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S17.E15: Collateral Damages

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Kind of a low-key episode, but in a good way. Not much going on in the way of plot, but it was a sensitive look at a gruesome situation.


Dodds looked really good in casual clothes, with the shorter haircut and slightly mussed hair.


Was Olivia tucking her arm into Tucker's her subtle way of saying "I'm going to bang your brains out"? 'Cause I'd be okay with that.

  • Love 7

I always thought that Abrahams was a nasty weasel, but even I was shocked at the twist. That said, I did not feel sorry for him at all. I felt sorry for Pippa, the kids, the kids getting raped in the child porn, but not him.

Poor Pippa. Her life and her career get screwed over because she married the wrong guy. I get the "how could you not know?" mentality, but sometimes you really can't know.

The part that really tore my heart out was when the little girl went to pet the police dog, and Fin ever so gently said, "Sorry, honey, you can't play with the dog now." Oh Fin, you big teddy bear you...

Tuckson is a go!

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 14

Okay, yeah, this is someone they know, but, I thought Hank was getting far too much sympathy. He would have done a lot more time if he wasn't who he was, and I think his position in the NYPD makes his crimes that much worse. He was clearly guilty and he tried to evade paying til the end, and even tried to use the old "I'm being set up!" on the very people that ended up going easy on him.

I really did feel bad for Pippa and the actress did a good job. This really felt like an old school SVU.

Good use of Barba! Finally. Even if I was frustrated by the overall result.

I have reservations on Tuckerson, and yet, I was happy that Liv was gonna get herself some at the end (c'mon, she definitely was.)

  • Love 12

The Good:

"Tell Barba to stop admiring himself"

Nice use of guest stars and recurring characters.

Great acting pretty much all around.

The whole squad had something to do and it was nice to see Liv in a command role and running the show instead of going undercover, sitting on stakeout, etc.

Lots of Barba doing what he does best and we even get some courtroom scenes.

They avoided the extremes of Abraham molesting his own kids/being some big producer or turning out to be innocent and framed in a "shocking" twist.

The Bad:

The scenes with Chief Dodds were a bit clunky.

Overall this was a great episode. It's almost exactly what I want from this show - a story focused on the dedicated detectives in an elite squad solving sexually based offenses. On a long term basis I'd prefer a little less Mariska Hargitay Emmy bait, but if they can maintain this level of quality I can deal with her ego.

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 10

I am feeling Tucker/Benson so much. I actually cheered. I thought it'd be revealed they were already dating, but I think they just had a date for a drink and Benson just said "forget it, let's just go find a bed". Which, GOOD CALL, LIV. And did Tucker say something like "wherever you want"? In that raspy voice of his? Ugh I love him. Perfect choice for Benson. Mariska has the most chemistry with Robert John Burke, I've always thought so.


As for Barba/Benson, the drink they had seemed totally friendly and casual, at least compared to the Tucker moments we've gotten. I still don't know if Barba is even straight or bi. At the very least, the show stopped playing up the potential romantic moments between him and Benson, but I don't think we can judge his sexuality solely from that.


Also, could Olivia care any less about Dodds Jr? He was saying he might leave and she was saying "oh well good luck with that". But then, that's what I was saying too, so I don't blame her. Oh and Peter Gallagher remains gorgeous.


Carisi was awesome as always. I love how he wasn't intimidated by Abraham and how he talked to the kids. I do wish we had seen more of him in casual wear, though.


The episode overall was really strong. Like, one of the best episodes of the season. It tackled a difficult subject and it touched upon every aspect. The ruined family, the ruined career, the wife who didn't see it coming, the poor kids losing their home, the sick pervert himself who was in denial and thought it was okay as long as he wasn't actually touching/harming children, the fact that looking at child pornography is very much harming children, and it's like "looking at crime scene pictures", the fact there are several layers to this; the peripheral people who prey on older teens in real life, the people in the deeper circle who watch and distribute child pornography, and the producers of these vile videos/images who are most likely in other countries and extremely hard to catch.


