Primetimer March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 Seven civilians pose as inmates in an Indiana county jail. Should you share their bunk or tunnel to freedom? Read the story Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat March 10, 2016 Share March 10, 2016 This seems like it would be a liability lawsuit minefield. A&E must have some amazing contract lawyers? 1 Link to comment
Shannon Sheh March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I cannot fathom why anyone would go to jail on purpose. I know most reality shows have contracts that require you to sign your rights to basically your life away however I can't imagine signing that contract for the privilege of going to JAIL. That said, if Robert was low-key looking to be a reality show villain, he nailed it. 4 Link to comment
farmgal4 March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 I loved this show last night and can hardly wait to see next week's episode! (I lead a dull life. Lol). The only volunteer I had a problem with was the teacher (I can't remember any of their names yet). If that little punk gets thru the 60 days without getting his ass whipped, it'll be a miracle. During the training session, he said, "I prefer a soft-bristled toothbrush. Do they have those there?" I thought he was joking, but after watching the idiot in action last night, I realized he really is that stupid. SMDH 16 Link to comment
rainsmom March 11, 2016 Share March 11, 2016 The teacher and the skinny woman both annoyed me to no end. They know NOTHING about what happens in jail. I hope they both get their asses handed to them. (Okay, I guess I only want the teacher to really get his ass handed to him. I want her to have a few uncomfortable wake up calls, though.) The other people are pretty interesting, even if I don't remember their names yet. I love the show, though, and I can't wait for the next episode. Please God, let teacher get the shit kicked out of him. I want to see him cry and beg to go home. 6 Link to comment
junemeatcleaver March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 Yeah, the teacher and the skinny woman (the stay-at-home mom I assume) had some interesting views of what jail is like. But I guess the show needed a couple of chumps who were going to walk in there thinking jail was Club Med or some shit. 11 Link to comment
Chaos Theory March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 (edited) The woman, is I think a mother and military wife and I can at least acknowledge her point of view. Her husband risks his life for our country and gets the same benifits/food/medical care as criminals do. That kind of pisses her off and she at least wants to understand why these people don't want to change and be productive members of society. I give her props for wanting to understand. FYI not that it matters but I think this was supposed to be the inmates topic thread as in actual inmates. I think there is a thread for the participants but honestly j think it can all go into one. Edited March 12, 2016 by Chaos Theory 1 Link to comment
NeoSoul Music March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 I loved this show last night and can hardly wait to see next week's episode! (I lead a dull life. Lol). The only volunteer I had a problem with was the teacher. He is a arrogant fool, the inmates already caught on to him. I think the Police Officer, the Marine and (cant remember his name yet) young black guy will make it! 5 Link to comment
meatball77 March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 Hate the teacher, love that he couldn't get his story right. He was just sure he was going to go in and spend the entire time watching football. So, are we all in agreement that he's going to be the first one to get pounded on? 12 Link to comment
rainsmom March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 I certainly HOPE he is. He's an absolute ass. I think he really believed that criminals spend their time watching the NFL package. Sadly, though, the previews suggest that it's DiAundre, the newbie who befriended him, who's getting the beatdown. That's so sad. It's fascinating to watch this from a behavioral perspective. If you ever questioned that humans were animals, put this up against video of captured mammals in a limited space. Scary. I'm also fascinated by the difference between the men and the women. Teri's dilemma about the shower shoes was fascinating. 8 Link to comment
TeapotWakeen March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 This show was fascinating. I can't wait to see more episodes. Y'all covered the Mr. SoftBristles NFL Network pretty well --- except is anyone else really scared of what he's teaching 1-3rd graders? I mean, he wants to carry himself like he's Mr. "I Teach Inner City 11th Graders" but in truth a rural 5th grader could take him down. I'm also concerned for Iowa Mall Security Guard, because I'd probably like him in person (in small doses) but I suspect I'm going to hate him while he's doing time. I'm anxious to see more about how the guard-inmate interaction goes -- especially if Tami (cop) runs into one of the power-hungry guards. That could really shake her up. I wonder about the 19 year old black male who's going in to see how things are for his brother (who's in prison, not jail). Really interesting show, looking forward to more episodes! 6 Link to comment
