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S10.E10: The Knockouts Premiere

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Blake was all "Wait. Ahh know that song! It's Country!"


Translating it to near-Gospel is an easy change, since it almost is that anyway (basically it's just changing the backing instrumentation--taking out the steel guitars and such).

Edited by Kromm
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I totally think Pharrell was being a softee on that last battle. He knew Adam would scoop up the "Broken Wing" singer (side note: I don't learn names yet) and so he made the pick that would let both artists stay. Not that the winner wasn't good, but she wasn't exaclty memorable on that one.


Still liking Alison (the one name I know, although I know she spells it some unusual way) and the girl who sang "Rising Sun." Adams artists were forgettable. He lucked out with that steal. The girl who sang "Gypsy" on Blake's team was also good, I was just endlessly bored by her song choice.


Why on earth is Adam's hair pink? Is this Blake's birthday gift or something? It's like lobbing one over the plate to Blake.

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I thought Miley was an excellent mentor. She was focused on the contestants song choice rather than their appearance. I thought most of the knockout choices were obvious except for Emily over Shaylah. I was shocked Pharell should have kept Shaylah.

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First shock of the Knockouts: Angie goes and no one steals her.


Granted, she chose a bad song--and Blake gave her a hint about it, then let her do as she wanted, which I think is great, actually.She could have probably advanced with a better song, but at least she went out on her own terms. Her "edge" will be missed on Team Blake though, where "country" will probably become increasing bland, moving toward the finals.


Still enjoying Owen and glad he's made it to lives. I like that Adam's letting them choose their own songs more than in some other seasons. Hannah did a great job with HoRS but it's just hard to get me to care about that song at this point. Malik didn't do anything as demanding or original with Stevie's song, but I just prefer that style of singing and hoped he'd get saved.


I feel we're heading into the Lives with a lot more belters left than I'd choose  personally. Hopefully Laith and a couple of others who bring something good and different will be sticking around.

Edited by Padma
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The girl who sang "Gypsy" on Blake's team was also good, I was just endlessly bored by her song choice.


I thought it was a fantastic choice, and she knew it well enough to have her own spin on it.  I didn't find it boring at all.  

Edited by vb68
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just started watching the show.....


do the judges only have a limited amount of comments that they can use?

there's no one else like you on this show

i have to go with my gut on this one

you got a difficult choice ahead of you.

or some other random BS


i hate that none of them are ever honest.  they just feed these people with utter BS fluff that it gives them a false sense of accomplishment, when in actuality, some of them were not that good. 


anyhooo.....that one contestant really did sound like trisha yearwood that i had to do a double take.  nice tone on that voice.


seems like this show is nothing more than a betting contest between the judges and whoever wins gets a big bonus at the end of the year....and who cares what happens to the contestants.  not very honest criticisms, quite disgusting,


miley.  great voice..  hard to believe she sounds like a 60 year old chain smoker when talking but sounds like an angel when she sings, lol.

Edited by lovebug1975
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Angie and Paxton, Angie learned the hard way that if you choose a more rhythmically challenging rather than vocally (in terms of range and power) challenging song you will most likely go home if the other person executes. I loved that she tried to give the spoken word/rap-esque verses a melodic spin but she simply handcuffed herself in a round when you cannot do that. Paxton earned the win, his tone is unique for the show and he stands out like a sore thumb (in a good way) on Team Blake so kudos where they are appropriate.


Owen and Ryan, Well here is Adam taking a page out of Pharrell's playbook to force a steal from one of the other judges. There's no other believable reason why he would've paired these two up otherwise. l'm an Owen fan, I thought this was awesome and he continues to surprise me with a bigger range than I'm expecting. Ryan was good too, but I am glad that they finally called him out on his surface level connections to whatever he's singing. It feels like he's basically given the same performance regardless of his three songs differing subject matter. No surprise he got a steal, but again if I'm some of the other contestants, I'd be ticked off that he ever needed one in the first place.


Hannah and Malik, Ok so Hannah slayed on a song that's been done to death on reality singing competitions. She loses half a point for uninspired song choice though. Poor Malik, he pretty much had no chance from the get go....but Isn't She Lovely certainly wasn't the song to make Pharrell reconsider after hearing Hannah.


