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Happy Place: Gratefulness And Smiles

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So I took off a bunch of time from work at the end of the year to just spend time at home with the kids. We had a good time. We somehow managed to build a new PC that actually works (and is screaming fast and super cool.) We baked cookies. We played with the dogs. We visited relatives. 

I guess I didn’t realize that I needed this break from work, but I definitely did.  

And now, tonight, I have to remember how to set my alarm clock. Heh. 

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I remember being in the neighborhood grocery store with Mama when one of her friends came up to her and said " Can you believe it's 1975?!"

And  I had a good laugh to myself at that time as   I thought these two older ladies were being silly about how fast time had flown for them.


Well, here it is 45 years to the day later, and I can't believe how RIGHT they were. I can't remember which of Mama's friends came up to her on that day (much less what became of her) but I'm VERY thankful that Mama is still in this world all these years later and that we got to celebrate this Unofficial Turn of the Decade together AND that she's getting to see the front end of the '20's instead of the back end like the last time!  Yes, I truly couldn't think of a better place I'd have rather spent the New Year's Countdown than with her and I'm so thankful that I got to do that with her (though, of course, I couldn't help but think of my late father and sister no longer in this world). Oh, and on a lighter note, I'm thankful that our neighborhood grocery store still exists (albeit having been bought out by a major chain) but I actually miss the steep slope it had back then that one had to climb  and very carefully hold onto the grocery cart when approaching the check out counter. 

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I babied my sprained ankle for three and a half weeks, and then last week I took it scuba diving in Bonaire. It held up quite well and I got to see a lot of fish and coral and sponges and turtles and a massive green moray eel.  Parrotfish make me happy.

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One thing I am grateful for is that I have a sister in Alabama who does not have cable or satellite, and as such, I do not have Fox "News" blaring around me all the time when I am there (unlike how it is here). To that end, I also have a brother-in-law there who, albeit he believes that Fox "News" tells the truth, at least understands that I feel otherwise, and as such, the only time that Fox "News" is on is when he has it on his laptop-- at no other time is that on down there, and so to me, my other sister's house in Alabama is an oasis whenever I get to go down there.

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This might sound silly, but I am grateful for Zoom.  I was meant to go to a (planned long ago) gathering this afternoon in remembrance of a friend who died overseas a couple of months ago (unrelated to the pandemic), but obviously it had to be cancelled.  We were able to gather via Zoom and tell stories and raise a glass in his memory.  It wasn't quite the same, but it was lovely nonetheless.

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I'm grateful for YouTube as a means to see the world as it was NOT as it is during these times!


Yes, I have to go and back forth to work in an essential service but I'm grateful to have a job during these times.


I'm grateful that my supplies have only had the tiniest hiccoughs but we're in good shape here.

Most of all, I'm grateful that my elderly mother has stayed healthy thusfar and has kept her attitude high and,thus helped encourage mine.

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Yeah, I'm complainy and annoyed, but I'm also grateful that I am being allowed (well, forced, really, but the effect right now is what is important) to work at home since the schools are closed. And I'm grateful that my husband is also working from home so that it's not all on me.

And I'm grateful that he takes some time out of his day to work on poetry and literature with my son and plays with him after the workday so I can go for a walk or bike ride by myself.

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Grateful for power, heat, cable, phone and TV service RESTORED after almost a week without! And grateful that my workplace colleagues donated a good meal,etc. for Mama and me to help us ride this out. Most grateful that my elderly mother didn't take sick from the house being unheated overnight during this time (and we had enough battery operated flashlights to see things at night).  

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At the risk of jinxing it - I'm grateful that it seems allergy season has passed me by this year! I think it might be because in my corner of the northeast we had a short spring and early-ish summer weather. I usually get it in May, but two weeks into June, I still haven't had to take any antihistamines. Yay!

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Someone on Ring claimed to see a bear wandering around an area that is in the city, with no supporting video.  The responding comments are hilarious.  

