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S08.E18: Reunion Part 1

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Kim F doesn't fit with the show and that's why she should stay (if she wants to).  She gets under Kenya's skin in a way Phaedra and Nene couldn't/can't.  She has what Kenya wants: the man, the children, the career.  Kim's husband may be fabulous but he does defend and support his woman.  People can name Kim Fields' characters... the only character of Kenya they can name is "Miss Bozak" from either Fresh Prince or Martin 20something years ago.  Girl, bye.


Kandi & Phaedra's friendship is done, and the root of it is Phaedra felt Kandi took Apollo's side, she got support from Nene of all people, Kandi distrusted Phaedra for running to Nene and the cycle continues.  Nene is not to blame, she's just the symptom and not the cause.  They're never going to fully trust each other and at this point should just agree to be civil & pleasant and keep it moving.  If they do become friends again, it will have to come about organically and not be forced or rushed by either one.  But for now, it's over.


I think Cynthia was trying to point out that when people start jumping up in other people's personal space, things can take a violent turn.  Cynthia never would've kicked Porsha had Porsha not jumped up in Cynthia's personal space.  Likewise I don't think Porsha would've dragged Kenya by her weave a few reunions ago had Kenya not been waving bullhorns and sceptres in her face.  Kenya was wrong for going into Kim's personal space and pulling out her chair, and nobody would've blamed Kim if she administered a beatdown on Kenya at that point.

Edited by drivethroo
  • Love 24

I thought Kandi and Sheree were about to pull out some popcorn like they were at the movies.


Best part of the reunion.   Sheree's:  I can't take it.  lmao!!  Girl me either.


Wow, Kenya's more delusional than I thought; has she not check Kim's IMDB profile lately? Better yet has checked hers??

Before RHOA, Kenya's acting "career" was sporadic at best; Kim, on the other hand, has had a steady and successful career since childhood---which is a huge accomplishment given how some child stars have difficulty adjusting as adults in the entertainment industry.

"I'll let the social media have fun with that one"... They will, Kim...they will.

I enjoyed the side convo between Khandi and Sheree.


Kenya did OK popping up as the hot girl in some 90s sitcoms, had literally one line in Waiting to Exhale, and she did have a Pantene commercial. People can name Kim's characters by name - Tootie and Regine Hunter are iconic black sitcom characters, IMO. Kenya, sit the fuck down. Andy's "well, you were Miss USA in the 90s" cracked me up.


You better say that!  Tambout she don't miss no shade.  We don't either Kenya. 


Kenya:  "I'm not trying to take away anything from her, I know she was a child star" 

Andy:  "well, she's worked pretty steadily since childhood"

Kenya:  "yeah I know she worked in the 90s..."

Andy:  "well, you were miss usa in the 90s"


I can't stand a bitch who can't take a compliment AND think she's slick.    Kim was being very kind about the sort of actress (which one of you put that in quotes? I see you. LMAO!!!) Kenya is, and do....you.... .....know the heffa doesn't have the good grace to say thank you and go on about her business?  Unh uh.  Biggup to Kim bossing up and her efforts at trying to diffuse the crazy stick of dynamite that is Kenya.  At this point here (below) there was more than enough public empathy to have turned the tide in her favor.  A tide she could've ridden all the way in to the shore.  


Kenya is so emotionally stuck as a petulant child, she takes out her grief over her mothers abandonment of her on the other women and others in general.

She likes to pretend that she is so awesome and strong but she is still that scarred, insecure little girl.  The angry stank face and side eye she had during this episode was the real Kenya.


But she don't have a stop button so it's always go hard or go home with that girl.   Go home ma.


If Kenya would stop looking for only dirt on Kim she would know that Kim has a body of work way beyond the 90's.  When Kenya was being brought to her mother's house to be ignored; Kim's mother was taking her to the set of commercials and t.v. shows.  Kim has a good 40 years of work under her belt, that's nothing to sneeze at.  So glad Andy let Kenya have it a few times tonight.  Also Kenya's face looked fuller to me.


I know Andy was being kind but Kandi has at least 30 more pounds to drop before she reaches the size she was back when she was in Xscape.  However she does look good after just having had a baby.  From those photos Baby Tucker looks like he has Todd's head.


Going to hell audition, take 3:  Deep down in places we don't wanna talk about, I secretly want Porsha to make this into a barb to send Kenya into a Nenelike bathroom sobvulsion.


I think I know what you mean but I also think he's just referencing how drastically pulled together she looks for someone who looked like she was carrying two children 9 weeks ago.  Not that she actually resembles the 6-pack teenager she was then.  For the record and just my opinion, I don't think she needs to lose one more pound.  But, I get it, mileage.  Now what I wouldn't mind is if all of em dialed back the cleavage like a notch or three.  It's as though tittie cracks are the new black or something.  Damb.


Random thoughts on the reunion - (I was dipping in and out).  Cannot stand Porsha but I floved her gown, her make-up and her  hair.   She looked beautiful but appeared somewhat medicated to me?  Prolly so she wouldn't couch-jump and beat some ass.  What the hell was going on with Cynthia's make-up?  That giant silver streak across her left cheekbone just made me want to jump through my TV with a giant make-up brush and blend, blend, blend.  


