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S04.E06: What Might Have Been

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Well, guess Lagertha wasn't joking about the baby.  It's going to be awkward, explaining what happened to daddy!

Aslaug and Ivar are creeping me out.  I had flashbacks to the crazy kid on Game of Thrones.


The vision Ragnar had was sad, it's too bad he can't turn back time. 


I'm counting down the days to the deaths of Floki and Erlendur. 

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Much better episode. Is it just me or is Ivar a bit creepy.

I'm really really worried about Ragnar's boys. What he said to Auslaug was so foreboding.

Someone kill the skinny blonde jerk. Please!

The ending was cool, Rollo and Ragnar on a stare off. Rollo dressed like a dandy.

Well, guess Lagertha wasn't joking about the baby. It's going to be awkward, explaining what happened to daddy!

Aslaug and Ivar are creeping me out. I had flashbacks to the crazy kid on Game of Thrones.

The vision Ragnar had was sad, it's too bad he can't turn back time.

I'm counting down the days to the deaths of Floki and Erlendur.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, kill Floki too.

I also was surprised she really is pregnant. I thought that was a ruse.

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Add me to the list of people surprised Lagertha is really pregnant. How old is she suppose to be?

I want to see Erlander get his so bad, hopefully by that ax Lagertha was sharpening.

I hope it's worth it to whatshername, Odo's mistress , to get the info she get from him. Her back has to be permanently scarred, I cringe watching those scenes.

Ivar is a creepy kid. Poor little Siggy.

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I'm surprised Lagertha's genuinely pregnant as I'd assumed that was a ruse, too. I think being preggers has thrown her off tho, she did not look happy about it even once this episode. I'd imagine she'd made her peace with not having any more kids and might be expecting this one to end in miscarriage like the last. ETA: Because of what the seer told her. Just remembered that. The seer told her she wouldn't have anymore kids so either this pregnancy will end badly or the seer's a liar. 


I am not the tiniest bit surprised though by Ragnar hallucinating his old life with Lagertha, Bjorn, and Gyda. You had a great family once, nutsack. Now you're a drug addict with a sociopathic momma's boy for a son. Well done. (I am so happy to see that the addiction appears to be real. 'Ragnar's faking, lulling everyone into a false sense of security, and then he'll make his move' was clever the last three times he did it. Now it would just be them recycling plotlines. Ragnar having developed a genuine weakness is far more interesting.)


Helga needs to separate herself from Loki asap, before he gets her killed. She can go over to Lagertha's side if she's not comfortable staying in Kattegat. 


I don't care about Torvi and I find myself more curious about what happened to Bjorn's wife. And I didn't particularly care for her even when I remembered what her name was.


I don't get what they're doing with Aslaug. Are they trying to say she's always been too obsessed with legends and self-mythologizing and her disillusionment and bitterness took that in a really weird direction? I don't know. I remember her being way more normal when we first met her.

Edited by slf
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This show is too fragmented now.  I find I can't get emotionally involved with anyone.  Nothing makes sense.  Like, exactly where is Ragnar's new mistress getting this never-ending supply of opium?  I presume we've got a cold-turkey withdrawal episode in our future.  Won't that be fun?


Was Rollo supposed to marry Princess GrumpyFrank or did that turn of events come about after Ragnar left?  I find myself wondering why Ragnar is surprised to find that Rollo has gone native.  If Ragnar had any expectation of being welcomed back because he left his brother behind,married to the daughter of the king, then wasn't it a bit impolitic to slaughter the first Franks they encountered?  And don't even get me started on how quickly Rollo learned a new language.  Nothing makes sense.

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Well, guess Lagertha wasn't joking about the baby.  It's going to be awkward, explaining what happened to daddy!

Aslaug and Ivar are creeping me out.  I had flashbacks to the crazy kid on Game of Thrones

Yeah, me, too! Sociopath brats still being nursed by mommy!

I really dislike the whole Aethelstan being Alfred's father thing. As if any king would allow his son to be publicly cuckolded and the resulting bastard be made a legitimate heir. The whole Aethelstan worship has always been hard to swallow for me.

I miss shirtless, long-haired Viking Rollo! His Grace Rollo is just a traitor now.

Go Lagertha! I loved her putting Ragnar in his place. That's my girl!

