barbedwire March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 AmericanAmigo - along those same lines, that is a good point. If the parents had taught them to garden they can use their free time, and they seem to have a lot of it, gardening. Then Bin can be more like JimBoob in the saving money department. Surely Jessa can wash and chop vegetables from a garden to make a salad, or am I hoping for too much. 1 Link to comment
louannems March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 1:27 PM, Barb23 said: Of course, we never saw MEchelle hold or even look at one of the grand babies esp Spurgey. They showed Grandma holding him. You know Kelly Bates would have been all over those grands from the time she stepped out of the car. I'm wondering about the timeline with the dinner, too. Jessa said they went shopping one day to have the feast the next day. If they bought frozen turkeys, how did they thaw in that short of time? Maybe she did the cold bath thing but I doubt it cuz we probably would have seen it (like when Anna did it.) Maybe they did buy fresh, but Jessa mentioned something about hoping the turkeys were thawed enough when she was getting them buttered up. She easily pulled out the innards which I always seem to have trouble getting out no matter how thawed my turkey is. Also, where was the stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberries? I'm surprised they had gravy. It was probably out of a jar even tho we saw them pour the juice/drippings out of the pan. Homemade gravy would have been over the top in their cooking skills. They go for the least they can which they admitted to. In my family, we have certain family recipes that are made each year- a corn casserole, a wilted lettuce salad or a broccoli salad. "I can't wait to have Grandma Duggar's fruit salad this year" kind of thing. You never see this with the Duggars. Well, they now have Hannie's green bean casserole. I've always had to really stick my hand in deep inside the turkey cavities, at both ends, to remove the liver/gizzard/neck, etc. The way Jessa easily plucked out those necks, even with such disdain on her pouty face, tells me it was staged. Someone (a crew person) pre-plucked those necks, then had them within easy reach for Jessa. 8 Link to comment
gunderda March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 (edited) Jessa has a Kendra Wilkinson fake laugh. I did think it was interesting that Jessa says she tries to play matchmaker. Edited March 17, 2016 by gunderda 4 Link to comment
AmericanAmigo March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 I am sorry that Anna is having a hard time. I wouldn't wish her situation on anyone but if my husband stepped out I would not be on tv saying I am praying and waiting to see what God has in mind for my life. More like what does Josh have in mind. It's bad but she is healthy and has healthy children. That's why this cult is so distructive. Whatever she decides is best for her family has to be ok for her but putting everything on blast is just unseemly. The molestation issues are a whole other aspect that seems to be completely ingnored. 6 Link to comment
Sew Sumi March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 8:20 AM, Kokapetl said: Watching the girls, especially Jessa, all pretend to be super best friends, jokey and totally comfortable etc, it's just freaky. We know about the semi-drudgery. Anna's story is just sad. Koka, were you able to watch it? I read elsewhere that the Discovery link is US-only. Link to comment
BitterApple March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 4:22 PM, gunderda said: Jessa has a Kendra Wilkinson fake laugh. I did think it was interesting that Jessa says she tries to play matchmaker. I would never let Jessa play matchmaker for me. She's one of those passive-aggressive mean girl types who would deliberately set you up with a loser while convincing you he's the greatest thing in the world. No way in hell would Jessa let Jinger end up with a husband better than Bin. 8 Link to comment
Tabbygirl521 March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 4:42 PM, AmericanAmigo said: I am sorry that Anna is having a hard time. I wouldn't wish her situation on anyone but if my husband stepped out I would not be on tv saying I am praying and waiting to see what God has in mind for my life. More like what does Josh have in mind. It's bad but she is healthy and has healthy children. That's why this cult is so distructive. Whatever she decides is best for her family has to be ok for her but putting everything on blast is just unseemly. The molestation issues are a whole other aspect that seems to be completely ingnored. I hate to think of her kids running across these eps online someday. Yeah, I know, but maybe they will sneak computer time, just like Dear Olde Dad. 2 Link to comment