Kandi looked really pretty and I loved how she read Phaedra.  Kenya playing coy about her faux-pregnancy (yawn).  On the fence about Kim.  Agree with the others - she is just not a good fit with this cast.  She's not a "team" player; she doesn't engage or confront and that's what this show is all about!  I don't think I can take another season with her dragging her kids around every gotdam where and her holier than thou judgemental attitude.


Hated Sheree's make-up.  Phaekdra is so full of shite.


It looked as though the mua ran out of time before they could blend her Ben Nye properly.  It was driving me nuts because it did the opposite of its purpose and made her under eye skin look old and crepey from the make up folds. No ma'am. Not when Cynthia's the only doll up there who's made a whole entire living off giving us face. ::sideye'sKenya::


Sheree's make up must be what they're trying to do with 2016's version of the glitter face.  That bronzey glowy dewy look may be fabulous outside, but depending on the face and the angle of the lighting, it can get mmm, not ashy exactly, but Pat-Benatar-Love-Is-A-Battlefield-ish.  It's a fine line.


This reunion was confirmation that I'm not never gone be talked out of the difference between what kind of friend Kandi vs Phaedra was.  Neva ever?  Not neva.  Kandi got a chance to see all that mess Phaedra talked and came to the reunion still willing to put it behind her.   I was Jersey fistpumping go in and let have.   Because, yes, don't hesitate to free your spirit and talk all the mess you want to but the shit needs to be TRUE, bitch.  What my husband was said about you?  Those are actual facts.   That's why she stuck up for Don Juan because even though his approach was all wrong, his point was for Phaedra to stop telling the lie that they fell out over money and that Todd can be quiet because he made $30K on a video she was still unable to release.  How bout at the reunion when you state that you're having the video re-edited because it's still not finished don't forget to include that the check that's two years overdue was finally cut FIVE-uh days before that and Todd had been waiting on copy approval and pictures from you?  How bout that we saw you and Todd looking at the video on screen where you tell him it looks great?  Nawl heffa, go on somewhere with that.


I did enjoy her "I'm not making fun of your looks, I'm making fun of your skin"  missile to Kenya.  Boy that was a short truce, huh? 


Everytime Kenya had a stank look, her underface meat would do this.   




I was like, phew.  Relieved I'm not the only sexy beast I know with more than one chin.

oooh this is probably the wrong place to put this but I saw RHONY's Kristen Tankeman last week walking down Vesey Street in Manhattan.  She's gorgeous.  Like, I open stared her for a full 10 seconds before I recognized her.  


eta: because not and notch are 2 different words.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
  • Love 20

Kandi & Phaedra's friendship is done, and the root of it is Phaedra felt Kandi took Apollo's side, she got support from Nene of all people, Kandi distrusted Phaedra for running to Nene and the cycle continues. Nene is not to blame, she's just the symptom and not the cause. They're never going to fully trust each other and at this point should just agree to be civil & pleasant and keep it moving. If they do become friends again, it will have to come about organically and not be forced or rushed by either one. But for now, it's over.

As fake and insincere I think Phaedra is, her telling Kenya (I think) that being nice to someone you don't like isn't lieing, it's being civil evoked a "Hell yeah!" response from me last night.


Going to hell audition, take 3: Deep down in places we don't wanna talk about, I secretly want Porsha to make this into a barb to send Kenya into a Nenelike bathroom sobvulsion.

Sheree's make up must be what they're trying to do with 2016's version of the glitter face. That bronzey glowy dewy look may be fabulous outside, but depending on the face and the angle of the lighting, it can get mmm, not ashy exactly, but Pat-Benatar-Love-Is-A-Battlefield-ish. It's a fine line.

Book me a seat on that train to Hell b/c I would pay to see someone cut Kenya to the bone with a comment about her mother.

I like the comparison of Sheree's makeup to Pat Benetar, but hers reminded me of a scene from RuePaul's Drag Race.


  • Love 9

Kenya is so jealous of Kim it's pathetic.  She was a chorus of one saying that her career was as bountiful as Kim's.  Also, I can't believe she had the nerve to say she was the star of RHOA.  I sure wish Nene was there when Kenya said that because you know she would have read Kenya for filth for making that statement. 


Yes!!  I am really disappointed that Nene wasn't sitting there when Kenya said that - although, I don't know if Kenya would have said she was THE STAR if Ms. Leakes was sitting there.  OTOH, Nene really couldn't respond to the comment, because she is no longer THE STAR, since she walked away last season.


Kenya trying to gather the other ladies' support was a classic fail, as well.  Every talking head comment or shade thrown directly at her, she tried to make it seem that the comment wasn't specific to her, but it was an insult to the group - ummm, no, Kenya!  


Kenya's comment to Andy about swallowing was one of the most tasteless comments I have ever heard on one of these reunions, UNTIL we see next week and her comment to Porsha.  BUT, she's a "classy" woman??  Give me a friggin' break!  

  • Love 11

My jaw dropped at Kenya's excuse for not showing up at the eyewear meeting -- because her contractor (?) was about to install a steel beam backwards?  So Kenya's not only an accomplished actress, writer, director, producer -- she's also an architectural engineer.