  • was it wearing its’ mask?
  • better check your pic a nic basket.
  • all the “fireworks” have been people trying to shoot it.
  • nature is healing
  • maybe he was just looking for his porridge 
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I would have listed this in the Favorite Commercials thread, but it's a radio ad (not TV) and I didn't want to be off-topic.  Anyway, when my favorite team wins a game (which admittedly hasn't happened much for a few years), I will usually listen to the overnight replay on their flagship radio station.  Some of the commercials are annoying (Kars for Kids, a law firm that really doesn't like women, etc.) or depressing (frequent suicide prevention website ads), but there is one that cracks me up for whatever reason.  The Shreve & Co. jewelry store has ads with a man and woman talking back and forth.  They probably feel they are presenting a classy image, but for whatever reason (either the script or her line delivery), I've sometimes felt like the woman has come across as not very bright.  In one of their current ads, the man is going on about exquisite time pieces or something when the woman blurts out, "A WATCH without batteries?!  What will they think of next?"  Then he says something pompous about royalty and she proudly chimes in with, "A crown that's worn on the wrist!!"  I don't know why I find it so funny, but it just feels like something that could evolve into an SNL skit, maybe with Vanessa Bayer playing her back when she was on the show.  And when I was describing the ad to a friend on the phone a few weeks ago, I started laughing so hard I accidentally snorted; so now when the ad comes on, I think of that and laugh even harder.  I wish this commercial was available online so that I could still listen to it and cheer myself in the off-season or when the ad goes out of rotation.

I am also grateful that my cat (age 5) seems to have reduced his tendency to want to bite me, so I might be able to someday wear shorts in the house in the summer (or at least not have tights under my sweats).

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Roughly a decade and a half ago, my father got into a heated political disagreement with a couple of longtime friends   Sadly, none of the three agreed to disagree about this topic and  after  X number of lunches,meetings of this subject being rehashed by these three with none of them backing down an inch, my father decided to simply avoid anything further to do with them. OK, not too long afterwards, the wife happened to see Mama and ask her what was going on with   my father's avoiding them, Mama diplomatically explained . From that point on, that couple had nothing more to do with either of my parents (even though Mama had NOTHING whatsoever to do with the disagreement)- and some years later, my father died and the news was well known in our city and in academic circles but no card or call from this couple  to Mama acknowledging her loss.


OK, so what's the good news? Well, not too long ago, the husband died and Mama sent the wife a condolence card saying she'd like to resume their longtime friendship if the wife was interested. Guess what? The wife sent Mama a nice reply saying she IS! This has made Mama happy. 

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I feel like shouting   'HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!! from the rooftop  which may be due to the weather here being nice, sunny with pleasant temps in November or perhaps other reasons but I am SO happy!!!!! And, yes, I'm thankful Mama is with me and delighted by the positive!!!

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More “Ring Riffs” have me ROTF.

someone wrote “fun shots” insets of gun shots.


Idea, party?

On a scale of 1-10, how fun?

I would hate to hear unfun shots.

Shots, shots, shots.  Just make sure you are not at a bar, (politician’s first name) would be upset.  He’s against fun shots and drinking in a public place.

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Happiness is opening the fridge to look for something to eat for a late breakfast and spying the box with the two slices of pizza leftover from last night's supper. They are now crisping up in the oven.

It's the little things, ya'll! 🙂 

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3 hours ago, BooksRule said:

Happiness is opening the fridge to look for something to eat for a late breakfast and spying the box with the two slices of pizza leftover from last night's supper. They are now crisping up in the oven.

I eat mine cold (unless it's a chicken alfredo pizza; that I prefer reheated), but otherwise, yes - Ooh, I can have pizza for breakfast is a lovely realization. 

And, an hour later, since I'm now sitting here finishing up my second Bloody Mary and thinking about what I want to make for breakfast, I'm wishing I'd ordered pizza last night!

Edited by Bastet
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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I eat mine cold (unless it's a chicken alfredo pizza; that I prefer reheated), but otherwise, yes - Ooh, I can have pizza for breakfast is a lovely realization. 

I like leftover pizza as long as it's re-heated (and I'll eat leftover fried chicken as long as it's been out of the fridge long enough to 'take the chill off'). I don't usually care for cold leftovers.  I heat the oven to 350 and put the pizza slices on a baking sheet. When I put the sheet in the oven I turn it off.  Once I begin to smell the pizza, I know it's hot enough to take out and eat.  (I don't have a working toaster oven right now, or I would re-heat pizza in it.) 