STFUFrank March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 I didn't watch but I'm not going to judge about peeling potatoes. I'm 37 and I've never peeled a potato. I will side eye the once a month cooking. While the majority of the time I've been married my husband was the primary cook and my idea of cooking was Tuna Helper, I've stepped my game up and on the weekends I use our crock pot or I fix things in the oven. It doesn't take much time and clean up isn't bad. Jessa can devote more than once a month to making meals. 5 Link to comment
Aja March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 6:09 PM, TotalHellion said: I didn't watch but I'm not going to judge about peeling potatoes. I'm 37 and I've never peeled a potato. I will side eye the once a month cooking. While the majority of the time I've been married my husband was the primary cook and my idea of cooking was Tuna Helper, I've stepped my game up and on the weekends I use our crock pot or I fix things in the oven. It doesn't take much time and clean up isn't bad. Jessa can devote more than once a month to making meals. Yes but do you have a TV show in which you bleat constantly about how morally superior you are because you are doing what God wants all women to do, even though you aren't actually doing it yourself because you're too busy taking selfies at Starbucks and telling everyone all about how they're going to burn in hell? 20 Link to comment
Churchhoney March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 3:15 PM, sleekandchic said: I did not watch, but am reading the comments here. :) I thought Jessa and Ben said they would be calling Spurgey by their nickname -- Quincy? That's not happening? Maybe they figured that failing to call him Spurgeon (or some variation thereof) would be letting the haters win? 3 Link to comment
kokapetl March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 5:27 PM, Sew Sumi said: Koka, were you able to watch it? I read elsewhere that the Discovery link is US-only. I used "methods" and watched it on the TLC website. 6 Link to comment
Kiss my mutt March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 I don't get these strict gender defined roles. It's not like any of the women cook or clean and none of the men have jobs. 18 Link to comment
BitterApple March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 6:39 PM, Kiss my mutt said: I don't get these strict gender defined roles. It's not like any of the women cook or clean and none of the men have jobs. Ikr? How many years have we spent listening to the Duggars promote their daughters as blissful Suzy Homemakers and their sons as Manly Men Providers. They now have 12 adult children, including in-laws, who have no jobs and can't do even the simplest tasks related to keeping a home. What the hell do these people do all day? 13 Link to comment
Sew Sumi March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 The leghumpers seem to think that they have "full time" jobs. Some people, myself included, may have dispelled this erroneous notion. 3 Link to comment
amitville March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 6:50 PM, BitterApple said: Ikr? How many years have we spent listening to the Duggars promote their daughters as blissful Suzy Homemakers and their sons as Manly Men Providers. They now have 12 adult children, including in-laws, who have no jobs and can't do even the simplest tasks related to keeping a home. What the hell do these people do all day? Pratice making blessing 2 Link to comment
Aja March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 (edited) On 3/17/2016 at 6:50 PM, BitterApple said: Ikr? How many years have we spent listening to the Duggars promote their daughters as blissful Suzy Homemakers and their sons as Manly Men Providers. They now have 12 adult children, including in-laws, who have no jobs and can't do even the simplest tasks related to keeping a home. What the hell do these people do all day? YES YES YES. In I Fired God, Jocelyn Zichterman discusses this very thing in her conclusion. She writes a beautiful rant about how unfair it is that kids brought up in the IFB cult often HAVE to stay in the cult because they have no other choice--kids should be brought up so that if, as adults, they decide that their own views conflict with their parents' views, they are free to move around in the world without being completely hobbled by childhoods full of spiritual abuse (and often physical and sexual abuse), insanely inadequate education, and the threat of being shunned by their families and friends. (Jocelyn Zichterman, even AFTER leaving the IFB, still had grave misgivings about sending her children to public school on accounts of "orgies on the playground" and "teachers handing out condoms during recess." Grown adults who grew up in this craziness believe things like that to the bottoms of their hearts.) Edited March 17, 2016 by Aja 8 Link to comment
