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S08.E20: Reunion Part 3

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She told Andy on WWHL that she wasn't showing his face.  I'm not sure if she has done so on Instagram because I'm not on Instagram.  She has shown his face in People magazine though where I know she was paid.  http://kandionline.com/kandi-burruss-meet-my-baby-boy/



Were her Facebook photos published before or after the People magazine photos?  I bet they were after.


If that was part of the deal, I understand that. Many have done it that way. Some don't ever show them as in Kerry Washington, Ryan Gosling lol.

  • Love 1

You are right, that is not likely with someone like Porsha.  The problem is her story starts and ends with "provoked."  We have been hearing FOREVER about the sceptre and bullhorn, Cynthia's hands in her face and the kick (after she begged Porsha to leave btw), and now someone LEAVING a party provoked her to run in an alley and chase her down.  How many times is she going to rehash the "provoked" narrative without acknowledging that she has no right to physically attack people?

Which is why Bravo should be done with her rather than provide a platform for Porsha and others to continue to justify and condone her behavior and thought processes.

I've been watching reality TV for years and I work with teenagers for a decade. Aint never seen a fight resolved with, "i'm sorry" and nobody ever saying anything else about it.  Even if you're sorry, even if you admit your reasons aren't justifications, everybody wants their reasons listened to and understood.


If you have, great.


I take anger management as acknowledgement that Porsha knows shouldn't be physically attacking people.  

  • Love 4

Walter didn't become "gay" until he refused to take a shower with Kenya in Anguilla.  She was outraged and hurt by his rejection.  When she got home she was telling the story to Aunt Lori and her cousin Che and one of them said "he must be gay" because a straight man wouldn't turn an opportuniy like that down.  That's where the rumors about Walter started.  That's how I remember it.

Edited by appledumpling
  • Love 2

It may seem an exaggeration to say that she could kill someone, but her history -- especially the failure to take responsibility for her own actions, still blaming others for "making" her do these things -- is precisely the profile of someone who kills in a fit of rage.  Bravo better hope it doesn't happen on their watch.



As bad as Porsha's violent tendencies are, they pale in comparison to the fights between Mariah and Toya on Married To Medicine, or the two young girls (I don't know their names) in the first season of RHOC, or the fight between Adrianna and Joanna from RHOM.  Let's face it, Porsha has done minimal damage compared to others in the Real Housewives franchises and other Bravo shows.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 4

So much has already been said about Porsha, but I feel like some of the women were trying to rewrite history and acting like Porsha laid her hands on Cynthia when Cynthia kicked Porsha. Porsha has a ton of issues she needs to work on, but I felt in that case up until the kick Cynthia and Porsha were doing what so many housewives do with the screaming, yelling, and getting in one's space.



If anyone should understand what Porsha was up against with Cynthia, it would be Kandi.  When Cynthia is upset she talks with her hands and puts them all in the other persons face.  She did that with Kandi at the pajama party which got Kandi heated and then Peter and Malorie got involved and Malorie put her hands on Kandi and got her so riled up she was ready to drag a bitch.  I don't think Cynthia even realizes that she does that. 

  • Love 12

It's getting harder to watch this franchise when the women in Melbourne do it so much better. They go after each other viciously for lying and being phony yet manage to keep their hands to themselves. 


So they've all decided they want Porsha off the show so they pretend they're afraid of her, but they weren't  afraid of Nene all those years? I find that very hard to believe. Kenya is a liar, stealth bully and a full on asshole. Her entire demeanor towards Kim and her husband as well as Porsha is disgusting. The dragging on social media isn't enough for her nasty, trifling, thirsty ass. Now that she's got a man and Apollo's in jail we can look forward to the "Oh you're all alone" shade next season. It gets glossed over but it's important that Phaedra extended friendship to Kenya initially and got a man-hungry demon for her trouble. I need Vivica Fox to moderate these reunions or someone else fully equipped to shut the interruptions and deflections down.  


Hey Kandi, Apollo sent the Feds to your house by being a damn criminal. What kind of idiot holds stuff for someone under federal investigation/indictment? It's unfortunate that the friendship between Kandi and Phaedra is done. I guess Apollo gets Kandi and Todd in the divorce settlement--good riddance. There's something really selfish about taking Apollo's side instead of supporting your friend. From the outset Kandi and Todd made the entire Apollo situation about them, their feelings and opinions. I bet Todd's mom got a nice send off thanks to Phaedra's mortuary connections. There was a moment though when Kandi and Phaedra both realized the friendship was over after Kandi said she did think Phaedra called the feds. Sad

  • Love 16

If anyone should understand what Porsha was up against with Cynthia, it would be Kandi. When Cynthia is upset she talks with her hands and puts them all in the other persons face. She did that with Kandi at the pajama party which got Kandi heated and then Peter and Malorie got involved and Malorie put her hands on Kandi and got her so riled up she was ready to drag a bitch. I don't think Cynthia even realizes that she does that.

That would require Kandi to put herself in someone else's shoe's.

  • Love 7

Exact point I was trying to make ^^. It's no different than a claim of self defense from a person who has shot another in the back. c'mon.

If there is a serious common denominator in most of these altercations, the one most overlooked and given a pass because she didn't actually "put hands" on anyone is Kenya.  Always the victim, always the manipulator, always involved.  This last altercation with Porsha is the only one that didn't involve Kenya,   Almost every altercation, argument and fight in the past four years have involved Kenya.  but No one is piling on and going after her.

Edited by Aging Goth
  • Love 8

I forgot to mention that the AfterBuzz hosts decided to take Kenya up on her challenge to "google" Christopher.   What they found was over 70 some articles about Christopher's sexuality and all of the articles referenced ........... Kenya Moore. 


They did find a very small article that had Christopher connected to Tyler Perry and the guy who was "saved" from being homosexual who lied about being with Kordell.  It however never stated that Christopher was gay or even bi.  It was just vaguely emplied because of his association with the two others.

  • Love 9

. Have you seen it? I don't believe Bravo would sit on it for a year. What sense would it make?