But I gotta say -- her house does look like she's been giving orders to the builders.  "Put that wall there!  No, I think it should go there instead." 

  • Love 4

My jaw dropped at Kenya's excuse for not showing up at the eyewear meeting -- because her contractor (?) was about to install a steel beam backwards?  So Kenya's not only an accomplished actress, writer, director, producer -- she's also an architectural engineer.


But I gotta say -- her house does look like she's been giving orders to the builders.  "Put that wall there!  No, I think it should go there instead." 


Girl.  What about Cynthia's if it had been Spike Lee producing something and Kenya's oh well, I mean, {{handscales}} Spike Lee, Cynthia Bailey, Spike Lee.  OOOh I wanted Cyn to reach out and grab an afro curl and just unravel for her whole life!  


Anyway I feel like I can get off probiotics because now that I rehate Kenya with the heat of a thousand burning suns, my system is back in balance.


oooh...."don't son me"  LOL!!  I've never heard that before.  Gigglesome.   Man I wanna use some stuff I know in the morning meeting so badly!

  • Love 10

Part 1 of the reunion was far and away better than the entire season. 


Kandi and Sheree were the best parts and whoever equated them to the old guys in the balcony on the Mupperts - - right on. 


I can normally deal with Kenya but she really needs to take several dozen seats and get over herself. To compare her career to Kim's is laughable.  There's nothing wrong with Kenya's career but I would equate hers to a AAA baseball team while Kim's playing in the majors. 


Kim brought her A game tonight.  Keep it going, girl. 


Porsha looked nice and didn't sound too stupid.  Phaedra didn't have a lot to say . . . yet.


Look forward to part 2!

  • Love 5

Kenya---head looks down at the floor.  I couldn't defend a word of that mess.  I thought so much better of her before.  Insert Lincoln quote here.



This reunion was confirmation that I'm not never gone be talked out of the difference between what kind of friend Kandi vs Phaedra was.  Neva ever?  Not neva.  Kandi got a chance to see all that mess Phaedra talked and came to the reunion still willing to put it behind her.   I was Jersey fistpumping go in and let have.   Because, yes, don't hesitate to free your spirit and talk all the mess you want to but the shit needs to be TRUE, bitch.  What my husband was said about you?  Those are actual facts.   That's why she stuck up for Don Juan because even though his approach was all wrong, his point was for Phaedra to stop telling the lie that they fell out over money and that Todd can be quiet because he made $30K on a video she was still unable to release.  How bout at the reunion when you state that you're having the video re-edited because it's still not finished don't forget to include that the check that's two years overdue was finally cut FIVE-uh days before that and Todd had been waiting on copy approval and pictures from you?  How bout that we saw you and Todd looking at the video on screen where you tell him it looks great?  Nawl heffa, go on somewhere with that.


I love Kandi.  Kandi is boring, but she is the only person on that stage that I think speaks the closest version of the truth.  I believe her side eyes and facial expressions as well.

  • Love 12

Part 1 of the reunion was far and away better than the entire season. 


Kandi and Sheree were the best parts and whoever equated them to the old guys in the balcony on the Mupperts - - right on. 


I can normally deal with Kenya but she really needs to take several dozen seats and get over herself. To compare her career to Kim's is laughable.  There's nothing wrong with Kenya's career but I would equate hers to a AAA baseball team while Kim's playing in the majors. 


Kim brought her A game tonight.  Keep it going, girl. 


Porsha looked nice and didn't sound too stupid.  Phaedra didn't have a lot to say . . . yet.


Look forward to part 2!

I think Porsha made a good point about Kenya's need to push people into big reactions that could easily become physical. Porsha also admitted that "she has a problem" with controlling her own reactions....aka/getting physical with others, which was good to hear, even if it is because Bravo made her get help as it has been rumored in a blog or two. Now if only Kenya would admit to her end of that game she so loves to play and getting the help she needs. One at a time I guess. LOL

  • Love 6

Girl.  What about Cynthia's if it had been Spike Lee producing something and Kenya's oh well, I mean, {{handscales}} Spike Lee, Cynthia Bailey, Spike Lee.  OOOh I wanted Cyn to reach out and grab an afro curl and just unravel for her whole life!  


Anyway I feel like I can get off probiotics because now that I rehate Kenya with the heat of a thousand burning suns, my system is back in balance.


oooh...."don't son me"  LOL!!  I've never heard that before.  Gigglesome.   Man I wanna use some stuff I know in the morning meeting so badly!


I am so glad that Kim and Andy didn't know what Kandi meant by that comment, because I sure as hell didn't understand it either!!  Please forgive me if I am speaking out of turn or sound ignorant, sometimes, I have a really hard time understanding some of Kandi's phraseology and comments.  

