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S06.E19: Goodbye, Dubai

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The idea that this all has to do with LVP's hatred of Yo and is an epic attempt to bring her down and so that LVP can retain her crown as queen is nonsense.  Yo is yesterday's news.  She can only hang out with the other delusionals i.e. Brandi who actually thinks she can get an rich older man to actually marry and support herl and Ms. "still hanging onto to the absurd notion that people believe she had been sober for three years".  Yo is an occasional housewife.  She is done.


I think Lisar and Eileen are trying to separate Kyle from LVP.  That is their plan.  They are second season HW's.  If they could bring Kyle into their group and isolate LVP, they can reign regardless of LVP's pull with Bravo and without looking over their shoulders at Kathryn and Erika.  Watching Kyle & LVP giggling together the morning after Kyle's shouting fit, it would appear that the plan failed miserably.

  • Love 17

Holding court over a bunch of drunks and addicts? Drug Closet Organization 101?  Sic-vic selfies and the Importance of Contouring  for an Ill Look Tutorials ? The Art of Making People Feel Shitty? Squeezing Money From a Man Like a Lemon? How to Measure Brain Function and Count Spoons? Parasite Keeping?

You had me at "parasite."  I for one haven't heard much about the little rascal lately!

  • Love 7

Maybe Yo's first mistake was picking a King who has been divorced three times before. Her King picker is broken ( perhaps it's on its own journey to healing) . In next week's preview she states that if people stop making each other happy they should split. So which is it Yo? is it death do us part or just until your not happy anymore? Pick a lane.

  • Love 22

The idea that this all has to do with LVP's hatred of Yo and is an epic attempt to bring her down and so that LVP can retain her crown as queen is nonsense.  Yo is yesterday's news.  She can only hang out with the other delusionals i.e. Brandi who actually thinks she can get an rich older man to actually marry and support herl and Ms. "still hanging onto to the absurd notion that people believe she had been sober for three years".  Yo is an occasional housewife.  She is done.


I think Lisar and Eileen are trying to separate Kyle from LVP.  That is their plan.  They are second season HW's.  If they could bring Kyle into their group and isolate LVP, they can reign regardless of LVP's pull with Bravo and without looking over their shoulders at Kathryn and Erika.  Watching Kyle & LVP giggling together the morning after Kyle's shouting fit, it would appear that the plan failed miserably.

I admit, the thought crept into my mind on an earlier post I made just a short time ago but I back off from expressing it. I do think this idea that Eileen, the award winning Soap actress, dislikes playing second fiddle to LisaV, or anyone she deems is not on her level has some merit to it.

  • Love 12

Or, "hunty" -- a word blend I had never heard before and hope to never hear again!!!  Totally stupid!

Guess you don't watch Rupaul's Drag Race. Erika's glam squad is sad with their makeup and styling jobs but also trying to still make fetch happen with trying to make tired slang that never caught on be a thing with 50 year old housewives.

  • Love 5

There's so much about Lyme Disease that's still unknown, even though the first cases were diagnosed back in the 1980's. When Lyme isn’t detected in the early stages, it becomes Chronic Lyme, a condition which the CDC and IDSA both deny even exists. They will continue to deny it, because if there’s one thing insurance companies hate, it’s chronic disorders they have to spend time and money treating. Lucky for Yolanda she had the resources available to her because she's wealthy. Pinpointing this type of infection is not an exact science, and symptoms are not always crystal clear and that's why many people infected go a very long time misdiagnosed or not diagnosed then it's too late and it becomes a chronic illness. I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease back in 2001. Just two days ago I had an appointment with my Gastroenterologist (time for colonoscopy, ew) and while I was there I mentioned to him that I had been diagnosed with Lyme back in 2001 and he said immediately "okay so you have brain fog and joint pain'" Bingo doc, you get it. Lucky for me my treatment seemed to have caught the disease before it became neurological. So yeah, I am one of the very few people, perhaps in the world, that can relate to what Yolanda says. So sue me. :) And about pulling out the pills to take during a meal, there's many medications that need the person to take them with food. I have several like that and sometimes it's a chore just to grab a yogurt or some crackers to take with them but that's the mechanism that makes those particular drugs work in the intestines and not in the stomach.