Little Siggy was so adorable!

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where is Ragnar's new mistress getting this never-ending supply of opium?  I presume we've got a cold-turkey withdrawal episode in our future.  Won't that be fun?

If that is what she has him hooked on, addiction comes on pretty quickly (yes I have experience with poppies way in my past I hasten to add) and withdrawals are very unpleasant.


As for the nursing scene, I am sorry, and I know current thought among many young mothers does not support this feeling since "extended breastfeeding" is in vogue at the moment, but breast feeding after the child is not dependent on milk for nourishment is creepy...and the show went out of its way to underline an unwholesome dependance between Aslaug and Ivar by writing in that scene clearly.


I thought Lagertha has said previously that she was incapable of having another child? Anyway, I think that she and Ragnar are about 39-40 so not too old to continue to reproduce, my own mother had a child at 43. 


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Ivar's not here, Mrs. Torrance.



Redrum, redrum, REDRUM!!!


Fuck the Franks, bring shirtless Viking Rollo back.


Lagherta is going to care for the baby and the lose the baby, mark my words.


Ecbert still the most interesting character this season.

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Ivar is a creepy little killer...and his mother breast-feeding him at his age is a major fail...just like Lysa and her genetic misfire, son Robyn on GOT.


Love Lagertha, and I join the crowd in being surprised the pregnancy is real. Why allow herself to be happy if she is convinced that she will lose this child? 


The Chinese chick with a new hairdo seems to have escaped from a Tarantino movie...a Chinese slave with an endless supply of opium...is this stretching the bounds of credulity? 


Still waiting for the battle of Paris, and to see if the chain across the river actually works...another reminder of Tyrion's efforts in GOT. More to the point, will Bjorn kill Erlander before the battle or will his errant wife finally take him out. I have my fingers crossed that his wife borrows Lagertha's axe and nails the little troll.

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Add me to the list of people surprised Lagertha is really pregnant. How old is she suppose to be?

I want to see Erlander get his so bad, hopefully by that ax Lagertha was sharpening.

I hope it's worth it to whatshername, Odo's mistress , to get the info she get from him. Her back has to be permanently scarred, I cringe watching those scenes.

Ivar is a creepy kid. Poor little Siggy.

I still don't think she's pregnant.

She didn't deny it--but she didn't admit to it, either. Just told Ragnar to butt out--which all things considered, was exactly what she should have done, too. You know--"You aren't man enough to knock me up, and Kalf was, but I killed him anyway".  Total Viking chick. 


Ragnar's drug trip down memory lane felt like his life was flashing before his eyes, to me. When the white horse came cantering through--I immediately thought of last's year's season finale of Saving Hope, another Canadian production--where Joel saw the white horse cantering by him, just before the mortar he was holding blew up.  So, I hope that's not a forerunner for Ragnar. 


Ivar's cute as the devil, and  absolutely mad.


What the heck is the Wanderer's name? Harbard. Harvard. Arbar? Shouldn't matter... but it does--is he really there--or is Aslaug tripping on 'shrooms too?


It wasn't as bad as last week, but we had to get in a little torture chamber music.


Wessex was a mess--Albert may become Albert the Great--but why send his non-dad along to protect him? Chance of losing him AND the kid you love, Eckbert--what are you doing to my head, you beautiful man? Why not take Magnus and Queen Kwenthrith too, and have a picnic?  1000 miles--long ways to go on foot when you're...maybe 6-7-- and how dirty can the kid's soul possibly be at his age?  


So many questions...so little answers. 

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This was a much better episode. 


Harbard's kind of a prick showing up the instant all the men leave the village.   Like a weasel in the henhouse.


If Floki's voice gets anymore sing-songy I'll be expecting him to say "They're magically delicious."


I couldn't follow the theme of cleanliness.   Ragnar's child scolded the little blonde girl because she was dirty; later, the pilgrimage was likened to washing oneself, but a washing of the soul.


What is the height difference between Ragnar and Bjorn?  Three, maybe four feet?  It was very obvious as they stood beside each other in the boat.


I must admit, my eyes welled up during Ragnar's vision of the past.   Cut that out, show.

Edited by millennium
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Why is there no one at Aslaug's Daycare Center to take proper care of little Siggy?  I agree about how Gustaf has chosen to play Floki with the Scandinavian Lawrence Welk singsong voice.   Every time his first scene comes on I have to pause and turn on close captions.