Jenkins March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 Wow, what an interesting show! I never thought there would be a reality show like this simply because it is too dangerous. ANY of them could be killed before the people behind the scenes could even think of helping. So despite what I am going to say about a couple of them, much respect for them doing this. So yeah....Robert..... Prisons are NOT country clubs you jackass. You don't get to have a fancy toothbrush or a premium cable package. A 60 inch generic LCD TV probably costs around $500-700, as a taxpayer, this really doesn't bother me. Bored inmates will find ways to entertain themselves and guards would make good targets for them. There is a reason prisoners DO have some basic entertainment. I think he will be pulled by producers at some point because they will hear other prisoners talking about taking his life. He is just so out of touch with reality. I wanted to believe it was an act in the beginning, but sure enough, he gets to the prison and continues to act like an arrogant fool. He MIGHT be safe because they think he is an undercover cop and they know cameras are everywhere. Now on to Barbra (weird spelling, but ok). Look, I get our soldiers should eat better than prisoners. But talk to the government about upgrading our soldiers food, not downgrading prison food. I watch a lot of Lockup and other prison shows and it is extremely rare someone says prison food is good. Most say it is the grossest shit they have ever eaten. Ever hear of nutraloaf? I get the feeling she would be happy if our prisoners had bread and water and sat in their cells twiddling their thumbs all day. Again, this is a case of our government needs to step up the care of our soldiers, not downgrade the care of our prisoners. And I am not saying we should coddle prisoners. Murderers, rapists, molesters...well, not going to say what I would prefer be done to them. But the fact is, over 60% of the prison population is there for non-violent crimes. I just can't agree to basically torturing (and that is what it would be to feed someone bread and water with ZERO entertainment) someone in prison for being caught with a drug that will probably be legal in all states within 5 years (marijuana). So hopefully she gets a wakeup call as well. Just because you get three meals a day and a TV to watch doesn't mean you have some great quality of life. The female police officer MIGHT end up having it the roughest of all. I think she is going to treat other prisoners like she is still a cop (well, she is I suppose) and that won't go over well. I think the person I respect the most is Ali's daughter (name escapes me). Here is a woman that comes from wealth and has devoted her life to helping at risk youths. And then she chooses to volunteer for this program so she can learn more about the system she is trying to keep the kids she helps out of. MUCH respect to her! Sorry for the long post. This show just had me thinking well after I finished watching it. I think this is the type of show they will show in classrooms for years to come. And if they don't, they SHOULD. I think a lot of youths out there think like Robert, that prison is a country club where you get three squares a day, a place to sleep, people to hangout with and a TV to watch...but it is much more than that. 20 Link to comment
LymieLisa March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 I agree that this show is fascinating - it definitely shows how glamorized shows like Orange is the New Black are. If that teacher wasn't such a smug asshole I'd feel sorry for him, because he's obviously in for a huge culture shock. I thought it was interesting that the inmates thought he was a cop... that definitely wouldn't have been my first impression of him but it serves him right for going in there thinking that jail is like summer camp. I think that the marine and the female cop will make out ok, mainly because they both look like people you don't want to f*ck with. I just hope that neither of them get too caught up in it and get in a fight/do drugs/etc which are things they could legitimately get charged with and ruin their careers. 9 Link to comment
Shriekingeel March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 Please God, let teacher get the shit kicked out of him. I want to see him cry and beg to go home. Seconded. Military guy and Police woman are awesome. Since this is technically the Inmates thread I have to mention the hulking Jen. She's as scary as any of the men. 6 Link to comment
farmgal4 March 12, 2016 Share March 12, 2016 The woman, is I think a mother and military wife and I can at least acknowledge her point of view. Her husband risks his life for our country and gets the same benifits/food/medical care as criminals do. That kind of pisses her off and she at least wants to understand why these people don't want to change and be productive members of society. I give her props for wanting to understand. FYI not that it matters but I think this was supposed to be the inmates topic thread as in actual inmates. I think there is a thread for the participants but honestly j think it can all go into one. Thanks, Chaos Theory. Sorry, Mods; my bad! Link to comment
