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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Jim Bob proves again that he is plain stupid.  The spinoff was the way to bring Jim Bob and Michelle back on TV. It could have been done gradually and their audience would have welcomed it. I think that Jim Bob doesn't understand that a large segment of viewers don't want to see him and Michelle again. But if he can't be on TV, no one can. Scorch that earth, Jim Bob. It isn't just that Josh committed disgusting illegal acts, Jim Bob and Michelle covered it up the molestation and forced a family reconciliation. I think that Jim Bob and Michelle got over it so they thought that the kids should too.  


The Duggars need to shut their mouth and tell their hangers-on to not talk to media.  Hearing what they view their role is in the documentary made me want to boycott TLC for giving them a platform. It angers me that the Duggars are doing the documentary to show that they are a healthy family that moved beyond molestation.  It makes sense for them, but it is completely mindblowing that they have this chance. I've written TLC to show my disgust. I hope that RAINN counters every point the Duggars make with facts. 


ETA: Now I'm thinking that the family source for the spinoff article is either a TLC source or one close to Ben/Jessa. It didn't paint Jim Bob in a good enough light and then went on to praise Jessa. The spinoff article works to torpedo the idea that the show was a family mission. If they only cared about showing the audience a pathway to Jesus, the girls' spinoff could have accomplished that. Jim Bob just wanted his face on camera every week.  

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
  • Love 13

Maybe. But at this point, I'm not sure that's really an issue. I just think Jim Bob is so insecure that if he can't have something, no one else can either. He's simply too afraid someone might be better than he is. He loves his children, but only as long as he's the father. Never as an equal. That's going to make for a long adulthood for those children.

  • Love 13

I just don't know where Jim Bob thinks this whole thing is going. What are these little home made videos supposed to accomplish?

What exactly is his plan? The rest of the family is just sitting around waiting for him to solve this problem.


If they're lucky, some kid will eventually see the lull for what it is -- evidence that, no, the Jim Bob way is probably not the best and only way to run one's life. And, realizing that, no, JB is not going to figure it out, that child will get up off his/her Duggar duff and march off to get an actual job, move out of the house, reveal a long semi-rebuffed flirtation with a non-Duggar-approved adult with whom he/she will elope, and/or reach out to family members or some other apostate-in-waiting local fundie acquaintances for assistance and partnership in joining the real world.


The show's end and the hash Jim Bob is making of it provides a window. And as the light filters in, maybe somebody's eyes will finally pop full open. That's my hope, anyway. This is a time when it could happen, I think. Jim Bob's attention is elsewhere and some usually obscured truths about the family's way of life are on display. And if one moves, maybe more will eventually. 


Yeah, I'm being Pollyanna again. A time of transition and uncertainty like this can provide a window, though, for some people. Maybe some Duggar will be one of them.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

I just don't know where Jim Bob thinks this whole thing is going. What are these little home made videos supposed to accomplish? What exactly is his plan?

At least Jill and Derrick made a move for their family. The rest of the family (including Josh) is just sitting around waiting for Jim Bob to solve this problem.

Sitting in the Greyhound living room terminal on a stink bus to nowhere.       

  • Love 6

When all this first hit the fan, didn't Boob comment that if the show didn't continue, they would be OK.  Now they are heartbroken.  Boo. Freaking. Hoo.


Showcasing their faith, my butt.  All the show was about was how much better they are than everybody else.  Look how modest we are!  (dry humping your wife in front of your daughter and her boyfriend?).  Homeschooling that is anything but.  Making your daughters raise their siblings.  Neglecting your little ones while you try for #20.  All reasons why you should have been canceled long before the news broke about Josh.


My hope is that in the near future, people will say, "Who are the Duggars?" 


Oh dear, you may have to get REAL JOBS!!  Bunch of lying users.  As my older relatives used to say long ago, "Your chickens have come home to roost."

  • Love 17

I'm sure Jim Bob isn't happy, but his not being happy couldn't keep TLC from offering his adult married daughters a contract, and I very much wonder if it would keep Ben, at least, from accepting on behalf of his headship. I'm gonna guess he likes being rich and famous a lot more than he likes his in laws.