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Wessex was a mess--Albert may become Albert the Great--but why send his non-dad along to protect him? Chance of losing him AND the kid you love, Eckbert--what are you doing to my head, you beautiful man? Why not take Magnus and Queen Kwenthrith too, and have a picnic?  1000 miles--long ways to go on foot when you're...maybe 6-7-- and how dirty can the kid's soul possibly be at his age?


Ecbert is playing the long con again. I think he's preparing to take over Mercia. He's sending Alfred off out of harm's way, sending Aethelwulf with him because that removes the Aethelwulf/Kwenthrith issue, and leading the invasion of Mercia himself so he has a legitimate claim to rule it when he's done.  I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up keeping Magnus as a hostage against Kwenthrith's good behavior as puppet ruler, if he lets her do that much.

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I still don't think she's pregnant.

She didn't deny it--but she didn't admit to it, either. Just told Ragnar to butt out--which all things considered, was exactly what she should have done, too. You know--"You aren't man enough to knock me up, and Kalf was, but I killed him anyway".  Total Viking chick.


That was my take on it, too. 

If Floki's voice gets anymore sing-songy I'll be expecting him to say "They're magically delicious."


LOL!  I'm not going to be able to get that out of my head.

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Regarding Ragnar's drug of choice, I just read this elsewhere...  "omg He's not on opium people! lol I just previously stated opium isn't a hallucinogenic and is smoked. Yidu is giving him betel nuts. It's cut up, rolled into a leaf/vine and eaten. It's also known to turn your saliva red and is HIGHLY addictive [hence the reason for Ragnar's recent bright colored teeth and lips]"

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What I took away from this episode is that, in spite of everything that's happened, in spite of all the shit Ragnar has pulled on her, Ragnar and Lagertha still love each other.  And that makes me weepy.      


I didn't even care about what happened in the rest of the episode.

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kind of weird episode tbh.


Why is Aslaug breastfeeding a 5 year old boy, who whilst disabled can still eat solid foods?


Is Yidu trying to drug Ragnar, and for what end? 


And why did Sigurd (Snake in the Eye) treat his niece (Bjorn's daughter) so badly? 


Maybe this is sacrilege lol..but season four is getting pretty stale. too early to say the show has jumped the shark...but then it's been patchy, first show was great, second weak, and there isn't much cohesion or fast-paced writing/action yet. 


And everything is about treachery and deceit now? I know this is a central theme of the show, but then in season three it was about conquest (Paris), renewal (Athelstan being a Christian again), and loss (Ragnar mouring Athelstan, Lagertha, Rollo and Floki thinking Ragnar had "died").


Just the writing so far has not been as complex. 


I think the Alfred thing is interesting, sine it is true to the history. Alfred the Great did go to Rome as a child and met the Pope. 


I think also Yidu is fulfilling the Athelstan role as trusted confident and advisor, and since he and Aslaug don't get on...she's fullfilling more physical needs too lol. Maybe she will eventually rule Kattagat per the Seer's prophecy, or he will give it to Lagertha. 


Would be good to see what Rollo does, but imho he won't betray Emperor Charles/Count Odo. He knows the Seer's prophecy for him is coming true, and Gisla likes him now as a person and in the bedroom. He'd be a fool to give that up, and be second fiddle to Ragnar again. 


And I like how the dynamic between Ragnar and Bjorn has never really changed that much, even since season one. Bjorn whilst a man now is still impulsive and brash, and like his kid season one self needs his more reasoned and level-headed dad to tell him what's what. lol.

This was a much better episode. 


Harbard's kind of a prick showing up the instant all the men leave the village.   Like a weasel in the henhouse.


If Floki's voice gets anymore sing-songy I'll be expecting him to say "They're magically delicious."


I couldn't follow the theme of cleanliness.   Ragnar's child scolded the little blonde girl because she was dirty; later, the pilgrimage was likened to washing oneself, but a washing of the soul.


What is the height difference between Ragnar and Bjorn?  Three, maybe four feet?  It was very obvious as they stood beside each other in the boat.


I must admit, my eyes welled up during Ragnar's vision of the past.   Cut that out, show.

