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S06.E12: Not Tomorrow Yet

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I have to say as much as Rick's plans don't always go so well, the execution of this was really rather good.  The optics of everybody so focused and moving in sync -- it was thrilling to watch.  Plus the tense-heartbeating soundtrack just added to it.  The thing is, for all that they may have won the opening skirmish with Negan, I think he's gonna come back strong.  I would bet that isn't his main head-quarters and that was the B-team.



The action scenes were very choreographed. It was like a graceful dance. John Woo would be proud. And of course, Negan isn't, it was way too easy.

Edited by SimoneS
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I know that you are right, but it is uncomfortable to watch. We are conditioned for self-defense in the moment killings rather than the premeditated ones.


I get that. But to me, this is guerrilla warfare started by the Saviors.

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I have to find a place in my top 10 for this episode because it was awesome.

I love what Morgan said. He was right, killing first shouldn't always be the first option. It should be an option but not the first. Lennie is such a great actor because he made me feel so much for Morgan in that last scene.

Love bad ass Gabriel. He might just become my one of my favorite.

I agree with Carol that Maggie shouldn't have been there but she shouldn't have talked to Rick about it. She should have talked to Glenn and Maggie about it. Rick is not Maggie's keeper or husband.

I'm surprised that I actually liked Tobin and Carol scenes. That surprised me.

Tara is dying.

SY acting makes me think that Glenn is going to die. It felt like he was saying goodbye to the actors in case this was the last time he got to have scenes with them.

My Rick was bad ass and I love that.

The action pack scenes were awesome and I loved them all.

So once again, I loved this episode.

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Which is easy to say when he didn't have a gang of Saviors put a gun in his face, take his weapon and then were going to shoot him anyway.

Rick is a true bad ass regardless and has stared at death many times himself.

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Well, crap. Someone is definitely a goner next week. And there's a long list of people it could be. I'm guessing they want us to think it'll be Maggie or Carol, but it'll end up being someone else.

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Jesus hiding his face so that the saviours wouldn't know that hilltop had anything to do with this?

So the saviours are gonna think it was just a coincidence that the attack happened at the same time the Hilltopper dude was picked up by his brother?

Really? Maybe I didn't understand that whole thing?

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I love what Morgan said. He was right, killing first shouldn't always be the first option. It should be an option but not the first. Lennie is such a great actor because he made me feel so much for Morgan in that last scene.


After seeing the Saviors, I think they absolutely did the right thing. Talking doesn't always work. It didn't work with the Guv. It didn't work with the Termites. It wouldn't have worked then. Being on the defensive can make you more vulnerable to loss. I have zero issues with how they handled it.

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After seeing the Saviors, I think they absolutely did the right thing. Talking doesn't always work. It didn't work with the Guv. It didn't work with the Termites. It wouldn't have worked then. Being on the defensive can make you more vulnerable to loss. I have zero issues with how they handled it.

I have to agree. These other people did not experience Terminus. THAT is enough to make anyone want to act first. They were eating people! 

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Whew! This episode...I felt like I was going to throw up as soon as they pulled up to the compound and it went on the entire episode. I started nervous crying. I still have tears in my eyes even as I type this. What a ride! Loved Rick punching the zombie head. Of course he did.

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I'm guessing that place was only one of Negan's compounds. 


Shut up Morgan. From what Daryl, Sasha and Abe saw the Saviors were not just going to invite everyone over tea. They toyed with them, before Daryl took them out with a grenade launcher. While our group is probably not that much better at least they don't toy with people. They just kill them.


It's not like they were telling Maggie she couldn't work because she's pregnant, this was a kill or be killed mission. She should not be there. Has Morgan really gotten to Carol? Or was she suddenly so worried about Maggie that she let her guard down and wasn't doing her job. This was a woman that burned two of the group alive when they were sick and shot a kid in the back of the head. 


Glenn has now joined everyone else in the killing humans list. He's a goner. It was the last thing he needed to do before dying. 

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I have to agree. These other people did not experience Terminus. THAT is enough to make anyone want to act first. They were eating people! 

Exactly you have to take into account everything that the group has experienced and been though, especially Rick, Darryl, Carol etc.

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So, am I understanding correctly that -- before they all realized that Maggie and Carol had been captured -- the group thought that one of the guys they killed was Negan (and were trying to figure out which one he was)?  Did it not dawn on them that he might not be there?

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-  Carol partly naked and wet from a shower.  Episode win.  Everything else was just filler.  (kidding... sorta)   So, has she lost her edge?  Fell too far into the "Suzy Homemaker" image and can't remember how to be the ultimate badass?  Snap out of it, Carol; Maggie & CDB need you!


