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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I don't do twitter so . But I do do this site and others and I find myself having nothing nice to say about the show. Re-Ron I say about him. frank also. The rest I say all nasty stuff about the characters. WHEN atwts WAS ON, SOME OF THE ACTORS CAME ON, ONE THING I LEARNED WAS. can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. You cannot please all of the people and not everyone will like you. Why would you take the chance of going on line with your thin skin. Brian is a kid and his PARENTS NEED TO GROW UP. giving THE FINGER TO PEOPLE JUST MAKES THEM KNOW THEY ARE RIGHT ABOUT THEM.

I don't do twitter so . But I do do this site and others and I find myself having nothing nice to say about the show. Re-Ron I say about him. frank also. The rest I say all nasty stuff about the characters. WHEN atwts WAS ON, SOME OF THE ACTORS CAME ON, ONE THING I LEARNED WAS. can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. You cannot please all of the people and not everyone will like you. Why would you take the chance of going on line with your thin skin. Brian is a kid and his PARENTS NEED TO GROW UP. giving THE FINGER TO PEOPLE JUST MAKES THEM KNOW THEY ARE RIGHT ABOUT THEM.


I'm all for people having thick skin on Twitter and know not everything is rainbows and there will be dissent and criticism. But there is criticism and then there is being a straight-up asshole because one is anonymous behind a computer screen. If you wouldn't act like a fool in real life, the same SHOULD apply online. But unfortunately, anonymity breeds idiocy more often than not.

  • Love 5

Well, someone called Varni out on Brydawg's Twitter threats, and he replied:

@nathanvarni: @DianeHWolfe yes. We follow mandatory company protocol, the matter is being handled privately. Thank you.

Let's see if the actions have consequences.


My guess is that "mandatory company protocol" = "Dammit, dude, get the hell off Twitter!!!"

Ratings are out and the headline is "GH Bleeding Out"




365,000 in the 18-49 demo. 


Ok, now, can we pretty please on a cracker get rid of the air hoggers of this month:  Franco, Nina, and Ava?


And throw in Kiki, Julian, and Madeline for good measure? And stop this Valerie nonsense.


Is this really so hard? I'm not even being glib. Is it really this hard?

  • Love 7

I like Maura West, but at this point I don't knowif her character can be salvaged. They made a total muck of it with Denise.

The problem was always the fact that Ava was always a stone cold bitch with no redeeming qualities. She could have come back from murdering Connie, but then she orchestrated AJ's murder as well.

No long term GH fan will accept her after that.

  • Love 6

Friday, the lowest rated day, was entirely about Sonny, Carly, Nina, and Franco.  And next week is going to be more of the same.  Of course Nina and Franco need to be eviscerated, like now, but the Corinthii bunch are played out, too.  They never change and they never lose.  Plus, I don't give a shit about Sonny or Carly and have no interest in watching those vipers wring their hands over their dumbass son. 


Frank Valenti is wrong.  I have stopped watching, and only tune in occasionally in the hope that something - anything - will be better than the last time I watched.  It never is, so I end up turning the channel.  He should have been fired right along with Ron C., and both of them should have been canned months ago.


ETA:  I'm a long term GH fan (since 1978), and I'll accept Ava.  I also loved (Sean Kanan's) AJ and am still bitter over Ron C. and FV completely fucking up SK's return.  But, if they turned Ava into another smug asshole like Carly and had her win all the damn time, then I wouldn't accept her at all. 

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 10

Ava has been winning the whole damn time.

Silas kidnapped a baby to save her life for no good reason and she's been fooling everyone and walking around free in this Denise disguise for months.

Let her spend as much time in a jail cell as AJ did for the cold-blooded murder SHE committed and then we'll talk about Ava paying for any of the disgusting things she's done.

Even Sonny, the king of skating, has spent more time paying for his crimes than this horrible creature has.

  • Love 3

Ratings are out and the headline is "GH Bleeding Out"


365,000 in the 18-49 demo.

Ok, now, can we pretty please on a cracker get rid of the air hoggers of this month: Franco, Nina, and Ava?