TeapotWakeen March 13, 2016 Share March 13, 2016 I've been thinking about this show, and its participants.... have none of them ever watched LOCKUP or any of the prison and jail shows before? I mean, they're interested enough to apply for a really crazy experiment. And I agree with Jenkins, this is a dangerous situation they're going into. Okay, I get that some of them (Robert AssHat Teacher, I am looking at YOU) are too arrogant (Robert) to have opened their minds to some research beyond Fox News (Robert, and possibly Military Wife, who, at 25, I can forgive a LOT more easily). But.... seriously? Lockup, Lockdown, Behind Bars... they've been around awhile, and even one or two episodes would show you that this is not a day at the beach. 3 Link to comment
Jenkins March 13, 2016 Share March 13, 2016 No kidding. If I volunteered for a program like this, the first thing I would do is binge watch all those programs you just listed. If what Robert is doing IS an act, he is playing with fire... I don't want to sound cliche but these guys in prison, all they have is "respect" (relatively speaking of course). If they feel disrespected, they don't care who you are, you are probably going down. Look at that poor guy who dared to talk to Robert. It looks like he at least gets one full, running, completely cocked back punch to the side of the face...all because the guys felt disrespected by him not following their lead in alienating him. I think the military mom is going to come out of this changed the most. She seems like a decent person who just doesn't understand what prison truly is. 1 Link to comment
I-Kare March 13, 2016 Share March 13, 2016 I guarantee Robert's attitude is an act for the cameras. Maybe not all of it, but his thing about thinking it's going to be cushy is. I don't care who you are, I can't imagine anyone not having at least some concept of what prison life is like either through documentaries, tv or the news. Come on. 4 Link to comment
Morbs March 14, 2016 Share March 14, 2016 (edited) The woman, is I think a mother and military wife and I can at least acknowledge her point of view. Her husband risks his life for our country and gets the same benifits/food/medical care as criminals do. That kind of pisses her off and she at least wants to understand why these people don't want to change and be productive members of society. I give her props for wanting to understand. FYI not that it matters but I think this was supposed to be the inmates topic thread as in actual inmates. I think there is a thread for the participants but honestly j think it can all go into one. I had a big problem with her. I think it just comes from unhappiness in her own life, the struggle of raising a family on low wages, that makes her then hate other members of the population. She was extremely ignorant that jails are just too nice that's why people go back to crime. Scared straight doesn't work, the death penalty doesn't work, there is a lot going on that makes it harder for inmates to return back to society. I couldn't stand them complaining the food is too good. There's a big problem with spoiled food in prisons. I've been in county, the food was awful, I only ate cookies and raman. These are human beings afterall. Especially in a county jail, where some people are considered innocent until proven guilty. I agree that this show is fascinating - it definitely shows how glamorized shows like Orange is the New Black are All jails aren't the same though. I guess it depends on the area, and of course the one in Orange is a nicer one. I wasn't scared at all in the jail I was in. I'm tall and muscular though, but pretty lay back. People stole but never from me. People who got into fights were quickly taken out. This jail was chosen because it's so bad, I thought they said. Eventually I was moved to the pod that WAS kinda like just hanging out in a country club. It was a lot nicer, no cells just bunks, very quiet, Playstation, nicer showers and outdoor area. The teacher definitely thought he could treat it as a joke, he seems to think he is funny and could make friends that way, but I didn't blame him that much for not being overly concerned. Edited March 14, 2016 by Morbs 5 Link to comment
Keekski March 14, 2016 Share March 14, 2016 That said, if Robert was low-key looking to be a reality show villain, he nailed it. I totally think he's a planted plant. 5 Link to comment
jennylauren123 March 14, 2016 Share March 14, 2016 Morbs, Thank you so much for providing some insight into the incarceration experience. The jail on the show looks horrendous. I'm glad to hear that not all of them are like that, and that yours was not. 4 Link to comment