Katie and Lacy, Does Lacy have inappropriate pictures of one of the Voice higher ups (or Carson)? Here's the thing, I loved her song choice, I loved her "On top of a car in a Whitesnake video" fashion choice...and I loved that fact that she embraced the female rock side of her voice......but that ending to Zombie was just weird and didn't come off right. Katie clearly is much more the polished product, although with her I'm not sure that performance makes me think her stay on Team Blake will last past the Top 20 to Final 12 culling. This decision also confirms that ever trying to speculate on a Pharrell steal is wasted mental energy.


Alisan and Daniel, I've already begun my Sawyer and Jordan routine of simply refusing to listen to Alisan from here on out. Needless to say I'm not shocked she advanced lol. Didn't really get Daniel's song choice...but I do understand trying to go over the top w/ the performance skills when you are facing someone the show and judges have basically given the season to already.


Emily and Shalyah, I'm not quite as annoyed at Pharrell's shenanigans advancing Emily who clearly lost because I'm relatively confident that Emily would've been stolen by Blake (and maybe Adam as well). I absolutely loved Emily's performance minus the final twenty seconds or so. The timbre of her voice is absolutely haunting at times. Shalyah morphed into Koryn Hawthorne over the course of those ninety seconds. Impressive.


If Miley is as locked into S11 as she was as a mentor tonight I don't think we have much to worry about. I thought her comments to Angie, Hannah, Shalyah, Lacy among others were seriously helpful. Also thought when Pharrell talked to Malik about showing America his "unedited" self, that might have been one of the truest things a coach has ever said to a contestant. Up there with Usher's use of a mirror talking to Michelle Chamuel in her season...


So are we getting six whole KOs shown tomorrow night, with the other 4 montaged.....or is there one final, one hour KO show forthcoming?

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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seems like this show is nothing more than a betting contest between the judges and whoever wins gets a big bonus at the end of the year....and who cares what happens to the contestants.

That's the absolute truth.  That's exactly how it comes across at this point.


I was pleasantly surprised by Miley.  I noticed at the very beginning of the show she said being on the show was the best job in the world. So subtle.  

Edited by vb68
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I didn't disagree with the decisions of the judges, which is odd on a show like this. I am going to get bored with the belting if it continues, though.

I was more impressed with Miley than anything in the episode, but, damn,the girl needs to put the clown clothes and make-up away.

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While I have to admit that Shalyah gave a super powerful performance, I'm happy that Pharrell decided to keep Emily since she's still my favorite this season. I really appreciate the way she can sound ethereal on her high notes and strong in her lower register, all the while sounding very natural and unforced. She's such a breath of fresh air in this sort of competition!


I'm also relieved that Owen made it through since I want to see how much more he can do as he gains confidence. Hopefully Adam can bring it out of him.



Does Lacy have inappropriate pictures of one of the Voice higher ups (or Carson)?


Someone please explain to me what this "special" thing is that the judges see in Lacy! She continues to not impress me. I agree that I would love to see more contestants singing rock, but I don't think she's the one to do it - not this season at least. To my ears, her voice just sounds average and doesn't have a very musical quality - like if I were to listen to her sing without the backing music it wouldn't sound very pleasing. I'm probably not explaining this very well since I don't know the proper terms to describe what I mean. Maybe if she practiced for another year and came back again she would be better, but I just don't see her improving fast enough during the remainder of this season. I think Pharrell wasted his steal on her. 


I also wanted to chime in that I've been pleasantly surprised by Miley Cyrus too. And if I were her age and could get away with the crazy clown clothes and makeup, I think it would be fun to do it, lol!

Edited by frogzapper
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If Miley is as locked into S11 as she was as a mentor tonight I don't think we have much to worry about. I thought her comments to Angie, Hannah, Shalyah, Lacy among others were seriously helpful. Also thought when Pharrell talked to Malik about showing America his "unedited" self, that might have been one of the truest things a coach has ever said to a contestant. Up there with Usher's use of a mirror talking to Michelle Chamuel in her season...


Pharrell the mentor was awesome. Pharrell the coach, however, has been rather lackluster (that's putting it kindly). So we'll see how Miley does when she has a dog in the fight.... assuming the coaches even "care" that much about winning. Their salary isn't based on results, is it?

Edited by rollerblade
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Daniel was a good choice as sacrificial lamb to go against Alisan. For me he was very lounge-singer, and looking like Biff from "Back to the Future" didn't help.