No, of course I haven't seen it.  I'm not some special Bravo insider who gets access to footage the rest of you don't. But I did watch a TV interview with Kandi, who said it was all caught on camera and that they're planning to make a thing of it next season. I don't see any reason she would lie about it and, as special Bravo insiders go, I think she would qualify.  I guess we'll all have to wait until next season to find out for sure.

  • Love 1

You are right, that is not likely with someone like Porsha.  The problem is her story starts and ends with "provoked."  We have been hearing FOREVER about the sceptre and bullhorn, Cynthia's hands in her face and the kick (after she begged Porsha to leave btw), and now someone LEAVING a party provoked her to run in an alley and chase her down.  How many times is she going to rehash the "provoked" narrative without acknowledging that she has no right to physically attack people?

Which is why Bravo should be done with her rather than provide a platform for Porsha and others to continue to justify and condone her behavior and thought processes.

And this is what Nene was trying to point out to her.  While she may have had reason to be pissed, she did not have the right to put hands on anyone.  And if it happens more than once the problem is Porsha not the other person.

  • Love 3

I think Phaedra wanted to forget that the entire workout video making thing ever happened. Who the hell would want workout advice from a convict and his fat wife??

That workout video was the funniest thing ever.  Phaedra normally can convince her followers, but I just think she went a shade too far this time.  Wasn't her premise that people should buy her workout video if they don't want to sweat out their hair, or something along those lines?  Like "people want to work out, but they don't want to have to sweat."  Now, if you find me a person who is in shape and selling me that vision, I'd buy their tape, but you have some chunky woman telling me that if I just barely workout I can look just like her?  And I'm supposed to purchase that?  I can barely work out all on my own Phaedra, but thanks.

  • Love 7

Both Kandi and Todd said they believe that Phaedra called the Feds on them, both of them. Cynthia on the other hand actually asked the Officer how he/they found out and he told them that they saw/heard about it on the show, which means that Todd/Kandi told on C/P and themselves, not Phaedra. Had Phaedra turned them in when she found out, it would have happened right away, not after the episode aired. Neither Todd OR Kandi are that stupid to not know/realize that, and because of that, they blamed her on camera to further punish/humiliate her, which speaks to their lack of character and makes them as low as Phaedra IMO.

They asked Kandi and Todd if they thought AT THE TIME that Phaedra was the one that called the Feds. Should they have lied? They were being honest about how they felt then it went on about why would they think that and again they gave honest answers. They said they yes they did believe that Phaedra was capable of being that spiteful. I don't understand what was so wrong about that. If you have behaved in a way that it's something like that is plausible to them then that's not on them that's on YOU. Also, because Kandi and Phaedra were such close friends I find it even easier to see where Kandi was coming from.


It's like me and my ex sister in laws. Something really shady went down between my man and one of his sisters friends. There were accusation thrown around that a rendevous was meant to be set up between him and said friend by his sister who happened to be my childhood friend (which is the reason why I ended up hooking up with her brother maaaaannnnyyyyy years later, well into adulthood). While going through all the explanations, and talks and drama and chaos and hurt feelings and denials she at one point ask me "now come on, really, you could really think I could do something like that to you?" And in my mind I was like bitch hello! I've seen you operate. This is right up your alley. Hell yes I can believe you would do something this rachet AND I've seen you do it to close friends. No one is safe from you're dysfunctional need to have a laugh or create a scandal at someone else's expense.


That's what I thought about when Kandi was being honest. She was like "Yup, it did cross my mind and yup, I did feel like you were capable of that, why? because I've seen you do ratchet shit before but not with me." To me it made sense. Kandi just figured that Phaedra finally got around to pointing her spiteful aim at Kandi and that Phaedra was enough in her feelings to finally pull the trigger. I don't think it was wrong that Kandi shared how she felt. Rule of thumb. When you close with people and see they have a dark side always be ready for their dark side to be aimed at you and I think that the Feds coming to Kandi's house was the moment were she was in that head space where she was preparing herself for the possibility of that moment being in fact THAT moment.

  • Love 8

They asked Kandi and Todd if they thought AT THE TIME that Phaedra was the one that called the Feds. Should they have lied? They were being honest about how they felt then it went on about why would they think that and again they gave honest answers. They said they yes they did believe that Phaedra was capable of being that spiteful. I don't understand what was so wrong about that. If you have behaved in a way that it's something like that is plausible to them then that's not on them that's on YOU. Also, because Kandi and Phaedra were such close friends I find it even easier to see where Kandi was coming from.


It's like me and my ex sister in laws. Something really shady went down between my man and one of his sisters friends. There were accusation thrown around that a rendevous was meant to be set up between him and said friend by his sister who happened to be my childhood friend (which is the reason why I ended up hooking up with her brother maaaaannnnyyyyy years later, well into adulthood). While going through all the explanations, and talks and drama and chaos and hurt feelings and denials she at one point ask me "now come on, really, you could really think I could do something like that to you?" And in my mind I was like bitch hello! I've seen you operate. This is right up your alley. Hell yes I can believe you would do something this rachet AND I've seen you do it to close friends. No one is safe from you're dysfunctional need to have a laugh or create a scandal at someone else's expense.


That's what I thought about when Kandi was being honest. She was like "Yup, it did cross my mind and yup, I did feel like you were capable of that, why? because I've seen you do ratchet shit before but not with me." To me it made sense. Kandi just figured that Phaedra finally got around to pointing her spiteful aim at Kandi and that Phaedra was enough in her feelings to finally pull the trigger. I don't think it was wrong that Kandi shared how she felt. Rule of thumb. When you close with people and see they have a dark side always be ready for their dark side to be aimed at you and I think that the Feds coming to Kandi's house was the moment were she was in that head space where she was preparing herself for the possibility of that moment being in fact THAT moment.

