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S05.E12: Souls Of The Departed

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Emma, Regina, Mary Margaret, David, Robin, Henry and Gold arrive in the Underworld, on a mission to rescue Hook, only to discover that their search will be more difficult than they had anticipated. The inhabitants of the Underworld — all souls with unfinished business and many with quite personal vendettas — hound our heroes at every turn. Meanwhile, in an Enchanted Forest flashback, a familiar face from the Evil Queen’s past returns to present Regina with the perfect birthday gift.





I found 2/3rds of this episode to be boring, but I was really pleasantly surprised by how much I liked the Henry/Regina/Henry scene. I really enjoy the actor who plays Henry I. He just gives off a kind vibe to me. 


I really liked Hades but the blue flame hair is awful. I loved Cora's punishment. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 6

What the heck was that drivel?  What?


Why are we supposed to care about yet another Evil Queen/Snow face-off that accomplishes nothing but make both of them even more ridiculous for never managing to off each other and adds a few more points to Regina’s psycho total?  Seriously, if it’s about the clothes, drama-up Mayor Mills’ and Mary Margaret’s regular wardrobe.  Parilla drags out the evil eyes regularly in Storybrooke anyway, and we’d probably all enjoy it if Mary Margaret got a little more spunky in Storybrooke.


And Henry Sr and Cora were having parenting chats about their grown daughter being obsessive and sad, after Cora was sent to Wonderland?  What?    And since when does Cora care enough about Regina’s happiness to go to those lengths to achieve it?  Regina’s status, power, etc, yes, but unhearted Cora?  Regina’s happiness was far, far down on the list of things that she was concerned with.


We should tick off another Regina-gets-an-iconic-scene-retread on our bingo sheets. After all, why shouldn’t Regina have a clock scene, too?


Somehow, still not convinced that Neal loved Emma, although MJR did a fine job with his cameo.   


Hades’ hair was horrifying and ridiculous.  Really, really, really horrifying and ridiculous.


I was also bugged by the “We must finish their business and get them their happy endings.”  thing.  Um . . . even if you believe in the whole “stuck until you deal with some issue or other,”  that is their issue.  You can do squat.  It’s bizarre and presumptuous that they’re planning on fixing people’s issues.


On the up side, we didn't have to watch Regina screaming at Emma for no reason, chewing out Robin for something that wasn't his fault, and she did actually, sincerely apologize for something that deserved an apology or 58.

  • Love 7

My random thoughts on this episode:

I did not like Hades’ burning hair special effect, it looked kind of silly.

Loved when Rumple said “lollygag.”  Writers please keep putting in the British words and references.

Great scene between Pan and Rumple, I’m hoping for more.

I enjoyed Regina’s story with her parents; she and Henry Sr. had some closure and both Henrys good to meet each other.  I guess Henry Sr. climbed the Stairway to Heaven.  But it was rather stupid of Henry Sr. to call Cora for help on the handy mirror/skype/teleportation between realms device.

The biggest ??? moment for me:  Why is Jiminy in Snow’s cleavage?  Is he trying to keep warm?  Take a nap? Indulging a boob fetish?  And how did Snow not know he was there?  I had a cricket jump on my abdomen once and you can bet I knew it was there.

I'm not a Regina apologist, but I really liked her in this episode. It took some time to make it all work, but I think the flashback tied in well with what Regina was dealing with in the Underworld. And I know some people would've preferred to have Emma be the centric for the 100th episode, but I feel this particular story with Regina and her father tied in really well with the pilot. In the pilot, we saw her enact the curse by killing her father. Now, she was able to fix her mistake. I'm not saying that Regina is completely forgiven for all the bad she has done, but I think this was a great episode that shows her depth and the work she has done to become a better person over the last 100 episodes. I'm not embarrassed to say Regina made me cry tonight.


As for the rest of it, too little Hook, too much Neal, but for me he was at least tolerable but problematic. What's new. Too little Pan. I loved the introduction of Hades -- Greg was an awesome actor to cast in that role. But holy crap, the red filter and the blue hair are going to bug me this season.

  • Love 7

That last scene is so much better if you pretend it is James Woods in the role.

The thing that makes the Disney Animated Canon version of Hades so fun is that he is essentially a used car salesman.

They're trying too hard to make him threatening, when that's not the type of villain he is.

Also, I never realized I missed Robbie Kay as much as I did until his scene, tonight. He just nailed it.

