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S06.E10: The Next World

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I assume they think they must have killed Negan's whole gang, or anybody that counted.  They blew up a lot of guys.  Daryl said they hadn't seen any people for weeks, so I take that to mean that they probably did scout around for this new potential threat and haven't seen any evidence of it.

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Here's a partial list of thangs we've been cheated out of.

Carl learning that he's lost his right eye.
Abraham explaining to a machete-wielding Rosita that he'd rather bang Sasha.


Those are the two big ones for me. And I'm being DEAD serious. I've always thought it would be interesting to explore how a breakup would work in the ZA. We had a bit of that with Rick and Lori, but it was different because of the children being involved. There is no other person tying Rosita to Abe, so does she leave? Does he? Do they stay in the same group? Same house? Can they be friends? Does Rosita want to cut Sasha? Do other members of CDB take sides? 


This is good stuff right here. But no, we get Deanna's magical corpse wandering around the woods so her petulant son can have his way, yet again. 

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Can I just say how crappy the pacing can be on this show? So obviously we knew there was supposed to be some sort of a jump between last episode and this one. But how long? Days? Weeks? A year? Personally, I thought a few weeks. There was something said in the beginning, during the toothpaste discussion, about 2 weeks. So I guess I just latched onto that. And I'm thinking - Damn, Carl is already wandering around in the woods after losing his eye??? And Rick, I know Jessie sucked, but it's only been two weeks since your moving death montage, and you're ready to move on? 


But then you watch TTD and find out it's been 2 months. Oh, okay. I don't know. I think it would have been a lot better if they would have had episode 9 as the mid-season finale. Cut out that fake-out with Glenn, and you'd have room for it. A time jump of several months feels much more natural after 3 months than 7 days. 


And apparently during those 2 months Daryl and Rick received massive blows to their heads - because they were all kinds of stupid in this episode.

So true, after the show only covering such a short time in the first 8 eps it does feel odd to suddenly have a big time jump between last and this week. I guessed it had been at least a month because of Carl being up and about and the rebuilding that they have been doing but it is ridiculous that you have to watch another show just to find out basic info. I think they should have put Day 1, Day 2, etc in the first 8 similar to how they do the timestamp on 24. It would have helped us to remember that the Alexandrians really weren't dumb, they were just thrown in at the deep end and it would have helped to understand why decisions were having to be made very quickly.

I don't really get the whole Jessie thing, now it seems like a massive waste of time. I was one of the few who liked her but I didn't think it was a great idea for them to hook up considering the whole Rick killing the abusive husband deal, bit too much prince on a white horse there. But I'm not sure what we are meant to get out of seeing this entire family killed. I certainly found it very sad but if it hasn't had any impact on the rest of the community I really wonder why that storyline was explored at all. It makes me think that TPTB saw the hatred that Jessie inspired from some fans so decided not to run with it, otherwise the whole thing seems pretty pointless.

I was going to say the same thing! They have that footballer syndrome.

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There was plenty of goofy Coen brothers meets the Dukes of Hazzard stuff here, but I liked it.  In thinking about it, it occurs to me that anybody surviving this long into the apocalypse should probably have some near magical skills and there should be an element of absurdity to it all.  It's actually no less implausible than the idea we've been presented with over and over that so many people could have lasted two years after most of the world died on sheer dumb luck and the kindness of strangers.  I also like that our gang finally met someone who wasn't a mustache twirling apocalyptic asshole straight out of the gate.  Luckily, Jesus caught Rick on one of his pseudo-Herschel maybe the whole world doesn't suck after all weeks and not during one of his alternating no fucks to give, fuck you days.


Also good amid all the usual dumbness of losing trucks and wandering about reading comics in the woods (Um, kids, a whole lot of people recently died.  There's probably no shortage of free space in town now.) were the nice little slices of life that of course led up to the inevitable Richonne pairing.  I need to see these moments from time to time if I'm supposed to care about these people as actual people rather than plot points or care about how it affects them when the inevitable godawful things happen.  If there was a muddled point to be found in the entire Alexandria arc up til now it was that bare survival was not going to be enough to keep them going longterm and that they needed more than that.  This goes a long way toward filling in the more.

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As nice as the Richonne moment was the thing that made me applaud the set was when Denise asked for pop and had to explain to Daryl that she's from Ohio and that's what we call it. Represent! LOL! I can't tell you how many times I've gotten that same confused look.