Had Phaedra been the one to turn them in, I doubt she would have waited for the episode to air before she did so. I also find it telling that Kandi/Todd didn't ask the Federal Officer what made them come to their house for Apollo's stuff, most people would have asked but no, not Kandi or Todd. The Feds went to Cynthia's house first and she had the presence of mind to ask that question. As for Kand/Todd answering honestly, I have no problem with that but Todd said that he still felt that Phaedra called them (and Kandi didn't disagree with him) even after Cynthia told them what she was told. Bottom line, they "stored" stuff for Apollo even though they knew he was under investigation and then pled guilty to numerous Federal counts, was sentenced to 8 years in Federal Prison and ordered to pay restitution to his victims, yet they kept that property in their garage's like it was nothing.  

  • Love 8

So, has it been announced who WILL be on the show next season? I heard the rumors about them throwing tons of money towards Nene to return.

I'd put money on everybody but Kim, and Nene returning.  Sheree is good as a part timer.


I'm here for the petty that would be Keisha Knight-Pulliam joining, just because her husband used to be Lisa Wu's husband and I find that hilarious.

  • Love 3

Who did Porsha beat the shit out of?  We never saw Jami, and Kenya, while attacked was uninjured.


When Kenya called the police, she said she was being hit in the head.  Also, her hair was pulled hard enough to take her down to the ground.  It stands to reason that she was hurt and sore even if her injuries weren't visible.


Porsha & Kenya both need to learn self control and stop playing with people.  Both of them will come up on the "right one" one day and get their asses kicked.  Perhaps that's what they need.


Both of them are middle aged, they are too old to be fighting in alleyways and provoking schoolyard fights.


I am of the belief that reacting to words with violence is wrong.  There is no justification for it.   I think that's happening with Kenya is that people find her to be mean and vicious so they are justifying the assault.  An assault isn't right or wrong whether or not the victim is likable.  The fact that Porsha could not come back with words is her problem -- not Kenya's.


When Porsha was harrassed by kenya until Kenya stepped over the line and accused Porsha of cheating and twice calling her a dumb whore during the time she was going through the divorce.  She was immediatly remorseful that it ended that way.  Kenya, however took great pleasure in it and announce "You're so fired!" which was Kenya's intention all along.  and this after riding this girl throughout that season.


Cynthia was the aggressor in the boat trip thing who kicked Porsha,  When Cynthia who was going through the same situation that Porsha went through the time before went batshit at porsha and over reacted to a perceived slight.  Cynthia escalated that fight and it was Cynthia that used violence.


The third incident we know very little about and we already know that Bravo cameras are almost always misleading


If Porsha is violent then so is Cynthia for kicking her and sending her to the hopital

So is Nene for jumping over the table to attack Kim Z in the tour bus

So is Kandi for trying to drag a bitch and being restrained by Nene

So is Phaedra for almost attacking Kenya in the restaurant when Kenya and Cynthia accused Phaedra of cheating with Mr Chocolate

So is Sheree for snatching Kim Z wig in an altercation outside a club

So is Kenya for pulling the chair from under Kim F

Porsha has walked away from more exposive altercations than she has been part of.  And for anyone to even perceive that she was actually abusive to Kordell is just plain fantastic


You'd better believe if someone assaulted me at work after an argument, I would want that person to be fired.


Cynthia was not the aggressor with Porsha.  She initially walked away when she was tired of Porsha.  Porsha then went over to her to talk, but Cynthia was not trying to hear her.  That was Porsha's cue to leave it alone at that moment.  Instead, Porsha stood up over Cynthia who was sitting down and in a vulnerable position.  She felt threatened and didn't know what Porsha was going to do so she kicked her away.  Porsha was invading Cynthia's space.


Regarding the other incidents you mentioned, as Brandy sang on one of her singles, "almost doesn't count".  If I almost played the winning numbers in the lottery, that doesn't make me a millionaire.  The women were heated in those incidents, but if they really wanted to assault someone they would have.  Unfortunately, Porsha has taken it to that level.  


. Have you seen it? I don't believe Bravo would sit on it for a year. What sense would it make?


I'm a bit confused - are you responding to statements about the fight with Jami?  They showed the footage at the reunion.

  • Love 7

I don't get Porsha's defense that she was provoked and that's why she got into a fight. If Cynthia kicks me in the stomach, I'm gonna leave and the headline the next day is gonna be "Cynthia kicked Smacky55 in the stomach" not "Cynthia and Smacky55 fight on a boat". It takes two people to fight and it's not self defense because her life was not in danger. Despite being on a boat, Porsha could have walked away.

Re: Todd. Yes he was mean to Phaedra. That would have been mean to anyone, male or female. It's mean. He was mad. I would have been mad too if Phaedra was saying all that stuff about me in the talking heads. That was mean as well. Just meanness all around. Phaedra's just wasn't to his face

  • Love 2
Cynthia was not the aggressor with Porsha.  She initially walked away when she was tired of Porsha.  Porsha then went over to her to talk, but Cynthia was not trying to hear her.  That was Porsha's cue to leave it alone at that moment.  Instead, Porsha stood up over Cynthia who was sitting down and in a vulnerable position.  She felt threatened and didn't know what Porsha was going to do so she kicked her away.  Porsha was invading Cynthia's space.

Actually, Cynthia was the agressor.  She went off on Porsha because she objected to Porsha calling her bitch.  It was something they were calling each other all day and just suddenly, Cynthia took offense, calling Porsha ignorant and stupid and then she walked off.  Porsha had no intention of following Cynthia.  Kenya and Sheree coerced Porsha to go over and apologize to Cynthia and that is what Porsha tried to do.  However, Cynthia was drunk and very angry (and by her own admission not so much with Porsha as she was with Peter) and went off on Porsha, shaking her finger in Porsha's face and calling her stupid, again when Porsha tried to explain that she didn't mean any bad intention.  However, Cynthia escalated the argument and continued to point her finger in Porsha's face so Porsha did the same.  Cynthia didn't like it and grabbed Porsha's wrist.  Porsha then stood up over Cynthia, still arguing and that is when Cynthia kicked her in the stomach. 