Isn't this the second time Pharrell chose a winner based on knowing his non-choice would get saved? I enjoyed Emily's "Big Yellow Taxi" (two Joni Mitchell covers tonight) except for the inappropriate smiling. It's a fun song, but the smiling undercuts the seriousness of the message.


I'm not a fan of belters, but Shalyah, wow. Most importantly, for her age she has a really developed musical sense. I hope she is encouraged to focus on that, and not just go big with her voice every week.


On the male side, Ryan has been hyped as having an amazing voice, but for the second time in a row he's left me cold. (I liked his blind audition because I'm a big Steve Winwood fan). Adam probably knew Ryan would get stolen, but I think that Owen did have the better performance. He has such a nice tone, and more range than maybe people suspect, but he saves it for hitting notes that add dramatic impact.


I'm apparently in the minority here, but Hannah also left me cold. Too many big showy notes, and it didn't feel to me that she really felt the lyrics, the way Haley Reinhardt did when she sang it on Idol. In any case, HOTRS definitely needs to be added to the list of songs that should be retired from singing competition shows.


Lacy stolen for the second time this season? Like some previous posters, I don't get it. She's got the looks, but doesn't seem to me to have any charisma.

Edited by bluepiano
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So are we getting six whole KOs shown tomorrow night, with the other 4 montaged.....or is there one final, one hour KO show forthcoming?


It's only an hour tomorrow and it said six artists so only three matchups tomorrow and the final  perfomances/montages on Monday.


From the previews the matchups are as follows: Moushmi vs Nick, Peyton vs Adam, Maya vs Tamara. 


Back to this show.


Paxton vs Angie- Paxton competently sung that song, Angie made the wrong song choice.  So yea, Paxton deserved the win. I don't see Paxton going much further unless Blake wants to musically diversify his team.


Owen vs Ryan- It feels like these two should be contenders, yet they're really not. Owen was clearly better, but he's definitely going to need to improve. Ryan on Christine's team? He'd better improve  by a lot  if he even wants to think about surviving part


Hannah vs Malik- Hannah launched herself into the contender conversation, Malik  sang a fun song.


Katie vs Lacey- Katie clearly won  and has the possibility of making some noise while Pharrell is apparently intent upon bringing a team of pretty white girls to the lives ( yes I know tomorrow's matchup makes that impossible but let me have this).


Allisan vs  Daniel- That was painful to watch, Daniel's heart breaking after each comment was just wow. I'm pretty sure Daniel knew he was going to lose so Daniel sang for the steal. Would've been a smart strategy if Pharrell wouldn't have wasted his steal on Lacey. If I have to listen to all of this ridiculous praise after every Allisan performance then I'm just going to go nuts. My mute button's going to get a workout this season.


Emily vs Shalyah- It came down to great song choice vs great performance. I don't think Pharrell got rid of Shaylah to encourage the steal as much as the fact that Shalyah was too close to Hannah's wheel house. I think Emily's another live show casualty while Shalyah can go deep.


So it looks like the race for number two is on as the showrunners have already crowned the winner this season.

Edited by Oscirus
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Oscirus, do you mean race?

WTF do they see in Lacey? Pharrell wasted his steal IMO, she is nothing special.

I'm sorry, but while Owen connected with his song better, he was stiff & tight, i prefer Ryan. He's one of my favorites.

Poor song choices doomed Malik Angie, and Daniel. Though b nothing, outside of channeling Freddie Mercury, was going to help Daniel win against Alison.

I can't decide who won the night for me: Both Alison & Shaylah sang with raw emotion and gave powerful, moving performances. Probably Shaylah because she's only fricking 15 YEARS OLD!

The women are definitely stronger this year, with Christina having the best team IMO.

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I'm also relieved that Owen made it through since I want to see how much more he can do as he gains confidence. Hopefully Adam can bring it out of him.


Someone please explain to me what this "special" thing is that the judges see in Lacy! She continues to not impress me. I agree that I would love to see more contestants singing rock, but I don't think she's the one to do it - not this season at least. To my ears, her voice just sounds average and doesn't have a very musical quality - like if I were to listen to her sing without the backing music it wouldn't sound very pleasing. I'm probably not explaining this very well since I don't know the proper terms to describe what I mean. Maybe if she practiced for another year and came back again she would be better, but I just don't see her improving fast enough during the remainder of this season. I think Pharrell wasted his steal on her. 


