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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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This year is actually his tenth year on the show, so I'm wondering if he'll make it to his actual anniversary if he leaves, since he started late in the year, if he hasn't already.


In any case, being a Hey! It's That Guy kind of actor might actually be a better thing for him. A decade may have passed, but there's no reason he can't find some sort of steady work in that fashion. 

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And again, if it is true he is leaving, I wonder: A. If the casting side is for the Patrick character or a new doc/not doc and B. If the Patrick character is also gone, will these hacks see fit to resolve the Robin angle somehow...

Why do I think I'm screwed either way? Either Patrick is recast for the sole purpose of kissing Sam's ass and to prolong the worst triangle/quad or Patrick leaves with Robin two seconds after marrying and proclaiming love for his new family with The Most Beautiful Woman He's Ever Seen.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Yest. 6:45 pm

Is Robin confirmed as back? Just give me airdates and I'll watch that.




According to SID...

Both Kimberly McCullough (Robin) and Rachel Ames (Audrey) will be appearing on the show in the next few weeks.

RA will be guesting on 10/30 (not sure if there will be more appearances).

KMc is apparently returning for sweeps and the show will deal with "the Robin issue".

I have seen this info on a few sites that I trust plus the tweet from Kimberly herself hinting at this was happening so hope to hear of dates soon.

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He sounds absoutely ridclous and then claiming something about GH history.Would the show please stop pretending they care about GH history? To them the show started the day that sonny showed up in town.


Which must be why he said this:


MB: The mob has been part of the show from the beginning.


It's like he honestly believes that GH didn't exist before he showed up.


And then there's this:


Too much of anything is too much. As long as you have a balance, the audience will watch anything that’s written well and that’s acted well.


The epic cluelessness here defies belief.

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I think she's at an awkward time in her career. She was never the typical soap ingénue; her looks just aren't cookie-cutter enough. She's done nothing but soaps, so she's not well-known to the wider industry.


If she's smart, she'll go to school and get some peer experience, as well as a degree in something. She needs to widen her world. Maybe she continues to act, maybe she doesn't, but her soap money isn't going to last forever.

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LMAO that she tweeted that using the yellow heart emoji. Just in case we needed true confirmation they're ~just friends~


Are they friends, or frrrrriiiiieeeeeennnddsss?


ETA: Sorry folks, I've given up even reading the episode thread, and as a result have absolutely nothing od substantive to add to anything anywhere.  

Edited by Tiger
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I think she's at an awkward time in her career. She was never the typical soap ingénue; her looks just aren't cookie-cutter enough. She's done nothing but soaps, so she's not well-known to the wider industry.


If she's smart, she'll go to school and get some peer experience, as well as a degree in something. She needs to widen her world. Maybe she continues to act, maybe she doesn't, but her soap money isn't going to last forever.


If she's still wants to work, there's the CW/WB and/or the science fiction/fantasy genre. If she can get onto a Flash/Supernatural type show, even with a few appearances, she's into the SF Fandom, and soap actors are prized because they can pick up a script and read like that.


And yes, the fandoms intertwine.

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I didn't mean that I thought she was done in the industry. Just that she might have to look a little further afield than she might otherwise. I could see her playing a villain of the week on a CW show. They like young actors, and as you note, NutmegsDad, her soap experience means she won't have trouble with the pace. That's probably one of her biggest selling points, tbh.

Edited by dubbel zout
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If she's still wants to work, there's the CW/WB and/or the science fiction/fantasy genre. If she can get onto a Flash/Supernatural type show, even with a few appearances, she's into the SF Fandom, and soap actors are prized because they can pick up a script and read like that.


How do I put this? The issue there is, to be delicate, Kristen has a certain look that doesn't necessarily mesh well with the types they tend to cast on many of those shows. I actually do think she's a beautiful girl, but she's definitely got a certain... uh... presence?


She got her start in the theater and she was an adorable little girl, but she's matured into a woman where I don't think the superficial aesthetics that drive casting of many of those shows would necessarily give her a chance. And putting that aside, her performances as an adult are often, uh, Some Kind of Way.

  • Love 8

How do I put this? The issue there is, to be delicate, Kristen has a certain look that doesn't necessarily mesh well with the types they tend to cast on many of those shows. I actually do think she's a beautiful girl, but she's definitely got a certain... uh... presence?

She got her start in the theater and she was an adorable little girl, but she's matured into a woman where I don't think the superficial aesthetics that drive casting of many of those shows would necessarily give her a chance. And putting that aside, her performances as an adult are often, uh, Some Kind of Way.

HA! Took the words right out my mouth, but in a much more diplomatic way...I approve lol!

How do I put this? The issue there is, to be delicate, Kristen has a certain look that doesn't necessarily mesh well with the types they tend to cast on many of those shows. I actually do think she's a beautiful girl, but she's definitely got a certain... uh... presence?


She got her start in the theater and she was an adorable little girl, but she's matured into a woman where I don't think the superficial aesthetics that drive casting of many of those shows would necessarily give her a chance. And putting that aside, her performances as an adult are often, uh, Some Kind of Way.


I think she's one of those actresses who it really depends on how her makeup and hair are done.  She did not look her best during her run on GH, most of the time.  But, then I've seen her in photo shoots (or sometimes just having done her own makeup), where she really looks beautiful and could fit in pretty well in Hollywood.  If she were to go into an audition with a really good hair and makeup job and her soap learned ability to learn her lines, she could land some work.  


Having said that, she'd probably get more work in theater - she's got the singing angle, she can handle lots of dialogue, and, in theater, having a "unique" look isn't as much of a detriment as it is the in the CW world.  