This sounds an awful lot like someone on the TV side using People to appease Duggar fans who are disappointed about the spinoff by making Jim Bob the villain. 

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So Jim Bob gets to say No to the spin off? If TLC sat down with Jill and Derick in El Salvador and asked to film them and gave them a contract , would they really have to call Jim Bob or have him involved in anyway? they are 24 and 26, should they not be able to sign their own contract? I see it being harder with Ben and Jessa since they live in grandma's house but again they are adults and can sign for themselves.


I wonder if the original contract which was for the Duggar family as a whole keeps all members under contract with or without episodes for a certain period of time and the only way out is for Jim Bob to release the 4? The Roloffs and Kate were under contract after the show went off the air for 12-18 months, so they couldn't go film with another network but were getting very little from TLC.

  • Love 2

So Jim Bob gets to say No to the spin off? If TLC sat down with Jill and Derick in El Salvador and asked to film them and gave them a contract , would they really have to call Jim Bob or have him involved in anyway? they are 24 and 26, should they not be able to sign their own contract? I see it being harder with Ben and Jessa since they live in grandma's house but again they are adults and can sign for themselves.

I wonder if the original contract which was for the Duggar family as a whole keeps all members under contract with or without episodes for a certain period of time and the only way out is for Jim Bob to release the 4? The Roloffs and Kate were under contract after the show went off the air for 12-18 months, so they couldn't go film with another network but were getting very little from TLC.

I always thought the (legal minor) kids were the main appeal of this show, a spinoff would've been untenable without the Howlers and Lost Girls co-starring.

The Roloffs were fortunate Jeremy grew up to be an incredibly hot adult.

  • Love 1

I always thought the (legal minor) kids were the main appeal of this show, a spinoff would've been untenable without the Howlers and Lost Girls co-starring.

The Roloffs were fortunate Jeremy grew up to be an incredibly hot adult.

With Jill & Jessa having 6 younger buddies, it would be easy to have them come and visit without JB & M. I'm sure TLC could find a way for Ben to give talks to Josiah about being an unemployed teenager courting. Of course I should not give TLC ideas since I really think they all would be better off going back to whatever their "normal" life is.


The Roloffs(not a big fan of their show either) at least were a bit more honest. The kids did not all get great grades and took very but realistic paths in life. The Duggars expect us to believe all 19 kids want 19 kids and no college. At least the Roloffs ended up with Jeremy graduating from art school, Zack working at a soccer stadium , Molly being the scholar (accountant I think) , and Jacob barely getting a GED. This is a lot closer to real life.

Edited by silverspoons
  • Love 5

Okay, Duggars...let's call your bluff. If this is only about the platform for your ministry, let's see you offer to do it for free.


I said this on Jessa's IG in response to a leghumper who pulled out the old saw that "they're just a family who happens to be on TV." I mentioned that they seemed to accept TLC's checks without reservation, so no, they are not just some random family on TV; that family would do it for nothing. Jessa made the post hours ago, so I hope she's not still reading posts. 


Also, what happened to "We'll be fine without the show?" Everyone is hamming it up for almost daily YouTube videos and/or Instagram/FB posts. They've got the DTs and it's only been less than a week (a week by the time most of you read this in the morning) since they got the ax for good. I think that definitely shows that these people aren't above relentless famewhoring to the leghumpers to keep themselves relevant and get their show produced...by anyone who will cut them a check. 

  • Love 10

I'm skeptical it was a spin off per se, but I do think TLC said something along the lines that Josh and Anna and JB and Michelle can't be on TV for at least awhile. Basically, what they told him was they need to rebrand. And they needed to rebrand under the children, not him. That's tantamount to saying, "Look, your time has passed and you've got to go" in his head. He's so scared and insecure in his own person. He already hears stuff like that all the time in his head, so interpreting this that way wouldn't have been difficult. He probably thinks it's because he can't have any more children. For all we know, he could be blaming Michelle.

  • Love 4

I feel another book coming. Although I can't imagine what they could possibly fill the pages with.


Blank books sell fairly well. I'm sure a lot of leghumpers would buy one of those with the Duggars on the cover.