I also wanted to chime in that I've been pleasantly surprised by Miley Cyrus too. And if I were her age and could get away with the crazy clown clothes and makeup, I think it would be fun to do it, lol!

I love Owen's version of "She's Always A Woman." I might prefer it to the original. 


What they see in Lacy is probably what I see: one of the most attractive people who've been on the show and who can sing. She's not the best, but has more than enough ability for a successful Top 40 career. I totally laughed when Adam smiled thinking she'd pick him for sure when she said she had to "go with the coach who has her heart."


I knew Miley would be good and am so glad she'll be a coach next season. Between her and Alicia, this gon be good!

Edited by anonymiss
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>>Owen was clearly better, but he's definitely going to need to improve.


I disagree! Though IMHO Ryan did not connect as much with his song--he's going to need to work on that if he wants to advance--I thought he won that battle round. I could see Owen's nerves, he was too often in his head, and sometimes I could barely hear him. There were a couple of bright spots where I thought, man, Owen really does have a voice, he can hold a note, and his timbre (is that the word?) is so clear! But for me, he was underwhelming in this battle.  


Last night was the first time in forever that I actually sat through the full two hours of The Voice. I enjoyed a lot of the performances. I think it's because most of the contestants (though not Shalyah and the other one) don't seem to be high schoolers with "potential".


I'm not familiar with the song Alisan did, but she actually gave me shivers with her heartfelt rendition. 

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I'm about tired of their Ringer.  Miley had criticism (great, helpful criticism)  for everyone but Curly Sue of course.  Already fast forwarding through her performances. I'm not worried though, if anyone can screw up a pre-ordained winner it's Christina.  Speaking of Miley, she was really good as a mentor and I could totally get on the Miley train if she doesn't come to the blinds next year shoving foam fingers up contestants asses and licking them.  Her stunt publicity stuff has no place here.


All in all it was a really good night of music.  

Edited by kj4ever
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Who said The Voice doesn't have theme nights? It was Joni Mitchell Night!


Enough bad jokes, let's move on:


  • Damn you, Mark Burnett! I was all ready to hate on Destiny Hope Cyrus, but she proved to be a decent mentor. If she's as good a coach as a mentor, I certainly will be watching Season 11 in the fall.
  • I still haven't jumped on the Curly Sue bandwagon, but Alison was flawless last night! My issue with her is can she sustain this? I'm not so sure.
  • Last week I was right about Lacy being stolen, just by the wrong coach. Her rendition of "Zombie" was good, but not steal worthy in my opinion. I guess she didn't have any dreams about her, Pharrell, and whipped cream.
  • The shock choices leading to steals may work to both Adam's and Christina's advantages. Can Shalyah continue to grow? What a revelation from her. How will Ryan deal with the already powerhouse voices on Christina's team? 
  • Hannah looks so generic, but her voice is killer. She needs a good makeover in a hurry.
  • Normally when someone sings an Adele song, I cringe. However, Paxton's low register on "Hometown Glory" kept me interested. He was very fortunate that Angie screwed herself on song choice. I would like him to make the Top 12, but I don't see it.
  • I feared that Emily might karaoke "Big Yellow Taxi," but she sounded good. I'm still surprised Pharrell kept her. Regardless, she was going to be stolen which is may be the reason he kept her. She could be a female version of Sawyer Fredericks.
  • Adam, I guess your baby is a girl due to the pink hair, right? (I know this was filmed before the announcement, but what the hell?)
  • I already miss Daniel. His tears were hard to watch. 



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I'm apparently in the minority here, but Hannah also left me cold. Too many big showy notes, and it didn't feel to me that she really felt the lyrics, the way Haley Reinhardt did when she sang it on Idol. In any case, HOTRS definitely needs to be added to the list of songs that should be retired from singing competition shows.

I'll join you! I have a particular dislike of the way House of the Rising Sun has been co-opted by male singers, when the lyrics are about a woman trapped in a life of prostitution, begging her little sister not to take the same path in life as she did. I cringe whenever a male singer takes it on, and changes the lyrics from "it's been the ruin of many a poor girl" to "it's been the ruin of many a poor boy." So to have a woman sing it with the gender-reversed lyric made me think she had no clue what she was actually singing about. Yeah, big voice, power notes, dramatic head gestures. Actual connection to the actual song, not so much. Edited by Ketzel
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I'm not familiar with the song Alisan did, but she actually gave me shivers with her heartfelt rendition. 

