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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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After watching most of Downton Abbey, I disagree with the very common criticism that Downton Abbey took a turn for the soapy and melodramatic after 2-3 seasons; I think it had elements of that even from the very first season.

It was definitely soapy from the beginning. I think what tires people (myself included) is the repetitiveness of those elements and most characters just haven't changed at all in five seasons (and god knows how many show years. 10? 15?). The first season was good because it was fresh (in terms of this show and these characters if not originality). I still watch the show but it's really difficult not to roll your eyes 80% of the time.

Edited by joelene
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Is liking Sam really such an UP in the real world? Outside of the TWOP b b with it's four psychotic Sam haters and their numerous socks, from what I can tell, he's pretty popular.

You reminded me there are a few threads I don't go into because one (or a few) person keep trashing one character over and over (and over) even when an episode only has that character on for 2 minutes. So much hate instead of putting their energy into talking about a character they *do* like. 


I guess my UO is I don't understand "hate watching" which seems like a fun thing for others.

Edited by Snow Apple
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Heh, did you catch all the outrage when Gina Rodriguez was nominated for a Golden Globe instead of Jensen? 


As though she stole the nomination out of Jensen's hands. Yeah, I don't get that level of whack-a-do either.


What I find so strange about Supernatural is there seems to be very few fans of the show itself, but fans of one character or actor. Its so weird to me how they can be such a loud and vocal force but totally fractured at the same time. Maybe this is true of fandom in general, though.


Oh, look at me using "they"...as though I don't belong to this group in some fashion. Although, I'm the most rarest Supernatural fan of them all--I actually like the show and both Sam and Dean; Jared and Jensen too. I even like Cass/Misha! Don't worry, I'm cool with my own private table over here in the corner. ;)

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I guess my UO is I don't understand "hate watching" which seems like a fun thing for others.


It seems like there would be a better use of one's time. However, I do watch shows like Covert Affairs because it's so ridiculous. Who is going to fall in love with Annie this week? When is she going to go off mission and just blow everything up. 

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It seems like there would be a better use of one's time. However, I do watch shows like Covert Affairs because it's so ridiculous. Who is going to fall in love with Annie this week? When is she going to go off mission and just blow everything up. 


That's how I felt when watching Revolution. What silly and ridiculous things can nanites do this week? What bat-shit crazy thing is Monroe going to do? How many people will Miles take out with his manly sword? I'm not sure I'd call it hate-watching though, I was genuinely amused by its absurdity sometimes even if I didn't really like any of the characters.

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I'm learning so much about the Jensen Ackles fandom! 'Tis fascinating to read.

Well, there's over 200 episodes now...I don't think you're trying very hard. ;)


Hee! You're right. There was nothing in the episode I watched that made me think: "Oh, hey, this guy is so compelling! I must watch more!" And the episode I saw must have been season 4 or later since he definitely had the "Bale as Batman" voice going on.


I don't hate-watch shows, either.  Though my brain is very weird - there are some elements of a show I can completely overlook and go with, but there can be 1 or 2 things that annoy me about the show and become amplified to the point I have to drop it, as it's all I will see.  And what's funny is that it's usually not the absurd stuff, but the mundane. 


Back to actors in general, I can appreciate one's performance, but since I don't know them personally, I generally don't care much about them outside of the show.  I've had a couple instances where I've met someone famous, and I've never wanted an autograph or picture with them.  I always feel strange, because my friends/acquaintances are losing their minds, and I do not understand the big deal.  I'm sure that's why I've never understood that aspect of fandom - the sense of emotional investment (or disdain) in a complete stranger as if that person was an longtime friend or family member.      




All I'm saying is that there were a lot of nearly identical posts in a bunch of different threads under different names. I'm talking about blue book length anti-Sam screeds all with the same grammar and syntax. Draw your own conclusions.


Not related to Supernatural, but your point is why I've learned not to get too bothered about what "everyone" is saying.  I think like-minded people tend to show up in the same places, and it's usually the "squeaky wheel" getting the attention.  It's not necessarily a reflection of the overall public's view of a person, episode, show, etc.  