Or they could do multiple special editions. One with Jim Bob, one with Michelle, one with Grandma, and so on .... Heck, even Amy's griping fiance could get a cover .... There'd probably be quite the little market of teenage collectors. Given their grammar and spelling, many of those fans aren't interested in reading anyway.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 7

When all this first hit the fan, didn't Boob comment that if the show didn't continue, they would be OK.  Now they are heartbroken.  Boo. Freaking. Hoo.


Showcasing their faith, my butt.  All the show was about was how much better they are than everybody else.  Look how modest we are!  (dry humping your wife in front of your daughter and her boyfriend?).  Homeschooling that is anything but.  Making your daughters raise their siblings.  Neglecting your little ones while you try for #20.  All reasons why you should have been canceled long before the news broke about Josh.


My hope is that in the near future, people will say, "Who are the Duggars?" 


Oh dear, you may have to get REAL JOBS!!  Bunch of lying users.  As my older relatives used to say long ago, "Your chickens have come home to roost."

Love this post.  


Jim Bob told Michelle in his anniversary letter to Michelle (open for public viewing on their FB page of course) that she is an example for millions of women.  In his delusional head she is an example for millions of women.  Stop trying to speak for 'millions of women' JB!  I for one do not want to follow Michelle's 'example'.  I don't want to speak with a baby girl voice, I don't want to force my older children to raise my younger children, I don't want to skate backwards and say it's not OK to dance, I don't want to be a constant hypocrite, I don't want my husband dry humping me on a golf course in front of my daughter and the world - just to name a few.

  • Love 17

We're seeing the "denial" phase of the Duggar meltdown. That they can't actually grasp at how toxic their public image has become and that except for the most fervent fans (who would stay fans if there was videotape evidence of JimBob eating live kittens whole), that most rational people have stopped giving them the benefit of the doubt and are seeing them for what they really are. Not this carefully crafted media image of a super religious, oversized family. They're recognizing that there is something seriously wrong with shielding one child (their son) from legal prosecution at the expense of several other children (their daughters, one of which was five years old when she was molested). They see that the Duggars are hypocrites and there's no coming back from that any time soon. 


No one outside of the leghumpers is going to be awed by the idea of a ring with the birthstones of all their children at this point, or these staged moments for public consumption.

  • Love 18

My son and I always watched the show as a sort of cautionary tale. He knew but didn't KNOW that was my childhood. It always did freak him out a little when I could break into the songs they would sing, or JB would stumble on a verse he was trying to quote and I'd fix it. "I could have raised you this way," I'd tease.

"Thank you, Lord, for not doing that!"

  • Love 6

I know she is an example to me of what not to do while raising my grandsons.

Yeah an example of bat shit crazy!!!


So people is reporting that JBOOB cancelled the show because the focus is not on him. Not surprising.

What i DO hope is that Bins dad is wispering in their ears saying...you get a spin off on your own, move back here...

I really really would wish that Jessa And BIn would be like EFF YOU boob and get their spin off without him. But they are too brainwashed and don't have the backbone. However that might change when they realize hey you cant get buy on washing toliets. 


Why are dopey Duggar topics all over the Yahoo newsfeed? Today there's the one about Boob nixing the spinoff, another that says Boob and Michelle celebrate their 31st annoversary (WTF? that is news?), and then there's the one saying the Duggars are heartbroken over their show's cancellation. Oh wait, there's one more, saying their 31st anniversary post caused surprise amongst fans.


I am starting to wonder if they are paying Yahoo for these news "stories." Seems like the work of a paid PR person, and they are desperately trying to keep their brand going.

Edited by NJRach

Why are dopey Duggar topics all over the Yahoo newsfeed? Today there's the one about Boob nixing the spinoff, another that says Boob and Michelle celebrate their 31st annoversary (WTF? that is news?), and then there's the one saying the Duggars are heartbroken over their show's cancellation. Oh wait, there's one more, saying their 31st anniversary post caused surprise amongst fans.


I am starting to wonder if they are paying Yahoo for these news "stories." Seems like the work of a paid PR person, and they are desperately trying to keep their brand going.