And throw in Kiki, Julian, and Madeline for good measure? And stop this Valerie nonsense.

Is this really so hard? I'm not even being glib. Is it really this hard?

I'm not a Neilson viewer but I fall in the above demo and I barely watch. I watched last Monday and Tuesday for Brad and Lucas. Brad. and. Lucas!

Characters I hate are constantly on, useless randoms and newbies hogging up airtime and characters I use to love are so OOC, stupid and disgusting.

Repetitive never ending nonsensical stories and constant baby rabies just aren't for me.

Also, if I want to watch the mob I'll watch The Sopranos or The Wire.

  • Love 4

Man, what's going to happen to the ratings when the new Days stuff/the 50th anniversary gets into full swing?

Ooh. Probably nothing good for GH ... the headlines are going to be GH still collapsing while Days turns itself around.

TPTB really do not get that they don't have an infinite window of time to fix this. And there are fans they will never win back at this point (AJ fans, Duke fans, probably a lot of Robin fans who are just too disgusted at this point, etc.).

They seem to be hinging their hopes on promoting Sonny, but I'm not sure his die hard fans really strayed too far in the first place ... and there is no new story they are willing to tell with him. He won't make new fans at this point, and so many fans maxed out on him years ago.

  • Love 5


Even Sonny, the king of skating, has spent more time paying for his crimes than this horrible creature has.


When Sonny is drugged and has a baby ripped out of his uterus, then maybe I'll be convinced that he's spent time paying for his crimes.


Not to mention, both Sonny and Ava were in jail for approximately the same amount of time.

  • Love 9

When Sonny is drugged and has a baby ripped out of his uterus, then maybe I'll be convinced that he's spent time paying for his crimes.

Not to mention, both Sonny and Ava were in jail for approximately the same amount of time.

That act just made Nina as low as Ava, but let's not pretend cray Nina attacked disgusting Ava without cause. Baby AJ came through it, so I count both those disgusting creatures even on that count.

I hate Sonny, but he did a little time and faced some consequences (though not nearly what he deserved). Ava hasn't paid anything, because the only thing that baby represented to her was a way to skate on by while she tried to figure out another way to save her own worthless ass. Even while Michael was holding Sonny at gunpoint, all Ava wanted was for Michael to kill him before Sonny could blab about how she murdered Connie, framed Michael's father for that murder, and then orchestrated AJ's murder as well.

If Sonny should pay, then the worthless retconned sister of a retcon character should also pay just as dear a price and Ava has skated on her crimes, even compared to Sonny.

  • Love 1

The cause was nowhere near justification for what she did. Period. It doesn't matter if AVERY came through it okay. She was in jeopardy of not surviving and she was stolen and taken to another country. Ava was left to die. She only survived because Silas and Kiki found her bleeding to death on the docks. Then she was shot, fell off a bridge, got cancer, and was forced to endure the stupidest writing imaginable.


Can you name me one person that is on Ava's side? Just one. Exactly. You can't, because there isn't one. She has no friends, no family and Sonny continually trying to kill her. Sonny has let's see: Carly, Morgan, Dante, Michael (eventually), AVERY, Olivia, TJ, and to a lesser extent Lulu (the world's greatest grandpa, #neverforget), and even Sam and Alexis who still defend him to this day. The only way she is surviving is through sheer force of will and determination.


Obviously, you and I will never agree or even come to terms on this issue. But the idea that she hasn't paid and is walking around carefree is ludicrous to me, and that Sonny has paid for his crimes more than she has is baffling. He did a little time? So did she. Faced some consequences? He's getting ready to be married, for god's sake. He hasn't faced a god damn thing.

  • Love 7

Who's ready for a little Bry-dog and Mama Craig on this fine Monday morning?


This picture really explains so much.




Oh my. I know this is a few days old now, but I couldn't let it pass. Do you know where the photo originated? Is it from his instagram (or hers) or elsewhere?


I can't deal with that right now.


In other news, Stephen Nichols briefly addresses GH while discussing his return to DAYS with TV Insider:



I take his larger point, but I also think he's overreacting to the NB offer. He's always been a bit intense, though.