Hmm. I would say it's nearly as covered as House of the Rising Sun. But it's a better song imo so I mind it less.


I didn't care for anyone too much last night.

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I'll join you! I have a particular dislike of the way House of the Rising Sun has been co-opted by male singers, when the lyrics are about a woman trapped in a life of prostitution, begging her little sister not to take the same path in life as she did. I cringe whenever a male singer takes it on, and changes the lyrics from "it's been the ruin of many a poor girl" to "it's been the ruin of many a poor boy." So to have a woman sing it with the gender-reversed lyric made me think she had no clue what she was actually singing about. Yeah, big voice, power notes, dramatic head gestures. Actual connection to the actual song, not so much.

Hannah's choice on that completely confused me. I'm old enough to remember "The Animals" version in 1964, but it has always worked best for me as a woman's song, about being trapped in prostitution, as you say. However, notes on Wikipedia point out that it's a folk song, going back before 1937, and of uncertain authorship and meaning--and could be interpreted as about a man or a woman.


""The Animals' version transposes the narrative of the song from the point of view of a woman led into a life of degradation to that of a man whose father was now a gambler and drunkard, rather than the sweetheart in earlier versions."   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_House_of_the_Rising_Sun


That said, it makes no sense to me for a woman to sing it in the character of a man. After all, for a female singer, it tells a moving story from a point of view of a woman, a prostitute, warning other women, including her young sister, not to make her mistakes. Hannah choosing to sing it from a man's point of view--well, I wish someone had asked her why she did that. It pulled me out of the song and after that I was just admiring her vocal ability (glad she advanced) but was distracted wondering why she made that choice..


Aside from Angie (who has only herself to blame--if you have to choose, go for "entertain them" rather than "impress them"), I thought the right people advanced or were stolen. I was very surprised that Adam saved Emily, but I find her choices so interesting and was glad he did. Also glad that Christina stole Ryan. I don't expect him to make F12 but I'll be glad to hear him again.


It makes sense that Pharrel let Xtina steal Shaliyah because she's too much like Hannah. I know we're tired of the "I can't believe you're only 15!" thing from last season, but if I were on this show, I'd ask to see her birth certificate. She seems like a nice young girl when speaking with the coaches, but when she sings--I can't get over her maturity, the decisions in her song choices and the way she "acts" out a song physically as well as vocally. Where does that come from? I love it that while she's so capable of the vocal gymnastics and excesses that Christina is so fond of, she seems to have such sense about not overdoing them just because she -can- do them. Very impressive. I'll look forward to hearing her again, too, and think she has a good chance at Christina keeping her for F12.


Nice to see singers advancing with a variety of styles. I don't think Alisan, good as she is--and much as the fix seems "in" for Christina to win this season --has a lock on F1. There's a lot of good competition for her and, as Angie showed, song selection or one bad performance can mean you're gone.

Edited by Padma
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Coach Miley Cyrus arrives to give Christina a run for the bleach


This made me laugh because I was not thinking about them needing HAIR bleach ...


I was all, YEAY! when Lacy lost the battle, then all WTH? when she got stolen. AGAIN. Everyone was all amazed she's a rocker and looks like that. What are rocker chics suppose to look like, trolls from under the bridge?


I had a dream Lacy went home but I guess mine didn't come true. 

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Not surprised Miley was this good on the show. I've been saying for a few years now (often to great skepticism) how smart she really is, and actually how good a singer she is when she wants to be.

Miley fuckin' Cyrus?!?


Alrighty then.  I am done.

Is it her image or what she actually said and did here?  I mean not that you have to justify your feelings in the least, but if you want to explain the details of the reaction, I'm all ears.

I guess Hannah's good here, but I couldn't be excited cuz it doesn't stand out from the million other good renditions I've heard.

I'm not half as excited by it as most, I think. While she's got a great voice, undeniably, something about that song urges for it to be sung "dirty" not pristine. To me the emotion is leached from it--at least the RIGHT emotion--if it isn't left lying on the floor bleeding.

