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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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WeindishFitch and Meep.Meep (love the name BTW), completely agree. Mayim Bialck and Jim Parsons actually make me not want to watch the show but the others outweigh them (I actually considered dropping it from DVR when Amy became a main character). But that's what makes it great, there's something for everyone. To me that's a balanced show.

Another nominee: Grey's Anatomy "McDreamy." I can't even type out that nickname without cringing ;) Most hated Meredith (and I can get why), but back when I watched the show I was actually rooting for her to move on from the smirky, smug, arrogant, deadly dull Derek. I don't even think the actor is all that gorgeous, but even if I did, it wouldn't have been enough to make me swoon over this character like most women I know did and still do :)   


Could I sit by you, please?  I thought Derek was pretty good at the beginning, but from the moment of the Big Reveal at the end of season 1, and the way he acted long after that, killed my love for him.

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UOs: I like Modern Family. Also, don't care if Claire's a big controlling kook--some people in real life are big controlling kooks. And I love Sofia Vergara, accent and all.


Just made the mistake of trying to read the Modern Family thread for last night's episode. Apparently liking anything about the show is an unpopoular opinion. In fact, I'm now wondering why there's a forum at all for a show that's evidently so bad.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Just made the mistake of trying to read the Modern Family thread for last night's episode. Apparently liking anything about the show is an unpopoular opinion. In fact, I'm now wondering why there's a forum at all for a show that's evidently so bad.

I haven't seen the episode yet but this does not surprise me at all. The two things you can expect in any Modern Family episode thread are negativity and a lengthy discussion about Ariel Winter's body.

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UOs: I like Modern Family. Also, don't care if Claire's a big controlling kook--some people in real life are big controlling kooks.

Do you one better. Claire might be my favorite character on the show. And while Phil's free spiritedness is fun to watch as on observer, I can totally empathize with her in the relationship. In fact, I can empathize with either of them depending on the situation.

  • Love 8

I know nothing about Lea Michele because I never watched "Glee" but I do know that I have the urge to punch her in the face every time I see her on tv, and I honestly don't know why I feel that way. I just do.

Because there are some people you just want to punch in the face for no reason. For me, I found her "grieving almost-widow" schtick a little too much to take.
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I don't want to punch her in the face - I'm sure she's a perfectly nice person IRL (really, considering how much she works, she must be) - but I find that as soon as Amy Acker comes onscreen, I lose interest. I'm pretty sure one of the reasons I've lost interest in Librarians, which I was avidly looking forward to, is that the actress who plays the Cassandra character reminds me of Amy Acker. I guess there's an audience for that character, but for the life of me I don't understand why.

Edited by Julia
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My main one is probably Steve from Sex and the City.  We're supposed to think he's just this great guy who teaches Miranda how to compromise and 'lighten up' but what I see is someone who basically believes that Miranda should do what he wants.  He never once compromises for her.  From minor things, like insisting that his schedule is more important than hers and she just has to get over the fact that he can't see her until very late at night, to more major things like guilt tripping her for not being ok with him wandering in and out of her apartment after they've broken up, whenever he feels like it, to see the baby..  From the very first, when he refuses to take no for an answer when she doesn't want to date him, I hate Steve.  And the message that this sends - women with careers, you better learn the lesson that you have to do whatever your man wants, or you're a bad person.

  • Love 9

Sorry if I already posted this, I'm not sure if I did or not. Anyhow:


I can't stand Pharrell Williams. I hate his music (especially Happy), his "song" with Gwen was a joke and almost any song that he was involved with is crappy. I know he is a successful producer but I don't get it. I feel like he always comes across as either fake on the voice or is just bored during performances. He says "great" things but there is no emotion or thought behind what he is saying. And he can also be offensive. Last season he told that one girl (Keren?) "that for a girl she really owned the band/stage", what does her gender have to do with her preforming as a singer?


Every time a singer goes on his team, I still wonder why anyone would do that other then money. Which I guess could be all they care about, since Pharrell could care less about them.

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I'm enjoying Scream Queens. I think it's funny, and since it's an obvious campy homage to slasher movies, I accept it for what it is. Eventually, true to Ryan Murphy form, it'll perhaps go off the rails, but for now, I'm looking forward to the next episode.


YMMV but that just it, in my opinion - it has started off shitty and going off the rails. Unlike his usual habit of at least a half season or even a full season of kind of awesomeness and then it gets REALLY bad, this has been shitty right from the start. But in a way maybe that's good because it might mean we finally get consistency from Murphy and company - I mean in this case consistently bad but at least viewers won't suffer the whiplash of enjoying his show and then wondering WTF happened and how did it all go so wrong?