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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I "hate watch" some of the Real Housewives shows. They're not bad shows, but I'm watching because I love-to-hate some of the cast(s). Though I also tend to genuinely like difficult people, so lots of the time, it's a thin line between love and love-to-hate for me.


Kenya Moore is well on the "love" side of that line, though, not even close to edging over into love-to-hate. That might be an unpopular opinion.


All I'm saying is that there were a lot of nearly identical posts in a bunch of different threads under different names. I'm talking about blue book length anti-Sam screeds all with the same grammar and syntax. Draw your own conclusions.


People used to do that in the Vampire Diaries forum back in the day on TWOP, too. But this one poster who did it the most kind of cracked me up because her schtick wasn't even to be hateful, she just always pretended to be incredibly dense. She would ask questions or give interpretations of the events of the show that didn't quite make sense, and then all these well-meaning posters would spend forever trying to explain things to her as she continued to act like a dolt who couldn't quite grasp what was going on. OK so she was basically just a garden variety troll. It took me much too long to realize it, but her user names were all pretty similar and her way of writing was unique, so it wasn't hard to spot her once you knew what was up.


I like Supernatural, but I was skittish about going on the TWOP boards for that show, because it always seemed like a WWE match in there. Lots of frantic championing of a favorite character, blowups and conflicts between posters, deletions of huge swaths of posts in a thread, etc. A friend's horror stories about appalling Supernatural fanfic kept me away from other fan sites. The boards here are good though.


As for Jensen Ackles, I can't hate on him too hard because at least he's improved loads as an actor. Did you guys watch Dark Angel? I loved it for the pretty, and for the Dog-Man/Artist who lived in someone's basement (obviously my favorite character), but um. Not for the acting, which was awful. If only they'd do a revamp of that show. Though I think that this time, the Dog-Man would probably be a singer. It seems like ever since Glee's success, the struggling artist is always a singer, so they can have performances as part of the show.


That's my UO, I guess, I hate the ~musical interludes~ on dramas. Even Empire. Maybe especially Empire, because they keep teasing us with mediocre performances by Jamal or Hakeem, when who I really want to see perform is Cookie. Or even Lucious. Or as a duet?! OK that's my cue to start down another train of thought, I'm out-soaping a primetime soap.

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I'd never even heard of Jensen Ackles prior to this, so this has been enlightening reading.


My Blue Bloods UO:  In general, my UO is this is a show I tried to like as a "have on in the background police procedural," but could not stand because I hate pretty much every member of the Reagan family.  But my particular UO is I hate with the fire of a thousand suns the beloved grandfather and think his attitudes are the reason that family is so loathsome.  The only one I have any hope for is Nicki, but only if she gets the hell out of town, at least for college.

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As though she stole the nomination out of Jensen's hands. Yeah, I don't get that level of whack-a-do either.


What I find so strange about Supernatural is there seems to be very few fans of the show itself, but fans of one character or actor. Its so weird to me how they can be such a loud and vocal force but totally fractured at the same time. Maybe this is true of fandom in general, though.


Oh, look at me using "they"...as though I don't belong to this group in some fashion. Although, I'm the most rarest Supernatural fan of them all--I actually like the show and both Sam and Dean; Jared and Jensen too. I even like Cass/Misha! Don't worry, I'm cool with my own private table over here in the corner. ;)


Not entirely alone there, dear.  ;-)


To be fair, there are crazies on both side of the Sam/Dean divide.  I remember one poster (over at TWoP) who would show up in a thread simply to post one line about how horrible Dean was to Sam in an episode, then disappear.  I imagine he/she sat at their computer, giggling over the havoc created.


My UO about Arrow is about the Felicity love, too.  She's a younger, thinner, "hotter" version of Garcia from Criminal Minds, to me.  Not particularly interesting to me and I don't understand why so many of the guys on the show swoon over her.  *shrug*

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I love cheesy TV and don't need everything to be so serious all the time.  