I'm impressed. And the acting was very strong, too. Both Josh Pais and the actress who plays Pippa Cox were fantastic. The only issue was that everything was predictable, especially the suicide attempt, but it was so well done that it didn't matter.


Kudos to SVU.

Edited by Princess Lucky
  • Love 11

I liked this episode.  This episode seemed to showcase the entire ensemble more than previous episodes.  I liked the Benson/Barba and Benson/Tucker scenes.  I thought that she had pretty good chemistry with both men.  


I agree with the other poster who said that it seemed somewhat predictable that Hank was going to try to kill himself as soon as he asked everyone to leave the apartment.  To be honest, I was surprised that he was actually guilty.  The wife was so clueless that I almost expected to discover that she was setting him up because she didn't want to be married to him anymore, especially after they told us where she worked.  

  • Love 2

Okay, yeah, this is someone they know, but, I thought Hank was getting far too much sympathy. He would have done a lot more time if he wasn't who he was, and I think his position in the NYPD makes his crimes that much worse.

Yeah he definitely got special treatment, didn't he? Was it just four years for each count run concurrently? BTW, I thought the sex offender list was permanent.

Liv must like raspy-voiced guys (know I do!) -- first Voight, now Tucker! ;-)

  • Love 3

That was a surprisingly good episode.


Loved Carisi's laugh when Teddy Hawkins claimed he was just seeing how far the girl would go before he made a citizen's arrest. I also got a chuckle out of the way Barbra asked if either Benson or Tucker were going to join him in the interrogation of Abraham. 


I felt terrible for the wife and kids, but the father of two harboring hundreds of images of child pornography on hidden flashdrives gets no sympathy from me. 4 years seems way too lenient. The actress playing Pippa was great though.


I don't really have a problem with Dodds Jr. but I never felt like he really fit into the squad so I wouldn't be opposed to him leaving. 


Been waiting for Tucker and Benson to happen so glad to see it finally has. Mariska has great chemistry with most of her scene partners because I could just as easily see her with Barbra or Voight from Chicago PD or even Dodds Sr. Although I prefer her relationship with Barba to remain platonic because I like their sort of charged friendship. 

  • Love 8

I was sure he was going to say it was all research and a sting,

If not, the cognitive dissonance for him tobe nonsexual with h kids and enjoy looking at children being raped is unbelievable. I'm hoping against hope the images were of older kids like the "niece" in the beginning. Still wrong but not as wrong (well societally 14 year old girls used to get married it's gross and icky but not as gross and icky as sexualities 3 year olds)

We were set up to feel sorry for him there were even lines about it but fuck NO. Four years and a limitd time on the sex registry is way too little and his wife should divorce him, he had two full flash drives and he was using the neighbors wifi this was not like he ordered a porn book and there were some bad pics in it or something. And he was lying until the end,

And I think seriously he should have killed himself and not with a razor but in a finite over in a minute way, jump on the tracks, hand yourself, jump out a window.

I do feel bad for his kids, and it was kind of cool that he was a good father to them and their stories were so innocent.

The child actors were terrific, actually throws into relief how godawful they are on downton abbey.

I wouldn't have wanted to go into a loud noisy bar either. I don't think its code for lets find a bed. But hey the nights young.

  • Love 1

Not a bad episode at all. Good acting all around and interesting case. Samantha Corbin-Miller wrote a good story. I wouldn't have mind seeing more of the squad but it made sense for Benson to handle this case and Barba was properly used. 


I hope it's not the last we see of ADA Pippa, that she can somehow bounce back from this, preferrably not still sticking by her man though. She's always been a bit stiff to me but this episode proved she has range and I would not mind seeing her back. 


Dodds Jr should def go though (and since Karl will star on Broadway soon it's perfect timing) but pls do let Dodds Sr stick around, he's grown on me. 