I wasn't talking about any one disease, illness, condition or malady. I was talking about the people who are professional patients - like yoyo...There is a difference between pulling out a pre-packed packet of pills or individual pill bottles with a story attached to each one, during a meal.

I'd be interested in a head count of viewers who fast-forwarded through the scenes with Yo and the Henchmen.......

Not me, I wanted to hear about them going shopping for the food and gifts....Brain-dead flashed her tits at the clerks while kim shoplifted the food and t-shirts.

  • Love 5

I lost my mother over 30 years ago and situations like this sometimes make me upset. It sucks. You know it's irrational and you don't want to feel that way, but you can't help it. It may not be like that for everyone who's lost their mother, but it's like that for me.

I also understand why Lisa doesn't go to see her mother in the nursing home. It's super depressing to see them in that condition, and on top of that, they don't even know who you are sometimes. So you put yourself out there to visit them, knowing it's gonna make you depressed and upset, and The person you're visiting doesn't even get the benefit of your visit because they don't know who you are.

  • Love 8

Guess you don't watch Rupaul's Drag Race. Erika's glam squad is sad with their makeup and styling jobs but also trying to still make fetch happen with trying to make tired slang that never caught on be a thing with 50 year old housewives.

Speaking of which, Gigi Hadid was on the other night.

My opinion is that each of these shows each have their "star" and the unspoken subtext of each show is how the others fail to rein in their jealousy and spite. And some viewers root for the "taking down."

It's pretty repetitive across the franchise.

  • Love 3

I agree 100%.  I don't know how they can save it though.  Most didn't like Camille (I barely remember) but I would not mind seeing her return.  It would need a familiar face for any major overhaul.  I have never watched the NY version but they brought Bethany back and I don't think she was well received either.  I will start watching the NY version this season and hope to catch up. 


Bethany came in and acted like the queen bee and as if she had never left. She didn't introduce herself to us to again and it was too much. Camille or Joyce could easily come back by easing back into the group, letting us get to know them again especially in seeing Camille and her new life. If they do what Beth did people will chafe.

  • Love 5

According to LisaV, there was more texting back and forth between LisaR and Kyle than there was between LisaR and her. That said, I don't think LisaR ever brought up Munchausen before that day at LisaV's house during filming to either LisaV or Kyle. LisaR's story has changed several times since that conversation happened.


How has Lisa R's story changed? (Not being snarky, I'm genuinely wondering). 

  • Love 1

Bethany came in and acted like the queen bee and as if she had never left. She didn't introduce herself to us to again and it was too much. Camille or Joyce could easily come back by easing back into the group, letting us get to know them again especially in seeing Camille and her new life. If they do what Beth did people will chafe.



Sounds good, I would be up for that.  Something has to change surely Bravo sees that, as well. 

  • Love 2


Sometimes parents and adult children do not get along well or have a difficult time spending time with each other.


Well, then, don't have them as characters on your reality show and act all "boo-hoo, we're all soooo busy and I don't have time for a 3 hour plane trip to see my parents but I can go look at stunted ponies in Ohio any day!"  


And everyone knows, even if your family member doesn't know you, it's important that the STAFF knows that you show up and you care.  With all the nursing home staff shortages, the residents who have people looking in on them frequently get the better care. And it's unfair to Lisa's sister to make HER do all the emotional dirty work.  

  • Love 14

I lost my mother over 30 years ago and situations like this sometimes make me upset. It sucks. You know it's irrational and you don't want to feel that way, but you can't help it. It may not be like that for everyone who's lost their mother, but it's like that for me.

I also understand why Lisa doesn't go to see her mother in the nursing home. It's super depressing to see them in that condition, and on top of that, they don't even know who you are sometimes. So you put yourself out there to visit them, knowing it's gonna make you depressed and upset, and The person you're visiting doesn't even get the benefit of your visit because they don't know who you are.