And by the way, there really was no fight at that point because when Cynthia kicked Porsha, security jumped Porsha and held her down.  After she and Shamea left the boat, they took her to the hospital to be checked out.

Edited by Aging Goth
  • Love 7

Since I have been screaming this at my computer monitor for the last few days as I read this forum, I have to put it down in writing so I can move on. The only reason to EVER physically confront - put your hands in anger on - someone is self-defense, because that someone is physically attacking you.

There are NO excuses for how Porsha behaved. None. She was not provoked to physical violence; she chose to confront words and foolishness with her hands and body. If someone getting "into your space" enrages you, move the hell away. She has a serious problem for which there are no justifications or excuses. I hope she remains in therapy and takes it seriously. Her words at the reunion don't give me much hope in that however.

  • Love 16

No, of course I haven't seen it. I'm not some special Bravo insider who gets access to footage the rest of you don't. But I did watch a TV interview with Kandi, who said it was all caught on camera and that they're planning to make a thing of it next season. I don't see any reason she would lie about it and, as special Bravo insiders go, I think she would qualify. I guess we'll all have to wait until next season to find out for sure.

I don't believe Kandi. I'll wait and see for myself. That's like saying that Kenya said that they had the footage.


When Kenya called the police, she said she was being hit in the head. Also, her hair was pulled hard enough to take her down to the ground. It stands to reason that she was hurt and sore even if her injuries weren't visible.

I am of the belief that reacting to words with violence is wrong. There is no justification for it. I think that's happening with Kenya is that people find her to be mean and vicious so they are justifying the assault. An assault isn't right or wrong whether or not the victim is likable. The fact that Porsha could not come back with words is her problem -- not Kenya's.

You'd better believe if someone assaulted me at work after an argument, I would want that person to be fired.

Cynthia was not the aggressor with Porsha. She initially walked away when she was tired of Porsha. Porsha then went over to her to talk, but Cynthia was not trying to hear her. That was Porsha's cue to leave it alone at that moment. Instead, Porsha stood up over Cynthia who was sitting down and in a vulnerable position. She felt threatened and didn't know what Porsha was going to do so she kicked her away. Porsha was invading Cynthia's space.

Regarding the other incidents you mentioned, as Brandy sang on one of her singles, "almost doesn't count". If I almost played the winning numbers in the lottery, that doesn't make me a millionaire. The women were heated in those incidents, but if they really wanted to assault someone they would have. Unfortunately, Porsha has taken it to that level.

I'm a bit confused - are you responding to statements about the fight with Jami? They showed the footage at the reunion.

Couldn't Porsha have felt the same way concerning the bullhorn and Cynthia's fingers? How can you justify Cynthia kicking Porsha, but not Porsha acting in defense? Wasn't Porsha apologizing and trying to make amends? Even Kandi said that Cynthia took it too far.

Unless I missed something, the only footage that they showed of the finale fight was Porsha running down the alley. Please point me to the video of her hitting someone. Jami wasn't even in the footage!

Edited by Queena
  • Love 5

Couldn't Porsha have felt the same way concerning the bullhorn and Cynthia's fingers? How can you justify Cynthia kicking Porsha, but not Porsha acting in defense? Wasn't Porsha apologizing and trying to make amends? Even Kandi said that Cynthia took it too far.

Unless I missed something, the only footage that they showed of the finale fight was Porsha running down the alley. Please point me to the video of her hitting someone. Jami wasn't even in the footage!

To me it makes a difference when you're not on equal footing. I really don't understand how someone who is lying down, which is the most vulnerable position anyone can be in, during any sort of confrontation could be considered the aggressor. They were both in each others spaces however Porsha put herself there and then Porsha's little bitty itty bitty finger went from "I'm not touching" to grazing Cynthia's face. Porsha standing over Cynthia while Cynthia is still in a very vulnerable position creates a reasonable narrative of Cynthia reacting defensively and not aggressively. Add the fact that Cynthia had already removed herself from the confrontation to begin with and I'm not treating that altercation as Cynthia being the one that crossed violent lines. I'm not one to believe that I have to take a punch to the face before I can decide that I have to protect myself by physically removing someone from a very advantageous position over me. That situation played out pretty smoothly to me.  Did she engage and therefore participated in the escalation of that encounter. Yes, but I don't believe for one minute her actions were based on purposely intending to initiate a physical attack. Do I believe there was a possibility that Porsha would have turned it physical? Hell yeah, so I saw it as completely defensive and justifiable. Seemed plain as to day to me anyway.


Didn't Dwight say that she had Jamie on the ground, weave off and all that jazz? I know it was too dark to see but we did see the cameras run after her and focus on the ground with moment. Granted there was no light but we heard the commotion and we saw that there was some sort of kerfluffle happening that the cameras were TRYING to catch in the dark. <shrug>

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 9
Where was Greg?

​Desperately watching NeNe's phone to see if Ryan Murphy calls, so Nene will know whether or not to ask for her peach back.


Sheree was a friend, but that didn't stop Phaedra from putting her on blast about owing money for Phaedra's professional services. Don't want to be called out for deadbeatin'? Then pay your damn bills.


I no more believe Porsha is taking anger management classes than I believe Kandi would pass up a piece of sweet potato pie.

  • Love 8

Okay.  I really don't think that Kandi has a reputation for being dishonest (unlike Kenya), but time will tell.

If, a big if here, there is more to that fight than what we saw and Bravo is holding it back until next season, that means that they are bringing Porsha back and will feature her anger management classes as her main storyline. It will be her redemption tour.


To me it makes a difference when you're not on equal footing. I really don't understand how someone who is lying down, which is the most vulnerable position anyone can be in, during any sort of confrontation could be considered the aggressor. They were both in each others spaces however Porsha put herself there and then Porsha's little bitty itty bitty finger went from "I'm not touching" to grazing Cynthia's face. Porsha standing over Cynthia while Cynthia is still in a very vulnerable position creates a reasonable narrative of Cynthia reacting defensively and not aggressively. Add the fact that Cynthia had already removed herself from the confrontation to begin with and I'm not treating that altercation as Cynthia being the one that crossed violent lines. I'm not one to believe that I have to take a punch to the face before I can decide that I have to protect myself by physically removing someone from a very advantageous position over me. That situation played out pretty smoothly to me.  Did she engage and therefore participated in the escalation of that encounter. Yes, but I don't believe for one minute her actions were based on purposely intending to initiate a physical attack. Do I believe there was a possibility that Porsha would have turned it physical? Hell yeah, so I saw it as completely defensive and justifiable. Seemed plain as to day to me anyway.