  • Love 6

Ok. So far I liked it. I always liked the idea of "unfinished business" so having the main cast in the underworld dealing with the people they wronged or couldn't save is an interesting concept.

I thought the scenes between Regina and her father were beautifully done. I think I have been waiting for Henry to meet Henry.

Honestly I don't care about Hook. I know he is endgame but I don't care if we ever see him again. I will enjoy watching everyone confronting past enemies and friends they could not save.

Yes people are going to find reasons to tear this apart but so far it has me at least intrigued.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 3

WTF happened to this thread?


I didn't hate the episode, though I felt it was rushing through the current timeline. I don't need tons of exposure regarding the feud between Snow and EQ, we already know what it's about, so her going through a rose petals was just ugh.


I thought Regina losing her father to Wonderland explained why she needed to go back in season 1. They actually did something that made sense with their timeline, and gave a plausible explanation.


Hook looks like he's been savaged.


I don't know how necessary the scene with Neal was at the start. I get that they were trying to explain why they wouldn't find him, and I felt bad for Henry when he went looking for his dad.


I liked that Snowing supported their daughter for once.


That Belle/Rumple scene though...


And oh, Pan is trying to take someone's place on the boat out of the Underworld.


I enjoyed Hades A LOT, I must say, but I hope they never do the CGI hair again. We saw it once, no need to see it once more. I think the casting is right on point, and I liked the interaction with Cora.


So, Regina is NOT the Savior for the UW as some people thought she might be, but is a threat because she put so many people in that place that Hades doesn't wanna be losing his citizens. The clock ticks when someone moves on. And she has a lot of people to move on.

  • Love 1

I enjoyed the episode. I would have preferred more Emma & Hook, but we have a half season left. I did like Regina's final scene with her father and Henry Jr. Rumple and Pan are always great to watch, and we already see what Pan has in mind. Love Greg Germann as Hades! He brings sort of a latently threatening vibe. I think we should lose the blue hair.

Oh Cora...doomed to deliver flour for eternity. A fitting destiny. I wonder if Eva is around to trip her again? I also can't wait to see how Hades knows about Zelena...he seemed to be offended on her behalf.

  • Love 1

What that was a dull return, show.  I was hoping for more thrilling things.

Cora going from Queen of Hearts to The Miller's Daughter was a pretty good punishment, though.  So obvious.

I thought David's twin was still alive in Storybrooke?  Was this retconned?  And we got to see The Blind Witch again!  Yay Anya!

Next episode, one whimpy ass looking Hercules.  And he isn't even blonde.

Not bad. I had very low expectations going in, and that probably helped. This episode sort of laid out the theme of this arc. Each episode will feature a new person moving on I suppose. If they really leave the UW in one hour, it will be the shortest time-frame for an arc ever!!


The Snow vs Regina retread was sooooo boring. And of course Blacktooth turns out to be an evil guy who deserved to go to the "bad" place.

I really liked Henry Sr.'s redemption. It was actually quite moving when he was finally able to move on.


Poor Hook--that was brutal and heartbreaking!


Pan is still a little shit! Perfect! Pan and Cora are still worst parents of the century, even in the afterlife. lol So Cora was the one who experienced the complete reversal of fortune.


Person sounded as smug and self-centered as ever. The less said about the Nealfire scene the better.

  • Love 2

* This is one of the best Regina centrics to date. It really helped develop her, even if it retreads a bit.
* Totally digging Underbrooke. Very intriguing.
* Hades looked fun as a villain. He's threatening but comedic at the same time.
* Pan's meeting with Rumple was less sappy than I expected. I love how they're both schemers.
* Regina meeting Cora was similar. They could have easily just redeemed Cora, but she's still shady. (Even if being coerced)
* Oh my gosh! Did we get payoff and remorse with Regina? Unbelievably great.
* Henry Sr. laying down those truth bombs in the first flashback. Did not expect that.
* Henry meeting Henry Sr. was such a touching moment.
* The clock turns for every saved soul. Operation Firebird sounds refreshingly hopeful.


* Neal scene was extremely cringey. Yes, I hated it, but it could have been worse.
* Snow vs. Regina flashbacks again. Ugh, so tedious to see Regina coming close to killing Snow only to be bamboozled.
* The flashbacks really cheated 4x20 and wouldn't feel so retconny if 4x20 never happened.
* I always assumed that Henry Sr. was shrunk down with food from Wonderland. Since when did Regina have shrinking powers?
* A nitpick, but Henry Sr. skyping with Cora seemed too clear. Sidney turned into an LCD TV.
* Why was there so much urgency in keeping Regina in the Underworld? I don't understand why the Nevengers needed her to stay so badly. Even they suggested she, Robin and Henry leave for their safety.
* Black Tooth was pointless.


