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All Episodes Discussion: The Daily Double

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My cousin is in the Secret Service 


I couldn't believe no one knew the Secret Service.  The one gal was close with the Treasury Dept.


Maybe it's because I had a friend who was in the Secret Service and was part of LBJ's protective detail.  He had some great stories, including Lyndon's penchant for taking leisurely pees in the flower gardens.

My cousin is in the Secret Service now, and I am surprised at the stories he tells me. I guess they're not so secretive. I know way more than I should know about several high-level political figures. He does have great stories.


I didn't get FJ, but also slapped my head once it was revealed. I just had an issue recently in which I received a counterfeit $100 bill from a bank. Yes, a bank. The clerk at the store where I tried to use it thankfully gave it back to me so I could return it to the bank. It all worked out, but the whole thing was a bit scary.

Man, that potato category was worthless.  And so were the contestants, for not knowing David Foster Wallace.


I thought FJ was pointing squarely at the FTC. They handle consumer protection, and investigate fraud, and are the trade commission. I had no idea the Secret Service was originally a counterfeit busting ring.  So I learned something, hooray!

I got Secret Service, but said Treasury at first because I misunderstood and thought they were going for Department. That would have been wrong anyway for Secret Service, though, because I think they're in Homeland Security, not Treasury, now.


The Secret Service used to be under the auspices of the Treasury Dept., but was moved to DHS in 2003.


I guessed Customs and Border Protection -- protection is right in the name, and since they will take your cash if you try to move large amounts across the border.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
Any of you who enjoy word origin FJ questions prepare to dredge up your knowledge of Latin tonight.


I figured it out (hooray for Latin!) but could not understand why Moire bet so small. She must have known Campbell would not bet big, so her only chance was to risk it all and maybe tie him.


As for the band names, it does seem as though bands sometimes just choose two or more random words for their names. Look at some of these: http://brightlightsfilm.com/weirdbandnames/

Dumbest FJ wager in a long time?


That was just AWFUL.  You're in second and have exactly half of the leader.  He's got a tie locked up, meaning there's no possible way he's betting anything.  You bet it all and get it you tie and come back tomorrow.  Instead she bets enough to cover third place's bet, way to play for that extra $1,000.

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When Alex read the FJ clue I said to my son "if the answer is not 'evolve', I'll eat this red solo cup." I am surprised that both evolution and evolve were right, I thought from the wording that they would be looking for a verb.

I was also surprised that toreador was ok for matador. I can see how those could both be the same occupation, but is the hat called both names too?

I liked Campbell. Of course, it's going to make me giggle every time someone is in their military uniform now.

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That was just AWFUL.  You're in second and have exactly half of the leader.  He's got a tie locked up, meaning there's no possible way he's betting anything.  You bet it all and get it you tie and come back tomorrow.  Instead she bets enough to cover third place's bet, way to play for that extra $1,000.


This bugs me when players play for 2nd place regardless of the fact they might win (or in this case, tie).  Play to win people !!  You go through all this process to finally get on the show and then give up because you would rather have $2K instead of $1K.


The evolve=evolution as an acceptable answer seems off -- unless the word evolve also didn't appear in the first edition, but did in later editions (which means the clue had multiple answers).  I wonder if there any other obscure words that would also satisfy this criteria and have been acceptable ?

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What a horribly bad wager Maire made.

I wasn't watching the screen for the first part and swore Alex was saying "Camel" instead of Campbell. Anyway, I liked him. None of the contestants bugged me tonight, save for the FJ wagering.

I loved the mention of Notre Dame's BCS loss. My boss is an ND grad and flew to Florida just for that game. We teased him mercilessly upon his return. He's a Jeopardy watcher, so I'm looking forward to some more ribbing tomorrow.

  • Love 1

The evolve=evolution as an acceptable answer seems off -- unless the word evolve also didn't appear in the first edition, but did in later editions (which means the clue had multiple answers).  I wonder if there any other obscure words that would also satisfy this criteria and have been acceptable ?

I searched the text of 'Origin of Species' online. I don't know if it was the first edition, but the very last sentence has the word 'evolved.' In fact, it's the very last word. 'Evolution' doesn't appear at all. ("There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.")

  • Love 1

I guess this may be another example of the widely ranging level of specificity on Jeopardy questions.  Sometimes they require the answer to be very exact, whereas something like this evening's FJ seemed to have a great deal of latitude with regards to the correct answer.


I get where misspelling is allowed if at sounds like/similar to the correct answer, but if the actual word was 'evolved' then all three players were technically incorrect, as somebody mentioned upthread that it appeared that the word they were looking for was a verb -- and 'evolved' certainly fits that bill.

I was a total washout in the States Without Consonants category.

Gosh. Me too. I was impressed when anyone got them right. 


Doing a little more research into 'evolution' in Origin of Species, I find (in Wikipedia of all things) that all editions ended in 'evolved,' but in response to criticism against his theory Darwin added a chapter that contains 'evolution' in the 6th edition. So it seems to me that only "What is evolution" should have been accepted.

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How could she not bet it all??!!  As you guys have said,  it was just a horrible decision.  You got to go for it.  The difference between 2nd and 3rd is just $1000 and you will be losing most of it in taxes anyway. The only way she couldn't have won (if they both got it) if he had bet $1 and he was smart enough to make sure he was going to win.  Grr. 


And, damn, an Izaak Walton question! 

