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S05.E04: Fashion 911

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I want what those judges are smoking!  I can't believe that Sam won again!  I hate these misshapen outfits...this can't be a trend..can it?  And then Ken on the top too?  Kini and Dom just safe?  I thought Dom's was beautiful.  So the one that made the blue smurf shorts is safe and Alex is not?  


I do agree Stella was the worst...I can't believe she couldn't work those tubes.  I wonder if she could have cut them and maybe made a pencil skirt.  

  • Love 8

Dom was robbed. That is all.


Actually, that's not all. How the hell was Mitchell safe? THOSE STARS. 

Sometimes fate hands you Katy Perry's costumer as a judge. I'm betting that she'll be wearing that on the cover of her next CD!

Sam's kind of growing on me. he irked me from the start, and then i realized I behaved a LOT like him when I was his age! He's not as talented as he thinks he si, though. I liked that Kini realized that working with Sam had given him one advantage: he knew Sam's weak spots.

  STELLAAAA!!!! There's not much to say. She was working on something costume-y that, in tonight's judging, would have netted her a win, and she allowed herself to be talked out of it. Sad.


How did Dom not win the challenge and how the hell was Mitchell not in the bottom? I'm so confused! Mitchell's dress reminded me of the pink monstrosity that got Buffy kicked off in the party store challenge.

I actually liked Emily's dress too and think she deserved a spot in the top over Valerie's boring dress.

Even though Mitchell deserved the boot I'm still not mad that Stella went. She's a one way monkey and has nothing new to show anyway.

Edited by grumpypanda
  • Love 8

I agreed with the top two looks. It didn't need to be actually wearable, it was supposed to be a runway look, which gives them a lot of leeway. Sam is immature, but I thought his outfit did look very runway. i have liked Ken's looks every week this time around too. Agree that Mitchell's look was really horrible and should have been on the bottom. I never really liked Stella and she is one of those people that think they are above everything so of course she is blaming Zanna.


I know that Zanna is way more popular here than Tim, but if you listen to her critique, she never actually says anything of value. She will say she doesn't like something but then give no suggestions on how to fix it. Tim doesn't always agree with the judges, but he does give actual advice. 


Also-I hated the cotton swab dress, it still looked like cotton swabs. And what kind of pills were they giving out? I thought it was kind of odd that the designers could just grab random pills. 

  • Love 8

A big yes on Mitchell, he should have gone.


Dom put a lot of work into her outfit & it showed. What she did with those xrays was

stunning/amazing, but overall I didn't like design/style of her outfit.


Stella's & Asha's was just plain boring and I saw no redeeming qualities in the

blondish guy's look (I can't remember his name), the blue and purple tape dress

with the tight fit that Issak said something positive about.


I had to laugh when Sam won after the shade Kini was giving him. Not that I like

Sam, but it was funny that he didn't fall on his face as Kini expected (hoped) he



Sorry to see Stella go. I think I know why she looks so different/better this season:

she's wearing more makeup and the way she's been dressing is several notches

up from her first appearance on the show. She looks great.


Alyssa looked cute in that romper in the intro at the firehouse. Even her dress

for the runway is an improvement over her usual looks.


And YES! Zana's advice/critique is basically useless. Like Tim or not he does

actually provide good feedback during his consults.


I really liked Emily's and think she should have been in the top. And although I

like her I usually don't care for her designs.

  • Love 2


Sometimes fate hands you Katy Perry's costumer as a judge.


EGG. ZACTLY. When that HEINOUS BEAST OF A DRESS was called safe, I was like, "there but for the grace of Johnny Wujek goes you, Mitchell. Damn."


He shoulda never made it past week 1, but by some confluence of miracles, he's squeaked by so unfairly thus far. Maybe he's a witch.

  • Love 4

I fast forward to the runway part and so when I first saw Alyssa I thought hmm, shower curtain?  Then when it pulled back it looked more like one of the Target covers for toilet paper that are all matchy match with the curtain rug etc.  Why she thought that type of neckline or having her hair up all the time is a good look with a dress that made her look like a stump.  


Mitchell's homage to the lava lamp I knocked over at my dentist's office when I was three was atrocious.


Sam acts so immature if he is being used to redeem Under the Gunn and given the win I will be disappointed.  And the coat was so unflattering I expect to see it on Alyssa next week.