He is intense, but I remember how they treated Genie's character when they brought her back for the 50th, so  I think he made the right decision. What's sad is, the storyline on GH really kind of has a Stefan Cassidine shaped hole, right now. I mean, they're pretty much turning Nik into his uncle. He's no longer the principled young prince. He's now more like Principled… for a Cassidine. 

This is only tangentially related to GH, but in that Nichols interview, there's a mention that Steve and Kayla's wedding was second in ratings for soap weddings, after Luke and Laura. In the picture of the wedding party, is Genie Francis one of the bridesmaids? From left to right, on (our) right of Kayla, it looks like Kim, Adrienne, [Genie Francis], then Carrie Brady. I remember Genie played Diana Colville for a  year or two, and was involved with John Black, who might have been Roman Brady at the time. Is it Genie or another blonde I can't remember?

I'm just asking because I'll be highly amused if Genie was in the two biggest soap weddings, ever.

  • Love 2


In the picture of the wedding party, is Genie Francis one of the bridesmaids? From left to right, on (our) right of Kayla, it looks like Kim, Adrienne, [Genie Francis], then Carrie Brady. I remember Genie played Diana Colville for a  year or two, and was involved with John Black, who might have been Roman Brady at the time. Is it Genie or another blonde I can't remember?


I'm just asking because I'll be highly amused if Genie was in the two biggest soap weddings, ever.


Genie as Diana Colville was definitely there. I can still vividly remember her telling Roman (at the time) that Kayla asked her to be a bridesmaid. This was when I was a hardcore Days fan. Roman/Diana was one of my favorite ships. I had such a huge thing for them.

  • Love 2

Can you name me one person that is on Ava's side? Just one. Exactly. You can't, because there isn't one. She has no friends, no family and Sonny continually trying to kill her. Sonny has let's see: Carly, Morgan, Dante, Michael (eventually), AVERY, Olivia, TJ, and to a lesser extent Lulu (the world's greatest grandpa, #neverforget), and even Sam and Alexis who still defend him to this day. The only way she is surviving is through sheer force of will and determination.]

Julian is, (and he should be because she did kill Connie for him) or as much as he can be and Kiki as well, just not to the ass kissing extent that Sonny crew is, as it should be. I kind of loved when Julian told Alexis he knew that Denise was Ava for a while. Silas was when he was alive and before he found out she was sleeping with Morgan. Not great but apparently more than poor Monica, fuck Michael for forgiving Sonny. And there lies the disconnect the show has had for nearly 20 years ago: some characters have the correct amount of support/contempt (or just contempt) while other characters get fawning support, no matter how much of an unrepentant asshole he or she is. It is why, as much as I dislike Ava, I cheered her on when she reminded Morgan that time he sold her out to Sonny and went into a rage black out when Sonny confront Ava and called her an incubator. Sonny comes across completely solipsistic.

  • Love 7

This is only tangentially related to GH, but in that Nichols interview, there's a mention that Steve and Kayla's wedding was second in ratings for soap weddings, after Luke and Laura. In the picture of the wedding party, is Genie Francis one of the bridesmaids? From left to right, on (our) right of Kayla, it looks like Kim, Adrienne, [Genie Francis], then Carrie Brady. I remember Genie played Diana Colville for a  year or two, and was involved with John Black, who might have been Roman Brady at the time. Is it Genie or another blonde I can't remember?

I'm just asking because I'll be highly amused if Genie was in the two biggest soap weddings, ever.


Yep, that's definitely Genie!  Here's another link:  http://rememberdays.fanspace.com/patchkaywed3.htm


If GH will not sign her to a big, fat contract which gives her the same sort of control over story that TG had, then I won't know what to say.  Well, I will, but it won't be nice and will involve a lot of curse words.

  • Love 1

Every week the ratings come out, we all keep asking how much lower can they go before something drastic is done. And every week continues to chug along with the brain dead characters at the forefront. Honestly, how does Valentini sleep at night? Is he not worried for his job AT ALL? I just don't get this continued willful stupidity regarding these storylines and characters that the audience is very plainly telling them they suck. FV continues to push the entirely wrong things on social media, smdh.