Although IMHO Criminal Minds is a great show I could go years without watching it (at times it bothers me even though it's fiction)

Blue Bloods can Danny calm down ? why is he always so angry?  youngest brother who should have been a lawyer do not get together with your partner please (am way behind on this show so it may have happened already)


old one

ER  hated Carol and Doug together.   Not sure if that was my dislike of the actress or the fact I felt Carol brought Doug down.

Edited by tribeca
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I love have cheesy TV and don't need everything to be so serious all the time.


I've say a lot that shows aren't allowed to just be good or fun anymore. Everything had to be About Something. 

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I've say a lot that shows aren't allowed to just be good or fun anymore. Everything had to be About Something.


I totally agree. So many shows have been ruined for me by the idea that 'quality' TV has to be relentlessly bleak and self-serious. Somewhere around the time the prestige cable networks started making those critically acclaimed dramas it feels like most TV writers became allergic to joy and fun. It's why I really like certain sitcoms despite not even thinking they're actually funny---after trying to get into many recent dramas, I find myself eager for shows that even attempt some levity!   

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Seinfeld, the show about nothing?


If I take the general premise right, that light, frothy shows that don't much delve into the various hardships and downsides of life but instead concentrate on breezy laughs or simple mysteries have a place on TV, I agree.  It's a type of show that can easily be awful, sure, but it can also be an enjoyable way to spend a half hour/hour and thus I'm disappointed it seems to have fallen out of favor to such a degree; I think there's room for it in the television landscape.

Edited by Bastet
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Game of Thrones, Mad Men, formerly Breaking Bad; shows like that are About Something. So because they're so acclaimed, everyone tries to do that even if your show just isn't like that. Halt And Catch Fire was a good summer show. It was trying too hard to be About Something and TPTBs weren't letting themselves just make a good show. In the end it turned out ok. 


The Librarians is just a fun show. It's about a bunch of people who hunt down magical items. There was an episode about Santa. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be character development, stakes, drama.


The USA network shows were all pretty good shows, but most of those shows ended and the network is moving to the About Something direction. I think it's a mistake. There isn't room for just good B-movie style shows anymore. 

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I think reality tv shows have killed off the lighter shows. The Syfy network used to show programs like Eureka and Warehouse 13 now they broadcast Face Off. The Esquuire network also seems to be heading in the same direction.

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I guess my UO is I don't understand "hate watching" which seems like a fun thing for others.


I don't get it either. I mean, why spend so much time and energy on things you don't like when you could be enjoying something instead?

I guess I understand that if you've watched something since the beginning, that you might want to hold on until the end, but personally, if a show I've enjoyed in the past becomes something I can't stand watching any longer, I stop watching.


Maybe some people just enjoy wallowing in misery?



I've say a lot that shows aren't allowed to just be good or fun anymore. Everything had to be About Something.

And that's why I watch very few newer shows. It really makes me grateful for shows like Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Galavant.


Battlestar Galactica (which I loved, but am glad when it ended cause I don't think I could've taken much more of the bleakness), cured me of liking the 'dark' stuff.

Edited by Gumdrops
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I agree about hate watching. Shows I stay with that I don't particularly enjoy anymore are more "habit watching" (Parenthood, although this has kind of turned into hate watching in the last few episodes but the finale has been just around the corner, otherwise I would've given up) or "background noise watching" (Criminal Minds).

Shows I actively start to hate, like Glee or The O.C back in the day, I gotta quit.

There's one exception that kind of embodies every negative emotion these days that I just will never quit: Pretty Little Liars. I just gotta see how this utter mess unfolds.

There's also one cable show that I love that isn't About Something and isn't made for dissecting, which is Episodes. It's just hilarious.

Edited by joelene
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Veronica was one of those characters that I loved watching on my screen, but in real life, I'm sure I wouldn't like her. She was convinced that everyone in Neptune should declare that "Veronica Mars is smarter than me," which isn't even grammatically correct, dammit.

Rob Thomas said that the writers had a debate about whether to make it grammatically correct, but went with "smarter than me" because it was more colloquial.


Heh, did you catch all the outrage when Gina Rodriguez was nominated for a Golden Globe instead of Jensen? 