Fimmel and Ludwig look both around six feet. there is a scene when we first see older Bjorn and Ragnar meet in season two and there's not much difference. I think Ragnar is slightly taller. Bjorn was standing on the bow of the ship. 

This show is too fragmented now.  I find I can't get emotionally involved with anyone.  Nothing makes sense.  Like, exactly where is Ragnar's new mistress getting this never-ending supply of opium?  I presume we've got a cold-turkey withdrawal episode in our future.  Won't that be fun?


Was Rollo supposed to marry Princess GrumpyFrank or did that turn of events come about after Ragnar left?  I find myself wondering why Ragnar is surprised to find that Rollo has gone native.  If Ragnar had any expectation of being welcomed back because he left his brother behind,married to the daughter of the king, then wasn't it a bit impolitic to slaughter the first Franks they encountered?  And don't even get me started on how quickly Rollo learned a new language.  Nothing makes sense.

They did marry. But i think Gisla had a change of heart since she saw Rollo was serious in staying, and had learnt Frankish.

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I also don't want Count Odo to die, which can seem likely since he is plotting against the Emperor. 


And fucking hell, Emperor Charles is weak! His only work in defending Paris was to get Rollo on board and marry away his daughter to him. And he needed Gisla, just a Princess with no military training, to help defend the city with some cloth from a cathedral. 


I hope later in this season Ecbert gets fucked up.....he deserves it on many levels. His scene praying to Jesus and acknowledging he's a bitch but only for Earthly gain was good imho one of the highlights of the season. 

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Would nursing that late in age at that time be odd? One of my mom's best friends was a hippie that nursed her kids til close to this same age. Her kids turned out fine.

I get where the snow is going, she's very attached.

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I feel like this episode got things back on track.

I'm still not feeling Yidu, but I wasn't bored to death by her the way I was in the last episode.

Regarding the pilgrimage, would a four year-old realistically have been able to walk to Rome? I figured they were taking a ship or something, but it doesn't appear that way. Athelwulf didn't look particularly thrilled to be playing chaperone, but cagey Ecbert needs him out of the way.

I don't believe Laegartha is pregnant. She really didn't confirm or deny as much as she just let Ragnar assume.

Little Siggy is so cute but why was Siegerd so mean to her? I wonder if they'll bring back Thorunn, I'm interested to know what happened to her.

Edited by BitterApple
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I don't recall Lagertha confirming she was pregnant in this episode. On the contrary, it seemed like she was avoiding giving Ragnar a straight answer to mess with him.

And yeah Ragnar looks for real hooked. He now has a real Achilles heel which was needed to make him human again and not always Superman.

His vision along the river of his family and Athelstan from season one was both lovely and sad. I too would like to return to season one again.

Edited by green
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Regarding Ragnar's drug of choice, I just read this elsewhere...  "omg He's not on opium people! lol I just previously stated opium isn't a hallucinogenic and is smoked. Yidu is giving him betel nuts. It's cut up, rolled into a leaf/vine and eaten. It's also known to turn your saliva red and is HIGHLY addictive [hence the reason for Ragnar's recent bright colored teeth and lips]"


That's good to know, because I thought whatever it was, was actually making his gums bleed.  The saddest part of this addiction plot was when he was granting the sacred arm rings to his two boys and he was too messed up to do it properly.

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Does anyone else think that Floki's hairdo and make-up make him look like Keith Flint of The Prodigy, LOL?  



Would nursing that late in age at that time be odd?

Lets  just say that in this context it is meant to denote an unusual dependence between mother and child.

Edited by LiveenLetLive
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Was Rollo supposed to marry Princess GrumpyFrank or did that turn of events come about after Ragnar left?  I find myself wondering why Ragnar is surprised to find that Rollo has gone native.  If Ragnar had any expectation of being welcomed back because he left his brother behind,married to the daughter of the king, then wasn't it a bit impolitic to slaughter the first Franks they encountered?  And don't even get me started on how quickly Rollo learned a new language.  Nothing makes sense.


No, Rollo wasn't suppose to marry Gisla when Ragnar departed back to Kattegat.  Rollo and the remaining Vikings were left there it to keep the road to Paris open for next year's raid. The Franks approached Rollo with "an offer he couldn't refuse" long after Ragnar left.