  • Love 13

I liked Emily, Alexander, & surprise! Ken (wow, did you see his piss face when Sam won instead?, that's the Ken I remember), but I thought Sam's was really ugly & I can't believe he won again. No surprise Stella went home, Isaac was right, it looked Forever 21, but if she had understood that unconventional materials & avant garde are two different things, she might not have got cut.

  • Love 9



Either that, or he's being fattened up for a dramatic kill in episodes ahead.


His smug expressions make his face extremely punchable.


Poor Stella Ramone.



A word I just learned a week ago:


Backpfeifengesicht: German; roughly means 'a face badly in the need of a fist".  Gotta love the efficiency of the German language. 


And I have no idea what the person looks like who made the decision a few seasons back to highlight the vapid and often delusional chatter during the runway show by the contestants.  But I know that person's face fits that word.


I also realized that all these people barring Layana seems like major air sucks.  I don't think I would like any of them for a second.  Oddly angry Ken makes me angry but I also think he is actually one of the lesser needy ones.  I just think he is unhealthy in terms of how and where he directs that anger.  But I think if you are one of the rare people he ends up liking, there might be a greater level of reciprocity as a friendship -- though he also strikes me as one of those people who just turn on you in anger and leave you stunned without ever knowing why.  The rest, maybe barring Dom, seem so exhausting in their own ways.  I don't mean this as a pick and choose element of show/production villainy or even people who have shown more of their own ass on the show.  Simply that they all strike me as those people who make everything about themselves in some way.  Even Kini and Emily who I didn't remember that well from their seasons seem like they are quiet but still sponges for attention.  At this rate I might go to simply looking at the pictures of the runway when they go up and then jumping in here for the snark.

  • Love 4

Dom should have been the top look. To me, she took the materials and did something really innovative and beautiful with them. 


How in the hell was Mitchell not in the bottom? That tacky thing looked like something that a child would have done with her playtime dress-up clothes. 


Hated the cotton swab skirt. It looked way too crafty. Hated Asha's oddly placed pills. Stella...not good. For that matter, if Kini had been in the bottom with that cheap pinata salsa dress, I would not have been shocked.

  • Love 5
A word I just learned a week ago:


Backpfeifengesicht: German; roughly means 'a face badly in the need of a fist".  Gotta love the efficiency of the German language.

Ha, I wish I had learned this word years ago because it applies to so many reality show contestants.


I am surprised that so many people used gauze and none of the judges chastised them for taking the easy way out by choosing something so similar to fabric.


I loathe Sam, but he was smart when talking about the challenge. He was right when he said that the stubborn designers are the ones who fail at the unconventional materials challenge. And he was also right when he said that when you do this challenge, you have to work with the different materials to see what will move. He's still an ass and I hated his hideous coat (you now Heidi would have pointed out how unflattering it was) but he was quite astute about how to deal with the unconventional materials.

  • Love 5

I think Dom was robbed. Sam made a clumsy coat the judges were clearly determined to reward, and which they seemingly couldn't stop themselves from pointing out the flaws in. I'm hoping since he's pouting about people talking mean to him next week he's scripted to go home (since I know he has way too much integrity to change his stance on heat and kitchens).


Amused that Stella, who's big, bad and tough, was reduced to saying that Zanna Ragbag Rassi intimidated her out of making something that represented her. So street, dear.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 8

I fast forward to the runway part and so when I first saw Alyssa I thought hmm, shower curtain?  Then when it pulled back it looked more like one of the Target covers for toilet paper that are all matchy match with the curtain rug etc.  Why she thought that type of neckline or having her hair up all the time is a good look with a dress that made her look like a stump.  


Mitchell's homage to the lava lamp I knocked over at my dentist's office when I was three was atrocious.


Sam acts so immature if he is being used to redeem Under the Gunn and given the win I will be disappointed.  And the coat was so unflattering I expect to see it on Alyssa next week.

And I'm gonna need Sam to stop pretending he was on real PR "on my season..." on your season of what Sam, that shitshow that was Under The Gunn?  If you're so proud of UTG, why don't you just claim it?


Mitchell's design was so awful.  I might have forgiven the horrible dress, but then he just attached some sheriff stars to it?  It was absolutely the worst, the very worst, talk about not transforming the materials AT ALL.


Did Valerie just say..."power of reduction?"  oh boy.

I never throught I'd say this, but Ken was robbed. That was a great dress. Of course, someone (Alexander?) had to point him in the direction of opening the hoses but he still made something really nice.

me too, but I think it is hard to look over that boob.  However, I still think it was the best dress.  I thought Sam's "creation" was hideous.  But I really liked Alexander's dress too.