Whether you like this episode depends on what you're expecting. If you're looking for a 100th episode celebrating all the characters, you're out of luck. If you don't mind a Regina-centric that promises to explore her relationship with her parents and delivers, it fits just fine.


I'm excited about what else 5B has to offer.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 4

So help me, I went soft during the hiatus. I have never liked Regina-centrics.


And yet.


I enjoyed this episode thoroughly. It was a good 100th that paid a nice tribute to what the show was at its best.


I enjoyed the clock coming to life mirroring the pilot episode.


I enjoyed the Evil Queen's black birthday cake. I want one for my next birthday, actually.


I enjoyed Henry meeting Henry. (No one is more surprised than I am.)


I enjoyed Cruella's car speeding around in the background.


I enjoyed the emphatic violin music, and the meta comments didn't change that. (I do wish that for the 100th they had managed to trot out the beautiful Snow/Charming theme from the first season.)


I enjoyed seeing Neal. Man owns his nonsense better dead than he ever did alive.


I enjoyed seeing Cora.


I enjoyed seeing Sidney.


I enjoyed seeing Pan. I squealed at my TV "ooo, are we seeing Pan?!?!" as soon as I saw the doll and was not let down.

I enjoyed seeing James. Josh Dallas does not get enough credit as an actor. He always differentiates between the various versions of his character(s) so nicely.


For once, I thought Regina actually acted kindly and selflessly and so I was okay with her father being able to move on as a result.


So the show officially gets a break from me this week. I'll whine next week about how gross Regina/Rumple's non-redemptions are and about the pathetic attempts to bring the Charmings down to their level.

Edited by Panopticon
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I also can't wait to see how Hades knows about Zelena...he seemed to be offended on her behalf.

I just figured he got some sort of dossier on the person, in order to best situate them in their new unlife.   Maybe he shapeshifts into them?  We learned with Zelmarian that if you shapeshift into someone, you get all their memories and a personality download.  (Which is sort of creepy when you think about some of the characters and the shapeshifting that's happened on this show.)



I thought David's twin was still alive in Storybrooke?  Was this retconned?  .


Nope.  James was killed in a season one fairyback, and David was sort of coerced by James's father, King George (I think it was George, anyway.) to pretending to be David and marry a rich princess.  It's how he met Snow, since David was a shepherd before that.



Oh--I forgot to mention that Regina's birthday dress was very pretty on her, and I did appreciate James's appearance. (Not just his appearance, but the show remembering him and using him.)

Edited by Mari
  • Love 1

That Neal/Emma scene reminded me of when Emma and August reunited last year. And I was right in her saying she'd find a way to save Neal had more to do with her hero complex than having feelings for him. That being said, Neal sounded like he was trying to stop Emma the way Cora was trying to stop Regina accept Neal gives up way to fast. What a loser.


As for this episode with Regina, once again it didn't bother me. It's weird that I liked the last Regina centric but this one had way to much Evil Queen flashbacks which made me couldn't feel an ounce of sympathy for her. This episode felt like filler to me and not a 100th episode at all. I hope the real 100th celebration is the finale because this was not it. That being said I liked seeing Regina actually not be a douchebag for once and was also supportive of Emma and not in a cringe worthy way like she was in 5A.


I was so happy to have Cora back but damn Hades dragged her and of course Peter Pan wants to come back in the real world. Rumple would be stupid to help him out.


And speaking of, Emma still hates him so bless her heart on that. Man I felt bad for her and Henry when they saw Hooks face like that. I was happy to see Robin and Regina cover his eyes because no child should see that. I don't care how old Henry is suppose to be he shouldn't be in the Underworld. And fuck yeah to Snow and Charming actually being there for their daughter for once. I'm also excited for Snow's episode next week in trying to help.

Edited by mjgchick
  • Love 1

I liked the Witch running Granny's... What can I get you? Gingerbread or Children?  Hah.


Was that a rocket that Cora walked by right before she took the elevator down to see Hades?


I liked the scenes between Regina and her father.  Henry Sr. kind of saved this episode for me, especially the fariyback.