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Were we supposed to be watching them run?  All I could think when I watched all these scenes was that we were supposed to be admiring Norman Reedus' arms.  Which are admittedly worth looking at.

Haha, I love watching Rick run ('See Rick Run, Rick Can Run') so seeing them both side by side and flooring it the comparison in running styles is very funny. I think because Reedus just works on his vanity muscles his arms look terrific but cardio doesn't seem great. (Said by a girl who never ever runs lol.)

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In the first scene when Rick was making a hole in this belt (or another notch in his belt 'BOOM TISH') was that to make it bigger because he's put on weight as they've had more to eat or was he making it smaller from running 10,000 km from the quarry bus to ASZ? I really hope that's not the case, he certainly doesn't need to lose any kgs!

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  Luckily, Jesus caught Rick on one of his pseudo-Herschel maybe the whole world doesn't suck after all weeks and not during one of his alternating no fucks to give, fuck you days.


Right?  Rick did give him a small glimpse while he had his gun on him.  Sure I'm in a good mood, today, Mr Jesus, but I can tear your throat out.  As far as Rick  "making up his mind" as some have commented, I think his ups and downs are what make him an interesting character.  He's a man of many moods, but he's always our Rick.

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Rick can be hot when running. But all I could think when they were running was, "He's driving a truck! How are you going to catch up with him???" It just seemed like a colossal waste of energy. Why did Jesus stop the truck anyhow? Plot device so Rick and Daryl could catch him? Or did I miss something when I was nodding in and out?

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I might be the only one, but I don't ship Rick and Michonne. It doesn't seem "real" to me. They seem like good, close platonic friends. Can't women and men just be friends? Now I have to worry about the two front runners being in a relationship,  ugh. I just wanna see zombies. I liked the Rick and Daryl scenes... I wish the show had more of that, and less sex. And I'm no prude. It's just...  blergh.

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I kept wanting them to have Jesus take off his hat, the first thing I'd be doing when new crazies launch into any situation is make sure they don't have  a big W carved into their foreheads. And why the bandana? If you didn't know he was going to steal your truck when he literally barrels into you wearing classic "I'm a bank robber type guy" outfit. The beard was so fake. anywho...


I wasn't anti-Richonne, I genuinely like them and liked how organic their encounter was, I just have feared it because generally shows screw this up big time and it means the end of something, generally Rick's ladies die and I'll yell "claim" on Michonne if it ever comes to one of them has to die. I'm saving Michonne! As long as they handle this correctly, I'm totally on board.

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As nice as the Richonne moment was the thing that made me applaud the set was when Denise asked for pop and had to explain to Daryl that she's from Ohio and that's what we call it. Represent! LOL! I can't tell you how many times I've gotten that same confused look.

In Australia we call it soft drink. Imagine my confusion as a kid reading American books and watching American TV, I wondered why people kept wanting 'pop' - Pop was my grandfather! And 'soda' to us is soda water as in 'I'll have a vodka, lime and soda'.

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Rick can be hot when running. But all I could think when they were running was, "He's driving a truck! How are you going to catch up with him???" It just seemed like a colossal waste of energy. Why did Jesus stop the truck anyhow? Plot device so Rick and Daryl could catch him? Or did I miss something when I was nodding in and out?

It seemed flat tire, I think they showed us so much debris on the road when Rick and Daryl were headed out to basically forecast a flat tire at some point. But yes, mostly convenient plot device. 

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Daryl really needs to get his ass in the shower. His whole group needs to hold him down and force him in the damn tub. Evidence they have a tub and running water because everyone else looks relatively clean in clean clothes. Once they reached Alexandria I think Carol mentioned that he needed to take a shower. I think Carol will be the only person to tell Daryl to get his ass in the tub. Maybe why Carol doesn't hang around him that much anymore, she doesn't like the smell.  

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In Australia we call it soft drink. Imagine my confusion as a kid reading American books and watching American TV, I wondered why people kept wanting 'pop' - Pop was my grandfather! And 'soda' to us is soda water as in 'I'll have a vodka, lime and soda'.

Actually, being in Georgia all "soda" or "pop" is generically "coke". Coca cola was invented here. You order "coke" and then you can say "sprite, dr. pepper, diet", etc but it all falls under "coke" in the south. 


And I happen to know another weird thing Ohioans do, they call big fat steak fries "jo-jo's". In my restaurant days more than once someone said this and I looked at them like they were from Mars. 