kherbig73 March 14, 2016 Share March 14, 2016 As a former inmate, jail sucks. The worst part is being away from your loved ones. The food is NOT better than what the army gives you, I was also in the army. Food is not the same at jails, some better, some worse. At one jail I was in the food was really good, homecooked meals. But most jails have a contract with a food service provider like Kewell. The last jail I was at the food cost per tray was 53 cents. A lot of rice, potatoes and beans and most of it bland. Leftovers were never thrown away, it was always used in some form on another meal. One thing that makes it rough in jail is you will not get along with all the cellmates, problem here is that you have no where to go to vent so tensions get high and thats where fights spill out. The smell is horrible, even though we cleaned everyday. Most guards don't give a crap about any problems you may have, they just dont want any problems on their shift. Less problems for them less work they have to do. Now I used to be a Corrections officer to for the state so I worked in a prison. Now thats been 20 years ago but I am able to give opinions on both sides. Prison is a lot better for convicts, on so many more levels. It's night and day difference, but since we are talkuing about jail I will leave it at that.I stayed 10 months on county side (jail) before I was moved to state side ( Still at the jail but for convicted criminals, more freedom and options). But 10 months in a county cell was enough for me. The jail I was at was small, 8-15 inmates per cell, thats so they could handle us better. 9 Link to comment
Toaster Strudel March 14, 2016 Share March 14, 2016 I am surprised Robert doesn't get beat up by his pupils. 9 Link to comment
jennylauren123 March 14, 2016 Share March 14, 2016 kherbig73, thanks so much for your information and insights. I appreciate picking up insider knowledge here. I imagine it would be very, very difficult to be locked up, no matter where. You're so isolated from the ones you love and yet surrounded by all kinds of other people. 2 Link to comment
Morbs March 15, 2016 Share March 15, 2016 I remember the smell too. I can't even compare it to anything in real life. I think it was the army wife who commented on it right away. Unclean bodies, no airflow, bad food. Watching them crawl into those beds and use towels as pillows brought back bad memories. It cost me 15 dollars for a pillow.and it was plastic and it was so hard to sleep since everyone was so loud hours after lights off. I just did 20 days for a OVI (I know I know, it's serious I was an idiot) so the low amount of time probably affected how I saw the overall experience. I hope the army wife gets to meet some of the other inmates, their lives are not easy so maybe she will understand how some people just end up back. 8 Link to comment
TeapotWakeen March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 I hope the army wife gets to meet some of the other inmates, their lives are not easy so maybe she will understand how some people just end up back. Plus there's that whole "done time? no apartment or job for you!!" thing. It can be overcome in some circumstances by some people, but the struggle is real. 5 Link to comment
Mom2twoNonna2-3 March 18, 2016 Share March 18, 2016 I did 5 months in a county jail. We didn't have access to a microwave or ramen noodles. Nothing on commissary was cookable. The food from the kitchen was horrible. I literally only ate 2 things a week from there. A boiled egg on the Sunday it was provided. I would use italian dressing and make it into an egg salad sandwich and once a month the first few months we got fried chicken. That chicken was goooooooooood. We lost it because 2 men got into a fight over a piece and one of their jaw's was broken. I ate a lot of bbq chips from commissary and water. I lost 50 pounds in 5 months. I found out my daughter is now watching this and I need to explain to her how similar and different that jail is from the one I was in. I spent the first 3 1/2 months in a pod similar to what is shown. Jail cells with some sleeping out in the common area on what are called boats. I slept in a boat for over 2 months. The last few months was in a "dorm." Bunks out in the open with a few boats on the floor. I was fortunate to get a bunk right away there. It may be because I was trustee and was responsible for cleaning and passing the trays at 2 meal times. The jail is always cold and it takes awhile to get the cold out of your bones when you are released. There were some ladies who came and went multiple times while I was there. The way they show with a few being more bossy is true. I tried to stay quiet like the young mom and just stayed out of trouble. That method worked in that one of the guards liked me and my respect and helped get me moved. I treated them respectfully, remembering that they were there to do a job. My innocence or guilt meant nothing to them. But, better to be on their good side than known as a troublemaker. 8 Link to comment
Morbs March 19, 2016 Share March 19, 2016 The CO's in my experience were very kind, so it's sad to hear the guards here are suspected of being corrupt and helping inmates get drugs or turning a blind eye. The guards I met openly complained about being disenfranchised about the legal system and said there was no justice there. They even made a point to see if I was okay since they knew I wasn't accustomed to jail the way some of the more frequent flyers were. Except one CO who was an older woman, she would scream at us that if we weren't quiet she would turn off the movie, like didn't she realize we are not the type of people who would listen to those kind of warnings, that's like exactly why we are in jail! 1 5 Link to comment
