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All Episodes Discussion: The Daily Double

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I guessed Churchill as well. At first I thought Stalin, but then thought he was in power into the 50's. I don't know why Hitler didn't occur to me.


I agree about contestant Alex being so slow to choose clues. It was driving me bonkers.


I was shocked that no one got Joan of Arc and that they didn't know Diamond Head is on Oahu.


I liked the category 'Where Would You Find…" That was fun.

I guessed Churchill as well. At first I thought Stalin, but then thought he was in power into the 50's. I don't know why Hitler didn't occur to me.


I initially thought it was Mussolini, but then remembered that he came to power in the 20s, and that led me to Hitler.


Truman was just a embarrassing guess.

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Re: Mrs. Warren


I thought we'd have other Mrs. Warrens in that category --  the Amityville Horror lady, the daughter of Justice Earl Warren who married a talk show host, actress Lesley Ann Warren,  an All American girls pitcher, a romance novelist, etc....

Weird that we'd get 5 clues on Liz Warren. 


Edited by MortysCleaningLady
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I was shocked that no one got Joan of Arc and that they didn't know Diamond Head is on Oahu.


I, the medieval history major, must shamefully admit to getting Joan of Arc wrong; that I had no idea that GBS had written a play about her is my only excuse, but still . . .


Oh, and I guessed about Diamond Head but fortunately got that one correct.  Kilauea, I would've known without hesitation, but I hadn't heard or read anything about DH in years so I kind of forgot about it.


But at least I got Hitler right, although I did vacillate a little between him and Mussolini.


Lately the contestants have really been breaking what is the #1 cardinal Jeopardy rule (imo): Don't freaking leave money on the board - however fast you have to pick categories/clues, clear the damned thing!

Perhaps no one watched The Roosevelts on PBS like Alex suggested a couple of weeks ago.


I know I didn't.

I thought it was a pretty good set of clues -- it surprised me that CFPB was a triple stumper.


My answer was "the bureau of CFPs?" - yeah, those initials meant absolutely nothing to me, but then, politics and government are almost my worst possible categories.

I think they already did and that's the problem.  The writing has been so stupid lately; it must be a whole new team.  I bet we *never* see "Those Darn Etruscans" again.


They do seem to have been dumbed down quite a bit.  (Not all the clues, but a significant enough number of them to make me wonder.)  I'll miss those darn Etruscans!

Edited by proserpina65
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Churchill makes some sense, because his party did lose the election a few months after FDR died. But he came into power shortly after the war started.  Stalin was not without some logic, assuming you don't have a memory for dates.  Truman though, there is no excuse for that.


I was rooting for Alex. For no other reason that I liked looking at him and his beard.  But he also seemed smart. I did not notice any slowness in picking clues, but I also was not paying that close attention.  I too would have bet a small amount on the DD, since that was a topic I knew nothing about, and it was late in the game.

Lately, I've been previewing the FJ clue, and when I first saw that one thought it was Churchill. But then history & dates are not one of my strong suits. After giving it a few seconds, I responded Hitler, but hesitantly. For some reason I thought Churchill stayed in a long time.

I thought CFPB's were the chemicals they're trying to get out of plastics. Seriously, my bet is that no one ventured a guess, as you have to have the wording exact,and if they thought they knew, they weren't sure. My guess was something close to the answer, but not sure I got it exactly.

And even I knew that Diamond Head was on Oahu - geography's another weak link for me. A lot of surprising TS's lately.

I got Hitler right away, and thought "they'll all get this, it's too easy". Wrong


But for the love of all that's holy, champ, PLEASE STOP READING EVERY WORD IN THE CLUE AND TURNING INTO A SENTENCE. You don't have to politely say "I'll have '19th Century Discoveries made by Colonial Powers that the Original Countries want back' for 1000 please, Alex". Colonial for 1000 will do nicely.

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I go on a road trip at least once a year, sticking mostly to the Eastern Time Zone.  It really amazes me how many correct responses I can come up with solely because I visited it on one of my trips. I toured a coal mine last year that's inside Black Mountain. 


And who doesn't know "18-49 demographic" ??? It's not a new concept.  The triple stumpers lately are almost as bad as the clue writing.

Edited by Prevailing Wind

I was surprised James Meredith was a TS. Glad Elisa's gone - I was sick of Alex going on about her last-minute winning, and she was acting kind of ditzy/giggly. I'm no fan of Sarah Palin's but I wouldn't make a joke about Palin's knowledge of Russia & Alaska if I'd just gotten an answer wrong about the same thing.

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DH is all full of himself because he pre-called Detroit for FJ.  And of course it was an instaget for both of us - it helps a lot that we live about 40 miles from Detroit.


I thought it was a pretty good game.  I liked the High and Low categories in Jeopardy round and double Jeopardy round.  There were a couple other categories that I liked but I can't remember them right now.

That seemed to be a pretty casual true daily double $10000 wager.

That was really weird. I'm not sorry to see her go. It had also bugged me that she included the first name in the Painters category. 


When one clue mentioned Snake River, I figured it was Idaho. I honestly didn't remember Harlan County from Justified, but I got Kentucky anyway, perhaps from a film called Harlan County USA.

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None of them could figure out adding 31 to 18. I have to assume they're all capable of doing so. Was this a failure to read the clue? It was not a promising start.


Hell, I absolutely suck at math, and I could add that!  (Okay, I knew the answer anyway because I do read a lot about television ratings, but still . . .)


These have been some of the lamest contestants lately.  Why the hell are they leaving so much money on the board at the end of each round?  If you can't pick faster, at least go for the big amounts at the bottom when it gets late in the round.

I was surprised James Meredith was a TS.


That was one of the very, very few recent Triple Stumpers which did not surprise me in the least.  I suspect most people, even highly educated ones, have never heard of him unless they were specifically interested in the Civil Rights movement.  I actually saw the headline for an online article about him yesterday morning, and still wouldn't have know his name from Adam.  It's not like he was freaking Margaret Thatcher.

I didn't regard FJ as a gimme, but was suprised to find it a TS given the relatively short time between the events discussed in the clue and the taping of the show.  But none of them came up with either of the two names; had someone known Brat but not Blatt or vice versa and scribbled down a guess to that effect, I wouldn't have thought much of it.  But for none of the three to come up with either name surprised me.

I was reading the paper & listening to Jeopardy - they seemed to be doing ok with answering so I was surprised to look up & see how small their final dollar amounts were going in to FJ


#3's response was cute regarding making it a true daily double - she reminded me of Audrey Hepburn


No idea about FJ



Just out of curiosity, is what the SF stands for in BNSF stands for not common knowledge?

I knew it.  When I was a child we lived next to the railroad tracks and would read the names on  the boxcars as they went by.  The "Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe" helped too:)


I said "Guthrie" for the Boxcar Willie question, couldn't remember Woody's first name and knew it wasn't Arlo.  But the way the clue was written I really should have known it was Boxcar Willie.

Edited by Trey
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