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But, to play devil's advocate, what other US soap has in the last 10 years?  It's not like GH was a haven of interracial relationships under Guza before Ron rolled in.


Oooh ooooh I know this one!!! Higley deliberately left Evangeline in a coma in case REG ever wanted to return to the soap at the time Evangeline was one foot in a relationship with Todd Manning (Now Victor somebody?) and one of the first things that Carlivati did when he took over the show was kill off Evangeline off-screen. Thereby making her die at the hands of racists and then use her sister Layla (my Tika has gone on to much better things thank god!) and Cristian's relationship to prop the first and only homosexual couple on OLTL in a useless bid since he was never fully planning on investing or keeping them on the show. My hate for Carlivati knows zero bounds, it's thousands suns hate, the kind of epic hate that could burn a (nother) whole in the ozone layer. To make matters even worse he marginalized and destroyed the family dynamic of the Vegas and took a relationship that actually had chemistry (Cristian and Layla) and wrote it (barely) into the ground. 


Also B&B had the brief but very engaging Thomas and Dayzee and B&B now has Maya and Rick (although they've gone off the deep end with that one). I also fully believe that if Marisa Ramirez had stayed on as Gia she would have been the next Vanessa Marcil to Tyler Christopher's Nikolas Cassadine, (I don't remember the secondary actor's name) there even seemed to be a bit of chem-testing for a triangle with her JY's Lucky and the other actor's Nikolas (I'm not trying to be rude I really can't remember his name).


Also have you seen the world? The devil doesn't need any more advocates. Truly.

Edited by slayer2
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and the other actor's Nikolas (I'm not trying to be rude I really can't remember his name).


Otherwise affectionately known at TWoP as Coltin Scott Fish Taco Stephen Martines with 100 other names in between! (When on GH, the actor went by Coltin Scott but has since begun using his given name Stephen Martines in other acting jobs.)

  • Love 6

The only thing bigger than TG's ego is the space between his ears.


I disliked him the first time he appeared with that bad perm, and while there were times I actually really liked him - remember when Leslie was so traumatized and Luke and Lucky were taking care of her, when Nickolas first came to town? - mostly he's been a canned ham on steroids.


In this case, at least, I'm not a big sorry that (some) of us got what wished for.

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Re: Interracial relationships on GH:


I mean, Ron did give us Shawn & Alexis, not that it wasn't slapped together, obviously. The upside is that NLG got to make out with SB, which made her happy. ;) 


And I guess JFP and GW doing Shawn & Carly before that was basically the same excuse for LW :P. 


So, yeah, not much to speak of, unfortunately.

Edited by UYI
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Ha, you underestimate how the top notch GH hair, make up and wardrobe team will have her looking like a haggard old lady.

Don't forget frumpy too!


I'd like to think that Genie told the assholes what it would take for her to come back and got it written in their blood. Okay, not blood, but got it in writing. No wounded dove bullshit, none of that lack of sense of self...but as a strong woman...hell, you all know what I mean. 


Then again, they could very well lie to her and just do the opposite once they got her to sign. 


  • Love 3

Jason and Keesha, AJ and Keesha, Justice and Faith, Nick and Gia, TJ and Molly.


I was thinking more about the last few years, but yes, you're right, there have been more interracial couples in the distant past! And I should've remembered TJ & Molly! I guess since Ron barely remembers them, I didn't either. ;)


And from above, I should have remembered Tom & Simone for couples who are further back. 


Ratings for week ending May 1st which was the 1st day of the NB...not good. Lost viewers all around despite the promo commercials. I'm quite interested to see numbers for last week, with Jiz sex & all. Their shippers keep claiming on Twitter they make the ratings go up, they're at the top of the polls, yada yada yada.

  • Love 2


That interview made me so sick, and that's why I decided to post, but now I'm so sick, I'm not sure I can.




I'd like to think that Genie told the assholes what it would take for her to come back and got it written in their blood. Okay, not blood, but got it in writing. No wounded dove bullshit, none of that lack of sense of self...but as a strong woman...hell, you all know what I mean. 



Look, I only ever paid any attention to Tony Geary, because Genie Francis' Laura looked at him like he hung the moon. I loved Laura & Scotty (and the Christmas tree star). I hated Luke when he was introduced, because I was a little, tiny girl, but it was clear to me that he was here as a spoiler to the Scott/Laura romance.

Then I read this shit:

Putting Luke with Tracy was a weird idea that somehow worked like gangbusters. Jane is the best thing that ever happened to me on GH. Luke's love for Laura [Genie Francis] was a youthful thing. He saw Laura as the damsel who needed saving. That's love but an unequal kind of love. Luke's love for Tracy has been infuriatingly, wonderfully equal and much more mature.