I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my dad too in late 2014. He never made it back home but I saw him nearly every day, sometimes in the middle of the night for two years. He had his faculties but appreciated that he had me there to  be with him and act on his behalf. It also kept the caregivers on their toes because they knew somebody was watching over him.


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Hope this helps. Have fun and welcome to the playground!

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 5

Didn't see that anyone else posted this so apologies if they have.


Kathryn's blog is up and I for one LOVE IT.  Suck on this Eileen and Lisa Rinna.




Rinna made the Munchausen comment. I don't buy the manipulation accusation whereas Rinna wouldn't have said it if she wasn't goaded by Lisa V.

Sorry, I'm a big believer in accountability. Rinna is a smart woman who has maneuvered Hollywood and much bigger sharks than Lisa V.

I believe that Rinna made the conscious choice to engage in the conversation and then wanted to fess up to Yolanda to clear her conscience.

Sh--, would Yolanda have ever found out that Rinna's hairdresser was talking about this if Rinna never offered the info up to everyone?

Maybe I'm naive but I don't see the master manipulator in Lisa V. She has never said one bad word about any of them to me. Not one. She never tried to convince me of anything. Maybe I don't come across as someone who will follow, but nonetheless, personal accountability has to be first and foremost.



  • Love 12

Well, then, don't have them as characters on your reality show and act all "boo-hoo, we're all soooo busy and I don't have time for a 3 hour plane trip to see my parents but I can go look at stunted ponies in Ohio any day!"  


And everyone knows, even if your family member doesn't know you, it's important that the STAFF knows that you show up and you care.  With all the nursing home staff shortages, the residents who have people looking in on them frequently get the better care. And it's unfair to Lisa's sister to make HER do all the emotional dirty work.  


What really got me when I visited my dad was how desperate the other residents were for outside interaction. There was one woman who's son sent her rent in every month for years but the phone number he gave as a contact didn't work. I gave her a box of peeps and a chocolate bunny for Easter one year and you would have thought I had given her the worlds best gift ever. I guess it was to her. I knew when I visited my dad there were several others that I had to stop and say "hello" to, and when possible pick one or two and just have a talk. After my dad died I did keep visiting until I moved.


Remember that one day that just might be us.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 24

I'm still meh on Kathryn. This blog snippet of hers that was shared only comes off as, "Lisa Vanderpump hasn't gossiped with me, so Lisa Vanderpump must not gossip."


Kathryn, honey, you're just not important enough. 


I don't mind her enough to want her off the show, although I agree. I do like her in the last episode, and think she could bring the beauty porn if she were glammed up more often (since she can't bring the wealth but is gorgeous). 

  • Love 3

I am so glad LVP is writing her own blogs, even though she apparently can't bear to rewatch the traumatic events and is recapping off "sense memory" and Ken's angry commentary. This week she begins referring to Eileen and Lisa R as Soapy and Sudsy, and says she wishes in hindsight she would have asked Eileen how she felt "screwing another woman's husband."

Some highlights:

"Now then, we should now revisit and remind ourselves of Amsterdam, how she smashes a glass, goes to strangle Kim, tells her she loves her, then sends "f--- you up" texts. These are all the rantings of someone who is not playing with a full deck. So, she turns her attentions to me. She is obviously motivated by Soapy, to funnel her aggression in my direction,"Come on LR...attack!" Soapy in the wings, salivating with LR center stage, trying desperately to deflect from her own actions and Sudsy prompting her."

And: "No, as LR has said, I didn't play the victim. The victim would be better played by a C-list actress who would depart in floods of tears. I sat there."

Also, we now have a non-Brandi housewife going with the attempted strangle version of Amsterdam. I feel a tiny bit vindicated, though LVP is obviously spinning a web to trap and mark Lisa R as the erratic and cruel antagonist of both herself and a struggling addict. Ericka was right. I just don't care because I happen to agree with LVP's machinations this time around.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 9

I would have liked to see more of Dubai.  What we saw looked awfully sterile. 


Of course there had to be shopping -- that's what women do best, right? [sarcasm]  But I would have loved to sit in a public place and watch the people, or drive around neighborhoods, look at homes.  I wanted to know more about the food too.  Except for the desert trip, we didn't see what was being served.


