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  1. How can someone as naive and dim as Henry, manage to survive as an adult?! "Yep...I will just leave my car under a bridge, right by some homeless guys and their fire in a can..." And shouldn't his session with Weaver be considered confidential? "Oh, I will just tell anyone who's interested, all about my interview with the police! Sure why not?!" And during the flashback proposal, he tells Ella she's the bravest woman he's ever known?! Um, no...that would be your MOTHER. And even your GRANDMOTHER. You know, Emma and Snow?
  2. What did Zelena call Gothel - Dirty Hippie Witch B!tch, or something like that?! Between that and Nook...Zelena wins the night.
  3. I could care less what Roni's last name is. But I actually would really like to know Rogers' and Weaver's first names...
  4. I'm dealing with this season. Overall it's not terrible. (Full disclosure: I will watch this show no matter how bad it gets, as long as Colin's on.) The new characters...so far I am liking (or at least accepting) most of them. However, I absolutely cannot stand Jacinderella. I don't know if it's the writing, her bad acting, or the severe lack of chemistry with Henry...it's probably a combination of all three. I actually find myself rooting for Victoria when she has an argument with Jacinderella. Ugh. I keep asking myself if it's too late to change Henry's TL to Tiana.
  5. So...let me get this straight. Even though Captain Swan were true love, and had a happy ending, yada yada yada...they never had a proper "true love's kiss" on the show. However....Henry and Jacinderella are going to have one, and they have absolutely zero chemistry?! I'm calling shenanigans on that.
  6. So...I just watched the last two episodes. I was away when they aired, and then when I got home the stupid on-demand had ep 22 up, but not ep 21. And then when they were both available...well, I kept putting it off. I think I was afraid that as soon as I watched them, OUAT would be over as I knew it. And yep...now that I watched it, I am sad. Wasn't horrible. The 6-season storyline was basically wrapped up, and they gave us a tiny glimpse of S7. The last montage was actually a nice summary of (almost) everyone's happy endings. I definitely needed some more Captain Swan, though. I mean, come on...they just got married the day before!! I wish they had been reunited earlier in the finale. And if we're not getting that, or even a honeymoon, can't we at least get a kiss by the jukebox at Granny's?! And especially knowing Jen won't back...that made the CS part very unsatisfying for me. (God, I really really hope Jen changes her mind and guests on more than one episode. If S7 is the last, she needs to appear in the last episode, too.) I think I like the guy playing adult Henry (I haven't seen him in anything before). Little Lucy seems kind of dippy, but that's pretty much what a lot of people thought about little Henry, so we'll see.
  7. Watched it again. Loved it again. However, I'm thinking: *They should have made this a 2-hour series finale *The Emma/BF showdown in the mayor's office should have been the real Final Battle *The wedding/reception should have been given much more time. (Granny and Gepetto hooking up! Dwarves hitting on Zelena! Henry sneaking drinks! Pongo licking the cake! What fun!) *After the reception fun, the "Happy Beginning" song/dance should have ended with "The End" written in fancy script *Bonus: They can then do a special TV movie in the fall (since Jen has agreed to appear once) and show honeymoon/CS babies/other stuff Sigh. I will still watch if they do S7...especially if Hook is still around. But it will never be the same. And the Rangers are out of the Stanley Cup playoffs. I am sad.
  8. Not gonna lie...I'm devastated. Not 100% surprised, though. But very, very sad. Am I hoping Jen will cave and do more than one episode as a guest star? Yes, even if it's not likely. I will watch S7 as long as Hook's still there. Although I really have no idea how they're going to have him around, and not her. They're true love, so they really can't get divorced. So either they kill her off, and Hook goes back to being vengeful...or they just keep referring to Emma as being home with the kids, which is kinda unlike her... Sigh.
  9. Don't know if it means anything...but while showing the previews for next week, they used the words "season finale" (as opposed to "series finale").
  10. Loved the episode, but agree. Once we got into the second half hour, I kept calculating in my head how many minutes were left for the wedding.
  11. Yep...Zelena going for Black Fairy roadkill was amusing. It was sweet that Hook asked Henry to be his best man...and also wanted to adhere to the tradition of not seeing the bride the night before the wedding. I think I have savior whiplash. Emma! Rumple! Emma! Rumple? Emma?
  12. I really enjoyed this episode. We had Snowing, townspeople, Captain Swan reuniting and re-engaging, and not too much Regina. Worked for me! Yeah, where does Snowflake actually go when he's conveniently missing? Maybe Aunt Ruby and Aunt Dorothy are babysitting...?
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