  • Love 2

I think Porsha made a good point about Kenya's need to push people into big reactions that could easily become physical. Porsha also admitted that "she has a problem" with controlling her own reactions....aka/getting physical with others, which was good to hear, even if it is because Bravo made her get help as it has been rumored in a blog or two. Now if only Kenya would admit to her end of that game she so loves to play and getting the help she needs. One at a time I guess. LOL


Kenya's going to stay losing.   Thank you for the memory jog.   When Kenya started to explain that she knew she'd gone too far so she apologized to Kim for the chair pull.  Porsha butt in with see when I apologized it wasn't accepted.  Does anybody remember that scene the way I do?  When Nene nem got together and Kenya went over to where Porsha was sitting and apologized for her part in the drag and whatever Porsha said to her, we were kinda stuck? because it was a nonpology.   She never actually told her she was sorry if memory serves?  Committee? Help please?   Anyway I say all that to say that Kenya's a nasty piece of business if nobody can summon up some sympathy for her even when she's in the right. 

  • Love 3

Kenya---head looks down at the floor.  I couldn't defend a word of that mess.  I thought so much better of her before.  Insert Lincoln quote here.



I love Kandi.  Kandi is boring, but she is the only person on that stage that I think speaks the closest version of the truth.  I believe her side eyes and facial expressions as well.


While she, Kandi, was correct about Phaedra and the Todd/video/payment, she was wrong to place any blame on Porsha. Porsha wasn't going in on Todd, she was only repeating back to Phaedra what she was told by her. She didn't add anything other than it was sad to loose a friendship over money. IMO, she, Kandi, was/is wrong to blame Porsha like she did and apparently still does. Also, I call BS on Kandi not thinking Apollo storing his stuff at their place was a secret. She and Phaedra were not on good terms when he did it, they weren't really speaking to each other because Kandi was angry that Phaedra/Nene got close.

  • Love 6

I am so glad that Kim and Andy didn't know what Kandi meant by that comment, because I sure as hell didn't understand it either!!  Please forgive me if I am speaking out of turn or sound ignorant, sometimes, I have a really hard time understanding some of Kandi's phraseology and comments.  


Lol.  It's not just you, she makes me rewind too.   The tone of her voice and sometimes the shaky/quakiness of it mixed with the little bit of country twang has me grabbing my ear a lot. lol.

I think "don't son me" is some slang Kandi picked up from Todd. I knew what she meant, but in DC we say, "carry." Like this morning, my cat straight carried me when I tried to substitute the fancy feast with some cheap meow mix.


LOL!!!   nyc = don't play/clown me.


p.s., now you know that she (he?) know better.  Clip more fancy feast coupons mom. 

  • Love 8

I Cannot believe one of the first things out of Phaedra's mouth is shade about Kenya still not having a husband.


That is the stupidest, weakest retort. No wait, that childish "oatmeal pie face" was just playground. Is this really the level of discourse, "snapping" (for you ol' skools!) on someone's skin?


I guess she underestimated that Phaedra would drag that old tired insult out again, with her amen corner Porsha snickering. That comeback should have had some heat: "If my options are a two-time felon and a man who divorces me via Twitter, I'll stay single, thank you." Kenya should have been doing 2 a day read workouts with Brandon and Miss Lawrence, get her game up for this reunion. It's always the same shit being flung, she should have been able to bob-and-weave those with ease.


Why is it Kenya is always supposedly so jealous of the holy trinity (marriage, huzzzzbin, kids) when it comes to Phaedra and Kim, but not when it comes to Cynthia and Kandi? I swear that irks me. It's like, you can't just detest the person anymore, you have to be jellus of them.


Kim Fields. Sigh. Trying so hard, and why, if this isn't your clique and your speed? Why not just fall back and pull what's left of your reputation and goodwill out of the ashes, and move on? Collect your check on the way out? Letting us all see your peachie flopsweat, no bueno mama.


Most everyone looked good, I must say. But I'm not a fan of the prom dresses either, it's too much.


Andy. In the words of Nene, stop being a bitch. He's so proud of himself for leading the pile up on Kenya he had to pre-fauxshame "I think I was a little bit shady to Kenya." Boy, bye. I didn't see you getting krunk with Mike on the Shahs when he texted through the whole thing, you barely worked up a scold. So happy to be in with the IG popular kids, 'eh Andy? "I earned my peach today!" 


He also annoyed by letting Porsha (PORSHA!!) of all people lecture about aggressive behavior. He jumped in quick to assist in a layup to Kim with that '90s comment, where was the same rejoinder to Porsha?  A threat to Phaedra does not equal three beatdowns on other women, Porsha, plus bucking up on a cop. Sit your extra warrant-having ass down. Again, Kenya missed her mark: "You had to go back four years for that threat, I don't have to go back further than four weeks for your last violent encounter."


Can't stand a gang up, especially led by the host. Work your issues out on your own time, Andy.

  • Love 8

Kenya's going to stay losing.   Thank you for the memory jog.   When Kenya started to explain that she knew she'd gone too far so she apologized to Kim for the chair pull.  Porsha butt in with see when I apologized it wasn't accepted.  Does anybody remember that scene the way I do?  When Nene nem got together and Kenya went over to where Porsha was sitting and apologized for her part in the drag and whatever Porsha said to her, we were kinda stuck? because it was a nonpology.   She never actually told her she was sorry if memory serves?  Committee? Help please?   Anyway I say all that to say that Kenya's a nasty piece of business if nobody can summon up some sympathy for her even when she's in the right. 