At the reunion, I want Andy to ask LisaR -- "What bus were you being thrown under?"  The worst that would happen is that Yo would know that the women were speculating about those remedies.  Not that she was really sick -- they all admitted that -- eventually. 


So where's the bus? 

I found Dubai very sterile, lacks the culture and the vibrancy I was expecting. We are traveling to Istanbul next month and I'm hoping to get a taste of what I though Dubai would give me.  I think it was a good fit for a BH trip though because it showed a very lavish trip, just not a vibrant one.

  • Love 5

What really got me when I visited my dad was how desperate the other residents were for outside interaction. There was one woman who's son sent her rent in every month for years but the phone number he gave as a contact didn't work. I gave her a box of peeps and a chocolate bunny for Easter one year and you would have thought I had given her the worlds best gift ever. I guess it was to her. I knew when I visited my dad there were several others that I had to stop and say "hello" to, and when possible pick one or two and just have a talk. After my dad died I did keep visiting until I moved.


Remember that one day that just might be us.


Sometimes the smallest gestures reap the largest rewards.............

  • Love 7

LVP is not pulling her punches with regards to Eileen (Soapy) any more.

From her blog: "With hindsight, after seeing so much nastiness where I have never retaliated, I would have asked her how she felt screwing some other woman's husband."


I would have asked Eileen that the second time she demanded an apology that she then discarded as not good enough.


I'm interested in what goes down at the reunion between LVP and Eileen.  Because, as I'm seeing it, LVP really had no idea that Eileen was poking, prodding, writing scripts for, and demanding that Rinna try to fight Eileen's fight with LVP.  But Eileen is seen many, many times doing exactly that with Rinna and in her talking heads, so it should be very clear who was the manipulator and instigator in Rinna's apparent inability to speak for herself.  I'm thinking LVP has no fucks to give anymore about Eileen and trying to be civil with her.  I hope she ignores Eileen at the reunion...oh, look, the ponies are by the pool.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 20

Well, then, don't have them as characters on your reality show and act all "boo-hoo, we're all soooo busy and I don't have time for a 3 hour plane trip to see my parents but I can go look at stunted ponies in Ohio any day!"  


And everyone knows, even if your family member doesn't know you, it's important that the STAFF knows that you show up and you care.  With all the nursing home staff shortages, the residents who have people looking in on them frequently get the better care. And it's unfair to Lisa's sister to make HER do all the emotional dirty work.  

She is working when she is flying to Ohio. 


Her mother lives in assisted living not a nursing home.  We have no idea how often Rinna goes to see her mother.  We do know she works a lot and has a family in LA.


Here's a thought maybe Rinna's half sister thinks she is a huge pain in the ass with all her over the top drama.  If her half sister enjoys Rinna's mother's company why is it a burden or emotional dirty work? 

  • Love 7

I felt badly for LisaV on last nights episode and even more now as I read her blog.  They ignored her on the 26 hour trip back home.  Good god, how childish.   Love the soapy and sudsy nick names!   Good one Lisa, thumbs up and kudos.   After reading this blog I would like to have both Rinna and Eileen leave next season.  Even if the cost is saving Yolanda!  Yes, I really said that.  I will renege that later, I am sure. 




And the highlight!


"With hindsight, after seeing so much nastiness where I have never retaliated, I would have asked her how she felt screwing some other woman's husband."

Edited by wings707
  • Love 14

I would have asked Eileen that the second time she demanded an apology that she then discarded as not good enough.


I'm interested in what goes down at the reunion between LVP and Eileen.  Because, as I'm seeing it, LVP really had no idea that Eileen was poking, prodding, writing scripts for, and demanding that Rinna try to fight Eileen's fight with LVP.  But Eileen is seen many, many times doing exactly that with Rinna and in her talking heads, so it should be very clear who was the manipulator and instigator in Rinna's apparent inability to speak for herself.  I'm thinking LVP has no fucks to give anymore about Eileen and trying to be civil with her.  I hope she ignores Eileen at the reunion...oh, look, the ponies are by the pool.