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In Australia we call it soft drink. Imagine my confusion as a kid reading American books and watching American TV, I wondered why people kept wanting 'pop' - Pop was my grandfather! And 'soda' to us is soda water as in 'I'll have a vodka, lime and soda'.

Eons ago my cousin from Texas came to Florida. We went to the movies and he walked up to the concession stand and asked for a soda water. The poor girl was actually going to mix him some soda with water!

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I completely agree. Michonne becoming Carl and Judith's mother was done gradually. She then becomes Rick's best friend. She is one of the few people who can tell him some hard truths. He listens to her and she can influence his decisions.


She can even knock his ass out in the middle of the street, and he'll admit he deserves it.  That's a party of one.  lol

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It was really domestic in the beginning of the ep. I do wonder if this was not the beginning.


What I inferred, and I could be off the mark, was that the very beginning of the episode was a flashback before the rest of the story that told us how it got to that point. Just because Rick's wedding ring was in the little dish where his watch was; I assume he didn't take off the ring on the first night of the Richonne sex, but that he did eventually.  


I liked Daryl's weird aggressive pop fixation. What is pop!? Pop is stupid! This is all because the doctor wanted pop! Ima drink this pop! Have a pop, Jesus! I couldn't get your pop, Denise.


Haha, and he did that funny "mocking" gesture with his hands when she was rambling.


In the first scene when Rick was making a hole in this belt (or another notch in his belt 'BOOM TISH') was that to make it bigger because he's put on weight as they've had more to eat or was he making it smaller from running 10,000 km from the quarry bus to ASZ? I really hope that's not the case, he certainly doesn't need to lose any kgs!


That's actually the thing that makes me wonder if my above assessment is all wrong--and I forgot to go back to see if I could tell which end of the belt he was working on. 


Actually, being in Georgia all "soda" or "pop" is generically "coke". Coca cola was invented here. You order "coke" and then you can say "sprite, dr. pepper, diet", etc but it all falls under "coke" in the south.


My uncle's wife from the South says "co-cola." The first time I heard it, I was like, "huh?"

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Daryl really needs to get his ass in the shower. 

Darryl is just nasty. Its how he is LOL If I  recall correctly, when they were at the CDC and had food and showers, Darryl did not avail himself of water and soap.

Edited by GodsBeloved
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Rick can be hot when running. But all I could think when they were running was, "He's driving a truck! How are you going to catch up with him???" It just seemed like a colossal waste of energy. Why did Jesus stop the truck anyhow? Plot device so Rick and Daryl could catch him? Or did I miss something when I was nodding in and out?

I rewatch Rick running scenes A LOT. I was actually glad they chased it because they deserved to be punished because of the dumb and also there was a chance it might run out of petrol or if the dude did have a camp it might have been close. Hell, they've already lost the damn thing, they may as well try to recover it so they can push it into a lake
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Actually, being in Georgia all "soda" or "pop" is generically "coke". Coca cola was invented here. You order "coke" and then you can say "sprite, dr. pepper, diet", etc but it all falls under "coke" in the south. 


And I happen to know another weird thing Ohioans do, they call big fat steak fries "jo-jo's". In my restaurant days more than once someone said this and I looked at them like they were from Mars. 

Only pockets of Ohio call fries "jojos" and usually it refers to potato wedges, not shoestring fries like at McDonald's.


Topic? Non-comics reader. I'm guessing the beard is really integral to the look of Jesus as a character, but it was such a bad beard. Really - between his beard, Abraham's traffic cone-orange color, and Daryl's shoe-polish dark emo cut, I think the really talented hairstylists didn't survive the ZA.

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Actually, being in Georgia all "soda" or "pop" is generically "coke". Coca cola was invented here. You order "coke" and then you can say "sprite, dr. pepper, diet", etc but it all falls under "coke" in the south. 


And I happen to know another weird thing Ohioans do, they call big fat steak fries "jo-jo's". In my restaurant days more than once someone said this and I looked at them like they were from Mars.

How funny to call everything 'Coke'! It's kinda like calling all chocolates KitKats. So many little idiosyncrasies that we all just accept until we travel the people are like 'huh'?

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After this episode, I really wish for a nice time period where we focus on relationships between our core crew and the work being done to build "a new world." You know, before the next big bad villain inevitably really comes into play. Can't Carl's eye patch be enough of a reminder of the crazies (i.e. crazier than our people) for a while? Maybe we'll at least get a few episodes.


Speaking of the crazies, guess we'll never learn more about the wolves.