One big peeve, and it's a big one - for the show to use Liv's lovelife as the secret hashtag is ridicoulus and such a waste when they should focus on the case and has a chance to spread awareness. The show is lost in the current hands, pls let someone that will focus on the show and not Mariska/Liv take over the throne asap. As for Benson/Tucker I don't get it at all but she can f whoever she wants to as long as it's off screen. 

  • Love 1

This was definitely one of the best episodes this season in my opinion. Barba was awesome as always (loved about him asking if Benson or Tucker were going to join him in the interrogation). Rollins looked old (compared to her actual age) in the sting operation scenes. I'm not entirely sure how they were going to make "attempted rape" charges stick against that BBQ sauce. He was only undoing his belt. And since the undercover was actually an adult they can't even arrest him for taking underage photos (I assume that the supposed age of a person is irrelevant only their actual age ).

Did we even know that Hank and Pippa were married? For a tv show - she seemed to too good looking (and tall) for him

The old man that they first busted in on was amazing. He clearly had no idea what a computer was. Although Hank must've been really into whatever he was doing to not realize the police and just busted in his neighbours doors.

I am glad it was tucker that she is dating.. But i suspected that since the hostage episode when she brought in someone who would really miss her. And considering that she now calls him Ed it was appearing that the two of them were getting close.

  • Love 4

This was a really great episode. If they stick to this formula, they're golden.


I really want a moment of silence and a GoFundMe page for Grampa's door, because you know the NYPD isn't going to break their neck reimbursing him for knocking it down with the battering ram. After all, the modem was located in his apartment as stated on the warrant, even if he had no idea what it really was.

Edited by fivestone
  • Love 16

Yeah he definitely got special treatment, didn't he? Was it just four years for each count run concurrently? BTW, I thought the sex offender list was permanent.

Liv must like raspy-voiced guys (know I do!) -- first Voight, now Tucker! ;-)

I believe it was 4 years total yeah. I too thought the registry was permanent, that's part of why I thought it was so wrong for the boy from the Misunderstanding episode a few weeks back being put on it was too much for an 18yr old who ultimately was probably put in his place by learning what can happen when you drink and possibly get carried away.

I felt terrible for the wife and kids, but the father of two harboring hundreds of images of child pornography on hidden flashdrives gets no sympathy from me. 4 years seems way too lenient. The actress playing Pippa was great though.

I know life isn't fair, but, aside from the Misunderstanding episode we've also experienced Darius from Transgender Bridge get tried as an adult, and here Abraham got off the easiest for premeditated acts of true scumbaggery. I still think he was sorry he got caught, not sorry for what he did, where as the other two cases Darius was definitely sorry, and I do think the other boy was too once he realized she may have been truly hurt. Abraham used his neighbor on top of what he had in his house! I wish that had come up more, if somehow the old man had been charged for something, what would he have done? I don't think a guy like Abraham would try to help him afraid somehow it could be traced to him. Hell, he may even try to set him up further. He specifically targeted someone out of touch enough to not know better. Would Rollins and Carisi been able to arrest the neighbor without actually finding a computer had they not have realized the guy truly didn't know jack about Internet connections despite the hook-up? Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 5

I kept waiting for a twist and then there wasn't one.


Right? Not necessarily a "he's innocent" twist. Just something even worse, maybe.


Which is why:


I thought for sure the suicide attempt was going to be revealed as being a setup by him for sympathy, that he knew the wife was coming over.


Yes. And I even took it further. I thought she was in on it, that it was too convenient for her to just save him like that, that maybe she even suggested it as a lawyer, as a way for him to show remorse. Or, at the very least, that he called her before he did it, to make sure she'd be there. I don't know that I believe that he wanted to die.