Nice to see singers advancing with a variety of styles. I don't think Alisan, good as she is--and much as the fix seems "in" for Christina to win this season --has a lock on F1. There's a lot of good competition for her and, as Angie showed, song selection or one bad performance can mean you're gone.

I still like Alisan a lot, but I'm now convinced she's going to lose. It's often the inevitable conclusion of a contestant on show like this being sold too hard too early.  Worse yet it happens more with female contestants, via some kind of inherent societal sexism, whereas the male contestants often get a "cute boy" factor and push through it. 

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Not surprised Miley was this good on the show. I've been saying for a few years now (often to great skepticism) how smart she really is, and actually how good a singer she is when she wants to be.

Is it her image or what she actually said and did here?  I mean not that you have to justify your feelings in the least, but if you want to explain the details of the reaction, I'm all ears.


If that is what passes for "smart" and a "good singer", we have very different standards.  I give zero fucks about anyone's "image", and I'm not interested in arguing or defending my personal preferences.  She did nothing to change my original (low) opinion of her.

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Padma, Xtina stole Ryan. Shayla is on Adam's team now.

Oh, glad I was confused there. I think her chances of delivering another impressive (but not too OTT) performance will be better with Adam than with Christina, whose judging I like, but whose coaching I'm often not a big fan of.

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Did anyone else notice how Alisan has been the only contestant so far (IIRC) who did not acknowledge the contestant who lost to her?  I thought it was awkward that she just ignored Daniel and charged down the stairs to hug Christina.  I don't want to put too much weight on it, but I definitely noted it, and didn't like it.


Also interesting to me to read the opinions that Alisan is being touted too much, too early and could lose.  I kind of thought with all the praise, she was a lock.  Thanks for another viewpoint.

Edited by observer
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Did anyone else notice how Alisan has been the only contestant so far (IIRC) who did not acknowledge the contestant who lost to her?  I thought it was awkward that she just ignored Daniel and charged down the stairs to hug Christina.  I don't want to put too much weight on it, but I definitely noted it, and didn't like it.

I actually haven't seen it yet. Was it an edited shot or one long take?  Keep in mind if there was even a single shot change it could have been taken out for time.

I give zero fucks about anyone's "image", and I'm not interested in arguing or defending my personal preferences.  

(shrugs) I asked, not demanded.

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I know what you mean, I watched it twice with that in mind, thinking the shot may have been edited.  It did look like there was no recognition of Daniel, but of course, I could be wrong.  You'll have to let me know what you think when you watch it.  One of the things that I like about The Voice ( keeping in mind edits, and people on their best behavior) is that there does seem to be a camaraderie among the contestants.  I think that may be why I noticed what I saw as the lack of recognition.


Would love to see a knockout round with Alisan and Shayla.

Edited by observer
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Did anyone else notice how Alisan has been the only contestant so far (IIRC) who did not acknowledge the contestant who lost to her?  I thought it was awkward that she just ignored Daniel and charged down the stairs to hug Christina.  I don't want to put too much weight on it, but I definitely noted it, and didn't like it.


I saw that too, and it wasn't edited, she just walked off the stage to hug Xtina. I figured she was gobsmacked about winning and lost her brain, so just toodled off the stage in a haze. Although having been a child actress, she should be pretty aware of her surroundings -- which means she should be aware of how snubbing her opponent would make her look, so she would have done the hug even if it were fake feelings. So, I'm thinking she had a brain dysfunction and giving her the benefit of doubt.


While Miley Cyrus hasn't been someone I think is a great role model for young girls, she is fabulous at marketing herself and I think she has a great voice. I love all her songs. She also seemed to be a good coach (too funny, she and Xtina swinging their hair and Miley saying hers was going to fly off) and I got a hoot out of all of her great clothes. I wish I were young enough to wear some of them. I think she was pretty helpful to everyone, and I'd have a heart attack if she told me she wanted to be my backup singer like she told that one contestant. FREAK OUT!


So glad Ryan is staying. I don't care if the boy can sing, I like to just look at him.

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I actually haven't seen it yet. Was it an edited shot or one long take?  Keep in mind if there was even a single shot change it could have been taken out for time.

(shrugs) I asked, not demanded.


And I answered - perhaps not to your liking.  No dismissive shrug necessary.  I actually have seen it, and formed an opinion; one which aligned with everything else I've seen or heard from Ms. Cyrus.