I also thought the scene with Neal and Emma was well done.


I seem to be completely over Rumple.  Just fed up.  Even Pan couldn't make his scenes tolerable.  Not sure when that happened.  The only chuckle I got was when he left them at the clocktower with "I'm out."  I started with this dialogue is terrible.  Then I wondered what Rumple was watching on TV when outside of StoryBrooke to pick that up.

Edited by ParadoxLost


I seem to be completely over Rumple.  Just fed up.  Even Pan couldn't make his scenes tolerable.  Not sure when that happened.  The only chuckle I got was when he left them at the clocktower with "I'm out."  I started with this dialogue is terrible.  Then I wondered what Rumple was watching on TV when outside of StoryBrooke to pick that up.

Oh yeah... Rumple. It seems like the writers really want us to hate him right now. (And they're succeeding.) 

  • Love 2

I haven't watched the majority of the season (I think I quit somewhere in episode 5..) I didn't care about Camelot enough! it was boring.


But I figured i'll see how it goes with them being in the underworld and such.

I thought the episode was good. Great casting for Hadas, I wonder who else from the greek gods will show up.


the flashbacks were a good tie in for the preset day (Dear Arrow please take notice!) and to show us how far Regina has come.

I teared up when Henry sr. went to a better place.

I thought Neal's shot cameo was fine (I never had any issues with him like alot of people on the board had).

I laughed at the witch from hansel and Gratzel being the one running the cafe at her offering children to Snow.

nice seeing James.. wonder how long it will take before he pops up again!, I do wonder what his unfinished business is.. will we see the king too at some point?


good return episode. I may come back next week..

The Neal and Emma scene played out exactly how I thought it would, so I'm okay with it. But still, why did he even need to show up? Anyway, I'm glad Neal is in a better place and has no other reason to come back.


Did Snow not immediately react more negatively to James' kiss, because maybe he's a tad bit hotter than David? Nice acting by Josh. I'm looking forward to more James.


Hook may have had only 2 seconds of screentime, but I thought it was incredibly effective. Everyone now knows the stakes are high, and it's awesome to see the Charmings standing by Emma (at least for now).


I loved the whole thing with Regina and Henry I. He would have been a wonderful grandpa to Henry II, and he deserves to finally be in a better place.


Finally, I'm going to enjoy Greg as Hades. I thought he was pretty on the mark. But yeah, they need to never do the blue CGI hair ever again.

  • Love 1

Overall, I liked this episode.  Not enough Hook for my liking, but I was aware of it going in, so...


I am really, really, really sick of Evil Queen Regina flashbacks.  


I actually liked the scene with Henry meeting Henry, and Henry (the elder) going to heaven.


The Neal scene was useless...I just assume they wanted MRJ in the 100th episode.   In my headcanon, when Emma says she loves Neal, she means she loves Neal because he gave her Henry.   It made me throw up a little in my mouth when she said she would've come back for him too, if she knew she could...but again, my head says "for Henry."


Wonder if James will show up again...


I liked Hades!  Maybe not the hair as much as the snark...



  • Love 1

I'm trying not to think about the logic of Underbrooke too much.


The residents have unfinished business that when resolved sends them to either a good place or a bad place.  So its like purgatory.  But what kind of resolution sends someone to hell when the crimes they committed while alive didn't. 


Is this one of those things like if the Witch succeeds in eating Hansel and Gretel, then she goes to hell and the attempt only rated Purgatory.


I liked the Blind Witch cameo. 


And I was right in her saying she'd find a way to save Neal had more to do with her hero complex than having feelings for him. 


That rather depends on interpretation, though. I  think it was rather tasteless to start a #SaveHook arc with Emma reassuring her ex that she would have done the same for him. Neal keeps insisting he always loved Emma as though it made up for everything. I cringed at the forehead kiss. Poor Henry. I wish Neal had appeared to him instead. He was the one who deserved to see his father one last time.

Edited by Rumsy4
  • Love 5
I enjoyed the Evil Queen's black birthday cake. I want one for my next birthday, actually.



I liked the cake, but the lone candle on the top annoyed me. I figured it was a callback to the pilot, and it was interesting to draw a parallel to Emma's and Regina's unhappiness, but can Emma have one goddamn thing that is just hers?

  • Love 3

I liked the Blind Witch cameo. 