Lion18 March 19, 2016 Share March 19, 2016 I remember the smell too. I can't even compare it to anything in real life. I think it was the army wife who commented on it right away. Unclean bodies, no airflow, bad food. Watching them crawl into those beds and use towels as pillows brought back bad memories. It cost me 15 dollars for a pillow.and it was plastic and it was so hard to sleep since everyone was so loud hours after lights off. I just did 20 days for a OVI (I know I know, it's serious I was an idiot) so the low amount of time probably affected how I saw the overall experience. I hope the army wife gets to meet some of the other inmates, their lives are not easy so maybe she will understand how some people just end up back. Link to comment
Lion18 March 19, 2016 Share March 19, 2016 I was in county for 23 hours. Thought I would spend it in a holding cell. Nope I had to put on prison clothes and go up to the jail. It was awful. The smell was in my nostrils for two days after. The blue bar soap was a stench on my skin til I showered it off at home. No privacy while you went to the bathroom and I had the runs from being so scared. The food was horrid. I didn't eat. In fact I only ate the Bologna and cheese sandwich they give you when you arrive and after you see the judge. I gave my cookies to one of the girls I was talking to. Jail is not a country club. We were shackled at our ankles while taken to see the judge. They lock you in your cell at 11 pm. You can't get out til the morning. It's scary lonely and awful. It's no joke That's why this show fascinates me 5 Link to comment
JennyMominFL March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 I Was a cook in the Marines. We cooked steak every friday. We had a section of the mess hall where you could get fast food(burgers, fries) every day. We had a massive salad bar. We had pot roast, lasagna, fresh veggies. We had a bakery and made cookies, cakes etc from scratch. Now Marine dude is not lying, but life in the field is very different. In the middle of Afghanistan you are not going to get fed like you do on a base. The facilities just do not exist. And frankly, I think I would still take an MRE over prison food 9 Link to comment
SnarkKitty March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 What in the bluedilly fuck is Robert playing at?? As soon as I saw him bells started ringing. Once he said he was a teacher and mentor, I KNEW I'd seen him before. This image is obnoxiously large for this page but there was nothing smaller so linked instead I guess he spent all that time not chewing meals and being an Extreme Time Cheater so he could use it in prison. Then again, they DO serve all your food at once, which is his thing. WTF, man? Whoever called him a planted plant, has it right. Except I think he planted himself. 5 Link to comment
ShaNaeNae March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 What in the bluedilly fuck is Robert playing at?? As soon as I saw him bells started ringing. Once he said he was a teacher and mentor, I KNEW I'd seen him before. This image is obnoxiously large for this page but there was nothing smaller so linked instead I guess he spent all that time not chewing meals and being an Extreme Time Cheater so he could use it in prison. Then again, they DO serve all your food at once, which is his thing. WTF, man? Whoever called him a planted plant, has it right. Except I think he planted himself. No fucking way! Fascinating... 1 Link to comment
peaceknit March 20, 2016 Share March 20, 2016 What in the bluedilly fuck is Robert playing at?? As soon as I saw him bells started ringing. Once he said he was a teacher and mentor, I KNEW I'd seen him before. This image is obnoxiously large for this page but there was nothing smaller so linked instead I guess he spent all that time not chewing meals and being an Extreme Time Cheater so he could use it in prison. Then again, they DO serve all your food at once, which is his thing. WTF, man? Whoever called him a planted plant, has it right. Except I think he planted himself. OH MY GOD, another reality show grifter! I thought he was a plant too, right at the beginning, he's just so smarmy. So he's willing to get his ass kicked on teevee just for the dubious celebrity? The others seem on the up and up though. 7 Link to comment
SnarkKitty March 21, 2016 Share March 21, 2016 The craziest part is, on the last show, he was all about saving every.single.second he could, putting all his food in a blender to eat it at once - including the meat, making his "date" order all her food at once so the appetizer, entree and dessert were all on the table. Rushing through everything to save minutes every day ... and now he's happily laying around in a cell for 60 days? Is that what he rushed through life for? I don't know his real story, but he's already tagged reality 'ho AFAIK. 4 Link to comment