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And I answered - perhaps not to your liking.  No dismissive shrug necessary.  I actually have seen it, and formed an opinion; one which aligned with everything else I've seen or heard from Ms. Cyrus.

I actually had seen the show--I just hadn't seen the part with Alisan.  I missed a few minutes of the show taking a phone call and she was in that part and hadn't had a chance to view it yet. In terms of Miley Cyrus, she was in plenty of the rest of the show, so I do think my opinion was somewhat informed.

Edited by Kromm
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I actually had seen the show--I just hadn't seen the part with Alisan.  I missed a few minutes of the show taking a phone call and she was in that part and hadn't had a chance to view it yet. In terms of Miley Cyrus, she was in plenty of the rest of the show, so I do think my opinion was somewhat informed.


Funny thing about opinions - they can be informed AND differ.

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from Alisan's twitter:


Alisan Porter ‏@alisanporter  54m54 minutes ago
I absolutely should have hugged @danielpassino before I left the stage. I was caught up in the moment and it was not a conscious snub.

Alisan Porter ‏@alisanporter  47m47 minutes ago
I adore @danielpassino and he knows that! He's so talented and he has all my support. #voicefam #nothinbutlove

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Miley's like Taylor Swift.  She inspires some serious hate.  I personally like her a lot and hate Taylor Swift.  Most would say that's their whole job-- to make you feel something.  So they succeeded.  

Miley is putting on a show, but it's an open process. People know she's acting certain ways at certain times to provoke reactions.


Taylor Swift is putting on a show, but it's not an open process. Her shtick is acting like she's some kind of regular girl who just happens to hang out with every A-list star she can get near to.


Both are very admirable for the scope of their ambition and how much they've had to do with their own success. Miley is just the one I'd actually trust more to be honest with me, even if I'd also risk being seriously embarrassed if she started to spontaneously mock-fellate a banana in public just to get a rise out of people.

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I thought this was a good episode, with quite a few very good performances.  Hannah was probably my favorite (despite the overdone song choice), but I've been really liking her voice since her audition.  Now if she can learn to control all her hand movements, she'll be golden.  I think it comes from the fact that she's simply not used to singing in public.


The others who really stood out for me were Shalyah, Alison and Katie (in that order).  All three were superb.


The most disappointing battle was Owen vs. Ryan, simply because I expected a lot more from both of them.  Maybe Adam wasn't so crazy to match them up after all.  I would have picked Owen as the winner as Ryan is one of those technically proficient singers who leave me cold.  But I'm not convinced that Owen is a real contender.  Then again, I never saw the appeal of Joshua Davis and maybe Owen will follow that trajectory.


I'm sort of undecided about Lacey.  I don't think she's quite ready.  Objectively I guess Malik probably deserved to continue in the competition more than she did.  But as the coaches were commenting, there is just something intangible about her and her voice.  I'm actually kind of glad that we'll get a chance to see her perform one more time.  Not that this necessarily explains Pharrell's decision to steal her.  What strikes me is that Pharrell has set things up very nicely to maximize the chances that his favorites will get through to the lives (whether they're on his team or not).

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I zoned out a bit when Miley was shown.  Everyone is saying she gave good advice - does anyone care to give examples?  Maybe I was too distracted by her appearance.  At least she didn't stick out her tongue.


I loved Alisan so much in her blind audition.  It was one of the series' best, in my opinion.  This song about Christmas trees and the river made no sense to me, though.  If she hadn't talked a little about wanting a river in the segment beforehand, I would have been completely lost.  (I would have needed a compass to find that river.)  Not very impressed.  I think she's finale material, though, and I'd take her over many previous winners.


I agree Owen vs Ryan could have been better.


Shalyah was impressive.  As far as young belters go, I enjoyed her perhaps more than any other who has been on this show.  And she has a gorgeous smile and stage presence.  She looked like she was ecstatic, and that's contagious.


I don't know why Emily made the choices she did on Big Yellow Taxi.  I think she is talented, but that was the caliber of a high school talent show.  I was very disappointed with Pharrell's choice there, just on grounds of fair play.


Billy Joel, yes; Temptations (and was there Stevie Wonder?), no.


The My Little Pony comment made me laugh.  Every now and then, Blake and Adam still amuse me.

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