I wonder if this means LisaV was ready for the reunion, or if she was ganged up on and is retaliating in her blogs. I hope she brought her A game because I'm sickof LisaR saying something she things is so funny and clapping like a demented seal. 

  • Love 11

LVP is not pulling her punches with regards to Eileen (Soapy) any more.

From her blog: "With hindsight, after seeing so much nastiness where I have never retaliated, I would have asked her how she felt screwing some other woman's husband."

Maybe Eileen wants to sit around and talk about her feelings with LVP.  Eileen asked for this one.

I felt badly for LisaV on last nights episode and even more now as I read her blog.  They ignored her on the 26 hour trip back home.  Good god, how childish.   Love the soapy and sudsy nick names!   Good one Lisa, thumbs up and kudos.   After reading this blog I would like to have both Rinna and Eileen leave next season.  Even if the cost is saving Yolanda!  Yes, I really said that.  I will renege that later, I am sure. 




And the highlight!


"With hindsight, after seeing so much nastiness where I have never retaliated, I would have asked her how she felt screwing some other woman's husband."

I felt sorry for her until she claimed she was being bullied.  I think Kyle said it best last night on WWHL, not a word that should be thrown around in the RH world.  LVP said it was okay to ask her anything, I guess the others didn't realize they had no editing rights to her responses.  Now I am curious how she and Kyle are doing, really doing.  If LVP were as angry as she seemed at these women, why would she want to talk to them?  I wouldn't.

  • Love 8

Maybe Eileen wants to sit around and talk about her feelings with LVP.  Eileen asked for this one.

I felt sorry for her until she claimed she was being bullied.  I think Kyle said it best last night on WWHL, not a word that should be thrown around in the RH world.  LVP said it was okay to ask her anything, I guess the others didn't realize they had no editing rights to her responses.  Now I am curious how she and Kyle are doing, really doing.  If LVP were as angry as she seemed at these women, why would she want to talk to them?  I wouldn't.



Her anger is aimed at Eileen and Lisar, not Kyle.  I feel confident that she and Kyle are fine.  The word bully is incorrectly and overly used EVERYWHERE, I agree with Kyle.   It has become a verbal tic. 

  • Love 12

Ok I'll pretend to be Lisa Rinna (flexing my lips and doing the Kyley Jenner challenge) Holding my phone,sitting up straight and clad in leopard.


Bullying Definition from stopbullying.gov


Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 5

I lost my mother over 30 years ago and situations like this sometimes make me upset. It sucks. You know it's irrational and you don't want to feel that way, but you can't help it. It may not be like that for everyone who's lost their mother, but it's like that for me.

I also understand why Lisa doesn't go to see her mother in the nursing home. It's super depressing to see them in that condition, and on top of that, they don't even know who you are sometimes. So you put yourself out there to visit them, knowing it's gonna make you depressed and upset, and The person you're visiting doesn't even get the benefit of your visit because they don't know who you are.

Of course it's 'super depressing' to visit anyone in a nursing home but.....your own mother? How do mothers deal with the depressing circumstances of having a child born with a mental or physical disability? That's pretty depressing too, but they do it because they're the mother and mothers are supposed to do that. She might have other children that are perfectly normal and grow up, marry and have kids of their own. Is it morally right to abandon that mother?  But what about when that same mother getting old, has a stroke and loses the ability to recognize her own children? Sure, she may not know if they're even there or not but doesn't she deserve to have that love and dedication returned after all she had sacrificed raising children? Avoiding visiting a parent because they're incompetent or unable to understand that their child is there with them (and how can we be certain they don't) is just something that I can't comprehend. Everyone is different and has their own opinion about this, but personally if one of my parents were blind, deaf, dumb and brain dead, you'd better believe that I'd go hold their hand for an hour at least once a week.