Vivigirl10 March 23, 2016 Share March 23, 2016 ANY of them could be killed before the people behind the scenes could even think of helping. This is why I have a hard time wrapping myself around the show, the ability to even put together this show, or the willingness of anyone to volunteer to be on this show. I think that the marine and the female cop will make out ok, mainly because they both look like people you don't want to f*ck with. I agree, I think the way you look can be helpful or a detriment. I had to try to imagine how I would act if I were put in this situation. I'm certain I'd be a target for sure just because I'm not tough looking at all. The advice seems to be to keep your head down, don't interact and fly under the radar. But wouldn't that make you more noticeable in a way?? I could see being attacked for being "better than" the rest or stuck-up. Teri's dilemma about the shower shoes was fascinating. And I would have had no idea how to handle it. If you avoided the confrontation, apparently you'd be marked as an easy target. I could see Teri (Tami?) running that cell block, she's just got a way about her. I'm not worried about her at all. It was in this episode that the producer woman came in to do interviews for the first timers documentary, correct? That part was absolutely ridiculous and didn't ring true at all. This beautiful young woman just mingling, laughing and flirting like she was at a party? I can't imagine the disgusting things that would have been shouted at her or even worse, what about her safety?? It just didn't make any sense. 4 Link to comment
sereion1 March 23, 2016 Share March 23, 2016 (edited) I knew Robert was going to be a moving target as soon as he joked about soft-bristled toothbrush and watching NFL. Even the other participants were annoyed with him, because he had no clue. He reminds me of that girl from the very first episode from "Beyond Scared Straight" who said that she'll have fun in jail---only to be in tears and humiliated after running into her mother at the prison she visited. She was scared straight alright. The marine is adjusting VERY well; I hope he doesn't get too caught up only to lose his chance of joining the DEA(?) Edited March 24, 2016 by sereion1 4 Link to comment
ShaNaeNae March 23, 2016 Share March 23, 2016 All I know is I'm fully obsessed about this show now. I love it. And God Bless Robert. He is why I watch reality shows. And Zac the Marine? Yummy. 2 Link to comment
savannah1985 March 24, 2016 Share March 24, 2016 All I can say is this show scares the hell out of me. 2 Link to comment
kassa March 24, 2016 Share March 24, 2016 I do wonder about liability issues. DiAundre may already have been a massive target inside, but this show handed him (and an ambitious lawyer) grounds for saying that his assault was caused by his association with somebody planted there by the warden. I'd like more information about the process. Maybe I'm naive, but when I watch the jail shows on tv the majority of them seem to be drunk drivers and hookers and people who will pretty much be processed overnight and released or kept til Monday for arraignment, or if held for more serious stuff, sent elsewhere. Maybe the kind of jail we see here is that kind of "elsewhere"? I kind of raised an eyebrow at the female producer joking around, but I assumed there were guards standing by. The inmates seem to wait until guards leave before acting up, and they have no particular reason to attack the woman, since she represents a change in routine which is obviously welcome. Presumably they get money on their books for "participating" which is also incentive for playing nice. And being burglars or drug dealers or car thieves or white supremacists or gang bangers doesn't mean they're just going to jump some random lady for no reason. Look how formally the tater tots duel was conducted! My sister works in a detox facility - she deals with some seriously shady characters on a regular basis and some people you'd never want to meet on the outside are the first ones she knows will handle anybody who steps out of line with her. As they say on the show, it's a respect thing. They know she is a perfectly straight person, but one who isn't talking down to them, or acting like they're monsters. The producer may come off as flirty to us but may have already developed that kind of rapport with them (I assume many things are shown out of order). 3 Link to comment
candall March 26, 2016 Share March 26, 2016 I did not get enough information about how to handle the stolen shower shoes situation. Tami went over and confronted Jennifer about the shoes, looked pissed and threw out some "motherfuckers." But then all we see is that she befriended some of the other inmates, who helped her get her shoes back. Wait, how did she do that?! I thought the fine razor's edge was how much to be friendly and how much to hold back. Why did they leave out the scenes of how Tami managed to assemble a posse willing to take her side against Scary Jennifer? The narration said you can't just capitulate or everyone will help themselves to your stuff--that would be me, with nothing, ever. 2 Link to comment