Kenya was correct, Porsha did not apologize to her at all, at least on camera. Did she do one off camera? Possible but if she did, most likely it was only done to keep her Peach and not sincere. In that, Porsha is wrong, wrong, wrong. That said, I think if Kenya admitted to her pushing Porsha to her breaking point on purpose, I do think Porsha would give a heartfelt apology but will never happen, Kenya will never admit to it....ever. LOL Porsha should just own her behavior, apologize for it (sincerely) and move on never to repeat said behavior in the future with would show that she is an adult woman willing to admit her mistakes and learn from them, something Kenya needs to do as well. LOL

That is the stupidest, weakest retort. No wait, that childish "oatmeal pie face" was just playground. Is this really the level of discourse, "snapping" (for you ol' skools!) on someone's skin?


I guess she underestimated that Phaedra would drag that old tired insult out again, with her amen corner Porsha snickering. That comeback should have had some heat: "If my options are a two-time felon and a man who divorces me via Twitter, I'll stay single, thank you." Kenya should have been doing 2 a day read workouts with Brandon and Miss Lawrence, get her game up for this reunion. It's always the same shit being flung, she should have been able to bob-and-weave those with ease.


Why is it Kenya is always supposedly so jealous of the holy trinity (marriage, huzzzzbin, kids) when it comes to Phaedra and Kim, but not when it comes to Cynthia and Kandi? I swear that irks me. It's like, you can't just detest the person anymore, you have to be jellus of them.


Kim Fields. Sigh. Trying so hard, and why, if this isn't your clique and your speed? Why not just fall back and pull what's left of your reputation and goodwill out of the ashes, and move on? Collect your check on the way out? Letting us all see your peachie flopsweat, no bueno mama.


Most everyone looked good, I must say. But I'm not a fan of the prom dresses either, it's too much.


Andy. In the words of Nene, stop being a bitch. He's so proud of himself for leading the pile up on Kenya he had to pre-fauxshame "I think I was a little bit shady to Kenya." Boy, bye. I didn't see you getting krunk with Mike on the Shahs when he texted through the whole thing, you barely worked up a scold. So happy to be in with the IG popular kids, 'eh Andy? "I earned my peach today!" 


He also annoyed by letting Porsha (PORSHA!!) of all people lecture about aggressive behavior. He jumped in quick to assist in a layup to Kim with that '90s comment, where was the same rejoinder to Porsha?  A threat to Phaedra does not equal three beatdowns on other women, Porsha, plus bucking up on a cop. Sit your extra warrant-having ass down. Again, Kenya missed her mark: "You had to go back four years for that threat, I don't have to go back further than four weeks for your last violent encounter."


Can't stand a gang up, especially led by the host. Work your issues out on your own time, Andy.


LOL, Andy is doing to Kenya as he did to Nene in past seasons. LOL

  • Love 3

Lol.  It's not just you, she makes me rewind too.   The tone of her voice and sometimes the shaky/quakiness of it mixed with the little bit of country twang has me grabbing my ear a lot. lol.


LOL!!!   nyc = don't play/clown me.


p.s., now you know that she (he?) know better.  Clip more fancy feast coupons mom. 



Okay - now I understand...(Jersey girl here, too!).  ;-)

I Cannot believe one of the first things out of Phaedra's mouth is shade about Kenya still not having a husband.


I agree -- sooo stupid!!  Because having a husband who is a convicted felon and serving time is sooo much better than being a single, self-supporting woman.  I usually don't side with Kenya, but Phaedra was all kinds of ridiculous with that statement.  But, on the other hand, I think that Phaedra hits that point often with Kenya because she knows that it's a sore spot -- Kenya wants to be married and apparently, can't find anyone willing to put a ring on it, so Phaedra will bring it up as many times as possible to jab at Kenya.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

I am so glad that Kim and Andy didn't know what Kandi meant by that comment, because I sure as hell didn't understand it either!!  Please forgive me if I am speaking out of turn or sound ignorant, sometimes, I have a really hard time understanding some of Kandi's phraseology and comments.

I had no idea what it meant either, but in hindsight it reminded me of a situation with a former coworker of mine. He was trying to guilt me into picking up breakfast for him and I said "don't girlfriend me." I think if we had the full context of the conversation, it wouldn't have been such a mystery phrase.

  • Love 2
What a lot of folks don't seem to understand is that Kim's handling of Kenya was the best and indeed the only way anyone can handle Kenya. Just see Kenya as the errant child she is and use mommy discipline on her the way Kim did. Kim refused to engage Kenya's angry rants and nasty digs, she refused to fight with Kenya when Kenya did her worse and She did the mommy thing when Kenya tried to go too far. Even though they are both the same exact age, Kim appears far more mature than the childlike bully that is Kenya. I want to see her back because she can shut down Kenya with a few quiet words or even with no words at all.


Yes! This is precisely what I like about Kim. I was a little annoyed at the other women for criticizing Kim's failure to engage with Kenya's nonsense. Kim understands that the best way to deal with an attention whore like Kenya is to not give her any. That of course makes Kenya act like even more of a fool, so she digs her own grave.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
  • Love 7


Why is it Kenya is always supposedly so jealous of the holy trinity (marriage, huzzzzbin, kids) when it comes to Phaedra and Kim, but not when it comes to Cynthia and Kandi? I swear that irks me. It's like, you can't just detest the person anymore, you have to be jellus of them.