I don't actually object to Luke and Tracy. I get that Luke and Laura might have (would have) eventually broken up. I'm okay with that. I'm an adult. What I don't get is this "youthful thing." Sure, the actors were younger (and poor Genie was a baby), but the characters of Luke and Laura, that ws not their truth. Their truth is that Luke was so smitten with his "angel" that he never would have looked elsewhere, ever again. He was never a womanizer. He was a poor kid who got involved with Frank Smith to claw his way out of poverty and then met this angel. 

But wait, there's more...


When Luke and Laura first returned to GH, with a 10 year old Lucky in tow, the LAST thing LUKE SPENCER was, was an unfulfilled parent. Luke doted on that child. Luke took pleasure in that child's existence. I get it. Tony is not a parent, and that is not a path he chose for his life. Bully for him. But Lucas Lorenzo Spencer? He got to have a child with his angel, Laura, and he was more mesmerized by that child, than he'd ever been by anyone, including Laura. 

This actor is rewriting Luke's history to include a bunch of shite he wanted to play, but didn't, because he chose to whore himself to the soap operas he hated. (To be clear, I don't think soap opera actors whore themselves to the genre. I think Anthony has always seen soaps as beneath him and has decided that his years on GH were whoring.).

I want his Luke to die less nobly than poor AJ and then I want Laura to sex up Robert Scorpio on his grave.

But I'm not bitter.


  • Love 18

Equal, my ass. Didn't Luke put that gross bartender guy in bed with Tracy on their wedding night? Hasn't he treated her pretty shabbily over the years?

I'm so over TG acting like the epic romance / heroism of the 80s era was silly or embarrassing. It did get silly at times, but it had real emotion and root able characters. The current show being turned into this sloppy, mean-spirited camp fest (including Fluke)? THAT is embarrassing. And sad.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Equal, my ass. Didn't Luke put that gross bartender guy in bed with Tracy on their wedding night? Hasn't he treated her pretty shabbily over the years?

I'm so over TG acting like the epic romance / heroism of the 80s era was silly or embarrassing. It did get silly at times, but it had real emotion and root able characters. The current show being turned into this sloppy, mean-spirited camp fest (including Fluke)? THAT is embarrassing. And sad.

Didn't Luke get Tracy drunk so he could marry her for her money? I could be wrong therebut hes been horrid to Tracy.

Equal, my ass. Didn't Luke put that gross bartender guy in bed with Tracy on their wedding night? Hasn't he treated her pretty shabbily over the years?

I'm so over TG acting like the epic romance / heroism of the 80s era was silly or embarrassing. It did get silly at times, but it had real emotion and root able characters. The current show being turned into this sloppy, mean-spirited camp fest (including Fluke)? THAT is embarrassing. And 

Edited by Harmony233

I noticed on Ron's twitter feed, the last tweet that had anything with current storylines was a week ago, "Love in the Afternoon" with a picture of Liz and Jakeson in bed together, even though there is a pretty loud faction of watchers think that Liz raped Jason, and at the very least she is taking advantage of mentally disadvantage man, withholding key information from him. I don't follow the conversation, but I wonder if he is getting enough push back with this that even his sycophantic followers are giving him pause. Usually he pushes any stupid storyline or character on twitter, but he seems oddly silent, only tweeting about Mother's Day and discussing if someone who sings about sharks should be at next year's Nurses' Ball.  

Edited by Ambrosefolly



Maybe Anna can go looking into why she wasn't able to get a hold of her daughter when Duke died? 


She's getting Duke settled in his new identity while she looks into Robin's strange lack of communication? Offscreen GH is the BEST!

Edited by Oracle42
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Apparently, SOD has an interview with Ron about Liz's actions.  From the recaps of it I've read, the gist seems to be that he thinks it's a great story and anyone who doesn't is a hater who should shut up.


Typical Ron.


They don't even need to interview him anymore, they can just skip the effort, save some space, and print exactly that about every single GH story line.  That's pretty much his standard response to interviews about any story line anyway. 

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I saw a scan on Twitter of the SOD interview and Ron flat-out admits this is a revisit to his ideas from 2012 when Liz switched the paternity tests.


Of course it is. He'd planned to run that shit with Jason and Liz for months and months but Steve quit, and RC almost never lets go of an old idea if he doesn't get to do it "right" - regardless of the future context, stories, or characters. He will always bring it back, and force it.

Edited by jsbt
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