Didn't Dwight say that she had Jamie on the ground, weave off and all that jazz? I know it was too dark to see but we did see the cameras run after her and focus on the ground with moment. Granted there was no light but we heard the commotion and we saw that there was some sort of kerfluffle happening that the cameras were TRYING to catch in the dark. <shrug>

Cynthia wasn't laying back at that point, she was sitting up. Cynthia pointed her fingers in Porsha's face first and she did it close to Porsha's face, then Porsha pointed her finger close to Cynthia's face when Cynthia ignored Porsha telling her to stop doing it to her, no contact had been made by either woman, at that point, it was tit for tat until Cynthia slapped Porsha's finger away from her face and then grabbed Porsha's wrist. That was when Porsha stood up and Cynthia kicked her as hard as she could. Was Porsha going to get physical first? We really don't know because Cynthia kicked her without Porsha making any aggressive move towards Cynthia other than trying to free her wrist from Cynthia's grasp. And at the reunion, even though Cynthia said she was "sorry" she also used the word "but" in explaining how she felt Porsha was the aggressor even though it was really Cynthia and I don't see anyone up in arms that Cynthia is downplaying her role, her aggressive behavior and the simple fact that she, and she alone used physical violence, not Porsha. I guess it is easier to blame Porsha as the only violent one but Cynthia has now shown she has the same issue that Porsha has, maybe she needs anger management classes as well. Oh, and for goodness sake, don't point your finger or anything else in Porsha's, Cynthia's or Kandi's faces as you may get your butt handed to you on a platter. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 8

If, a big if here, there is more to that fight than what we saw and Bravo is holding it back until next season, that means that they are bringing Porsha back and will feature her anger management classes as her main storyline. It will be her redemption tour.


Cynthia wasn't laying back at that point, she was sitting up. Cynthia pointed her fingers in Porsha's face first and she did it close to Porsha's face, then Porsha pointed her finger close to Cynthia's face when Cynthia ignored Porsha telling her to stop doing it to her, no contact had been made by either woman, at that point, it was tit for tat until Cynthia slapped Porsha's finger away from her face and then grabbed Porsha's wrist. That was when Porsha stood up and Cynthia kicked her as hard as she could. Was Porsha going to get physical first? We really don't know because Cynthia kicked her without Porsha making any aggressive move towards Cynthia other than trying to free her wrist from Cynthia's grasp. And at the reunion, even though Cynthia said she was "sorry" she also used the word "but" in explaining how she felt Porsha was the aggressor even though it was really Cynthia and I don't see anyone up in arms that Cynthia is downplaying her role, her aggressive behavior and the simple fact that she, and she alone used physical violence, not Porsha. I guess it is easier to blame Porsha as the only violent one but Cynthia has now shown she has the same issue that Porsha has, maybe she needs anger management classes as well. Oh, and for goodness sake, don't point your finger or anything else in Porsha's, Cynthia's or Kandi's faces as you may get your butt handed to you on a platter. LOL

That. Right. There.

  • Love 3

Unless I missed something, the only footage that they showed of the finale fight was Porsha running down the alley. Please point me to the video of her hitting someone. Jami wasn't even in the footage!


What makes me believe Porsha was opening up another can of Whoop Ass was all the shouting from the other women for Porsha to "stop it" and them hollering "Porsha NO!"   They weren't yelling at her like that because she was having a friendly conversation with Jami. 


And at the reunion, even though Cynthia said she was "sorry" she also used the word "but" in explaining how she felt Porsha was the aggressor even though it was really Cynthia and I don't see anyone up in arms that Cynthia is downplaying her role, her aggressive behavior and the simple fact that she, and she alone used physical violence, not Porsha.


Check back with me after Cynthia has had three fights on camera with different people and each time tried to blame someone else for "provoking" her into getting physical.   I might be more critical of her explanations at that point.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 8

She told Andy on WWHL that she wasn't showing his face.  I'm not sure if she has done so on Instagram because I'm not on Instagram.  She has shown his face in People magazine though where I know she was paid.  http://kandionline.com/kandi-burruss-meet-my-baby-boy/



Were her Facebook photos published before or after the People magazine photos?  I bet they were after.

After! Despite many people pressuring and throwing shade to get her to show his sweet face. #bullies


Okay, I went back and had to look at that scene. Just cause I need to see all these nuances that aren't being addressed and make sure that I'm not seeing things or misremembering anything. So here goes:


They are both sitting up on the chair but Cynthia still had her legs laid out on the lounge whereas Porsha was sitting with her feet planted on the ground or at least in a position where she could get up without trouble. They are both speaking with their hands but Cynthia WAS NOT pointing or putting her hands DIRECTLY in Porsha's face. She was hand gesturing and finger wagging which is exactly what Porsha was doing as well. Cynthia was hand gesturing in more of a descriptive way aside from the finger wagging which didn't ever pass the mid point of space that was between her and Porsha although Porsha crossed over into Cynthia's space with her finger TWICE before Cynthia finally told her to get her hand out of her face . Porsha was doing  her own hand waving as so on, fine BUT THEN and here's where things escalated, PORSHA deliberately reaches OVER Cynthia's hands (this would be the SECOND time she's crossed into Cynthia's space with her hand) and made it a point to put her finger directly in Cynthia's face in an aggressive manner or the very least in an obviously inappropriate way. At no time before that did Cynthia AGGRESSIVELY throw her hands in Porsha 's face in any threatening manner. The worse she was doing was finger waging and no where near as close to Porsha's face as Porsha finger was in Cynthia. I honestly believe that Porsha nail grazed Cynthia's nose but you can't determine that from the footage.