Probably because Cynthia and Kandi don't lord their huzzzbins and children over anyone else?


With Phaedra, it's always "I have a HUZZBIN and you never will."


With Kim it's always "I'm a MOM."


Cynthia and Kandi don't do that.

  • Love 3

Kenya---head looks down at the floor.  I couldn't defend a word of that mess.  I thought so much better of her before.  Insert Lincoln quote here.


I love Kandi.  Kandi is boring, but she is the only person on that stage that I think speaks the closest version of the truth.  I believe her side eyes and facial expressions as well.


BC Lincoln?? My peoples!


I agree with you on Kandi. I think she does lay it out and tell the truth, no matter who it is. She has a definite IDGAF attitude about it all. Not in a rude way, but in a "I'll tell it, and what?" way.


Kenya's going to stay losing.   Thank you for the memory jog.   When Kenya started to explain that she knew she'd gone too far so she apologized to Kim for the chair pull.  Porsha butt in with see when I apologized it wasn't accepted.  Does anybody remember that scene the way I do?  When Nene nem got together and Kenya went over to where Porsha was sitting and apologized for her part in the drag and whatever Porsha said to her, we were kinda stuck? because it was a nonpology.   She never actually told her she was sorry if memory serves?  Committee? Help please?   Anyway I say all that to say that Kenya's a nasty piece of business if nobody can summon up some sympathy for her even when she's in the right. 


Hey girl hey! *memory jog* Haayyyl no! Porsha has never apologized. I don't even know where that lie fell from. Not only hasn't she, she's made it her business so say she isn't going to.


I don't even have new ways to say Kenya stays doing herself a disservice. But I find no redeeming qualities in Fakedra or Porsha. Cherub cheeked children and madcap pseudostupidity doesn't make me forget the absolute nasty underbelly of them both. Maybe it's the NYC in me. I like my people straight up. Pour all the sugar on shit you want, there's still shit at the bottom. Kenya can be hella delusional, rude, shady and more. But I still find her more palatable than those two. Frick and frack, indeed.


And hey, Kandi and Cynthia have stood up for her. Neither of them go particularly hard though unless it's for their man or their mama, so they aren't sitting there like Porsha Parrot. But hey, it's something, right? She's gotta take it where she can get it. :)


LOL!!!   nyc = don't play/clown me.


It's more like, don't treat me like a kid, than it is don't play me. I didn't realize it was such a local thing, I know I hear it when rappers are mumbling ... whatever the hell they're talking about. I don't know. I don't care. LOL.


But I wasn't buying Kim's "Oh, thank you so much for the validation! I only wish I knew what that meant! *hysterical giggle*"  You can't tell me she watched the episode where the men were giving Matt the business and used the term, yet couldn't figure the context Kandi meant it in. Most of all, I was thinking "How you on a show with Big Jersey (Queen Latifah) and never heard the term??!!"

  • Love 8


Anyway I feel like I can get off probiotics because now that I rehate Kenya with the heat of a thousand burning suns, my system is back in balance.



Welcome back my pretty!  I knew you'd back back so I saved you a seat right next to me. 




If Kenya would stop looking for only dirt on Kim she would know that Kim has a body of work way beyond the 90's.  When Kenya was being brought to her mother's house to be ignored; Kim's mother was taking her to the set of commercials and t.v. shows.



  • Love 17



The best part of this whole interaction, was...Kenya's lips were opening and starting to move.  Her hand was waving, getting ready to let 'er rip again.  She was SO going to say something.  Probably a hundred somethings in that nasally, bitchy over talk she's so good at.  Kim caught it as just the right time.  It was a thing of beauty.


Kenya comes back with a "Seriously?", as though she wasn't about to start spewing again.  You know you were, bitch!  Own it, at least!

  • Love 13

Okay - now I understand...(Jersey girl here, too!).  ;-)


I agree -- sooo stupid!!  Because having a husband who is a convicted felon and serving time is sooo much better than being a single, self-supporting woman.  I usually don't side with Kenya, but Phaedra was all kinds of ridiculous with that statement.  But, on the other hand, I think that Phaedra hits that point often with Kenya because she knows that it's a sore spot -- Kenya wants to be married and apparently, can't find anyone willing to put a ring on it, so Phaedra will bring it up as many times as possible to jab at Kenya.

Phaedra keeps saying it because it always hits the bulleye with Kenya.  It doesn't matter that her husband is back in jail.  It only matters to Kenya that she never had a husband in the first place.  That is why Phaedra pull that out every time.  Because every time it hits home with Kenya who wants that real bad.

Edited by Aging Goth
  • Love 9

BC Lincoln?? My peoples!


I agree with you on Kandi. I think she does lay it out and tell the truth, no matter who it is. She has a definite IDGAF attitude about it all. Not in a rude way, but in a "I'll tell it, and what?" way.



Hey girl hey! *memory jog* Haayyyl no! Porsha has never apologized. I don't even know where that lie fell from. Not only hasn't she, she's made it her business so say she isn't going to.