-  Go fuck yourself with the sharp end of Michonne's katana, Captain CarrotTop.  "When I first met you, I thought you were the last woman in the world.  You're not."   JFC, not even the Arctic - in the dead of its winter - is so frigid.  You deserve much better anyways, Rosita.  You're getting the best end of the deal.


-  Never change, Eugene.  Never.


-  Rick punches dead walker's face in.  "What?"  "I thought the Saviors were really messed up crazy sonsabitches...  but they got nothing on you." 

My reaction?



-  Although it was so incredibly violent, the stabbing/killing scenes were a bit heartbreaking for Glenn & Heath.  They (Glenn especially) did what was necessary, but if viewing souls shattering was something tangible, it was easily seen there.  But liked Glenn seeing the 'kill shots' wall.  Lets him know he was killing monsters.


-  LOVED that quick shot of the blood splatter on the camera lens.  Took that whole series of tense violent scenes and kicked it up a notch.


-  Women on women violence coming - Maggie & Carol caught by two ladies..... ([probably] pervertedly) turned on despite the worry for my girls.


-  Morgan.  *sigh*  Somewhat remembering a time I actually missed that guy, before he became a semi-regular to start this season.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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So, am I understanding correctly that -- before they all realized that Maggie and Carol had been captured -- the group thought that one of the guys they killed was Negan (and were trying to figure out which one he was)?  Did it not dawn on them that he might not be there?

Yeah, I was surprised they thought they were all done.

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Lol, they're cracking me up on Talking Dead talking about Heath adjusting his glasses, I noticed that too!

I kept wondering how he still has glasses. I don't even wear mine all the time and I always end up breaking the frames. And I am driving or watching TV in them


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So, am I understanding correctly that -- before they all realized that Maggie and Carol had been captured -- the group thought that one of the guys they killed was Negan (and were trying to figure out which one he was)?  Did it not dawn on them that he might not be there?


I actually thought that was Michonne's point. She seemed suspicious. Maybe she noticed that there wasn't anyone leading inside.

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After seeing the Saviors, I think they absolutely did the right thing. Talking doesn't always work. It didn't work with the Guv. It didn't work with the Termites. It wouldn't have worked then. Being on the defensive can make you more vulnerable to loss. I have zero issues with how they handled it.

I have no issue with what they did either. But I like that Morgan made a valid statement. It was a fair to question whether we can talk first, rather than kill first.

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I'm surprised they went there with Glenn although I appreciate that they showed that it wasn't easy and he'll never be the same. The Tara/Glenn hug. Bad bad vibes.


Can Abraham die instead of my faves

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After seeing the Saviors, I think they absolutely did the right thing. Talking doesn't always work. It didn't work with the Guv. It didn't work with the Termites. It wouldn't have worked then. Being on the defensive can make you more vulnerable to loss. I have zero issues with how they handled it.

I think they did the right thing killing the Saviors. However, I'm slightly worried that some of the people killed in their sleep weren't part of that group, but other captives just like the brother from Hilltop. 

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o, am I understanding correctly that -- before they all realized that Maggie and Carol had been captured -- the group thought that one of the guys they killed was Negan (and were trying to figure out which one he was)?  Did it not dawn on them that he might not be there?


I can't help but think if maybe Carol was there she would have been one more person to look in another location to see there were more.  IMO Carol staying behind to protect poor-not-particularly-defenseless-just-because-she's-pregnant-Maggie was the big failure in this mission.

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I have no issue with what they did either. But I like that Morgan made a valid statement. It was a fair to question whether we can talk first, rather than kill first.


It's definitely a fair question. But I didn't think Morgan was posing it as a question. Even when Rick explained that talking wouldn't work with this group, he was still dead set on it. Morgan doesn't seem flexible at all to me.


I think they did the right thing killing the Saviors. However, I'm slightly worried that some of the people killed in their sleep weren't part of that group, but other captives just like the brother from Hilltop.


It's possible, but I don't think so. I doubt the Saviors would let a captive just sleep freely like that. They'd be tied up, or guarded or something.

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Well, that was tense. I kind of thought when Glenn and Heath were shooting through the door, we'd see ol' Abe on the other side. Or maybe I was just hoping. Hey, Rosita, darling - you can't expect to keep a man like that all to yourself. Just think how many other women he could make happy with his special charms. Don't be selfish.


Rick seemed to be revelling in his machine-gunnery. I guess he knows he looks hot when he does that. But this, and all their other run-ins with baddies could have been avoided if they used the Morgan Method. All you need do is tell your opponent, "We can beat you." The Gov, Gareth and now Negan would just say, "Oh. Okay. Pardon us and have a nice day. Bye now." We could have avoided a couple world wars that way, in fact.