I find the mediocre ratings interesting considering all the hype and how much promotion dollars FOX put behind it. Makes me think the audience is suffering Murphy fatigue and especially for his pulling this same "offensive disguised as clever satire that you're just too dumb to really get and appreciate" that he's done before. That and maybe it came too soon after Glee's awful, awful demise. I think some viewers are a little gun shy of anything that the team of RIB is behind after the tragic mess. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I have to say, I have never ever understood the great love for ADA Barba on Law and Order:SVU.  I mean, he's alright, but he wouldn't even make it in my top 5 ADAs in the Law & Order universe.  

It was because the mothership was off the air and SVU had been demphasizing the trial or even pleading out portion of the franchise name. So any "and Order" was better than none.

Lana Lang from "Smallville".  I mean, the very first episode she brags about wearing some kind of jewel made from the very meteor that had killed her parents in front of her. Were we supposed to be impressed or feel sorry for her? I just thought that was creepy!

I actually   disliked her character so much that it was a significant contributing factor re my  quitting the show altogether before even the end of the First Season because I never could see how [or why] Clark was supposed to think she was 'all that' instead of just vaguely flirting with her before running off to Metropolis to pine over Lois Lane( as in the comics' storyline).


She just got worse as the show went on. I didn't mind her in the first few seasons but by season 4 I couldn't stand her. I think a lot of people agree.

I think the overanalysis/condemnation is more about kids who "grew up" with Jon Stewart and have more an emotional attachment to him than I do. Satire has been around for a very long time. And, really, while it's hard to be the guy that follows The Guy, I'd say that it's better to support the new guy because this country needs this kind of nightly commentary. I don't mean to rip on the broadcast network nightly talk shows, but they're not going to be doing a piece that strongly correlates Trump's own current on record words to Idi Amin Dada. Criticize him, ok, push him to do more. 

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I couldn't stand Christina from "Grey's Anatomy."  Could.not.stand.her.

That dragging sound you hear is me pulling up a chair next to you.  I tolerated Cristina only during her friendship moments with Meredith, and I was begrudgingly on her side when Hahn was being a bitch to her, but I couldn't stand her, either. While brilliant, she had zero bedside manner, and that's what bothered me the most about her.  I don't have anything against Sandra Oh, but I couldn't care less that Yang is gone.  She can continue to be awful off my screen.

Edited by Sheenieb
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Not being afraid to kill off favorite characters isn't going to keep me excited about a show. Instead, it frustrates me and makes me wonder why I should even bother becoming invested in it. I understand killing one on occasion throughout the series--shocking exits aren't without their merits and I understand that sometimes it's because an actor is leaving a show, but to do it regularly? I don't like it.

There is a middle ground especially for actiony "peril " shows. If no one ever dies or leaves there is no sense of drama or danger but if you bathe the show in bodies and blood the audience can become bored with that as well.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I don't want to punch her in the face - I'm sure she's a perfectly nice person IRL (really, considering how much she works, she must be) - but I find that as soon as Amy Acker comes onscreen, I lose interest. I'm pretty sure one of the reasons I've lost interest in Librarians, which I was avidly looking forward to, is that the actress who plays the Cassandra character reminds me of Amy Acker. I guess there's an audience for that character, but for the life of me I don't understand why.

In what way? Physically, her acting, or the character? I could barely finish the first episode of the The Librarians, but I would check out this Cassandra depending on your answer. Thanks.

Scandal: Jake and Mellie. The former I never liked from his introduction and I hate how his killing of James and grabbing Olivia by the neck is overlooked. The latter I loved through the first 2.5 seasons before all the retconning began which basically turned her into a poor put upon victim instead of the ruthless woman who would've done anything and used anyone to further her agenda.

Vampire diaries/originals: I gave upon the mother show a long time ago and watched half of the first season of the originals and I also never got the appeal of Rebecca and Elijah. I found both their asses to be insufferable.

Damon is another one I don't get and Ian S. is average at best in both looks and talent.

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If you like Root, you'll enjoy Cassandra.

Since you used the magic word (I am absolutely crazy about Root), I'll give it a shot.

I like Root.  I don't like Cassandra.  At all.  I watched the Librarians in spite of her, though it was really really a tough call.

To be fair, no one could quite match Root's perfection? :D (I think that's an UO right there.) What was your issue with Cassandra? Damn, I'll drop what I was doing and watch The Librarians ASAP.

Since you used the magic word (I am absolutely crazy about Root), I'll give it a shot.To be fair, no one could quite match Root's perfection? :D (I think that's an UO right there.)

Yep. I think it is, with at least half the people who used to watch POI.

What was your issue with Cassandra? Damn, I'll drop what I was doing and watch The Librarians

She's a creator's pet, she gets a disproportionate amount of the screentime, and she combines that big-eyed psycho affect and whispery, affected little-girl I'm so frail voice with an exaggerated level of plot-driven physical and mental mastery. Despite the fact that she nearly got the whole team killed by handing the world over to evil to suit her own needs and has never made any attempt to apologize, she stomps around pouting because her team hasn't 100% signed on to trusting her, and they're teasing her crush on the hot lady to get someone in the audience interested in her.