Did anyone (i.e. Rick) get to hear about what Morgan was up to just before the herd's arrival? Or has Carol kept that quiet?


On a light note, looking forward to Rick and Michonne asking Abe and his lady friend to double date on a picnic. Who will show up? I missed old Abe getting to say "Who's Jesus?!" in this episode.

Edited by EllenC
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On a light note, looking forward to Rick and Michonne asking Abe and his lady friend to double date on a picnic. Who will show up? I missed old Abe getting to say "Who's Jesus?!" in this episode.

That should be part of next week's dialogue.

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Only pockets of Ohio call fries "jojos" and usually it refers to potato wedges, not shoestring fries like at McDonald's.


Topic? Non-comics reader. I'm guessing the beard is really integral to the look of Jesus as a character, but it was such a bad beard. Really - between his beard, Abraham's traffic cone-orange color, and Daryl's shoe-polish dark emo cut, I think the really talented hairstylists didn't survive the ZA.

For me the hairstyles get distracting when you have some that are very 'comic book' like Abe's and others that are 'normal' like Maggie's. It takes me a little bit out of this is the 'real' world, (the only difference being the walkers) when some characters look like they are wearing a head to toe costume. (Although did you notice Daryl's hair is a little lighter? It was starting to get blue-black it was that dark, the tone doesn't suit him at all, it really ages him.) I also find it strange that TPTB were quite happy to take NR from a blonde to an emo black but wouldn't let MMB colour her hair at all for continuity reasons. Because we all know that Daryl's hair got like that from being in the blazing sun every day, that darkens hair right? Right? Oh...
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I forgot to add.  People were speculating about Richonne making it upstairs and Jesus happening upon them.  DG pointed out on TD that Michonne has always lived in the house in the bedroom downstairs.  I think they took it from the couch to her room (closer and no kids on the next wall).  Jesus went to Rick's house and came upon them in the downstairs room.


As for the weapons, in my head it happend like this: round one began and ended on the couch.  When the dead *ahem* reanimated, they went to her room and properly undressed before resuming business.  Properly undressing for both Michonne and Rick is clothes on floor, weapons on the night stand.

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Eons ago my cousin from Texas came to Florida. We went to the movies and he walked up to the concession stand and asked for a soda water. The poor girl was actually going to mix him some soda with water!

Oh no! I'd be so confused in the US if I was asked about having cream in my coffee.

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So Glenn has been missing and presumed dead, then nearly gets killed by a swarm of walkers in front of Maggie, so this week her scene is with...Enid?  Okay...


Way to go, writers, let's have Rick and Daryl get stupid not once, but twice, and lose the truck again after getting it back.  Nice job of dumbing down smart characters to service the plot.


I thought Jesus was going to join Rick and Michonne for a three-way.

Edited by Dobian
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I'm fine with Richonne and was expecting it.  However, I do not want to see any more teen angsty bullshit between Carl and Enid.  Just NO.


I don't know if this Jesus dude was in the comics because I haven't read them.  All I do know is that he bored the fuck out of me.  


This whole episode was boring.  I didn't get into it until the last five minutes, kinda like when Rick did. 

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What I inferred, and I could be off the mark, was that the very beginning of the episode was a flashback before the rest of the story that told us how it got to that point. Just because Rick's wedding ring was in the little dish where his watch was; I assume he didn't take off the ring on the first night of the Richonne sex, but that he did eventually.

It wasn't a flashback and it seems like Rick might have decided to take off his ring a while back during the two months we didn't get to see because he didn't even hesitate when it comes to not taking the ring. It seems like it was a habit for him to not wear it anymore.

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I may actually spend the day trying not to imagine Abe playing the role of Waylon Jennings narrating the Adventures of Daryl and Rick with Very Special Guest Jesus. Motherdick!

Edited by EllenC
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It seemed flat tire, I think they showed us so much debris on the road when Rick and Daryl were headed out to basically forecast a flat tire at some point. But yes, mostly convenient plot device.


And yet Rick and Daryl had no trouble driving it again, after they subdued Jesus. 




Daryl really needs to get his ass in the shower. His whole group needs to hold him down and force him in the damn tub.


Why, oh why, couldn't he have rolled into the lake along WITH the truck???




This whole episode was boring.  I didn't get into it until the last five minutes, kinda like when Rick did.


I kept falling asleep and having to rewind. That has only happened with this show once before on an original watch - Slabtown. There were only two parts that I was really into. Carl telling Michonne he'd put her down in zombie form because she's family, and Rick and Michonne holding hands. The hands was the best part for me, if they had left it at that and a "look", I'd have been satisfied. 