Last night, I did a binge watch of the last four episodes to clean out my dvr. To catch up: I could have swept that Six Wives of Henry VIII category, dang it! Ever since I saw the British miniseries on PBS back when I was in 4th grade, I've been obsessed with those women. In that same episode, when I saw the Archaeology category, I was begging them to go to it. When they finally did, I ended up missing the first two (which were easy, but I completely blanked on them!), but got the last three, which they all missed, IIRC (I knew Heidelberg Man immediately).  Oh, and I would love it if there was a British Monarchy category if I ever compete on the show--I actually know all of the rulers of England in order from Edward the Confessor through Elizabeth II. I have more problems with getting the US Presidents in order (I get messed up from Van Buren to Buchanan, and then again from Hayes to McKinley--too many one termers or less!).


And, yes, that was an incredibly stupid wager yesterday.

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I DID like Campbell...yesterday...before that most beautiful of men Nick appeared onscreen. Sometimes I am just that shallow. But hot damn he was so pretty.

I thought Yamaha was criminal for a DD. The Michael York answer, to me, would have been better if they wanted it in that category.

I didn't get FJ again, I guessed Denmark. I actually thought all three of their guesses were kinda crazy when talking about abdicating.

I often wonder how betting strategies would change if people took home what they earned rather than what I consider a pittance for coming in second or third.  (Don't get me wrong, I would love an extra $2,000, but when I compare daily takehomes to a show like Wheel of Fortune, I get grumpy.)  We get to see some of the different strategies in tournaments with wildcard slots, and I'm fascinated by the risk-based wagering.  But, since that isn't how this game works, I don't understand her wager at all!  


I'm with you on the wagering and the comparison with Wheel. Does Wheel pay for the contestants' travel to LA from their home town? Jeopardy! seems so, well.... cheap sometimes. It's still an occasional running joke in my house about the (20-years ago?) second and third place Jeopardy prizes being a pin set (Olympics iirc) and a guitar. A grand or two beats the old consolation prizes by a country mile.

Last night, I did a binge watch of the last four episodes to clean out my dvr.

Before reading any more after that 1st sentence I gave you a thumbs-up for binge watching! I've been there and it must be done.


I often wonder how betting strategies would change if people took home what they earned rather than what I consider a pittance for coming in second or third.

According to the contestant coordinators, the answer to that question is yes, betting strategy changed when people took home what they earned rather than a small amount.  They changed it because people were not playing to win, and it made for a boring game.


His proper name is actually that Evil Bastard Izaak Walton.......Why is that?


Izaak Walton is the reason that I most likely lost my Jeopardy game.  I got the daily double and if I had gotten the answer right, I would have come pretty close to Ken Jennings's total so I would have had a fighting chance to win.  I bet big (which I had to do) but couldn't remember his name. The thing that kills me is that I thought of Izaak but blanked on his last name so I guessed someone else.  I still wonder if I had actually said Izaak if the Walton would have then come to me.

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Does Wheel pay for the contestants' travel to LA from their home town?

I thought they must do that and then some, because so many of the bonus round contestants have 3-4 friends and family members in the audience, but I did a little googling and found that, like Jeopardy, it's not paid for. And I guess I'm just a horrible person who would never want to spend hundreds of dollars to go sit in the Wheel audience.

Congrats to Jen for the win.  It was a good game by everyone.


I was shocked that no one got Evita.  I was even more shocked that I got FJ, based solely on the first two definitions since I had no idea whatsoever what the chemical formula meant.



Does Wheel pay for the contestants' travel to LA from their home town?

I thought they must do that and then some, because so many of the bonus round contestants have 3-4 friends and family members in the audience, but I did a little googling and found that, like Jeopardy, it's not paid for. And I guess I'm just a horrible person who would never want to spend hundreds of dollars to go sit in the Wheel audience.


I think it must be a big vacation trip for everyone.

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Having taken college level chemistry -- FJ was a breeze. 


Sorry to see you go Campbell, you were a good champ for a couple of days.  Congrats to new champ Jen !


I was shocked that no one got Evita.

I think the inclusion of Ricky Martin in the clue threw everyone off -- maybe they should have had him sing one of his songs that was adapted specifically for the play -- 'Living Evita Loca'. </snark>

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3

I didn't know Evita; Ricky Martin neither helped nor hurt my chances on that clue.


As for final, I looked at the formula and thought, "okay, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen ... yeah, you know nothing about chemistry so let's look at the other words again." And as soon as "ethereal" popped into my head, I appreciated the chemical double-check. ;)

I got Evita easily because of the Che part of the clue. And I got FJ, not by knowing what chemical substance was described (because I didn't) but by thinking of a chemical substance that matched the other two parts of the clue. I was so sure! (I am also so sure sometimes when I'm dead wrong, so I know I can't go by that. ;))

  • Love 2

I usually look up FJ before the show airs, and last night's kinda threw me.  The chemical formula they gave is also the chemical formula for butanol, and I kept thinking "What term means pertaining to butanol?"  Finally, I realized that ethereal fit the first part of the clue and that the chemical formula in question could also be for an ether.

I've seen Evita several times, so I got that one immediately (my dream would be to direct the show, and gender-reverse Che to a woman who is then put into conflict with Evita over feminine roles in post-war society, mostly so I could see "A Waltz for Che and Eva" performed as a mirror dance).


As for FJ, I had no clue, and ended up settling on "airy."

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