  • Love 5

But the idea that she hasn't paid and is walking around carefree is ludicrous to me, and that Sonny has paid for his crimes more than she has is baffling. He did a little time? So did she. Faced some consequences? He's getting ready to be married, for god's sake. He hasn't faced a god damn thing.


This. And I don't even give a shit about Ava anymore, but to say Sonny has paid for his crimes or faced consequences is a damn lie. The man has everyone in town singing his fucking praises once again.


I love seeing the ratings slide every week. It's the most entertaining thing about the show right now!


I am flabbergasted that everyone BTS thinks the way to save the show is to give us All Sonny All the Time with bonus Franco/Nina. I can't accept that they are this stupid, so I figure they must just be actively trying to end the show in the worse way possible for some reason.

  • Love 3

I am flabbergasted that everyone BTS thinks the way to save the show is to give us All Sonny All the Time with bonus Franco/Nina. I can't accept that they are this stupid, so I figure they must just be actively trying to end the show in the worse way possible for some reason.

Like I said before, I think this was Ron's Hail Mary pass in order to keep featuring Franco and Nina, but he got fired anyway.

  • Love 2

The GH ratings made even this former viewer wince.  Holy cow - how do you come back from that?


I took GH off the dvr when Genie Francis left - not that it mattered because even after Ron got fired I only watched maybe a total of 15 minutes of the months of shows I had recorded.  And GF returning won't get me to put the show back on the dvr.  Until Franco is gone, I don't really see the point.   

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 4

We're screwed.



Even DAYS couldn't fuck up the next few months too badly, and DAYS can fuck up anything.


GH's only prayer to survive would start with ending these stories, firing a number of people and bringing back Genie, Kim, and pushing them and other people who the audience actually is invested in beyond a cone of progressive failure (the way the mob mono-focus eventually brought Guza down). But even that may not save them. Their only real shot lies in the hope that anything else ABC is priming to try in the daypart will fail or not produce adequate numbers. That is the only reason GH isn't gone yet.

  • Love 8

GH's only prayer to survive would start with ending these stories, firing a number of people and bringing back Genie, Kim, and pushing them and other people who the audience actually is invested in


Bringing back characters isn't going to help.  Ron did that so much it has long since passed the point of diminsihing returns.  If they want GH to survive they need to do a big, heavily promoted story that will let everyone know in no uncertain terms that the staus quo on GH is no more - a story that really will Change Everything.


Yes, I'm going there.


They need to kill off Sonny Corinthos.

  • Love 11

I completely agree. Once viewers leave a show, it is very very hard to get them to come back. I highly doubt a change of writers is going to do it. They would have to adjust something drastic with a massive PR push to even hope to recover what they've lost (and I highly doubt ABC is willing to pay to do that or cares enough about the show to even worry about doing it.)

  • Love 1

Where on Earth could they find the money in the GH budget to potentially help with such a PR push? Let's check today's show!


As for Sonny, I would not be averse to killing him but I just don't think it's plausible that they'd take that plunge. I think it's more likely you could push him finally going down.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2

I don't want the show to get cancelled, but I do have to say, I would laugh my ass off if the union and prominence of Carly and Sonny was their big push to save themselves, cancellation happened anyway, and then they immediately tossed that out the window to make way for an endgame with Sonny and Brenda.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

Bringing back characters isn't going to help.  Ron did that so much it has long since passed the point of diminsihing returns.  If they want GH to survive they need to do a big, heavily promoted story that will let everyone know in no uncertain terms that the staus quo on GH is no more - a story that really will Change Everything.


Yes, I'm going there.


They need to kill off Sonny Corinthos.


Honestly, I don't think Sonny is the main problem (and I loathe the character more than I can say).  At least he feels like GH.  Olbrecht, Franco and Nina are what's keeping me away.  


Though if it did get cancelled, I want Jax and Brenda as endgame.  I'd even accept them Skype-ing Carly, telling her that Josslyn was staying in Australia with them. 

  • Love 3

Absolutely.  Sonny needs to be murdered.  Truly, finally murdered.