MsSilverSpecs March 26, 2016 Share March 26, 2016 I was in a county jail for a week. That was enough to keep me from going back ever again. Where I was there were dorms. It was jam packed due to overcrowding. I felt claustrophobic. The meals were so so. The amount of crap that goes on is astounding though. The best thing I ever did was keep to myself and I had no issues. Anyway, good show! Though Robert is pretty arrogant and that won't work out too well for him. 1 Link to comment
TattleTeeny April 10, 2016 Share April 10, 2016 Just started watching this OnDemand last night and I cannot stop! This Robert--oh my god. He was off-putting from the get-go with his "your tax dollars at work" remark about ONE TELEVISION that he saw. First, that TV was probably about $200. Second, you are not revolutionary in that sentiment, Robert--you are not making me stop and think about the system over a TV. Third, the first thing you do upon entry is ask whether you can watch football on it?! Oy. 2 Link to comment
Andromeda April 25, 2016 Share April 25, 2016 (edited) Wow, what an interesting show! I never thought there would be a reality show like this simply because it is too dangerous. ANY of them could be killed before the people behind the scenes could even think of helping. So despite what I am going to say about a couple of them, much respect for them doing this. So yeah....Robert..... Prisons are NOT country clubs you jackass. You don't get to have a fancy toothbrush or a premium cable package. A 60 inch generic LCD TV probably costs around $500-700, as a taxpayer, this really doesn't bother me. Bored inmates will find ways to entertain themselves and guards would make good targets for them. There is a reason prisoners DO have some basic entertainment. No kidding. Isn't TV supposed to be a mesmerizing pacifier? I say get them more TVs! It's too high on the wall to be any smaller, and it'd be difficult and pointless to find a TV that isn't a flatscreen these days. Basically, Robert is an idiot. Barbra is equally stupid, with her idea that her taxpayer dollars are being thrown away. I hate that attitude, begruding the smallest expense because of the idea that it doesn't personally help her. When, of course it does, unless you want there not to be a law-enforcement system set up to protect us all. I just finished binge-watching both Orange is the New Black and Wentworth (EXCELLENT Australian show! Highly recommend.) The inmates in Wentworth had individual TVs in their individual cells, which did make it feel more country-clubbish in some ways. But not really! In fact, both shows look far more "TV sanitized" in terms of sets. This real jail looks nasty, stinky, old and grimy. I don't watch Lockup, and wouldn't have been interested in this if, while watching the fictional shows, I hadn't kept asking myself, "What would I do, if--?" So this show is really interesting to me (as someone who would want to sit alone and read all day long, and probably get beat up for being a weenie.) Edited April 25, 2016 by Andromeda 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob April 25, 2016 Share April 25, 2016 I don't watch Lockup, and wouldn't have been interested in this if, while watching the fictional shows, I hadn't kept asking myself, "What would I do, if--?" So this show is really interesting to me (as someone who would want to sit alone and read all day long, and probably get beat up for being a weenie.) I highly recommend Lockup. 1 Link to comment
CarlRogers February 24, 2020 Share February 24, 2020 The last time I was in a fight was 47 years ago, when I was 13. I picture trying to "stay in my lane" and some a**hole is going to test me by creating a conflict, getting ticked off for something they made up, and then calls me a bitch. If I don't put up some sort of decent fight, that is going to invite more problems. Unless I spent a year before lockup learning martial art, there is no way I am going to be able to fight the dude the off. What would happen? Can the volunteers quit early? I imagine there is a big wad of dough they forfeit if they quit early. Two months seems like a long time for the first try at this program. I would think something like 2 days would be a more reasonable start. 1 Link to comment
Drsummerraeiii May 18, 2021 Share May 18, 2021 Barbara is obviously very young, but, in addition to being naïve because of youth, she also seems to have some programming that leaves her shortsighted. Being offended by a foot “on the American flag“... That is not what the flag of the United States looks like, for starters. And even if it were, it is not anyone else’s responsibility to alter their actions just because she can’t control her emotions. Not only does she have difficulty controlling emotion, she has just as hard of a time articulating these feelings. Her mastery of the English language is tenuous at best, and I can see her mentally spinning out 70% of the time, and grappling with an inferiority complex, & it’s because she knows: she knows that most people are indeed smarter than her, book-smarts and street-smarts; she is just wise enough to figure that much out, but only just. If she would close her mouth more, open her ears, and stop filtering everything through these pre-programmed, predictable judgment settings, she might learn something and grow as a person. I hope she does one day. Link to comment
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