I don't even have new ways to say Kenya stays doing herself a disservice. But I find no redeeming qualities in Fakedra or Porsha. Cherub cheeked children and madcap pseudostupidity doesn't make me forget the absolute nasty underbelly of them both. Maybe it's the NYC in me. I like my people straight up. Pour all the sugar on shit you want, there's still shit at the bottom. Kenya can be hella delusional, rude, shady and more. But I still find her more palatable than those two. Frick and frack, indeed.


And hey, Kandi and Cynthia have stood up for her. Neither of them go particularly hard though unless it's for their man or their mama, so they aren't sitting there like Porsha Parrot. But hey, it's something, right? She's gotta take it where she can get it. :)



It's more like, don't treat me like a kid, than it is don't play me. I didn't realize it was such a local thing, I know I hear it when rappers are mumbling ... whatever the hell they're talking about. I don't know. I don't care. LOL.


But I wasn't buying Kim's "Oh, thank you so much for the validation! I only wish I knew what that meant! *hysterical giggle*"  You can't tell me she watched the episode where the men were giving Matt the business and used the term, yet couldn't figure the context Kandi meant it in. Most of all, I was thinking "How you on a show with Big Jersey (Queen Latifah) and never heard the term??!!"


Lmao!! Oh.  See you can sell me a box of Amway soap any day of the week if you carrying a baby on your hip.  But let me be clear (™ All of em) I think people can easily dust off the credit she should be getting, not necessarily because it's easy to bat for Porsha and/or Phaedra but she makes it damb close to impossible to bat for her.  Which is super unfortunate cause it means them other heffas get away with murder, holding the scepters and all.


Don't treat me like a kid makes far more sense.  Duh, she said son. lol!   We have to have a conversation in full hip hop the next time I see you.  I had no idea you were fluent, I need to stay up!  ;P  


I take that as:  thanks for my acceptance in a club I thought was too beneath me to apply for membership in, I ppreciate that!   Girl Kim and I must don't go outside like that. LOL!  Shoutsout to the BK. 

Welcome back my pretty!  I knew you'd back back so I saved you a seat right next to me. 







I hate your ass!  I just had to close my door I'm wheezing so hard!   Not the wig hit the floor before you do!!



  • Love 6

I think Porsha made a good point about Kenya's need to push people into big reactions that could easily become physical. Porsha also admitted that "she has a problem" with controlling her own reactions....aka/getting physical with others, which was good to hear, even if it is because Bravo made her get help as it has been rumored in a blog or two. Now if only Kenya would admit to her end of that game she so loves to play and getting the help she needs. One at a time I guess. LOL

Yeah I'm glad she got out in front of that because I heard they come for her about it later. I wonder if she's in anger management. If so, that's a good look. I'm rooting for Porsha but she has to learn to control herself.

  • Love 4

Kenya's going to stay losing.   Thank you for the memory jog.   When Kenya started to explain that she knew she'd gone too far so she apologized to Kim for the chair pull.  Porsha butt in with see when I apologized it wasn't accepted.  Does anybody remember that scene the way I do?  When Nene nem got together and Kenya went over to where Porsha was sitting and apologized for her part in the drag and whatever Porsha said to her, we were kinda stuck? because it was a nonpology.   She never actually told her she was sorry if memory serves?  Committee? Help please?   Anyway I say all that to say that Kenya's a nasty piece of business if nobody can summon up some sympathy for her even when she's in the right. 

I'm very sure Porsha never said she was sorry, but maybe she did like Kenya did and said, "I apologize"? I don't quite remember, because I never felt she had anything to apologize for.


I'm a pow pow girl at heart. 

  • Love 4

Yeah I'm glad she got out in front of that because I heard they come for her about it later. I wonder if she's in anger management. If so, that's a good look. I'm rooting for Porsha but she has to learn to control herself.

It is rumored that Bravo forced Porsha into Anger Management Class or else after her fight with her friend at the Christmas special. I am glad she is doing it no matter why or who made her go. She really does need to get control of herself.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 4

Okay - now I understand...(Jersey girl here, too!).  ;-)


I agree -- sooo stupid!!  Because having a husband who is a convicted felon and serving time is sooo much better than being a single, self-supporting woman.  I usually don't side with Kenya, but Phaedra was all kinds of ridiculous with that statement.  But, on the other hand, I think that Phaedra hits that point often with Kenya because she knows that it's a sore spot -- Kenya wants to be married and apparently, can't find anyone willing to put a ring on it, so Phaedra will bring it up as many times as possible to jab at Kenya.

I would bring it up too. Because regardless of Apollo's terrible attempt at being a husband, Kenya still had to preface her first season with a fake man.  So if you're gonna be in my face telling me how I'm not even cute enough to be your 3rd runner up, we WILL discuss how you have to find your men in Craigslist ads.

Edited by Watermelon
  • Love 19

That is one of my most favorite gifs in the world! Every time I need a guaranteed laugh I go find it.  It gets better too.




dammit man, my work server don't like this and she likes everyone.  I gotta look when I leave.