OhioMom March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 6:50 PM, BitterApple said: Ikr? How many years have we spent listening to the Duggars promote their daughters as blissful Suzy Homemakers and their sons as Manly Men Providers. They now have 12 adult children, including in-laws, who have no jobs and can't do even the simplest tasks related to keeping a home. What the hell do these people do all day? Take selfies, post to instagram and admire themselves in the mirror? 5 Link to comment
Churchhoney March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 6:52 PM, Sew Sumi said: The leghumpers seem to think that they have "full time" jobs. Some people, myself included, may have dispelled this erroneous notion. Do the lhs ever specify what these jobs are? Link to comment
Obsidian March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 7:42 PM, Churchhoney said: Do the lhs ever specify what these jobs are? Being a perfect example of a successful family, molesting their siblings (as might happen in any family, you know - sheesh, give them a break), running an organised household and educating wisely and effectively wherever you are, creating culinary masterpieces, being holier and better than us meanie critics, and fielding abuse and baseless criticism from us meanies. Geez. (No, I don't know whether the leghumpers can state exactly what paid employment the Duggars are in, except probably to say JD is a police officer/constable.) 3 Link to comment
riverblue22 March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 5:38 PM, BitterApple said: I would never let Jessa play matchmaker for me. She's one of those passive-aggressive mean girl types who would deliberately set you up with a loser while convincing you he's the greatest thing in the world. No way in hell would Jessa let Jinger end up with a husband better than Bin. I think Jessa mentioned trying to play matchmaker for John-David. And he told her something like, "Jessa there are more women in the world than you even know about." Which tells me John David may not stick to finding a cult wife. Maybe he'll be like Zach Bates and find himself a Whitney. It gave me some hope for John-David. There may be more to him than he lets us see. 14 Link to comment
gunderda March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 8:20 PM, riverblue22 said: I think Jessa mentioned trying to play matchmaker for John-David. And he told her something like, "Jessa there are more women in the world than you even know about." Which tells me John David may not stick to finding a cult wife. Maybe he'll be like Zach Bates and find himself a Whitney. It gave me some hope for John-David. There may be more to him than he lets us see. Except Whitney didn't really stay a Whitney - much like Derrick didn't stay a Derrick. They both fell in line with the family that gives them money. 8 Link to comment
GeeGolly March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 So Anna said she was thankful for Gramma Duggar. Not Michelle, but Gramma. I wonder if Michelle even knows that Anna is staying with them. It also made me wonder if Grandpa Duggar cheated on her. JB has repeatedly said that his dad wasn't Christian enough. Maybe he was insinuating that daddy cheated on mommy? 6 Link to comment
truthtalk2014 March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 8:51 PM, GeeGolly said: So Anna said she was thankful for Gramma Duggar. Not Michelle, but Gramma. I wonder if Michelle even knows that Anna is staying with them. It also made me wonder if Grandpa Duggar cheated on her. JB has repeatedly said that his dad wasn't Christian enough. Maybe he was insinuating that daddy cheated on mommy? What kills me is the insensitivity of this group. When Anna was crying while praising Grandma Duggar, Mary just sat there. My first reaction would have been to get up and give her a big hug. I think the lack of affection started before Boob. 12 Link to comment
Aja March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 8:51 PM, GeeGolly said: So Anna said she was thankful for Gramma Duggar. Not Michelle, but Gramma. I wonder if Michelle even knows that Anna is staying with them. It also made me wonder if Grandpa Duggar cheated on her. JB has repeatedly said that his dad wasn't Christian enough. Maybe he was insinuating that daddy cheated on mommy? HA!!!!!! 3 Link to comment