I'm hoping it's mainly just an artifact of the dumber-news-media momentum that keeps hitting on a topic that's got lots of hits for some time after the actual news stops. Yahoo, for example, probably relies on a computer algorithm for posting stories to such an extent that big news like the Josh scandal would encourage the algorithm to keep posting Duggar stories up high for quite some time afterward, especially if people click on them in search of news. If that's the case, then it ought to stop after a while.

Edited by Churchhoney
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So they had (HAD!) their show because it was God's plan, huh? I don't imagine he credits"God's plan" for such things as The Bachelorette or the Bad Girl's Club. Those have to be the work of Satan. Well, come to think of it, we know that he thinks virtually all TV is evil, except for noted Obama supporter Andy Griffith. So he really might genuinely believe that their little show was their way of fighting back against the apparently GREAT job that Satan is doing over the airwaves.

What a sad and lonely worldview that is. And really, I can't articulate this very well, but isn't it an insult to God? He is doing such a bad job that nearly the whole planet is wrong or evil? Assuming they are sincere (I know), every moment must be "get out there and spread The Word" or "hunker down and don't you dare have any unapproved thoughts about anything because Satan."

I know these are not new insights into the Duggars, but for some reason, it is really hitting me this morning. How sad and awful it would be to fear the world and everything in it. What a tragedy to miss so many of life's wonders due to fear and the need to judge and feel superior to everyone else.

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Jim Bob told Michelle in his anniversary letter to Michelle (open for public viewing on their FB page of course) that she is an example for millions of women.  In his delusional head she is an example for millions of women.  Stop trying to speak for 'millions of women' JB!  I for one do not want to follow Michelle's 'example'.  I don't want to speak with a baby girl voice, I don't want to force my older children to raise my younger children, I don't want to skate backwards and say it's not OK to dance, I don't want to be a constant hypocrite, I don't want my husband dry humping me on a golf course in front of my daughter and the world - just to name a few.


Ahh.  A dream man.  Speaks his innermost thoughts on a FB page so all of his "FaceBook Friends" can "like" it!  How does one find a man like that? 

  • Love 10

Thrift stores. Warehouse grocery stores. Near his baby momma. Used car lots. Yard sales. Near bubble gum machines or Cracker Jacks displays.

Well, never mind the one close to his baby momma. You don't want that one.

Ok, Kathe, it comes to me that maybe it would be easier to say where NOT to find a man like that.

The barber shop. A regular church. Anywhere you hear drums or any rhythmic music. A regular department store. Work (snort!). In a kitchen. A laundromat, or a laundry room. Anywhere heavy lifting is happening. A liquor store.

Yep, it's easier to say where NOT to shop for a man like that.

  • Love 3

A ? for all my media savvy friends: In case anyone (ahem) still has some interest (ahem) in keeping abreast (sorry) of Jessa's latest Instagram bump shot, reading the blather on the Duggar family home page and/or watching the occasional Duggar YouTube disasters, how could that person (ahem) do so without logging in as a "viewer" on the site? (Assume this person knows enough not to comment and/or "like" any site content, which would obviously register as a "hit.") I ask only because this theoretical person does not want to contribute to any "evidence" said Duggars could use as proof to TLC (or any other media entity) of continued interest in their tweaked-out lives. 


My friend (ahem) uses some social media, but is a writer with a history degree and not  particularly well-versed in the statistical particulars of such media matters. Thanks (on behalf of my friend).


PS: Lest you think my friend Philistine, she only peruses this Duggar low brow crap when all her Chaucer and de Tocqueville books are broken. ;) And when her husband's not home. 

Edited by HundFan
  • Love 23

Which could be found where?


ETA: Thanks, Julia. Just googled "finding Google cached pages" and I think I get it. Wish it were a little less complicated, though. I was hoping I could just wear a Groucho Marx disguise when I visited any Duggar page. But seriously - thanks for your help! Rather ... my friend thanks you.

Edited by HundFan
  • Love 7

Which could be found where?


When your friend Googles "jessa seewald instagram" s/he will find a little arrow just to the right of the url (which appears in green below the name of the page). S/he should put the mouse on that arrow and a little menu will come down, with the word "cached" on it. Then your friend must click on "cached."

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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