It was the affected voice and the crazy eyes that reminded me of everything I've ever seen Amy Acker do, though. The rest happened later on.

She's - well, not the poor man's Root, that's Root - but definitely Scuola di Root.

Edited by Julia
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For me, it's the stupid SuperWaif wardrobe on top of the SuperWaif mannerisms.

Damn, I'd mentally blocked her grownup lady under sentence of death working a minimum wage job wardrobe of flouncy chintz minidresses and thigh-high stockings with dreat big daddy-style cardigans. Sadly, the on-set photos I've seen suggest those are going to be back.

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My UO du jour : I like Fear The Walking Dead and don't give a shit about fan favorites Tobias and Liza.  I may be the only one not hate-watching.  I even gave up reading the forums, because it's just pages upon pages of tedious and repetitive bitching about how bad the show is, especially compared to TWD mothership. 

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I haven't started watching Fear the Walking Dead yet, and I don't know anything about it, except it's kind of a prequel but in a different location. So, I'm sure my viewing experience will be vastly different from the forums, as is the case with the Bastard Executioner, where there's pages and pages of how long people watched before giving up (welp! I lasted 30 minutes! I tried!) versus like me and 2 other people who think the show ok, not great but are actually watching it. 


I'm always amazed at how I'll watch something, and I'm not saying I'm unique, then go to the forums to talk about it only to find overwhelming vitriol over an actor's not so great accent, why someone wore a hat and it's stupid, now the show is the worst thing ever. 

Edited by ganesh
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Not to get all personal, but that's how many people felt about *you* and the Leftovers season 1.  You didn't get it, and instead of just going away, you went on and on and on and on about how it didn't make any sense to you.


I made it 20 minutes with Bastard Executioner.  And then wiped my hands and wandered off.


Even on TWD classic, if there aren't a lot of zombies, there seems to be a lot of complaining that the show is crap.  I think the tension that the people are living with makes for an interesting show, I don't always need gore.

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My UO is that I actually like Cassandra on The Librarians. Her wardrobe does not bother me either. I kind of like it. The only character on the show that I am not much of a fan of, so far, is Ezekiel. I do not love him or hate him. He is just there.

All the characters on the show work for me. It takes awhile to warm up to a couple of them (I didn't warm up to everyone on leverage right away) but by the end of the season everyone works for me.

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I can't believe there's a show called Bastard Executioner.  There's something for everyone, I guess. 


I think hate-watching or snark-watching is as much, if not more of a thing, than joy-watching, or just watching, a show.  I'm not built for the former (it's one of the reasons I stopped reading recaps a long time ago). If I start to hate a show, I'll stop watching. I am good with some snark, but it's a fine line between snark and hate these days.

  • Love 8

I think hate-watching or snark-watching is as much, if not more of a thing, than joy-watching, or just watching, a show.  I'm not built for the former (it's one of the reasons I stopped reading recaps a long time ago). If I start to hate a show, I'll stop watching. I am good with some snark, but it's a fine line between snark and hate these days.


I'm slowly being trained out of being enthusiastic about shows that could be great but aren't, which helps. But I did turn off the season premiere of a show I used to be obsessed with after ten minutes last week and took it off my queue, which I think is personal growth or something.

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I do think there is an increasing trend in my original point, in that television viewing has grown largely cynical. And a subsequent point in that people on average don't really actually watch a show.

There's a clear difference between watching a show with a critical eye and talking about it in the boards with others who are actually watching the show versus expecting every show to be the greatest show and when it's not, it's the worst show and harping on every little detail.

If a show screws up, it's fair to call it out. The internal logic of a show has to be consistent.

Most shows are good enough. They're not great, some of it might be boring, but there's usually something here and there that makes it watchable. If it isn't for some of us, then it's not. For me, I only post about shows where there is something I like. If there's not, then I don't because I'm not watching.

Edited by ganesh
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I do think there is an increasing trend in my original point, in that television viewing has grown largely cynical.


I agree, but I don't participate in it. I enjoy TV. Good TV can make me laugh like a total loon, make me think for days about issues brought up in a single episode of a great show, give me vivid dreams, teach me things, and make me appreciate that there are people who can craft excellent shows. I even like some commercials. Could be there's value in watching cynically but not for me. I'm having too much fun.

Edited by CoderLady
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I'm slowly being trained out of being enthusiastic about shows that could be great but aren't, which helps. But I did turn off the season premiere of a show I used to be obsessed with after ten minutes last week and took it off my queue, which I think is personal growth or something.


It's hard to let go of a show that's degraded in quality when you're invested. Been there! 


I've mentioned before that I believe that the sheer amount of content available significantly impacts viewer attention span.  It's easier to snark on a show when there are similar alternatives to watch and possibly enjoy.  It's weird, because there's more content than ever before, and I watch fewer shows than ever before.  That might be a result of getting older.  And yes, more cynical.  

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