Okay, yeah, this is someone they know, but, I thought Hank was getting far too much sympathy. He would have done a lot more time if he wasn't who he was, and I think his position in the NYPD makes his crimes that much worse. He was clearly guilty and he tried to evade paying til the end, and even tried to use the old "I'm being set up!" on the very people that ended up going easy on him.


I agree. I don't see why she had any sympathy for him at all. I'm with Tucker. "Never liked the guy."

  • Love 4

Is Pippa the lawyer who was working on the Noah court proceedings in which Liv was sitting on? I thought she looked familiar, but I can't place her in earlier SVU episodes.


When she said that they keep their personal and professional lives separate, she wasn't kidding. Both Rollins and Carisi looked surprised to see Abraham sitting in the den.


I think he got off easy too, at least compared to the other criminals they had this season (the high school senior and Darius, as others have mentioned) but I don't think the punishment was the point of the episode. As the title suggests, I liked that it highlighted the damage that it did to his family more than the actual crime. Too often people forget that criminals don't live in a vacuum, and aside from the victims, there are other people whose lives get destroyed by mere association to the criminal, without even doing any crime. I felt bad for Pippa, she was a good person fighting for a good cause, a good wife and mother, and all of a sudden her life was turned upside down. And for the kids too, to be asked if their parents ever did anything untoward to them. 



The part that really tore my heart out was when the little girl went to pet the police dog, and Fin ever so gently said, "Sorry, honey, you can't play with the dog now." Oh Fin, you big teddy bear you...

Mine was when Pippa reached out to Liv and said "I don't really have a lot of people to talk to...." I imagine their high society friends immediately dumped her in the wake of the scandal. As much as Liv gets the saint treatment a lot, she really is the only person someone in Pippa's shoes can turn to at this point.


Lots of Barba! I also LOL'ed at the "Tell Barba to stop admiring himself and make a deal already!" I can imagine Barba smiling that sly smile of his and maybe touching up some loose hair or two after the lawyer said that.


Very good episode. Aside from a few missteps, this has been otherwise a solid season so far.

Edited by slowpoked
  • Love 4

That was a pretty solid episode. It had a lot of the good stuff, but also enough to laugh at (I will never tire of the generic dialogue when they're leading a search... "Hey guys, make sure to check this whole area right here," "Don't forget to check under the bed!").


Teddy is perhaps the least effective pedophile in history. He goes from zero to sex-with-a-minor in under a minute in front of the minor's aunt? I mean I realize Rollins was pretending to be fine with it, but it just seemed way too quick and way too easy that he'd happily do it with an audience.


I'm not completely without compassion to a disorder/addiction that can be treatable, but wow, the SVU gang would've gone for maximum sentence for Abraham had it been anyone else and we, the audience, would have found it victorious. I mean I know they acknowledged the hypocrisy there, but the fact that long after he'd been caught the bastard was still trying to actually pin it on his innocent neighbor was enough for me to want him to get scuttled right off to the feds.

  • Love 9

This was a really great episode. If they stick to this formula, they're golden.


I really want a moment of silence and a GoFundMe page for Grampa's door, because you know the NYPD isn't going to break their neck reimbursing him for knocking it down with the battering ram. After all, the modem was located in his apartment as stated on the warrant, even if he had no idea what it really was.

Yes!!! If Kanye can have a GoFundMe account, then Gramps sure deserves one.

  • Love 5

Teddy is perhaps the least effective pedophile in history. He goes from zero to sex-with-a-minor in under a minute in front of the minor's aunt? I mean I realize Rollins was pretending to be fine with it, but it just seemed way too quick and way too easy that he'd happily do it with an audience.

Which makes me think this is not Rollins' first go-around with Teddy, no? I mean, there's just no way he would be so comfortable with the kid while Rollins is watching if they had just met. Unless he's really that just sleazy. 

I enjoyed this episode, it's the type of episode I want to see. Everyone acted well, especially the actress playing Pippa and Josh Fais plays the scumbag oh so well. But as everyone was saying, Abrahams got off way too lightly compared to others in the season. There was so much sympathy floating about, were we supposed to forget he was downloading child porn?