That rather depends on interpretation, though. I  think it was rather tasteless to start a #SaveHook arc with Emma reassuring her ex that she would have done the same for him. Neal keeps insisting he always loved Emma as though it made up for everything. I cringed at the forehead kiss. Poor Henry. I wish Neal had appeared to him instead. He was the one who deserved to see his father one last time.

You don't think she'd say the same thing to Graham if she saw him? Or Ingrid? But maybe you're right. I just think of how Emma likes to help others and yes she cared about Neal and would've saved him even if he doesn't deserve it but I didn't see it as tacky at all. Just because Neal loved her also means nothing to me because you don't do what Neal did to Emma to someone you love so I call bullshit on that front.



I liked the cake, but the lone candle on the top annoyed me. I figured it was a callback to the pilot, and it was interesting to draw a parallel to Emma's and Regina's unhappiness, but can Emma have one goddamn thing that is just hers?

Both their unhappiness is Regina's fault also. The difference is Emma wanted people with her. Regina had people with her but she's to much of a psycho to not enjoy these people she probably forced to be at her party. Oh and she had a dad who actually loved her.

Edited by mjgchick
  • Love 4

I really liked this episode. Maybe the super low expectations helped. It's nice to see most of the people in the thread liked the episode because it's nicer if we truly enjoy the show.


I would've preferred a different focus for the 100th episode but Regina was likeable in this episode. The flashbacks were a bit useless but at least they explained how Henry Sr got to Wonderland. 


I liked all the cameos. The chemistry between Rumpel and Pan is still great. I wonder what Rumpel's agenda will be.


I thought the Underworld was going to be depressing but Operation Firebird is actually quite hopeful. 


The Neal/Emma scene was nice at times but it honestly looked like Emma was going to kiss Neal at the end and that she would be torn if he was available. *grunts* It would've nicer if he had seen Henry because he died while Henry didn't remember him (although now he does so I guess that counts) 

Edited by MaiLuna
  • Love 1

* I always assumed that Henry Sr. was shrunk down with food from Wonderland. Since when did Regina have shrinking powers?


Since she learned how to use magic.  The kind of magic she can do is limited only by her imagination.  So if she wants to shrink someone, she can.  Using the magic mushroom in Wonderland was only the way she chose to reverse the spell (and it does explain how Prince Henry ended up in Wonderland with Cora to start with).

I liked the cake, but the lone candle on the top annoyed me. I figured it was a callback to the pilot, and it was interesting to draw a parallel to Emma's and Regina's unhappiness, but can Emma have one goddamn thing that is just hers?


Emma had no one while Regina had a father who wanted what was best for her, and an entire court to celebrate that birthday.


Some people are alone not by choice (Emma), and others are alone by choice (Regina).


This episode was the first time Regina referred to everyone as the people she loves which was a bit shocking.

  • Love 6

So i'm confused.. if Henry sr. ended up in wonderland this episode how did he return back to enchanted forest for the curse?.. were we ever shown that? (i'm so blanking out if we did)


Yes.  Season 1x17, "Hat Trick" (the episode that introduced Jefferson as the Mad Hatter).  Regina tricked Jefferson into using his magic hat to transport her and himself to Wonderland to fetch Prince Henry.  Regina found the box that contained Henry, used a piece of magic mushroom to restore him to normal size, and then stranded Jefferson in Wonderland because the rule of magic that governed the hat dictated that only the same number of bodies that entered the portal to Wonderland created by the hat could leave via the same portal.  Since Regina and Jefferson were two, only two of her, Henry, and Jefferson could return, so she took Henry with her and left Jefferson stuck in Wonderland and at Cora's mercy.  Jefferson never forgave Regina for that, either.

Edited by legaleagle53

I just think of how Emma likes to help others and yes she cared about Neal and would've saved him even if he doesn't deserve it but I didn't see it as tacky at all. 


Emma does have a savior-complex, but that scene came across as a "SwanFire" scene. Even the backdrop of the carnival was a reminder of the first time Neal and Emma had a sort of "date" at a closed carnival. I wouldn't have much of a problem with the scene if it hadn't been the episode opener. Why couldn't Neal have appeared to both Henry and Emma? That would have been more meaningful than this shipper nonsense. 


Since she learned how to use magic.  The kind of magic she can do is limited only by her imagination.  So if she wants to shrink someone, she can.  Using the magic mushroom in Wonderland was only the way she chose to reverse the spell (and it does explain how Prince Henry ended up in Wonderland with Cora to start with).