Father Pee stepped up! Yay! I liked Glenn's distress over killing a living human being in cold blood. It gave him back a little personality.


I'm surprised that I actually liked Tobin and Carol scenes. That surprised me.


I liked it too. I think he'd be good for her.






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After that episode I will have a hard time sleeping! Oh guess what, I can stay awake for an episode of Fear The Walking Dead that is coming on..... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


I'm waiting for the moment when FTWD becomes interesting and the main characters become less annoying.

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I'm waiting for the moment when FTWD becomes interesting and the main characters become less annoying.

I will watch it, just joshing. I am new to the entire series and binged watched all of it in about a month, so I am not too jaded yet!  

BTW, no one has mentioned the pot that Neegan's group was growing. I forgot all about that. I wonder how they were powering that place? It was pretty big. 

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Not sure how seriously I can take Alicia Witt if she is not a hard working quick witted single mother in a Hallmark movie

Well I remember her from IMO an awesome horror movie Urban Legend

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I don't know, but my guess is a jail so that they might cage bad people rather than kill them.


CletusMusashi, on 06 Mar 2016 - 10:53 PM, said:

And for twenty-five cents, children can buy acorns to feed them.



I loved Rosita saying something I've said before and that is that Morgan is lucky they didn't throw his useless ass out of Alexandria.

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I just love Eugene babbling about a cookie to Rosita. Him and his social awkwardness in full glory.


Damn, I was really hoping someone would accidentally shoot Abraham, asshole. So what now he thinks all the ladies are gonna be knocking at his door to get with him, delusional!

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I've got to admit that I almost had my own "come to Jesus" moment when he was being all badass in the hallway. Those eyes...


I am far too shallow for this show sometimes.


*ducks (well deserved) tomatoes for continued use of horrible Jesus puns* Maybe I'll stop next week.

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Rick seemed to be revelling in his machine-gunnery. I guess he knows he looks hot when he does that. But this, and all their other run-ins with baddies could have been avoided if they used the Morgan Method. All you need do is tell your opponent, "We can beat you." The Gov, Gareth and now Negan would just say, "Oh. Okay. Pardon us and have a nice day. Bye now." We could have avoided a couple world wars that way, in fact.


Bwah! And the thing is, that Rick and his group beat both Phillip and Gareth and they still came back after them with a new group of people. You cannot win with psychopaths. You can only kill them.

Edited by SimoneS
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Well I remember her from IMO an awesome horror movie Urban Legend


She's also a big, big fan of TWD -- she was thrilled to get the role on the show.  She referred to it (on social media) as one of the greatest shows of all time, or a similar statement.  So I'm hoping that she does a good job with the role because she loves the series so much and wants to do it justice.

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I remember my nephew was being harassed at school and my sister (very religious) would tell him to try and reason with his tormentors. Invite them to sit at lunch and teach them about the gospel of Jesus. They beat his ass but good. They beat him like he was Lionel Richie mistress and they were his wife. They beat him like he was a pinata!

Moral to the story - STFU Morgan

Edited by Boofish
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I just love Eugene babbling about a cookie to Rosita.


And her slamming the door in his face. Maybe he was out there with his cookie, planning to peek through the keyhole and get a show.


Well I remember her from IMO an awesome horror movie Urban Legend


I only ever saw her in the Sopranos, playing a bitchy "D" girl. She did well as someone you love to hate.


STFU Morgan


STFU Morgan

STFU Morgan


Because it cannot be repeated too often.

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Yeah, so I think that this episode was the Moral Event Horizon for me with regard to CDB. Don't get me wrong, the episode was well done - suspenseful and engaging throughout - but now that it's over I'm beginning to feel the Eight Deadly Words set in. I don't know if I like these people anymore, I'm not sure if I care whether they live or die. I wish I was angry, or simply thought the writing was poor. It's good, but it's not something I really want to watch. There are only 4 episodes left in the season, so I'll stick around until then in the hopes things get better, but... IDK.

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She's also a big, big fan of TWD -- she was thrilled to get the role on the show.  She referred to it (on social media) as one of the greatest shows of all time, or a similar statement.  So I'm hoping that she does a good job with the role because she loves the series so much and wants to do it justice.


Kudos to her for having good taste. 

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She's also a big, big fan of TWD -- she was thrilled to get the role on the show.  She referred to it (on social media) as one of the greatest shows of all time, or a similar statement.  So I'm hoping that she does a good job with the role because she loves the series so much and wants to do it justice.

She has great taste in loving the show LOL. I hope she's good in her role I heard her role was a mystery role so I wonder if she's playing a character from the comics. I think she's the special guest on Talking Dead next week too. She's a real good friend of Chris Hardwick

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