They seem to setting up Andy Karl leaving, even though he stayed this time. When he was talking about joining the terrorism force (?) it make me think that Dodds is like a character that would show up on 24 and get murder by the villain of the day in their first episode.


On a long term basis I'd prefer a little less Mariska Hargitay Emmy bait, but if they can maintain this level of quality I can deal with her ego.

I wish they would stop with the emmy baiting too, SVUs emmy days are long gone.

  • Love 1

Which makes me think this is not Rollins' first go-around with Teddy, no? I mean, there's just no way he would be so comfortable with the kid while Rollins is watching if they had just met. Unless he's really that just sleazy. 


When she came in he greeted her like he'd known her for a bit. He used her undercover name (that I can't remember) so I was thrown for a second when I realized it actually was Rollins and not someone who looked so much like her. 

One would think it was his first time, but they certainly implied it wasn't. 


Yeah, he's certainly chatty with her so it wasn't the first time. Which makes me think, what were the encounters the previous times?! I hope it was just Rollins sweet-talking and promising him to bring fresh new blood, and that there weren't actual pimping going on.

  • Love 2


One big peeve, and it's a big one - for the show to use Liv's lovelife as the secret hashtag is ridiculous and such a waste when they should focus on the case and has a chance to spread awareness. The show is lost in the current hands, pls let someone that will focus on the show and not Mariska/Liv take over the throne asap. As for Benson/Tucker I don't get it at all but she can f whoever she wants to as long as it's off screen. 

THIS. It just felt yucky to me. "Forget about the child pornography, suicide attempts and destroyed lives! Olivia's got a boyfriend! OOOOOOOOHHHHH!" Gross. I'm just glad it wasn't Barba: 1) I like their back-and-forth friendship and he wouldn't be able to give her grief when she does something stupid if they were romantically involved and 2) he's too good for her. I'm kinda bummed it's Tucker, mainly because I prefer him as a foil to the team, but I can see why they went there.


I really liked a lot of this episode. I love when they go undercover, and I thought Jessica Phillips, the actress who played Pippa did a great job of showing the toll that something like this takes on a spouse.  Not enough Fin or Carisi, and the Dodds stuff is always clunky, but all in all, a solid episode.

  • Love 4

Ugghghh, this one was really good but for such sad, sick reasons. The way a family's life can just be razed to the ground because of one member's horrible, horrible decisions--it's the emotional equivalent of being in the firebombing of Dresden. When Pippa was stumbling down the stairs screeching I AM NOT OKAY! I AM NOT ALL RIGHT! it was so heartbreaking, especially the way she kept casting around trying to find a reason "It's a setup! It's payback!" and Liv just kept saying no, no, I'm so sorry, no....until it finally sank in that there is no setup, there is no accidental crossing of WiFi signals---that her husband was watching and distributing images of children being raped and tortured.


It was true. All true. This man you married, slept with, had children with was the exact opposite of who you thought he was and for fuck's sake you're a Social Service lawyer, this is your JOB, your career, you've seen this ten thousand terrible times and it was right in front of you for twelve years and you couldn't see... when Pippa said her mother was blaming her I wanted to leap into the screen and hug her. 


And let's hear it for the actor playing Hank Abraham. L&O has a history of savaging its tertiary characters out of nowhere, but he really drew the short straw and nailed a very nuanced performance. Especially since he's been a shitweasel up until now, it would have been easy for him to play it total skeezeball, but he absolutely channeled the extreme compartmentalizing/private ethical system that neatly encompasses hypocrisy that lets people like this do these things. He was sincere when he said he had no idea who the producers of this filth were and if he had he would have turned them into the Feds immediately; that he's never touched a child or even been in a room with one with ill intent. He processes all those urges through a technological medium and thus sanitizes it in his own mind. When Barba pointed out that each of those images was a crime scene photo he seemed to shrink three sizes as he grasped that, only to put it away from him again.