So magic has no rules and Regina knows every spell in existence? If that's the case, couldn't she just make Snow dead wherever she's at?

  • Love 2

So magic has no rules and Regina knows every spell in existence? If that's the case, couldn't she just make Snow dead wherever she's at?


Magic only has three rules.  The First Rule of Magic is that it cannot be used to bring back the dead.  The Second Rule of Magic is that it cannot be used to make someone fall in love.  The Third Rule of Magic is that it cannot be used to change the past (i.e., no time travel).  However, Zelena figured out a way around the last rule, which is how Emma and Hook almost ended up negating her existence when they were accidentally sent back in time to the time when Snow and David met -- and nearly prevented them from meeting.

I loved Papa Henry. Him going to a happy place actually made me smile.
The 5 secs of Emma trying to talk to flickering Hook....painful.

Honestly, the episode was just boring to me. I went into it with low expectations: ended up not hating or loving it. It was just....something to watch and something I probably won't re-watch. *shrugs*


Oh and Rumple still makes me rage.

  • Love 2

I think secretly Regina didn't really want Snow dead. That's the only thing that makes sense of her half-assed attempts to kill her.


When Rumple killed his dad he was the adult version. Why is he Pan in the UW?


I liked Neal, so I didn't mind his scene. It was a nice break from Emma's Hook obsession. I still don't understand why she thinks splitting her heart fits this situation.

I didn't hate it, either. As a milestone episode, it was underwhelming. As an arc premiere, it kind of worked. I was rolling my eyes about the flashback because it's just insane the way they keep doubling down on just how crazy and evil Regina was in the past while praising her to the heavens as a great hero in the present, but they did fill in the gap about how Henry Sr. ended up in Wonderland and why Regina had to go to such great lengths to reach Cora there later. And, will wonders never cease, Regina admitted she was wrong about something and apologized. Plus, it sounds like she's taking a page from Emma's book and taking responsibility for bringing about the happy endings. Are we at last going to get a bit of My Name is Regina?


I also loved Pan's appearance. And can we stop with Snow apologizing about Cora now that we know that Cora is rotten even in the Underworld?


I hope they limit the blue flame hair effect for Hades. It doesn't work. I'm glad that he looks "normal" most of the time.

  • Love 1

Hades' lair was creative. There's artifacts from different eras of history... then there's a billiard table. I'm curious what the five rivers of different colors were. (Not sure if it's the River Styx or if it's just one of them.) I kept wondering who that servant girl was, almost to the point of distracting me from the scene. 


The fake-out with Jiminy jumping out of Snow's bosom was awkward to say the least.



And can we stop with Snow apologizing about Cora now that we know that Cora is rotten even in the Underworld?

Cora is still conniving and manipulative it seems. She has the callous capacity to send someone to hell. I hope Regina doesn't forgive her any time soon, but who am I kidding?



Are we at last going to get a bit of My Name is Regina?

Operation Firebird reminded me of that idea on these boards of Regina returning the hearts in her vault. For once Regina looked like a legitimate member of Team Hero. Speaking of which, it was nice to see them do something unselfish and actually heroic. (Mostly talking about everyone but Emma, who does most of the saving on this show already.) I'm glad Firebird is about everyone working together instead of Emma carrying it herself.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 3

So Jiminy was just chilling in Snow's boobs? Officially the creepiest character on the show.


I really wanted to be excited and enjoy the show because the hiatus is finally over, but I was mostly...bored. I just don't find anything particularly interesting about Regina's character anymore. I don't care about her repetitive Evil Queen flashbacks with Snow where we already know the outcome. I don't care about her drama with Cora or Henry I. I don't care about watching a spoiled brat throw a tantrum on her birthday and whine about not being happy when she had people bending over backwards showering her with gifts and her nice father doing what he could to reason with her. Why should I feel sorry for this woman who knew her quest to destroy Snow was misguided, had numerous people surrounding her with praise and gifts all the time, and killed people who tried to be nice to her? The poor dead jester can now join the poor dead groom in the Underworld where they'll promptly be ignored because their deaths weren't meaningful enough.