The Jensen Ackles fans seriously flipped out over Gina Rodriguez' Golden Globe nomination? They do realize that he's a man and she's a woman and they would have been in different categories?


(Also, sweeties, if he hasn't been nominated for a Golden Globe for his masterful performance on the masterpiece that is Supernatural yet, it ain't happening.)

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The Jensen Ackles fans seriously flipped out over Gina Rodriguez' Golden Globe nomination? They do realize that he's a man and she's a woman and they would have been in different categories?

Not so much that they thought Gina "stole" Jensen's spot, but more so that the CW got its first (non-technical category) nominations ever, and it went to this upstart Jane the Virgin show that was only in its first year, while Supernatural and Jensen had been on for ten seasons. The general sentiment I saw was, "The CW finally gets nominated, and it's for JtV/Gina instead of Supernatural/Jensen??"


I guess people really wanted their faves to be first.


ETA: Here, have some tweets -


"Honestly, I think CW's first Golden Globe should have gone to Jensen or Jared. They've pushed all the boundaries these past 10 yrs. #SPN"


"I don't understand how JaneTheVirgin gets a golden globe but @JensenAckles gets continually snubbed. #SoUnfair"


"How the actress of #janethevirgin won a golden globe for favorite tv actress in a comedy when #jared & #jensen haven't even won a #pca"


"Alright but the actress from Jane the Virgin wins a Golden Globe but Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki don't get recognition?"


"Did I read it right? An actress from CW got nominated for Golden Globe? and they never give a crap about Jensen Ackles coz he's in sci-fi?"

Edited by galax-arena
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Heh, did you catch all the outrage when Gina Rodriguez was nominated for a Golden Globe instead of Jensen?


Color me confused.  How can a nominee for Best Actress in a Comedy steal a nomination from an actor for Best Actor in a Drama?

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(Also, sweeties, if he hasn't been nominated for a Golden Globe for his masterful performance on the masterpiece that is Supernatural yet, it ain't happening.)




I was just talking with a friend who's a diehard Whedon fan and was reminded of a couple of UOs:


Alyson Hannigan and Amy Acker have to be two of my least favorite actresses ever to pop on my screen. I absolutely can't stand their voices, line deliveries, facial expressions...etc. Just knowing they're on a show is a reason for me not to watch it. 


I honestly thought Dr. Horrible was....well, horrible. :) 

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Those tweets make me even happier that Gina won.


I used to like Dean a lot. I loved both brothers. I liked their contrast -- Sam as the more serious one, and Dean as the more lighthearted one who didn't take everything so seriously. Then Dean became overwrought with Manpain and Feelings. And the whole show became Angsty and Dramatic and I couldn't take it anymore. I loved the 200th episode, but I don't think I could go back to watching SPN.

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I loved both brothers. I liked their contrast -- Sam as the more serious one, and Dean as the more lighthearted one who didn't take everything so seriously. Then Dean became overwrought with Manpain and Feelings. And the whole show became Angsty and Dramatic and I couldn't take it anymore. I loved the 200th episode, but I don't think I could go back to watching SPN.


YES! This sums it up perfectly for me. The show as a whole and its characters---even the previously fun loving, infectiously enthusiastic Dean---just started drowning in relentlessly grim, repetitive angst . And not even especially interesting, well-written angst :) 

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Whedon does nothing for me.  I've tried and I can't get into Buffy or Angel or any of it.


Which reminds me -- I'm so annoyed that Disney bought Marvel and Star Wars.  If for no other reason than what it's done to Disney XD.  I miss Phineas and Ferb and I'm in the Band.  (I know they still show Phineas and Ferb, but what was the last new episode that wasn't them with either Marvel or SW characters?)  


Yes, I'll be 40 in a few months.  What was your question again?


I hate Friends, Seinfeld, Frasier, Cheers -- I just never found them funny.  But I still watch reruns of The Nanny on TVLand.


I've given up on Bones and Castle -- why bring a couple together personally just to break them up professionally?  Makes for deadly dull television, especially compared to what the show used to be.


I'm not a shipper (per se), but I still like Nathan and want he and Audrey to be together on Haven.  