And when he pleaded guilty to that ridiculously light sentence? A while ago when Mad Men was on TV I posted over on TWoP that Jon Hamm's character, after generating yet another avoidable crisis with terrible consequences, looked like a ghost. The way ghosts are supposed to be--trapped in the worst moment of your life, with no way out. That's exactly how Abraham looked. Pale, just absolutely drained, self-repulsed, and stuck with living with himself, with what he'd done.



The part that really tore my heart out was when the little girl went to pet the police dog, and Fin ever so gently said, "Sorry, honey, you can't play with the dog now." Oh Fin, you big teddy bear you...



Oh, that just broke me. So innocent. No idea what's coming. 

  • Love 11

Almost 20 years ago my mom discovered child porn on my dad's computer . He never hurt my sister or me or anyone as far as I know. I haven't seen him since she told me and I'd have no sympathy for him if she had chosen to turn him in. I sure as hell don't get having sympathy for a coworker you don't even like. Not only are those actual crimes they're getting off on, they're helping to create the demand for the photos in the first place.

  • Love 9

I don't think it was fair for Pippa's mom to blame her. I mean, this wasn't like Lewis' idiot lawyer who hooked up with him despite his record, left him alone with her parents, and got them raped/killed. It's still bad, but Pippa's mother should be madder at Abrahams instead of her own daughter, whose life and career and children was blown apart because of this mess even though she was completely innocent.

  • Love 5

I would guess they went to Tucker's, it would be just like Noah to ruin the night.


Actually, came here to ask this: Have I missed something? Is Noah gone?


I mean, first there's that episode where Liv downs a huge glass of wine while staring at Noah's picture. Then there's no mention of Noah at all, and this episode neither, and Liv's going around drinking with Tucker (I know he was kind of a jerk, but he's so hot, mm), and nothing about babysitters and stuff.


Is this like Rollins and the baby, where everything happened offscreen?

Actually, came here to ask this: Have I missed something? Is Noah gone?


I mean, first there's that episode where Liv downs a huge glass of wine while staring at Noah's picture. Then there's no mention of Noah at all, and this episode neither, and Liv's going around drinking with Tucker (I know he was kind of a jerk, but he's so hot, mm), and nothing about babysitters and stuff.


Is this like Rollins and the baby, where everything happened offscreen?

Noah was seen two or three episodes ago when his babysitter told Liv about a shady situation with another family she works for (which lead to a hostage situation ep.) He's very much with Liv.

Gosh, could this episode have been any more depressing?  They've left us with a few of these this season.


The woman who plays Pippa is a GREAT actress.  That scene with Benson and her, where it finally dawned on her that her husband REALLY did something wrong, was AMAZING.


I never liked the guy but I was bummed.  Just thinking about his kids and stuff, everything he ruined.  I don't know why it seemed like a bigger deal to me than some of the other scumbag pedophiles we've seen taken down.


BTW, I love Kressler as a defense attorney.  He's always been one of my favorites.

  • Love 1

Yeah he definitely got special treatment, didn't he? Was it just four years for each count run concurrently? BTW, I thought the sex offender list was permanent.

Liv must like raspy-voiced guys (know I do!) -- first Voight, now Tucker! ;-)


He got 4 years but is there any reason the feds can't still charge him either now or 4 years from now. Seems like something they kind of left hanging.


That was a surprisingly good episode.


Loved Carisi's laugh when Teddy Hawkins claimed he was just seeing how far the girl would go before he made a citizen's arrest. I also got a chuckle out of the way Barbra asked if either Benson or Tucker were going to join him in the interrogation of Abraham.

Considering that girl was actually a cadet in the police academy, I am surprised he didn't just say that he knew she was over 18. Not sure that would get him free (probably not), but it is a better defense than whatever he was trying.

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