I'm also going to have to say that they really threw them a softball this year for the UM challenge, bandages are already pretty fabric like -- almost everyone just used the bandages.  Even the hoses were somewhat fabric like.  I think Heidi would have had a shit fit about them using materials that were already mostly fabric like.

Hated the cotton swab skirt. It looked way too crafty. Hated Asha's oddly placed pills. Stella...not good. For that matter, if Kini had been in the bottom with that cheap pinata salsa dress, I would not have been shocked.

I was shocked at how very much I disliked Kini's look.  He is a great designer but that was a total miss.

LMAO @ next week's previews


1) Is Sam crying?  -- the same Sam who made sure to tell Mitchell that you need to have a tough skin, because fashion is such a tough industry?  And he is going to cry because someone called him out for flirting with the judges, which Sam absolutely did.


2) I'm thinking Alyssa is wearing something figure flattering next week and I'm excited, but I think it might be from the Target Bullseye collection.

  • Love 11

I was going to watch this, but I came here first, where the wisest voices a la all things PR congregate, and when I saw Sam won the challenge, I couldn't MAKE myself watch. Not even after plying me with alcohol and bribing with a new handbag. Maybe he won't win next week, and I can safely return to the fold, but I keep getting the feeling that this is all fixed so that either Sam or Asha will win and I cannot watch that. It's going to make me nauseous just to read about it.


Sounds like Stella was truly the right choice to go, I guess, but I knew she wouldn't last long since she's from the Bravo seasons. I didn't even see the garments, but IMHO, there is no way in hell Stella or even Daniel Franco should have gone home before the artist formerly known as Mitchell. But, oh yeah, he's a Lifetimer, so all Bravos must go first, then we can eliminate the carefully pre-planned list of contestants from the Lifetime seasons. Except for Sam and Asha, who weren't even ON Project Runway.


I don't know why I'm so bitter. It's not like I really care anymore and it's Friday, so YAY, weekend!

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 12

I liked Emily, Alexander, & surprise! Ken (wow, did you see his piss face when Sam won instead?, that's the Ken I remember), but I thought Sam's was really ugly & I can't believe he won again. No surprise Stella went home, Isaac was right, it looked Forever 21, but if she had understood that unconventional materials & avant garde are two different things, she might not have got cut.

I don't even see how that thing was avant garde, it just looked like a bunch of oxygen tubes tied together.  I wonder what she saw happening in her head?  She kept saying she was drawn to the color blue, but when I think of avant garde exoskeletons (that maybe looked like she was going for) blue doesn't seem like the color.

  • Love 1

I don't even see how that thing was avant garde, it just looked like a bunch of oxygen tubes tied together.  I wonder what she saw happening in her head?  She kept saying she was drawn to the color blue, but when I think of avant garde exoskeletons (that maybe looked like she was going for) blue doesn't seem like the color.


But then, remember Sandhya won one challenge with your grandmother's decaying couch cover and another with a housecoat being attacked by bedazzled dryer exhaust hoses. If they're determined to promote someone, it really doesn't matter what they send down the runway. They just don't need Stella if they have Sam.

  • Love 6

But then, remember Sandhya won one challenge with your grandmother's decaying couch cover and another with a housecoat being attacked by bedazzled dryer exhaust hoses. If they're determined to promote someone, it really doesn't matter what they send down the runway. They just don't need Stella if they have Sam.

Oh yeah, that shit was weird!  But of course, whenever I think of Sandhya I think of that onesie......throwback!sandhya3.jpg

  • Love 1

I'm also going to have to say that they really threw them a softball this year for the UM challenge, bandages are already pretty fabric like -- almost everyone just used the bandages.  Even the hoses were somewhat fabric like.  I think Heidi would have had a shit fit about them using materials that were already mostly fabric like.


AMEN. All those gauze garments would have been read for filth on earlier runways. And Stella! I mean, maybe they didn't want to pile on, but did she LITERALLY just chop the bottom off a hospital gown and use it as her top??? Yikes.

  • Love 4

AMEN. All those gauze garments would have been read for filth on earlier runways. And Stella! I mean, maybe they didn't want to pile on, but did she LITERALLY just chop the bottom off a hospital gown and use it as her top??? Yikes.

IKR?!???  Gauze, bandages, hospital gowns, catheter tubes that look suspiciously like piping.  Remember in the early years when they had to go to a florist, or use items from a hardware store?  When THOSE materials looked like fabric you were really bowled over.  But making gauze bandages look like suede?  Huh?