I generally like Neal's character, but that opening scene with Emma was awkward. It looked like Emma was about to make out with him for a second there at the end, which is a pretty terrible way to kick-start an arc that's all about Emma saving her other True Love. (Hey, Emma? When you say "He doesn't know that I care" at Killian's grave, maybe you shouldn't give mixed signals to him, like nearly making out with your ex-boyfriend in a dream.) So Emma would have done the same thing for Neal, too? Does that mean Emma would have split her heart with Neal if she knew she could have gone to the Underworld to save him? I'm sorry, but I don't buy that. I don't think Emma in Season 3 would have thought she could have split her heart with Neal and believed he was her True Love. Maybe she just meant going to the Underworld to find him, but there's still that pesky life-for-a-life clause, so who would Emma have sacrificed for Neal's life if she wasn't going to split her heart? I think that opening Neal/Emma scene would have been much more impactful and meaningful if Henry was in the yellow bug, too. Then we wouldn't have needed that throwaway 20 second scene with Henry and the room key later on and he could have been able to properly say goodbye to his father.


Pan was great, as always. I miss having Robbie Kay on the show. He and Tony Perez, surprisingly, were the only performances that really popped on screen for me. It seemed like everyone else was either sleepwalking their way through the script or chewing the scenery too much. I already like Hades, if only for the fact that he made Cora into a peasant again. Karma's a bitch, bitch! But I can do without the terrible CGI blue hair and the bare feet thing.


I liked the cake, but the lone candle on the top annoyed me. I figured it was a callback to the pilot, and it was interesting to draw a parallel to Emma's and Regina's unhappiness, but can Emma have one goddamn thing that is just hers?


This is exactly how I felt. Every time the writers take something that is quintessentially Emma's and give it to Regina—like the lone candle framed between the eyes and making a wish on her birthday, or the clock tower moving after she brought hope to Storybrooke—I feel like it cheapens both of their journeys. I'm not interested in seeing Regina parallel every single thing Emma has, I want to see them have their own individual stories.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 6

Hades' lair was creative. There's artifacts from different eras of history... then there's a billiard table. I'm curious what the five rivers of different colors were. (Not sure if it's the River Styx or if it's just one of them.) I kept wondering who that servant girl was, almost to the point of distracting me from the scene. 


The rivers are Styx, Acheron, Lethe, Phlegethon, and Cocytus. It was a nice nod to the Underworld mythology. I doubt any of the rivers will feature much other than the Styx and maybe the Phlegethon. The Phlegethon is supposed to encircle Tartarus, the torture chamber in the depths of the UW for condemned souls. Maybe the lava Cora pushed Blacktooth into was actually the Phlegethon. 


The servant girl doing the pedicure was distracting to me as well.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Once Upon A Time in the Underworld, baby!  So, basically the Underworld is Storybrooke, only with an orange tint and some of the buildings in ruin.  Makes sense. Besides, it's not like I expect this show to go too crazy on the budget, so it's not like they make new sets willy-nilly.


Overall, I enjoyed it, but it really didn't feel like a 100th episode.  Just felt kind of muted, even with all the returns.  I don't know; it just lacked something to make it a milestone episode.  Still enjoyable though.


Loved seeing the returning faces (and car, in one case), but my favorites were Pan and James.  No surprise that Robbie Kay was miles better in his one scene compared to his entire stint on Heroes: Reborn (not blaming him, because that show was just that bad), and I enjoy him and Rumple facing off.  Have a feeling this isn't the end for them.  But James though!  That was a surprise!  Josh Dallas seems to be having a blast playing him.  I sure hope James and Charming run into each other somewhere down the line.


I guess as Regina-centric episodes go, this wasn't too bad.  Still wished they actually focused on Emma, but whatever.  The actor playing Henry Sr. was great, and it's always fun to see Cora again.  And Sidney!


Seriously, there is no way to look at that Jimmy fake-out without it being creepy.  Even if was suppose to be a prank or something, he still was chilling in Snow's boobs.  And they all just laughed about it.  What the hell?!


So, it looks like Hades is the big baddie this time.  Greg Germann certainly excels at this type of smugness, but I almost wished they tried to get James Woods to play him.

Listen to me, writers. There are literally no stakes when Cora steals Snow's heart in the past and Regina squeezes it. We know she doesn't die. It's a waste of time. Stop wasting time.

Also, I knew that nothing this show could do would compare to the cartoon Hades. Cartoon Hades is my favorite Disney villain. He's just so much fun. This guy was smug and super boring, with the terrible CGI blue flames. And that preview didn't give me much hope for Hercules.

I'm feeing sort of sappy, so, even if most of the episode annoyed me, I liked Regina's dad going into the light.

Also, have they explained why the hell they'd bring Henry to the Underworld? Why are both of his mothers okay with this?

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