Marigold March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 8:51 PM, GeeGolly said: So Anna said she was thankful for Gramma Duggar. Not Michelle, but Gramma. I wonder if Michelle even knows that Anna is staying with them. It also made me wonder if Grandpa Duggar cheated on her. JB has repeatedly said that his dad wasn't Christian enough. Maybe he was insinuating that daddy cheated on mommy? That's an interesting thought. Could explain how Jim Bobby got so involved in IBLP religion. Trying to run from what his dad got involved in? Trying to be a "better" man than his father? 2 Link to comment
sleekandchic March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 6:24 PM, Churchhoney said: Maybe they figured that failing to call him Spurgeon (or some variation thereof) would be letting the haters win? I guess. But remember the deal they made out of it on fb and other social media? First, they explained how they used Quincy for the babe in the womb. Then, they loved the Q name so much they decided to use it as the child's permanent nickname. Just a lot of b.s. subterfuge I guess. -- aka, business as usual, wasting away again in Duggarville. I did think at the time that using a nick for Spurgey was a wasted opportunity. Imagine every time they intro the kid to a stranger. "Oh what an unusual name!" "Yes! He's named in honor of our hero, a fire and brimstone preacher who hated Catholics!....Isn't he a precious baby"? ;) 5 Link to comment
STFUFrank March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 (edited) On 3/17/2016 at 6:19 PM, Aja said: Yes but do you have a TV show in which you bleat constantly about how morally superior you are because you are doing what God wants all women to do, even though you aren't actually doing it yourself because you're too busy taking selfies at Starbucks and telling everyone all about how they're going to burn in hell? No, because God didn't lay it on my parents hearts to have anymore children after my sister and I thus ruining a potential reality tv career and we're also non church going heathens. And I can't sit back in judgement because we do things a little differently. <--- That last sentence was meant sarcastically and I meant that I can't sit back in judgement like the Duggars because I'm a non church going heathen. (Hard to convey sarcasm online sometimes) Edited March 17, 2016 by TotalHellion 3 Link to comment
Marigold March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 TotalHellion, But someone cooked decent food in your home. Your husband cooked. I don't care WHO is cooking but kids really need better nutrution than Chinese, pizza and some tater tot casserole. My teen son cooks a lot and he cooks well. That's fine with me!!!! I'm happy to have him cook. I taught him. And, specific to the Duggars...all their blathering on about chores and life skills...but not one Duggar can cook? That's truly a disgrace. And a waste of money because eating out like Jessa and Ben admitted to is very expensive. 5 Link to comment
MarysWetBar March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 8:20 PM, riverblue22 said: I think Jessa mentioned trying to play matchmaker for John-David. And he told her something like, "Jessa there are more women in the world than you even know about." Which tells me John David may not stick to finding a cult wife. Maybe he'll be like Zach Bates and find himself a Whitney. It gave me some hope for John-David. There may be more to him than he lets us see.I'm dying here. I read the bolded line above as "find himself a whitey" and literally muttered " no shit..i highly doubt JB would be waiting with open arms for JD to bring home Grace Slick or Whoopee. 4 Link to comment
Aja March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 9:14 PM, TotalHellion said: No, because God didn't lay it on my parents hearts to have anymore children after my sister and I thus ruining a potential reality tv career and we're also non church going heathens. And I can't sit back in judgement because we do things a little differently. Of course you can!! In fact, I've given my own mother what-for for ensuring my deliverance to hades by not beating the gay out of me or by allowing me to expose my kneecaps FROM THE AGE OF LIKE SIX MONTHS. It's what God wants! 4 Link to comment