I do appreciate the occasional 'yay, leftovers!' when I inspect the contents of the fridge, because it's rare for me to cook enough food so that there are leftovers (except for holiday food and soup). 

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On 12/6/2020 at 5:12 PM, Moose135 said:

You all eat some strange stuff in California...


I just ordered one (a chicken alfredo pizza - thin wheat crust, alfredo sauce, with chicken, broccoli, and mushrooms as the toppings) for tonight's meal, and remembered this post.  To keep it on topic, I'm grateful I have nearly endless options when ordering pizza here.  Don't get me wrong; unless it was thick crust, I'd happily eat a pizza handed to me with tomato sauce and pepperoni, sausage, and such as the toppings.  But that's not my preference - I prefer olive oil, pesto, or alfredo as the sauce, and want a wide variety of toppings to choose from depending on my mood (favorites are, indeed, Italian sausage, but also artichoke hearts, shrimp, spinach, grilled chicken, arugula, etc.).

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Here in MT, I wish I had some of the options for ordering food. Not much available out here in the boonies...but then I am somewhat safer on the Covid side of things...though cases are crazy here these days...

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I'm grateful to have just eaten about 1/4 of a pie. Berry. Delicious even if I should have eaten less.

I'm grateful for my friends.

I have a really nice Doctor.

I've been watching some really cool things on YouTube lately, so I'm grateful so many people uploaded lost treasures from their VHS collections to the net. It's amazing the kind of stuff that has resurfaced because of the internet.

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I am most grateful for YouTube's existence now more than ever! Whenever the angst and chaos of the current world gets too troubling, it's great having that service to be able to see dramas, comedies, travelogues, bios,songs, documentaries and just everyday folks from times past to help me relax and entertain me!

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We got 16 inches of snow overnight, and it's still cold and blowing.   I work from home, and don't really have to go anywhere until the food runs out (in about a month!), so I hadn't even contemplated how to deal with it.   I have a girlie snowblower that is no match for a 3 foot wall of snow left by the street plow.

I just looked out to see my neighbor has cleared my driveway.  

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I made a quick stop at the grocery store on Saturday and the kid who waited on me was so nice and friendly, I decided to submit the survey that is listed on the receipt. I just wanted this young guy to be recognized for his terrific attitude and customer service. Well! That survey was picked as a winner and I got a $100 gift card to the store!! I'm so tickled!!

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I'm grateful that the personal checks that had fallen out of my pocket while I was trying to crouch to find an item at Home Depot were still on the floor 20 minutes later when I suddenly realized they were missing and went to retrace my steps! 

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I'm grateful that on Saturday when I had about half a tank of gas, I thought to fill up my tank- despite having not heard a peep about this horrible hacking of that pipeline.  I just hope it lasts until next time I need to get gas (and that the supply will be replenished by then). 

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2 hours ago, Blergh said:

I just hope it lasts until next time I need to get gas (and that the supply will be replenished by then). 

The pipeline restarted last night around 5pm Eastern, and everything should be back to normal in the next day or two.

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On 5/12/2021 at 4:03 AM, RealHousewife said:

I'm grateful to be vaccinated. 😀

Color me jealous! I'm still waiting on my turn (where I'm from, it's by age range), but I'm mostly grateful for having beaten covid; me and my parents all had it in january this year and we're here. Thankfully, they were vaccinated last week and when my turn comes, I can be grateful once more.

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That's very kind, Annber! We turned out ok, no significant health issues, but the fear really gets to you, those who had it will know what's that like. So, we played cards and board games all day long to try and shake those dreadful thoughts away. The fun definitely brought smiles to our faces and helped our emotional during those long two weeks.

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It's Canada Day today and I just wanted to say that I'm grateful to be living in a country where I don't have to worry about being sent to prison for criticizing the government, whether the current government or any historical government (among many things).  We may have a dark history (as does EVERY SOCIETY), but we also have TONS to be proud of.  

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