eisley Cantina scene (one of the most memorable I've ever been a part of) even MORE memorable. As horrific as he was on-camera, off-camera he was funny, kind & a real gentleman. Thanks Alf- you'll be missed. #RIP - mh

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@bmasters9, thanks for the heads up. A while ago, I and  a friend of mine who also grew up in WNY were texting each other the most ridiculous names in Buffalo broadcasting. Irv wasn't even on the list but we both remember him clearly. Definitely a legend locally...I think we declared a tie between Clip Smith and Wadi Sawabini as as most ridiculous. Or distinctive...yeah, let's. go with distinctive.

Edited by ABay
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3 hours ago, Mountainair said:

I was just thinking about her the other day trying to remember who was left from the DVD show.  She had a wonderful long life. 

Of the four principle cast members, Dick has officially outlived them all. Larry Mathews is still alive though, of course. (He played Richie.)

Ann Morgan Guilbert (Millie/Grandma Yetta from The Nanny) died last year.

ETA: DUH! I forgot Carl Reiner! *smacks forehead* We still have Alan Brady!

Edited by UYI
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41 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Noooooo!!  This is so sad.  She was so funny, and always wore that bow on her head.  I remember her with Morey Amsterdam, Dick Van Dyke, and so many other comedians.  R.I.P.

I agree! The last few years she had become wheelchair bound and tethered to oxygen so he hadn't been doing so well healthwise.


 However; her mind stayed VERY active to the end - gaining new generations of fans via social media regaling with tales of show business these last ninety years. I mean, she made her last Tweet just FOUR HOURS before her death was announced. What's more she lived to see not only the completion but also the popularity of a very thorough documentary "Wait for Your Laugh" in which she helped narrate and give her POV re decades of unparalleled footage she herself had saved all these years so it's great she got to go out on a high note.


 I feel sorry for  her daughter Georgiana Guy Fernandes as well as  the director Jason Wise who truly seemed to become one of her family in making that documentary. At least, this will live beyond her and she is now reunited with her own mother as well her husband who she'd mourned for the past 53 years! RIP, Mrs. Guy!

Edited by Blergh
missing her
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37 minutes ago, BetterButter said:

There really wasn't a part of The Dick Van Dyke show that I didn't love but Rose Marie's sarcasm and general comedic timing is right up there among my favorite parts.  Her Twitter posts this year have also been great, from her delight at how many followed her when word got out, to her own MeToo story, to the picture of her and her late mother that she posted during Christmas.  I'm happy that she lived such a long and wonderful life and also sad that we've lost her. 

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I don't know what to add to all this, I'm also glad that Rose Marie had a long and apparently happy life (though apparently she was so devastated by the loss of her husband, understandably, that she wanted to quit the Dick Van Dyke show and Carl Reiner had to persuade her to stay), but I am very glad that she stayed active and alert mentally until the end, that is so wonderful.  She really made the most of her recent fame with her film, social media tweets and the Me Too article as mentioned above and I was glad to see that.  We will miss her, Rest in Peace.

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I recently read the autobiography Rose Marie wrote, "Hold the Roses," published about 15 years ago.  A very interesting life!  I read it because I'm a huge The Dick Van Dyke Show fan.  What a great cast that show had - MTM in her breakout role, Dick Van Dyke, Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Ann Morgan Guilbert, Jerry Paris, Richard Deacon, and Carl Reiner.  

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

For what it's worth more than one entertainment reporter/tv critic has mentioned that it wasn't actually her responsible for her twitter.

I'll grant that she likely would have needed help from those more technically savvy in putting together pictures, websites,etc. but the actual WORDS in those Tweets definitely meshed with her speaking style, POV that had been recorded over  the last few years so I definitely believe it lived up to the name of Rose Marie 4 Real so I don't think it's worth that much. Regardless, she left a wonderful legacy that new generations can draw strength from! 

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29 minutes ago, Blergh said:

I'll grant that she likely would have needed help from those more technically savvy in putting together pictures, websites,etc. but the actual WORDS in those Tweets definitely meshed with her speaking style, POV that had been recorded over  the last few years so I definitely believe it lived up to the name of Rose Marie 4 Real so I don't think it's worth that much. Regardless, she left a wonderful legacy that new generations can draw strength from! 

She actually had a Tweet posted that said that something to the effect of the words on her social media/website are (were) hers but people who understood how to put that information out in those ways better than she did helped her with the actual posting part. I will see if I can find it on her Twitter & post a link to it, if not a screen grab.

Well, I'm sure that Twitter is maybe gonna suck for awhile, without new Tweets from her; she sounded like a very wise woman. But I don't think I'd like someone else trying to sound like her, either, just to keep the Twitter page open. If they wanna post stuff, like from the guy who directed her documentary, keeping us informed as to where it's playing next, how it's doing, (hopefully) when it's nominated for (& wins... it has to) an Oscar in the applicable documentary category, etc., cool; if they wanna post stuff about her from her daughter &/or son-in-law, &/or other loved ones, cool. But if they keep posting Tweets in her "voice", especially when the world knows she died, NOT COOL. Just my humble opinion.

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Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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