GeeGolly March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 9:22 PM, Marigold said: TotalHellion, But someone cooked decent food in your home. Your husband cooked. I don't care WHO is cooking but kids really need better nutrution than Chinese, pizza and some tater tot casserole. My teen son cooks a lot and he cooks well. That's fine with me!!!! I'm happy to have him cook. I taught him. And, specific to the Duggars...all their blathering on about chores and life skills...but not one Duggar can cook? That's truly a disgrace. And a waste of money because eating out like Jessa and Ben admitted to is very expensive. Totally agree - totally ;) If you are raised to be a Helpmeet, I would think cooking skills would be a high priority. I wouldn't want a a brain surgeon who skimmed through the chapters, of say, neurology. 6 Link to comment
Platypus March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 (edited) re: Michelle failing to have prepared her daughters to be homemakers, I would argue that any achievement or mastery of any skill is out of reach for them for now - INCLUDING homemaking. Those girls were denied the opportunity to develop a sense of individual identity. Their self-confidence wasn't nurtured - if anything it was whittled away by their parents' emotional abuse and the incessant "I am a worthless sinner" schtick. They have been set up for failure in life, raised to stay forever in their nut-job parents' orbit and it breaks my heart. I have to hope that one or more will break away someday, but brainwashing starting from early childhood is so hard to overcome. Jim Bob and Michelle have grievously wronged their children. I believe there is a special place in hell for people like that. edited for typos Edited March 17, 2016 by Platypus 10 Link to comment
bichonblitz March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 (edited) On 3/17/2016 at 8:55 PM, truthtalk2014 said: What kills me is the insensitivity of this group. When Anna was crying while praising Grandma Duggar, Mary just sat there. My first reaction would have been to get up and give her a big hug. I think the lack of affection started before Boob. Yes! They were stone cold, especially grandma. What a strange group of people. I don't agree with Anna's choices but that girl needed a hug! She looks so hurt and so lost. She's trying to make sense of that asshole she married and the awful mess he made of their lives. I hope she's getting more support from her own parents and siblings. Edited March 17, 2016 by bichonblitz 5 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 5:38 PM, BitterApple said: I would never let Jessa play matchmaker for me. She's one of those passive-aggressive mean girl types who would deliberately set you up with a loser while convincing you he's the greatest thing in the world. No way in hell would Jessa let Jinger end up with a husband better than Bin. She'll never make an attempt to find any happiness for Jana, you're dead on about Jinger, and as for the boys, she's trying to control the situation and avoid a Marjorie or anyone who has enough personality (or is prettier than her) to steal Jessa's thunder. As for Grandpa Duggar not being faithful - I swear I think that was addressed at some point. He and Grandma had a very tumultuous marriage and went from being sinners on Saturday night to Saints on Sunday morning. Pillars of the community on one hand, but swindlers on the other. Definitely makes JimBob's desire to have some stability by joining a very conservative cult, and having 100 kids instead of 100 girlfriends, and his shady grifting. 3 Link to comment
bigskygirl March 17, 2016 Author Share March 17, 2016 JD is a volunteer police officer, he is not paid. I often wonder what type of law enforcement department would be desperate enough to hire someone like JD to be a volunteer for their department with poor education and social skills, but I am afraid I would have nightmares. On the subject of JB's father. JB said he was abused because his father was not religious enough aka not praying, going to church etc. etc. JB loves the Gothard movement because it makes him look a man, and he can control his family. He is not a small fish in a little pond in the Gothard movement. He has fans who think he is bestest daddy out there. Sadly, he is not the sharpest tool in the shed, and people are turning against him, but as long as TLC and his fans tell him how great he is, he could care less because his massive ego is being stroked. In the real world, he would just be JB Duggar who?! Link to comment
RazzleberryPie March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 Jana - didn't come out an have any spill the beans rage, but she was side eyeing some comments about Josh, etc. Dear Jana and TLC - we will all suffer through a full season of Jessa and Jill, and their boring husbands, even - dare I say MICHELLE - if Jana will just walk up to Josh and punch him right in the face. Just one good blow to stun his pride and make his nose bleed. Two seasons if you knock out a tooth, three if you knock him out. Just remember to tie your hair back, because if Josh ever tried to fight back, you know it would be windmill slapping and hair pulling. 12 Link to comment