Cynthia then understandably tries to keep Porsha's hands away from her face while Porsha is going in to do it AGAIN with her other hand which is why at that point you see that Cynthia has both her hands so that Porsha doesn't keep invading her space which at this point it's pretty obvious that's what Porsha is intending to do. Now this is worth mentioning. While Cynthia has a hold of Porsha's hands Porsha decides NOT to pull away and back off. Why not? All Cynthia was doing was protecting her face because Porsha's energy shifted from let's talk this out to "we can do this" aggression and her instincts were correct because instead of Porsha just pulling away when she stood up she instead took the opportunity to  put one foot on the chair beside Cynthia, SLAM Cynthia back into the chair while using her position to her advantage and continues to advance on Cynthia who is now in even more of a vulnerable position then before. Cynthia kicked out because Porsha was advancing and was putting her weight on Cynthia to keep her down meanwhile Cynthia had no where to go because she was pinned against the chair and she couldn't retreat even if she wanted to. He options were limited whereas Porsha had nothing keeping her from retreating. Cynthia first pushes Porsha off of her with her foot and when Porsha regained her balance and came for Cynthia AGAIN, THAT'S when Cynthia administered the straight up kick to her stomach that probably did whatever bullshit damage they keep referring to. I just finished watching the scene like 25 times watching every finger wag and hand wave etc. etc. Porsha was the one who turned it into a physical altercation by changing the hand gesturing they were BOTH doing into an aggressive and threatening invasion of space.


I think the only reason it got physical was because Cynthia wasn't in a position to move away or she probably would have done what she did before and shift away from Porsha. It was the inability to remove herself easily or quickly that had Cynthia go down an alternate route of self preservation. And I say good for her.


So that's my analysis of "the fight".

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 10

What makes me believe Porsha was opening up another can of Whoop Ass was all the shouting from the other women for Porsha to "stop it" and them hollering "Porsha NO!"   They weren't yelling at her like that because she was having a friendly conversation with Jami. 



Check back with me after Cynthia has had three fights on camera with different people and each time tried to blame someone else for "provoking" her into getting physical.   I might be more critical of her explanations at that point.  


At the point when the fight between Porsha/Cynthia happened, Porsha had only been in 2 altercations, Kenya and then the one with Cynthia, so there were not 3. At the reunion, Porsha clearly stated she was getting "help for her problem" and what did Cynthia do? She still put the bulk of the blame for their fight on Porsha, even though it was Cynthia that got physical first. Kenya, Nene and Cynthia, as well as some here, called Porsha out on the fact that she defended her actions at all when she was discussing her feelings at the time, yet no one called Cynthia out for doing the same thing. If Porsha was wrong, so was/is Cynthia, it fits both or neither as Cynthia was the aggressor, she was the one that got physical first in that altercation.

Okay, I went back and had to look at that scene. Just cause I need to see all these nuances that aren't being addressed and make sure that I'm not seeing things or misremembering anything. So here goes:


They are both sitting up on the chair but Cynthia still had her legs laid out on the lounge whereas Porsha was sitting with her feet planted on the ground or at least in a position where she could get up without trouble. They are both speaking with their hands but Cynthia WAS NOT pointing or putting her hands DIRECTLY in Porsha's face. She was hand gesturing and finger wagging which is exactly what Porsha was doing as well. Cynthia was hand gesturing in more of a descriptive way aside from the finger wagging which didn't ever pass the mid point of space that was between her and Porsha although Porsha crossed over into Cynthia's space with her finger TWICE before Cynthia finally told her to get her hand out of her face . Porsha was doing  her own hand waving as so on, fine BUT THEN and here's where things escalated, PORSHA deliberately reaches OVER Cynthia's hands (this would be the SECOND time she's crossed into Cynthia's space with her hand) and made it a point to put her finger directly in Cynthia's face in an aggressive manner or the very least in an obviously inappropriate way. At no time before that did Cynthia AGGRESSIVELY throw her hands in Porsha 's face in any threatening manner. The worse she was doing was finger waging and no where near as close to Porsha's face as Porsha finger was in Cynthia. I honestly believe that Porsha nail grazed Cynthia's nose but you can't determine that from the footage.


Cynthia then understandably tries to keep Porsha's hands away from her face while Porsha is going in to do it AGAIN with her other hand which is why at that point you see that Cynthia has both her hands so that Porsha doesn't keep invading her space which at this point it's pretty obvious that's what Porsha is intending to do. Now this is worth mentioning. While Cynthia has a hold of Porsha's hands Porsha decides NOT to pull away and back off. Why not? All Cynthia was doing was protecting her face because Porsha's energy shifted from let's talk this out to "we can do this" aggression and her instincts were correct because instead of Porsha just pulling away when she stood up she instead took the opportunity to  put one foot on the chair beside Cynthia, SLAM Cynthia back into the chair while using her position to her advantage and continues to advance on Cynthia who is now in even more of a vulnerable position then before. Cynthia kicked out because Porsha was advancing and was putting her weight on Cynthia to keep her down meanwhile Cynthia had no where to go because she was pinned against the chair and she couldn't retreat even if she wanted to. He options were limited whereas Porsha had nothing keeping her from retreating. Cynthia first pushes Porsha off of her with her foot and when Porsha regained her balance and came for Cynthia AGAIN, THAT'S when Cynthia administered the straight up kick to her stomach that probably did whatever bullshit damage they keep referring to. I just finished watching the scene like 25 times watching every finger wag and hand wave etc. etc. Porsha was the one who turned it into a physical altercation by changing the hand gesturing they were BOTH doing into an aggressive and threatening invasion of space.


I think the only reason it got physical was because Cynthia wasn't in a position to move away or she probably would have done what she did before and shift away from Porsha. It was the inability to remove herself easily or quickly that had Cynthia go down an alternate route of self preservation. And I say good for her.


So that's my analysis of "the fight".