And Ragnar didn't leave Rollo in charge of the Viking guard outside of Paris.  He was wounded and it was Bjorn's decision.  Thus their argument over same that helped lead to Bjorn doing his turn at a wilderness TV series.  Remember Ragnar upset at Bjorn for his decision.  Bjorn defended Rollo saying he was his uncle.  Ragnar replied he couldn't be trusted because he was his brother implying he knew Rollo way better than Bjorn as in the Jarl Borg betrayal and Rollo's lifetime of being insanely jealous of Ragnar in general.  So Ragnar pretty much assumed to find what he has found.  It was Bjorn who looked most upset this episode screaming in Rollo's direction.


Regarding Ragnar's drug of choice, I just read this elsewhere...  "omg He's not on opium people! lol I just previously stated opium isn't a hallucinogenic and is smoked. Yidu is giving him betel nuts. It's cut up, rolled into a leaf/vine and eaten. It's also known to turn your saliva red and is HIGHLY addictive [hence the reason for Ragnar's recent bright colored teeth and lips]"


Yes I agree.  It was pretty clear last episode it was betel nuts because there was that scene in that episode where Harold introduces his brother to a distracted, knife throwing Ragnar who has super red lips and red drool running down his chin.


I like that when Ragnar got badly injured at Paris from that fall off the wall and the wound before he fell that he didn't heal up the very next episode.  And that he was left with very bad chronic pain that has lead to a drug addiction dealing with same.  Right out of today's endless news stories and documentaries as well.


And when I say "like" I mean it changed him forever.  He can never go back to being pain free and his "old self" which is how life is for real unlike on most TV shows where wounds and pain addiction are flavor of the week episodes.


Some people above mentioned how Sigurd Snake Eye was "mean" to little Siggy.  I don't think he was mean so much as puzzled or upset or even alarmed.  He immediately ran back in as if to get his mother to help take care of the situation which is where both he and us got a little distracted as viewers as we see Norma nursing little Norman (whoops, wrong "psycho" kid) in bed.

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Came to this show for season 3 (maybe saw some of season 2). Can someone give a quick rundown on seasons 1 and 2? Like the elder Siggy, who died, was once queen and Ragnar didn't trust her???? How did Ragnar become king and how did Siggy end up with Rollo? What's with the Seer guy? 

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Here's the short version of the rest of your questions:  In Season 1 Kattegat was ruled by Jarl Haraldson (Gabriel Byrne).  Siggy was his wife.  Ragnar killed him and became the reluctant king.  Siggy bowed to Ragnar with the rest and remained in Kattegat.  She hooked up with Rollo for self-preservation and became as scheming as her character on Glee. She played both sides of the fence.  Readers, feel free to make any corrections.

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Here's the short version of the rest of your questions:  In Season 1 Kattegat was ruled by Jarl Haraldson (Gabriel Byrne).  Siggy was his wife.  Ragnar killed him and became the reluctant king.  Siggy bowed to Ragnar with the rest and remained in Kattegat.  She hooked up with Rollo for self-preservation and became as scheming as her character on Glee. She played both sides of the fence.  Readers, feel free to make any corrections.


Not a correction but just adding Ragnar was forced to kill the Earl since Haraldsen was gunning for him and nearly killed him earlier.  The Earl was too conservative and worried to risk sailing west to a "rumored" land named England and Ragnar was leading the faction that wanted to go there which was how the whole split started.


What you saw in this last episode in the shoreline vision was Vikings circa Season One, around Episode Three or Four maybe.  Ragnar's old farm with Lagertha and little Bjorn and little Gyeda and Athelstan standing there in the springtime of Ragnar's life when all things seemed possible.


I would so SO highly recommend downloading the first two seasons which, to me, are far better than these last two seasons. 


The awesome chemistry between Ragnar and Lagertha when they were married is worth it alone.  And the beginnings is everything to understanding anything happening these last two seasons.  The reasons (albeit bad) behind Rollo's and Floki's behaviors are all rooted there.  And Ecbert's too starting in Season 2.  And of course Lagertha's as well.  And Athelstan is still my favorite character in the whole series.

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Not a correction but just adding Ragnar was forced to kill the Earl since Haraldsen was gunning for him and nearly killed him earlier.  The Earl was too conservative and worried to risk sailing west to a "rumored" land named England and Ragnar was leading the faction that wanted to go there which was how the whole split started.