STFUFrank March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 9:22 PM, Marigold said: TotalHellion, But someone cooked decent food in your home. Your husband cooked. I don't care WHO is cooking but kids really need better nutrution than Chinese, pizza and some tater tot casserole. My teen son cooks a lot and he cooks well. That's fine with me!!!! I'm happy to have him cook. I taught him. And, specific to the Duggars...all their blathering on about chores and life skills...but not one Duggar can cook? That's truly a disgrace. And a waste of money because eating out like Jessa and Ben admitted to is very expensive. Oh yeah, I get that. And I side eye that Jessa only "cooks" once a month and that she can't be bothered any other time. Maybe because I don't have children unlike her that's why I was able to improve my kitchen skills? Link to comment
Sew Sumi March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 7:42 PM, Churchhoney said: Do the lhs ever specify what these jobs are? Someone summarized the adult Duggar children's "jobs," as outlined in People last week. Jana is an architect and electrician; Jinger buys, sells, and restores cars. etc... Yes, people believe this shit. 9 Link to comment
sleekandchic March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 9:22 PM, Marigold said: TotalHellion,But someone cooked decent food in your home. Your husband cooked. I don't care WHO is cooking but kids really need better nutrution than Chinese, pizza and some tater tot casserole.My teen son cooks a lot and he cooks well. That's fine with me!!!! I'm happy to have him cook. I taught him. And, specific to the Duggars...all their blathering on about chores and life skills...but not one Duggar can cook? That's truly a disgrace.. And a waste of money because eating out like Jessa and Ben admitted to is very expensive.But their bumbling, fumbling culinary skills are a GREAT illustration of their full of shit lives, right? So much of the Gothard/Duggard shtick is an ACT for their "fans" and tv audience. Sure, there are some simpatico Luddites who love this family, I'm sure. But I'm equally sure that IF the casual TLC viewer knew the truth of the Gothhard beliefs and prejudices, irrational hatreds and demonization of Others, the adherence to the subservience of women, most normal people would really be floored.I believe this Counting On show was fought for tooth and nail by JimBob, primarily for the revenue stream. But, man, he LOVES the facade and the make-believe of it all, almost as much as the money. We're better than YOU...But not really! We're pure of thought and deed...But we're not. Our girls cook and sew and bake our bread...But they don't. Our wives understand that their duty is to give birth every year....But hold on there, not so fast! To me, I love reading about the girls revealed as being all lost in the kitchen and pantry. They're lost EVERYWHERE else, too. They're phony and deceptive. 4 Link to comment
Henri205 March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 I almost vomited when I saw that little J dump a huge can of cream of sodium soup onto that pile of green beans. Ya know, you can dress up frozen green beans very nicely if you feel the need to do so. A nice roux, some mushrooms, some low sodium chicken broth, makes a lovely casserole. I'd even throw on some sautéed onions. And someone here has said Ben is dumb as a plank. Agreed. Totally bought into the Duggar grift, and I wonder where he'll be in 10 years when wifey has popped out another brood with no visible means of support. I just don't understand how these idiots think their way of living is sustainable. Oh wait.....God will place learning and income on their hearts. On 3/17/2016 at 10:32 PM, RazzleberryPie said: She'll never make an attempt to find any happiness for Jana, you're dead on about Jinger, and as for the boys, she's trying to control the situation and avoid a Marjorie or anyone who has enough personality (or is prettier than her) to steal Jessa's thunder. As for Grandpa Duggar not being faithful - I swear I think that was addressed at some point. He and Grandma had a very tumultuous marriage and went from being sinners on Saturday night to Saints on Sunday morning. Pillars of the community on one hand, but swindlers on the other. Definitely makes JimBob's desire to have some stability by joining a very conservative cult, and having 100 kids instead of 100 girlfriends, and his shady grifting. That Jinger, with the eye makeup? Looks like a cheap Kartrampian on a good day. I don't intend to be cruel but if these people are holding themselves up as examples they shouldn't be such asshats. 5 Link to comment