  • Love 6

O.K. Sam you can quit saying "On my season" There was only ONE season! And it SUCKED. That being said.....I LIKED sams coat. Not in I'd wear that kind of way but in a Hey he took some interesting things and made a very graphic, very runway, coat. Compared to bandages on everyone else it stood out. And I do not like Sam  but his coat was pretty cool.

Stella,Stella,Stella...Has no one told you blaming someone else for what was, in the end, YOUR decision is the kiss of death? So the rag lady who mentors didn't like it? Tough. It was your vision, in your head. Carry on woman don't creep back into the mouse hole of "She didn't like it" SH

SHE looks like shit 99 percent of the time. Why are you listening to her????? Katy Perrys designer was one of the judges and you put out a cutoff hospital gown? Yikes. But I do want her red jacket with the octopus on back that she was wearing. It was wonderful!

Thanks Mitchell---Know I have my Halloween costume all ready to go. A trip to medical supply and I'm ready to win.....a costume contest!

  • Love 3

I can't believe that Mitchell's look was safe! I laughed every time that I saw it, it was beyond ridiculous, and it was not even in the bottom...GAH!


WTF is wrong with the judges?  Mitchell's look was worse than a sparkly pageant dress!  It was tacky & hideous.  How was that crap safe????  They are sooooo keeping him around for drama with Sam.  Ugh!


I still can't believe that Dom's look wasn't in the top.  Sam only won because he flirted with the guest judge.  His coat made a skinny model look like she was 30 pounds heavier.

  • Love 8

I don't even see how that thing was avant garde, it just looked like a bunch of oxygen tubes tied together.  I wonder what she saw happening in her head?  She kept saying she was drawn to the color blue, but when I think of avant garde exoskeletons (that maybe looked like she was going for) blue doesn't seem like the color.


I'm a nurse and work on a respiratory critical care unit, so I see trach tubes on a daily basis.  I will forever be reminded of Stella's "coat" every time I look at them now...LOL

  • Love 3

Part of the issue i have with this season, and maybe this challenge this season in particular, is that the set ups don't support good outcomes.   Most ended up either using gauze affixed to  muslin, or  hoses that  became  essentially   a stiffer  fabric.   There is little opportunity for Austin Scarlett corn husk genius, or coffee filter dresses when  75% of the contestants use the same process.  it's time to access whether that process needs a  stronger base to begin with.  Yes, unconvetional materials, but maybe materials that can still  see more varied, and varied in what you can really do. Though I  thought  good use of  cotton swabs, maybe cotton swabs aren't the best  thing to begin with for a foundation -- so it all winds up as decorating muslin, rather than  designing. 


That said,  I  feel as if most of the contestants, give or take a Kini or Dom,  are  turning out garments that  are lackluster in idea in addition to execution. 


If Mitchell is the best you can do for All Stars, time to reaccess the brand altogether. (Nothing personal at all, and JMHO, but  a designer he is not,  -- there is a lack of undertsanding of the female figure, and how to drape in a purposeful way to accomodate, enhance,  flatter, or  purposefully negate the  form.)  


 I just wish this show could really go back to being about the  creative process -- not about the  speed  of completion, or the inherent drama of selecting  pre-disposed to drama contestants.  (And I say this as someone who would equally collapse under the  pressure)  Give the group the chance to succeed and soar... not just  hobble to  a completion of another challenge. 

  • Love 15
I just wish this show could really go back to being about the  creative process -- not about the  speed  of completion, or the inherent drama of selecting  pre-disposed to drama contestants.  (And I say this as someone who would equally collapse under the  pressure)  Give the group the chance to succeed and soar... not just  hobble to  a completion of another challenge.


YES. I watch Real Housewives for drama; I want to watch this and Ink Master for talent and the creative process, damn it. 

  • Love 2

This is not episode-specific, but it's in every episode, so...I am fascinated by the NYC scene-setting street scenes of stop-motion traffic that seem to be supersaturated with color and somehow make all the taxis and cars etc. look like toys (don't know terminology--not a videographer!).  I'm always thinking "is that really the street or did they make a little toy layout?"  But as my DVR fast forward/rewind are sort of finicky, I never end up rewinding or pausing.  I just think it's intriguing and a little weird.  

More attractive than most of the designs, at any rate.  Or Ken's hats.  I did like his appreciation of Mr. Policeman though, and agreed with his assessment.  