Cynthia crossed into that "private space" with her finger well before Porsha did and Porsha asked Cynthia to not do that to her but Cynthia ignored her. Cynthia did swat Porsha's hand away then she grabbed Porsha's wrist and held it. Porsha was sitting at an angle and to stand up while Cynthia was holding that wrist, she chose to place 1 foot on either side of Cynthia's chair. At no time did Porsha "slam Cynthia back" into her seat, Cynthia pulled back herself and raised her foot to kick Porsha. Cynthia laid her hands on Porsha first, the swat, the wrist grab and finally kicking Porsha as hard as she could. IMO, both women were wrong but Porsha didn't go over to Cynthia in a threatening manner, she tried to speak to her in a calm manner and only after Cynthia ignored Porsha's request to stop with the finger wrangling/jabbing did Porsha cop an attitude and it was Cynthia that got physical NOT Porsha.


Cynthia almost got a beat down by Kandi for her overly aggressive finger wrangling/ jabbing a couple of seasons ago, so she has a history of getting in others "personal space" with her fingers.


ETA.... I in no way condone physical violence be it by Porsha, Cynthia or any other HW/person but IMO, Cynthia was the physical aggressor in that fight and Porsha was with Kenya. As for this latest fight, I don't know who put hands on whom first because we didn't see it. We many see it next season if Kandi is right, which means that Bravo is bringing Porsha back as a full HW next season and will feature her "Anger Management Classes" as her storyline/redemption tour. I hope she takes these classes seriously and gets a real grip on her temper, I would so love to see her handle Kenya like Kim did this season. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 8

I am of the belief that reacting to words with violence is wrong.  There is no justification for it.   I think that's happening with Kenya is that people find her to be mean and vicious so they are justifying the assault.  An assault isn't right or wrong whether or not the victim is likable.  The fact that Porsha could not come back with words is her problem -- not Kenya's.


ITA with the bolded.  


Actually, Cynthia was the agressor.  She went off on Porsha because she objected to Porsha calling her bitch.  It was something they were calling each other all day and just suddenly, Cynthia took offense, calling Porsha ignorant and stupid and then she walked off.  Porsha had no intention of following Cynthia.  Kenya and Sheree coerced Porsha to go over and apologize to Cynthia and that is what Porsha tried to do.  However, Cynthia was drunk and very angry (and by her own admission not so much with Porsha as she was with Peter) and went off on Porsha, shaking her finger in Porsha's face and calling her stupid, again when Porsha tried to explain that she didn't mean any bad intention.  However, Cynthia escalated the argument and continued to point her finger in Porsha's face so Porsha did the same.  Cynthia didn't like it and grabbed Porsha's wrist.  Porsha then stood up over Cynthia, still arguing and that is when Cynthia kicked her in the stomach. 


All of this just confirms how weak minded and stupid Porsha is.  She can't even think for herself as she is always "coerced" or "provoked" into doing things.


Since Porsha doesn't seem to know how to control herself in the face of "coercion" maybe its best she just not be on the show.


What I know, is I'm not letting someone with a known history of violent behavior stand over me and put her fingers in my face and wait for her to decide that she has been "provoked" or "coerced" into hurting me because she can't control herself.



Couldn't Porsha have felt the same way concerning the bullhorn and Cynthia's fingers? How can you justify Cynthia kicking Porsha, but not Porsha acting in defense? Wasn't Porsha apologizing and trying to make amends? Even Kandi said that Cynthia took it too far.

In a word, no.  There is a marked difference between someone waving a bullhorn or scepter in your direction while you are both sitting with someone sitting between you and someone standing over you while you are sitting down, especially a person with a history of violence.  Especially when there is no means of escape except going through that person who is standing over you and you are on a boat.  In Porsha's case, she could have easily gotten up and walked off stage left, or stage right, without having to go through Kenya.  


Instead Porsha chose to physically attack her....because that is who Porsha is....a violent, barely literate nincompoop


So no, the situations are not the same, and they really aren't even close.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 9

At the reunion, Porsha clearly stated she was getting "help for her problem" and what did Cynthia do? She still put the bulk of the blame for their fight on Porsha, even though it was Cynthia that got physical first.


Cynthia sees what she did on the boat as being self-defense. Why should she change her assessment of the situation - and who is to blame - just because Porsha is getting help?  It doesn't change the fact that (in her opinion) Porsha deserves the bulk of the blame.   She shouldn't have to pretend to see it differently for Porsha's sake.  


I have the feeling people making excuses and looking the other way has a lot to do with why Porsha is so comfortable with using violence when she is upset - people have not held her accountable for it.  That needs to change. 



Kenya, Nene and Cynthia, as well as some here, called Porsha out on the fact that she defended her actions at all when she was discussing her feelings at the time, yet no one called Cynthia out for doing the same thing. 




Porsha has worn out using her feelings as an excuse for violence with both the women on the show and a lot of people here.  They don't buy it any more, and they are letting her know.   Cynthia, on the other hand, does not have the record of fights (that are all "someone else's fault") under her belt that Porsha has.  When she does, should that day ever arrive, and she repeatedly pleads "but my feelings," she might well get called out for failing to take responsibility for her behavior.  Until then, Cynthia should not be barred from explaining her feelings or why she did what she did just because Porsha has beat that particular dead horse to a pulp.  


ETA:  that quote is from Wirewrap said but it has my name on it ... how did that happen? lol  It looks like I am talking to myself.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 5

If I reacted physically to people who provoke me damn I'd never stop. I mean shit where to start... My arms would have been snapped off from all the slapping I'd have done.