And we need to watch his corpse burned to a crisp, like that Nazi guy in Raiders of the Lost Ark, with the camera never leaving the body for an instant as his smug face melts onscreen.  Then toss the ashes off our favorite PC pier.  No DNA left.  No coming back.  No dirty dealings to switch the corpse and revive him at a later date.  No clones.




Ooops, excuse me.  The idea that I can hate a fictional character so much is disturbing to me.  Carry on.

Edited by Reo
  • Love 11

The problem was always the fact that Ava was always a stone cold bitch with no redeeming qualities. She could have come back from murdering Connie, but then she orchestrated AJ's murder as well.

No long term GH fan will accept her after that.

She's the Victor Newman of GH, he seems to be very popular these days.  Maybe it is a gender thing.

Killing Sonny won't help with ratings unfortunately. The show has invested so much in Sonny for the past decade that I think a good percentage of the remaining viewers are Sonny fans. Like him or not, people are invested in him.

Now getting rid of characters like Nina, Franco, Kiki and yeah, Jake Doe is a different story. I am sure people WILL tune in to see Franco get his just deserts. I know I would.

Sadly, there is precious little they can do for ratings. The show is too far down the drain but they have to start by riding themselves of the Ninas and Francos on the canvas. And for all things holy, scratch the idea that Jake is Jason and let Billy go.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 4

Killing Sonny won't help with ratings unfortunately. The show has invested so much in Sonny for the past decade that I think a good percentage of the remaining viewers are Sonny fans. Like him or not, people are invested in him.

Now getting rid of characters like Nina, Franco, Kiki and yeah, Jake Doe is a different story. I am sure people WILL tune in to see Franco get his just deserts. I know I would.

Sadly, there is precious little they can do for ratings. The show is too far down the drain but they have to start by riding themselves of the Ninas and Francos on the canvas. And for all things holy, scratch the idea that Jake is Jason and let Billy go.


You are probably right.  The die hard Sonny shippers will be the last ones remaining.  Okay, okay.  Here's a compromise.  I will accept, in lieu of MB being gone forever, the good twin (instead of evil), who was ...um... for ....um.... reasons given to a Catholic orphanage and who has become a priest.  The town is stunned when he shows up to give the moobster his eulogy.  

  • Love 2

I was setting my dvr to record something on Monday and noticed that my ABC affiliate has moved GH to its sister station in favor repeats of a Hot Bench starting Monday. It moved Chew and View a while ago. What's hilarious is that ABC primetime does really well in my market, and the affiliate has won every single sweeps period in every news time slot going back to like '87. But now they've officially dumped ABCDaytime.

Edited by Tiger

Killing Sonny won't help with ratings unfortunately. The show has invested so much in Sonny for the past decade that I think a good percentage of the remaining viewers are Sonny fans. Like him or not, people are invested in him.


People said the same thing about Jason and Steve Burton, but they killed off the character and the show was rejuvenated.  It didn't last, but that was because the writing started going off the rails shortly after.  There was no need to bring him back in the form of Billy Miller (sorry Billy).


I don't think Mo's fans are all that, either.  They're like a lot of other special interest groups - small, highly motivated, and loud.  GH could thrive without Sonny Corinthos and his idiot family. 


There's a lot the current regime could do to improve ratings.  There needs to be a sea change, though.  And right now.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 4

I was setting my dvr to record something on Monday and noticed that my ABC affiliate has moved GH to its sister station in favor repeats of a Hot Bench starting Monday. It moved Chew and View a while ago. What's hilarious is that ABC primetime does really well in my market, and the affiliate has won every single sweeps period in every news time slot going back to like '87. But now they've officially dumped ABCDaytime.


Well, that's not a good sign. But it was coming to this eventually!

Killing Sonny won't help with ratings unfortunately. The show has invested so much in Sonny for the past decade that I think a good percentage of the remaining viewers are Sonny fans. Like him or not, people are invested in him.


I think people would definitely tune in for a "who killed Sonny" murder mystery. Yeah, the ratings might fall afterwards but they're falling now so what the heck, go for it.


I think the fans remaining are not so much Sonny fans as Maurice Benard fans, so maybe we could go with Reo's idea.

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