What you saw in this last episode in the shoreline vision was Vikings circa Season One, around Episode Three or Four maybe.  Ragnar's old farm with Lagertha and little Bjorn and little Gyeda and Athelstan standing there in the springtime of Ragnar's life when all things seemed possible.


I would so SO highly recommend downloading the first two seasons which, to me, are far better than these last two seasons. 


The awesome chemistry between Ragnar and Lagertha when they were married is worth it alone.  And the beginnings is everything to understanding anything happening these last two seasons.  The reasons (albeit bad) behind Rollo's and Floki's behaviors are all rooted there.  And Ecbert's too starting in Season 2.  And of course Lagertha's as well.  And Athelstan is still my favorite character in the whole series.

Yes, those first few episodes were great and set a good standard for character building.  I also think they were excellent because the show was all potential back then, and not only did we have no notion of where they'd go with it, we also didn't have repeat themes that some viewers tired of.


If Ragnar and Lagertha were young and full of potential during the S1 of Vikings, so was Athelstan.  Yes, he was a special character that I miss all of the time.  Just guessing, I think he was probably about 20 when he was captured by Ragnar and forced into slavery.  Late teens to early twenties is a perfect time to have a crisis of faith.  It happened to me when I was 18, and so I identified in some respects with Athelstan's experience, and the fact that he made his way back to Christ, in the end.


Having said that, Season 3 was my favorite because of the expansion of the Vikings territory and their fantastically played, large-scale siege of Paris.

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The awesome chemistry between Ragnar and Lagertha when they were married is worth it alone.  And the beginnings is everything to understanding anything happening these last two seasons.  The reasons (albeit bad) behind Rollo's and Floki's behaviors are all rooted there.  And Ecbert's too starting in Season 2.  And of course Lagertha's as well.  And Athelstan is still my favorite character in the whole series.


Your whole post was excellent, and I concur.  Rollo's rollercoaster ride warrants watching, otherwise he's just a guy on a horse who has a good deal in France.  I thought it was such a powerful meeting between the brothers, because they showed Ragnar confessing his age and weariness, and straight up lack of passion, just before this.  Now Screw-Up Rollo finally has his shit together and is the strong one... on the brink of something besides just fighting Ragnar over resentments big and small.  Although now Bjorn rises up like a beast!


One of things that makes Vikings SO great are the layered and complex relationships of this fractured family.  I don't even have words for how much I love Lagertha.  Just their small scene where she reminds him he broke her heart had all the feels.


And then there are all the prophecies that have to run their course.  Are they true, or do the characters just need to believe that they are true?


ETA: I hate everything about the Wessex storyline, though.

Edited by peach
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Not a correction but just adding Ragnar was forced to kill the Earl since Haraldsen was gunning for him and nearly killed him earlier.  The Earl was too conservative and worried to risk sailing west to a "rumored" land named England and Ragnar was leading the faction that wanted to go there which was how the whole split started.


I loved the callback to the navigating device they were using.  Ragnar's secret tech weapon that changed the course of all their lives, and now he's fumbling around with it, while Bjorn scoops it out of his hand and uses it with ease. 

Edited by peach
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I like that when Ragnar got badly injured at Paris from that fall off the wall and the wound before he fell that he didn't heal up the very next episode.  And that he was left with very bad chronic pain that has lead to a drug addiction dealing with same.  Right out of today's endless news stories and documentaries as well.


And when I say "like" I mean it changed him forever.  He can never go back to being pain free and his "old self" which is how life is for real unlike on most TV shows where wounds and pain addiction are flavor of the week episodes.


I watched the first four episodes all at once, and originally, I felt disappointed by this development.  I really felt like he should have died at the end of last season, with Bjorn rising to take his place, but they just kept his character alive because Travis Fimmel is so amazing and popular.  In fact, historically it was Bjorn who jumped out of the coffin.   But I've since decided that it's very interesting and realistic watching this fascinating guy cope with age and failing health, and even regrets.  None of these people are standard heroes.