I prefer Arrow to The Flash -- the younger characters on The Flash annoy me, especially quirky scientist Cisco.  Though I could do without the flashbacks on Arrow.  I'm just not that interested in what happened to Oliver during the 5 years he was "missing".


While I'm normally all about canon, I don't mind that Bryan Fuller has tweaked it for Hannibal.


I still like cheesy reality shows like The Amazing Race for the scenery porn; Ink Master and Best Ink for the work (though I fast forward over the drama); and Face Off for the work and lack of drama.  I gave up on Project Runway because I'm sick of the drama and the crappy results of the challenges.  Sadly, I can't stand Tim Gunn any more, either.  Not after the debacle that was Under the Gunn.


I'm sure there's more, but that'll do for now.

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I liked Supernatural for awhile but my major issue with the show is the complete and utter lack of females. You don't need to lead the show with them just you know have them as more then occasional guests that get killed after their story arc ends. Note: if that has changed recently good for the show I haven't watched in several seasons.

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I've never understood the logic behind: "I'd love Show X if only it featured secondary character B or tertiary character C instead of main character A." Then it wouldn't be the same show. Don't watch it, and hope for a spin-off of your favorite characters.

I don't get that, either. Even as horrible a protagonist that I think Amy from Secret Life of the American Teen was or that Enterprise's Captain Archer was an embarrassment to military leadership, it's not like the writing for anyone else is that much better nine cases out of ten so much that it's less shitactular for certain characters.

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Which reminds me -- I'm so annoyed that Disney bought Marvel and Star Wars.  If for no other reason than what it's done to Disney XD.  I miss Phineas and Ferb and I'm in the Band.  (I know they still show Phineas and Ferb, but what was the last new episode that wasn't them with either Marvel or SW characters?)  


I completely agree, I watched the Star Wars one (and I've never seen any of the films), but couldn't bring myself to watch the Marvel one, I just didn't care. I hate the Disney shunted Phineas and Ferb to Disney XD all together. The last new episodes were "Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension" and "Doof 101", but they aired back in November.

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Not so much that they thought Gina "stole" Jensen's spot, but more so that the CW got its first (non-technical category) nominations ever, and it went to this upstart Jane the Virgin show that was only in its first year, while Supernatural and Jensen had been on for ten seasons. The general sentiment I saw was, "The CW finally gets nominated, and it's for JtV/Gina instead of Supernatural/Jensen??"

If the CW wanted to win any awards for Supernatural it should have submitted episodes from the 2nd season instead of the 9th.

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That's my UO, I guess, I hate the ~musical interludes~ on dramas


I'll join you at that table, and up it one: I generally hate all musical interludes/episodes on any show that isn't actually a musical.  An occasional show can pull it off, but most of them just suck the air out of the show.

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Whedon does nothing for me.  I've tried and I can't get into Buffy or Angel or any of it.

This, a thousand times this.  To be completely honest I did watch a couple seasons of Buffy  but could only stand one of Angel.  I liked Firefly and Dollhouse but I've never thought that they were the bestest, most innovative, revolutionary, etc. etc. shows ever.  I get extremely annoyed when commenters or commentators can't go thru an article, interview, whatever without mentioning Whedon or any of his shows.  So immensely annoying and frustrating.  There are plenty of other genre shows out there that can be referenced.  I also didn't think that Dr. Horrible was all that great.  I also don't think that Felicia Day is the greatest thing since sliced bread either.  The same with Sarah Michelle Geller and Amy Acker.  


I also have never understood the love of Community (tried it, bored me to tears) and despite loving the first couple years of The West Wing, hate it with a passion now.   I've never watched Breaking Bad or Walking Dead and don't want to, ever, and cannot see the appeal of Mad Men.  That's another that I tried and almost fell asleep on.

Edited by Linderhill
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I had to look that up, because I don't know many of the episode titles, but that is a good one.  I think the first four seasons of Reba are surprisingly funny.  It's not particularly sophisticated, edgy or innovative humor, but it's funny, and as was discussed above that works for me if that's what a show is trying to do and does it well.  Reba McEntire isn't anywhere near as good an actor as she is a singer, but the cast gels together wonderfully. 