Here's an article, quite funny too, from 2014 when Lisa took her daughters to visit her elderly parents who were heading off to the old people farm. I think this was the last time Lisa went to visit them. I especially enjoyed the name 'Yoyawnda'.  http://blog.chron.com/tubular/2015/01/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-barbeqhuat/

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 7

During the last 2 episodes, I actually found Eileen UGLY in her TH's. Since she is obviously very pretty, it goes to show how actions can really change your perception of someone, and Lisar's lips.....well, gross!

Honestly, if Lisar and Eileen return next season, I may not watch....or just FF through anything with them. I am that sick of listening to them. I would much rather watch Yolanda handle her new life without David.

I would love to see Camille return.

  • Love 8

From Lisar's blog: "It’s all so silly and mind numbing, isn’t it? The salacious events have happened, albeit wildly confusing, and I hear you all loud and clear. Time to MOVE ON."

Lisar needs to pull out her handy I-phone dictionary to check the meaning of "salacious."* However you want to characterize the whole stupid mess she created on the show, "salacious" wouldn't be one of the adjectives that leap to mind. And she seems to miss the more important point, which is that she is being tagged as the chief architect of the "silly" "mind numbing" stuff by a large percentage of the audience.

*and also "albeit."

Edited by Ketzel
  • Love 9

I found Dubai very sterile, lacks the culture and the vibrancy I was expecting. We are traveling to Istanbul next month and I'm hoping to get a taste of what I though Dubai would give me.  I think it was a good fit for a BH trip though because it showed a very lavish trip, just not a vibrant one.

  Oh I LOVE Istanbul!  My favorite city in the world.

Have not been to Dubai, I prefer cities with history like Rome, Athens, etc. Dubai is too new and to focused on materialism. 

  • Love 9

I felt badly for LisaV on last nights episode and even more now as I read her blog.  They ignored her on the 26 hour trip back home.  Good god, how childish.   Love the soapy and sudsy nick names!   Good one Lisa, thumbs up and kudos.   After reading this blog I would like to have both Rinna and Eileen leave next season.  Even if the cost is saving Yolanda!  Yes, I really said that.  I will renege that later, I am sure. 




And the highlight!


"With hindsight, after seeing so much nastiness where I have never retaliated, I would have asked her how she felt screwing some other woman's husband."


Well, damn!


(I wonder if LVP--choosing the scorched earth, "Behold this barren field of fucks I have to give" tack--would also pose the question to Vince: "How'd you feel screwing some other man's wife?")

  • Love 3

I lost my Mom less than a year ago to Alzheimer's. I miss her at a gutteral level, like it is actually physically painful at times. That call scene got to me, I'm not gonna lie.

As far as this ongoing war, I am staying somewhat neutral because too much of the fight details happened off camera. I have been reading everyone's comments and so many good points by all. the only thing I felt strongly about last night is that Yolanda is still smug and condescending.

As someone with a chronic disease, I cannot relate to this woman at all. Yes people need to get on with their lives. I love my family and friends and I don't want them to have to worry about me. I want the time they spend with me to be enjoyable. It helps me too. Plus if I need help from them, I can pick up the phone and request it. This works well because it gives them a chance to feel like they are helping me in a constructive way, and they are. That is one thing Yo needs to assume some responsibility for. She seems to think she never should have to reach out to anyone. People aren't mind readers.

And in memory of my wonderful Mom who always told me, there are a lot of good people in this world and all any of us has to do is reach out. Reach out Yo.

  • Love 16

Then why bring it up? If they are not trying to be peacemakers that leaves the other option of them constantly creating drama between the two warring factions. Not a pretty look for either Eileen or Rinna. I guess I take them at their word they want things to be congenial between all the women.

Rinna brought it up because she felt LVP played her by suggesting she bring up Munch on camera. And Rinna felt LVP tried to play Kyle by suggesting that RInna "bring Kyle into it" on camera. Rinna brought it up bc she wanted LVP to know that she was aware of her attempted manipulation and to stop being put in the middle.

Eileen brought it up bc she thinks LVP is manipulative and underhanded and this whole Munch Rinna/Kyle/LVP is proof of her theory that LVP can't be trusted.

Nowhere on the show did anyone say they wanted to be a peacemaker.

  • Love 2

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