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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Well, Jana apparently can actually play. I suppose they'd need at least one.


OK, please explain to me how Anna's clothing (not to mention the pose she's striking) could be considered MODEST.

Anna looks like a stuffed sausage. How tragic.Fundie fashion is perplexing.

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Wow. I was checking out other news sites to see what was up with the scammy food bank event last week. Reading the comments following one of the stories I was shocked to be made aware that Rusty and Andrea Yates were members of the Quiverfull movement. I can't believe I never made the connection, it must be common knowledge to the posters on this forum. This whole Duggar thing was creepy to me before, now it seems downright sinister. Thankfully, there doesn't seem to be true psychosis present in the Duggar family as we've seen what the combination produced in the Yates situation.

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Oh, my good Lord, the screechy, amateur, make-your-teeth-hurt cacophony !!!


When will the Duggars ever learn that they're NOT a "musical" family ?!?! It's first-year scratching at best. Only a church-polite, captive audience with nowhere to run would sit through the heinous rendition of whatever it was...


And yes, Anna looks like a stuffed sausage. I feel defrauded. For all of the no-knees, no-shoulders, etc, I'm suddenly quite aware of her feminine form. For shame, Anna. For shame...

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Oh the "Blood Song"... I had forgotten about that.  


Can't even begin to imagine how tired those poor kids are of being trotted out on stage and being forced to sing and play their instruments like trained monkeys.  Surely some of them recognize how awful they sound.  How humiliating.

Edited by 3 is enough
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The pic was taken down, but here's a video from the event. 




Thanks for posting this, I think. I could only get through a few minutes of it, but that was nuts. I wonder what surgery Derick had to have so he couldn't be there?  I thought they could've easily just said they couldn't come because you know, newborn and c-section recovery, but didn't they specifically say Derick couldn't come?  I got the feeling if he could've come the family would've dragged Derick, Jill, and Iz too. Maybe I missed something, can't bring myself to watch it again.

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Hey Duggars, dump the instruments.  Give to somebody who can play, someone with an ear for music.  I noticed they tried to be the Sound of Music family by making up some hokey lyrics and singing to the tune of the Austrian song.  Marjorie got to play the piano.  Michelle was telling some story about her wanting to tell her mother about her thoughts and her mom didn't care to listen, so she cried in bed and ended up on floor of hallway or something.   She was making herself out to be quite the little sinner.  At least from the snippet I saw

.  I only watch maybe 30 seconds and then drag the bar forward about 10 minutes and stop again for 10 seconds, etc.


ETA: she should be a Catholic.  Then she could go to confession all the time and the priest could tell her, no that's not a sin.  Or if it is, tell her God has forgiven her so forget it and go and sin no more.  Most things are not a sin, MEchelle, really.  

Edited by Micks Picks
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I skipped parts of the clip (Mechelle talking about how God "lay it on my heart" something, something, something, not interesting)  but the bit that I did watch was when the kids are reciting the 10 Commandments (16mins).  And it is creepy! They are essentially chanting in a monotone voice "You shall not have any gods but me", etc., etc. and it sounded like something out of a cult.  It wouldn't bother me as much if there was some enthusiasm in there but just wasn't.   

 And I agree with everyone else, that "music" was just painful.  If Jana actually has an ear for playing, the whole dog-and-pony show must be so embarrassing.  

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OMG the church program - it was two hours? I can't imagine watching their circus for that long.


My thoughts:


Jana is what, 26? It's painful to watch her have to stay in the roadshow, and direct the orchestra of screechy violins. I think she is the only one who plays well. I'd rather have watched her play a solo.


Josie looks like she has ADD. I noticed all the distractions - playing with her shoe, spinning around, jumping, and other herky-jerky motions. She would be so much better off if someone just took her to the playground and let her run around, instead of being up on stage, with Michelle constantly whispering to her and correcting her behavior.


Anna - she reminds me of a workhorse tethered up to a plow. She is pregnant with her fourth child, bloated, probably hot under the stage lights, and holding squirmy Marcus. She is always on the go with Joshie, towing all the kids. She needs to tell hubby to go off with the road show alone, then hire some help and stay home. The girl needs a break.


Are they chaneling the VonTrapps? They stole their Edelweiss song. I was waiting for Michelle to come out in a dirndl, with her hair braided atop her head.

Edited by NJRach
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Speaking engagements for a luncheon or event are likely paid. Travel expenses if nothing else. Given that the Duggars don't self-publish, they wouldn't be receiving money directly from their book sales - that would have come from an advance and/or royalties.

Political events are never paid. (Except that Josh receives a salary but there is no extra.)

Book store appearances are never paid.

Appearances as part of a church service are likely not paid. There might be an offering taken up, but I doubt that even the Duggars are that crass at this point.

Edited by GEML
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Why does Michelle so often have clenched fists in her photos? It's such an unnatural position to hold yourself in.