My Reba UO is I don't care that we hardly ever saw Elizabeth or Henry.  Van and Cheyenne's situation is so fundamentally unrealistic, I just let the whole thing go and enjoy it for what it is, so the perpetually-napping kids are just part and parcel of that.  They are so young they wouldn't add anything, and featuring them more would just drag things down. 

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I had to look that up, because I don't know many of the episode titles, but that is a good one. I think the first four seasons of Reba are surprisingly funny. It's not particularly sophisticated, edgy or innovative humor, but it's funny, and as was discussed above that works for me if that's what a show is trying to do and does it well. Reba McEntire isn't anywhere near as good an actor as she is a singer, but the cast gels together wonderfully.

My Reba UO is I don't care that we hardly ever saw Elizabeth or Henry. Van and Cheyenne's situation is so fundamentally unrealistic, I just let the whole thing go and enjoy it for what it is, so the perpetually-napping kids are just part and parcel of that. They are so young they wouldn't add anything, and featuring them more would just drag things down.

Elizabeth is understandable since her parents live in the same house;Henry OTOH is usually MIA when both his folks are at Reba's place. I agree that it was the one rare show that I thought was pretty solid throughout it's entire run, a feat that few show--let alone sitcoms--manage to achieve.

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I had to look that up, because I don't know many of the episode titles, but that is a good one.  I think the first four seasons of Reba are surprisingly funny.  It's not particularly sophisticated, edgy or innovative humor, but it's funny, and as was discussed above that works for me if that's what a show is trying to do and does it well.  Reba McEntire isn't anywhere near as good an actor as she is a singer, but the cast gels together wonderfully.

I like Reba the show, except for Reba. Her voice/accent make me want to put a knife through my eardrums. And I'm a southerner with a pretty good accent myself!!

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Henry OTOH is usually MIA when both his folks are at Reba's place.


That's where the show not trying to be anything more than a standard-fare sitcom works in its favor for me; they threw in several "where's Henry?" jokes in a "Yeah, we know; just go with it, okay?" spirit and that completely worked for me, whereas normally I'd roll my eyes and say, "You made your bed, now write it properly."  I never really took the characters seriously as people; they were very much always situational characters to me, so as long as they kept me laughing, I was quite lenient. 

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I do think Neil Patrick Harris is talented and for a long time he really was the best thing about How I Met Your Mother and I think he's done an amazing job hosting the Tony's. However there's just something very smug and almost condescending about him. I also can't stand his husband who comes across as an idiot the few times I've watched interviews with the both of them. 

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I think he's talented, no doubt, just overexposed. How can we miss you if you don't go away? I think some celebs need some breathing room so we like the next thing they're in. NPH is on Broadway, on TV, hosting stuff, wrote a book, guests on talk shows, it's just too much in our faces right now.

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I don't know if this is unpopular, but I am officially "over" Neil Patrick Harris. And I still have to sit through the Oscar show this year!

I'll go you one better - I'm officially "over" the duo of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. But I do know this one's unpopular.

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I like it, but I sort of get creeped out that he calls her Baby Girl.

I sort of recently saw the episode in which the nickname got started and it really made me hate it even more. What man, in a professional situation, who can't remember a woman's name, decides to choose "Baby Girl" to refer to her very publicly? And even if that did happen, what woman in same very professional situation would find that utterly charming? Ugggh.

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Sometimes I call my platonic girlfriend "dear" but only in private company. And it's usually in response to her chewing me out. 


This probably isn't a UO but this place is just as much about bitching how stupid tv is: I hate tv or movie trailers that are deliberately obtuse. I'm not going to be interested in watching your show/movie if you aren't going to clue me in at least a little bit. 

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And not to beat a dead horse, but I actually had to stop calling my cat Baby Girl because hearing those words come out of my mouth became an irritating reminder of Morgan/Garcia.


Yup, I had to stop calling my cat "Pretty" because T-Bag on Prison Break thoroughly ruined that pet name.

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