Churchhoney March 17, 2016 Share March 17, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 11:25 PM, Sew Sumi said: Someone summarized the adult Duggar children's "jobs," as outlined in People last week. Jana is an architect and electrician; Jinger buys, sells, and restores cars. etc... Yes, people believe this shit. Oy. I guess it's easy to just see what you wanna see. How People's "reporters" can hold up their heads after writing this crap is a whole other question. 6 Link to comment
OSM Mom March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 11:25 PM, Sew Sumi said: Someone summarized the adult Duggar children's "jobs," as outlined in People last week. Jana is an architect and electrician; Jinger buys, sells, and restores cars. etc... Yes, people believe this shit. Wait. What? Electrician? Architect? Buys, sells and restores cars? Seriously? Please tell me that People magazine didn't publish that steaming pile of crap. 2 Link to comment
toodles March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 On 3/17/2016 at 6:08 PM, Tabbygirl521 said: I hate to think of her kids running across these eps online someday. Yeah, I know, but maybe they will sneak computer time, just like Dear Olde Dad. You can bet your bottom dollar that those kids will find this whole mess someday, starting with the toilet birth. And won't that be a proud day. 4 Link to comment
Kiss my mutt March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 The girls seem to even take pride that they suck at cooking and cleaning. At least Anna seemed to branch out with her cooking for that ingrate, lard-ass, Josh. Poor Anna, the kind of "I've got you, you're going to be okay" hugs she needs, the Duggars are incapable of giving. Here's a side hug for you and out of context bible verse for you! 9 Link to comment
Sew Sumi March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 On 3/18/2016 at 12:26 AM, OSM Mom said: Wait. What? Electrician? Architect? Buys, sells and restores cars? Seriously? Please tell me that People magazine didn't publish that steaming pile of crap. It was posted in a thread late last week. Maybe the Lonely J's? One of the boys apparently has revived Duggar Motors, and others work in "real estate." Moon. Green cheese. Earth. flat. SMH 4 Link to comment
scriggle March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 On 3/18/2016 at 12:26 AM, OSM Mom said: Wait. What? Electrician? Architect? Buys, sells and restores cars? Seriously? Please tell me that People magazine didn't publish that steaming pile of crap. I posted the summaries from People in the Media thread 4 Link to comment
truthtalk2014 March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 On 3/18/2016 at 12:29 AM, toodles said: You can bet your bottom dollar that those kids will find this whole mess someday, starting with the toilet birth. And won't that be a proud day. It will still be around- long after demise of 19, J&J, Counting on- and so on. I am thinking of the days when these kids will be forced to enter the real world and get real jobs, etc. Someone will throw that in their face. And it won't be pretty. 2 Link to comment
humbleopinion March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 Wait... is the punching of Josh in the face by each of his sisters, wife, parents a Very Special Duggar Special? I'd watch that. 9 Link to comment
parisprincess March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 Quote So Anna said she was thankful for Gramma Duggar. Not Michelle, but Gramma. I wonder if Michelle even knows that Anna is staying with them. It also made me wonder if Grandpa Duggar cheated on her. JB has repeatedly said that his dad wasn't Christian enough. Maybe he was insinuating that daddy cheated on mommy? Well, if Grandpa Duggar cheated and that made him not Christian enough, doesn't that mean that Joshie is also not Christian enough for JB? Oh wait, we're talking about the golden boy here, so that can't be the case. Blaming the devil for Josh's failings is bullshit. Didn't God give man free will? Josh chose his behavior. Another thing that burns me is that they don't hold Josh responsible for his actions, but Anna is made to feel like she failed in some way. 8 Link to comment
RazzleberryPie March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 On 3/18/2016 at 1:37 AM, humbleopinion said: Wait... is the punching of Josh in the face by each of his sisters, wife, parents a Very Special Duggar Special? I'd watch that. PAY PER VIEW. I'd shell out $$ for that. 3 Link to comment
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