I just wanted to say all of you have been a pleasure this year. Even people who had different opinions than me have been funny and fair and I appreciated their insight. It has made the show even more enjoyable for me : )

  • Love 7

Okay, I went back and had to look at that scene. Just cause I need to see all these nuances that aren't being addressed and make sure that I'm not seeing things or misremembering anything. So here goes:


They are both sitting up on the chair but Cynthia still had her legs laid out on the lounge whereas Porsha was sitting with her feet planted on the ground or at least in a position where she could get up without trouble. They are both speaking with their hands but Cynthia WAS NOT pointing or putting her hands DIRECTLY in Porsha's face. She was hand gesturing and finger wagging which is exactly what Porsha was doing as well. Cynthia was hand gesturing in more of a descriptive way aside from the finger wagging which didn't ever pass the mid point of space that was between her and Porsha although Porsha crossed over into Cynthia's space with her finger TWICE before Cynthia finally told her to get her hand out of her face . Porsha was doing  her own hand waving as so on, fine BUT THEN and here's where things escalated, PORSHA deliberately reaches OVER Cynthia's hands (this would be the SECOND time she's crossed into Cynthia's space with her hand) and made it a point to put her finger directly in Cynthia's face in an aggressive manner or the very least in an obviously inappropriate way. At no time before that did Cynthia AGGRESSIVELY throw her hands in Porsha 's face in any threatening manner. The worse she was doing was finger waging and no where near as close to Porsha's face as Porsha finger was in Cynthia. I honestly believe that Porsha nail grazed Cynthia's nose but you can't determine that from the footage.


Cynthia then understandably tries to keep Porsha's hands away from her face while Porsha is going in to do it AGAIN with her other hand which is why at that point you see that Cynthia has both her hands so that Porsha doesn't keep invading her space which at this point it's pretty obvious that's what Porsha is intending to do. Now this is worth mentioning. While Cynthia has a hold of Porsha's hands Porsha decides NOT to pull away and back off. Why not? All Cynthia was doing was protecting her face because Porsha's energy shifted from let's talk this out to "we can do this" aggression and her instincts were correct because instead of Porsha just pulling away when she stood up she instead took the opportunity to  put one foot on the chair beside Cynthia, SLAM Cynthia back into the chair while using her position to her advantage and continues to advance on Cynthia who is now in even more of a vulnerable position then before. Cynthia kicked out because Porsha was advancing and was putting her weight on Cynthia to keep her down meanwhile Cynthia had no where to go because she was pinned against the chair and she couldn't retreat even if she wanted to. He options were limited whereas Porsha had nothing keeping her from retreating. Cynthia first pushes Porsha off of her with her foot and when Porsha regained her balance and came for Cynthia AGAIN, THAT'S when Cynthia administered the straight up kick to her stomach that probably did whatever bullshit damage they keep referring to. I just finished watching the scene like 25 times watching every finger wag and hand wave etc. etc. Porsha was the one who turned it into a physical altercation by changing the hand gesturing they were BOTH doing into an aggressive and threatening invasion of space.


I think the only reason it got physical was because Cynthia wasn't in a position to move away or she probably would have done what she did before and shift away from Porsha. It was the inability to remove herself easily or quickly that had Cynthia go down an alternate route of self preservation. And I say good for her.


So that's my analysis of "the fight".

Yes! I also watched the fight frame by frame when it aired, and that's exactly what I saw as well. Cynthia was waving and gesturing with her hands, but within her own space, whereas Porsha reached into Cynthia's personal space in a truly aggressive manner. Porsha escalated the situation.
  • Love 7

If I reacted physically to people who provoke me damn I'd never stop. I mean shit where to start... My arms would have been snapped off from all the slapping I'd have done.

I just wanted to say all of you have been a pleasure this year. Even people who had different opinions than me have been funny and fair and I appreciated their insight. It has made the show even more enjoyable for me : )

My favorite part of watching any of these shows is coming here to see what y'all have to say. Sometimes it's the ONLY reason I watch some of these stupid as shows!!! So thank you as well! And all you other hilarious, thought provoking fools!!
  • Love 9

Porsha's efforts to get her temper under control were actually obvious in her interactions with Claudia last season. Claudia's constant demands for friendship and invading Porsha's space were awful. Kenya has been on a mission to get Porsha off this show since "gone with the wind fabulous".  And while I can see people thinking it's unconscionable to get into a physical altercation unless in self defense, NOBODY calls me a whore and walks away unless I am indeed fucking your husband. As Cedric the Entertainer said "I wish a motherfucker would". I want to know what it is about Kenya that elicits such overwhelming defense. She's vile. When she put her hands on Nene no one said a word. She aggressively goes after Kim and pulls her chair--nothing. If it is wrong for Porsha to throw hands it is equally wrong of Kenya to be aggressive. If I were Porsha's friend I would advise her that every time Kenya is nasty to her respond with either of the following: "I'm sorry it upsets you that I'm prettier than you" "I won my 8th grade pageant back when you won Miss Universe. We're both winners! Have a blessed day." 


ETA : Either I wasn't clear or Porsha-hate is so strong that it causes everyone to miss point

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
  • Love 9

I think one reason Chris put up such a strong defense against the gay accusation was because it was an insult to Kim.  Sure, it's offensive to use "You're gay" as an insult [because there's nothing wrong with being gay], but when you accuse a married man, with children, you're accusing him of having a secret life.  By extension, you're saying the wife is stupid, for not knowing, or that she's dishonest, because she knows but she's hiding it, living a lie, putting up a facade.


I hope I said that right.

  • Love 13

I find it ...curious ... a woman who makes her living on 2 shows in front of the camera and endorsing products is so quick to get physical.

Porsha's entire livelihood is her face and body!

Why in the world would she jeopardize it for beating ass?!?!!

On this I agree and strongly agree at that! LOL I really hope that Porsha does get herself under some control and I hope she comes at Kenya like Kim did, next season.


I think one reason Chris put up such a strong defense against the gay accusation was because it was an insult to Kim.  Sure, it's offensive to use "You're gay" as an insult [because there's nothing wrong with being gay], but when you accuse a married man, with children, you're accusing him of having a secret life.  By extension, you're saying the wife is stupid, for not knowing, or that she's dishonest, because she knows but she's hiding it, living a lie, putting up a facade.


I hope I said that right.

I agree! As much as Porsha needs anger management classes/help, Kenya needs a Psychiatrist to help her control her ugly personality and her need to destroy.  

  • Love 5

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