Edited by ghoulina
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Darryl is just nasty. Its how he is LOL If I  recall correctly, when they were at the CDC and had food and showers, Darryl did not avail himself of water and soap.


Now that I've come down a tad from the high, when Daryl and Rick were talking after putting Jesus down on the mattress and Daryl was leaning against the doorjamb with one of his arms up, I was thinking, Dude, put that arm down. I like you, but the stank you're probably carrying around at this point is like Pigpen. I'm always surprised to not see a cloud of dirt around him wherever he goes.

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Did anybody else get a Garden of Eden vibe from that last scene of Jesus standing in front of a naked Rick and Michonne?


To the person farther up asking about Jesus' cap, I kept waiting to see a "W" on his forehead. Maybe Jesus is a former wolf. Honestly, for all the talk I heard from comics fans about "the Wolves" I feel like they've became an afterthought in the rush to get to the Negan story. Or are Negan and the Wolves the same thing?

Edited by marceline
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It wasn't a flashback and it seems like Rick might have decided to take off his ring a while back during the two months we didn't get to see because he didn't even hesitate when it comes to not taking the ring. It seems like it was a habit for him to not wear it anymore.

Yeah, you're right--when I first pondered this, I actually forgot about the the toothpaste request and consolation-prize mints, which indicate a linear kind of thing. And anyway, I suppose he could have his and/or Lori's ring(s) in the dish. Edited by TattleTeeny
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You would think after everything they've been through in recent months that one of the very first things they'd be doing on meeting someone where they couldn't immediately see their forehead is wrestling them down and checking for a W.  But one of their three questions has never evolved to "Do you or have you ever eaten people?" so it'll probably never happen.

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I really enjoyed the episode because it was a little light and we really needed a light episode. However, I feel like the story telling is a little off. Here's why:

  •     The time jump was ambiguous, given that we saw a photo of Carl and Judith that included his injured eye. There wasn't anything that told us how much time had passed. Once again we had to hear a detail on the Talking Dead that should have been a throwaway line on the show.
  •     Michonne is wandering the house in a robe using Rick's toothpaste so given that, plus the ambiguous time jump, I just assumed they were already a couple. this made the hook up later seem confusing. It soon became apparent that was their first time but it was confusing at first because of the morning scene.
  •     Carl saw Michonne and Spencer in the woods and lead Deanna to them but it was all very confusing. Why didn't he just walk over to Michonne and Spencer and be clear in his actions? What was with the disappearing act? If he had been clear that whole strange conversation on the porch with Michonne later would have been unnecessary. It seemed like a long way to go just so Carl could tell Michonne he considered her family.


This season has been good but I feel like the showrunners are leaving things muddled when simple little things could make scenes more clear. The plot points are as loose as the knots used to tie up Jesus.

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Still just on page 5 of the comments but feel the need to chime in right now regarding Who'sDeanna!ZombieDeanna! (this applies to zombie!wolf as well). Deanna was already very very close to turning when she opened that bedroom door and wasted all her bullets. I think she did her warrior princess scream and promptly died and immediately turned. We've never seen walkers eating other walkers so it made sense to me they would not eat her. Now why she, as a walker, would ignore all the other stimulus and walk away from the gun shots, the screams, the lake of fire and yet continue to wander the woods nearby, THAT is the part I can't really square (also, if she's that damn close, why hasnt anyone else noticed? I mean I know she's tiny but really!)


I thought the episode was hilarious, goofy fun and Im thankful for that. Sheesh, I think more people have been asking for a funny episode than have been clamoring for Michonne + Rick but we got both! Jesus is my favorite from the comics but TV!Jesus was a right asshole. Stealing the truck loaded with (what was OBVIOUSLY someone else's) stash was just shitty, especially after dumping firecrackers in the burning barrel (why didnt Rick and Daryl notice the smell of something burning??). His ability to immediately escape any and all restraints was ridiculous and absurd but....funny man! I found it really hard to believe that Rick and Daryl would just bring him back like that and also that they would buy that he was knocked unconscious for hours and hours. Rick and Daryl are both familiar with the phrase "playing possum", no way they would have just spoken freely like they were on the way back to ASZ.

Whatever, I dont really care. It was a good, fun, funny episode. I hope Jesus gets to be as awesome as he is in the comics (

he's like a gay male version of Michonne

) I think Im ready for Negan now.

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