  • Love 4

Someone on Twitter posted about Kevin and Anna's scenes (it wasn't me, despite the exclamation point usage) along with a picture of them hugging.


Fin's response was...


Best hugs RT @fyeahGH: KEVIN!!! @thejonlindstrom @finolahughes #gh




It cracks me up how downright ... perky she is on social media.   It's so unlike the character she plays -- even back in the day, when Anna was actually allowed to be happy sometimes, she was never quite so cheerful.  I kind of can't imagine Anna on Twitter ... hee!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I don't agree. Even if they were badly constructed and had no follow through-which is why I said his writing needed help-RC tried to include vets.

We saw Bobbie, Scott, Lucy in a triangle. Tracy and Luke got some airtime, although even under RC Tracy had nothing other than Luke or Joe or Paul or whatever man(kind of like all the women, actually). We saw Monica, even if it was only briefly, and her whole relationship with the judge has been offscreen. We saw Mac and Felicia, Kevin and Lucy, etc.

I feel the writers are always unfairly blamed as to who gets used and who doesn't. I do feel it's mostly the EP, whoever she/he is at the time. Or whoever it is that decides actor's contracts. Because no matter how much or how little  a writer likes an actor or character, if the actor only has a one day a week guarantee on their contract, it's kind of hard to write story for them. If they have a three or four day a week guarantee, they are almost always guaranteed some airtime/story, no matter how boring that story might be. No matter how little or how much interest the writer has in them.

Maurice Benard may have still gotten airtime under RC, but there wasn't any of this Sonny Is Awesome crap under him. In fact, he gave us Michael rejecting Sonny-something Guza and probably these new writers, never would have done. In fact, under RC, much of Sonny's airtime was just about nothing remarkable at all. About Franco-I don't really care. I think far too many people online don't have a problem with our resident murdering hitman, Jason, so I'm not going to get up in arms over Franco. As I've said before, they are the same. If we have to have one, might as well have the other.  As far as Sean Kanan-oh, it's possible Sean made Ron mad, but again, Ron wasn't responsible for whether or not Sean was fired or whatever happened. Writers don't fire or hire people. Yes, Sean was treatly badly-but if it was Ron disliking him-Frank could have stepped in at any time, and didn't. Frank could have told Ron to use Sean, and didn't.

I think Frank Valentini has dodged so many bullets that have hit other people. But that's a rant for another time.

Which meant he included the vets as much as Guza. Guza put Jane Elliot on contract with SC's Dillon in tow and then paired her with Luke. He brought back Kimberly McCullough as Robin in 2005. He also had Scotty come intermediately and had Heather return as well, as badly written as they were, and Scotty bonding with Logan was way more believable than this Franco shit we have been subjected too. He too brought back other Qs like Justus and Brook Lynne and created Maya. The Qs were sitting around arguing the first few years after Guza's return, only until 2005 did he start killing off Qs one by one. Anna managed to return as well, but if JFP didn't treat her as badly FV/RC treated Sean Kanean, we might have gotten to keep her. We saw more of Mac under Guza than RC. As for Lucy and Kevin, keep in mind they did get jobs on other soaps so they weren't available for a few years. Off screen stories are about as useful to me as trying to cram an entire summer storyline into one episode of the show (Felicia's mayoral run) because they are too focused on making completely unrelated and more importantly, completely useless characters work. And believe it or not, RC's dislike of Sonny doesn't rank very high with me if he is getting a generous amount of screen time. Michael might have turned on him for a time, but instead of writing MB off the show, they had the a governor give him a full pardon for murder. While Guza (and Frons) were more fond of Sonny, Guza had no problem with making Sonny look completely incompetent to prop up Jason. 


I actually agree about Frank. It doesn't matter if he manages to get everything under budget if the show is going to be complete shit. Put it this way, the 100 million dollars spent on Titanic was money better spent than the $10, million spent on making the Brown Bunny. I don't think money is the be all or end all of turning out good quality entertainment. I believe the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer  was much more beautifully done than the last few seasons, even though the budget easily dwarfed it. The fact I would read about RC pitching extremely stupid shit to him and FV just going along with show that FV should have also have been canned. 

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Guza wasn't interested in Lucy or LH.When PC ended talked about how their wasn't room for her on the show or she wouldn't fit in.LH talked about how hurt she was about in in an article about when she got the  job on ATWT which was years later.


One thing I do think that RC liked the vets. Did he write them well? Not really.Truthfully they haven't been written well since WR was still the EP which is pretty depressing.Think my biggest frustration with the show right now is there is so many ways to rebuilt the Quatermaines/Hrdys/Webbers ect but they would rather bring on newbies.

Edited by Harmony233
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One thing I do think that RC liked the vets. Did he write them well? Not really.Truthfully they haven't been written well since WR was still the EP which is pretty depressing.Think my biggest frustration with the show right now is there is so many ways to rebuilt the Quatermaines/Hrdys/Webbers ect but they would rather bring on newbies.

I knew about LH, but I do think her finding another job is a convenient excuse for me:) Guza might not have valued her as a vet, but she isn't only vet we have. He did bring back Leslie Webber from the dead, though the less we say about what they did to Rick Webber, the better. I just don't believe RC has the same love for GH vets as he did for OLTL vets and had as much Guza. Once he thought he no longer needed the vets to raise the ratings, he never featured them. Sonny is released from prison and we don't have a closed hand slap from Monica? We haven't seen Monica because the show is overly obsessed with stupid over indulged Michael.

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