Guess I'll be hate-watching until the people who are obviously being kept for drama are gone.  Still hoping Kini pulls through.  There are a few others I'd be okay with too.  But....sigh.

  • Love 5

IKR?!???  Gauze, bandages, hospital gowns, catheter tubes that look suspiciously like piping.  Remember in the early years when they had to go to a florist, or use items from a hardware store?  When THOSE materials looked like fabric you were really bowled over.  But making gauze bandages look like suede?  Huh?


Yes, but that was also when they gave the designers more than ten hours (or was it 12) to create something, especially with the unconventional materials!!  The time constraints the designers have now don't allow much in the way of creatively using the materials.  If they had more time, I think (hope) we would have seen more interesting.

  • Love 9

I can't believe that Mitchell's look was safe! I laughed every time that I saw it, it was beyond ridiculous, and it was not even in the bottom...GAH!



Don't tell that to the Catheter Cowboy, star of late-night commercials on nostalgia-themed TV networks! 


Ha-ha....that was what I was thinking...Mitchell's dress made me think of a dance hall girl/prostitute from Wild West lore, complete with the sheriff's/deputy's stars of every lawmen she spent "time" with!!    ;-)

  • Love 4

Yes, but that was also when they gave the designers more than ten hours (or was it 12) to create something, especially with the unconventional materials!!  The time constraints the designers have now don't allow much in the way of creatively using the materials.  If they had more time, I think (hope) we would have seen more interesting.

You're right, I think its all part of the bigger picture.  They knew they were only going to give the designers a day to pull it together so they gave them materials that are more "fabric like".  Although, I think that Heidi would have still ripped everything made of bandages on the runway as not transforming the materials enough.  The "hallmark" task on regular PR was actually reasonable, because the paper was enough like material that they could make designs with it pretty quickly, but not so easy that they weren't pushed to be creative.  Sadly, this isn't really the super duper cream of the crop (Asha? Sam? Anyone from UTG?  Daniel? Mitchell??) so I think they just have to really cut up the steak and pre-chew it for them.

  • Love 3

That seemed like a huge waste of good medical supplies. The cop, firefighter and emt did not look impressed.

Sam is ridiculous. He's not as cute as he thinks he is.

No one is as cute as Sam thinks he is.


I had to agree with Ken on the cop....he could arrest me any day!  Would have been nice if the EMT had at least brushed her hair, she is a pretty girl, but the other two looked so nice and tidy next to her.

  • Love 9

This is not episode-specific, but it's in every episode, so...I am fascinated by the NYC scene-setting street scenes of stop-motion traffic that seem to be supersaturated with color and somehow make all the taxis and cars etc. look like toys (don't know terminology--not a videographer!).  I'm always thinking "is that really the street or did they make a little toy layout?"  But as my DVR fast forward/rewind are sort of finicky, I never end up rewinding or pausing.  I just think it's intriguing and a little weird.  

That is tilt-shift photography

  • Love 5


I am surprised that so many people used gauze and none of the judges chastised them for taking the easy way out by choosing something so similar to fabric.

I would be more surprised if the show hadn't almost guaranteed it by piling up huge mounds of gauze, bandages, fire hose, etc.  It didn't look like there were many things even there, that were non-fabric like - the catheters, the pills, the trach tubes.  For myself I CANNOT FUCKING DEAL with the show calling this the Unconventional Challenge when WE ALL KNOW it's the Unconventional MATERIALS challenge.  In fact I guess there's your answer right there - it no longer has much to do with genuinely unconventional materials.


Aw, Stella.That was no good at all.  I'm not surprised, unfortunately.    She really bombed on the UMC in her original season (and it was so hard to believe the the punk rock designer couldn't make a garment out of, wait for it, garbage bags) and only avoided elimination  because that one guy made that terrifying serial killer outfit with the yellow rubber gloves and the the mask  and the raincoat.


But it was nice to see the friendly send-off she got from all the other designers.  It really did look like they all liked her.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
  • Love 3

I wish they could just sketch and not make the outfits.  I often like the sketches much better than the results.  And I like that they often have very different styles in their sketches...they seem to have more personality. Sadly, then they get to sewing and nearly everything falls apart at that point.  I've thought, now and again, it might be interesting to have them trade sketches and have to make the design someone else has drawn.  But, then again, probably not.

That would be an amazing challenge.  Except current PR barely gives them time to do anything and I imagine it would turn out to be a giant disaster.  But on old PR when they had a few days, that would have been an AMAZING challenge.

  • Love 4

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