When I have too many people around me, I start to feel really claustrophobic, and tense up, including clenching my fists, which I usually don't even realise I'm doing, until it's pointed out to me (which doesn't help, because then I just feel crowded and self-conscious). While I'd rather not share character traits with Michelle, it's possible that even with the constant exposure they've had over the years, she's still just not all that comfortable in some situations, and that's one her physical manifestations of her feelings.

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I've probably beaten this to death, but I still don't understand why no major news outlet has chosen to do a deep dive into this bunch, a la the Scientology reports we're seeing more of lately. The Today Show was all about the Duggars for quite some time; it's bizarre to me that no one in that whole organization thought it might be good to expose Gothard and Quiverfull. It's even more curious that that didn't happen after Gothard's fall from grace.

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So I'm watching The Tonight Show and Jimmy Fallon started talking about Mike Huckabee announcing that he's running for POTUS, Jimmy said the Duggars are supporting him. The reason why is because Huckabee has common sense. WTF?? Leave it up to Jimboob to say something stupid.

Edited by Sunflower77
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So I'm watching The Tonight Show and Jimmy Fallon started talking about Mike Huckabee announcing that he's running for POTUS, Jimmy said the Duggars are supporting him. The reason why is because Huckabee has common sense. WTF?? Leave it up to Jimboob to say something stupid.


Maybe it's just me but I got the feeling that Fallon was being sarcastic about the whole thing. I'm curious what the Duggars (or their PR people) actually said.

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Importantly he is a man of faith who is very wise, and will help get our nation back on track," Jim Bob wrote. "Simply, he's a leader who will bring the moral clarity we need in the White House...The Duggar family asks all Republicans to join us in helping Governor Mike Huckabee become the next President of the United States of America."

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I don't know about Huckabee... Josh Duggar posted a pic of him with Ted Cruz on his twitter.


The Duggars have always been on the Huckabee bandwagon.  For one thing, the Huckabees are a big Arkansas family.  If any branches of your family tree go through Arkansas, chances are there are some Huckabees on it.  Also, Mike Huckabee is a statist at heart wrapped in establishment-GOP paper on the outside, which is right up the Duggar family's alley.  Ted Cruz is too liberty-oriented to get a Duggar endorsement in the primaries (general election might be a different story).

I think it's more likely that Josh just likes having his picture made with semi-famous people so he can feel important.  If Josh really were endorsing Ted Cruz, it would signal his personal politics breaking away from JimBob's brand.

Since the Duggars don't watch television, then they're probably clueless about the fact that Mike "wise, man-of-faith" Huckabee performed traditional-values-unfriendly "Cat Scratch Fever" on his show without blushing one bit.  https://youtu.be/S3EORyIoMsM?t=5m22s

Edited by TomServo
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Mike "wise, man-of-faith" Huckabee performed traditional-values-unfriendly "Cat Scratch Fever" on his show without blushing one bit.

OMG. I'm a Democrat and a Hillary supporter, and I haven't listened to any Ted Nugent since I became aware of his Tea Party wackjobbery. But that clip absolutely makes my day.


I've often wondered about the Duggars and music. It wouldn't surprise me if Jinger and Jessa fire up the Taylor Swift when they're out thrift-shopping. And I get kind of a closet-classic-rock-fan vibe from Smuggar.

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I was just looking at the Duggars' Instagram, and I hate the way it makes me sound to say this, but the comments people leave on the family's photos lead me to wonder if everyone who follows them was educated at the SOTDRT. There's not a correct conjunction for "there is" in the bunch, "woe" is substituted for "whoa," and at least half of the commenters spell "Duggar" wrong. And the conversations they have with one another ... "The Duggars are happiest and holiest family and Michelle is the best mom ever." It's like some strange little parallel universe.

  • Love 16

I was just looking at the Duggars' Instagram, and I hate the way it makes me sound to say this, but the comments people leave on the family's photos lead me to wonder if everyone who follows them was educated at the SOTDRT. There's not a correct conjunction for "there is" in the bunch, "woe" is substituted for "whoa," and at least half of the commenters spell "Duggar" wrong. And the conversations they have with one another ... "The Duggars are happiest and holiest family and Michelle is the best mom ever." It's like some strange little parallel universe.


Definitely agree. The level of language used in leg-humper comments is a big part of the reason why I believe so many of them are - insert sound of throat being cleared - generally not the brightest porch lights on the street. These comments contain a lot of misspelled and misused words, are badly-written overall, even unintelligible at times. Even though from the content it's clear the writer is middle-aged, they can sound as though a middle-schooler wrote them. Then of course, I think a lot of leg-humpers actually are middle-schoolers and high-schoolers. Not to mention people just like the Duggars themselves - largely uneducated 20-something fundies stuck at home with their own small children, few opportunities and even fewer dreams.

Edited by Wellfleet
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As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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