It's rare to see such things on television.  And I think it's been beneficial to draw out Bjorn's rise to being a badass in his own right, while his father wanes.  I love that this show takes its time developing the characters, and the plot arises from that, instead of just having them do whatever the plot requires, which is often inconsistent.  (See:  The Walking Dead)

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Shirtless Rollo is a sight to behold but Brocade Rollo on a horse is dreamy. And as weird as Ragnar is behaving with his drugs and China doll, I'm leaning toward Team Rollo.

Plus I have a fascination with the Plantagenets.

Of course my ultimate loyalty is to Team Lagertha.

Lamina, do whatever you have to to see the first seasons of Vikings. I think the development of the characters has been unprecedented on television. It is near perfect.

Edited by Haleth
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Count me Team Shirtless Rollo.


Kattegatt really didn't have anything to offer Rollo so what was he suppose to do?  When all you do is follow a leader and raid you get the twisted bon fire ring around the rosie Finehair (who I may be related to....just because of the hair) and his bros put together.

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Who even told Ragnar that Lagertha was pregnant? We only saw her tell Kalf, I then suppose they told their village that's why they were getting married. Does gossip spread that fast though viking villages? I guess they were bored in between pillaging sessions and Kalf dying and Lagertha being pregnant would be big news. 

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I know she's a toddler, but Baby Siggy's performance cracked me up. "Yay! Someone paid attention to me! I get to go outside!!! Oh, my kid uncle is right, I never wash. Now I'm sad." Aslaug is still the worst. Seriously, assign a servant to little Siggy. You don't even need to look at her.

As for Lagertha's age- given that most girls get their periods between 12 and 14, I'm going to assume she married Ragnar/had Bjorn by the time she was 14 or 15. I would guess Bjorn is late teens/early 20s (none of his half-brothers are older than he was at the beginning of the series) so that'd put Lagertha early to mid 30s. Could totally still get pregnant.


However, to me, the interesting part isn't that Ragnar knows about Lagertha's pregnancy. It's that he brings it up with her- he originally sought out Aslaug because the Seer told him he'd have many sons and Lagertha miscarried their baby, which apparently, to Ragnar, means she can't have anymore kids. 


Him bringing it up fit in with the whole "I really shouldn't have let you go, Lagertha, Goddess Divine." 

Edited by Pogojoco
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Did anyone notice Ivar's whites of his eyes had a blue tint to them? I googled it and it is a sign of brittle bone disease. Which I believe many historians think he had. I always thought Asalaug at least loved children but she doesn't even keep poor little Siggy clean.

I have high hopes for China doll's character to become interesting.whether it is for good or evil I feel potential.

I assumed sending Alfred away with his fake dad was a ploy to leave Queen Kwenthirp or whatever her name is, unprotected.

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It didn't even occur to me until Ragnar sat down with Lagertha that they haven't even interacted yet this season.  As brief as that scene was, it was still a great moment, and I realized how much I missed them.  As great as this entire cast is, I feel like Travis Fimmel and Katheryn Winnick just have a special chemistry with one another, and I like that it still shines through even when the characters aren't on the best terms.


And then there was Ragnar's vision scene, which I totally think is accurate in that, deep down, Ragnar still misses the carefree days when it was just him, Lagertha, his kids (still young and, in Gyda's case, alive), and, of course, Athelstan.  That was a nice scene, and I'm glad they were able to get the actors playing Young Bjorn and Gyda back.  As usual, Fimmel really sold Ragnar's reactions to that moment.


I'm glad it looks like they're battle with France is finally getting ready to happen soon.  I course I wonder how much infighting will be happening.  Harald and Halfden clearly seem to be playing by their own rules, and judging from Bjorn and his men's reaction to them burning the hostages, I'm not sure everyone is down with them.  Plus, I'm sure Harald is still wanting to be the king of everything, which would include taking out Ragnar.


Odo is so doomed, but Charles really is getting to the point that he's just coming off pathetic.  If anyone is going to come out ahead, I suspect it will be Gisela.


Speaking of pathetic, could Floki come off more needy and desperate with his whole "I made new friends!" antics!  He's this close to making friendship bracelets for them.  I can only imagine what his Facebook page would be like if that existed at the time.


Harbard makes his return finally, and is already creeping me out again.  Kevin Durand is always fun to watch.


Ecbert is totally setting things up so that he can take all the power, assuming they get Mercia back.  Kwenthrith as to at least suspect it, but I wonder if she has any way of preventing it.

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