I would bring it up too. Because regardless of Apollo's terrible attempt at being a husband, Kenya still had to preface her first season with a fake man.  So if you're gonna be in my face telling me how I'm not even cute enough to be your 3rd runner up, we WILL discuss how you have to find your men in Craigslist ads.


I shouldn't encourage your pow pow, but that's beautiful.  Lol!!!

  • Love 3

When Kandi told Phaedra not to come for Todd in that way, I wondered immediately why she didn't say the same to Don Juan and her mamma when they were dogging Todd out.


This reunion made me wish we saw more interaction between Kenya and Shamea. I don't know if Shamea has a resume, but I can image that an even prettier chocolate girl built like a brick house with the same hair type would amp up Kenya's inner fury.

  • Love 14

I would bring it up too. Because regardless of Apollo's terrible attempt at being a husband, Kenya still had to preface her first season with a fake man. So if you're gonna be in my face telling me how I'm not even cute enough to be your 3rd runner up, we WILL discuss how you have to find your men in Craigslist ads.

This. Kenya is blessed and highly favored that these women have the tiniest smidgen of...class? tact? compassion?...not to come for her relationship with her mother. After that AIDS comment a few years back and the upcoming dick in your mouth comment, the gloves would have been/would be AWF. That oatmeal pie would be soggy with tears.

Edited by ridethemaverick
  • Love 16

What did Kandi mean when she said to Phaedra “don’t go in and let have and it not be true”?



don't talk shit and lie. but feel free to talk shit and let it be the truth.



Thanks WATERMELON- it's been driving me crazy!


Now, see--that one I DID understand!!  This is why I love this forum - I can get explanations of the things the housewives say that I don't understand.  Thank you all!!!  :-)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 4

Ohhhhh Mr.Andy is not happy with Kenya. She better watch her mouth. She just might find herself out of a job. 


Where was NeNe? I guess she's such a big star she's going to make a special appearance to give her assessment of the entire season as if her word is gold. 


So I guess the reunion boils down to Phae not paying Todd, Phae maybe or maybe not telling the Feds to check out Kandi's garage and Kenya not liking Kim (for reasons I still can not figure out). We need 3 parts for that?

  • Love 2

Is it just me or did Andy throw more shade at Kenya than he usually does at Housewives? Don't get me wrong, I loved it. I'm just wondering why Andy all of a sudden is throwing a little shade himself. I wonder if it's to protect Kim F.? Or if he really doesn't like Kenya? Or if Kenya did something to piss him off?

Hey, Kenya - Erica Girardi has a statement necklace that would be just perfect for you.

So much WIN in this statement.

  • Love 5

Is it just me or did Andy throw more shade at Kenya than he usually does at Housewives? Don't get me wrong, I loved it. I'm just wondering why Andy all of a sudden is throwing a little shade himself. I wonder if it's to protect Kim F.? Or if he really doesn't like Kenya? Or if Kenya did something to piss him off?

I always thought Andy loved Kenya but on her last WWHL I noticed he wasn't feeling her. It was right after the chair episode aired. He was shady all night and he even shaded Matt who was bartending. It was weird. I don't care either but it does make me wonder.

  • Love 3

When Kandi told Phaedra not to come for Todd in that way, I wondered immediately why she didn't say the same to Don Juan and her mamma when they were dogging Todd out.


This reunion made me wish we saw more interaction between Kenya and Shamea. I don't know if Shamea has a resume, but I can image that an even prettier chocolate girl built like a brick house with the same hair type would amp up Kenya's inner fury.


That's an excellent point.  Well, with Joyce, she's flat out said it doesn't matter, she's never gonna have words with her mother.   In any other instance I have to believe she didn't even know she wasn't sticking up for Todd or didn't feel like she had to until WE told her.  Remember that episode when she was out to dinner with Todd and Sharon and was put. out. by the fact that he wouldn't shut his mom down from talking shit about Joyce?  Kandi got all neck swivelly about it and all but said with her body language ain't you gone say something to your mom? She didn't even know she was being ironic until fans lit her ass up on FaceBook.    Why she never got Don Juan together before mystifies me still. 


Lol.  Kenya would have to believe this to see Shamea as someone to envy. 

Now, Phaedra knows that Kandi didn't know the stuff was in her garage right?  From catching up on episodes, she knows Kandi found out when she and Todd were in the garage one random afternoon, so is that a thing?  At the reunion Kandi seemed to piggyback to Cynthia's excuse for not telling her which was:  I didn't know you didn't know.   Committee?  Plausible?

  • Love 1

I may be a cold ass motherfu...r. I don't give a damn about Kenya she deserves whatever the ladies dish out...I never had a problem with Porsha attacking her. I consider myself to be a pacifist, but Kenya had been messing with her for a long time and she got what she richly deserved.....I am team Kim, Porsha, Nene, Phaedra and whoever else when it comes to Kenya. The woman is disturbed and needs professional help....She is a vile human being..If she is this way off the show then she will be alone for the rest of her life.....I don't think this man will stay with her for long.....Kenya is shrewd and manipulative. She has the ability to ferret out somebody's weakness and plays on that, until she gets a desired reaction. When the person blows up at her, she plays the victim...I loathe Kenya Moore....


  • Love 4

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